Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1912, p. 4

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atmamotumjuuiul be lictoft ftu jms 11m beautiful u tha rain i air ihj4ulftodjwi in lb broad and fiery at intb haw mow it otjuie tit roofs like i im ccmanp of man hoof e i how it gushes nd struggle our prom the throe of tn ovechnwing spout t aero th window pan it poor and pours i and bwlft and wldr wtuniwidv lld like rlvr down lite goiter roars th mini the wrlonm rl i uenry w ltugfullnw mlk murphy a contractor lecm rich and ot a handsome uinamul mr murphy invited mrs clancey tor rid in lbs auto whlir ynt d mr outmr dont talk to lb bolter at mil 1 im at wod or whlapajr li him for it take hi mind off what b u doing ftfi they atarlad out at a rapid clip tb- chauffeur want alp around tba corner and alp around an other oorvavr tnnuipe tha auto woold ba no two wheel finally ufa olajaoey looahaj lb ohauchrar on tha back and my- mr shoffar i bag your pardon i i waj told not apake to yen at ail bat lat mo trll you that mr murphy hasn baan in tba ear for tbo last ton ml pules thionn who nuto aohk if ill tba btuabwf of tb family cannot enjoy a obeng of oo la vqbloa ttmo m that tho who nad it moat at not deprived of it moe young folk get enough variety throogboat ilia year so that boworar pleasurable u tduuag farougbt by fcbo auiamac may pro it u not aaatlal to with or bappjd bat tb utbw of a household sticking to buitoa i early and let and uw moth oonfload at boo o closely by ibaoana of family life both need a real clianga wba tba vacation seaaon arrive and tb oo and daughter of tb rantuy should a that bey get it two oood tubm part of the etna of lb hoy sqot to do good turn to aoroe on each day and imm of thlf ruja badoa- told an nurtalhtng atofy aa wa have not far lo jmrnry t gather in this world weoam wellnffird tu overlook una anntbern rnlllnk and treat all wltrialov wldnl will ndiwe tl strain f parting wlwmollin who know thn virtue of mother grtfm worm kxlrmlna- tor always imve it on hand bectiis it pro vim i la value- children ory for fletchers c asto r a many a live wire gets abort circuit ed peoplafwlm make bow oit credit seldom make oredhable abowlng castor a tko kind ted nv alvryiya dongfat aand xrhleh has been i use flbr orer so 7qph boa borno tlio ulffnatare of atiil ihi imwnwmtnimilw 111 pn fixj sonal anpervlfllon klnco ito inrutcy jcuca44c allow no mmi 1m1vcoivo yon in thla all coantorfnllm iniluttlana vkxxa tuhtnkmlbra but xupririroent that trloe vrltli nutl oinlnncor tlio heullb of infsmta ad oblldren elxpexlouoe ncoiuxt xlaoruncnc what is castoria oaatoria in n narmloas anbatlttt atr dmtor otl ptuw- goric lrop cuid bootbing hyrupa it in ilramant it corujnm neluter onlalnt morphlito nor otlmr karootjo aagwavnca it turn la tta gttiaraiiuie it dmitroya wnrau naallaytt povorlatinaa it purr iurxlttn al wind oollo it mllovea toothing trmihlrat euro ooiuttlpaulon and klotalnnoy it aasliullntea tlio imki rcrnlutna tbo stomach auid itovrola giving- hrmlthy uml ituturul aleop tho ohlldronm inaoeavte aivthorafrlend genuine castorra i bear tho signature of always whu ba wa in glaaeow a spout amaataa had aakad juosallboy wbat hat had dona a a good turn and altar aoaw thbhght tbuaau- rpnjrrl took a noon out of a trip ya hail u 8oobxibiiajwa tha alf no i gar tbuoum to the oatr npllad tb yoangatar o hiidreicory for fleuiursi c aoooktjimo to ahaloov aaoboolboy who gmra a oanny- goat thardaflnluon of bottrca wa aaatryutabrhowbarriradat a a fautyoat u arbnttar nplaln- ad tb parti hti tqro that a nanotgoatoagfot to ba a bnttr kldimrai wrong riuvyonaraiadaanr whaa it waakaeaa of andua i tha i aul to titer tha impwttha udmy dr anaooa baa amid thai aoalptnr if wbljb tba aorraotnaaa of tba a oartalaly abnonar ivaa ufa ottb aaparfluoa la tba iitrltlo ittb lb uj sflw whlob w if you wish tube well you must keep the bowels open any utcguurity of the bowda la always dangcrou and abould be attended to at once if tha bowtb cease to work firoparly all ilia otbar oraami becoma deranged milburn jxauver pilu woik oa the buwela grnlly and naturally and will cure the woitt cnatj of const i pat ion xfr j hublurd iort colbomc ont writes i have trid many rcmcdlca for caiuliiiattoabnd never found mny- iliidf h kkxt p your fthlhurntlbia- uvtr pilb wa alaraya keep a vbl id ti- house for we trould no be witbout ilicn i altraya rooonunend ibcm o y fricndi milurn a laxauvcr pi iii arc 2s emu it vial cr 5 vial crlw at nil dealers f nuilwd direct on rcceliit oc by limited toronto the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years imagine tb feeling of the purltana if they oould aaa tba modern auffra- luia jadad condluonwhao ahergy lag hd tba ear of bualri bacome jrkeona i when whole tyatem i out of i aorta and thara la general deprea try partnelea vegetable pllb they will rrgulal the action of tha deranged atomaob and a du- nrdnrtd llvar and make you reel like a new man no one neov auffer a day ftom dabluutad digestion when alpiple and effaotlva a pill can be got at any drag ator ohm ow rnm dhumhik a few weka ago arrral eommereuu tratellera had lo ehange at a roadalda utloqfar from any algn of rofreah- oieot one of tha number whlled away tlp tfaie by obacqng tb aolltary porter he had been at tbla game for aom tlmrwlten thtf porter toyn came aay aakatf tha funny traveller vbl made ihrm budd tba ao f a i dont kqor raplled lb porter gravely unteae they thought it would to more convenient to barn it down uufti tvjuviil bat iwh um utaf q jj blosk b ohlpplot off ththlubt aotfj9i4t aalb for omodqlofkuv n rrni mmn i a oatlqn say vantoa inpoaabv d oa ma ratnra aabut jttw fakloa w al h4 gowa to p wa mra iotni moionn worr tlwn fafwi tlm palpll hmrill rlh who 1 not hmld to du la truly tbaaaiatuwof your- lore la its ooet vrbah uouaway krn ourauappll aditft a bprn prtt it kl tbn nxia linttba oajrcastlj boibta oat wltpout irijory-tba-flartv- irtrr ja wmea ta m r luva werk tawnes lac orautr wa aaa n laeaala baim aazaaaum rjhs8 tbo axmau- they wltrflnd reatln hekved haoaom they are tlerpy in ohurou j itii i o all are xi ory uaa u ona ltngtn be l jitatl n n tbaovbbl ifcura 6 bfd the merchants bank op canada kvery parson who rocelvw and paya out mooay bhoald have ii chequing aceoont iavmaat by cbeue la tba moat practical coo- vtajatandiaiimumelliodihndurfg all rinaoclal iranskxtloaa wbathar of a baamatt or paiaoaal cbaraciar ttio return of cancelled cbcfjoea are vouchera for every aro paid out ihey ahow what di- bnraatnenta hare bean mada and o whom dapballa are received by thla hank aobject to cbefja wlindrawal wa pay i he am ailenlloa to kmall depodtort a wo do to larra onea and ancoaraaa ibdi accounu intereat allowed on all savings accounts compounded half yrly 7ora assets xhllwhthw acton branch f a maclean manager warm and strong if you wantra pairi of gloves or mitta in loraehide calf or butjtjalcin sheep or muleakin be certain to apecify storeys an no other way will you get equal waerttoptoaliptf the wool knit wrist and lined kind ahawn below warranted i jjenuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing tor warmth and comfort i old at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist l ffltoreyv w h storey son umirdl mv uw mg hrsiuyj i ilusttrv insist on thavallia drvmalrramimm bplaaobiiontalliingaa ltduea larsn amount of iron nan scarcely be ignored aa a valualile spring ogrtabl dlh ithiilmrh u rid in ollo acid which doe much tone up trio ytjein onions contain much nulrl unit hut are lunvt valuable lor tholr pmiiit oil wbloti ts rich in sulphur afpatauu cahuagr caulllliiwrr and nvury are chlally valued for thplr ntlnnral malta and for tho imiik varlrty ml rvllsli llifty lve to the diet j-li- euwlwlne a great deal of sulphur and for that reason frequently cauars lutulmnce tjaullflower whloh is of thn haute family more easily digest- ed ttury is said to bt tnnm dlgeel- lunchtked than raw uvalc earrols and tmmnlpa all rontaln a large per- cfnugri of aiigitr lrrots and mril whiin ytiunk mid tandrr are vrry iiulhtljius lloimi rip tl iliimiln iysprplln- throiikh thn lack of consideration if ilia todys iihnii luinjr wrunt allow luurdnra of tlte dlgnsllva apparatus to wvdotn until i bay brcnuia ibrt filling dys and nlghu with suffering ti ikmti a course of par melee vrgr- labls pills la recommended as a sure and speedy way to regain health tlivao pi i la am specially compounded uicomlkat dyspepalm arid tha ilia that follow in its trail and thay sue ceaatul always pliadid ouiivrv a distinguished divine or unuaoajly eoleuin and impressive appearance went out to a country town not long ago to address a temperance society he mtijod esrly in the afternoon and all the twwn of courer spotud hloi within ave minutes as a good and ealntly man lie wantlotoa chamlafa and in tones that froae lb young blood of the assistant behind the counter aald young man di you imokn r vyee air said tho trembling drugglat im sorry but i learnt the habit young and havent been able to leave it off yet then aald the great divine without the movement of a muscle or lb abate meat of a ahaua of the awful solemnity of his vole can you tell me where can get a good cigar t tjiere are- no lead flies lying about when wilsons fly pads areused as directed all drug- gistsgrocersand general dealers sell them siffeied with lame back mr c grace llamlltoo oat writes i was suffering with lame back and for two weeks was not able to strmithtra up to walk and hardly aide to sit down for tho pains in my back hips and lea x bad used different kinds of pills plasters unlntenu and medicines without any relief one day there waa a bbb book left st our door and i read about deans kidney puis and i decided to try them before i bad halt a box used i felt afreet deal better and by tb time i had used two boxes i was cured i have no hesita tion in reoommendinx doaos kidney iilla to all suffering as i did or from any inncss arising from diseased hdneyi price 80 cents per box or 3 boxes for s13s at all dealer or wuj be mailed direct on receipt of price by the t mitburn co limited toronto out when ordering direct specify doan o- lea tobacco is consumed in great britain fn proportion to the inhabi tants than in any other clrillaod country attacks of cholera and dysentery come quickly there seldom being any warning of the visit remedial nation most be taken just aa quickly if the patient la to be aparetf great suffering and permanent injury- to tb lining memberaoea of tb bowels the read iest preparation for the purpose i dr j d kellogg dysentery cordial it can ba got at email cost at any drug store or general dealers and it will afford relief before a doctor car called conscigntious plumbing heating is not k tutvth with us to the contrary wc make it the moat important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec si guelph phone 33 150000 free homesteads acono tub limb or raa canadian nottueln railway ib manitoba sasitatcbeiraii and alberta tbc gonramtat hai throw sloostba iii alhttu al mt han thrown opra for catry imrxw ft howfstrerlt itemmaffc- or lbs canarllsa nixttacoa asilny in manitoba bukiukwu aad kimo of iktm srv wilkin d radius of mtwa v operated uses of the bsuacv wilt ba wivril by araaekes ajrwwaoer urtalafha fihlicdrtwtkraoidaoaratkne manitoba 21800 saskalcbewai 48010 albert 74000 altmu tt rrnvtiw alrvsdy noteworthy for iu fertile 1mm ssdsajslirlmttcllsute brat pu intbe ui4ai ft boamauwoevilae bel the wowderfnl wacat lsadabf haajutcbrwiin srv wh ri ratrd is lbs firs rrm which have wnleinci uoaihlbal tntal tbcrr nlao lbs roll in k land i u that pntkallj trtrf rrla coadiooa la awt wkh la the err la oua pralrw uw bin main which needs sasss cleanse and wbrr loam and ciimbi stv ntlanlmblv ndapud to the needs 0 wind t dry aad isvisoraubar- aukce that bud thsfaem uwd to wilt for a ice booh let aviaatha locsiioa sad m dcacrlpltoa of 1st undbctaiactercd a mpy will im nulled to snyoa waklos apellahmmt to k iealrbsira aasl onml bolkmac toronto oat pcnar aat canadian north the grand trbna railwal patmbnokh thathm tn ttliau ilia il irsibieaji at anion nil h uima hi no ii imai m zz iiinv no 10 btrpnj a at wbhth tiawaags k it lastaia n 1 sit aw k 10 n d kpm- k- vlifhw so ajspni b e excelsior bakery 1 t first quality bpbad cakbh wbodino cakeb biitthoav gakisv etc ttvc r maple bvtluand honhv hbinzb picka9 07 varletlaa pruit and vbuh- tables ios cruam confectionery beat una oalltoday t statham son bakers and oroccrs atn st acton iii boim stun 6mlto ul hvmiwoiu r caapbr bra un daalgoera and builders ol btslues msut uveeuu uoonnienla markers and heed and all kinds of artistic cflbtblefy wort wrri hemstreet agent acton rhis nans store is crowded because we do his printing we can crowd your stoue in the same way havimq a dhattmrra al h- llave a definite aim the people who ant to do better without oon- oenlrallogon any particular fault to bttrnaatered or end to b reaebed make slow progress to strlre for eifaosaa without deflnlnglt fall nine times out of ten the first essential in lotting what you want i to buow wbat it is saved from an operation how mra reed of peoria jh facap tha snr- cataloouea handbills folders and commercial forms our specialty call a ttaj office for jobboork the kcton free press wool wool i wool i int mlm adl 1 kind pi puimiturb 7t skkb kcton tlmf do uw hurrying after u ooudt la in seoas kaira monev back ip not sat1spactqrv icaaronimof pwuylon torn tin by sugca acannsra limited i kjiiiii imonlmii for sals at thb bbst oirqcsm bvsrvwhbitb automobiles and implfemefiti j agent for the famous ford motor- car i oe agent ipr cocliihjih and daip micuneryand hcury powi and a full line of reliaira for plows and machinery i a good uni ol buggies and harness lap rngs and rubbers prices right f ajso floor dili j mfc i nfralih inking of building isilo this year give us a call od get our prices irfi 1 7 iiv mii i 4 b w qaldwell jfcqtflk peoria itl iwisllto let every ona tatow wrisairdu eptnkhamavaetajlo compound ha done forme fortwoyears ijufxbndtmdoo- torjuu4ilbsdattuoor uid the only remedy was tho suxgaotrr knife my mother bought ma lydla e rtnkbams vegeta- bl contntantd and today i am a well and healthy woman for niontha i aairrerod ttttaaskaaamtioa and yottrsonatlye fasb reuored rae i am gtd to tell anyone what your medlclnoa vedooo for me voa cut osorny toftimotiial in any wayou wtah andi will be gtad to ajunrer lettiubcrb crntflttna bun 105 mound t poorta 1il nlra xjncu alao avoids ii j bad mver onranla inflarq vrohavokichtoititlapaw that isidm notaoom aa though i oould rl jjmfiii that srhb iqltcr from ranikljmli b ptblliiinvystj castoria for infeata ruid dkilcna ktutfynhmahnnbegu slgnafnr of tfjg uubv brains afore people aro mora bury with their brain thai with their bands and feet it la the exceptional person who is willing to let someone else do his frock apr mm but it is to he feared that the majorltyere wlumcd to lrt their tldnklng he done in eonieone elses htnln it i well in have respeet fur oou- oeoaits of opinion it is easier for one person to lie mistaken than lor a hundred lo be in he wrong yet every now and then it happen that the one roan ti in the right and ihe big major ity mistaken our habit of believing what we are ip xplalni why the day of the locomotive and the steam boat did not arrive till the nineteenth century predlgealed rauntal fd la not tho ohwhleb makes th menul musco we must think for ourselves or lose 1ttbi by litnevlhvauhty to tblnk tho imond of all suffexorlike to l shadow of a rock tn a weary land u dr tboemaa bclactric oil to all tbose who nfxr pain it boua out hop to everyone and reaoiaea it bjeulllivufawioevrywbre it la a liniment that ba tba bleating of hair a oootioenu it is oo sal everywhere and oao be round wherever enquired for keep moving lock like a bustler some men are born king and onj baseball ntnplrc kfoet girls are food or a good oomj plosion and are generally wilting to pay good mopey for it only tbonfblugs that are put into uvlpg an isarned a claprioioub atpbtttb il aawfumrylng tblf catering to a alek grt mrs douglas confessed to inquire for amy 1 believe this cooralesornt buslnea come harder on me than her real sickpes oontloued mrs dougia villb a deep sigh im thiat put tojt to get otnathlng tw sli1l at with a ns v yetlme ht t zj7tl l eaej aoe 1 ssrhsi4p5 mmtmjoamap wm whuprred- ointhlng wp r iswkfci aymtbailo and thu noopraged mra dotuju went on fc l gut bfohopand flvo oenuavokb fog her dinner and ir id jie tuvradu iter vtiw 1 tiniiborwis suddenly taken i with diarrhoea and vomiting if you aro suddenly taken with dlst- rjtojav dywtry cohe crsna or paina hi the stomach cholera morbus sana- mescottplafaitt or auy looseness of tb bowfjavuo not vnule auy time but- immediately procure a bottle of dr fowler extract of wild strawberry and it will cureou in no uixte mrs 11 1 sumul pkajaut rivet 13 jbritis a year ago this fstl my little boy was suddenly taken ill with diarrhoea and vooduusi and as our doctor blctindlca distant it sessned ai if i could not get help soon vnough but on going tor the country store x purchased a 1kx1j6 of xfr pomka rx tract of tui strawhaxy and after the first dose oould notice an wpnrvcsocnt end tb nejt day the child vrvs better and rrxawl health since that tme i always fcpep it oothiiid insist on bring given dr powanrs vtrv- fajrintn ft iihi b oou1dot eai a inltat your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen 01 stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mill flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co limited beautiful new wall papers ordinary wall paper makes t dloary loosing rooms no r bow tastefauv you may fqrnbh your home lb entire sueci may easily be spoiled by using pipers tht are not thrcujhlraulubio bobif iw prices are very papafheaglof done ip your com- plete aa 106 par roll- all kinds room mouldings chair ralls and iute kails al the owosi possible prices stephen gardiner painter paptrhanocb btc picniss fmhimoj srsciattv i mill strenst aon boi usoulmcturcd co limited 3 inallcoiint ak uroar iraior-xdw- marion martfflrj mmwimmmws vtssssosaffiesraiiis

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