Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1912, p. 2

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w ti iianu jib mr- hvdw hjc ro hto wmehceopewicibnweini to bes uqhtum vkryvmibt ctwivfimta ia immh ah im miuouam tews rtato a boly uubbamd sen tamo aooojumko to a report to tbe de- pntoint of trade end oonnwnt by oofnmfcmlooer bay off btrelnflhein than will ba an eaosptlooauj laraje dmsind forxneulan applee tnbaa- land tjueveer bvkx um liberate throuaboot uh doenlnloo an nidtimd at ba reeult of tba elertlone 1o seaketcbewan hut mk it wu havdlranuelpaladtbat tha oobjaarratlaaawoom baao ottarty rooted tba new booaa wrl have 45 uberak and only 7 ofb oooeaaeaileoav thta in tba fane of tba fart that tba ubatttl leader ho waher scott baa been eb ut as to ban co throaejboot tba wbola of tmafc aaaatodof tbaufmataibaawra otthn uawaa that cmp be ajpaond tarn ammovrummmxr la tbm on and eflar lat of january nut than wul only ba coa appeal in oota riohwodoim wbaotkf prorlaow gonrnomot paaaad tba law eteforan ant three yeere ago tba aaaaani are divided into two part tba portion axtandtac tba iarfadlctioo of oooaty ooorta went into ibrpa at tba paaaagf of tba bdl bat tbaqrat part wanting only ooo appeal conrt n oo- urio waa to ooeee letp foroe by pro- eumallon tbla proclamation baa now baao waned pun anoaqoatoee and improper i in tba rami districts r worries of benltfa aa i att bonn of health dr j w 8 mo oaavwb obtof offloer of health la bnvlnft prepared ohottlaradeauns wltb nab ooa which wlu ba dutrtbateu t tbw province toe eb onlanpola4lagooltbaway to tiur aabnuo tba fuaa and noaqomoaa wlu beirttw n grant onantulaaand aant to tba health ocneere nod pfcyeleuae ail peer thaptohook alauere an now proreelue wltb satlefactory deepnteh lr onnreuon with the hydrokleetrlo tranemlaelon mm end the local inataluuon itaciaerr keieby wm hen test work and located 1to llfihte iw tba rtwhiot tba town tbla idtanlji make aoton raw of the beetliajhtad iowm id owtaiip lu lb centre of urn town there wltl be about four didm m many ibjhu aa ynder tba old ayeteai end tba lamps will ba double and te um- eepeeuy of tba preeant uinp livery town will ba lighted at pneent there an no lauipe oa the reacting etreata tba new yaten m thle and all oroee etreate wuibo amply lighted tueeaav aararal oar icmtda t bap- plleanowlo theo t k rard and ar- rmngan of an being affected to puah forward tba work with rapidity tba uanaf onaar elation ban hae been atakad out it will ocaapy a alia on tba lawn la front of tba pneent w houea about fifty raat from tba willow street una tba hydroharotrla agent ban bought all tba polaa in ur d a ban dareoaa yard tbe new wsr ofhce buumrte itcxterratrn owtuajioabattp haul new vornto chiomgo by mttt tba rato frow new york lj uvnrpool by aaa thna oenta jtbina oanioaotniuomrrygmloby aa tbnf fcinniaalwaatbnaoaobi will oarry byhu titklnguietnotaann oaab tbnf ofdnlon to avpreawd that tbaopao- lnatbannajnoxnajwtndtartto tba rontu afoob of panada weatrrn rwhieh now rameftni boropa v bloptraal tba opening of tba onnal on that narrow pack of land which divine north bom sootb amarioa pnmaiaa tp piodooa qnlta aa importaot aooboalaaffeota in a aa wen cmnwd-w- nwnarandaatebwibjr bnonjagof tba fln wntarw blvio matwpvawlntnrn tadp mtift yytf 1 tba aaalgtitly tawipornry railing at the main btoee bridge near vnb towpuoevanrtadataa ago wueb waa to be rrplaoad wub pmng wat fall x tb now atone aod orna irob gateway at fmlrrlawl oiaielar fpjt wbloh eati wain areored flea tbaoe baa ylkl s a gaxdnnair empl ad to glen us wbola una dnrlng tbe eprlng and awmmar nwotb to haeplbg bt oamotary walka drlvaa and peota binl- traottn oondraanu 4 warning gonga at tba qtb level orowinga almnlar to tboee at biaaaptoa norval and boelwooftj a bunlolpal neolquoa rorwarded to tba baqway oommlaavin wtujamwwntnaaii jl- new ci p on ala stnei from tba end of tha pnwawiint to tbe norporatlpai undt i aneurtrtennajarmayateni t iiiiarhetbjtauw jaapaut lpraobaft j but may at reaaona ooet ba all egaoted tbla eommer if mben bold of eawarmlond energy malta imnh ajambar ot the ooooeu 4abnjaly r- aponnwa- for t a i afaov owutaad and um woowtpatter wulbnaiboaiallitmtotheaatnnacaoa bma0ajmparibl mjsiji em fwawn nnwihenennnnw r w a pr vary ntrnnae ctantflrtaaa pnaaetd thla tany ol pkii oint vrunalbohooli kern anxlely hum lieen fait llwt palt ek by the eandldalee who wrote at the reoent exantlnatlone aa to tbe r- ault tbeae were recrlred from tbe kducallon dapertiiient by prluclpal fltewatl n mnnflaj morning and wilt troniplly given to tbe waiting candr- where wo hatnh tmanlllt ofstom to bb movid tba fobowtng m n copy of a telegram received by mr jamee matthewa from the department of pnbne work re- latin to tbe alt for tbe new poet nee for aoton i ottawa oat july lsth 10isl jamee maubawa bbok aoton out hluutar of pobun work baa ap- rebaee of yonr prop u oornar of miu and wh- aoton tor pabuo balhung j b hinrrnn deputy minister thm eettlee vary oonolnatvely tba site of tbe new government building and in in accord wltb tba recommend atlono of mr d handareou mp end tba gorernmeata pnrebaalng agent tba work of removing tba baodloge t pneent oocapylng tbla una aita the old poet office bonding and the ba aton ooonpled by nobue floor feed boalneeawul probably be vary aboruy it la tba la- footlou to reenova tba pneent poet ofnoe bonding to the lawn between havwe atova etora and mexrane bar ber abop k tbe postal bualneat wul ba transected until tba new build ing lac several loads of uumhouse laaldsnu oemiratad uwlr clvlo holiday on saturday by going in btanley park brtn for a pfcvolc the day waa an ideal one for an outing and waa iborooghlybninyedbyalfr a shade of sadneas was out over um party wbrn lata in the ajynom n m came tomravoowdy oauiog hnrtauta hedalde of bar father who u oriuoauy 111 lo um general hospital goelpb mr flarou pomuogboroe of oralg- hnret fa anandlngn few weeks wltb hie nana te bare mlmfc irene ovronday fafmee in thle vaelnltyan boay baying and um crop u aald to be of vavy good ooautj the ft t b la tbe reeull eo fr tut acton hohool la conoernwd u highly gmlirylng both lo tbe candidates and tbe tee oners inaemucb as every candidate who wrote thu yewr waa aucceaarul three nf the number won the distinction of honor atandlng thle is another evidence of the elh- cieot work lining dona in aoton hohool it u on a par wlui the land ing of the eahnol 4n all departmenu the direct credit fur thle tplendld reeult laof oouraeduo lj mlae minnie jl bennett the- teacher of ibe so trance department end to phnolpelhtawaru thle reeult oould not have been ac ipllabed however bad it not been for the eound foundation work of the teachers in the elementary grades tbe following u tbe llet the names being glvort id order of merit t uildmlbtaudlon acton honora attcla obrien do honora vvutha johnstone do honors clara brown do mac smith do hauort collier do edgar stewart do gordnnmqlod do john smith do artie anderaod do albert brown do john it xcenney do boas bwaokbamer do turn rohal soiioolb of the s8 eandldatea from the neigh boring rural schools 14 wen sueoeaa- fttl aa follows 1 john booker no- 4 naaaagaweya elmer pickett do do mlae mary barbame teacher willie douglas no 3 batuaelng pearl stewart do do booors mies beatrlo fltagarald teacher dougua gowdy no 0 baqueeiog fred brown do do angus dobbte do do wn 1m mullbi teaoba mary dunn no 10 bequee mary uviugetone do do mlm ina white taaober vlrena masalea no u bequeelng mies nellie a jardlne taaober harny rath no is bequeelng wllue moffat do do geo hendereon do do victor harding do do mimbffledoeeas taaober the puptle from the rural schools abo did wall about 01 per oent qf tboee- who wrote were euoeeesful deueno gibbons paaaad from the 8r yi class to jr iv claaa her name waa omitted when ilia leaulls wen publlsbrd the unit or mat reo eatlntnted ihai tbe time wasitd br tbut vnosced la aellisr etartrumty in iryuiff 10 mska their cuetomen andvraland a kilowatt weak eeaice to build a etrlag of pyra- baldarrom new votk 10 baa raocteco wrnea allen dollu tbv dlecooraglng faatnra of the teak u ibst after all tbla effort the eostonte auu remain l-no- rsnt and cberlsbea ihe delusion that the met bod of electric nteaanrement u a oevtooe device rbr concealing qerh- praetleae by be electric llgbt coov noma fromtoron- pridga for tba traffla of tbe fllib line about fifty yarda east of the oonoanv ion unc tbla wut caoee n eomewhat awkward davhtlon of the roadway but it wul remove tbe dangerous level sraaalng a uua mint apreuyteum ftroddlog took plaoe i tba home of qaorge k polking- boitoe umaho on wedoeedaj july 10th wbeo edith h polking- wwerahad in mnrrlaga by wev x a iverle b evwf kuayth the bride lookra oharmlpg aa aba aotarad tba room on ibfarm or bar brplber to tba etreloe of tba hrfdal oboroa1 puysd by hta wlnirred polwnghoroe tjttu mlm iaabefde lapunta oaloe of tberlde mbmapratfwwavgtrl the rooms looked va7 attraouve with their daoonulooe of seder fa daisies aftar a wadding bnakfaat to wbbi audld inetlor the hridaj party left amid ahowers of hoe for bttof ata on tba eboces of lake huron aftar which they will reaida in kilsyth oat tba gwaata from ndletanoe ware mr hugh inn mother of the aprooin mraj l de lapleate mus lnolee pulklngborna mr and aire w gnwdy mr and mr t p ivana and mlae wlnnlfred ivona of umebouar the thal lomorw psubb ttw prlaa donated by hit najasty klng george v for tbf imperial cadet competitions at tbacanadufi national rrhlbluon wul ba a oballenge trophy to he bald by the wlnnen of the com- eompetltlon bar zv iriul tow elumipion pariiin siei ptrai li th bhonjlfrotkul f v jcvjbnmmnanwuph li furdku- iw- wsei w bi mmtttamoaj to normal the lists of aiioceasful candidates who wrote at tba reoent lower school examloatlona forf otranoe into normal scbobu and paculuea of kducatloo showed tbattveolytwoof tba oaudl- datae who wrote at tbe georgetown and qakville high schools and aoton burlington and milton continuation bflhools wan etmomef id big of uiaae warn students at acton aa followat isabel anderson raaboole annie maedonald margaret j uaodonaldr hot weather specials fancy john i moore dorothy a nelaon thm modi waddill bufbrrb tba following subaertptlooe bava been received for tba benefit to bddle waddsll who unfortunately bad his lag broken while playing base ball at tba firemens celebration here on dia d j u pnvlously acknowledged 18 is a toronto sympathiser 100 n cmoora do aotod amumment company 1000 j n moon bo jaohrarrlte and buie 1 00 a bympathlslng friaod 100 v aaifi this worthy faoutbas been nicely wallad thle wek jr the nation of anton amusement oompaoy wbloh gave a baoapt at the picture show last voaaday avaqlog n ltfbehair j it reported that a team of the jodaao base ball club toronto will play with acton a benefit game op otvlo holiday the fan pknwa man visited mr waddeji at the hospital last tbureday and found him in good spirits and hopeful of being abta to be released in throe or tourvreekr erncli woitkiho von thbm two frlarkhi wbi bad not seen each other for aavew y rare met again un- axpaotadly aa nelgbbore in artew eub- urbab dlatriot hallo bllklne i who an yon working tor no wr asked bim klna ovor the garden fence same people was the ebeery ans- a wife and five children tbe areraga american is perfectly aetjahed lo boy gaa by the foot traoa- portatloo by tbe mile aod telephones fay the month but wralta look aospldoue and kilowatt totally dvpntvad thla gunculty mlgfat nave beru avoided if the eminent eelrottal who first adopt- ad tbeee accorale and 10 thorn conven ient term bad been willing to shew tbe raat of tbe world bow to compote electric qukntjty in leet and locoes or barrels snd quarts ackiog tbla peo ple are left lo struggle wltb their toya- terto method of monanreroenta tbe klh la en old rrleod tor anctcot enemy if yon wllh borrowed from the saetrle ayetem thla leads to the dennloon of a watt but in order to know watts one most first learn about tbe two ether mem bers of the family e to perm and volts broadly apeablng amperee measure volume volta nreaaur and watta the reanlthig qnaoiliy- in order to get a tangible idee of tbe dmpen electricity may be- com pered wltb water bowing through a pipe- in thla llluatratluo tbe ampere will vpreneni ilr voliime of water wbtcb te determinrd bj the etne of tbe- plpa but thbi should not be coarnesd wltb tbe atse ol the electric wire wblcb baa ootblna do wltb the pres ent problem the noipore then meea- brea tbe rolome of current oowlng la tba wire et a siren time tbe quanti ty of energy lowing will depend upon tbe other rector which la expr i in volta tue vol may becooaldered tbemeaa- nre of preaaure or lotvnatty in the ulnatratton of water flowing through e ull ibe pressure la commonly eiprees- d in ponnda to ibe square inch with electric enemy hi mme idea ts e- draased in volts- it ts etldsnt that the quantity nf water flowing in a pipe of a gleo ebte will increase aa tba pree- aure inereaees in a similar way the quantity of electricity increases la ex ert proportloo to the electric presto re ef voltage aod ibis quantity is ro red by walle the quantity twattsi er electricity delivered over s single circuit la tbe direct product or ibe volume amperee multiplied by lite ttroeaiire tolta in other word umpotv mnlilplled by volta eqnnla watt tba uluatratlon eervea to indicate tbe theory of electric measurement h la ukety however to be mlaleadlng an- laaa the fact u kh in mind that wa ter ta material whllv electricity manl- fasts itself only through tie capacity uf effertlngv vbdbie thlnga ft beats the olament la an incandescent lamp and glrea ns unlit it turns our motors it magnalsce telephone and telegraph instruments but slnjn it rourvals its own peraonallty in order to know what a watt ac tually la it is uwtmmirv to aerrrtaln what it will do a tbouaaod idiot watts ere tbe itbechatilmi rqulvnlent fit one and one third ooravpuwvrtket m e merhknlcat norarpowvr equate m0 wstte of etwtkj- ijnbtlog circuit a itsnally carry 110 to 120 volta an or dlnary aucteen candle power lamp lakes a little lesa thao half an ampere la vormne and conaequrnuy cowumea about fifty watts of current with the tungsten lamp tbe rating by watts in stead of candle power has been intro duced and bfaa fair to become univer sally adopted bemg thus furnished wltb a atandv art of waaarirement it is necamary only to multiply the amount employed oommonly called capacity by tba uunt0rirnouri or oae to ret the ac tual quantity consumed la watt hours ttba sixteen candle power lamp with its fifty watta capacity consumes fifty watt boors each nonr it is used tba customary nntt ofcouauuiptlou bvthe koowatt boqr 1000 watts used one bourt aod the lamp wilt consume thht quantity in twenty hours the or dinary electric meter 1 recording watt mater record automatically the num ber of kilowatt honra onert bring op- saal ly m trhlrh r a a tpsed wblfh rornwponds to the ea- pacltt anipioytdltolll uagasme ntlsmarek and ne btomarcb brld ihai thrae waa the perfect number forhe bad aarvsd three masters he bad threv names three oak leaves figure lo bl family anna ba eras copcernrd in thm ware he signed three treatiee of peace in tbe rrsoco- prnaehinwir pa bad three norsca k1h- edodder him bv bronght about the asaedng of three emnemrs be was re sponsible for 1be triple alllanea ba hgd three children bu family motto waabtreugth in trinlir end osrioa- torbrta depicted bint wltb three hairs op ua bead rror in ttself hi always invisible tta aatore if tbe abse of light jacob many n live wire gets shorl olrcult- ed tfae works of the moat high are hit bast wordr people wbo make a show on credit seldom make creditable showing fiqsiery liljlitwcioht lisles for ladies children and mens war plain b4ld in all shades for this week many specials white waists new lines this week in all the popular stylcrf entirely now ideal and cxtru values headwear alter the holiday rush we have replenished the stock qf childrens- girls boys and mens fancy straw hats with many new hotweather linei the latest novelty goods wcare clearing all ladles trimmed hats shapes flowers etc at very low prices hotweather underwear fancy parawjf bathlnr costumes striped and white awning ppeks at special prices henderson co mm st acton out xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr ilrjn joberiisrrarnig cb mapttt fcburtb r d duhhtll u a bundhv juiv uli llt laulallw a vtait l ulwa am wmlcomt tttm pator an 0k0an aukm mhtnh for sir mkn wantki thua awe mci l tcttxnrujt sow aotrav j lweeaassceatwiei a f- cuuick building fob uu utry bp haau iuir afltoa onuha you will notlofllit w 1 bunuuuqily llmgittmtut oar tlllj lo iplr wntalmt nh clock wll ibfi la imauwwt imvuh ouiill- iibikw umi w pfui duhnll ojtllumilmn vw ipim in iou lo lull ooobdbe 0ml it mil k wnfully uld wdtpflopli ft i jwh biw9wvtii m j iliiul fitniraliin to nugjrk11 lyroooud bki ion pli saturdar aiinul 17h ioil good to tturn on moodaj green grocer fruit merchant e k goor receiving dally froah vegelablsa snd fruit aod sella them it reasonable prioas foreign fruits a specialty goo ps dslivsasn uiu stssst aciom berlin says comer mdaantip ana op datpsiaibibi 1 at brown a acton ont nnaopaaaaqannnsi stn at stho are 1ste w o we fare sole agents for thiiuhobat thm w o ai m jhikt a oouar1 thb mrtohklapatantoudlfvavytlaw tahniun and hmiii iispskwuk th bum thm ftauaw tui boston oaktbh tjib mbvbbwbattkut hoalb thbiiboal bhob thb aotcvitilry aotrstilad ioyoumaaaur thb btamoahd bjaokiktoaul watbitmoofb v fliui la ooy aparllalllalol ibawaay rallabl ainu lor wbom aioar sol afaal inaclob aod lh viclolly wa alpukv raaka meailoo of loaw cuffarant maoulaclurari 10 con vlnoa yoo thai wa handla onlr iha bmt luuror mens wmranllabla 9or motto a3tlaicualomwor monyrivlrvdd- r o r m t o r o o t ve mens store acton a todky i all straw hats and panamas at 13 of the 5 regular price r e nisiison merv man merahans tailor imrf your dollar buys more when you bay a sludebakeremf 3 or stodc- bakerflanders li aatomobile you get more for your money dollar for dollar than in any other car built there may bojother good cars but where is their price thats the rob what a car is really worth not what it costs shoal be yonr standard the studebakcr corporation has tbe largest and best automobile lactones in the world we coald baild rod sell any competing car car today for less- money than its present price in yonr stadebakeremf or flanders ss yon get loll valoe becanse the biggest factories and the best brains in industry build bese cars cauulian car for fliimlfan 3foxorculonri hwuiuutmlym v3tvdebaker corponlion j cuuuu ua waikatriu oai r sinclair amti aetoa 0 stops tle swipg most of us can rememberuhe aqlool lesson jn the law of accumulated motion momentum if you exert a pound of pressure against a man ina swing youll start him moving slowly to and fro if you continue to exert a pound of pressure against him every time yawninakea t youll soon have him gojng so high that be almost tarns the whole circle if you stop pushing tbe momentum will die out and trie swing come to rest at dead centre j winning trade follows the same natural lawa advertisements are the force behind tho swing o public favor each new advertisement increases the momentum finally the accumulated force of those numerous impulses swings indifference to the buying point v r j r if you stop advertising you lose momentum the moral ol which is dont stop the business swing in summer keep adding the ponnda of advertising pressure a4vtoe regarding your sd time nrohaarju n jsjul f threushany rwgoud caoadlan adv iiuaf amjnoj sf ta bcatarp ol ibe cauadlan presa aaaoclauop rotn os jaumsfm baucw toroplo knqolry inv no omlfjulerfmi tdeytlailhlrwtfwlfhl j- mm p0nv foii halk at a sarcain 1m l4 bt i uvaaw ob ivinp ifi amjjui5 wr tforonto cajd fbanlt b holmes btstbalntmr and funbral dirkctdh tkb ahhuu ihmcu cjois day or alfbi photfb mo n m the clydesdale stallion royal prince 2814 wot b i ib dominion hotel stables acton every tuesday artlilnc aboot noon sad remain in until 7 p m tsaitb to laaore a teal fn payable iu february igij all accldeatb to mam al ow risk hsil qelliea proprietor- couuoh 1h andskkouuniav chinpatwbl and what ll ful do lor you la finithiaj ami decor atlas woodwork wi it la a remarks furniture produc aix kinds of paints amd vabnibhes fabm amd qabdnih tool0 and qkmkbaia hardware o- c speight rcton new telephone director the beu tel conrpany of csnwu is soon lo prim a new lataa of ita oftlojal taleffoxona diiwotpir for ibetiuirki of central ontario indodbkj acton at ones to loautv uiw conntmsttaff companlos shoald also repon eddlliooa and clibitcei la their list of sabe eliber 10 w local uaaaeer or direct to ibe special aeaats depsrbneat ucniresl thebeutelisphonecompany of canada grand trunk vxs only line reaebbw mh samaw iiihlanda of oniarxo inclodlna hibsuraica ulttaa lajtw ow uva kawaimi ukss fnu bonuaer serrloa sow in enact lo all ol above rraons write tor lau panlcubrs and ulnstrated folders to say grand trunk tlcksts rood for fio days ndohmiaiortmm spoobl train wul leave toronto m on above dales via chlcao 1030 and i ugrbwiroroarhris and pullman thacamjrftronkradfc juuy h the abocteat aad qatdsaat roaia betwaen winnl- ito ont holmwx- atot raj itttjs 7- naarfaal bipawa banlea bmwaaa win- s 8m0i nadtad fcc- car baisea v- vantobailm looan v- mjga m z vwaanaloo ooo p m iuaajr qnastnak lil lor lau la- a jourrova homeseekers excursions julynumtaif ianwowao bainaawbaa aaaajw yiasanbotrcucaiio sthsnentea aasetmsaaursi 4xjoo

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