Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1912, p. 2

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ji41wio v f u anadbawa vfafs-o- ay may a by sr i thopnw itr w j ofti lala ww nvn4 aatee to uwr l- duemratbouaobl j b utrii erf vt ofatf ivl aaoa jallbb v ow tbomlar way mlb iilo of buu jkmh aod of btf ink un uavoyih u u ma cheaper to buld than not tiiurflday junk 10u orrottiai homn il76lsrt um mnntb nf uay just elos wl lb ontario clom omant received in racmmlmi dum lln tun of i10 017 as amlot the uui of imiud cor theaasoe aeoath lest year secardjbff to rhjares given by the irovlnrlal treasarer attiie international flower hhosr last enoath at 1oodoa kjiglaod cad- ada and australia warsawarded una ribbon in the form of large bm for i be beet oollecuon of f r the kissi e pr ml greet satisfaction at the adolrehle arrangement of the inhibit end tbe exoetlent quality of tbe fruit will mo tnmbmuod dltsen who take um trouble to inform himself ibulugeutiy- opon i be qu can possibly vote against the bcbooli ad dition bylaw next monday to op pose um bylaw will dot ooly backward step la local educational matters bat it will canee- qm eagisase um government gnnu be ing cnhslled to eopport the bjr u will oot only munra an parlor second aiy e training for our young people but it ww be um moat advantageous course for um town from a financial standpoint hik wilnwu jlaurikr in power waa never accorded such a spontan eous baaxt j and nmujnifleaat welcome aa laurlar in defeat waa given last wsdnssslsy night at tba banquet under the aiaaptoee of the lion treat reform club surrounded by the membe of bfe fonncr cabinet flank ad by um uberajyeenlers of qoebeo and nova scotia and i be liberal leader from ontario and faced by boodrada and hundred of entbualaaua young uberalm be was gimf a recep tion which revealed beyond a doubt that be etlll holds orel place in tbe hearta of hbi felloerooantrjmen sir wilfred was id splendid form and made taltloaj and forceful speech in which ha rev um hears of um late campaign reaffirmed hu confl deooe in reciprocity ae a wise and bsooilrhil measure and boldly declared that he had nothing to rrgret for having advocated closer trade relation with th united states to tuk bottom of tk fkkk patau dkabi sir discuss 1 school e thit to um bylaw hi to cut out the hschoolctsssit whether thla is an abeolttte nltlmatum remain to be eeen ae pe thm board would reeeoaably aeenme thai u would be better for um comaunlt y if a separate room or two e were obtained for the juniors rather than abojlah the condonation classes howev the high school is under disc use un and a few of those who have co property to be a earned aad e if without any personal need of educational facilities seam to be supposed to be agin it as a ratepaye cithtsn i would like pp i to um other qnsubari ejectors j um bylaw i bare no sdocauaw to do am not supposed to be ever la oeed of doing so i have bad so jr mecabere of my family but through neoeastty was ugmbwtvhaw any ohlldrew tmki ui r ooorm tbere however in ooe csea um fact of bavfng been in att there wae um mesne of obtaining a poaltloa in to employuant wuch proved tsjefal anore loerauve and wiui good opportunities for pro- tnotloo and where um partial know ledge obtained was of good advantage in another a beats was laid in the ele mentary knowledge then obtained on whleh um occupation chosen may b eas l dot if a partial interrupted attend ance is eo ben bow much better lalfortbooa who have been able to butroogb there are osany people coloring um worlds activities now who will have reason to be grateful fur um acton oonunuallou school to many no other opportunity would have bean available it is one thing for parent la asoderata olreumstanoes to send their larger boys end girls to an advanced school at home and another thing to furnish travel i log m peases higher fees more tltne and the physical and moral risk attendant upon their da railway journeys an aged dtlaen who has lived here longer than the moat of us remarkedlcatlonar advantages last week i tfbeo t think or the dlft t erenee in um advanugee in acton to um boys and girls of today compared with those in my own una when we woold have perhaps but a rsw mouths in um winter and forget the most of it in the eaaeer say wtnakaluun a cbaooa at eo little cost to give it to tbeen let na give them every oppor- twnlty wecans votofpytheby uv rleotore of acton our few extra cents of taxes may mean untold bless lag to eeora of actons young people within the next decade yoora respectfully a tjlxratkh oltiehn acton jooe at h km t otlukohixt i rev b j dryedaie u a b d pastor of mount hoc presbyterian charon la j k ywaseltet od j of rochester preshy tery at 1u prta ntmuog teat week ha wll a gxadnato from knpx ooltsga b iwobtfls h ofios from vale tjqi r mr drysdalewaa iot uw ooeigregatlonal church aiyaar rinh aodnaeua nv pit- watjaii the meeune of cltlsans held ott alan day evening to discuss tbe r puted audition fu tbe bcimmii ihilldlhr as required by the govevnwhiwt was not very uafhy allendnd it was withal highly infnrmtlng and iboea wlto al uinded rm grateful to lr wsugb flheyfry lntllprnt nlllylng and convincing mannrr in which lie dis- russed the ijiutath n or wsiirii intorpraud tlip mull attnndaiirti as showing tlm i the prop- arty owners warn entirely satisfied with tits pr jcl and were not anxious to have the matter referred to popular vl having every confidence that tbe hchool ihtsnl and the council will do what is right in the matter and pro vide euuately to supply actons needs in the matter nf educational ad vantage for the children of the grow ing population hhdrtly after right oetock air u henderson u l took tbe chair and after a few timely introductory re marks called upon lr ault flislr- knan prtt turn ml the llosnl ur ault explained that the school hoard did not ibsnueufw willingly go into the matter nf inoraased school ac commodation they knew the ma tier wee bound to come sooner or later but put it off as long aa possible hut the govern men t s officials came along and said we must provide further accora modauon for the primary rooms were eeowded beyond legal regulations tbe brick school was bollt twenty years ago acton has since grown largelyt and tbe increased number of children of school sge must be provided for i have beard of some opposition to the matter of providing the necessary ad dltlunal accommodation but this vi dentiy comes front persons whefere misinformed as to our needs acton has n t been standing still and we must mo9 forward with um general progress in educational matters we believe to haveahlgb grade of teachers and a weltequipped school la the beat asset our town can have ooe of our nry best investments la to have our boys and girls wall schooled this is an advantage to any town it would baa calamity to the town as a whole to take any retrogadestep it certain ly would have a bad effect on acton through the effort of our chairman mr heddersoo um government has been induced to spend a large sum for a 101 office and customs house in town because of our growing business interests here are we not under ob lige tion to make slmutar improved accommodation for our boys and girls people will settle much more readily in acton with adequate school privileges than if we neglect our duty in this important matter we desire to provide as good opportunities for the poor mane children as the well-to- do enjoy some may say the coat is great will say intelligent man find fault with tbe cost at 70c on a 1 ooo aeeeesraent surely no one can reason ably complain of that i reel that the ratepayers of acton have too much concern for the best interests of the town to oppose this byjaw those who built the old schools built wisely and welt 1 only hope our dilsens of today will do as well as they did and support this measure trustee john it- kennedy was nest called upon and made a telling speech ho said i am the juulor member of the board and not very well posted bat i am very much in favour of the proposed addition whetharwe hada continuation school or not we wouk very soon have to make the- additions proposed i do not think for a i moot that um people of acton will op um movement to provide our eons and daughters educational ad vantages up to um times wo are as good a town as any other towos of tbe county and they are all acuve along this una burlington people have voted 33000 for a new eohool with orstclaas continuation school equip ment georgetown has just speot several thousand dollars in improving their school aa well aa tba 2oo0 they put in tbefr high school i milton has pent f4000 um past year or eo and oakvllle opened their 930000 high school in 1010 aod is now arranging to spend s8000or 910000 on the public school ws are as well prepared to maintain our school privileges ss any of the other tpwo named having a lower indebtedness than any of them ad old resident of this town whose large family grew up without high fsoboctprtvtlgesbttialneloayf would be a crime to withhold the best education wecsvi provide for um boy and girls of acton my fondly will- never need it but i am prepared to pay for it so that other children may have it as a clllaen i would be ashamed to have it said i opposed such a movement as this ac too would nut look like a town with much of the spirit of advancement if she defeated this lly uw i will do my utmost to help the measure and to maintain our schools at their present excellent status trustee john kenney jr followed and hlsthiefsneechhsdlheringoftruo sincerity and desire for advanced edu he expasssrtl much pleasure at having the oppor tuntty to speak in favor of tbe by law he did not expect the matter would have come up so soon but the grow ing condition of the school was aunh that or waugh t recent visit 4ofovied us that the government demanded better accommodations if the large grants now being received were to be continued it fa ridiculous to think a teacbeseitteacb effectively in a room with dl pupils when lb the it is dlffoulfc to keep order with a family of two or three i was in cuelph lodsy ha said and met a far mer from brio who said he thought of sailing out and if he did be intended to esttla 1 acton largely because of the splendid school advanugee we have had here ho mid he reads the paktf phkhh every week and had learned of um mplendtd results gained by aclon pupils in tba various exam inauons bsuer cltlxens would cer tainly ssttls bare as wo continue to maintain good schools today a child without the opportunity of gain lo jr hi dqwoandouv hsls everybody e elate tboee who lack this i raining are the i urdon bear- ers if we do not make tl r ntiresssry pv vlmlou now wmuil lair n i am in fvor t d lng it notv 1 its ad van iwgnainihn rhllrtrrn nf lltfl working man arn w rlhy if oir noiisi iflratl n k r the wk tfioa m year wli would not take part in supporting tills good cause at thla mint ur lletidorxi inter jeetrd this thought i won id like to make it plain to the people of acton that the financial consideration of the proposal n t in any sense a buga boo educationally woold the school be as efncleit with a fifth class as with tbe c ntlnualloii scbm 1 r would it lw lass effective and more expensive t lr john weugh toronto inspec tor of continuation schools was then introduced by mr henderson m a former hallun boy a resident of mil ton ii- waugh paid his compliments to mr henderson and said hs found in him the same spirit of dignity and chivalry ae when he looked up to blcn when he was a boy forty years ago when they were both residents of the county town he remembered aclon tn those days as possessing a famotis brass band which came to the county fair at milton and won prises of late years acton has been growing by leaps and bounds in a very worthy way its industries are important it is growing rapidly in population and you must provide further school aooommndauon the puhllc school needeall thepresent rooms the most important educational training today is a strict training in science such as may be had in tbe continuation school in the whole school course there is nothing else eo important a canadian boy or girl with a training in a secondary school la able to lake high positions immediately upon lrv ing school all tbe eleroeulaty princlpleearo taught in such secondary schools as you have in acton what you need mont is a science room where scientific experiments may be taught i do not need to talk to you of the ad vantages to a town of good education al advantages hurllngton passed a by law for 33000 this year and now as you pass through the town you see bill boards here and tbere with this inscription iluy property in burling ton a growing town with first class educational advantages ores more with 800 population agreed the other day to devote the whole of tbe present school to continuation school work and erect a public school at a cost of 112000 thornbury with 000 popula tion is spending jh000fcrs contlnu uco school i nearly twice as much as acton is asked to spend with its 2000 population wsllaceburg about the else of acton is spending 915000 or 910000 this year for a continuation school hard headed business men find it pays to spend money in a town for tbe sake of good education all over the province this method of advancing the interests of the towns is being carried on if iii worth having any kind of secondary education in acton it is worth while having the very best you can get if you choose to starve educational interests you will do the town rouoh harm liut the small expenditure of 95000 asked for in acton 9325 a year will provide onef the best secondary schools in the proslocev the continuation schools are doing qolte as good work man for man as the high schools why 7 because in the continuation schools the pupils live at home are doing their usual share of work at home while to send them it outside high schools tbey become more or less divorced from the home and bocae duties besides the element of home life the conunuatlon teacher has 10 or 12 pupils in a class whereas a collegi ate teacher has 40 or 60 much better individual supervision is for this given by um teachers the continua tion school is therefore coping success fully with the high school suppose the continuation schools were abolished in acton what would result 7 you would lose your govern ment grants your county grants and your pupils fees then any parent could demand that you open a filth class this would necessitate all um work of a teacher at a salary of 800 or 9000 you would be compelled mind you to have a fifth class at the above extra cost your continuation school now costs you less the grants between 9900 and 900 your debenture for the proposed sddltions will cost you 9325 per year 9100 or 910 less with a one enlarged school than your old eohool with a fifth class there you have the whole thing in a nutshell in all frankness the village of acton has coma to tbe parting of tbe ways where you go forward to success or backward to failure you can have a very successful school at less cost thsn with a fifth class an expenditure of 70o per 91 00u the highest duty every man owes to his family and to the state is to see that the children of the community are well educated the advance in every other walk in life must be matched by au equally advanced education in closing this interesting meeting mr henderson said t personally 1 may be expected to give my own opinion i will give my vote to ad vance any educational interests of aoton tbe advantages that parents have had la acton vluce the ooutlnu atlou hchoul was opened have been very great some of us hero who bad not this advantage know thla very well i feel vary keenly for others who may bo situated as i was when we had no such privileges mr ken nay struck uwhey note when he said the boys today who have not a good education are at a great disadvantage the great advantage of givlog your boya and girls an education in a sec ondary school not necessarily the university la marked it enables them to cope with others who have received a similar education do every thlngyou can to help your own and oilier boys to get a good educa tion i will vote for the by law not for any help it will be to my family buy because the result will be sdvan gsons tothoboysoftheoomniuolty aoordlal vote of utanks was tender ed or waugh and the meeting then adjourned xaap this data clear for bajton parmer institute bxaurson- june jatbr- nv- p nixon secretary asbgrova tux methodist conference dv j w coejey w rev w b sltnlui d a secretary navclw chanoeb of local minlatbro the annus meeting of usnilluio umfrrence i f the mwlhodul clllircii was held at v oodslnck during the week and closed it wevt a wssl ns n tuns day afternoon itev j w oley list over was elected lrcsuenl iter w ii smith 11 a lleepeler hocrntsry and ltv 0 w barker woodslock journal secretary the pastoral sddrami ly tit ex president ilu ur a j irwin mt fores n tn ng dslivaranc among the clausm was this on bar room abolition unless ve would be stamped as bypucillee an 1 renegades to a righteous csute we must stand clssr of party prrj lices and support the men who sre prepared to imple ment the program in we have to lot g proclaimed leclded ground was taken on the ne temere question and i n that of securing the privilege f a 111 trough education in kogluh in public school the ad irese was adopted unsltlti oils ly without sllsiatlon changes in stations of hilnlters if this section were adn as foil jws 1 llev w 11 douglas nf uoekwood goes to port hlgln and ilsv t it ularke of kelvlo fills the vacancy itev a n cooper ii a nassaga weys removes to oxford centre and luv i- milton drier ii a oftoler runry follows hint llev martin j wll n ii a of walkerton goes to milton llev j a mclaughlin m a re moves from stony cre1 to norwich itev o a walker transfers from waterdown to walkerton itev chas draper acton was elect ed sunday scho i secretary for ciist h district gonfervnre will inert in hsu ht n next year milton bids for hydro elec want terms aa oood a aomo haa a meeting or the hoard if irwin was held u m iitdsy einitig to re celve un ye lee f the hydro fleet rlo commission sent ho re to dlmium i ho supplying of n stir to mhton 1 liwre was a largii turnout of men iters wll it several manufacturers an i liters wli i are not msm1erw mr ysloe gve particulars f the pn p sed arrange menu a combination of nlllu n with georgetown acton and ihkikwood power to lie received via cunlph and quoted at 17 00 as the price to ullton per horse power he wss asked many questions and answered them he agreed to consideration by lhe com mission of supplying the power via brampton instead of guslph and promised a quotation f r ullton with ineahortlhnr it is expected that it will be lower than that given above about 991 ohaiuplmi at present tbe commissions plans provide for milton being fed from guwlph via acton ami georgetown acton baa been promised under this ajxomagaioeot power at 9tf4 which would naturally give them an ad van tage over milton in life way of indue ing manufacturers to locate there and that would not suit our people that the commission will be asked to figure tbe coat of supplying ullton with power on a line topping the wires running from tbe station at port credit to brampton mr ystes pro mleed to have the figure ready in s few days when it is probable lha some definite action will be taken by the town as to whether they want uydroklectrio at um figures given above or not reformer to tuouaoimo wist tlf you need a watch or a clock you will and that it will cost you much less get ting it here than out there i warrant every ope i salt in this way that i will pay tba postage both ways on walshes during the year of warrant and always after wards when you send theul for repairs if yours needs cleaning yon had bet ter have it done before you go as you do not know the watchmakers out there and besides uie price are mush greater i have some good second band watches which would do for the boys until tbey grow up prloasj 300 93g0 and 9utt and 900 all joft hem are in good running order ft get a greatn rom t westftora pair and none have ever gone astray or have been broken in the malts as i so careful about the packing and dont forget i will pay the postage both ways and guarantee you will get the watch in good order phinui x ouelph lohh ato the following is lbs report fur the past month t iv ctbuvirena massles orwell johnston wesley masales margaret soyder jh jv mary masales annie boy der lottie johnston iii cfue herbert dron laura mcdonald john walklni kdna john aton hobble dunbar bn ualvln hyder willie mcpon aid isabella walking slilvln hun bar jkil caroline ityder donald mo dougall ml more juhftatone hugh brown bfuamabaoherii sk i margaret morgason wilmsr walkln holly mokaoherri jjt i jean molluugsll klorenro morgsson alrx mcdonald cuabtt a pil mcd maid jessie ityder dick craoe n a jaiuiink teacher kldaart wrong if they are you are la danger whst- through weakness or custaaa tfib kidney fall to filter the impurities from the bioodi trouble come at once backache rbetuaatlsra sciatica gravel dubetefccallstooeaaddths deadly bright a dleease are aomaol the result of neglected kidneys dr morse ft indian root fill contain i a meat effective diuretic which strengthens and stimulates the kldnej s so that tbey do their work thoroughly and well try ftei ma- 1 indie- root phi holiday specials i in the ladles and childrens department this week itrtu bfrrfififitifnts ttbt unplial tljuali utott vjiuv r o nunnrii u a pastor uunoav junk ulh v tl- u u u lit klal i i u wii 1 n i r at 1 ukm out iibli wanted him mieno i ti ilain white and fane sailor waists 1m to new net waists white and ecru very dan 5 to 459 plain white linen tailored waiiti sort collar and cuffs 91 to 1 iancy lawn waiste low neck and short sleeves very special lines at 1 m in is i6r ladies tailored suits iu w lines in tweed navy and black serges 1ujia uwwandiffm iiosijlky plain ltile hose lndits and children in white black tan sky pink ind helio 1 mbroidcrrd hone tan md black 25c and fltc shoo ladic low laced hoc in bright tan calf short vamp ic pair lndics low laced patent icatlicr hort vamp 1 rcnch heel 9i9 pair childrens patent leather dhppcrs all izcs at very close praded prices 100mimmed ha1si00 ladies and misics cxtrt values in very desirable goods make your selection thi week henderson co mill st aclon onl dallihavad iul xi ursilay eusnlig sptla mefllngorthe w v m k wll in knov church when mr ji llendsisnn rave sn stfrnllsnt adlrrsi on mission w rk in lha west it ur mcdonald or hirchll1 sskixted with lhe snrvlce lusfctlvirm mlttnliml by ur 1 koatsr are miicli spprrcialfsl dmlog lwv iv irrl uaurnceln tl wt nadruco royal rose talcum powder tie dsiaty ajdembf of lu qmair mm heatscs msjsf lulus talc swj le se saw to ka satlispiio laamdiseti ndnc royal ftes tslcvat pewum lsmsuw su sjfereailertnunskly sad usa huatoiu dshsu 2sc s be styewdnaant s matwmalbauc oo os oanasa taans 14 corn everybody plants corn we sell it r noble u r moore mcmatfor frank holmes kmbaluir amd runerali dirkotor hah oi khu unusstaxino iah iou in yiis amtiiuks ulock ilsvlng tctved spprentlceship m1i ttoili johnnlonojftco acton and w ft btoos toronto he hjm lisd supulsnce which ijuall fios him lo esecule ssllsfsctory work in ill cases caiis day or nht sllsaded to i iiohu mo 16 aoeuudc st vfesr tkaonto canaoa the glydcsdate stallion royal prince wilt ba 1 ih dominion hotel stables acton every tuesday arriving shorn noon sod reoutlnuuj until 7pni tbsmi1o insure a losljii payable ml fsbrusrr iflu a kcidtnts to owtti at owners fltk msixt guhjbb vroprltur sovereign trade mark rcq shcalhbiglcll coatalna no oil or lar it is clean odoricia waterproof germ and vermin proof and practically indealrucilble makes hutuos draft proof easy to hoat and comfortable in any weather ask your dealer to show you a sample or vrlle for uinplo and booklet to the b twjk stafssasta radst co overland m motor cars and trucks 1qi3 model i bra unniirjusked for value and efficiency above cut represents our five paueuger thirty horse power car at 919tsm dellverl in toronto fully culpel call without tail and ss ouy 013 models shaw- overland sales co oh to 89 adeuavde 5c weat toronto omt come on in and suii ouit nltw chin73uvel tad wh1 ll 111 do lor you liylinlihtn n dkontln woodwork wall mud rurnltaro it u murkkllo bow mxlucl all kinub ok paints and vabnishkb jaiim amd aiibdsh tools and j general hahpwakb c- o speig grand trunk svste hdmesskers excursions to wlsttncattsl jumfd uth amd ath and every sscoed twiiday tberesfier uaiu srpt 7ih via sanda or ohlcago voo tfekets rood for co days special train will leave toronto 1030 p ra on above dates carrying ihroaab coaches and isuman tourist sleeplog cars mo ohamob of gars lakes french river lake saperlor sod raoncua usy tseaassnil and ifagnelai tub u05t ioi ufr ttoutf- to tkes b b iy te klrer is vis 6raad troak write for uloslndsd lllsralnre to h s holmes agent at g t fc acton new june records a messiah air my uarak 70071 messlsfck know that my he deemcr llvetb lacy isa- uarsb soprano bfv firat ohackhoamr dvih bjo7 walsaerlaaheeehaemharaain knjlish alma uluck so- firano louise homer con sqm by ale pacfcaaaam 7435 noclsras vlaadlnilr de fach mann pianist slrou x h3t halksha ckataelaa and because of our sins 3 1 rota the world a greatest cantor a 7 brow h itrnislictl itoom to i at aeciu otlsliu rurnuhfd roos w id kull kill llr vanluman al pi al cii0ick iiiiiijdino lott for balbi r fo cu wbo will oimjlk a dll a la bo 1 w will it cbolo uulwios low ai low p om w laiim si paf iwl nu iiaarouonaa co housokflopors waxod janor 1atkaak of u bkla 4m whlf mm im1s tah s boltbu to ilalos baklbs uh to tmmut tuklng peak la muhlwlobab laoojua via wnpplns in ibds air uid aajnpa rta 10 nr- iraua 1 aailh own u 111 anion onl upholsioriiiix and hpainntr purniturb wind on balunur ll 1mb blsaoa iii wdn llt with rrank u hoibms will b prsatptlv utd m lafuuwilrauhuladta huapjaa itnck jfoiiso on inko ave for bale soliii twufc i sa at ll i rom wll im lad mwi m lo4 aji4 i oi ground whb mo4 bnl u4 lal llooa in aood rnir nod sotaa lo lwaold vor twlm mad hiimlin al mia wjr lo j x wii uh diinv maaii ksirrs aaxmt k4 oaorsalawa ltrirk houho and lot for sale rnu wurorttbu aoid i l atmsy sua s i ball aia rooaaad bosaa si tba m of pub asd ljkm annul aston oood udo w if kpatant noticf to tbkhpassejjs ljk n u tlrlailr i roboa tar varaalsaieo wui be alrvn lo any tyastsbls klalton lo uw b sonda npoo shiusuoe le tbs minuliar at lha rrtinl aalnm del sot otbaraihw any parson o panooa tsmpmhas wilb say of tba sooda ftsuw balabarr o otbar paopar- lr past jslbslbanli will ba proasautaj is tba nuaosl ilsor of tbs law tuouauuoaov old bstabli9hbd livery and bns biihinesn for balk iatpm and aqalpajasj idoslbblldidss atna olam aondilloo ropntvlbtius fa i bos lias alufsatory mail dalloan soaia bbn cjooa lbs pisntlaaa or for sallies applf o n0tick to 0reditoh8 in uie hstur ot uie ketate of ben- jaunln axuinard late of uw vulaae er aetoo in uw county of halloa ilan ofoolsrlo usr abaptat bsvlas slajats sofnat tba to s ws najd b liala klnssrd whodtad on aw abesi uks ifclrtram day of usrata 191s stw raqslrsd ee or baton tbs ttib da at jnna isis lo ssad bf i om lira 11 till or dsijvm to a j masklbmoo t lbs vuisao of abioo la toa ooasty of halloa taatlauor tar alasssowball sad thoaass hunr lbs ssssslet ol tba lam will sad twatsuaat of lbs aald j tlksts csirlsliss and bmrbaams ihirwi sad dso ibafelt psrooelsn or tbstr siajout toe eta frma at taslr sosoeou sad tod saasr of tao assaritlas u say bald bylbaei asd rsrtbsr take soues sttar snob usk anae dsss tbs said exsaatots wlu y sssoag tbs psrtias aaduad tbsrsto bavtes ra sard ooijf b tbo suhae of wnlsb tbsjabajlibaa bsva aouos sad las tbo told oasaolors will aosbs lubta for t s a a or uy als sotlos sbsjl novbava dsfaraoalrad by sau at lbs ttsm of dasmbsuoe a j afaekthnon bollsttor for auraboar ball sad tbouaa motor bsaaotoia datsd aoton tba taty sssosd dsj at may notice to creditors ini hun 11 iiriiis waist 1 m ti 11 1 benne late of tavaassjnialtlp or beta in tbe ooustr of veuiaton r dsbeaaadu notiob u bsrsby sims pethtnt to lbs rsalaod tjulnlaa of oauria isn ctismr im tbal all parsaas asrlj slaioia usliul tbo astals of tbs said aesiaa lusnou wbo diad oo ec abess lbs ium y of t lut are waslrad on or bofor tlw aaatyantday s4 wssyslt tossed by po ispajdordollvsrtoa hasldsmoa ofibsv laetam wlu sad tsautnut thi said iiii tbstr obrtatlaa and aamanta addrsssaa sad das tbs fell pertiasisra of tbslr aliliria fee atotscasai of tostr saooubia sad tbs salon of tbs ass aril usay halo it of tbo oaeaaaad tbo psrtlss sntttlsd tsirste bawio orwusb tbay aball uiar just try diamond maplevsyrup finb on buckwheat cakes moniiv back 11 not sathfactokv guamntm al parity on otmyu hi sagum a coniwr limited montmal for sals at thh bbst grocers ivmywhui 5 with holeproof hosiery you get a positive gaarantee for six months wear or new hose for men or women costs j s no more than the common kinds and you get all j b thats desirable in fine hose for sale by f r e nelson erebaut twllot i afaaat at s sh wvndhaun sttrees mmkilla1limmmhhiihhlrimmhklllhllabhhilw ca o o tbay aball than po nouoo sad tbat tbs asld suqstort will mot bo llsbio for um said sasala al any lat t to say parso or peraaesof wboaa claim aotlos sball aoa nsw besa rssslvad by ibam at tbs utoe ot dutrlbstloa a j uaakihkon aolloltor toa rabat t uuuu and lasso uaasatl itsasuiors daldalactmitlilwaalyawhayofmay ula green grocer anl fruit merchant e k cook is receiving dally retti veseubtes and fruits sod sells them i reasaimbla prices lokkign pku1ts ajblecialiy gouui obtivhsao uin bthkkt acio canadian homeseekers excussions makss sebmna satti snuiuktmtuu wjhi nihs an iin iow roundtrip rates tourist sleepinaosrs anlr cpa am uctkwhiraiwajia- wwhsnun minuwecui s3stiiajli 1 i 1

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