Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1912, p. 4

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abe jufmt 3fri teas july 11 tr wrtmjmctm whew all u that a woieb turn a face bot hasnt head ir also baa baada bat no artr yu eae it all sounds quit strange uke a deep tuyetwry ami e tree h4 e trunk willi many lltil- ih hut tree wtilt n hml nu iuui fmr knew it mm 1 b vulor yet pliry f l il i hlw hiul 1 ythaui4uylik keh rivei- lil n has m uli in tli grm wt illl im lip itj 11 f iiw yat it mtkea laiudihtuiu tbe wangim ttl carrlagw lliiat hve h itmlg uhlkim yw hay iimvoh t a iihhtth tt which ilia lingua may belong they mo with great eae bat invar can walk t and though um ha uuigites they never om talk the barnyard hnmltr a bomblom pmnm yet be haen i a hair por hu nice oumb to drees the soa has long arms but no legs aa on know and plenty ofcocabare that on the eande go though it haevt got hair nor whisker to taow the pro bytes ln an inappreprlate malady il la ourlou hrar lutw ils iund now and uien crop up urwtvr inap propel ate eondltlous in various parte ul 4 lie glob al a mall town in india a non military station where there waa nothing in the shape nl a military hand it occurred in a bw oi tha more enlightened inhabitants that it would be an improvtount to the place if something of lb kind could bo form d the official in charge nf tha small detachment of local native police wii approached ami h with tit aid af suboxipttnns from the nmrt wealthy native rilitciia rantrived to raise a mall rorpa of ii s and drums the hand wa making rapid atrlcf toward rlclrncy under the tuition of an old retired natlv hand emigrant whrn one il ihr head men of the plac a woalthv native euddrnly dli t hi rolatlva n mtnverimi btiw llltorally hit- ilcraimht had uluktrilwil inwartla thi haml fund and thinking how largely it vrouhl add in tho gran dur of thiv citrpiony ak d that the maaihana alight b allnwal an taktf part in 1 i funeral prniiion their dniupat ra yrantr k aod 0 rtrlallwa ware dtiiihtnl with th tf foot bat contomnjatc tha oonalrrav hon of tbc las european prctaloni when they qeant the icmm band a4 um head of th- prooralnn ratthng war at the only tune they ent- all proficient in ta-ra-rm-boom- deayt tbu wa rrpeated again and ajntin throoajnoat tha whale dlrtanaa from the reaidonce of thj dceaaed to the burial ground- about two mllear lr a villa crart thia story ia told of a buoceaatuf british nneral who was far from be ing a brilliant scholar at sehoo af tar ha became iamotta he one day dropped into the old school to pay a visit to the acaoe of hla farmer wots the teacher wan amlona to make a soot impression on the ran enl ana put the pnpibi throuth tbeir leaeooa ao as la show than to tha beat advantage after a while tha genera aid bat which u the dancer you hare on surely show him to roe the teacher called up a poor fellow who looked the picture of woe ae he bashfully came towards tha diatin- guiabed visitor jsra you the dunce naked the wel lr aaid the bor good fellow aaid the vflvaanjlunga for yoi fo jkaepina my pt oj castoria o hb oasf mmo at a pojtoaenan found ajnairra ateyo oenek onatuornlog 11gttsjiaiia lwaooiy in ti n4rigtilxbona a aoane flnabooaea t sarv yoqr4iqntedtnapolioaroan wba atw you cmnab t rnnthln- vv iwau i think yon are krplun slow or hi mn fon in ev eau tha msffev j l ak dofn aothini too eea 1 alnga tenor nehehols an th manwhx arbat alnss bau is akca fast gotiir tta hie placa in th choir eo etnglii t aa i doea tea out hareeatbntn oold eo i kip aloe baee jr- v a dqwq q tba rleb younsj man who wee frying to learn to work had fallen 7n love with tbedaughur of hu mpiyhrvtjt tfftmd thai ble path waa by no means f you tall we your father objects to a4ar bmrryln um be eakd in a ereat- fukm tone is u breauaa i am in ble tpaorioiitwrtt and go back taallfeofmlvtamirheirbr pob no that isia wlwt be wante aj0dtb4biplidoaoe heeaya louiy fparrr yon j asfyon arw ralnable voongfa to hav your aakbtswbwdr 3 jehjir said again it ia poma n aa- hiikv tt it dally tafwranh publulioal a unt li quant lmtinr ominnclna hall i thaa j it- jobnaolii a leamnja bllv waa inapiral b tlte loll iwlna uaruc exploit oi the part of tlte itoled nwnu naw of that name h appial llm r one of the penny atramera waa paa- ing unttt london llrldua an iurl gentleman who nittini nu th hunwala altli his feet in the aiat horned1na nawnpapar inat hts tkt ance and fall into lha water bhouu and adreama oiled tiie air aa um old tit urn an floundered italn- aly i the river railing help i helpf ftudrienly from tlie crowd iu the nridge a tlgure leapt on tha tialim trade ptongnd tntn the hire am reached the drowning man ainl aaam with him to the pier tlte erclanie tinna wlikh reetl tlie hro en deafening and when tlie u t leader appeared tlflt neat lav m one agreed that the rliapaodical au logy waa well deawrred h waa not until a weak or two tat ar thai it transpired that tlm nld un tleman rescued from a watery grae uaa peter johnmn eldnr linither of j d and champ n diver oi r r land i and that the rtfue waa a rlev erly planned rnau if lu tun brotliors to bring tlie jounger an i leni ftto notoriety know l purae whh money in a ced a umimikeejter at oueenatowii nm hubulary barracka whilo rlnaliinil a siln- almut thirty mhiiku in wciulil ieoard inaide the flah a hi rue con tainlng a numlr d llvar roliia of tn4 refrn of quean victoria tlie pqre was of lea t tier steel tmund and in good preaeratlll it alan rontaitted aome inrl1il imiier which waa re- dur4l alrimml to pull unln stand ard an opeeeum farm on farm arutiielv lor ohhuuu haa been atariral in cipptfland mr tone oui- which romon- 3 wnl arrcj of ucmlplna huah land an other larm c- iniitriamit 6ui arrew haa lieen tarunt in aoutiiern taxniaina and another of lo acres in kew houth w alee ma la a canxlbal fncnvefer of an r jj ptian worm tht will eat the cotton ih11 wevil have been dlecouratel by learning that it ia cannibalistic in lis tenden clea and will eat 1u coinpaninna aa laadlly aa weevils was tioiblei it iis beabt rad to qtn up work mr aurcd mat bfcada ont writes i was troubled with my heart lor two v three years i thought aomcthou hat i would die i went to i be doctor ind he sajrj he oouu not do anything or me i had to grra up work my ife persuaded me to try mitlmims feart and nerve hus the first bra cbeved dk so i iffpt on until i had jken seven boua and they cured me would not be without them on any coouut a they are worth their weight i gold i advise my friends and neigh- ors who arc troubled with heart or dvefould to try them to any of those nutcrhig from heart nerve trouble we can rccotmtrmt our luburas llisurt and nerve iua with ic great est conjldcace price m cents per box or 3 how for 1 21 if your dealer does iw i ttvr em in stock send direct to ira t tilt u ii co i imilrd toronto onl fiimniiiiim1 5toaiui4krooillreull- imiltflnmlii milil tnmarstmaallonjamrul- ouuniwtune ax ybaani nornabcollc apnfcdb4ylorcoblto- tioiisoor smkullintm warasxnvi43ioosiwish- u ml loss or sukp mewtfoek exact copt it n mm castoria gorlhftata and chlldran the kind you have always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years one of tha usee or adversity may be to teach ua patience in judging other children ory for fletchers when tha heart la froaan one la apt to tklnktbattbe faith la ann peevish pava rentleaa and sickly eblklrob pwe tbelr condition u wanna uutber oraeea worm bxtaroilnatar wltl rauavartbetn and restora health a ttatajawaw- yaavtiavw weak tfcareaea aateaaa lane eaaaaea laaalrtaat ea awat ri ill aaiae taeatej laaalui e jatstrisbtssssssi- asiilei ateaaaanaattea a prlaaiaal 41 taklmaifo tudsm what la neutrality pa r tavutwev taken- by tha prtfa lbol on boea hoi on i th man t tt t lift fe i dw saw m aa hraaaa je oeaie indian hoot pllla are not a new and untried remedy our grandfathers used them haifa ccfltury ago before cqafederatloct tbeyereoo aal in nearly every drug or general store la the canada of that day and were thl recognised cure in r thonaandsof hotnea for constipation lndmtiontbiltnuancaakhcuiiuttlam l ssa11dneyanilivcrtroiiutca to day tliey arc put aa effective juat at rllahle a cvlr arhl nothing better haa yet been dpvteed to u cure common ills f hj coming tn at be actbad if it did not i the merchants bank of canada afjinerson who receives and pays nut money should have a chaulng accdoui iaymeal by cheque la the moat practical coo vesical and eefesl method of handling all financial transaction whether of a bealnaes or pereooel oharaclar the return of ensealled cheques are vouchers for every um paid out ibey abow what tu hnr have bean made and to whom deposits srn received by ihla lunk subject to cberue withdrawal wo pay the same at tent too to law 11 depositor as weootourgeooeaaiideqcoanigiblt accoanlr laiereal allowed on all savings accounts compounded half yearly total assets shlvtttm49 actton branch f i maclenn manager warmest kind for cold weather tougtwar horschide n nvct be found because the b8t is used for storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet ihri ekir lccaute carefully tanned by the chrome process i- mn- pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and toskiv frcprof the best worthing gloves on the ssssa market sold at all stores insist woman sick for years wants other women to know- how she wag finally reatored to health hammond oat i am paaalng through tho liangn of ufa ami for two yara had hot flnatwa vrry lad had a hea aorenrsa in tho liack of iwad waa ennatipatad and had wnak nervous fel liipa tito doctor wlto atlomlnl me for a number of years did not help me but i havo iteen entirely rchevml nf tlie alxivn niilonia by lyda aalthkluuns v ctolil ckn pound hloodilurin r anil liver plua and give you permission tn publish my tatimnnlal mrs lnmtl itkauijinc sr hammond ont canada niw ilrunswick canada i can hlphly recommend lydia h rinlhatna vcgntal locompottnd to any sulferini wo- i ha teu it for female w v noaa am palnf ul mnatruatiin and it cured me mrs daverg hakhouk harvey hank now urunawkk canada ijdia e finbhama vegnuble com pound made from nativn roots and her lie contains no narcotic or harmful drugs and today holds the record of being the most aucceaaful remedy for female ills wa know of anal uatuaanda of voluntary testimonials on file in the ilnkhsm lab oratory at lynn mass swm to prove this fact every suffering woman ov cs it to heraeir to give lydia k hnkltamr vegetable compound a trial if yen want special advlee write e lyala b sfakaaei jtrdlcjae co reafl- waatlal lyae haas voer letter wlu ha opened read- and aaawvree by e wan and held la strict ooafldeaae tlie man who cannot forgive any mortal thing la a green band in life oorns and warts disappear wh treated with hotloway a corn cure without leaving a soar in irvine to carve hla fqrttine many a man uaee poor tools often it would be more fitting to say he had an uncnrklnn good time had ladigestioa sear stacb aadi sewera haadaehaa for over a year mr w moore 133 usgar bt toronto ont wnlca after having been troubled with indigestion sour stomach and severe headaches for over a year i wa induced to try mtlburn s xj liver nils one vial greatly benefitted ray case and three vials completely cured me i can heartily reoommeod them to any one suffering from stomach or liver trouble mllburns luta uvcr pills itimulate ilia slugtsh liver clean the coated ton j ip and remove all waste and poison ous innltrr from the system j price 2 i cents cr vial or f vlah for si no at all dralervor matted direct on receipt of pricn by the t aluburn co limited toronto ont ww v acton there be no svrup so wholesome as pure hiod cmu wot dyflmpti totqtmed by poor oiwtk wml lo im rh o tld ufriu dhotubs bkapir tp ptao tb iwkt la puipm ipv- nod ooodlkni rx d9t blood blui ut no amjl r jkw nonnwi a m partai na inftotr- u tta yarn i dtnddndfiujrhiidrirpumdi coh oat lp himm o mr uenck iejhm mdkbybte net m- very nlany peraons die annually man elinlevn and kltidml stiuitwr omnplalnta who might have been aav ad irpentiaw- reutedy had liven iifd if attacked dti not delay in gelling a bottle ul ur j ii kllrtrypitrty outdlal the umnlfcitm that ntivtr falls totfrrot naitrw thma wtm liawe tiavd itmyhabtaproinlmly and thiirtnighly nmueanhsrnalihnddliawkr t 1 acttiial asx cterfeoett wlvaa must havo one quality ahoro all others tact the r of dr locke a popular jvindnn brracber had laetalid what waulte its vauable in una flwthticf at ft pfckwtji llwk on day lr i ttutleed a jady tvitom ha tii4ieliillalkd up his roflt steps ijunrrylnat up alalraaitd taking reftikv in lijr sandy bo lef m- wlhenlrulpjthca hair an boor latat- be tnd awft iuj rati a- 1 ust try a tin prom voir orocrr your saooay tw h not emlrahr salijilactory every tin absolutely guaranteed by sugars dt cannars umitad montreal ro basji mow v- j c hill woodhall mckay and geo sopei automobiles and implements auunt fur the fumoiibford motor car su ukent or cocktbull mid daln machinery and fleury plows jiid a full lino of repairs for piowh and machinerj i a oorl line nl bkh en and harness lap rugs arid rubliera prices riht i also floor oil i ijarrritramihrt ire thin cln of building a silo this year give us a call and feet ourpvices i ji rr l b pj gettdweu actoif the young roan who tails a girl sha is a dream is likely to bumpapagainai a rude awakening shortly after inarrl age a iteniedy for ullioua tfeadacbe tn those aubjeot tobllhiua headaobe wrmeleaa vegetable pllla am recom- mended aa tha way to speedy relief taken aooording to dlraatlnoa they will aubdue irregular it tea nf the atomach add ao act upon the nerves and bipod veaaels that the pains in the head will cease there are few who era notat sometime subject to blllnua neaa and familiar with lu attendant evils vet none need suffer with these jrflls atjiadd it is easy to please a good natured woman and there la nu need to worry over an 111 natured one unless she is your landlady t life of mem sahib i is r har a trying ordosl fer tha european lady in india mrm lit la tlio till ltwo1 tlo indian nrvaiil u ii ills bli llfili uialrhii at a niomnnt mlion we a all thinking f the b durbar ibrliciilar lotrrl attar to lio fol i tint wlikh u an acrount by a mem xalilli il a tpical day in liar ufa tt 30 iliac ilrcsji hava uflt bmak in i mid nttrint nnrvmiu f erforni wlilul i sin tsklng my ii i idrr y iii llliim i ml as tint main oahib s for fcttlnu ui it inuat l mi lrtltliat iiiiiiii inland on i ilium taiulri anil lucaliiy ii y in un i11u oi would uol ilrfiam of ri ii k h iarl but on lowar plelii- win r- tli lust ii atilling and ufa had 1 hvitr i glad to gitl u wo i arly atr wliat ia4 prol nll u a i-l-i-il- tilglii 0 to ii r rido ir drlvr lulanl iiuviou il parted to uaraaui or of lite vi jcatnrii to find tlist tli asr vtu lis lelt untloiia atliing that tli l light to have done or that tlm mi rk baa imoii pwmlnffly miaiilii- d hi lid over lliio and sea it don tlood mnfvbutri ae sesrea now ad ay an i tl ir nuiolar only add a- a nk t tli intm nalilb s troitl ia and w r lei tl art that in india oi tnu nil jm many aervmita la not to le lakuii an evidoiko if a vant atnount f work imirforiiitxl cltaiigu and dress bmakiaat houseliold dutlaa ifrre j hi i id mien vie 1repsro to rrle callara hi going out railing or ahop- h lften to one being tli liclal lalliuu hours in india if 1 am going out or do not tael up to rmelvlug vlsluira tlnni i instruct ilia imtlar to put out the card boa this is a wixniii bo with a slit lu the lid and it u lunfl on tlio gate- i i l or soma nth r louvuiilmt olijact whan tlm approarlilin caller neos it h know uiat i am not at ho roe uither in art or in tlm ry drope his tard into tha boa ai 1 got on his wy thia morning however i am at home and inj lrauin iix m is soon full of nsrv us i ink and white sub altern fur a new regiiuaul has juttt arrived itatlnr an orhal this morning un terlaining rr a sinraoiliii af straiufors and i am wlail thsn ne o clock briiiks tilth imuo a to 4 p tn try in uleen at any rate retlro to my ilarkoinxl liwlrooin and lio down flrnt riving my daily and pornmptory iimtnirtlmia u my ayah maid or nurse that i am not to be ditturhed i on a tnattor ot i death thin is absolutely neootusry t r tlio nhyslcal and mental salvation of the lngliah woman in india depend on the saimtlty of hnr afternihiu ilati 4 v in it all daends for another ride ay w r to kotllb band gvrnkliana crlcfcul jmlo foot ball match and even kiitiy football is possible in the cool noaa on in some parts of india or i may ulay at houie lo receive special visitors or to write letters however whatever i do six oclock or so finds me at the olub unlaaa i have some very special engagement most clubs in india more psrticu larly in tha smaller stations are mix d clubs the ladles having their own rooms and there we hit and discuss the station gup fgosslp they last about an hour and wa separate and return to dress for d timer a ti m dinner at a small station wn live socially by taking in each other waahing that in everybody dines with everybody in tutif mo ia constantly meeting theigme people at dinner thia la monotonous bit there ia at least one comfort there ia no pre twncct no trying to make a show above jour means castoria far infante and fl tie kind yon han alfiribatu bears tha signature of 2afe the grand trunk lahwav lrsiklanceway m agootblng but not when baa lock brings it kiiipirdon ian t a beaittllul thing iul it bnaaavad the day man a lime and ofl krlands like ntoory hale the bml o lielng abaant alas you naea tbem moat important warning tie out ieui1e mb ollsuul extuct of bui stutflemt is dr- fowlers ptj irawl remedy hu been on the market for sixty five yean snd is wtib out a doubt the best aserncine known far the cure of dlabwtttka drserttut couc craalps paiw la the stomach cholkra morbtra cholesa tntarttum and au stjlfaleje cosetlailfts if an unscrupulous druigut trna to talk you into taking any other prepara tion when you ask for dr fowlers refuse to bfka it and iruht on getting what you ask for price 55 cents per bottle bee that tha name the t mitburn co limited is on the wrapper aa we are the manufacturers and aole proprietors it is hard to make a great display of ability when you havent any freeh supplies in ueaund wher ever ir tbornea kcleetrlo oil baa been introduced increased auppllea have been jjrdered showing that wherever it goes this skorllant oil impraaeea i ta power upon tha people no matter in what latitude it may ha found its potency la netsr impaired it la put up in moat portable shape in bottles and can be carried without fear of breakage courage ia a good thing to have about you but it ia beat to havo twa hrandelf one of them is named cau- faaiignokr tttaikfl tltdlawl 111 hi tmt f f 1 k s ao to rshe excelsior bakery rijubt quality dr1ad cakiu wtuoino lakkm birtmoav lakku a- btc tttc gall today i t statham son bakers ami grocers main st acton tha btrtli shas gruitt ai haiai worts destgdaraand ituitdcia ol kisibm uaua uaaras uoaameat msrkeis and head uooes and all kinds of artshcdwtwywort wm metiqstreet acunt acto wool wool wool llil rk mil 1 kind of fuknithkii 3v srxi hcton c0nsci9nt10us plumbing heating is not tt itvth tocith xjs ohildren ory for fletchers castoria tu urn who live inactive lives kxnrclsa in the open air la the beat tonic for tbe atomach and system generally hut there are those who areoompellrd to follow sedentary oc cupations and the inactivity i puds to restrict the healthy action of the dl geatlve organs and alckneaa followa ivrmeleew vegetable 1jlle regulate the atomach and tlvar and restore healthy action it is wise to have a packet of three inlls always an hand ut range that a high filer should al way w nn the downward path the best tiling to do for hurt feelings la to tie them up in a handkerchief end chuck tbain down the back at aire there neier waa and never will lie a universal panacea in one remedy for all ilia in wlloh tlnkli la heir what would relieve niw iii in turn would aggravate the other we have low ever in quinine wlnr when ulttalned in n sound unadulterated state a lemedy fr many and grievous ilia by lu gradual and judlclnua use the frailest systems are led into convales cence and at rough by tbe influence which quinine exersjnj natures own restoratives it rellevea tboer lu wliuiit a chiiiulo atalw of morbid deioudhucy and lack nf inter ii lite la a dlaeaas- and by tratujnllliiiik tlte nervee dlspoaee to sound end rexreahlng alvep imparta vgur to the action nf the blood which being stimulated course through the veins atrengl hetvjng the healthy animal functions of- tha system thereby making activity a neoeeaary result trrngtlun1ttg the irutue and giving life to the digestive organs whlcl naturally demand increased substance eault hoproved appetite north rop ck lyman of toronus havo giver it tha public their superior quinine by the opinion of scientists the wine approaches iiearealavreolioii ujj an in the market all druggists sell it to the contihry wo make it themost important factor so if jou favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec sv guelphf phone 337 150000 free homesteads mono thi uhi qfthr canadian northern pailwav in manitoba saskatchewan and alberta re uuirlcau a uinmli hbihh sad i luw of iii he eived by km lit hen 1 u i hi 1 wil uimh f t entry lyi 1- chimlli k kill- rtheti wilhliis titii aiimiih ivli hiip- ly 11 4withy tor ll tvmltr uu bi aujuluutwulliiuale- lkrllt ltielnlttrfiii f i iirlttxricius mat irw wiwlvrful wbesl ijiuoa t lukuwwi11 r will timi tnl lit the it paint which tn tlitiy mllo tlie 1 1 ivt ulllc i manitoba 21800 wcitci ciutlieu i ihrnh hmwt saskatchewao 48080 g itutnber alberta 14000 csualaltwi jstrwlpntlkitlly eviy aim ins eoiullllaa la aul wtia la the total tlwiauuihniahlilhstiluiriimiiilry whkh acctu hmss ctmitag nt i tlw tollluk land whil mrn an t tllmato are sdmlrsmy ja4ru to lb ntttunr mlacxl lamiliig ttwatiiiimphcrvlltar lrytl luvtoimilagiaakeairlauiullmbmundtn live ia tha tw4 itiunnltk ut lpt lly xutu uktu uji ami intandlag wltun will w well aililloiibkalilrmlecli hi without jlay write for a f ir htnklcl slvluyllie localluu an i a ilmilutlun at lh uihi hdhollrinl auipy will twnllt lbiiym nisklug antluatiuii to k hbiiimiih ak4 tlcueml lisamncer aint linilln n utlijfii llutlrlliig tiounls out your chopping will be done quickly aid well on either plate oi stones if taken to the ockwood chopping mills flour oatmca bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co beautiful new istal papers a your home n i ordinary wall iaper makes or ring room fully yea your rtornvllhe entire eflect may linary dioaqr looking rooms bow tastat ally yea may furnlth easuy be spoiled by using piprra thai are not thoroughly suitable don t run ihe risk of diuppolnl meal choose your paper from our caw unas prices are very iaperhaurlug done to your com piste satisfaction kib po roll all kinds koom mnuldlnk chair halls and 1 ua italia at the lowest poksib e prlrat stephen cordiner xfvjlter paithhangen ktc flcioah 1 sam i mu a sracialtv i strwat acton ont j we are here to do your printing we have a lame assortment of type ready to serve you we print what you want the way you want it l and when you want it tjtb hctonpree press patents iphdmptly secured in all countrhm p ajflfc forjaojbiotjl alvlaor ivtariolsr j4arion jm rjnlveruty 51 oumer srhcaltiw street montreal canada ami washington d 011 hk 3sfiffilt

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