si ztet jvttjcrn mttt tt volume xxxvn so 10 iiiuiju acton ontahio thubsday mollning junk o ii2 oe vlkw 11 ao r single copies tiikke ojsnt mibt tton jfree ress b rtlslumbp kvkmv vudbsoatmoftrtr eohcaanatiioae dollar par y f lamtmh ljhmmbhruldut j iwl all mbmllmjm dtohmli wbsa tea uat to wfalab ibay bevs baas l baaaasavse tbsoam u vhlab awyaawalp limkpluiimudmllhumml immim uts tra t a4vortla m m par moapmrell ilea for br laaarubs aajb aaata pa llo for aaah aba j wwlau omiiui ejaplar eaasrua aaa far a or l an jw mttpatmtiauk laartte taailyaoauita f js amuer mil par laab aab lasa aewtiaamiaui wttbeat apaaia airaauoa wui be t ull tarbat ul afearpa h uwiy traaalit undimuau umi ba pald in ijt1m1 atwtmhhu will b hm 111 mi iub 111 u luliil pea oftaaar uu aba a lanllnaij tba asum mafmuoa whi b sjam fo at taenia nuw auaaasasui aatleelad walw bagluhaau mplmhin iondos k 0 whaee m u i iu ob will r salve fa as sa mod sdarllaiiiw jbd vhan oaaa eiaaa eaa has of ebaiaa aaa oev aos vibea la maalaad u p hoobk kdilo mil prodslster mil fftuituss birtttorp ios gray u ij c m mccii f ifcop auaaaaaea lhpp sauloow h a iawiunw km 1 k holmes u d load m p s o a barcaca to b- josephs roapll ma uf moose ranlolan m oaalial barasoa lo tba u y uaradlul u s2sti imoorial hrbevjavauesyau pfaeasaoni aotox i mlrhl aptmmit yobm h maodowau udcu i m fee ave m unwaiaht u w t aa bxparlaaaad applualta of uanoal haa taa m cdeoal ii a spaatalir maaaajaj djeoiaaj vudriatlr murauaa for ibe bmt7slmalbr paacbboeody fthtl khau cbarsb ulna atla jpall a la by apoolsletobt at wi lxoajl j macxihnon a nimmbouonn ooarnrawoaa ob mu abraat u atotala- moab mambdivbaaa oan oeaaty at i araaaat plraaad ufa aillaamy to loaa ata dr j at bell dda ld b aoraa mf ulll and rradartak jjr k s iiakd1h i- d s ukmtibt daatlatrv la all la oaahdnjilu bvapalaln ouaxth d u l i bkhhktt drmt1bt vp amd iiardv ft co apvlrribtmc comtkactomi amd m am coaaimroadkmt ap fafat stram loadoa bc e a vila ac uua pavaa aaa b b vtattora to imadoa to i blasln af abaraa laa fraua m abbiaaa uobhsba haalaomaa mowtuaaaaaaraqairad uaoad a araalag wwm raaai ooa aovom x a black w llcxmtbi auctiokkhm ufa yiaabaa laiplawata taaateja aal aal a bataa aa t aac ihw ma aama r flu paaaa oaoa w- autbtbbbt ala aamhv a loam on um aaaotlam asraikllfma1 aaaaaaaa4 awralaa avauaa hlammm p o- or oalaaoa t ta oaa with um mthiumudalra tria mcponald k ltckmakd auotiomkalt porta aoaauaial walllatoa baltoa watattae wmwara aad um jfijr oaatpb 1 laloa aaaaaatfl m aarau aa4 satisfaction in watch repairing at moderate prices is whpt we aim at v 65c to 115 lot m good cocoa uoor hat ona li of mud wit canaa ann atfnoybcar artfftta ala do mora dama than woo 11 bo covar ac by tha pticm of a good mil jiiti uat cocoa mat q wink mat i 1111 llli i om t ui accwdlag to alia ami mix j if yuu want fexnallita apocul aoa our slaal ual ii talll oulwaa ny mai on lh mat hai uu ca nll il pp wbm mil in uc ilfala ipllvam jukti phon ho 07 the bond hardware co savage st co o t it watcm iforocmoks ouelph ontario ice cream season has cora atfrln too all aad an atara aoaaplala plaaapplaa oiuaa rtrtnaa aid laamaaat rlabl prima ajaalltr ow waters bros ouelph headquarters ror o a c amu school supplies nature 3todt botajjical etomoijooical drawino paintino 4t wyadham street ptwmusoo golden opportunity guelph business college omt aastbaauls jlaaa tarubriaa tbaooldaa daoomaauy mmpaaloaaaavny u w ix la a j oa aalla htraatoiaaanaa mucolm msccoroucic b apria fl f i i i george keil acton ir actio at fatntbb btpo vaankapaiutka oood wobjcuakaatlr lkmrt attsmyioh estimates free paper maker hmoxottowxomt book nbwij and colored papbrs jno bmaiuiicb t- the014 and hallama granite and marble dealers i musntpi riaauufjton sbivs wuuimwi 77ie bcs ji glasses at reasonable prices a d savage aueiph kiqut at tub posnwpco hcton livery bus ling tba nodersbji od rapclfni1y aollclla tba patronajra of ibo pub lic and inlonna bam ihai wolp laraya bo and a comforubla boa meals all trajna bat am xo a m and 6iq p- m carafnl attaniloa hva to aaeryordar tba want a of coeo- marelil traaallara folly mat joh4 achli3uvs cood sialerui will only maka a rood hano wbm bfckcd np by akllled wml manablp tae i5fil pano la caautatctad by uaaior artu aasa evbby man who loocbaa aa imporlant put ia a speciaust thla booa of tba aaerala of ibo onlform quality of li ill 1ianos soldooiyby chas v kelly seed timothy red clov er alsike and lucerne seed oata barley peas goose wheat seed mangel sugar beet turnip and all kinds of field and garden seeda spring fo summer shoes cbooaoyoarabomfromoaaptb atock wbata yon ba ao many ahapaa aod aliaa tako look 41 lb ahoaa in oar wlndoan and dm acqnalnlad arilh h now atjlaa in ovr wtodoam can abow bat n um of oar utoat bat iboaa abown arlll riao yon an idaa of what oar moch u ilka wa now havp m laf niaorlmani of blfb grado w witjliams tbmowvdo633hon- mill street at ton that ltttcal hartv tmouaht a italpful illua banpy thougbt want laaleilna on lla way all in tba eaily morning of a lon and in i ay day i to naliwr bajtd nr foal nor vf uvwnl r an i ii mtrrly imhw narllnlflnall wm ulpplog by to vllllllllfjam rpll ilia utile happy tltmigbt u lichitilfib in bar lualn ami ui klio lurimkl and liunlrd liark and atayrtl at lumita inalaad llmadliiu with mrrry irlpplnglongiir in pmir blind ctiukln nwd off want llta lutlo happy tbouglil and mw aima idla feat drunttnloif hair baala ajrainat ibo air pa upon qulat alraal and aun iboaa faat wrra carrying up on an rm rid hot t ttirlrainlllnarownor wbn bad wbload mlajd bod rmlbar ool if h lau find annla ralacbur mill for iji handa n do by tlwri a iii lla happy tloubt can aat thrm wmtklng loo and judajinb frooi daany iblng 1 notion aary day tlmt brlpful uulallri tltougbt h till upon lla way hi nlcbolaa xtlttl 3tmlio kwblnj nohodvwm glad and aumy tba teacher uaat of all wban llto murdocba mtacd into our ward and tba alghtli grado of hhotidan aobool bad lba itiek tn draw jack 8bo wihwlrrad at aral bow baj bad got on aa far aa ilia i for if r porta wero trur ho bad doaa anything alaa but atudy at lranl whan bo had nud hu reputation aa being ibo bardaat lky in tba whula acbool to t llul whrn we aaked llwi fallow about it tbay aald ibat bo waa au aoutrt that btf rjould apoud tuoat of uu tlm atlr- rlng up utlachlal and iihu go ovar a lightning apoed and than redta with tha boat of tbam it nauat boon hla hlgtl tnarka for acholar- alilp tbay though t that prarmitod hla bring evpallnd allogatliar aa b orr- tainly richly daaarved a it waa ba bad l 11 upaidrd limn than ouca ml mmtmiwi in br alwuya in auatm anrt of dlagrac weshrrldan boya laantad by rjtper- lenoa wltat jack alurdoch could do in th way of making trouble he bad a hot tamper and wee a born fighter and you know bow one hoy ilk that can eat a whole playground by the eara in five minute then be bad the lyeel waya of u poet ting chum dudp line juate look or a knotlou i hat tba ibereouldntealjju couugb to aat the boya r but that waaut the worac we mmni foood nut that hla word couldnt be depended upon end thai if you wanted lo be aura of a ball a hookey auek or m jaekknire when you needed it youd beat not leave it around bandy for jack mur- looh bo you moat be thinking he wee a pretty bad lot all round and yet in aplleuf all there were ihlug about hi at that onv eouldnt oelp liking por one jie we auoh a hajodaoaie fellow utoouree thale a week reaecn aloce lookanre only akin deep butoaeoould but feel that there muat be aontetblng worth while deep down under toeb n taking outalde tben too llb ell hla nghllag lie never bullied the little boya tbe fellowe be tackled were either of bla own ehw or bigger and he dldn t know the meaning of fear tbe time ohrle varren brake lbroagh the thin ice ekmlng it wtu jack who dared to creep out to tbe edge of the hole and hold on to him lilt the real of ua oould get ropee and bomrda however ibe better claaa of boya let blm pretty thoroughly alone i uead to farwy that under all hui loudoae and awaggwr na eoi and tooe- eome eooietlroee but be waa too prood to- abow it havent you noticed tbe praplowhu uko for ihdr ojqiio- dont cere are often tbe onee who really care the moat f now oiy mother lant the aort that tbloka bar boy m going to be eorrnno ed if he le decent to eome fellow wbom be cant approve of one ought to tutwe a character atrong enoogb aha atya to give good inatead of taking evil she bad a wlae old profaaaor wjienlhowajclrl ai echool who need to quote ttierea eo much good in ibo woret of ua and no tnuob bad in tba beat of ua that it doeent become any of ua to judge tbe real of ua bo when i talked with mother about jack bow he badnt any real horn or mother and that hla father waa a rough hard man wbvdrehkmoratbaji wm guudfor blot aba aald i wiab we oould get bold of him billy that- juat what id like to do oiothe aald i id ilka him up here if hed doom i im not quite he would when i naked jack ho gve hie queer look and aald 1 v aw yonva foolln 1 im not what would your mother any rj vm walooroa to aak anp eotnpany wbanever i like motbertj be glad to aee you i want ia abow you my col lie pupa and beetdee tha oherrlaa arw rlpav wall ha own he had droeaed blpjmlf aa oerafull oould and waa oo hla good behavior lie aat next to mother at table and i ooukl oe ibat ha kv utile auwh looka a ehfc rork nrepoon aha baautl and not once did ha make a mnnder krtmoottakewotbnaoy uroe at all to fiixl out that jack waa eraay about doga and then it waa tha eealeat ibtngtn the world tor iter to draw him out and keep him talking after anpper we want out to the eberry treea and it waa i ban that the moat atlrprlalng thing happened jrk wm onnld flllinh ilia uiul irwe in llwi wimmi aa faatand anrefooted aa a aalltr running up to the masthead nileard hla fooling on a t wane it of ono of our cherry trww and fell ii my fimil t ha crlrd when wo trla1 logtliliii hii at that vti minute tnelft tan came lip in bla iiiiminiui fnrle tom la a doctor lmwern ua picked jack up and carrlrd him into the j huu e and laid him down on the couch in molhara aawlngrooniupatalra the foot waa awaiting ar feat that we had to cut off llta ahoe uncle tom exam ined it aa gently aa pooalble but though jack never eo much aa groans ed one oould aee that ibe lea at touch hurt him dreadfully no lionee broken oiy boy t uncle tom at taat hut ta i ha ugllnat apraln ive aeen in many a day you will have to keep off it for a foitnlght at leaat mother aenb ovnr to jaekw houar but hla father had gone away for a moo lb and there waa nobody there but the old irlah woman who kept bouae for them too must atay right bare jack ao aald bhe waa reeling terribly mm ry for jack breauee alio could aee now hla foot waa burling blm ob i eanl aire hurlon truly i cant id make auch a lot of trouble not a wf hut i ahould be troubled all llio ilme ir i thought of you at buto by youreelf and itealdea it was our cherry tree that played you auch a ahabby trick ao we abould do what we can lo make eutenda jhckalayed for tbe flrat three or four daya mother worked over the foot a n deal bathing it lo get the inham mtlou out then the awelllng want dtwu and the pain grew laaa ifocle tioi put on a platter caat and eo wllb tin itelp of a pair of cru tehee jack won began gatllng about the bouaa tome i could aee thai mother and he were geuhui to ba greet fi lands when i came home from acbool there jack would be in the bigeaay chair with hla baadegrd font on a uricket fan tbe oollle at bla feel with her pupplee dose by in a balxt and loothrr eew ing at ibe machine what aatonlabed me waa lo are how well jack talked and then he wee ao pal lent and aort of gentle kven hla voice had a dlffrr- oot sound oneafterooin i came home wllb a iteadache and i thought i wouldnt bother mother about it ao i went up to my own room i went to aleep and when i woka up i beard jack and mother talking in tbe aewlng room my door being a little ajar i know i beard jack eay but there e no chance for a fallow with a home like mine tben i heard mother aay in her gentle but atrong voice one can be anything be really wlabee lo be jack waa alow in anawarlnx you mean itf i do jack ite what wo are inalde that telle what we are jack waa quiet hut auppoaa a fellow baa a horrid temper that juat grows oo blm what ibeuf i heard jack ety 1 walled to hear what motherm anawr for jack just did have a fearful temper than it will be harder for htm al- ayatotdo the right thing but not impoealble it la really a much floer nnd braver thing to conquer ooee eolf than another but aire burton what about hit ting back at another fellow r well aald mother in a aort of n tooeaa though ebe wee reasoning- it out for jack 1 but i know bat waa juat to make him more at homo with her a man con be a defender of the weak he can resent a beating down of true principle idonteea how j can remember all that jack aald in a aort of dteooureg- ed tone i let me tell you eometbinf jack mother aald and 1 heard the eolaeore drop aa though mother waa moving bcr chair closer to jack two tbon- eand yeare ago there waa wit and tamrnlnc and wealth in the world but verr ultla gaitulnq klndnem and help- folneoa tbe atrong ruled he weak tben there eatne to a little country in hyrla ono who atrove to alow tbe way ton better life you know tbe tory jack try to follow tbe way that heavenly visitor pofotrd out ite all written in the good book you know jack mother was called down to see a cejlerleaot tellyou how i felt ly ing there and thinking how mother had talked to jack murdoch i do not know whether mother bad any more talka like that ona with jack before be waa able to go home or not she lant much of a band to nag at a thing bui jack waa different and whan ho eanie back to acbool everybody noticed it and wondered about him hla old temper kept cropping up but all the una ha made ua feel he waa reaching to gat n rein over lu but one day jack got into a fight we all felt oughtnt to have aald what ha did well after that jack waa down in ibe mouth for a long time then i aaw him and mother talking down by the old prlng i dont know what wan aald init jack aeemed heartier after that and lie waa eort of kind to ox all to make up than something happened ytui om jack waa now hxlplngtoe janitor atoddtlmav ii had done tbla nil winter thered been some dffjenlty getting lb place for him ev nobody really trusted jack but mother poke a good word fur blm and eodld other knowing mother wei trying td help jack ana ao h got tha puee ilivtngtiurpdctpattua uandsotne pen which he had picked up when ha wu abroad the handu u aarafolam made in tbe loveliest i toman mosaic tipped with a hall aet with turquolaea lie prised tbe pen greatly aod whan he wean t using it be alwaya kept it in a little case he carried in hla pocket well it eame out that professor lor- inff went back that futurday after noon for eotna papere be waled lo sign and gat off by ibe next mall he at git ed the papers and wrote a latter lo an company them and want iwinr lock ing the door of tbe room atlur be got to ttte post tiffins it cant in blm that he had left hla pen and btileg haturdaf he went atralght itaok for i- now there are only two krya fur the doora the jttillor had tnv and iro feasor lortng tha ntliar he found lite door locked and the room juat aa he had left it aave that there waa no pnn onthedeak when monday came he began asking if any of ua were in the building saturday afternoon about three o clock we all denied being there jack werent you working barer be asked you aee he knew jack often worked there on halurday with the janitor no air aald jack i got up early in the morning and worked before break fast because i wanted to go to ute ball game in tbe afternoon the janitor aald i could ild you have the key with you f yea the janitor told me lo lake it aa i might want to fin lab something up after tbe game hid you go to tbe game alone r tbe profreaor aaked and jack aald ha did i uppoae you mat eome ac quaintances on tbe field p homahnw tbe way the professor aald title made jack hush it was aald ae though the prof a or doubted jacks having horn at he ball game i dont remember anyone jack aald the professor looked at hlni in a keen- way itatbarodd waant it t youre aura your memory iant abort f he aald this in a cold way that would put gin ger into any boy with eplrll and eome of ua felt be wean t playing fair eepec- lally aa be knew what jack waa trying to do tor hi man if but jack juat bit hja lip and looked out tbe window but i aaw hla band go hack of blm in a way he alwaya doe when he wanta tq clinch hla hand harder than ha like folk to know of if your memory oleara you may poaalbly rerun in bar more about the game afterward it came out about the pen being loat and putting two and two togelbar we knew he waa blaming jack for tbe taking of the pen if only jack oould prove he had been at tbe baseball game but aa it happened he could not he aald he almply aat and enjoyed tbe game and hurried back on hi bicycle one and another waa aaked about tha game add aald they were there but they earned to fall to recall having aeen jack tbe next few day jack went clear down i got him to go over and aee mother and 1 juat atuck by i felt i wanted jack to know i wa up and j down with him i told mother i thought it waa email potato for iro- foseor loring to pick onto jack that way and then mother aald in her quiet way 1 well it u a utile hard to live down a record jack ye anawered jack i might have known i could never be anybody hero and there were lean in jack a eyes he did not try to wipe them away but let them run slowly down hla face i oever aaw teare on jacks face before and it made me look out tbe window qulok and mother moved toward him and put hrr hand on but boulder jack aha laid 1 believe in you and hilly believe in you jack took out hla handkerchief and wiped hi eye and i took out mine and cleaned up while we were talking chi i kthel came in she bad been up the river on a few daya visit and ahe had a good time with ber samara she waa rather fond of jack and ao we aat down on the tape and began looking but here u tny beat cried kthal i aay my beat because there are ec many people id it and their face ar nearly all eo cl than ebe held it out and aald do you recogotaelt r well i should aay i aald jack that waa one of hie favorite eapree- alona he took tbe picture with a trembunr band it waa tbe baaeuall gam at afayvllle and there right on tha outakfirt was jack leaning on hi bicycle without a word jaok passed tha picture over to mother auj pointed to the figure on the blaycle mother looked op at it quickly wllb a look that waa worth iota to aee it held o much gladheoa and faith and truat and everything bhe juat put bar hand onto jack and aald dont let ua aay tliera iant a ood watching ovr ua now then ahe aald ktbel do you know exactly what time ofjba day you took tour why yea i remember beeauaolue ojocatelrucvibree when our car turn ed in at mayvilla ball grouoda it waa not ian minute later when i got that nap that oattlea ii t cried giving jack a slap on the ahoulder than i aald ethel i want this fbraboutbalf an hour ethel looked around at our faoeeand aald why certainly but what up wadld not atop to explain leaving that to mother we found professor loriog at hla homo aud jack aald you tell blm billy bo i aald prosesor did you aay yon uatjl your pen laat at three oclock on that saturday afternoon it waa mleved r yea billy ahswered tba iwe i looka at my watch to faf t it would beln tim for tha than will you plaeejooh at uii f i aald fwd put tbarrlnt down on the desk before him it wu bearr at ten minutes paal three oclock on the afayvllle ball ground by my cousin kthel bhe had i wen up the river and juat returned tofeaeor coring unhooked hla eye jhlaeane and placed tbem then careful ly errutlnlaed the picture when be came upon jacka figure leaning on the hieyo he drew in hi breath eharp and a nalnrd look came into hla ayr he roae and reached to green jark hand ami aald i have been usanl judgh in this jack dot yon got a good wltneaa that ho una can galnajty tha auiilwsm novrr has aglu and again h a hook jack 1 hand before letting ii go the hue way ivnfeeenr fairing re- instated jark a wept away murh of the iii reeling ronnactrd wllh his earlier record there waa not one in lawn that did not feel glad jack cam out ahead and hla coming nut ahead helprd him to keep ahead and make belter records a little- wblle after professor ilor- ingadoorgot out of order and when ihn lock amlth wa repairing tbe draw er the pen waa found jack graduated from our arhool at ute head and i have told hla lory because i like jack and wanted you to know that he la going in for collvge now twbhtv vaults jumo tim foundation for tha new brick house of mesarm w il ken nay on ohurch street and j p warden on perk avenue are completed the fiveyearold eon ot mr wm lurney met a painful accident a few daya ago while climbing in a abed he fell head foramoat to tbe ground alighting 00 the edge of a cup inflot- ing a gaab eome throe i nee long a local branch of the canadian mutual loan and inveatment oo ha been formed the following are tbe officer on hie board i prealdent i freud vice- prealdent n i mo- um see tree w ii denny vat- uatora w wllluma j a hpelgbt kd julhrle mr blcbard marshall employed in exnto ijme oompanya aaw mill at umebouar had bla right leg badly fractured below tbe knee he wa re pairing a belt which bad auddenly be come caught in the revolving machin ery and hi leg becoming entangled in a coll of i he bell be waa drawn wllb great force againat the abaft itow- ever the belt driving thl abaft gave way hut after mr marshall waa re lieved it wa round that he waa injur ed e above elated anaongat tha young preacher or dain m lo the metbodut ml n la try in the conference church in ouelph on sunday were iteva 8 k ooucb w u harvey and if u barnby who in recent year have bean junior pastor on the hock wood circuit mr john wright the wallknown baker of hock wood prior o hla re moval to durham baa been honored with a farewell cupper at tawe hotel and presented with a case containing a choice aet of carver mr john burn presided and addressee were given by meaar john cummin p lee dr hrydon j w know lea and t lundy ltev j w prlng or fordwlcb vlalted at mr john matthew uat week mr l tl matthewi and children ar visiting in kilbride mra j mfemjey and aon of brant- ford are vlaltlngat the homo or ber father mr john matthew mr john oareon of salem oregon la visiting at fialrvlew puo mra u oraham mr h u wor- den and mia aggie glover are visit- ing in orangevllle pabiafam otaaatj kvery man every woman boy and girl abould fight tbe dandruff gortna that are aura lo cause falling hair and talavoeeronwf abeirr uferw 1 use it i instantly refreshing and in vigorating and beat of all it kill the dandruff germ a t brown guarantee it for itch- tog aoalp falling hair dandruff and for faded doll looking hair he guar antee it aa good aa a bond lireanna brown hockvlua ooflb write 1 artr i bad ud ibe arat bottle of paki8ian 8a0k my hair topped falling i do not think there la anything better for falling hair and itching ecalp irge bottle bo cento th1d bjbui the charter of all true liberty a forerunner or clvlliaauon the molder of inatltutlons and gov ernment the fashioner of law the aecret of national progress the guide of hlatury the ornament and mainspring of literature the friend of eolanoe the inspiration of phlloaophlo the textbook or ethic the ught ot the intellect tbe anawer to ha deepest human heart hungering tba eoul or all atrong heart life the illuminator of darkness the foe to auperatltlon the enemy of oppression the uprooter of aln the regulator or all hlghaiid worthy aland ard the coraart in borrow the ktrength in waakne the pathway lo perplexity tha eacape from tetuptatlona tba teadler in the day of power 1 the embodiment of all lofty ideal j tte begetter of life the promiee of the future jhataitofdeatb tha revealer of qod f ttf gqlde and itope and tnplratltu of tuau o arm no ubiadv there a mbfn in tha hedffe row and a blackbird in lha tree and one la tinging cheer- up i andlliebtber 0kslrr but holh are getting ready for an ocean trip and tn they are eort of talking oner and preparing thlnft yon know oo the fcnro rail at ml a lhieblrd and ahe ha a word i f tni amy i ahe keep intlttlnp tl quite time to fy away thl haalteen a happy an rumor say a aong aparroiv he cuddle up quite confldanllal to a friendly ehleaiter hoeh a bustle andjnouimntlitn over hlrdlaod now leglna that it bard to and the atarter and the champion ihatwln tha dial inctloo or an eacort on thl journey over bothey how their fall ooiiventlon in ibe tope of ell tbe trrae when tbe night grow cold thny anuggle in the evergreen around till at laat there comae an evening when tbey bear tba walaome sound which proclaim beyond duputlng beyond argument or wont a that a boat i moving southward the proceaalnn of the hlnw vaoation0 rorivmybooy horace ureely aald ha had been twenty year trying to find time to go anshlng end few year liter be died from over work and anxiety many a farmer live ell hla life within sight of ranntng traaina or within sound or babbling brook and ill suggestion that be hang up hi hoe and go a-flab- ing never rcachoo him ttiureau say the better part of roan u sum plowed into the soil ea pompoat i and i have known some aueb uvea i kjmw ja oman who put her babies in a barrel and left them while she worked in the field with her husband together tney paid off tba farm mortgage and i hen bought more jarm and paid off more mortgage they never look vaca tion neither of theni otrr saw a train of care until the iron rail were laid through their own land and when the fl rat train passed through tbe old lady wa neard to say well i have worked hard all of my life but now i shall have it easy i can alt aod milk and aee the car go by another family of inf aogalntnce living on a large farm with hfty cow to milk and car for and lire hundred hen to took after find time every year for an outing rat iter they hire extra help on the farm and take the time and tbey do not take the time grudgingly either they figure that what the outing coat it the bast investment of the whole j ear they have their own tent and camp for a week or mora beside a linarby atream or lake where flawing and boiling are good a fairly good tent can lte bought for the prleo of a wonts board at a imer resort and the teat will last many summer vacation doe not necessarily vpelt nantuokel distance sometime lend a great tlrsj of en chantment wa forget the bird elng just aa sweetly in our own field a they do in the field a hundred mile wy why abould we remain abut in during all tha hot auuitrjer month juat because wo cannot travel far away if we cannot afford to own a tent there are even lea avpenalve waya of camping nut odds and ndfl ttte barometer waa dlaoaviired in 1031 china ha about coo post oftloe the rauroad of newfoundland total at 050 mile a pound of aoap will make ui00o bubble tbe population of india 1 aeverr time greater than that of area britain the london stock exchange bring together 2x000 peraod dally electric elevator are being- intro duced with unoeaa on the jadsrground railway or ivrls j during the last ten year ibe num ber of immigrant into janaiiaeaooed- ed 1700000 tbe proportion of the hun canal have been completely changed aloce luttfhmtngt tba union of south africa cover 170000 square mile and ha a popula- of almost 0000000 buaoavatrlhci tips to avoid the endtea trouble wllb children shoe string when i ho tips come off i wind the end of tha airing closely with no m black thread then aew through repeatedly kml a hatter tip and one that will not ootun off i tbe result it really pays to mt tbe metal end from new string and treat them in thl way in thn begin ning aa these up look neater and thetuck inalde the shoe lops better there never wa and never will he universal panacea in one remedy for all lit to which flesh u heir what would relieve one iii in turn would aggravate the other we hire how ever in quinine wine when obtained iq founds unadulterated itate a remedy for many and grlefoua iii uy it gradual aod judicious yiae the frailest ayetatn are led into convejae oenoe and atreogth by the influence which quinine exerta on nature own iterative ik rcllevta tboee to whom a ohroota state or morbid deapondenay and lack of interest in lifoje a dlaeaae and by tranqullisjog the nerve dlepoae to eonnd and refosshlng leeplmpart vigor to the action of lha blood which being atlniujated ouureea through tbe vein v strengthening the healthy animal fonetlona of lha tystani thereby making activity a naoejisar result tremgthenlrg the framf and giving life to the dlgeatlve organ whlob tuturajly demand increaard itibatance itamlti improved appetite orui roplyroait of toronto hao gjvet to the paollrr their superior qlllnme by thauplnlun of aoleiitlalm lha wine approaches nearest pnrfxctloii uf aj on the mnrajlu all drugnlils idjlltt tprr tiwmimmim