Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1912, p. 4

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ctt c tf kmp your footing lrf rlwf iai tirrmnrnry ft wejy i irthjr kioi cy ipywy bbe ald with w yipu may please decline ku aajldra tf h one day ta nlaaotlxjs4u wuu wu pretty how but iii lie helwltchlngly itj noun lhalidle ooyimon end wbmllwdwind it eoay te quite proper im happy to any itssjeoder is comnlom second t person maoired and us plum in win in singular iucmhnlttiif iwi plainly can lltranss u hn object en ardently sought ll eiaos in in nit ns with you and vrlthane but eebordlng to no rata by eqbool nulm taught im mad mistake ery likely iow- where if i have i mnn you do feult of rain for i think to ask me waa not vary fair whan you k now thai a klaa la hard to decline kap your tooting id a car or oo itoal walk drill yuht fjcnl whleapetl hutu alt itli nwmkmm1 qlam ibraekable glass for which there might ha a dotnend just now was invented dnriy 3000 yearsago accord ing to rwronlos and dion cassias tboogfc pliny casta doubu on lb story says hm london chronicle an artlat appeared before tiberius with a cop of glees which ha dashed violently on lb ground it waa neither broken nor eraeked hot snerely dented ilka a plane of tnetajl than tbe man prod no- ad a malri thpteek into ita pcopar ahapa tiberias how- ever asked wbatbar anybody alaa know iha se and whan the arlat proudly anawarad no bad urn in stantly bah dad tha em parlor fear- that enen glaaa would terribly depre- datotne value of tha preolous inetal a novel onelee for eehool earildrao haa joat been eloaad at wlokbam england whara dr o tbomaoo noted dental enrgeon judged tha ci teetente two prtsne wen offered tha boys and glrle who showed aftar thraa mouths una um heejthleet and moafc improved set of teeth tmre were seventy contestants tr tnoen- aoo told tha young people to aat plenty of hard or bbroua foods auob as eriap toast ealery salads outs roota and frulba which are vary bene- fdaljn belplna to keep tha taath in good conditi children ory fob fletchers castoria never mowap b ajroav it fa tigues yon aodrinfurlatea him kltttp- f faiawhat want wrong and let him blow himself up if tha pit of tha stomach seeaaa to dropout wenttbaalavatoratartatloww you can prevent the dlacomfort by atepping acmaa tha elevator at i he moment of starting inxtple aaj that growling rallevea tbalr n on the contrary it doubles the at rain by qxing the gro e eat leal ion nniijanon and la- oraaalng their power to do mlacblel hmiiea go a long way toward reduo- ing thadinieulliaa of hopping- haop behind ctountera raapood to a uallrj whereaea worrleo dlatreeaed rxpree- lon pule them in the wrong mood at the outaet tti make aura nf conrieay from a policeman addreaa him aa ur off- cer if you hae to call blui in an emergency amy mr officer we nerd your head over here the tffeel la mlraculooa in reel aureola it paya lo have a fav orile wallar oo to hie table regular ly and make a friend of bin if any a mail axaaperatloo la thua avoided aa tha waller la grateful for your appre ciation of hu abllitiaend will do bu utmost to deeerve it in a crowded public eonvayanoa go at once lo tha front and of the ear giving the mew on board a chance to notice your plight the geolleenen among them will give a lady hi neat the aureet way to remain atandine la to atay cloaa lo the rear door wbera no one obaereee you dont aay to a aa lea man 1 want tola or that tay would you kindly abow me ihla or that when yon lay atreea upon bla importance not your own you almply imply that of couree he will be obliging after that hla ambition la lo abow you bow thoroughly be baa mastered the grace of aa lemma th i p were you jaaaatck croealna tha patr ol waa turrlble alck comln over but nlvver a qualm did ol bor boln h t how do you account for thatf- saraand04 plrrcrwanthackvyour wis troubled with heabt bisea5e tfdiebvuusless satjataxrkkt wo good thus boxes of mtlatowts huu ahd hkkvx nua comptirmxt cubjcd hkb evfiaon 8nk 9d wtth heart aoej uary ibeam unke asd ahrrer x tried eevenl doc- ton hot they woe unmbk to do ne aay t m i begaa to take then t began to fed aanelt better and by tha mlhedueedthathlrdlxoilwaittan ronv i woem n iiant of the body price 00 cent per box or s bu sus at all dt or mailed direct on receipt ofj by tha t miumra co vxotqbtay ont what hadawal ordkhbtj uoludayoaiovenier vee do you adore me f l apoaa ww yon alwaya love me r ye look befa woman what have you been 0m nod ordered aeot home nowr hjr roattald it jtlaiout wife dib you ru tha ulur i gave yon habary yea deart i oeiriwl it fn ijny fy eo i couldnt forget it and i dropped it in ibeflrat box i rtmeni- tier becaoae wife there that will do i didnt give you a latter to pott t vry oauirul we antique ooyly oh mr hmtth i bed aooh a atrangn dream laatnhju i qeltera atellatfafwibei i aaenre yooi dreamthat you and thinly t6 yooasd f hr smith- ware on our booeymoon i do 761 ever have dream hke that mr smith need to but now tea vary oareful what i eat for aup- peiubdjomnffftaai qhrhlmere how fjof kxrxaunatp it in the early dya of toc khjodlka goldjwde the mlbert jl4 klnioet wholly ooe4nned good broagbrfront toe unltedbuteepnd oahadatu ah old rndlan whofrrquentad the dlg king the eanl were n cooatant eur- priee the moac rrgeiablee jdtdflah ew a 1 f vhe ui qratpbom wee lu- ported however he had cone to con afder bituaalf wue ln the waya of the palefnee after ikoenlng gravely to ebngrby the machine he mid with the a weak aching back gluuhtfhiclmiurt us xi r bodge rvldmg sok write a few hnea uahly 1 ttuwu nd ing doana kidney pium for this last year i have been troubled very naach with nasty mkk h and a weak aching back which earned me absjeh misery for i could not work and had no ambition for anything uyudneyawere very badly out of order and kept ana from deeping at nights i tried tnany kimis of pilbi and mrdlclnra but it mail almost fa- vein i began to give np in flespair of ever bring- well and etiong attain when a kind nri advised bo to to deans kidney pius which x did and am thankful for the relief i obtatend from them for now i am never tnaubetd with aaom backor skfc hrsriarhrv i wol ahvays aay doane kidney pflhi for auoe and can mghly in use for over thirty years icastoria dr maes nervine from the grave ru tsa hv atroog staiement to vnakej but ft m exactly what mrs th taylor ol bhtrn yexas anid in exp ber opinion of thi remedy dr milaa rcatorallva nriaa rahtj me fnaa ik gia and i haa if aayoae lad oftetcd ama iun fear ike mmd botu of ncrriaa thml i atd i woald kava maid ao iadad mrs thomas taylor bfaaa t- ncrvoui exhaustion is a com mon occurence of modem life the wear and tear on the neevdu system is greater now than at any time since the world began- for sleeplessness poor appetite and that run down feeling nothing ts eo good as dr mile kervino your ncrvca are your life end lack of vital energy makes existence misery dr miles nervine wtd tone up your nervous system aakaaydeashitat lrutaatbonafaiai milks mkd1ca1 co tanato can price 60 cents per box or s boxes for 135 at all dealers or malfcd direct on receipt ef price ny the t kfilburn co limited toronto oat when orderinc duect specify doaaa he who throws money away gtvaa other people employme tha bre you klndlefor your enasn often buma yourself more than hm- ohln- the beauty of a clear skin the condition of the liver regulates the eondltionfof the blood a dlaordered liver e impuritiea of the blood and these show themaelvee in blamlah- ee upon the akin parmeleea vege table phls in acting a poo the liver act upon the blood end n clear healthy akin will follow the intelligent use of thla standard medldoe ladlea who will fully appreclma thla prime quality tbeva pula can uae them with the certainty that the effect will be moat gratifying the calf of the earth le not looking for chance to dropjnto the open wound of a neighbor toe traosiuou from winter a oold to aommere heat frequently puu a atraln 1 the eyettm that prodooaa inter nal oompuealloob alwaya painful and often serious aoummon form of dis order la dysentery to which many are iw peone in spring andaummar the very tetfenjat eaadldna to uae in anbdolng thla painful aliment is dr j d kallogge dyaanlery oordlal it ta a standard remedy aordverywhere the merchants of canada every parson who lacetvea aad pays eul ntoeey shoald hava a ebaqeiag aeconaf wymeat by cheque is tha most pnokal coa- 1 nlmi aad wjaat issahnd of hsadllag all f transactions wbatbar of baaaeeaa or persons canractar the rat ore of caacclud thtnaas are wjackera for every saw paid out they show hvl dla barawaeata have been made and to whom dapolu are received by thla bank ambrsct to cbaqae wiibdrawal we pay the aanw aticnikta lo amatl dapoauors aa weditolarfaooaaaiidbora4llanvsqueli iatareat slkianl on all sariags accowaut empoended half yaariy total assets 58iftes9s49 agion branch f i4- maclean manager there la no aweetenng power in the sweet words that have a bitter heart bask of them a child may get everything he wants but the average man la lucky if be gets anything be wants fhe poor dyspeptic suffers untold agony after every meal dyspeptic stomarti ecu as an irritant hence the dimculty of cffeetlnc cure burdock blood bitten win relieve all the dlstreathtg symptoma of d and in a short tune effect a cure- mrs p c groat berlin out writes i have been troubled with my ste for the last seven years and tried all cured see for as soon as i would nsinc eny of them the same old tro would come back last fall i wes ad vised to try burdock blood bitters winch i did end used lour bottles end now feel so strong i can do all my bouse work nicely and can eat almost eny thin with out it affecting mem any way our boy is also asms it he alwaya all over like ih and at the age of ten bad to stay home from school lla basal qane used two bottles yet and is feeling good can attend school regularly and eats heartily bbjj k nnuuuwtnred only by the t muburncn lintited toronto out no one need endure tha agony of corns with ilohowaye corn cure at baud to remove them ootjmalaui amd oolvmb the famous golfer mr leslie itav roorualvdle tells n boat of good stories all round hla favorte pastime one of the heat that the amataor champion of 1805 has recounted la glean be it happened perhaps snore ycexe tgo than mr balfouralelvllla cares to ex- aeuy reoooect and at n time whan bla name waa not such n wellknown one in golflug elresea aa it waa to be a few yoettn well known aa h gou- puyer mr melville are you notr once asked an examlng ooonsel van how long have you played golfr twentytwo years mr melville replied in hla usual quick decided way twentytwo yaare v said the coun sel in euiaaexnent how old are youf twentyfour was the reply given amid the laughter of those a today la yesterdays harvest and lo a suns wife should be hla partner but oceaatooly she a lb whole firm am a vermifuge there is nothing eo potent as 11 other oravaa worm ks- terminator and it can ba given to the most delicate child without fear or injury lo the constitution you cannot tall how high a niaid piety is quoted by the id unbar of pious cjnotatioua be mekea it kasee ialo ask any dntggll or dealer in medldnee vfbar the niot popular of sasdlaal oils for peine in the joint in the muscles or nerve or fo neuralgia and rhueuiatlam and jhe will uti you that dr thomas kcleclrlfl oil la in greater demand than any other the reason for that la that it posse 1 ar i greater heeling qualities than any uther ufas guli ciinrs out of ita furnaces of affliction ohildren ory for fletchers pa i a tmw who mkajttfladh oaeof tha odd industries in certain parts of the work la the birds nasi trade warn la the greatest si porter and moat of tha neata go to ng kong and slnganora the value of tbnussts ueeln the fact that they are edible tbey are found on the isubue off the eoaat of 81am and are the pro duets of a species of bird belonging to the swift tribe the chinese have a apsjplu way of preparing these as food which tbaf nonsuer delleacy and it la also said to poseese valuable tonic children ory for fletchers casttori a m which is his t rrh no mlsuklng rtie itprtulon f nun who firm b well improwd- he looks h protpcrouiaxhe fttu ii int ihe tue ol a placelhat coqntnioartietamlbaltlou ralue ita rather thai wellkepi ihrilty appearaiice he appearance that makea you think ol fat stock and wellrule hams and comfortable conttnnid living- neat permanent imnrovemenu 9 fqrtherlrr mitlnria farm thi appearance tola anjr otherfeature ti i r concrete is trie ideal arterial oauathgllt ti condtate tmsnta lt la neat harasouunng with ita ai annot be injured by fire frost wind or cay aotballv makas h atxongar in the country never needs pau41rat eeattalaat oeei new intpreranieata can he a be required to keep woodae ntrsw rlur leeetexpensn than would i n farm improvementor oarj in repair jt dalxylwkrne loahooaea rootoeuara weuettrmag iu1htvafnmdwco your farm need wrssmvertk do yeu went to know mere about thla subject of permansi tnen write for your oopy off i whtkifumacautdowthcoocrato jfiaj a wo paaj atiin hmm attar asl sbawaajhr u uu ss if w at k fi baheu nitta i3w wasted time andmoney vf hnsfaand used olatfhua for y and kidney diseaae the pela la his beck was dieadful and use kidneys failed to do their work aroeerly aa be became worse we fonad ft to peek treatment and snuoruunuely wasted time and ntoeey on remedies that were little or no good aftar taking one dosaef gih pills he round them to be exactly what he needed and after taking two bam of gin pills was completely cured we heartily re- cotsuneud gin pills at every oamort to our friends and re- aslves mas iaub3 b uilpord write us mentioning thb paper and wnwiusvndyouammploboxfiqpa then if yen cannot get the regular et box dealers we will supply yon st retail price 30c a box 6 f or fajqj money promptly r gin pill3 do not grve eathi national drug bl clicnucal co canada tlwl trd drpt a toronu pauutrr oat mimuaan make me tired said the frneb young man they are always going to palm to have their bands rend indeed she sam sweetly fe that any worse than men going into public houses to get their noses bronchitis was so choked up she could hardly breathe bronchitis b an acute inflammation of the sbuens inctbhrane lining the air tubes of the lungs and shoald never be ne- llected far if it is very ofteatodlteam benonwa clonic end thee it b only a abort step coostanptlon t tw fcst site o bronchltb dr woods norway rute syrup should be taken and thus prevent it be chronic mr john d ijacdpoakl couers geaat na wrilea- kly little girl asven ymn old caocht a bad cold which developed into bronchitis she wes so cokd up the could hardly breathe aumdihj ebont your wonderful medicine dr woods norway pine syrup i derided to try a bottle and with such good re ndu that i got another whwmpielriy enxadlfrf i cannot wytooniiicn tnlti pimisel and would not be without ll la the hones dr woods norway pine syrup it put op la a yellow wrapper three pint tremtmtndsnuuki pricamctnls ntsoufsttured only by tuo t milbi n jaa aiauni toronto oou s in mvlxiympathy in ll two mend aectlony of tla maritiualroliiaaa for inslanoe ws iiollci a prctu7sr nw of iticr word whatever tliu la of aouiwi a- wrffclly proper word umi on proper oceamlons but tha um whlnh is gener ally made of it in iheae sections is to say the laaut pmiillar it urim tn ba stnptnyed as k irmlna axpreaslon for ihe purpoaa of lending euiphaals 10 what haa been said it la in gener al uaa throughout the country dlatricta and by moat all claaaea of the popula tion tho following may be glvan as a few ezauvjiiaa i tlilv la a flnadav whatever jthe boat is late tonight what- tlmtla a flna imm arltatavar- tli if ihn axprasklim gn thrnogli tlm i 1 nunil of oiillnary conver a- 1 1 a umnawliataiiituiiig llluulrathm r ita mtiftualimu hum lan theclark ufa cm r tain church waa sonidllniaa a little alow in giving tlin amen re- spunses aa he folio wh1 the parson through the avrvlcv itul what lie lack ed in promptness ha sought to make up in naiphaala an with lienomlog aolarnnlty he in lime cunght up to the parwm hy sajlng ainen what- evervth canadian uagaalne bufpoeaotoh ht oimaf one of ihenost antlva explorer in araua is dr alois lliiu who with a oomoilalon from the turklali govern ment baa been at work a year in that interest log country ha believes ha has located and identified the famous mount hloal mentioned in the bible aa to whoee whereabout scholars have differed for years ije is search ing for further athnotoglcal remain to establish hla claims beyond dispute if he does so tha mountain will be one of the objective polnta of tnurlata brave enough to vsoture into wild country a fill for drain workertbe 1 oh 11 who works with his bra na la more liable to darangtotsnt of the digestive ayalem than the man who work with hla liaiidu because the one calla upon hi- nervous energy while the other applies hte muscular strength bealtv fag bag irregular ilea of the stomach and liver and tha beat remedy lbst can be uaed la iatrmeleea vegetable imla thfiv aisapeclally compound ed for sueli eases and all who uae ibem oan testify thslr superior power ontario fortune freed fran thai weak lmn- ffuid ahymja tired feel- iiig by lydi e pirilt larnycaaipaairl ont i canrt eak too highly of your inanvine when my ap- ite la poor end i luitweajt ian- alvraya tired wing i get a bot r iydu k pink s vegetable m pound and it lids rne up give txength and m- storea me to perfect health again it is truly a lihwatng to women and 1 cannot ily enough of it i take dua ore in recommending it to others mrs alone camxxon tba ont women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their mux should not lose sight of these facta ci doubt the ability of lydu e- pink ham v vegetable compound lo restore theft health there are probably hundreds of thou sands perhaps millions of women in thr united statca who have bean heimflt- by thla famous old mm adv which wi produced from roots and herbs over u years ago by a woman to relieve wo- mana buffering if you are alck aad new such a medicine why dont you try it 7 u yon went special adrlea write te lyala e makkam hedlelae ce ceel- aeallal lyna mas vaur mur will be evened read and answered by a weeaaa and held la strict reaflevuee heeiter sunshine and you will keep out of the shadow no heart is empty of lie venom by pouring out at the up castoria for ianut aid ouurm mfmyhsnijusqtsniu beere the signature 01 ouxbirltne jpio mrxdustynflmyar i gfwilwjwpjiu jonb jsmes sv7uion milu t rcton killer a handful in a lino when you sweep absorbs trie dust brightens the floor and cleans yourcarpet ona week rrao triajl your for heajth dujtbmc 4c sudors warmest kind for cold weather tougher horschido will rcvei be founrj because tjto best ia used for storeys glovea and gauntlets and yet tho akin because carefully tanned by the chrome process in made pisble insuring axiraoidtnary war resutance wctcrproof and tgeb fireproof the best working gloves on the jsblu mgrkfft sold at all btores insist the grand irunk railway pavbenokr tstalnb kluwtihi ia ike un el water fe t si i no v sjaa excelsior bakery 1 fxb8t quality bread castbb wiodinu cakcb birttloav cakuh arc btc- iob ohbam call today t statham son bakers and grocers majn st acton he btrui stmai gralti ul mum waits cabfbr maum ropetetor dealgnani and bajldara ol buuoas msos l u on n men is uaxkers and head aad all kinds of jwstlwcmotoywort wm hemstreet v agent acton cksh pr1d for fowl r fu junk aho tall all kinds of furnitukp 3t srkb wctgn your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal shorts the best at lowest prices harris co umltml beautiful new ystal papers will add beauty lr your luimo ami increase lis value ordinary wall paper males or dinary looting rooms mo miliar bow lasleioliy you may fuipuh your home the en i ire effect may easily be spoiled by uijnrf ptpei that are not thoroughly aolublo dont run the risk of tllplnt- ment choose your paper tom our new lines prices are very reasoaable lperhangtng dooalo your cotii- piste satisfaction toe per roll ail kinds room uoumlnuy chair ralls and 1ule ihe lowest possible pf ices plumbing heating is not rkyth jihith us i to tlie contrary we mako it the most important lacltnv- so i you favor lis with yoar patronage yau will ehthaeiastically endorsed us tjk fred t3ith pliiaaer stephen cordiner painter papchhanokh etc ricttiaa 1kauino a tiiacialtv mu1 strt aoton ont yur8 isn0b betssssll patents all gountrteis r iovsnlprs adviser ask lor our marion bl 304 untviriliy bl odmar sr calhrln simm ilooirwi canada aiil waaluaiukl d o u ua

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