Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1912, p. 4

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be jlttoit jfrrc ress til ui1ad a v u a y 1 lolfl bbvuiia twrom tba tandor words unspoken tuo letter nnwrr atil ths ion forflin liireajtfltf th wbalth r lob linxprllt for lhr soro heart lrraklntf for ltlm koiu invtul nnrst wait ho ahow them uiat ymi earn lr before- it loo late- la th uy woman homo im pardon a nwlwr it lr pnl xprlcnc whiihnr i roiililnuimr imy of twewr or fdnrtwn pm tf and 111 how mb nmnmllmi with lli iiy kcnuli of anir- mdn a hotter imy ni iii m nm twftivc kiiitt f tkj htout u sy i it i imilwr in jnr article r i a scout la trustworthy a akcoutui yf i a seoul in llrl 4 a scout la irlnndly u a scout u iihirtthxlh l a scout l kind 7 a seoul u obedient k a scout u cheerful ii a scout la thrifty 11 a seoul la bro ii a seoul uclriui 12 a scout la reverent altar telling how her ion entered the movement aba goes on lo uy i bad hoped ror boy would b ail these thiols and had so admonished him bat thee scout but mind ysu not advtca and admonitions not bo pea booked by maternal pleadings and fear but lars self imposed when the tyeouttakaa hi oath for in taking tbe oath ha tromlee lo obey these law that ealuad it it the scout uovanedl stood for the things and inspired and exacted tbetn i was with it heart sodvoul from the start vha whole thing waa a gnat eueceas lvb iloy for one benefited immensely by ths association it would taka mm to long loo tell you how- much v only tell you humbly that some nf the faults in blm which i had worked with for ye such as elflshnesm ahlfuetsneas occasional cowardice and sometime irreverance began to disappear and without fret or frlctloa a good scout had nooe of of lhaao faulu they are against the scout taw ua was trying to be scout that waa all have you boy of yoor own if you base i think you cannot do better than to look into tbe scout movement us la sun tn hear of it and if he is anything near twelve or thirteen or fourteen ha la pretty sure to want lo join it i beg you too not to put any thing in bis way and then further i beg you to keep your bands off your part is to listao whan ha talks to you about it i to approve tn haya a good upper waiting for hbn when ha comes back from his scout tramps and to continue to amy your prayers at night for blm at last a remedy haa been discover ed that will positively destroy this peat that dandruff u caused by germs u accepted by every sensible person dandruff is the root 6f alt hair avttk i salvia will kill lb dandruff norms and d in undays or i e j uaaaard guaxaotes it 1 1 wilt i grow hair atop falling hair itching i scalp and make hair thick and abtan j dint it prevents hair from turnlog gray and adds ufa and instre salvia is a hair dressing that has become the favorite with woman of taste and culture who know the social value of beautiful hair a large gen erous bottla costs 60c at leading drug- gists everywhere and in acton by k i j haaaarf the word salvia latin for sags u on every bottlr taatttto mo cmawomi j a plumber waa sent to tbe house of i a wealthy stockbroker to make re pairs hawmtaambytlw bulla in to the diningroom and was begin ning bis work whan the lady of the bouse entered john said aba with a sosplcioas glance toward the plumber remowtlte shvar iron the sideboard at once and lock it up bdt the man of lead waa in no wise 4lsooooexted vp batd o bis assistant take my watch end chain and these few ooppera to my missus at children ory rqr fletchers ol um didmt know king qeorge was recently visiting at a country bouse near the scene of one i oliver cromwells battles strolling out one morning alone be met the village blacksmith i say my good fellow said bis us jest y genially i understand there waa a big battle fought here f well sr stammered the black- amitn7eoogliti1ng and saluting tbe king i did ave a roqnd or two with bill the postman but i didnt know your majesty aieard of it two bbit thoughts whatsrbpdeoeas lot of people ws would b if we ail looked like our pc- a goat that has chewed up news paper might wall be said to possess intfdo informat l u what happened and a iqt of other bkwbffi paper if am it redularxy in kinn auill pr vhloi r w ti is wise to ham ami notdlfflnull uu- in tin u ii win iirtiwihr i yo u y alia well ut writ wlion you wnl ti make out your uuudry lii ut it toldum tlkr intel tionkldfralliui i lint if you tlf ad i bm your pardon greew im wla4e of k4mui inurvourse more in furope limn in auiahcit thy should be pnfucetl to nvsiy roqueat whlrh the krsiiiinar itarhn thank you is the flrat witrd lit imi iflannml in s foreign ungusgr monia imhle are clever si picking up french or gnrtiian learning noun from btrhtlki ru from hlllboalds aud iduiiua ftiuu advrruwmianls if you have nollhla kind fif mind larn to aay ilnasn and tliimtk you nine cabtmoutof hu lur olnver man will llmiovir wkil yuti wanu not boabtino alt- an irlalnnnn and cjerman ung on a plar nahlng neither pave the it i her nf concern the irishman amoksd philosophically at his clay wlu um oarman seemed ahaorlied in tttoualtl or was allantly espectlng a bite sudilnnly the uonnui fell into the water tliespluh recalled the irish man liom his preoooupatlnn hut h never mad a move to offer aid to the man struggling in the water i can t swim said the tierman as he came up i cant swim he shouted louder as he came to the surface fur i be second i in e as ho was about to disappear for tbe third lime ihe german ciled heart rend i ngly i i cant swim 1 its a mighty funny time to boast about it replied the smoker of the cuy vkby ukily i have always been lutsresled aid little fllnks in the utilisation of watte now where do you suppose all these bunted tires go to in the end i don t knowsald the genial ihllosopher but ir they go where most people consign em there most be a terrible smell of rubber some where dysentery corrodes the intestines and speedily eat away the lining bringing about dangerous no nd it loos i that may cause death dr j d kel i loggs dysentery cordial clear the intestinal canals of the germs that cause the inflammation and by pro tecting the lining from further ravages restores thsm to healthy condition those subjact to dysentery should not be without this simple yut powerful remedy there is a world of difference be tween willing a deed and simply being willing to do castoria for tnfri and ghusttm thkmyhhmalsmbhku sears the signature of a good word la an easy obligation i hutnotto speak ill onlyrttlgures out silence which cosls us nothing our- uaaorke a slmphwnd cheap afediclnea simple cheap and effective medicine is to be desired there is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system as parmeleee vegetable pills they are simple theyareeheep they can be got anywhere and their benefical action will prove their rec ommendation tbey are tbe medl- iclne of the poor man and those who wish to escape doctors bills will do well in giving them a trial affectation hi the wisdom of fools and folly for many a comparatively wise men mouus do not in such a matter as life build an opinion on custom or what you guasa to be true t b king children ory for fletchers oastoria useful nee and service is the rent which we must pay for nor room in tbe worldoaaon wright time has tested iu dr thomas uclcetrlo oil haa been on the market upwards of thirty years and in that time it ha proved a blessing to thous ands 1 is in high favor throughout canada and its excllenoe has carried its famo beyond tbe seas it baa no equal in the wbele list of liniments if it were doable tbe price it would be a cheap liniment health la the greatest glfl content- ednesa tbe heat riches dhauuian- aha j l the man who cannot go to church without sleeping has a remarkable power of keeping hi eyes open at political mealing suffered terrible pains of indigestion mjlb npts tataxivkr puxs cubed hbr mnl win h afacrwcn mount trybutpljx writes for more than a year i suffered with all tbfrtrrrlble pains f iabjestloa and my life was one nf the greatest misery j it did not seem to make any difference whether i ale or ndt the pains were always there conmpanird by a atvereblosting and belching of whuf i did not even get relief at night and aomctimeshardly got a bit of sleep in my misery 1 tred many remedies said in cure indlrestlon but they did me nov one partlcteof good and i fully tntpectnt i would always be afflicted in thb way at tius tiina my brother came home on a visit and urged me to try mllbnrn lasa uver puis anil got me few vials by the time 1 had taken one vial i began lo improve and could rat with some relish x was really cheered and con tinued taking the plus until all traces of die trpublo hod duappeared and 1 coum once more eat till kinds of food without the silt blest inconvenience i am so fully convinced of their virtue as a family mcdldoa 1 have no hesitation in rfcom nendtag them price 86 cents per vial or 6 vials fur 1 03 at all doalcra or tnaltaddlrtcl on lastqria the kind ten hato always itoyxgbt and which has bean tn ttao for torar 3d yesusj hos bonta tlta algnattiro of and luui1catautdvjnlr htifu onal aaporvialon ajnoo ita infancy allow no ono to lcolve yoa in this all counterfeits imltaaiona sutd justuagthmlf aura bos kxpeiimenta that trifle with and euilanor tho hsssllh of itiftinta and chlldxenelxpesrieiioe ngnliist kap what is castoria castorin is alkarttdeasi airbatltoto fbr castor oil iarev gortci xropi suul soouilne syrups it la ilcasont it csjataina neither opium morphlna nor other xlouroouo atabnuukon iu ag la it gnormnboa it destroys worms sind nlbtya peveriahncma it eurea dlarrluaa utl wind cjolic it mlinvfea toethlns trooblea etiroa constipation and flauihaney it oaaimllateartha poohi rrsfubsteat tho btosnnch and ikowels ativing- besutliy and natural the chlldrona ia4utcsv tta biothera rriend oenudne castoria i beam the signature of always m the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years the merchants bank or canada i bery person who rec and bays out money should have a chedlag account payment by cheque is the most practical con vebleni and sabst mstbod of hsndllng all financial transaction whether ol a bnalaan or psnonsl characiar tharoluin of cancelloj cheques revoachert for every sum psld bo i iltay thow what dls bnrseroenls liave been made and to whom dopctlts are received by this bank subject ta cheque wlihdrawsl we psy the same aitenllun to small depositor as we da to urge ones and encourage their account interest allowed on all savings account compounded half yearly total assets 8mf28w2 49 acion branch k a maclean manager the person who corrupts the pure faith or goodness of another may com mit such an inquiry as the whole world could not compensate tucker hadfalpifetionohhtheartl waumruri ctakiag spuu when the heart begin to beat irregu- lailx palpiule and throb beat fait for a time then so slow as to seem almost to atop it causes great anxiety and alarm when the heart does this many people era kept in a state of morbid fear of death to nu such sufferer tmllbura heart and nerve pub wul give prompt and permanent relief mrs- john j downey new glasgow ha writes just a few lines to let vonwknowjrbat your jalubunvs heart end nerve pub have done for me- i was troubled with weakness and palps- tation of the heart would have seven tt spells and could scarcely he down at ail 1 tried many rem but got none to answer my case like yonr puls i can reenmmend them highly to all having heart or nerve troubles price 60 cents per box or s bows for tl 30 for sale at all dealers or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by tbe t ultbura co limited toronto out the rase with which corns and warts can be removed by hollo ways oorti cure are its strongest recommenda tions it seldom falls of inner destl- woamrtb vkil0 imjurw ths v mvrnm oculists tell us that much of tbe prevalent nervousness among woman comae from the habit of wearing veils spotted veils figured veils thin mesh heavymash all kind of valla over the eyes j for th eyes being marvalously delicate and sensitive are perpetually trying to adjust themselves nqw to this lino now to that now ignoring the teasing pattern or mesh now conscious of it or affected by it all this tbey aay makes for eye strain headaches wrinkles about tbe eyes and for general and often serious nervousness of course tho girl with an aptitude for headaches sllll persists even knowing all this in meshing her face in veils but tbe doctors are right no doubt in countlrurthbi one of the likely causae of physical nervousness knvy i a oonfeaaloi lutioov a womans way to get relief take oih nus ran lamk back trintsnm p o ow t received your aample of ola puis and after using th i felt so much better that i got a boa at my drngguts and now i am taking tbe third box the pain aero my back and kidney has almost entirely gonft and i an jfcttcr than x havebeea ibe years x strongly advise all women who auffcr from pals la tbe baex and weak kuneys w trjp gin pills mjult habria olo pi v osatala the well known me- dnslproptruesof01naswlasouter cnratltv ageinbttt do not eontain sicohol ola niufeoarajiteedbr tbe largest wholesale drag house in the tefcuh bmnbyj to j fsctlou or money itwndedvsoc boat 6 far yohmmp1a froejif you wrhat 1 x5tnirand cbehloal co flft ihbowxsi aiuonallayuverl tnaimlnl kf u a llltlo boy who bad reachsd the age when boya feel that a watch is tbe one thing that makes life worth living waa told that for the present a watch could not be given to him but kdward continued to tease for one until tbe whole family was wear- led then bis father after explaining that ha should certainly have a watch when he waa older forbade him to mention the subjaotagaln the next snnday the ehbdrern as waa their custom repeated bible verses at the breakfasttable when teams edwards turn ba astonished them all by saying t what i aay unto you i aay unto au i watch i ksuuflna tui juamda hootu it is possible lo have smooth handa even if one is a housekeeper and dish washer obtain from the druggist five cents worth of tragacanth which la enough for a years use tfhssolve a spoonful of this in threellmee as much water let stand in a covered teacup for twelve hoosg than fill the cup with water and you may apply the thin jolly which i made freely to your bands after each washing a few drops of your favorite perfume and a little glycerine added to the jelly im prove the lotion had to taaub him thttvicar bad bean taken su iiitatfd ttuohumb warden wax- in a gretdlfbautty a substi tute when the bishop of the diocese kindly offered tn take the sunday ser vices himself i the church warden wuhlng to do the right tiling at the close or the service went up to the bishop and after thanking hint stammered out a poorer preacher would have dona for each folfcns ueyour lordship but wa were utmble tntfjnd onel a arm a and ooairontror jmbph joseph was uroantlng the fast jhat ha lied received a b on his report- card inateajd q the a he uiougte deserved j oh never uilpdt jneoy dear sooh led his practical mother her thoughts till occupied with ibe jadhary bar- a avarthlng marked dawo tflr 4 dr miles nervine completely jcured o li bo fits a larnily can suffer no greater affliction than lo have a child tub rcct to fits or cpuepay many a father or mother would give their all io restore such a child to health 1 ant basruir glsd in ull roe ol nu liltl boy who was cowptetclr cnrwl ol bis lie coounenced kav inx bem at to rears of an sad had them uar fnar vaars i triad three doctors and one specialist bat all of them said he coold not be cased bet ir mil rcsonun nervine andur uuesncrva and uver fuls ssad a complete enra um is now hale heart sad rf a ass been three rears ucv be had the last spelt i shall give dr hi ilea medicutea praise vrhcrv i ro vo are at liberty lo tius fctter ss yon see u and anyim writiag to mm i will vladly umi ii tbsy sacloss stamp y noguk wladlsll ind dr miles nervine m just what it is represented to he a medicine compounded rt rectal i y or nervous diseases audi as fits tpatms st vitus dance convul sions and epilepsy these diseases frequently lead to insanity or cause weak minds dr mucv nervine- has proven most effective in reliev ing these dreaded maladies bold by all druuolata if the ft rat bottle falls to benefit your money la returned milks ubdicat co only thi habit the itrlllsh working manwasloung log at the street corner wllh a cigar alt lucked into ihe corner of his month x p la him lurched another ir hi kind hare tnate said ihe newcomer got m cigarette paper about yer yua aald the aral and handed over a grimy slip of paper flot any tobaccor wa ihe rental k of the newcomer yua repllrd the first t but he waa not no eager in handing over hie utbao- bo box and did not hurry malter tbe newcomer rolled a cigarette stuck it in hi mouth and then asked got a match mate r the other eyed hint up and down then down and up again lie aald i you havent anything for sinoklu but tbe ablt no one i too young to aland against that whleh he knows to bu wrong iummi itial happlnea u cheap enough j el huvt dearly we pay for ll wllh counter riuiunn for years alotbertiravea worm k terminator baa ranked a the most effective preparation manufactured it always maintains ita reputation kvery man who remain idle orgt bis living without work la adding lo ibe misery of tbe world karl blind odd sionb ilaoanl at a moving pwtira sliow i yniinkiilldrtin ntuat have parenls lit a uiihii shop window i during lroo will iwt shavw in ud badsorcfouryeus saalnuk has hkajlko it mrs wilson 110 wlckaoa ave toronto eaysi abont foar yaara ago a sore spot appeared on the right side ol my faco toll spot increased in else until it became about half an inch la diameter and nary painful i went to a doctor bat the ointment be gave ua did not have any good efface the sore eontineed to- dis charge freeifi and was most palnrul i had it cauurued tried houlttee and all kinds of salve but it vas no good and i continued ta anffor from it cor four yearat a sample of zam tluk waa one dsy given to ue and i used 1l although the quantity waa so amall it aeetned to do ma soma good no 1 purchased a farther snpplr acb box did nta mora d more good and to my delight before i bad been using zetnbnk tkteo weak i saw thatll was going to boa the sore in less than a month it was healed i know a lady in the east of the etty whose huaband entered for years with aft opao poro on his leg on ray recommendation sgmhak wss tried in that case tbe other day when i saw her she told ma that it had bealad tbd sore mmpubyly my daughter who una n wh- brldge alta baa also used bambok with the same satisfactory result i think it js beyond all doubt the finest healing balm known booh la tbe opinion of all persons who hare really tried camqnk it fa a aura ear for kmdw plica abaceases ulcers scalp sores ring worm vats horns scalds bruises and all akin injuries and diseases loe bait all druggists and stores or mat fraa from kam flak co toronto for price id case of skin dlaeaso us also samunk boip k tablet who bath not known misfortune never knew himself or his own virtu mallet had very bad couqh and tickling sensa tion in throat dr woods norway pino syrup cured it mus c danlelaoa tfiofmnaa xuver man wnls last fall 1 had a vcrju bad epoch and hcfchng septa tlon ta my throat it was to had i could not pieepatnbtssilweqttoadrtigitbtaiid told him i wanted son cthlng for my cold and he advised rrc to try dr woods norway pine syrup which i did and after taking one bottle i was completely cured xet me reconnnend dr woods norway pine syrup to anyone who suffers from a cough or throat irritation dr woods norway pine syrup is without a doubt one of the greatest cough anil cold remedies on the market today and so crea- baa been lit success there era numerous preparations put up to irnllab it- sto not be imposed upon by liixtt out of tbtn vutntttutci but insist on being given jjt wood when von aafc for it price 38 cenu a bottle put up lo a yellow wrsppefj three pins trees the trade mark oaoufactured only by thatmuburallmlted toronto i ue baok in a tsllor bop i we dye for others why not let us dye for ynu f in a rl thing store thr panu will itmktwltrr on your irg than on our bands a silviramlih haa m plare neat do ir to a mslsurant the former having put up s lacard jowelry of all klnda plntnd the restaurant keeper follow nd wild iii orators and lilke neck rlsms tlaled hoaton traiiact l an abbkht hindbd ynoruaon a if nhseiit minded professor waa biiklly r gagrd in sulvlng a scieullfic pn i ii il 1iii he nuru itaatily open h llif lllirary dixir and annmincml m great sillily nvnt tlta lltllestranger it oh arrived pro kdr shui the pmfmsor it1llui ixiy said lli imnr 1 ittle lhy utile tiny iiiiimhi ihr trt1rut well atk blm wbal he marino ilia aunt iiappv it i tbe duty of everyonn to make at least in paraonwiappy during the weak uld a humlay hchool leacher now have you done an johnny f yes aald johnny proaiplly that is right what did you do r 1 i went to see my aunt and abas always lisppy when i go home bad blood causes boils and pimples oct pure blood and keep it pure by removiaf every trace of impure morbid matter from ihe system dantwk blood flitter ha tteen on the market ibout thirty ave years and is one of ibe ray best medicines procuralj for the cut of boils and pimples pimples cured miss j m waluoe h lacks harbor n ii willcs about ova years ago my see was entirely covered with pimples i tried everything people told me alxxjt but found no relief at hut i thought of d b d and decided to try a bottle after anisbing two hollies i was entirely cured and would advise bohs ctjkkb mrs luuworth mayne springfield rlil writes h f were covered with bous and i tried all kind ol remedies bat they did me no good i went fo many doctors but they could not cure me i then tried burdock blood hitters and i must say it la a won- ilerful remedy tpe ihe curs of holla burdock blood bitters is manufactured only by the t mliburn co limited toronto onl toronto woman wtiuom freed from beavrmg down paina bncltachsp and pain in side by iydtav e pink- haint cornpofjiicl the grand t1tuns baitwa toronto onl lastoetober iwrou w you for advice as i was com pleuly run down bad beerln down eensation in th low r r rt if bow el backaeht and pain in the side 1 also suffered lwrrlbty from gas i took lydlav k jnkhan vege tablecompbund and am now entirely froe from pain in back and bowel and am atronger in every way i recommend i ydla e pinkhama atmtound highly to all expectant motb- r- mrs k wahobv bz logan ave- nun toronto onurlo onslder well this advlrn no woman auffaring from any form of female troubles should lose hope until aha has given lydla el pmkham a veg etable compound a fair trial this famous remedy the medicinal n gradients of whleh are derived from ru tlve roou and herbs has ror nearly forty years proved to be a moat valuable tonic and invlgorator of the female organism women residing in almost every city and town in tbe united states bear willing testimony to tbe wonderful virtue of lydls e ptnkbam a vegetable compound if j ha tydla bavv tho sllglileet donbt ilnkhros vesretn- ble coiapouna will help yoa write toxydlavbimnkhnm medicine co confldnnttal tynn mas- for ad- vlee your letter will be opened read end answered by n woman end held in atrlct confidence truthlulnees is at tbe foundation of all persona etosllenoe smiles away with dapras and melan cboly these two eviu are the accom panlment of a disordered stomach and torpid liver and mean wretchedness to all whom tbey visit tbe surest and speediest way to eombat them is by using farmslses vsgetabu pill which will restore the baalthj action of the stomach and brine relief tbey have proved their nsefnloess in thous ands and thousands of c and will oontlnue to give relief to ibe suffering who are wise enough to try them wishing dies in thin aln will mnai complete itself in action brooke children ory for fletchers castoria dustb6i7ne r lomorcdusiynumysr packed la barrels aad kcc foj schools and rubllo baltdinga souby jioc7tfces sy7wton mill st kcton kiejler a handful in a line when you sweep a tne dut brightens the floor and cleans your carpet ono week fre truj youi for beekb dlbibane ail grocers warm and strong- it you want a pair of glovot or mitt in horaehide call or buckskin sheep or mtiteakin be certain to specify storeys in no other vmy will yon net equal iuc to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrlrt and uned kind phown below warranted snulno horwhlde watrrproof and fireproof just the big for warmth and comnirt sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w a storey son limited acton ontario conscieistioys plumbing heating is nqt k 7utvth wit s to the contrary make it the most important fiuor so if you favor us with your patipnagfj you wihonthuaiabtically eadorse us frkd smith plumber qoelccst gljeiju in4sjss337 no ii li v b lim u mu u 4 u ilcp mo b smibit 1 h it bui hou hmm t nip ez8 excelsior bakery 1 lulst quality bhbao cakss waooinu lakhs birthoav cakfcs btc btc tob crbam confbotionbrv bt lln call today t statham son bakers end gboctbj majn sl acton tin bain stam granlts and haimiwertj cavsran braun dalgtatsandballdtdlblalqe man losopaa uotramaal mfilter aad head stonss sad all kinds ol artuhcciawtuyworlt wm hemstreet agknt acton your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran short- the best at lowest prices harris co beautiful new wall papers ordlaarr wall paper makes or dtaary looklns rooms no mailer bow tastefully you may fnrnuli yottr homo lbs eollra effect y easily bo spoiled by 0iog piper ibat are not iboradghlj aultable doat ma tha risk of dlssppolnl meal cboosa your psper irani our naw una rices are very raperbaaglac dona lo your com plats satisfaction toe per roll all kinds room uouldlnfim cbalr ralu and rtta halls si i tbs lowest possible price stephen cordiner paihtkr papkrh anoer etc plcttae fsaatlmo srbctaltv m1u slvsmt acton ont o warf patents saiwaar thelowrtku maiwis l- wmmm

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