l waixpapeb maw nock now opmmd from 5c par cuttainpous r 4 ud 5 mtwbll ad ok window shades i cmav glm bad wmm ilin aethanta h col in anu ukk our hew stock news of locatimpot imn ciiurcb league games the troy lvndryltahlnry meitu- rtukuhng company lit look in fur locution for a branch factory la can ada whet better location 1 hen ac too with a t it mod c n r shipping farilltle and uydrotooatrto pomr darin the pant week vary happy edl gathering on the pawnuf roof baa jruirfv h7mtlcfv been bald muwbotmorur ttamaa wjeivjo 13 x fo kbb main blmt mr and aire y p walter blpion glaervuun v air- ud mr oobsrt kblta albany and mr ud mn oharlee bbbab bsslln immbtmmflmlralnc together nnder lb old beano roof the results of lbs upper school einlaauooa livine kb ilata of candi date who dmtad lha axamdaloa for entraaos into the pneoltlea or kdncn uan at tba untveraltyof toronto were published on saturday atuoojc tba aucoa students war mies dora clark pu i and uim vtoreoe and amy speight pi ii anton bev krv aaaaamawla kms caauraa rev w m ruobatotmaral secre tary of tba lord day alllanea ooett- pled tba palplt of knox church bat jfceai estate te tea at in area rate c9 laiawbaeaf nflauani bmiuaa a r properly la allparta atuw ttlla we ftnm sawlutyfar ub aitliafl bill fcmllajlim ta jmt j- a- willercchbv slje lxton jree fkess thtjhsday july ac bwff local itehas tba eiaterae ara wall hlled now another epftandhl rain laat thure- way axtaraoon it looka almost as if tba rainy nil ilaatla tb opting crop la thb eeotiou ara looking vary goo 1 taoa iaacybja bay he baan har- tba aaaretty of brick ooatlnoee to rwtard ba opera here good aitarnooo i uav yon renew- amycawfavapaaati subscription f oakvulee laat tender tor iba oqljiatlnn of tba wwf eyeteoa wu 11000 monday oth august acton a j- omo holiday obaap faraa on all i1u discourse in tba evening ooibe taxt itaaambar uiebalibadrdarto kcaplt itoly aapadally powar- fuland aboarad vary eoneluaivaly tba doty of tba paople in praaarwlnajtbe lorcta day and ita groat alo to canada in tba buildlnp up of a atroap nation with a baallby nsoralcbaractar tba baoday avonlna a in tba urtendlatcaarohwaa nndortba anaploaaof tba kpwortb laagoa and bad aavaral apaclal faaturoa rav mr drapar gaa a vary atakt and laaplrlna hurat with blackboard illustration on tba toplo tba inaaaunant of myaatf it waa improaalva and oon- dndaa to battartnact of cibafacteraod lor tba choir randarad two n- thama hoaat and marsh of tba ohrlatlaa boldlar vary affabuvaly tba yonofj aaaa of tba laagua acted a rawtbar wadding or two bat dont my a wot about it a it la aappoaad to baontfeaq aotoa oubmoa band will play at a party at oonlngaby oaxt bayd d maauonald kaan baa bbhtld m oail to balwood in iba praa- bytaryofooalph ataaa aboold ba takan ror tba awxawlagtoraobopplnc naul for acton alpjjafirti ifcifill imli tba plara for tba big railway brldsja aifaaa tba aajktj batwaan tbatannarlaa granta to ilalton ho ara oabvula ikltataaad that tba oradlt forka pwwtlabaa baan poxahaaad by an aatgabaiayndbskta lorml000 mr w j wuuaaaa of watford aw baaoj angagad aa principal of oak- aw4m awl sanday waa tba baavieat owhaaajrtag i will bdp tba crops i j l a hawmkblaotrle nwn baa baan lain tab aak anpmeklog ablpaaanta of lo bavo tbaaa la raadln j b mekanla waa awarded 1 9tra for tba raeooatrocuoo of b flybm batldlag oaorgatown for rstawaof vuool i h h wlluaaoa m a aajawtaijlbi tba oarvieaaatbt oaorgaa i oualpb- on sanoay in tba 00 ai davldaoo v mhih gao agnaw and w g y puyad arltb iba raghawntai brr anarann ffrlday wm i w a bwtat samltb d batordaa- a falw baa at ha will also net aa bnlulnv tmwmmkutlm salary a g v bi bopid by both bmntaai i that tba hynwa p artu babtongmt aarly aoongfa aobopplngwdu la anton tbla ihfli oakvdia arena ooaafaw maioaaa aracunga toaid1ngw1b wmn aaayfaoi adnwgabatba smrht araomhaalavanl kadpatantad a aw colt prol j aweb ba will now oaa on ida m fl and nutlaqaorgaown n tba opnaty oouncll of wantworih an i 1 ri a cjonerato roadway nabaj for ubcooaty which uoarrud hnwaoaot woald raaolt la thoaipomll- wiwmnm00layoar mr jtnbn p la of hytaa n t awaian awqr latanoung addraaa at bn macboiuat sanday school m hua teautesmon ba waaa taacabar of taihaollahlanoyboodya ba know ofaoy error iq tmina yoor naaaa or yoar ad p pa of awbattrlptlon b not amadanaddaaaubal notify aa rt raaaaatailva of tba fnbuo wat of tba dtaafalon govt jmj ua r ta aaaaa- aaavaanp abota of availabla r tba aaw pt nfhoa muton kvldanlly tbalntaraat la waning in itha church baseball league ir tba at- landaoco at um anglkanta rrtaby- i at ia gama last tiatniday la to ba conaldarad an iodax the game waa not an axhlhltloa of fast bal but de- veloped into onanr tbaaa extrafnaly onaaidad g bacotnlog ao ooonuoou when sna praabylorun ara onaof tba cootaatanta jaaoaa melatoah tb seotch laborer wbo rail under tba wbeele of a rralght train at tforval reoently la not dead d uat weak ha la in to ronto gene hospital of oourse ba will always be a crlpplr- bar log lost hie right band bevarai of tba frleode wblla living in bnunpton have baan down to eee him and they report that he will aooo be onl georgetown darald ba maw rwaa oanaa autn poaloaaatar matt hews is making pre parattoaa to clear tba all for tba new mt building tba barn stable and woodshed in rear of tba post ofnoa will all ba torn down tba store op by r moblea oour and frad buelnaai will ba removed to tba southerly una at the property and turned to front on willow street the present post office bulldlug will ba to uaaaaat aua of tba property the barber shop- p w sothatan ohlaf aoginaar of tba ontario hydroklabtrie ooosmbv ton baa tas to antar upon boal- naaa for blaaaalf aaoommlrtng engineer hu aalary lately baa baan 98000 a year soma of tba big private ooca- pa have been anxloua to gat hie aarvlota ha b adajoa mr bothoian addraaaad tba council hare prior to toapaanngbftba hydroblaotrid by- lawa wblla wallinc for iba 820 train on saturday avanlng mr anthony staph jostled in walking throqgfa a crowd at iba g t r station and latar found that bla pocket bad baan picked and four do in billa and about anatbar douar in all baan ahetraatad on monday tba jjack4ayinggangcaratandlag on a aiding in tba elation yard waa broken ofan anna anoca and a quantity of tnetrb were oommlttad liyiaboimtenpuhk tblavaa sawuaaw t a tie an tlitaa dri i baaaauln writing to tba ikjeaatora of georgntown laat week in ba herald eayat now the board of frada have brought tba foundry by law to a aooeaeafnl lama what la tba saattar with taking no be question of alaotrta power r now that uatreelb anatcd ooat of in la in toe hands of tba ooonefl why not bare a pnhlla nwctlng at oboe and havo hon adam baek explain tbla qoaatloa o oaonot afford to lag be hind in tbla ntusr with brampton oalng tba power on on side and acton on iba other aida gg tba a jba wttb hbaral ooate p aoatly-ooa- j palate when ootapwted tba v will hoh ball or than fra srtmr- irtrtirinlli rorlagal aapanet ra tba hlcblerrl hrldgn enlt am- bnally na fn t iftlawwiytaai amount itsdr would maaay bridge l ihh part of iba w- anaaew bran laweeeamtomaaahlgb from anton at- ri on friday and saturday von ftrtdy avanaa waa vltba on vtfefn not of a paruonlarly aareimora tban threa raftar tba hood work baa been id on ibedaaugad auawalha n the vllagr of tb uwu wurk will jp comnencad it7faaiidailin jitt tba brlda by on the sod july andrew g hender son waa caught lotbe r la a aw mill atbyaa b a one arm waa out obaf tba saottlder mm otnar badly manghdaba mr b waa hurt lnletnally hoe- altai ubsibdnm town praabrook fnawrll iooa pbno yauaruaj mr haadaraon waa in bla skfa year waa tba third eon nf afnltmjobn bjmwarann ofmllcoo and a nrpfaaw of david heaoareoo h p ua left a widow and fotut nbldtan all the family warehara far two moo lbs uat winter on a vleluj throe brothers aorrlve jolin of winnipeg jamaa of kaaora brnaatnf milton alao one sla ter mr he bad been in the hi amyj twalraura hi social anb personal for a while at tba bagionlag or the gama ll looked aa though the angll- oana might make a fair showing but this hope waa anon abandoned wl tba preabytatuns oonuodad to eoore and the angllcane failed to record a rev p g burrall waa umpire the score anouoan h 1 k wlirdab i 2 a wbauer lb 1 0 0 j bauer a a 1 0 1 p maclean p 0 1 0 b white a 0 10 n wllklnaon r r u 8 0 n garden o r o i 1 j woods a u 0 1 1 talgarlf a u i 5 8 7 paaaoytaaian u it o clark c 12 0 m mcdonald 1 b 3 8 0 hyndap 3 1 0 b clark s s x 9 0 k 8mitbof a a o joola rf 8 1 0 m smith a b 11 0 p holmaa h 8 1 1 w perkins 1 f 8 1 1 id 16 a rum ohuttoh ubaqum sttanoino cuirs praabytarlana baptiata verts uxrr to rttv 0 1 ft 4 4 7 an axperlaneed and euooaaafnl maohlnlat la an ontario own is pre pared to move to acton if reasonable la offered by the town hare la an opportunity for our author ulaa to gat busy and land a vary daalr- tbe foreigners in town evldsntly do not believe in spending any mora money to canada tban they can help soma daye tbla month aa much as 1000 in poet oooe orders hae been seat from anton poet ofaca to polnta bulgaria italy d on tb inattan 1uwj uoenae inapeelor obrien of g uelpb sutaa that there ara 110 persona in that city officially prohibited from porebaalog intoxicating liquor in hamilton with 00000 population there ara only ub goelph moat have a superabundance ef duaona with tba exosmua alcoholic habit mr krla garvin epent sunday lir town mr uvcll hwsckbaroer w home fro n toto n to miss nellie nynds of toronto to home for holiday miss ulllan lapagr of iwoato la a gueet at moorecroft mn roy uotntoah of guelph was in town over sunday mia vera forbes pt saginaw micb- la visiting mends hit re mies myrtle omlls or toronto is pending holidays here dr john m macdonald of toronto waeln torn on monday master bdwln landaborongb baa taturned from hamilton mrs hubert smith was lt berlin laat week vmung relauves mies maud thompson of toronto waa home for a weekend visit mr xdani stewart spent a day or ao tbla weak with frlanda in berlin mrs c u speight and mua bertie left on friday on a trip to detroit miss annie martin la spending a weali or ao with friends lo uoalph mrs wra maaon and mua ilaaal visited friends lo berlin laat work mr nell mcdonald is spending tba weak wlh rriends at breoebrldge mrs w t stone of toronto u tba ffumtof bar brother mr j l war ran mr peter mcnabb left on tuesday for a visit with friends at neepawa mao mr john htoos of turooto visited f his uncles mr j i warrena tbla week jar john mcdonald of btbej visited hie brotbar mr nau modonald laat week mr and mr kouand smith and daughler returned lo mil friday mua gladys glare of frmoooou u the gueet of misers ploreoo and amy speigbu mlsamooteatb of montreal baa bean a guest at the home of mr p mcnabb the past week mr arlor dills of the frkm paaau spent a few days this week with tor onto friends misses barbara warrao and minnie fraaer of toronto visited friends bare during the wash mra wo uaaonan3 mra joseph agoew and ray vlaued frlanda at meadow vae uat week mr and mr chaa w maaon are now comfortably tattled ita their new homa at 168 elgin street berlin mra l g mattfaowa and ml myrtuaud mlldrtd visited frlnd- in berlin during the week mrs nicholas porbea br of sagi naw mich u visiting her eon mr n forbes ohnrcb street mr and mra alex matthews and mua pernuy of toronto or mr william brown ihu mr and mrs win grant and mr and mra wheeler and obifelreo left on friday to visit frlanda at st marys mr and mrs arch mcdonald nf clevaund ohio bavabaen gna pf ouatoma offloer klodooald uua week mr and mrs jamaa mcdonald of toronto wore gorau of meesra 0 at a mcdonald young street tfau weak ur and mrs 0 o henderson re turned on monday from a delightful trip down the st lawrence to mon treal mr o 8 smith mr and mrs hol land smith and heeara arthur and allen bad a delightful trip to niagara palu and grlutaby laat week mrs a mcdonald of georgetown and mr and mr newcomb and maeter jlmmlr bf toronto ware gu of mra g thomson last week mr ernest maokllo who baa baan in toronto the past throe months baa decided to remove to rochester n y he waa hare a day or ao last wank mr d henderson od mr p7 it u expected that all tba building now under oooraa of erection at the provincial prison farm at guelpb will be oompleted by november 1018 after wfauvtba oeotral priaoo of toronto wulbaelosad all ibafnmatea will be mmovad to tba guclpliprieoafaru- aoooroingto a report aeut nut e- gardlng tba honey crop by tba pro vincial aplarut beee started to work on clover moob later than usual but generally a fair crop of honey u ex pected taoprioeb6wevrwlllllkejy be bkrb baoaua iba winter loes of baa in all oonotloa waa much heavier than oaallt wamuwjavmraaji in the amity msffipuumimm put inwmarnasa from trmalgar at uat fridayb altttng of division ooart lere tba pwnlw olaimad 98 foramagaa ailaged to hve baan dona in bla gar- dan by iba dradantoow and chick- an tuaoajlandaraiuedihatthau waa no uw rorbiddlnc mm to let hto cowuofalekana ran on tba highway fhy j qorham- am that it du not matlar what bar there waa a fw9jmu iw nnt tb avldenoe bad baan afka tq tba damkg and d- randant not drhylrubat blaatocik bad mut raoarervrri juibjuiwit was a swrw fnthwdnna by th oowi inspector deacon report than ba b advertising for twentyova toaehera to coma to helton and these ba will dla- tribote amona- tba different vacant aoboou in the oounty many appli- oanu have no oertlflcaiea and it- b faarrd that aom aeboob will have to taught by bnquallned laaobar oah- vlle star vow swat laaeeaoeed too tbajfrasi piuosu deairaa that all the people ahonld take an interest in the oolumne of the home papetvvrhkh i publbbod in tbajnteraat nf tha town and district if yon have friend visit ing yon or are going away for a trip or have any other item of general new pleas pboha leavaword or awtd partl- oulara on a postoard kindly send in all items early in tha weak awtntymaweaad paaytauk with m utuo betelb tha flvyaarojd daughter or mr bert curk of olaagow street ouelpb mat with fooldaot op friday in wbloheha waa vary badly bot about tba nppar pari of tba thiu though 41 it ejtpawed itwttshe will troovar fmnih injurlaf the little ta aoi in amnnar arboidor number of ntatahoa sh lighted a pteoaof paper with one of thorn and the oamee shntmut and et ore to bar elotbaa in an instant aha waa dum of rumee whenhaajnplba bwtter oraaw and ran aaatwwj the br v- m owuritfbotaa uat weak with tba ft mra t p martin church street mr lewbi atkinson returned from the general hospital at goalpb laat weer ha baa qalta raopvarad from bb recent operation but b still feallnw rather weak mr wnu bmaay of gmvarsvula n y arrived on friday to make a prolonged vlalt at tha home of her grandparanta mr and mr wns hematraat mr r d warren ratninad friday from trip lo the pacltto ooaat mr warren reporte the crop proepecle in tna wast to be moat promulng wbu the western oltlrs and towna ara show- log ramarkabu growth horald mr john wiuuujeon and family of appleby oama to town in their auto on monday to visit hb brotbar mr dc williamson quelpb straajt and ra- wained unlutuavday tbry are tour- lag for a week n weateru ontario mr john leaven of parry sound waa hern lhb weak ha leavens to toronto for t for her eyesight which ha more defective alnoa aba tft wra she will remain hero for a month orao mr john ramaay of syraooae n y pnt mvaral daya during thewaah with bb grandparanta mr and mra wu homitnat mr bamaay ua aotoo when a bd ho b now oaa of he prominent buslneeapmo of byra- eoae mb oura k mimra looopany with her brotbar mr jno b moora toronto left yastarday for thtnjtoaton alta to vlalt at tba bona of their brotber mr arthur k moora tbay took the boat at port monchol bat avanlng fur part arthur thrjpanae vayi n- tha quaatlon ol oholo between two vaaawurdeddedtr patron in a 3appieaa hoe preprieiar canadian national exhibition somi natums or imperial year kiklbli br tb fwvrtmc amnat of scota cuaraaj raintlaas of tba year frean bawaew reinclng by beat fanadbn american attbta imperial oadat caanpeiltlaaw boy scout review everything fat bdncatlonal kxbjblta slafa of delhi baaaea o tb barn band britaa- bsst avass band dravona musical ride ladnarrlaa la operation barter making cempatldeas aaaaticaagraateat lrvastacksbow waaaa biggest dog show america rrattiee rsaariee japa at s day flrvwarka krapticai of monat veawvaa athaatac sports i band concert dairy acres at maaajfacture impart flrawatfca4 namktrs aa 24 1912 sep- bde ofwlfkwwpfronffoffofwflnff l v f i lttmtt i oesr mahiltons ravobite shofuho vlacb creht isale of mens shirts w nw ta ptofttu tfce liit howe in baation greatest beat of tti land la ibe vjttoqrof the store toronto annaaaanadddi frwt i a n preserving i necessities libber jar man 0uits ud ptato g parafioewm s i bottle seajtar wu g 1 corks n all bl g laitbrownl i y4croo out pnnnrjdnnnnnqtmm lean bow to keep books ud get a good fashion ovmatauxhm acpuiira s bww- ptiiftibuirtttfatii fbank b holmes ftnxmbal dmbotor ha onono uanaavuiao pa loaa ta thb amiuaa block j calls day or ajhl u landed to phonh na ft rltbjsflld fv asifc- qwte i sobs that hnauar ttw japan oioroughjy japanaaa in teprand dec borauotj that floral pauatb in gold rouodvib nm hltlf b chmcirbv narrow jvhort mcatba ve wlo htoofinq patmbv3027 and 93160 ta aaft banat of bad omen aa tarsi akte qdaaaaauoyoardeawr ba shown you ru-btr- erycubava old r yea hv written tor wtoabw and book let to the f taa jm l i to make this tho best of all shirt sales thb right houbk for weeks past has painotakiogly canvassed the plants of thereat nhirt mana- tactnrers seconng from them the best of their various lines about 6000 shirts altogether with these is iacluded oar regular stock giving yon the greatest variety for choice you haye ever had the styles include lounge shirts with separate soft collars negligee shirts pleated shirts stiff front shirts onting shirts working shirts and nightshirts also a line of good pajamas the materials are fine qaality madras oxford cambric percale soisette cord cloth and chambray in all the newest striped and figured patterns and in white self stripe effects etc the colors include beside these figured striped and pleated designs plain tans blues helios and creams regular 100 and 125 shirts wc regular 135 and 150 shirts 95c regular 150 and 350 shirts 189 sizes 14 to 18 these are- only a few of the many other bargains in the mens furnishing section remember that there are only a few days left of the july clearance sale this sale closes with the end of the month great redactions on every floor and particularly in the furniture section where prices have been reduced in some cases as much as 50 per cent lahroad fares tefunded on a liberal basu thomas c watkins limited kin and hughaon sts hamilton ont btsbdfodibtajcsbdfc dfcdfccsbdbdibcsboodibtshl biks corsets a miscalcen idea of some people is that a bias corset is one corset a customer will sometimes ask for a biasf because her friend wears it often refusing to be fined thinking because it fits her friend it mast be good for her as a matter of fact there are twenty different models in bias coraetsr each one adapted to the requirements of some specific type of figure consequently the model that irf intended for yoar individual figure should be carefully fitted and selected it is equally important to get the rightsixe and not one that is too small we are sole agents in guelph for this highgrade corset and for far i oeakcmmir d e macdonald bros cor wyadlna tad macdoael street guelph ont dress goods wk smtisub thb ttandabd b um national weakly kewanapvr of tha dominion it i national in all its oravlna par variety the arjrot glff who had baan giveo pttatnoon toito attend a niltnaa jjffiribo7watua11yajrlk- wliy7- aaid har njlalreaa f uraty pouldnt have waited to aa ute whole perlorroancaf no maam waa iba reply 14 aid on oie program that aclf waa trwf0rv f great slaughter -of- 1 gfmttewart ttaware ginltfi tmbauaduhea goods baihaf lhaa mov aay atock mi ib i wtoauj a luaal prkoas bokyw cost far lb aeaftwo call at an teaipaniry stera spabbfa sawstraatibotvaad a prtdw on aay tbhajyoa wan a c speight it use toe moat axpeaslvc sacra v- laaav preenrtaw the ptetocraplui from all over the world itaaruoles are carefully aeleeted and ita editorial policy la tberoubly indapenoeat x- mbaorlpuaa to tb btanoard ooata futpar year ta any addraaa la c or oreat britain 1rv it for 19121 riimiihiim o can llkcttt1aita4m mr tv shawovartandsalaa co t w2i siftn stops ttje svvnng most of us can remember the school lesson in the law of accumulated motion momentum if you exert a pound of pressure against a man in a swing youll start him moving slowly to and fro if youcontinue to exert a pound of pressure against him every time the swing makes a trip youll soon have him going so high that he almost urns the whole circle if you stop pushing the momentum will die but and the swing come to rest at dead centre u winning trade follows the same natural jaws advertisements are the lores behind tboawing of public favor each new advertisement increases ih toorrientuirrf1nally the accumnlated force pj these numerous impulses wings indifference to the buyirnrptfint if you sto adv yon lose momentum the moral of which is dont stop the business singinnrriinfir keep nrlding the ponrida ol advertising pressure advlo ifjouymnayour i4vitilngprodl4jpi uvlbiblo 4 tb cmmduii tnpm amoombn rocwi tnwto baqulnlnvtmlib bltmubaw your pwtmwrita if twwl 0rbuktoji7lijfab iklmhulmliammhi -h- j