Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1912, p. 4

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whl make lb troublr of every day nrookllke bubbles and fade away what win victory fmtu defeat wbtnrk y fri when luliwlf wbm havn men hoiioied sine lluis begsnf what makes a uuawuillo ba a man j oh- brother taka heart wbn 111 winds blow r- work on hop cm be men end bow your firli- kan city times tcmft1dthdouoh lonkumua it is pwuy wall agreed that nasi to um wanderer losdnn lbs prairie or in u pathless riw n understanding wbtl u invent by loneliness oooiaeth utdw to a bis city to h jostled bf crowd and yet never see familiar tana u an perlncelbat u1m the imoukm oftbw at on la l 1hh uany a good uwa and woman have gone wrong because in their matinee bay respond u the oral advantages mad thani mm ltiee wtm from ilia un worthy young people who llvr in cilia abould ha on lb watch for strang who stray iota church eervleee or to lbf7 young peoples meeting often eotnothltig 111 drees or manners iwtrny the fact that lhay are in unaooual tim ed anrv- minding hut their agony of jonallnaa their lmglng fur friendly word nndthalap ft a cm dial band may b adnt atid on who go- away from the hnute of hod wtuwmtlh help nf a kindly grvwttug la la greater daaer landing an aar to tho whisper of temptation be aura it la not your malt if loneliness drives aneoo etrangef in your town to choose evil rather than good a matw dmautaa young peetberflead sooti after pur chasing hla elegant new touringear wa taken with a awaiting on th back of hla neck ha want and c oltod hla physlelan about it doctor ba said tbara m thloga aa automobile diabases v lk la not unlikely waa tba doetore at laaaad automobluog ty fp u dleee that 11 dormant under ordinar o tlonv wall i wlh yon would look at tola spot on um bach of uhy oaek and lad to if th vaaaal ma of my motor- oar ba anything to do with it r tba doctor opmplum ntbr ba said gravely- that look oe if it might ba either a oar- diarrhoc c bolera 1 1 f eat un summer complaint and choke morbus an imtkmurtm aytoiiv lla wu tailing a thrilling alory out of hla wallrt of thonaand andno balrbraadlh amiapra and hla prtty llatanac waaunlnganimmly toward hint hanging on hla ry ullaranc tha wolvva war upon u b aald bellowing and rvrirtg aa i haa aa oftn hrard luam w 04 for nur iwrl dont dany it hut ary aaeond w knaw lb rwwnoua paok war gaining on ua at lttbay wr o naar that wa could faal bell muaalaa- ahrgraapd out tha lady how glad you muat ha bai that tbay had ihalr rauaalaa on i dr morttt indian root pills cura many o aibncnta which are very ulffmat but which all ariae from tha aaoaa canaa a ayatcm dogged with iamparbiaa tha pffla caiuetbaboweb to nova regularly atrangtban and atianulata tbekidwya and open up tha pore of tha akin thaaaorgaaa b throw off the accumulatad fanpnritka and bui- ouanrarndlrfakalrrcrconplaiat knlmytroubka haadachaa rhaum- atiam and mnlutr albneata vaoiah dr moraea indian rdot poia m sgavo doctor bills children ory kany a llvv wira gt abort circuit- tbaworkaoftbauoat high ar hla qh aar op u you hay oothlog outloaa v u um to be good to o bpft dont know how fnka rry bbajaoayoa can get- p ttihd yon can gatlt booaauy irvaph wboaro aaaj toil with ar faopl who aaak abpw on credit jlliim mek cradltabl aoowlng bon ar on tbay will find real la 1iyn haoaut tbay ar alaepy lav fh mlow whu wont tpand ai la a um nodahakar 0adhabta ooat tuonay bat ther ap tn who arem to think them wbrtb lb prlo t dt tajta aajjra uari a eoatufarmetn pnt nrtgliborefrpin gattlngl aip of family akelatona jjj ij 1 dtmt keep qndfng fault with tbtnge my matt utmwiihptopk tter aro boya and ihrla who alwaye uuakiujwt djt i j foq wartu or nj wayan ooogb and tba deaaait la too e or o wore angar and thay- h op um pbjaimuibwt chlldrpn in lb wcrkl too faaundlng hawl u a ibiiet jw jf y sltei aritfathlaga tv hue is lotiiifi foitielifel fell iurn8 timy wu ftcnlau tha ftnrof blhjo ml vnp1r 04 the beweb and wlu cmta th gbyttnt torbs aluvercan- wflwi- mffcnd man this toaiu 1ff miik il wol hyd imdhb tot bo tvtf vtrns kn womkffitf tantdy mttnaav 1iui bib lm w wu bcr rtil r a vhhi far ii j0 u ail sdmor isulkd dtci oo nsipl gggnmmwma in tba oanaaa of in ran til mortality eholera roorbna flgnrr frequently and u aaay be ead that oomplalnta of tba bowala are great dlatroyare of child iff if all motbere would avail tbeen- aalaaof aoaffactlvaa remedy aa dr j d kuog dymntary cordial many a hula oo oonld b eared thle oordlal oan be given with eafety to the anialkat cbltd a there uno injari- oaa eobatanoa in it oota made by barber ar not aatla- leaui for hlwat purpoaea suffered with nerve trouble nmtwmttjuas nfpoestbut torn ran to sxxbp mr cb w wood s4 torranoa qu llontreal qua write for two yean i had ettfferad with nerve tratjbk and it waa r u- for me to sheep it did not matter what time i went to bed fat the inorajng i wu even worte than the night before i consulted a doctor and ba gave me a tenia to take a half hour before going to bed it was all light for a uaae bat the old trouble warned with greater force than before one of the boya who works with me gave me half a box of muborns heart and nerve pitt i took them and i got each mtwactkm that i got another box and before i finished it 1 could enjoy sleep from 10 pja until 0 anv and now s cj uutajnia heart and nerve hits are so cents per box cr a boxes for jh at ell dealers or msikd direct on receipt of price by the t ullburo co limited toronto oat a tiatabw aw year luva la avkswa tiaaasa ar aaawtiaa mi n a avtataa auaat popularity fa vary largely a question of taking p ifoetpeopla oan ba lawvlf tbaf try a lank of frtand may ba attract ad to buliie or aa qpltaes often isa to mora fjbwbvg defevtt- the eapaclty foe winning friendship le inborn in every body ult le only a question of taking tbapvfna to oultlvate it andof making tbarlfurt to oonqnar tba ae which repela liking slcep bleep u the groat re- atcrrr and l ba deprived of it la vital whatever may he the cause of it lodlgatli narvoua derangement or meiiul worry lake a course of i4ulata vul latlng ilia aei ion of the t omaeh where the truulth lias tbay will raabora pamialoondltlooeand healthful sleep will follow they exert a sedative feroaupoo lb nervaaand where there is unrest tbay bring rest m aannimwoman ceaae to be a manw afflnlty if he baa to sqpport her asafannd ore remedy far e child tronbled with worros hi mother qravae worm bxlvrmluktor u pay to be honest but it is not always possible la name the one who get the pay ftrjowteabaimboroclrcttu n a l rimlidw nri lyw rfcgprtr otic opmjavmorpbjfa b motkajntooi a perfect brmrdy ror0pev lioritsota- stomwdlarrw3o vftcseaaw 5rfaterf kewohil rxactt ie kind you tfave always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years castoria the merchants bank off canada hwy wnon wbo i nd pya but moimy khouu b c chwnlnwfmu laromai by clmqu i tb totmx pnalaj oa- vcaual d hiim4 mmbad of handling all financial transaction vbotbaa ola bndntaa or pacaonal cbaracu tb ratnn of raj cbcanna ai voncben for nary nam paid ool tbay abow what db bnraanmmia haw boa nod and to boat itapcta or i by ihl bank nbact to cbaqna wlibdinwal w pay tba aam atanllon 10 antall dapoaltora aa wdotolaroammandanoonratibairacxiala intaraat allowad oo all savinga oosounia componndad half yaarly total assets s8128ksiw action branch famacleaa manager warm and strong v you want a pair of gloves or mitts in hornehirle cau or buckskin sheep pr muleskin be certain to aecuy storeys ili no way will you ret equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool lit wrist andjliocd kind abwrbtjow wammted renuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist onstopeys w h storey son limited acton ontario children ory for flctchtrs castoria tb newlymarried pair wra aoatad laftioaey rokbtdr befora the ora you any saoti you hid from your lltunvrirerr none my pet p ivplli ri y too wll vari frptn vodr nsld the my in rojf ton what have you aotkfb aukad in a startled olp onlyon and i am going to totajhft to tbr was a long jptiosot ufir- on i b muttvrsxl tely for some eks said ttowlyj 4 v hiiil g secret w there can be no syrup so pure and wholesome as just try a tin from your grocer yoov nwsalry laturnad u not entirely ssiweetery eearytm abaolumv guaranteeal 1 i t j fjfe v cann lhiiad montrw pokl susiisinovv by j p hill oodhau 8c mokay amd geo soper automobiles arid implements jnwsr afjeiitftii tuts fiutiuif tord motor carrr sole agent for cockthntt and dila maclunery and heury plows and a full lino of ropaira for plovya and machinery a good line of bnggies and harness lap rugs and rubbers prices right also floor oil farmerfiwhbiire thinking of building a silo this year give ua a call and get our prices jjwtr lp b f oaldvsreu i ijpn ijommo wwmaariixtritbw hjovmbnt thra are two ways nf spoiling our capaclty-fnr- rnjuying ihlnga oiu hj having lam much of them and tb nlfaar la not having ertnngb thu ni ptnyeea in a cndy latory ar usually glvon parsniaalon to eat all th ewaata tbvy wish this not a proof of benavo- icdcc un the pan of lbs proprietor it la only longbeaded bualaaae economy generally the peroilaalou i taken ad vantage of so hrartlly that aflar a mk th now auiptnvve navvr wlsltaa to are a chocolate drop again ftmt on tb other band owrfacwlty of enjoyiuent may dla fur lack of nu- irillf it uaald of a grat ifngllah aclrittut that whan la was a aroall lnj iiof btuivml niarktl tuuslcal atilllty ih1 drvtlny turned blinliitianntlrly diltxrvnt una and his muaical taal atnipliltnl when ha waa a tosn uf fifty be bad no power to rnjny muakj or to undvlafand if tha harcoonla of to flneat orcbalra mea rn more to blot than th clatuur uf a tnaclilo young pvoplewlinnrfvitt thatiiaolve ui liavlnga good lliim uwa pprvia- tlon inroukb surfeit and ihuae who poatiumm vojuyomnl llll tbay bav krnan tlch or faummiit iiimi um- faculty through lako nulrltluii too inucb or too iiuw the rasa it is tha earn ir- rttrlalle loaa a hafa pill for buffarer tbara are pitta that instantly purge and iii tb etontach and intestine- with pain partneue vrgataht ml la ar mild and ellreilve they are purely eg- tlmbleno mineral purgallv anteilng into thalr compoaltlon ami thalr aitwf u atmotblng and banenoui try them alm b colnced thousands can aoueat thai gswatcurallao qnalltiea baoaua thousa owa thalr baallb andauwngtb to uasaly use of this moat excellent madlclne th best way u induce othr people u respect your advice is tn keep it to yourself a vetemi of tie i0ei wki tbstdms as to th ewicict of traooac blood birress ok thc com o boils mr el u ilcblaioa miaara pams ontu writes it b with pheiurw i testify to tha sterling qualuiae of your burdock blood bitters after the boer war through which i served in uw 1st i i i ausercd from boils con- atlpatioo and kk beadachea and tried many iprations but got relief from none till an old coaitade of mine keae to try the burdock blood bitten ay 1 got ichef is to put it miktty it ins rlt me myself again vix a man who knows not what it k to bsskk and who baa been and b stln an alhlrtc to anyone in want of purified blood and the it wilt sat all round visions health i can conarieatiotnly recommend bbjb burdock blood bitten b iqanufnc- tnred only by the t aluburn col llmued tcaonto oat boens wooldbe orators maka a oolaa and 1st it go at that itteetlfle tor ilealf dr tbomaa kolectric oil needs no testimonial of its power other than itself who- ever tries it for coughs or colds for oota or oootn for sprains or burns for pains in the limbs or body will know that tba medicine proven itaelf and need no guarraat tbl ehow why this oil is la general us a man may be sure bes right yet lack tba nerve to go ahead children ory for fletchers alany a self admitted brave man la unable to prove it warts on the bands is a dlafkgur meat that trouble many ladle llol- lowaya oon our will reutova tb blemishes without pain jtamobhtp a oymmas1um tb way to aeqalr mlfrellanoe la to depend on one self necessity la the mother of lovention and it le eeldos that ingenuity la marked in those for whoso lb raybmaltoaaaay what- we call hardships are the gymnasium in which are developed th qualltta the flies that era now lit your kitchen and dining room were probably casting on wwu indev ribabla nastinrss less than an hour ago end as a single ny hcnatie iiiany lliouaahds of disc so germs attached to itv hslry body it i uvo duty of every houeckecpcr to assistin exterminating this worst enemy of tho human rxoe wjlsons aaaniaaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaai fly pads excelsior bakery 1 i uch imnkiim ioaotiliea aa uanut ta approached by odf otho ov hilar conscientlous plnmbing j heating is not t 3utyxhi iatixh vs to the contrary wo make it the most important factor so if you favor ns with yoor patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber qnebecst gtletph phone 337 150000 free homesteads alono th louibl of tub canadian noitbein railway ih manitoba sishilrhnraa iod alberta ttae cearf iat kj itonw tew fo rmtry la vive itotboismaada ukmncb- atoaallw ua of ike caaaiuaa hoctltrn nallvar la haaltoba haakatclmwam aarl aiiotu at it tvw twa bn wmma a nxliaaa of an ail of optrrated uaw of tha klkbwlnmm wmla lb batei nn vrultw mmmd hv i of oparalcd ii uk srat plan lailbtct44jlof b w btckma rt ll mnwatnl la ik ftn hnu wurk btn lkr n tatlj v v 1 try mattitoba 21800 saskitcbewaa ufito alberta 74000 vtktn oaaada is aa bla uut pratitmlty fvry farwlag ooa u act wkk la laa ratmtalanl fcotal tbvfr kopta stalttr the ummammtry which ss soeaa draitac bb4 stao the toll tag had vhrta vaua aad dtamw ate adalnuy atwttud to ihea aaiwd fanalac tlta afnapfctn oaar pry aad lawlajwatlaaamatcs j twtntl s lata taadha beat land to sputr bdu uilraa an aad lalcadlaa aeuiia wul be well sdrtad to ataka i wtr avbctlaa vwnat dcuy writ f f tnklh emagthe local ua aad a dcacrlpttaa 0 la taad bajafcodthd a nkpy wul ba imailcd to anom haktaa antplkaltoa w k iv 1 ralibaln aaat general taiiaar acat caaadaaa northna oatynaa tomato oat rhis mans store is crowded because we do his printing e can crowd your store in the same wav catafotfues handbiufoldra and commercial forms our specialty call at caj ofjicm for jobbobrk the kcton freepress two women testify elaable compoond okl for tbehidtirllmivown stotementg-follow- ranbnrtonprli had a doctor examine mo and he sakl i bad falling tba womb ao i have been utt0lydi e plnkhams vegetable ootnpoond and it boa donoma a lot of good alt tho bearingrdown pains have vanished bavo gained ten poands in weight um dlachargt b ul bobe and iwwtr than i bare for a long time i think any woman la foolish to satterm idltj for the sake of a few dollars yon can owe my letter m testimo nial itnuyetmawragnotbtrr poor women who aatter as did to use yoof vegatabl compoond lira geo coixiotttt joopd wltnt tbu womm soyat nwjhlhlm ohjoj take great yoalvwlmiyour r baa done for ma i bad bsarlog down pains waa dbay and weak bad pains in lower beck and eoukt sosbe uputi fewsr longeoougb togeta meal as long aa i laid on my- bade i would ifeel bettar nt wbsn i would ia1 1 i galop those bearing paba would ern back at4d tho doctor said i bad female boobla7ldi clnkhama vegetable 0omnrmd won uw only medici that helped ma and x hayo been growing stronger aver slnoa xromtomtcad to take i bopo it will lielpotbereaffetlngwonwmasltbawmel yon n bos this letter mn oasaxa laumty mew moorsjwd curk ooowo castoria ibttr inimnta anj chlldraw lbkmynbniuiisbhku bears he signs ter of tub idkalb or youth tb influx of new blood into the ecooomlo and social systems of our oountry whan the schools send out their graduate inlo tbekeneml life of tba nation la particularly valuable because of th idaala thee young people bring with them it is fashion in eoot narrowminded circle to atiaer at the illusions of youth but the illu- of yimlh are far prerrable to the detuuonaof maturity ttietmutwho baa rotgotten that there is anything in life but monaymaklng is vastly ider of tba mark tlian the youth who oqt of college feeling aa if he iltnost inastor i be avu of this work elngleihandad the iptlmlsm nd tb idealism otyouth la the natlouy uf blood oood adviok tliera la a good story told of a well- known aetormanager who although follower uf the sport of kings has one great dlsllka that is betting when anyone asks him what horae be ugblngto back be geoarally repllee in the following way im going to back a lltua ally ln often backed be- forwi ive never won anything on it yot ive never lost a penny oh whatever horae is that rms the inquiry oh little rllrrallarjommonbenee ridden by tommy iet- it- alone u be invariable reply thlb vloafra suutaamation last christmas a certain vleaf waa lovltad to a big dinner at the house oif one of th leading men in town at uw dinner table he was placed appoa- it a good tbaudyoruialiousewa- pueedon the vicars left seeing tba s be remarked shall i alt so close to tbagooeer finding his words mtthujvixalbsiiroed round to tba lady and asldln a most amftigllo tooo kwiuse uw my lady t meant tbaroamona- olbhloawit th lata dr norman uaeleod wai anjoying a trip among- -too- wester isles wltb eons friends clerical and lay among wbom weaaoertsin minis ter of the name of ifooey one morn ing this gentletnau had been late in rising and rushed into um ealoon with indications of a baaty toilet upon him some time after tha breakfastbell bad rung or haoleod looking with a merry twinkle in hla aye greeted hie jrieod with tba word helio here oomee honey fresh from the comb i f became so weak fdomdiwe had to quk work dtenkoss esp if left to run any tength of utmv causes great weakness so the only thing to prevent this b to check it on ta first appearance yon will find umlvfew oosci of dr fowlera kxtxmct of wild strawberry wu do tab qttkkly and ertlvriy mr jno r ooldcifmtte orilus onl writes wbeq w port william last summer x t waa taken side widiiirtbas and became so weak and suffered suchgreat palni hadtoqult work ourmsasgcr advised mtjto dy jpowfet qitmct of wud ftmwberryv ao onmyvwiyhoraer i bought a bottle and after taking four doses x was cured wo always keep a bottle in tba bouse wahsve abo- used tt for our children and find it an excellent remedy or summer complsiatv prico 85 outs when you go toget a bottle of dr fowlers iosbt on bring given what jlpu ask for as we know- of many caaes where ruirxxupulous dealers have handed out soma other preparation tha geaaloe la motwactitred only by tha t uubuiu otx4bsltd toronto bsgj tim grand trlmvisww pabuinaun thai mm tab tolliitaliiit b ijib lint al wliluli pal no a ib jshe f1hbt quality uiieao oakbb we ooi no uakbs ii i htm la v cakes if rc hfc- malr bvrup an hon itv icltt lhham gall today t statham son bakers oind crocer3 main st acton tta buiid sttan granitb ui marble works casper braun fvoprtatae designers anil uolwora ul rlsluaa mao ifmini miuiumenla matkais srwl head stones and all hinds ol artistic cemetery wort wm hmstreet aghnt acton wool i wool wool ijszhnted alio sell all kinds of luknitukk 7t snxb ftcton your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rock wood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris ac co llmltwl beautiful new wall papers wll add beauty 10 your home and increase its value ordinary wall paper malms or dinary looalnjf tooths no nutter bow mestefally- you may furnish your homo the entire effect may easily be spoiled by utlnjr pipers luat am not lliorouglily auitsbla ijoot run tho riik of dlsaipnlol- roeot choose your paper from our new unps irlcsa aro very reasonable lbpertisaglu done to your com plete satufactioti 10c per roll all kinds hmn klpuminu chair ralls ami flute kails al the lovesi possible prices stephen corcliner painter papcrthanqeil ktc itcthk ikauihq a srbciamv mill atrwat abtori out oo ybars patents patents in all countrraw ask for oor inventors ailrissr marion ox marion 364 uqlverslw bi rurner stv catharine street monicol csusds and was d o u a a j vfev imm ylvtj j2miillii yi iim

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