Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1912, p. 3

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abs0m waupaitil new alorv p opened i kim toll upward curtain poles t 4 and 3 feel while and oak window shades call in and slik oui new tock bvarkijloh uotmgi geo hynds tolomtft omtamo oa m mow la an ekaallmt u assess a soars writs lor oiajc keal estate mt lean ett lowest rale f laurtm largo mhavwir itarms ar bale cheap dwoluaaa aid titer freierty u part or tan we hare every facility for traasacuak bmabiea to yonr oaaiplete uuuiaetloa j a willokjghby veoncrtowm 8ljfi utan jfro jrcss thuhflday j 1jnk 0 lulu brief local items swat lltr ly butter and g ere duwn to joo again tba school lly law election next afooday lotb inst good morning hve you nmw ed your prkk 1hkhh uhsrtpllon t how lh bird do know whet it i june and how ihey dosing hesedayel down in everyone heart i for th country at thla lima of tba year home krjwn at raw barring llkaly bo on too nierkel lu auol weak groan flalda and shady nnoki are sought tbeaa dollghtaoine summer z hia temperature tru perilously near to tba reeln point on tuesday night tba glbaon house oakvllle was damagad by lira lat week to the toot of 14000 olark bradbury of oak i ii who baa bean town clerk for many years reajgncd uat weak tba nejtt waatlng or koln town- ablp council will ha held on monday juno 17lbt brio village the merchanta and bualnaaa man ro petitioning the council to oil tha street tbl season again aotoo played llillaburg a baaa ball gam on monday in that village and won out with a acore of 17 to 7 in ibo foot ball match hern on hat unlay afternoon acton won from the son of england mulpn with a acore of 4 to 1 from tha way the meadow ara making grass tbeae daye it la quite urn ul predict that there will b no 25 hay in thla aeetlon next winter vote for the school bylaw next monday and provide aohnol privilege for the poor nnanachlldren who other wlao worild not he able to get a thorough education m tha welutndo can 1 rtb wellington county council baa filled 1u aalary llat aa rullowa for the roar warden 20000 1 county clerk 980000 1 county treaaurer xx aaalatant county treaaurer 300- oo t total gafioooa a flvevearold child or ifr ilr- dlck aforeland jan of ottawa aue- oeumbad to burn received wblla aat- tlog off firework liar clothing caught flee and the child waa terribly burned before the llatnea wcro ex- tlngulabed ncws of l0cai import 0 h n lamnoh an fairy lake mr oordnnraardinnrrallitcneo h p gasoline uintah on palry lkn lt week and be haa tieen having interesting apiirt every day tire it la a una craft end tkuwi iliwll j raanov from toronto to avion a couple or gentleman from toronto werewtre proapeflling for property for residence on monday they were pleaaed with acloua location lldy ap pearand lliririy look f lu alree1 and homntf and limy hiay locale here lliey aay tiniirfii tain imuhmtor blunt for odlnary llluma rrooaottnjr county oood rtmada captain john m newton iuv of hwnu haa wrillen for particular about tha good ruadaby law in hal ton 11 intends to iptroduc a good road acheinn in the onunly council nf unb- ton ie it a helton and kaduaingold buy commanded no 2 co uth uegt htewarttown at one lime and waj knownaaacrackahol ulllonobauip- lon tha wwmna inattltuta at tin tlie laat reguhir meeting of ilia woman inatilute for the eeaeon will lie held in the uooncll chamber on friday afternoon al three oclock in addltluulo the reguur botinmeof the anwlon hmv ohaa i draper will gle and addreae on what are wa worth and what la worth wluv t hpaeui mualc will be rendered all lad lea uatalnod a pajnful baoaaf ontueaday evening aa a number f lnya were playing on ilower avenue oppoaite the residence of mr i uen- ileraon m 1 maatar willie aklna caught hold of lha chain depending from tlid nleclrla etreet bunp euppnrt uod inatantly received the charge of electric currant paaalog through that circuit of tha atreet aervlce lie oould not releaao hu hand from the chain and writhed in agony a clllaen in passing iiceoeded in releaalng him ut the pain oauead by the shook was even for hid lime afterward oakvuia rvoparir sold for aaoqaoo tltatlakvllln itvcord leporta twelvi farm on 0 lake ifliiini aij lining jkllkj bve lately wen sold i many toronto purnhabrin uiiiiipuliig i1iu ecraa ijilp uk pun li prioe wa- ah ill 1300 uk two dsatha from fjaoollne the dealb of mlgaret kan lr 1 lln aged thirteen month who wo iturned wilh her granduiolhor mrs henry icelnhanlt a a rnaolt or a gaa ploalon on huntley uiorolng took place on munday mmly tba klnaai auattmlay about the only w heklora mrlhdny thp flying of tli hug al lli at the town hall anil ibu tha hank aliw ell annul tage of the aheap fare and out of luwn will claim cnrm altout four wimkmhgu j a 1 rwaxr alepped on a loos plank on i ii iltsih street lietwaen hia hpilsn and tlial of judge ftorham luaayahn had oam plained of the ad atala of the walk losing of k advali- isdn irla good games in qhukch ieague jukeaflln oelaj hie ankle broken wu etodlartancuaata mktiiodivtd am taltlhoero the game scheduled for last tuesday night between the melhnduta and ieeahylariane owing lo ill wet weather waa postponed until wednes day night the oatmealer aa uaual atartad thing on the move knd war ahsad ly five run when lueta llynda ihrlr iwlrur let svr walk and hit entfeml millie th melhodlala got run in by ihu pitching than i- and will culii lb nagei uiwn ullloo bamplon the hw maria st res deidc head brld on marl- tbn new ileal dmore switch u completed except fur i he palming a good coaling of paint 111 improve it appearance lly n rectlon a tiw and mora convnoleiit uo t ll iitlmnre orvscent la ed orbwavomb oorners mr w t carroll look a trip to ohhatgo hub week to vlalt bla eon mr a p carroll and alao to arrange oiattera in connactlon with their west- arn real eatata huainaaa mr carroll intonda moving to alton in the near future mr john h cilppa la not enjoying very good health ilta many friend bopo for an improvement ure h orewaon sr apant uat mr g barber and mia a green of guelph pent tha holiday at mr wa denabv mr and mrs arehj mann ln geo wfldaand ml margaret of acton apant but thursday at mr jamea mooroa moaara ocar and john orowaon of colheok wuiled friend lutre uvat week mlaakasel donnl visited in toron to rooantly with bar teacher mia 0 barlow mv aod mra m orewaon and child- ran of mlltnn epent sunday with friend bare aaanay will aartly aarlros hhimh of awu sad eoaialetafv eawaaa tbe wbel jjati wbea eaurlag it ihreeafi th naeoua amaaait saab artlala abaala never be eel aauaiaaataatwulaal ta fom ta ja aau poaktalr oeriva trota them murrh ear ataaafanarad far v j o oa ta4aa o- eoauta aa awranry ka wtaraally actlag ajtveur apoa lbs i oa ai aeryaaei el the aytam la igjfalr oalarra uvrs b aura roa git lb mjtjuuwwf ac tsulumui friaa f sa per btttt i rilu for uoaattpsliea a plo bootal at blloam a pie social under tba auspice of the sunday school at tha brick church waa held on tuesday evening and waa a vary enjoyable event itav mr douglas who bad juat re turned from conference we chairman solo wr rendered by mlaaaa lydla smith and jeaale mcdonald and mr leonard warden reading by mia clara k moore and maefer lennox douglas mr at brown gave a splendid num ber of gramophone selection mr bert mckeown tbe ruperlnteudent gave a brief add res end- itav mr douglas supplied interesting lnforma uon re pecttngcnnfaronoe proceeding tha b ballr broke finn the paat week haa been rather fate ful for the pkyalaal ooinfort of several if our b h player jack engtln the third baseman or tbe method ui team had the mlafortunetogetnuleft leg fraotured at the ankle in the game on saturday afternoon ha haa uf- fared a good deal since but la making fair progrcmi on monday whan acton waa playing hulsburg at that hamlet billy laird waa struck on the nnaa and right wy by a fly ball he waa endeavoring to catch the hi eye and ha mteeed it tha bridge of iho noan waa broken and lha right eya badly blackened baahalorai of aria win honor two mora of our boy have won high place ip their examination in tha final year of their arts course at tor onto unlveralty mr jamea p hen derson haa paaaed with aecond ctaa honor and mr j balaton brown with third cla honor it i now j p henderson b a and j il brown b a congratulation t both tbaae young men took their matriculation work in acton high school further gratifying evldeoco of it ability in aouodly grounding th elementary atudlea mr lloyd smith took flrat- claaa honor in fa la third year and mr j a mchureby paaaed bli first year in medicine inaaead pt tba vatnaaw th children it la interatlog to note that in con- nectloa with tbe addrea on wllnea- ing for obrlat read by mis lottie b speight on sunday morning in tba method ut ohurch a auppky fur the pulpit in the absence or lie v mr draper at conference that nn lha corresponding sunday in june 1861 her father lha late john speight who for year bad bean a able and effec tive local preacher dell tared hia laat eermou aa aupply for itav t l wll cnnl speight died very middanly not many week later ill text waa arlae ye aod depart for thia la not your real oom ibveraartln bummaattm maurmatna illustrated story deaeriptlye of a journey up into tha arctic slope la con tributed by dr luther harvey aa tbe opening number of tba june lean of hod and gun in canada published at woodetoek ont by w j taylor limited vacation oarnpa follow and will furnlaba pleasant solution of the problem what to do with the boy during th good old ajimmer lima in ah article on the grand oaaeapedla the great aalojon itlver of uaatcrn canada mra m g maenell mowhlr- ter recall faknoua aportauiaii who have ashed ip lla water including ulr obarie bills ird dutterln lb mar- quia of lome lords lndowne and stanley we congratulate the uarkdale standard upon the improvement in ita laat inaue 1 be htandard haa at way kept up lo ihi hum in clean wholosome enterprising local pawi mr u w hullsge lb mlnrpom ee the hlnb ideal in the mlt i a real family journal that make pur a power for riwmi in lla mi such a loyal local nawapi social and personal t jeay paa4eday e last forth ills winnie urlndell of luronto wa lu i n ibl week mr ciih ieclute or toronto vllt nd aotun friend ibl week mlaa mae moore spool a few days thla week with friend in toronto uim kolhai 1111 apant a couple of weoka w u b rrlend at tort i co wen uls li rue hpelghl haa been pend fng ibe wmil with re la tivs at lansing mre j ii brown spent a tmw day during urn wiekewlth frfunda inturoo- ur ri i ban rrlurneii owing to i mad tha sale mr wbttkar i bare aeeo it auud that wtj feet are baromlng ur- gar howabtmtibatr hwi may be some truth in it bat gmaag gjl toy cuatonters i don t know a sabgtt m that it appllca lo madam cucatfotrlbnn dim wl m agalnat tb qlan wllb uawlhr w ttittat m dlrwe w itut b no nurrr kls ioptoo ro aiaomtob blllv tim liubiu opon i he du m good wirv bnaal htr l ahoehl t so lie anjlwfl bor- aear nworr from hf when be got snka alaudtrolt vrm lrvsa i baawloaei laat sunday la tbatabaence of the paalnr lal suo- dy at conference tba morning aervloe or tha metbodut ohuich waa cuuluqt edbytfiepworth league mr john ll moore who local jirefchur tak ing tho opening and closing eervlcee and mis lottie ft speight preaaullng tba thenie which wv an excellent study of lh duly of ohrttlana lu the extenalpn of qoda kingdom tbe ev- nlng service waa enndneted by mr balaton brown who haa jut ouaiplet- ed hi couriu in arts at vkloria uol- veralty and will hboruy goout to one of western confaronoca ui take up work a an aaalaunt paatpr on one of the lioma mlaalon field if eormon was nptm iv 0 a hrom bvertaaung lo bverlaating thou art god tha ob ject waa wall presented earefully- throughout and allowed oonaldarahle independence of thought mr bro la an eameat young nan and with the blpjuljltupit on u field will knake a useful and no doubt urfcwriul j1d rofohr reaktanto badly berstt on thursday of lt week margaret the laat hiinmug iuniler of the rtnlly nr ur and mis itonald johnson of johnalown n y former residents ol acton passed away in her thirteenth year she had been iii for aeveral month of dlalwle she waa a bright little girl and muah be loved by all who knew her general aympalhy will be fell for the bereaved parent when it i known that during tbe but two year they have lost their three children a daughter of two year and a baby son of two month tha funeral was held on sunday after noon at three oclock itev a j hudi sill officiating many expreaalnn of aympalhy were ahowo by johnatnwn friend and corel offering were num erous mr and mrs iyed ityder brockvlll mrs aei lunnbaw h uls kltle dill toronto altimd the funeral the warvaahortn wedding a marriage of great interest in wet land took place at ihree oclock weil needay afternoon when mia mary lee morln daughter of the late col jaa k morln and dr cameron war ren toronto were united in marriage at the reeldance of th bride division street itev br thompson of holy trinity church officiating mla pra- ler toronto and clarence morln of hamilton brother of tba bride groomsman the bride wa given aaray by her brother prank kfmorln bridgeburg dr and mr warren left on tha evening train for new york atlanlle oily and other aaatern point they will take up ridnoeln toronto globe dr warrens many friends in town extend hearty congrat ulation p may wedding at aabsrove a pretty home wedding took place at palrvlew tba borne of mr and aire b k ruddell aahgrove on monday maystih when their rldeat daughter mlaa florence isabel became tho bride of mr hoberth wright the bride unattended entered the room on the arm of bar fethet in the train of lohengrin bridal oho rue played by bar a later mia olive sha wore a becoming gown of cream allk landadnwii veil with orange blne- aoins and carried a bouquet nf ore to rose the ceremony waa per formed under an arch and bell of btoeaoma by bev 8 m ilotdhotie a lstefil wedding dinner waa served in the din ing room which waa appropriately de boreted with rosea and bloaaoms mr and mra wright left on the evening train for toronto en route to wlnnl peg- and keapawa herald cfaaumuui mleklln a banna toon oalmea made lli rhlcli iir uid he llnllj landed al tltu tlrd tbe score tnl i lie i awy again ar d ia7 in ihrli favor p a meclean was the uiopln following wa the acor msrrimiitht m v gladu w a i g raymond a b 0 k waddell p 1 i waddall o 1 v oolruian i f 11 k smell r f o w brown ilk i a ii htathniu 1 ii bt j d burt tbe 1 pltuhiiytkitlam k uyder a b w floiihl 1 b c olark c m mcdonald c p wild 11 b g hynd p htralton i f k holme u m v smith r f 12 5 board of education who i spending the summer in the weal writ that ho itnd mra nloklln enjoyed tha trip and are quite taken up with ibe hustle of tbe lively naw city of saskatoon saak prom present indication he think iblnka the pise will grow thla year even faster than laat year heel estate la not particularly active hut price remain arm tba city haa ac cepted an offer from a firm of contrac tor for the construction of the pro posed street railway llnae and it i expected operation will soon be com menced grain has gotten a good tart and the promise la hrlgh for a good harvest he called at the john stone mat billy anderson and tom wren and other alt of whom are busy haa been out in tbe country for several auto trip and find tbe crop waat of the city etpeelally look ing very una i look for tho fbkk piuam with muah interest every week it laalway welcome with it record a of the doing lu hie honfo town i am uri acton la looking at rfe vary vary beat juat now 1 tlll think or it as- one ol the lieal pot i hope the clllaen are showing a kevn interest in the school improvement by ihw and that they will aupport it etnmgly ami with a large majority kind regards to all dto hal hum it ilf- 8o yon but that imtiditoine iii tie dog you bad t she yea in a railroad accident 1 waa aavd but the dg waa killed he what a pity i boitou tran- acrlpt buoofeeujaul yeaat yourtiota ip red you look aa though you ware a hard di inker orimonhetmt inylnlne yaaatwall ir look aa if youd been vary tfrfoovaayul in tanunw hatiiay h tlauu tlie game on saturday waa a in oito and drew a big crowd tlie ang lloan again got the miige on th melhodlata by leading off and kept th advantage throughout ibe game the closeat the melhodlata ware able to gat was 7 6 and then it dldoc aland at that very long lea waddell tried another of hi allies for home hoc was caught thla time in a flying leap for third laird of the anglican landed n jack knglln ankle knglln limp nd for soma lime but never alnpped playing the game then s ro stepped on hi ankle again and thla lime he waa forced to retire and green wa put on hi hi piece ii t tar ted to walk uplo thedoctorabuloiilygot as far as the gate prom there he waa ukeo todr uolnieaoirjoeby dr cox in his oar upon examination it waa found that hi ankle wa fraoloredand he will have to tay inbedforaroonth a benefit gam u llkejy to be played for blm tbe umpire wa itev p q burrell tlie score i rmrak tt ii w brown all 0 o 4 lea waddell c i 2 i w green i b tl ii a j d burt 1 h 0 0 1 i brown r f 1 0 s luymond c f 1 1 l rsmellks ill v oolamanj 1 f 110 o rf 1 anumuan it ii k j bauer 1 f 1 s smith b w laird c a l l w maclean p u tf garden r r a 0 1 j clark ah 1 0 1 fe white a 0 0 0 j wnoda1 r 1 p illldenhrand 1 h u 1 0 0 1 d o a score by inning methodist 001810 05 anglican 4 0 h 0 0 x g u thb ohuboh ubaoub attaholmo luna i on tmurr tt play anglicans a 1 87 elapilst 1 1 xh method 0 h 37 lrhyterlaua a 0 2s an knolimh ombm1st hm dib- cpvbrbd mow to qhow ha1h in england the ladle have entirely abandoned wearing rat which la due entirely to this new discovery it ha been proven that henna leave contain the ingredient that will positively grow llalr that they contain thla long inokedfnr article i proven awry day the americana are now placing oo lb market a preparation containing the extaaot from henna hvavee whcb i having a phenomenal aako title preparation i called salvia and being sold with a guarantee to cure dandruff and to grow hair id abundance being daintily perfanmd salvia make a rbnet plaaaant hair dressing k j huaard your drug- glfcvt lha nrfcuo i ropori thl prapar- atlon tnbi acton and a urate gener ous bottu bad l poroaaw fo 60c willi- uior ho tun from ibe lke hcallh mr geo soywr re turned from- a vlalt lu frtontl at ireelon onhalurday evening mr geo brandon otuatnlltoo baa lei apeiidiog m wlthmr cha johoaton mlaa jessie ibwltie who haa been in oolllngwood ibe imatyearorsoha re turned to acton mr evan mcdonald or lha mar cbui la flaiik ileaier waa home over sunday and monday mre w h jolauai um mutr wiiheapeul two week with iter auter mrm fittr toronto mr braille arnold was oteraled on at lh jupli ilihpltal rorappoodlclli stood ay herald gladys and itatta ualdwall spending a month wllh ihrlr graodparenta at barrie mr colton iluutof tlie allen hie staff vlalted at the home of mr i i ian t ham over sunday itev chat lee d draper and mr ii iv moor situ tided the conference al woodatock during the week mr donald kopman ut leo du bon net man arrived in town yesterday in tenew acquaintance here mra wm miller and babe of llnd bay vlalted her slater mr george mcb i guelph street thla weak mi j no c nalson hoarce and sahra attended tbe annual hall he union at churchvllle on tuesday mra ohaa w maaon and uim klaanor arrived here from wlngham vu saturday to spend a week or so during hi stay in town thla week dr waugh inapector of continuation sohihle toronto wa a guest at mooituft dr 1 robertson registrar milton la alteni ng the meeting of the gener al assembly alkdmonton mrs rolx ertaon ace inpanled him mr sunderland taylor who waa not progressing favorably at home went to ibe general hospital on halurday he 1 feeling eoiua letter thla week mr w 11 iwkln teller or the merchants bank left on saturday ftkr a couple of mrnkk holiday if wl i at tend a family it union in cleveland ohio mr it l homatreet haa not been we i for some month and pornlcli anaemia hasdevelnped her condition ha become very critical milton champion mr and mr avalur bewaaiidlhi children of revelaloke b c arrived in town monday evening onanaxiend- vllt to hu mother mra william bn w a re form u r mr and mrs ii p more left yes terday rnr ottawa to atleud lb an uual meeting ami outing of the rue ni gra and their ladle of the canadian its association mr ii ii bnrtlngretiirnedlaktwenk from hu three weeks holiday nutlng htch ha enjoyed vary uiuoh he waa lu ohio for a weel and npent a pleaa ant time also at washington mr cbtranoe bennett of thet eaton co wluulpng ha been appointed manager of four department lo fill the vacancy caused by tha death of lha ale mr george graham who waa drownedon tbe titanic georgetown herald mr and mr richard n moor tor onto announce tlie engagement of their daughter laura mcquairie to mr w mortimer johntone son of mr and mr robert john atone of guelph the marriage to take place the uat weak of june al calgary alt ffltfftyqgqapiiqfflqjpqbqpa soma time wa need tho lido of grief to carry us over the bar of our dui content wfe right house hauiitons nvoun nnorrmo place y 8 why do so many people go to hamilton to shop i 8 o there musi be a reason they find rpodi ics expensive because merchandise is gathered in greater lots tltcy find 1 wider choice ikccausc the stocks are larger they find its costs nothing lor ihcir trips because transpor tation expenses ure refunded the result shoppin la hamuion is far cbcapef than soopptaf dome isnt that why to have v0ur fares refunded v vou t i vt miin 10 mil ei 800 5 1250 25 l 2000 35 2500 45 v 3500 75 5000 loo 75oo merc transfer d present faro tickot at esk june white sale now on bay your whitcwrtar for the household and yoar opm personal use at reduced price daring this month the lines include wash dresses wash suits wash coats millinery undcrmus- lins waists canvas and buck shoes parasols gloves trim mings embroideries hosiery knit underwear wash goods silks white dress goods domestics mens furnishings fancy linens table linens towel and towel ling pillow cases and sheetings bedding curtains etc thomas c watkins limited hamilton ont ji king and hughson sts sttkacacatcaitaddfcdfcdfotactaclbd5btsbbl it take a octct modhle lo make dresses like those we show none hut an expert could fashion garment or auch character and distinction fteauty and grace of line appear in every one ef them it require skill and long experieoce to create bum simple ceuoa texture garment of such pronounced charm some ara plain enough for morning wear other sufficiently elaborate for rea occasion but all display new and attractive features material represent quality aa well aa beauty duplicating these gown cither ready made or by purchasing the material and having tbem auula up would prove a well nigh impossible task at the price w quote if you are looking for dainty useful wash frock aod dont mind saving on their cost yoa are bound to be inureeled in thla display of smart new medals that w have priced so moderately childrens and misses dresses at c tsc and up to slw s ladies house dreaseafrom llcta up tosjts readies fine mull lawn on cotton voile dont forget oar sle of houtrtikiuis special price on carpets rugs curtains floor oilcloths linoleums and window shade mens clohlnr 1 d e macdonald bros cor wyndhim and macdondl streets guelph ont dress goods 15 fr hom alono tub uni ok thal canadian northern railway im nuouoba saskatcbewin and alberta at h l maaltoba bsakatchawaa a ad mile of operated uaa nf hm c now uaiwr doubuuc1io or atoaeta tines of tha canadian herumra hallway la alherta at leaattvooeof tt- r compear whil the bstaac aearccteo alberts be frovlace slready uoteirortk for it fertile landi aaa aalutmloaactintale uheatrmplsclntatau1oriwmnacadaoaertak est tba vraaxlrrfal wasal lsstla of rail 4 sruud el the thrc minltoba 21800 sukiichemn 480m alberta 74000 irestrru caasds t so big that drstkelty every ranaiagvjmduloa u bm wuk la ibe taeadtoui taereueeapnlrklablagoaaary whit baadanaaa cwsrta km ala ik rotltag auva waaeetoaaa asd chamst sr atblialyaaftpbtiwmadao7slsed i 1 72 a j agin lanrsllaa aallmaliiit ibatiist larltn isulylialnaisbaupa4lam4uuiaauura wlu b watt a awm tfcalr clecuoa vrttsmu delay a far a free boeale alrtai tka lacatlo sad a n of lea taed betag astarej aoitvirtubamslltoaarom aukls amiuoatkia ta blisjraln aast ocbaiil ivssrsrer atal caasdu ikumlag toronto oat bank of jade metropolitan bank head office tomato onl cmltmlm3 op smmoummxoo euocmoflloo i wm savings department accounts of one dollar and upwards oftencd and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch h e burling manager to raader lo depbejtort avu sistuwlthconvvrjttoaisi fcectlc mo dapoajt to toqanwut la aaethe the da hiit of nndtw aminsllly whtoh eujam baokiaa a tavea aad w pawmre gtcohujctown bhan0h w mwelfay v t automobiles and implements agent for the famous ford motor car sole agent lor codubutt and dan macblaery and fleury plowir and a fullline of repairs for plows and machinery a good line of buggies and harness lap rugs and rubbers prices right also floor oh farmers who are thinking of building a silo this year giro us a call and get our prices b p caldwell acton

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