Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1912, p. 4

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thpbanay may violate u very alee baw loo but lake the deniuuo keel doalyeaf etoaraalf bntlttki dont you f half waltnru too j bvklnu aty houmtuum tha beat tjtmrtyoup kttu staums dasls la uood mnmi arlrfln fay kul u tut and umi u wt aod wttr tha twain biuii moat h trus or untrue tills utalemoiil ol iht poat may be it in fart a pet- munant tact that itw lantlsman koowa liula or nothlnir wtttia mdi lion tt which thhur man urn wlio dafand him acalnat idvuhw and yaar in and ysar out in niheathr and atotm guard tit trade hutaa by whloh hla food and rawinatarial rsaeh him says an kncllah writnr tha aaa ta tha mb and tha land in tha land and thouch tbay mwt the an- iroamant il tha aaa m la so alraiega that tha man on tha baach rann t undaratand hu brother of tha ooeaji indaad in all that imnluaas on every day aconoaaj tha two apeak different languagea bo valoa things by differ nt stand tha landsman if ha ban a criasmaoa raises hi voios shouts aa lustily a ha can until ba attract att and he may com bin with hla fellow ant form a trade union ao aa to improv hi condition by eollectiva hajvajnlnw tha blue iackei bslofvs to the silent navy m uvea and mora and haa hla ualna undo the shadow of tha artlclre nf a aabacttlant to tha klnc a ratm- lauone of byday and by night and from the day when he dona hia unl- faraa ba mm to enjoy many of tha pdrilana of tha civilian ut hla own etaaa because be haa become a klnga an the world been of tha ory lor a 11 tug wae of mnklded wurkerrf ashore nuwbjrmajrd othajn jt lontajd ut elalma tu batter conduona of h and labor and much la made of the inrssaaid coat of mug rut amid all tha talk of labor unrest what thought haa yat bean giren by tha na- of the state british officers tribute pay lest rmdkm t mamary of lieut canada ha a rroalor inlnrel i tlia military camtry f at urxb i knglamt einrv tlve viail f tit 3uean a own riftoa lent jmr duiin ta visit of in rminwut lly unfortunate to loaa one of tliair ablaut ofdeera usul hoy morna faitwnt1 and lha ramaln of uts gallant ynuw ofuoer found llitic laat rest it ia pw amongst the men who hate ihitd in the aanriro 1 1 their king and ontry ko doubt many b knew lio thr- aatl liauunaiit oltn tin uaht a memorial to mica tla apot whiva their countryman waa laid ami thara fora it muat x a aourca i f nuaaur to a a ptntun u itaiwbuiioa nta- morial aeaclod b bw mrtn r b uio onvara of the aldvrahot r uiiiuiiki the nwmorte han bum tlwi2nel by ura 1 f uatu wil w i tha urn dui 4toyal aradomicin ami iikitih by ur r h it pavoy np f hm youns artu at tb pltr ft ttra- ootu arbool wbir ii n wall r n dotfl at com ion burrry whra imr lunlaml mmn in la i jiain maodinx out ant itul llin llinr memoriala ihn oiui marking tin grave of uaul 1m wki allrarta the attan tlon of all tullira to tlto roiontory it uwu ti fmtt blah ami 4a moilnl ld in tcrrar 41a tlw i or ior tlon la a beautifully aiicxnliv 111 of tha iloraaiid ill ibmr ooliiu poaitlon and i lb at rm d itlayiiu it umii tl t altar ilia awtrtl on nna aide of tlw folluwuur iiijert i ii t tlm 1 i ki o paxnpfiraae a noraery rhyme the 4upe which naard uia j wbch lead the empire on which tkmta thn brtuah naryf shlpa yet era ahtpa u tha annual demand of the aavml atrthnaiaat but thoae ahipa aalajh m wall ha dutch orene for all tha eod they wouh be t the nation and tha baapfre if it ware not for the ahllad aeneera and men who trana- fen thaan into floatina fortmaw hmja and terrible artieulata eninaa af war shlpa wa muat have of all tha variotu claaaea neeeaaary to tha eeasatttwoon of an adaaiule fleet t docha w muat have lanm anomj u i for thoae ahlpa d i a enooyh f yfc for thoae ahipa i hava aa thai tha aaavoi war may be repaired in due aaaa there 1 much material to ba bought yr by year and tha bill la n laraw one but the eoul o the nay tha aacmt of ita p tha per- aoauml how doea it fare with tha me of the lower deckf will it occasion anrpttaa when u la talad that ainoe the preaant volnd- tary ayatam of maiming was tntro- dacad the araraca bine jacket baa ra- cewad no actual ineraaaa of pay i hooch certain allowance for apaolal datiea hdra bean introdooad for which be can compete r the able eee- mm waa alren 98 eenta day under an admiralty eiraular laaued on june 14 lffttt and ba reoaivaa 40 otarta to day and in tha meantime tha valba t the penny has chanced aaminst him 1u haa batter load he to treated with more conaldarauon his quattera ara mora comfortable ha does not have auch lone spalu out off from tha pre with nothtmx bat bard tack t aatisfy hla hunawr and ba haa more feavw- bat m actual par the averec tan has us pocket no batter lined l h v oi ttm dai u twsrswafl thals a ijtabla fact beeauaa there is no com parison between the conditions of tha n orkine classes ashore la ub and their condition today atwrythlna naa t hanced and rhanaed for tha better i mm hava bean sixty years of un- iralleled eoooomio profress in tba trat industrial disiricta nod tha wurkars have profltad yuir by yuar bat in tha nnilji thvman oftse itai out of barht and out of mtml hara sbarad very llttla la thu pro peritf whan tha flrshhua boy with his ii oanu a day isratad in ordtoa taliw 40 ante ju a laadlnc 4tas out of this he ha to kaay up and v plaoa aa naad ba bis klfruoc uon treats tfe ssttsi fe m u iberlt- hasu and u mi otvat portsmouth or ply ahiafll when ha- to prmnntad to pauy ofn- aar his pay rlaea to m osnu and aj- jualxjruui jwachaoncamte in ad- dluon be may eein carulb altoar- anoaa but even if ha obtains these hla b saaajl tha nary to a pyramid and there to i for a faw at tha ii u ilutnanl quan a own iu0 f t anaxla who liiml wltiut doing duty with hi idimnnl in uk u i bar t uittrj uurn at t u itt jan jo irtdo dil at vlbrhot it uio on the oilier h i i- tike follow hi- thla nwmorll ta lcl by tba fifll cars uf ha alilri i i inmiaii i in honor o their cana han n mra 1 in token of tlio f llowlilp winch bimla knslaml t lit ml ki diera ut the rlijur t u at tlmr four cltsftlely i riiiil figut ajrm hollo i f britannia i ana la rortlluia and hacrlno ar carvel in llm tan tem at tlw top t tlia iikinmrial lnla tha craat of uie rautntant tha ilaj la jtmmt ia alwrap the mentunal u rnrtwl in ni- irtc on which it a m tall abu i uar- inc the words c ai a la t r ugland and tha folb wina hum tlten lead atwl tir a n ill mu or follow and i will 1 1 and aide by aide though the world divide wh allow 1 wnl ai i deed that ynu share with nte my utliful neaa and i wllli yu jour print and so it ahall be until llto uu hiibii set on the uttarmoal ela f tim the memorial is a fine piece ol workmanship and has been much commented upon and it must lie a source of great gratification to the of fleara and man of the queen a own- rhtoa and to tha deceased a many friends in this country that such a handsome tribute has been paid to a member of a regiment and departed comrade bramsfcstjssatsnoenfiav neis jcdlastxoatafm nemhtr orawmrsrpmne nor rftdcral not njutoovio apedect aamnrdwfor qrwifhav ikmtsowsajaaaijuiuarruoom watamjcotrnabamlsjwainslt- prsa sl awcsesate stfns a kewttfdhk exact corr or tha kind you have always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years castoria va vnbma and oaurxh- it to one of tha chief lacomenandfuonf of dr thnmaa bulsotkia oil that it eau ba uaad inuanatt with as uooh aocccaa aa wall aa outwardly sufferers from asthma and oaterrh wiu find that tba oil whan used acoerdlnsj to dlra laa tmmadutereuaf many sajtrren from these ailments have found relief ia the oil nod have sent t if you build twelvj booses exactly alike nod put families into umbo six nsonth later eaoh bouaa to atampad with tba indlvlduauty of its oeeupter ohildren ory for fletchers oa3tori a t kbsrnal vialanoa used to be tba prion of liberty but oowedaye every thing to going up hauowaye cora oura takes tha ooroa out by the roots try it and prove it tktftlfruk thoautn with bis hafr sproosly oombad bto uekax spruoaly broahod bto hands a umna adauruaacaant for ibe uses of soap and hla faoa beaming with tha newlyfound glorlee of seve shillings nwas tha manager found him on tha brat morning at the ofnoe onjy trpomfor a w attain ran ugh paybut tha few abtehi rank and rwagiejatlvaly man class who aaatntlsl to a foti noac tba wotunc clanmunhan aad tb tt oaoeldnabl incmu n 5 mt ol aw ltoh bib o lh- mlim uaajfokm klmoit o willi a h doaa oa wnnimin tte bakes of ibfav toiuy u lb ojtatbkhbiac wmn am ttb al mbtbatooj ir uo itotbbetf cwakty 7h co nr qba b to uiuu u wltbouuiobioutooooitu w hi pb i ow b- gorianr tlbmbm bm evmtaatij atauaflt aomtblat w tattowttas f motbt uoi wg q abllaa a ri i bsabhi i bm ihm a rot swd ot tba lajaaatloa of lb aba mma pat a taaa tby tbna 1 tboa b a amttglvabtaabaauta oak oat a bit aftbbllaaiytlial ij nm mm ba l f tbara la am rarity tlw ilttfoibbat ifaalabbahpaibla aoabt utimbmabaa tbam tat ajfablr workinc bwdr ym lr raplhkl tba olboa boy crrfar to look tnportaat u he d aa oovdopo upaiaa down oooi i aod ta tba oubur loaraot- 4 yoa aa to your dntlaa r yaa ar wall flra abaad and noaat tbam aaldlila eaiplovar hmiaory la aa la- valaauo aaoit ao wall aaa bow joora wortta ibopua btaltatad for a moiaa tfaaa aatbevtrlaaof irttlh olamorad for aaproaaloa ba piped oat floeer elr co to webe hlei up aa aooa aa r mdweuuidizzvspals could nov sleep at night people all over tbie buaj tola abjbt afba- ajabt w a lleepkaa puow aod da aot don tbcbr cyca in tba rcfmblng a enmea to tbom wboae beaft and aonrca an right twmkphwbiw ooiaaa ratbdrfnan aarvca or both bat wbabmr tba ouaa uilbum heart and nrrva pub offer ja bbaabw of asend rabaabbat abaabar tbcy do ibia bv tbeb- barlxomuac affect on tbe heart aad nerwaa aad ww tone wjbe abola antral to a perfect toa- iba a b uvuo seekdek n4 wruecl waa itoobled lor a lone thna wltb mr heart aad weak aad dbar laat aboa pub and heart end herra a beach food i nt aaotbar and after italdaxmfcouldjcaaav bft aide end ajaep aa wdl v tiaee i waa token akk fr the b ttt ineatoaa i ever acaid jkh troable- 5ot oartiry bos or i bosealor- 1js at an dwlar ar naukd dbectxm reoatoljricatotba t lubara co the- merchants bank op canada kvwy pefaen who racelvas and naya oat ntooary should bava t chaiinlag seconal isymeal byj chaqoe u the moat practical coo vanisat and safest method of hand ell financial irsasactlop a belli w of a bualaats or personal tt the return of c cheques are vouchor for every sntu paid oat ibey how what db bursseiacf have beea auda aad to whom depcaiia aiw tacalvad by ihie bank soblect to cheqea wltbdrawal we pay fbe aaase atleailoa to small depositors as wsttotblirgii none anrlttir-tnir- latanat allowed on all savings accounts campou half isr 7oiii assets 8ie8e4f ac on branch a maclean manage dattaulaj slatquiiibd xjula kthal had been vary naughty it wan certainly wrong of her lotto too oatw tail to tha chair leg- and pour ink into bar fathere slippers she dceer- vad to bar panlahed bo bnr mother sent herfrotn thn room without any din ner but whan tba pudding came on tha aceoe her txwsctenoa smote ber and she determined to give kthal chance ttjl kthal if aba will my varyuppod tba rest of the after noon aba gay have some pudding ebeleid to the servant tbe servant dajivercd tba mee go and raturnad a few mlnntes wlth the roply mum was kthel wants to know what kind of pudding it to before aba makea any promlaear a 1111 for all ueasnns winter and summer in any latltnda whether in torrid a6na or aretlo temerature par- saatoau vagatabla pills can be depend d upon sodo their wnrk tledyspep- uo will find them friend always fend should carry them with him every where tbay are made to wl that and any ullmate and are warranted to keep their ffeehnees end etrongth tbay do not grow alala a quality not in many pills now on the market badly mhidkd tba much travelled young man bad just returned from foreign ouotea and of ootfrea ba most entertain hla rich old aunt wllb whom he waa in favor with stories of tba wonderful eights had seen yea ba said in the oourea of bto remarks there are some sp that omn naves ba forgot ten m dear ma t exclaimed the ahaentmloded tody i dojeatmh you would gat ma a pair of tbam tom 70 years old and 6ettin6 w toghrm t k avk toaonxo ami ytu ioii inning the past two years i bare been entering with kidney tmultlo- sever pains ta my back mwt and with feet ankles and legs so vary swollen that i found great auflscttltyia moving around tb bouse avsu in uppna i am pleased to ten you sine biking ortoudia tha pain has gone tba swelling ba pnbsldsdtsnd i again wear my boots which hsva not innpomyfsrtfctiulytwo70aia i am asvealy yean of ajra and am now utingpty uth box of gin muj1 old people wllb laj bscksrwbo suffer with jtheumstisin or udncroc ulsdusr troablwiu fitikome relief in oin pilla kvery bus rranntead aod money wr not mtlsuctocy joe a bosv 6 lor fuo eunplefrcoff you write 1 dtitudca co of i back was so lame life was a burden for two years airs joseph tbrotm upper poant de bute n b writes i cannot gprak too well of donas kidney pols foi tm ycin i w so tired life was a bordca and i got up more bred than what i went to bed and ray back was so susa i could hardly straighten up rtoofc dif ferent kinds of me but none ol them did me any coed until af friend adviied mo to try doana kidney pais i did so and today i dont know what it hi to be tired and my buns backb cone i can reconunead them to any person mflcriac with lame back and that terrtbjemlred feebne doeu kidney pith arc a nordy vce table meolcinc nalbnag quick pemuv nent relief without any in after cflects nomas kidney pills are so cents pes box or 3 boxes for si 24 at all desiess cr nuuarl irrct on receipt of twice by the t iftbttne co 1 1 mi ted toronto oat 7 if onferina direct sne ify doaav the only thing that will r neuralgia the patrctng pains of neunlgta which often follow a bad cold or la grippe are frequently almost un- bcarable and lew tnedtnncs afford any relief to the sufferer i un u rural mail earner and have been a user of the dt miles medicines for years dr miles aatipftin pius cant be beaten they are bo only thing i have found that- will rcheve my neuralgia and i have rned most every thing besides mediane from the doctor i am willing to tell anyone what the antl- pain pills did for trm cliajlltt hlldikkkandt box ao5 woodnfl ohio a if you lik mr uoderbrandt have tned most everything in vain why not do as he did firhl your aches and pains with dr miles ann pain pills i t tbe puis bear the brunt of the battle no matter how stubborn the con test they will come out victorious dr m3es aatmaai psss stand on their record which is a long list of cures extending back a generattoa oral btafcjtea falla tm gut ml ratwo yw milc medical co ti piftoai he nec higfrly 1 mac matt vi ant in x of fiction that tlaese autlwirn wore n rmrt in their umtarltm u rm el by tlm fart that today utara are in tha llntiah navy no fwer than 65 iff tbeae aule tnerslbta veaanla with a futlbrr 15 bain built franca owns 01 aubniarinea an j baa s building germany poaaesaa 14 russia 30 tha united buum ih and japan 9 whilst nach of these nations bontam plates many more enorinoua veaaeu are uto modurn subntsrines in addition to their in valuable torpedo tubes they carry small quick firing guns tor use o tint surface in many eases these craft displae from boo to 1000 tana and are well over xoo feet in umrlb at modarata speed they could steam aenwa tlia atlantic on tl t aurlaca if it warn neosssary uoat peopla believe anything if it la tvpaated often in their prese un oontradlcted tho chanoallor of thn kxcbeqoar they soothe buciled kervaa- ni vooa aftaellona are uauatly attrtbutad ao defective dlaauoo aa ui dominates tha oarve centra a rouraa or paxmelee a vegetable pills will mill all duturbaocwa of this character and by restoring tha atomacb to normal action relieve th nervae or irritation re la ooaedallvo liko tbam and in tha eqreetton or trrvgutakliles of lb dlgeetlve prormsea no prapa tattoo haa dona ao effetlvo work as can be teetltl edby i joy r1diho tbobp f hows that you are food of iunplnn ill ting and drinking with will never ik juiy use to you they hinder you uuw in king of yourself what you ought and wlwu tba time cornea that you need thera nr aomeooa also they will not come within forty yards of y it is right to be aocubla tlendly but the man who tftvoda much nf hla time enjoying blmsalf and helping his rrianda to have n good tli will wind up at tba sbmii and of tbe bora da not among wlna blbbara among righteous aatara of flash if you have been in the habit of running with thoae who think of lire as a bane joy rid cut it out- if you dont you will gat to a part ot tba road wbera the la no turning and wbera tba rid ing la not as full ot pleasure aa it nent ed to be at tbe beginning uan thn individual no less than man tha aoelal ntamber needed right man bos cleannaae of heart simple tea of purpose dr sophie bryant used according to dlrsctloa dr iv kelloggw dysentery cordial will ifford relief in the moat acuta forw umumr onmplalat whssmver attack manlnssu itaetf no time should ba lost in aeaklng tha aid of tha ootdlal it will immediately aot on the atom and intestines and allay tlm iriltatlon pain a trial wulooo vinos any- one of tba truth of tbaea aasmllnns castoria lar lafamta aad cubtraa wtynlmahinkbtif btgnatura of the foundation of tha ulllmato un ion of south afiloa la not oq the gold of jobsnnasburg or the diamonds of klmberly but on the princtnlee of tha oraat book horna rev a hu to have tha children aoundand heal thy la tha brat cam of mother tby cannot ba healthy if troubled with worms use mother qraves worm b children ory for fletchers c sound doctrine do not euro a dea eased heart a square deal haa something heslda harp edges and angles to it tuwastwaysrdepeod oo our cessa- tlal valuation of life i snrrr t makaauyouoanbuttakaoaswtbatlo tha making of money you do not un make yourself buy tba truth and sell it note one- grain uf truth e worth a ion of gold one atom of ebaksveteru worth alt tha money you can throw on tha otbwtt aide of tba stmltajtbnro ara nana who btu not nucauarbajondtluteully natda who rank in thn oommunlty as prlnoasi thnra ara man who writ their cheques in four nr five ftguma who baveac enough soul to put ititn abuck fty how much troth have sou cuinult- ad in your nriaf anpesianorr this la bora important loan tba quosuofc bow moon money hf a you invested in stocks and bonds truth la tha spool that oounts at- tha otberand of tba una ball it not coninterclaj rwlatians betweea the countriea of tha world ara among tba moat powe factors for tha pressr ration of peace air w t stnbbs nothing abort of the abolition of ran poverty will satiafy even elan tartly tha condition of christian brotberbood tho archbishop of caotorbuty caught heavy cold left throat and lnnxs very sore there la no better core for a oamd or cold than dr woods norway hne syrup it fa rich in tb imighealiiig vi otumorwayplnctttandis ssfe and effectual medirbie that may ba eanfutttasity rdkd ttpon aa a speewt for cougha cnldc bnascfitl hoarsa- ness son threat oomty and atl throat aad lutui troubles ur 8 monaghan chaziottetowo pei writes i eerttty that dr woods norway hon syrup b an e-xd- imtnismlkmefiwiijhsandfxjih last winter i contracted a heavy cold which left my hmgs and throat very sore i iksdtogrreupworkandttsyintbelwmtae for two weeks- used several cough mlstnrcs but got no ietttf until a ftiead advbed me to use dr woods norway rmttsyiun three bottks entirely cured me and i can recofttroend it as the best saedicsaa for couch sont bthnposed upon by taking any thing but dr woodsr as there are dr woods is put up hi a yellow wrapper ihresplnetnmtnetradsmstk pnee 25 orats manufsctured only by the t hilbutu ocw umited toronto ont j willing te stand a farmer owned a you rut alrr which ba wanted to break in to the plow and liavlne no other animal to har neaa witlt it its docidwl to gmk lnu the yka himself giving tlta reins to hla w nn hi miner bail tboy blartwl tltari tl aleer imlbxl into a wild runaway ut fambrr h liltng i tlin yoke with both bamls an 1 ke ina tba naca for dar life ovr ploweil fields they flew ami aa h waa about to drop for lack if toil ibey brought up against tlm faitm with a mishly thump an tlta tu n hurried in tlte scene tha panting falliar managed to snap un- iiilch tlte alr bub i ii ntandl taking har owwn urn daab la no b ngnr in our set a woman lire aai i t an alldrnoon tea 4 tui i uti irralaii i i ouior w mall went in tbe first with a heunlil aimmir ea alia drop- ll ut tw n v time ag la that wall tliu t liter i mu uixler ibe irai rojnt ti that she climlhkl oul aid an- headache seems to be hahnnal with many people some are seldom if ever free from ll aajtctuk oontlnusllr and wonderiag wmjv they cart bet no relief heartaches are generally caused by some dcranremcat of tha stosmseh or bowels pr both burdock lilood bitters re acidity of the arfotnacb i digestion rcgn- lates the constipated bowehr aad pro- motea a perfe eircnlation of pure lilood to att portion of the body tbenfay cosing the headaches by re the csttse lira i uaxnlre kinmount ontu wntei i nra writing yon a few lines to tell you what your burdock blood bitters has done for use i umd to ba creatly troubled with eeadsches but after using two bottles of burdock blood bitten i was completely cored this wai two years ago and i have had no return of headache since burdock blood bitten b m only by the t 1filburn cow uautad trontn ont motherhood the grand trunk railway suggestions advica to expectant lwblhcra tha sxpssisskea of ifotharboed is a try ltsgesaeo most wo and marks uuv- tiaetty an epoch m their uvea not one wcajaanmu hundred ia prepared or tto darstanda bow to p care for brr- aau of eomwa nearly t remn nosradaya haa maitirl trealiutdt at such tlrnia but piairy approach the expsrlenc with an organism unflud for tha trial of atrentfth and when it la iiracber sy has racalved a shock from which it is hard to recover lei g right upon this com as tbe nt r- atramof cstrmg for the child aad la tbe mother results tambpats nothing mora charming than happy aad healthy mother of chudren and ladsed dblldbirth under the right rnm mail tr rrt to health or beauty the bawnrplslnshle thmg b that with all tha evidence of shattas nerves aad broken health resulting from antra in condltkm and with ample timn in winch to prepare women will persist in going bflndly to tha trial every woman at this thna alionld rely upon iurnkpfaummnvtavetudoe cora- pouod a moat valuable tsaso and invig- aamgoratf lhafssnala fat many if yea want saaclsl ndrlcs writa ta lysua rtakhaai matudaa oa osat- dnntlsl ijna wear letter will ha ananadl rsad and nassrarei by a siiiiir aaslsnsdla ams first whan wa undertake to bu your praadriptiooa wa giro tbam our ttadividntl auanilmi and bear can tba patients welfare la our first con second wa guarantee our drugs to be of ftul atrongth aa well aa pure and third our onatobsara ara auimued with joavt what tbeyaafos substltut- ing la never allowed patswu oftast odatl if yon nra n auffierrr bom krlnay ihssaaaliwer nosnplslnt blood teoubles ihaumsllsiii nanralgln or mend tha mm of rsisss celery ooaa- pound this ttjllshle and uaver die appointing is a true dlmasa hnniahar and ayatam bujldar we supply tba stamina rvblnau oslsry oom at brown acton oat ohildren ory for fletchers castoria dustb0tse ktlheif a handful in ac unes when you sweep absorbs the dust brightens the boor and cleans your carpet oan wack free jriex youia cor heeab dustbarc auckocers nokittsrrnbwiiar racked bi uhieu aad kcaa fcr si sdiwuaeilsiuialmdav soubf miu st kcton excelsior bakery 1 fib8t quauty dread cakbo wrddino cakb8 aihthdav cakes arc etc iob chkam call today t statham son bakers and grocers main st acton th bull ska 6titlti art uirtliwirks artftttcitnltwirt wm hemstireet acbht acton yonr chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris 4 co limited beautiful new wajj papers will add beauty is your homo and inrnaaa i is vsln wlgves wen made good fitting r that we know how to make gloves that will nas with hononi the most critic f ol cxaminotlon m rcga quality of wyfa plialstity ami stren dratnesa of stitch lilu uiltl all roiuid perfecuon you can prove yourself by asking for storeys at yonr draera tlwt they will outwear your most saturnine expectation is our firm belief lusit ou storeys at all stores w h storey a son limited acton ontario cywvarapiryj- otjfckr smjqvmtx t con5climtiovis plumbing a heating is not h ivxh siiiith us kbftl to the contrary wo make it the most lafpttrtant actor so i yoo avgr as with yoar patrohago you will enthusiastically endorse us fredsmit plumber quebec sr gtiblph rtntae337 ordlasiy wall 1apsr makes of dlasry looliliag room mo uultm- bow lastomlly you assy otnuh yonr homa lbs aatirs aosct tasy assuy ba apoucd by usbu ptr that ara not tbotunghly aajubla don t run the risk of duaptlol umpbi choosa your papsr nun our daw tloss 1vicaa ara very ffossonabla ispalasoghag dona to your cool lata aa ioc pet roll au klada room uoavupss chslr rails and ilata ralls t tba iosmm posslbla prices stephen cordliner paintkr paparhanger ktc plcttsk psahikq a srsculty ont patents tszasbsjtf naaitlstyi rafat tmstaim of masssss watsaajltnafti marion c hari0n atoea caaarte a rwwiww r- rf n t 5 mm

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