Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1912, p. 3

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waupapeb new mock now opfliwxl 1 roni mil pwards cukuun poles 4 nd s fan whllo aod oak window uudes cxlcto ato see ouh sew stock mahihaqm uornsh ibsubd geo hyndb aotom ontario real estate cy to loan at lowest rate of utcreet- latrmeummhrroltmrm fy ae cfceap dwelling titer rrovrtr ports or the tow wo have every laclluy for trswlaeuboe emr ihtariaeaji lo your coaleut eatutectlon j a willoui3ubv lrorgrtown sbe 3uton jfm ress thursday tb biief local itlms ioiir jog day the glorious twelfth in morn w stelllle hm ledlos tamllng dub the strawberry acton olvle h ii iy monday th august twenty ave daye since the laat fall of rain bar fifteen minute wrmoniwer man ifeetly popular nn hunday tbeee ere the daya of holiday o it toga pto nla psrt les mr r haffrosn if hiqueblng is uid up with a broken shoulder the temperature run to ftfi el noon on sunday and ttt nnluwdny jualtoo county new steam roller 4t work on the roads novr norvel tbo fall wheat la already well dandgpldoo lint ere appe ring indoauona ere that winter wheat will be on before baying 1 mies martha cooper of ulenwii llama celebrated bar ulrd birthday to jane good looming i did you reinem bar 10 renew your twee vukbh eub- rtpuoat halton tall assises will its held on december 2nd mr justhfe ttchford presiding relief from tbe extreme beat and humidity which baa prevailed the pamt potinlsbt la promised tody the cheque fur tbe veterana of 1q0 will not ukoly bo paid- until ror the houae of comnonint the first raspberries were market od hare this week owing to the long continued dry pell the crop will be ur h c batlbtinndaxtaker has- just bed completed a inn new casket wagon a great improvement on the one formerly in uae young people i vben you move to the city or out west always bavu ute pmnc pkilhh eent you ii find it a real fetter from home every week two rlnka of bowlera skipped by a j maeklnaod and jo holme want to erin on tuesday and won from the local expert in a wore of 38 mh3 no summer here caat up your and strike to death the ruawlng fly whereer you find hlin spare hlin not but join the clana that awal swat wat large section or nsssagnwoya umehoaae and other adjacent points bad apleodld shower f rain last friday while it remained hot and dry here tbe milton school board baa uo gaffed j b marcellu b a of pleat ortoo a principal or tbe public and and continual ion sdinola at a iratnry of lfioo owing to the extreme heat the evening aervloe at tbe metbodlat obureb lest sunday waa held on the obnreh lawn it waa a coal and pleaa ant digression meeere o o speight and w ttayers had eoma rave sport in ashing at haft lake near stayoer laat weekv enjoyed the prion p oral pike od baw they brought hpuiv with them do not put money in your mouth if yottwlil eooaldav the number and variety of pereona who may- have bandied it before it came into your poeaaealon you will not have aak why ootf mr george black underwent an operation at guelph boapltal isat woak mr black a many frlenda will ha pleased to bear that he la program ing fotorably notwlthatandlng hla herald sooae youug boyi amaehed two lalv blatw ei j n onaulanfiwbqutee atttierearor the pablloaohool ground laat week tbe boy have admitted their guilt and ihelr parent will pay for tbe damage jlono any future window emaebtag 1 will bo aeverely dealt with uerald tregvt lotca1rorbnrmr g ball whoaer maniagewe hpnounoed t w im been taken 111 with aymptoma or typhoid fever anotwaa removed on friday laat in tlio hoaph tal at guelph the many frlenda of mr nd mreyfjell will we are eiir all j tin in beet wlabee fur a apeedy rr ootoryvj a j vocal e umieaifl aodty mum 4 little daughter of the ttv q bbitl barltdgton wh bitten by a mvage dog dn monday on tiie aril a gaah about a foot long waa inflicted by the brute and ii19 little girl e in j arlttfwl oondlflun and may die tlit dog waa killed and lie bead aeut to toronto for a wblltf effort nado to gui flhff flbamplftn gat3 agalnat liytlro ffaeeelbieairibaaatieeaana meirrreci aey ewlflauone news of racal import the atntrehee kiamlnauana m llm ruaulta af the fnlrano uxaw inatlnnvhad nnr been le when t to 1 iw they will be pitted in thn ritkk vutam window aa aoon ia rroolol tlaa and ateel er bain- lid tlie t it oonalmotinn gang are layinp the tine and ateel on the heard more aiding the wortowlll not be ltml until ihe i rldgea over ibe ravine are built and tbe bnlldere are waltltik fr hclal llmlwr f rt in the kuitia f r ii ew a needed improvement munlolpal oftlcar harvey had ibe feed lank i 1 the atraam at ihv juppcr main hlreft 1 ridge ltnd out and improved un m tnday at the month ly are engine practice that availing the buatlun buae worked there very effirlualy oldaet lleeldeat ovimoni with hwu 1nthalurday when mr william hniiimtreet main h intel waa working in i le gar w ovtrruinn by the hnal mill iniewhat aerl ualy a it octet 1 v tr twenty u ur huura hla apnech al m t c ui ivlely lofi blu and be waa thirwlne affootrd lie le alowly re n virlnn but at hla extreme age- eighty ivn yrara en attank of thla nature lu naturally aorlnuv communion sarvloeaj in knoa oh ureh o naldarlng the extreme bnat pre vailing tbe attendance atlhecomtnun i n horvlooa at kuox church laat hun day wax gratifying when hunday cane lie mr wlhn ruund lie waa unable to preach aa he espeeuid thu pulpit waa consequently taken by itev 1 ii lctnnan m a toronto wh mm rlm nebula rehlp and rich einer- lei n ual led hint to prmtch al le duc urxtii hejolotnc at knox menae ihnraim a hi py family title week al the mane mr aviiaon who went to kngland nearly three montha g r turned tu me on t toaday even lug unv mr wllaon wnut otoron lo to mtel i nr mr wllaon hae great h e of recovering her hearing but the rra ilta nr the treatment given will not le fully manifest for lx ur ulght 111 nttlie mm wllenn enjoyed her trip very much and vltlted many pulnta of intereet in wtb kngtand and beotland a oood hound turned ualy the hlg hound horl h which mra hecortl haa had foot eeveral yeara appeared to develop an ugly temper with tbe hot w nether and anapped vloluualy at icveral perana laat week ur uray and uoyd kenney felt the brute a teulh whlv walking tbn ugh the grounda to bunderland villu th ugh fortunately tbe akin waa not i roknii in either caw sport waa ahol on monday he waa a faith ful watch i if stone roadvand ateeta the new atone cruaher la turning out large quanutlea or road rental at lllllon a the gap between the old manae property and ivairvtew avenue la luting atoned the aectlon between math street 4hd park avenoeren mill htreet and a piece on malu street from kbbagea creek toward he q t h crowing wiualao be coaled the caiitre of mill street will elao be given a guod coating nr tbe inch alxe tbe loam roller will then be put on to nonaolldateail theae unw and ituprov ed roadleda armenia ve caned thf leoltmt by mr m k dyer the arnienlatirtn the melhndlat church lantlrldaenng waa well attend od and waa v i tereallng and in ft rmatlnnal mr dyer enntraated ci mlltluna in canada and armenia much to canada advantage the uimpeakable tirk la a menaoe to the proylpoe of annenia and role u country with deepntlam and cruelty llvjuatlfled the wax precipitated by italy agalnat turkey in tripoli and prophealed eertnln victory for italy the ooatumea marriage eeremonlea and mubammedan rltea and uaagee were eapeclatly intrreatlng faithful kltoet haa bom fruit mr william grant toronto wa an tialeentod valtor tu tbe methodlat hunday kcbonl laat sunday and occu pled a aeat u the platform he wai a uacher li thla school forty yean ago and trom the member or hlaelaae of buya there are now three doc to re of divinity a sunday sahuol superli tendoot and an aaalafant superln- tendeitu a prominent church official in the united 8 la tea end eeveral other worthy ohdatlan men all of whoiq regard thla faithful teacher of their boyhood daye with reverent esteem and cordial appreciation mr grant la now in hla eighty fourth year ot inteeeart a mabartnau the reafulatluna of the ontario gai and fuherlaa lawa for the present year contain information of apeclallntareat apart from the usual regulations of prevloue years an extract from the ultery lawa and regulations prow idee thavnujuie sti1 flah forcatch ov kjll lnny r the watere of the province n una day hy angling w ahalcarry away a greater number than eight small or large mouth black base it auo aays that no small or large moillhel hack heea less than ten inohaalil length weaaurlng from the point of ita nose 1 1 the centre of the tall shall be retained or kept oat of the water the number of niaikl nnuge la limited to four in the case of plckurel a greater number than twelve most not he carwftd wway very bueaaeeful oardefl aerfcy llin hiiiuihi garden party ut the ltdle aid of knox church held at thnhoniuyfmr charles davidson op lufadiiy men tug attracted a large gatlieitng the ouuiigswaa enjoyed by all such open air function are evpeejelly agfaenltu i nld eiuprntiira artappailalng tcaw srrvnd ifrum i n h oclock and the re ffekhmeut buplbm dd a land office buelufiaa jlt ruing tjulrrpto gramme had uumeroo njnyable nimlienf hov h bj wilkinson u a gave a stirring addreea end by qh iv d draper who ajjiacf aa chair low gavetluiely liiterjtctlonebelweeo thesmmlwia the vocal and in- itvumenial mualc provldodby ufa krlubmlltt tlibmethodla ladles q lartelttu mleeea gray and wlhlanja ml d m hendrreon and mr j h fjronke nfitrrle urt wa tl enjoy able actmt olllaena baud gave a social and persowait mr 1rrcy tlrnwn lef l on tueadajp i r brandon mlm mamie mabau- la home from herewerd r k j ilaaaard le holidaying in new ontario mra h gray returned to toronto on tuesday mr v j moore t ronto waa home for a weekend visit mtaa minnie dennett la pending a nonth r ao at toronto mr cecil hwackbanier or toronto iuitd acton ir lands butt week or and mrs ault and lercy spant day orwo laat week in toronto mf wllllani mclem of point kd ward vlalted aqun f hands lest week mlaa bertie mel m spent a day or ro laat week wltb friend intotunto mr james masters of niuevate spent a day or two in town ibla week las hdna ierryman of toronto i isltlng her sister mr george nallla mr john stewart wee home from lochnsur n y uat week on a brief llt- m h jordan of traokeviur la visiting her daughter mra ir john re tbo twdy of juelpb uit edheralater mr- wm 1 1 ems treat on monday ir and mrs it h 1ioum are en j ying themselves at it ml on and port htanley ttie hlaaee craham of acton spent hunday with mm jaa long krln advorat mr ii conover and mlaa unover if krlndale were gueata of mlaa susy dennett mr and mra jar and family have retnoved from palmeraton and eettud in acton r and ur thake and master harold of hamilton are guest of mr it wallace mr norman masabx and babe of toropto vlalted at the old home here at week mr thomas dell and family have removed from athabasca landing to kd man ton mlaee bvrgarat and rlale stewart are vlaltlng relative in fergna for a week or two mlae gladye zimmerman and master kenneth of colling wood ere vlaltlng frlenda here mlaa nellie mulholland spent a tew daya in stratford with her friend mue mary lennon lr master of toronto waa the guest of her brother principal ft tew art during the week mr adam stewart la spending a week or an wltb her daughter mr c w maaon berlin rev dr t albert moore and mlaa dorothy of toronto were guests at moorearofi tbjs week ml algle of toronto waa a guest at the home of mr wuilam maaon ohurch street this week ta glare h moore waa at george town on monday ettondlng tbe funeral or the bite henry a reed mr holland fiinltb of minneapolis no la spending holiday with hla mother at palrvlew piece mr and mrs william grant of tor onto spent a few daya in the old town the home of their earlier daye mr w mcnabb and mlaeea mar garet and jeaale are spending a weak or ao with frlenda at greetnore mr and mr arthur rogers of london apent a day or two use week at the hoiue or mr n p mclatn mlw mcdougall of acton baa re turned home after spending a week with mrs jack wi hough by herald mr a t brown attended a meeting of the exeentlve of hamilton confer ence summer school at klora ontuea day evening if r george wallace and hu mother have been enjoying a trip through- thethouaand iandandat montreal the peat week mr h p moore was in bellavllle uat thu red ay and prlday attending a meeting of the executive of albert college hoard of management mrs wm laird and mlsae ada and florence uolmeeand margaret bennett are enjoying the cool breesee of lake huron irony nn laund inn ground only one game tbjs week it wm a vny bio atcob on saturday tbe howuve tbe methodists end the oatwiealete met prom the etart it looked a if tbe howler were going to uphold the re putation won in laat match and put it completely over the oalsnealer in feet they were beating them bed until double uaolllty to be oeueeeed it look aa if step were about to be taken to enforce the double ueblllty claima re ihehetanot farmer batthr the- llqttidatorhae been making in quiries an to the financial standing of the helton shareholder lb thu ha mediate district with a view no dqubt lo collecting from tbatn the amount they are down for herald vlvedouar oowruint tbe new nvedolur bill leaued by tbe federal government was put in olrouutlon on dominion day thu new bill le a particularly doe piece of workmanahlp on tbe obverse aide it haa an extremely wall executed can adlan scene in nov scotia with an intercolonial train coming down tbe fneaoue- grade 00 the 1olubjb moun tain ratreaewwbon tuaur tetfaeod gordon macdonald aged ib yeara died on tuesday morning aa tbe result pf an acaldent which occurred on the farm or hla rather juhn a maodod aid branehtown on monday- uo waa preparing lo hitch a colt alongside a mere when the latter knocked him down and the waggon wheel paaai over hla head smashing the akull and completely severing one ear the heerlnav o tbe piuck piutaa hae received from mcu w j bdinuton photograph and llluatrattsl paper giving vivid ihuttra- iidiir and deacrlpuotui of the terrttue ba wrought by the cyclone in the capital city of saskatchewan a week go sunday the camera tejja tbe story with much greater vlvldneee than the reporter description tbe destruction of hf and property la fw appalling ij vatthral court a0eui mr kplrajm pbapnian will resign his poefucm sa court crier shortly suould he bold the office until next december he will have been edurt nrler here rr forty yeaiie vrlth this recordt that he haa not missed a single com tin all thaihfkuvand bore hae btn four courts atycar we under stand uioreovee that mr ghapman was never known in be sick he ought to be included among the sevevt wonders of tttewotld beforme the uat innings when t scored six rone and the howlers failed to und a single man across the plate maclean and laird tbe anglican bat terlea phlyed ror the methodlata w log to the unfortunate accident lo their own pitcher wm worden and wm pearson wre tbe umpire tbe cores msrniouitrr u 11 ic k gudu r f sid w brown ik a 0 o w laird c v 8 o v coleman 3b 0 1 k meeleanp j i o j d burt lb 1 o l vrilluma of 2 1 o k brown if 1 i o it smella a 114 pnxhttkkiam w gould 1 b c clark c p holmea 2 b p wilds a b b ourk j lyod 1 f p smith r r j oole r f m smith p tht ouuroh liaoui wtahdino i una wok umfr to pijlv presbyterians 7 i 7 ilaptuta a d anglleans 14 8 methodut 10 8 ajpeedtna- autntnta pertna peeui uauy owners of euto mobiles are lak ins apin to outside town and vllugea these days and utely numbers of summonses for speeding have been oahawa beaded the hat the other day wltb eighteen whitby was in line with a goodly number ol blue papers nad breetfoed beamtpton woodhridge grimsby sod numerous other p hav made tne speeders toe the scratch occasions ii 7 illegal speeding u indulged in on acton streets auelplva bjreavra detensecl the ratepayers defeated three by uw nn monday in guelph a byuw to grant sg0kj to th general ho pita to comply with the government demand by addition and repairs was de reated 00 a straight vote 668 to 410 a by uw to loan d mejbtenale of guelph w000 to enurge present punt secured qig for and 901 against but needed more far twothirds vote a bylaw to loan anchor pumlture co of toronto 910000 secured aol votes with 445 against but loat by 100 00 the twothirds rule mo chevere res the buggi hlin 1 patented eberry plttere are eald to bo a snare and delusion they are expensive for the comparatively brief of use aaeh year and lota of can t work them aauefactorlly ntall but there u a better instru nsea tha any of them right at hand for every hnuaewife ite woman oblef instrument in any emergency the hairpin stick tbe sod in a cork add use the loop sod with e llttu practice you will find you can nt cherries rapidly snd well without smashing them nr losing much of the jolfle two veaaw la renlsssitlsnj on tuesday henry pilger was brought before judge gorham for e having bean convicted at the jon sessions of arson by burning hu bam and house near palermo hu honor said that he had heard nothing of the reserved nass which the prisoner oonnsel had undertaken to submit to the court of appeal and that therefore sentence onold not be further postponed be sentenced pll ger to two year and on 0400th in lb kingston penitentiary it la under- stood that mr cameron intends to go ahead with the reserved case and it u quite likely that pllgsr will get new trial sheriff webster takes pilger to kingston today ouamploo mo onahaew as milsa vm on wedneeday the drill was remov ed from the howdsn well after it had reached a depth of 17 lee without striking any oil except the alight ahawlng reported last wee jt had passed through lha strata from which only oil could be expected tbe operators are not dlsoouiaged many dry boles are bored in the beet of oil field and tby will venture newer mllith drill j pg t the mcknlgbt well on l be property or the milton praekvd brfck ckl haa been retarded by n fl iwof water so liaavy that it waa found neptaeajt raise the drillsod put down cash drllllnt haa bean resumed and the heavy hewvof g reported uat week make thei onerajora sanguine for a big rlrilw tho brandon wall has not yet been pumped not and its yielding capacity ascertained geo cllvr of ths peninsular oil on came to town again a few days ego hu oompany holds a number of leas here re lias twenn the pennsylvania oil field ha says that them the trenton rook is abbot qooq tett below the sur face thtohvd hmcagrealadvanug in havlrtg it en much higher making diljlw rxpensre lighter ha is very hnperul fir a big strike here ohitn plon free trip to toronto and return railroad and traclioo fares paid both wan to otrt-of- town buyers for a radius of so mies save this ma wait until sat july 13 at9am r e walker co 450452 spadina ave hall block south of college torontos most reliable dry goods merchant will inagurate the largest grandest and broadest sale ever attempted in the dry goods history of toronto beginning sat july 13th at 9 a m in our large building 450452 spadlna ave i 2 block sooth of college toronto can 100000 worth of the hoest ladles suits skirts dry goods and furoishlor goods to be pat on sale for 15 days be ginning sat july 13th at prices lower than it costs to land the goods in to ronto forced to re duce our stock aono yards best prints worth toe xfc 5 coo yards heat apron gingham 4jc ij 000 yardi of best ia muulnu 7c ladies skills worth s for 98c 1 lietwshskrth worth g 98c ladles bkiru worth 6 so ror 298 ladles i inencoau worth gio00 3m ladles hose worth lsjc for wc ladles petileoau worth 7s0 sfc ladles vests worth llc tor 8c thousands of other values wc cannot men- jionshere all to be sold at 33con the dollar sale opens sat july 13 at9am railroad and jtraction fares paid to purchasers of or over for a radius of 54 miles r e walker y co 450452 spadina ave half block south or college toronto canada overland pfyfyqyqyeyyqyqyqyf w6e right house r8 i dress silks and wash goods take advantage of the sale ol wuh oeds aad the sale of btlka now te progress in hamilton at ro t11 a ri iit hoirss these sales rlose neat satueday july n at i p m 5 hamiltons pavobitx shop pino plack at cost and less than cost 9 rje silk costume lengtha to clear st t 14 no silk costume leifgtha to clear at 1 no silk oituue ieagtbs lo clear at 1 5 no silk costume length to tusr st j sre the season s vsry n are the best obtainabu snywhere tbe colors include brawn spot rrooed with black spot snd border effect greee greusds with white pin dots and border to match black mosmalino btonnd with combination paddy green ribbon bonier sad triage effect black costume leng wlthhito borders pey grouada with black bolder etc in each costnase length material to make any style of dress as demsnded by fashion this nenn make it point to purthesn a iragth at your earliest opportunity eta every thread as pure silk the dyes with combination border effects white etanr to malch black le lengths 1 sufficient tbe bight house closes kaeh day daring jaly snd august at 5 p m 100106110 saturday the wash goods sale indades dozens ol other special vahtes besides those mentioned here lead the list white hope voile for coot summer dresses 40 ins wide regularly 7s sale price gsk pine french voiles for cool summer dresses 40 ins wide special at dc bordered voilas with white grounds and colored spot and norsl effects borders in coatrsslmg shades to match charming for summer dresses width eg ins regularly jec sale price per yd ssc buckendwhlt navy and white mnallns in dark gteneds for cool serviceable dresses width i ins regularly sjc clearance sale price i sc paaey 1 voues la white and colored grounds width 17 ins regnhuly 3s clearance ale price hcj mercerised pouurd in nxqubute color combinations ef bisckaadbelio copenhagen and black slrrand black and plain hello regularly sjc per yd clearance sale price 19c natural i laen bhade vesung for tailored blouses and dresses width wj ins reguuily itc per yd sale price per yd 18 c colored repps in closely woven weaves width ja ins mew shades of maove hello green blue and pink regularly 30c sale price i ftc coloied reppa in shades of grey wine wistaria mauve navy and gr all fast color effects width 7 ins regularly sc to clear per yd c ginghams is stripes checks and plaids regularly sec sale price per yd lie thomas c watkins limited king and hugh30ix sts hamilton ont in the worlds marketplaces with uie needs of macdonalds patrons always in his mind our buyer is now touring europe in search of new things for the coming season every centre pf production will be visited and the merchandise most likely to please our custom ers will be selected with cafe and knowledge which can only be acquired through years ot experience london liverpool manchester belfast and other famous manufacturing communities in the nfish isles will be searched for their worldfamous lines of merchandise suitable for this stores patrons for tops dolls fancy goods laces embroideries silks etc berlin pans vienna sonneberg puerth barmen manich and other points on the continent will be visited the worlds productions to choose from should sorely assure macdonalds customers the newest and best in millinery ready-to- wear dress goods silks linens ribbons fancy goods carpets rugs and wall papers r wc want to make this store the shopping centre of this district and the best source of supply for all customers u j watch us grow t i mens aothior d e macdonald bros cor wyndhara asd macdoac streets guelph 0mt dress goods ndhooclmt motor cah and trucrg iqii mod n ununmariml ur vdm and enqtaqcy abovcnt npnwiu our fiva pauuifpr thirty hon power cu at i3ts dllvred lo torooto tolly eqalppad call without tall and iw our loit llodvla shawo vorltind solos oa to ow actollad at w cb annual outinf friday eveatar july imh grahdbpbltaia minstrel show concert fouowadby haohunclent display ot fireworks admission hsc saturday moraln july 10 da3eball gu1e toroato a mamuloa travallara adiasaion fttbe lunmre iattd clrt satat arteroooa july 10 caamuoptan procession aix provknade 3 prist lor lha ban conical tttraoot ttatrauara banad atwecllc sports gtwiilofe i pfues galore priass for the bat lady driver ol stagl roadster admission to sports i sc if yon wsai an old hihlooad good tine eoma to georgetown july lilt and mth r rt 5e metropolitan bank head offtee toraato oat j op a umnrtdaal vrabtav savings depaktmemt accounts of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch 1bl r burling manager www wmigmmmmbajmm luewjwr bank of hamilton carnal paid u unojm rarwaaduratistodproclt sj0o000 toasaaarta 000000 rlaamlaharttwartopvrcliaaathat uia g thaa laofadvfmfotlasethat a pi yoa is bfialtsly more tm pssetag gtatuleatioa gsxp whut yoa weajht obtata by spsfsdltag it soau sttaeato whkh wmwol hardly p ngrtwly wul gtsdoally bat earely eccagtelal to a pom large l swiuli nfmiinghnti basl i jwp savaceta or loioiw gkolwifown branch ejv h jhjasj

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