Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1912, p. 2

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k l immtnna jalfbmb 1 uar u w o l lbwt imthhc ui iw td au taa ui moujaa ullnt c bad buwius mwe succesww candidates aum at lut ftaaaliteu am ttranaarr jhiy svnt dm ane abbott allaa oaosa ib e4 un alas wu- ftbe ftrnt jtree jjrrfls thu11hday auuutjt i uu orrouat mom tuk whiatcmii of ittu will bt tna gl ealsst r harvested tn manitoba saakalohewen end albert and will require aboot tlttf thousand fnn laborer uf lb east to mobilise there andaastet la harvesting ibanniponbfl world e greatest grelnevy tllk juiximbntof lli imv council a wexpctd of nllrui lh rinding off to canadian bupnue court that tbe lancaster bill or any other tbat wodm undertake like purpose li be yond lb power of parliament thle leave tbo conditions of nisrtlage entirely el tb direction or ibe prpvlo cial leglelat iirev following ui the british pre suggestions that eont oc the brlueb uablnat ministers should return the visit of premier borden iutd his col league it bee been announced thai oenad bu extaodad an invitation to hi hon winston ohurcbill and other minister to visit the dominion neat fell cbm the navel debet is oo btlxjt hev been introduced lu con grew to reduce letter postage in tbe united state from two cent to one cent per ouoow end tbe indications are farorabt to such change being er reeled president tfi end postutaat- er hitchcock ere in fvtr of the re duatlon end tbere u little opposluoo to it from any iuertr vovvowinft tiik act cnlly taken by the pennsylvania railroad in prohibiting the sale nf liquor on dining ear while panting th rough tb hut 0 new jersey tb lack wane railroad official last week mint out word uiat bereaflav there will be no liquor bold on the cere of ihelr road in new jereey auawldaxk buuimxae uam wee la owen soond at tbe orenge detpoev atratlon 00 the twelfth end wee beard to remark that bebad eeen bat two men the woreefor uquor one of them en imuap who said he brought hie supply from the indian pealnsnle thu nun hawing 7 t tualneee interviewed several buloee men o tbe sound as to tb result of looel option and they wm all strongly in iu favor from a monetary standpoint mark- dale standard fiction pbjkvaiui to the canadian ff- for angus ihrre are in all eight abort atari by frederick o guny c lintern sibley ashby ford u cl cook ktbt hamilton hunter andothere with ekeiahne end vera by profeweor archibald m arthur stringer vm sbeard leabel rloobwtoo llaekay prian 3 and w u brifdrd with aruolee by f a wrightmau w amot oralck and vlnosot daeewl there ara xouat ulntn partloularly tbe pnd ink drawing by o w jeotery th piokiuu under the headi good teetlmooy for dry town aayti a briar item in tbe gualpn maronry hu week b lodlrecuy preuy good teaomonlei to the work- in of tbe local option law in tbe neighboring town of aoton the item aayai bobert shank b wety fond of tbe beer which nude mllwattae or eoeae other plane fanton thu worm log he waa up in polio oourt foe tbe third ooeeaal tint in two week and be u on tbe indian litt be waa flndn0odoeu howrtbauefrom anton tbe dry town j a pavuion which u kuaulued will have nn important bearing on tbe d mlnutrauon of the liquor llama not jo local option nmniolpallue wae banded down fajr magttlrala bukr of f3alt 00 saturday in tb ce of the uon brewery of berlin charged with eolleltlog order in a dry dlatriot by tpneni edvertueneut in a local paper evidence wa heard on june xtihi but judgment waa nr- ved the magwtmu decided od satur day that advarluing wa lb a oucltlng order and tberefora aoon- traveatlon of tbe not he- iwpoetd a one of 9100 ituundecenudtuetjir jam havenon wlwt eelrd for tb dafandant will enlfr an epprel mr o ucdougall ut thwhio w gum t ihe bou of mr t p iven last week mrftt a blldn t- roato re vuulng fried- in uuw i lulntt- j boum a vtefntty- and dtmoan sberpe pent sunday t the li- r ilnlr uthertmw h sharp rmrh lliw hi wlnirred polklngbom hv r turned to tiirouto where ah ba potluou elenographer mr j n newton end mu- wliml fred iveiw werr in twroiilo a couple mt day tbu week wewpimtabvaf thai mr d swaohbamrr who ha been eroualy illduring lb pt week u improving mhtt mu saraokbaioer of decnll merlwuabdtbetpember of aba- famjly were oejledhooe a tbelr relejeii nniwihinn ttmi mmhrm crlu- 01 uomftoom and kookwood ball puy- eramfalnaetonbwt saturday uiaej boumwooby 1jws be of tbe turoov bob urbafl railway qounanr were ik tfejg vjolalty vai weak arranging for tberrfgbtof way with the owner of pioparue through whlob tb railroad winpawattrutitntuaoluo 11 1 t m gtgflewjmoemtur rfe v ddrwtrlmmmn vtpirnvkhiwthriirawm karly on hunday oturnlng thti vf- brnka into ibe gropery or t fiulb mi ft son mll street and atola a cadily i and a half ol tobaeoo all tbe one nl tnbaaoo tbav oould bod a half di ui a of eardtoe and a few nlhrr mail onntmodltlew indtoatlone point to the uet that they aral triad to effect an entrance a the rear but after amaablng mi llgbte of glaae were unkucceaohil i getting lnb the main itt by that rout they titan went ironl i deliberately jnil a pane nf glee in be door tbugave them free atn to tbe lock and turning tbe kay tbey walked in a baahet of potatoes etood bal tb counter thu wae owerturnad ou ibe floor and lb empty baftket filled with ibe tobaoeo elo in their hurry in kettle- over tbe rear fme part of t lie booty wae lost and more of it w picked up at another point tbe thuvea came out to the trel between heodereoo a and hoper tor from wblob point the trail wa lost judging from the euee uf gooda taken they were young uien and ap- near to be well acquainted with tb premieee for thu kind 1 f criminal notion they ar luble to a year or two in central prlaon okeweonb ooambtt tbe quarterly communion aarwloaa of thla clrauu will be bald at kdeo milu nt sunday ooorfuently there will benoeerrlce in ibe church herr mra nwllra sr entertained the member of th ladle aid last tbur- day afterooon a qnut wedding wa anlamnhwd at th home or raw mr weutoan ker ton last thnreday when mies annlr daughter of the late morgan creweon became the wife or mr albert hleven eon of milton the bride baa been life long resident or thu place and a favorite with all who knew her after spending a few deye with friends here they left for their homo in mion accompanied by tb beet wuhee of their many mend for a happy and proaperon future mra bote end daughter of detroit are spending holidays at the home or mr jar moor jr mrs d williamson of acton spent a day last weak with her daughter mr win murray mra wood and mr harry woods of oampbellvllu wlsltcd at mr m orawaon last week mu b anderenn and mr o han eon of acton spent sunday with friend barn mr and mra r damper and chll dren nf oepringe visited at mr ii damper e laet weak mlm lhiio bllton or ktquestng spent sunday at mr j bannett uueee llnu lelchman and jean barber acton spent a few days with mu kvelyn mclaughlin of naesa gaweya vulted friend here last week 1 ihannusmow utr elan- today tbe new fir inatuano ajttt mm into effaet all over the province i ontario among the important obeng wblcb will becom fftlve and have to be plainly printed in the now pollcle will be tbe following ln futore tbe inanrance company wui b lubu for damjure from light nlng whether or not the lightning cam an actual fire the lnaored will have a standing permit for workman waking repairs nitevn day in tb year lntad of ft a formariy pollcle niuat not state utborbwd capital of the company unues full partwuur of tb amount paid up and other datalu ar given renewal receipts if accepted by tbe insured ara an aocepupce of the re newal of tba policy and the company mar sue for tb amount involved nn lea receipt u returned immediately tbeoomnany issuable for the insiu e in ca of lot from tli uiomaot th receipt blent out quwuph aviatom caevtsud a 0m of wind cmsurb tnee os rtrwt flight and aaaaaln uelpb july xotb merry bond and ben hcoonkey two local yotmg men lajilt for ihnialvm a glider nndon saturday took it mit lu the ridg mil aid lb city limit with them wa sseenger j burlington itlgg ute of toronto the three or theot got on lbnldr and gv it shnv down- thf blll thti lunolilih went down all riglf and wlien it had uniat reached the inttltmu u tmk lb sir in n whlc raclory miinv and blwrtrd 10 fly tbm a gitvt nf wind cam along eaugbt lb front of the niachlnr whlob wn top heavy and tipped it over the glider striking tbrtb ullflrsc tbe two ardent aviator and tbe passenger also ht tbe dirt amidst a tangled ute or wood and canvas which up in a liniment before had been a tuodtil fortunately the drop was tint vrry great and there waa a bit of ihruli hery beneath to break their rail so that bay did not suffer ny injuries rurthwr than a severe sliakli g ujt the- gllderua wreak uvky hain imnseniw pajumjan saga 14 dot a dy it does not contain poieonoo augav of laad or any other dangroo ingraduot it la a high grade wdeallno couibloa- ttuo that will put llfa luatre and beauty into any balr the minute it m jkbtb7 4atto sealp itch eme ov njgfa l dandruff n1eppar hair stop falling and the eoalp beooma immacubrfaly clean andj tbawaadtehgbtful treat aumlug to yoneaoalp f yoti bavru t triad pahii ujrseg olsl with auburn balr on otj 1 a tat th oouaitv or haltom t1i traitmrnl t kdueam nn halitnltiv otiih nt ol ll- itilt f ibe ellddu h0i1m i esaitli alit n f r en man lull the n rmal hcikmi tlia follnwlog sludenu in helton rtiniy wer stireeesfnli r p ttungr man taon i m k ilotbwell il k brown j m hubolm j k dougla polalar h v hurd m h kan mf h n u1u- k w mac kay w h maekar v4l hullln boa v v mullln u iunlaon il j por ur m ii watein u wilson bou of these elgbleeo tbe fitl lowing lx ware acton pull4i uuttua v uawv haxki v uvuu ukomik b uuu ik uouorst kuaiixh v mt ixim i uirrif nkihom rmili pr rap momkbbt kven when girls giggle tbey say 11 he r no woman makes a fool or a man the process is always automatic moes nlbe oen are ready tofurnuh the whip to be driven to drink why u it that you owver hear of man suing for breach of prowls 7 hh want him to become a hero but to take no cbanoee of getting hurt if she could seleot iii clot bra he would always match lb carpet in the sitting room it is not an extraordinarily vein man who will not admit that hla wife can aweep better than lie fortune la a woman but aha is na er so far as we canlearn made corre spoodent in a divorce suit a wise girl is sometlnse p by flattery but lie u never bewildered by it a hahdy thimo a yorkshire farmer was paid by cheque for some caltla be had sold it was the drat time that it had ever happened what this be said why money for the beast said tbe cattle dealer tbe farmer eta red and had tn be as sured hat if it look it to lb bank tbey would giv blm money for it well said be awtl try but w its a wrong un tttootl bear about it h tbaobaqo w ca of 000 re and tbe farmer went home happy but he could not bleep he bad eaeu a won derrul thing and it bad excited him as soon e day hrok b made for tb eattl delei- bouse and wok the its me b wald where a ilia got thlm bit of ppr from f aw cud do wt half a doaen myself r a oharitv laox take en old truuk or urge box and call it your charity box into it put all the artlclr with which you have flnubed pictures magazines books to read and old one for borep book pretty cards clothing and all sorts of wearing apparel piece uf silk cloth and uoe fur dolu clothing envelope wlb foralgo stamps all tbe little thing you have flnubed with kvery once in awhile go through it and dis pose of iu article to orphan asylum hospital etc then when you ere called 00 fcroontributlona to rummage ale all you will hav to do u go to the boa and not have to rummage around the greatn or tb soul shows ibwlf la tb rv1oa of tbe life nn one can achieve good work who does not uke a pride in it lord clip ton it u more sensible to pay aarlpus at tenuon to tbe health of th nation than to sing buu britannia the buhftp of stepney tslu easest by esurrh tbat nails oatarra oar baaduv lrylstta t taaustlly hlla wwoaatlpsnen th ooqob bwu4 hoatttum th first thing for the ihiw lo learn i to iki con he1 si 1 nitty bn frlablfully nervous mut aoxlou pr llpularly tahats bnt hrgltwln to terlaln i lit she niuat twoliitely puton a mask f oomposure and aavum virtue if she ha it ji i nnihli u or tinrli imnortanor xiillg hri trn ilcmean r a tivmj i l wlioac ids her servants wrinkles brr brows ur eveo torgeu to listen lo the man who is talking lo bar u the ruin of a din ner one ouver motbar advising hr newly married daughter on this sub reel remarked that if stewed puppy dog waa brought to l ha labia she must not notice it raw liotrsore are sub jected to so severe all ortlrel as tills but th remark coulalns a good bint xpltbemvb boottish worm an admirer of th scottish dialect thinks that american apeecb would be improved by the asalmlutlon of hcol llsh word can we be aaks improve on uch exprrsslve epithets as 1lau gleg dwreble dowl inkle furthle con lhle faahlar wersb unci crwe i 1 r describe nrgallv qualities iwtltr llian fackleas fusloiitesn uihobviim llio lees walrtlras and tactwllttos k otiuld tmtdriem nuruaaa da wile hlnny don or contempt be more withering uian gawpu gemerll taw pie suropb or opfirobrium arm llaelf with wvirnr rpillieta than lieaom llfumerand randy i you cannot house working men by waul fill words and iwantlhil idea aldrrmall w thompson tliere is no wealth but life and no tlnso tntularabuaa tlia waste of life hev w chartar ilgjiou tb horse u a cleaner liver a more wholesome feeder and a more patient worker than any man one ever meet ur i bradley you will notice thai are continually talking lx ut our ability to repair watches and docks well that is because we have the conn dance that we can do it and do it better than roost wvch maker first because we served our full term or apprenticeship nd after ward worked under the beet makers in toronto and if years experience gives us such an advantage over most other that we oooie lo you in full eonodence that it wlh be carefully and quickly done pr ingle the jeweler quelph n canadian national exhibition some vbaturbs of imperial year imperial cadet review exhibits by the province dominion exhibit band of scot guard paintings of tb year from europe painting by beat canadun and a artiste imperial cadet competition boy scout review everything in educational exhibit siege of delhi n o th barn band dragoons musical rid industries in operation batter making competition amsaicaagreateat llvastock show canada biggest dog show america prettiest pussl japa day f motor boar race ulppodrom and circus roar stage and arena all going eruption of mount vesuvius athletic sports ten band coooarbi daily acre of manufacture f imperial flrawork number aug- 24 j912 sept- 9 toronto heres a true story on baturday evening a nntlemau canio into our btoru ml ununited if we could fit htm out front bead to foot we certainly had great nunsura n telling him that we oonld as we had quite recently put in the celebrated american shoe the kegnl which ifyada eurttock of men wear complete he at once sumed purchasing and the whole tnutaaouon only uuted twenty minutes the whole outfit only cot elm twenty dollars and did you see him on sunday t he wax the happiest man lo town m oat ma si utj bought of gt j tst allace terma cash mens outfitter acton oht joly 2ou1 1912 mr 1 from hbatj i c f5 l tlt qtthf ms u 7f j sh 7 ttr arte 30c l fe cuff i jo 1 smtl fjtavrweev si j p bract 50c 1 f w btgaltss4oo v 5 to foot 1 w is nowjjt doesnt cost- much boys dp it let u bo your eulflucr and roniembcr if any arucu purchaaed la thu rtore doe net give perfect sausfaotlon we ask a favor that you report to a at once and wewllraswure vou that wc will gd1yadjatf tfteiuauertoypw watch dui1 small window q j wallace jcton tha mans store to0o00ochoo000o00ckxx0o0oo3 great midseason mens wear sale i all bummer goodfl mut go out now warm weather apparel for men at greatly reduced prices i the order of thing at macdonalds for the balance of this month our policy is to have fresh new blocks every season therefore we must not carry over a dollars worth of this seasons goods sall is now on come jiarly mbtfa twopmost wummblh burn r1duoid alsuilulely no reserve we have i laced the balance of our stock atx ut 35 suits on sale to clear unlckly c i suit for hot weath or wear tnarie from light t weeds fancy worsteds and homespuns coats are partly lined with lustre and trousers are finished with belt loops cuffs etc a few smell sine in light homeaoun suits last sea son s worth up to 14 m now mt5 13 twodieto bultl in neat hlrijie tan grey black and white hairline wnru now gis so and jij jo twopiece suits odd rises in the season a best style new oar best grade twoplce bolt in tan and grey tropltal worsteds worth sis and glo so bow ll7tl kb gs jo and lio 00 ctey plsnnsl outing rmtci with neat plain stripes worth g 00 now m i igbl jroy llnmes im and light worsted trouun nil sites worth s30 l u now bxl blue si ar jo worth li jo now bhc man blaik i ustro striped alspca and lain blue verge coau sion m 4 worth fa 50 and ga 7j nowl93 ucti it risln rtue and black i nffllsh berge cnats llak 36 to 46 worth 3 jo snd 4 00 now bhb apmcbt urrbi ubiuuobjd to vumio a numlier of good tweed and fancy warsteda suits suitable for all yearround wear tlr ken lines from our regiiur stock and good values at tin regular price worth up to gs men a buiut worth up to est 11 ssn en kale at s137s bis7s motor dauvsato i all hare reduced in price her vkvablr garment for djyiflg of motoring ta jo coats new wfblt 3 00 coats aew j so coals 00w 4 s coals now x4 6 50 coats now s bovbj oitbj at clgaglmo about s boys suits la grey brown and olive tweeds and wor sleds two and three button ftouble breasted coat with plain and bloomer knickers suits worth up to as 50 now b43s maura raimooatal gam a jkia purchase direct from the maapfacuiret of broken linot in the popolar motor style coabv uade to fit close at neck neat aatf atxipe and plain patterns in fawn and olive shsds sua 54 to 49 coats worth gn 00 to sicca now 0tb- d e macdonald bros corner wyndham macdonell streets guelpi1 ontario xxxxooooooxxxcwoooooooooooooo hot weather specials hosiery light weight lisles for ladies childrens and mens wear plain anrj tanoy in all shades for this week many specials white waists now lines this week in all the popular styled entirely new ideas and extra values heevdwear alter the holiday rash we havb replenished the stock of childrens girls boys and mens fancy straw hats with many new hotweather lines the latest novelty goods we arc clearing all ladiestnmmcd hats shapes flowers etc a very lowpnccs hotweather underwear fancy pirasotf batbinf costeaes striped and white awning dncks at bpecial prices henderson co mill st actoa oat b ipravtkg w acclaim st war ttrento canaqa frank e holmes lusujan and rtjnbrai sibsotob u ikt lis aktuom buex 10 calls day 0 nlhl atlul phone no- iv h green grocer -and- fruit merchant e k co6k is recolvlna dally lresh vagotabla and fruits sod sellr tbm al resscosbl price forlilon pruit8 a specialty gftmhi pauvaao iiilx bxaaet c aflfoa dnnapnuddddrjacdaoannaanaanndanoannnnaaaadaanddurj 1 for shle1 i ti p ti n n o good rarug within a half to u ntle of acton lric h mid tortus rvunnahle d u 0 rine dwcleinos all good buys a uuiuber of rare p 9 snapa v a a wailtn akst lots at low prions and easy una of n p payment r b bpgclalv furniture and electric light repair oav naslnes- p g could also haridl hardware profiubly store with residence attach s it ed in a ptoiperous village forty mile from a city this pr r b la a snap and will be sold at oncei 6 chester o plank rutrvbiah block naaaunnopdaaaonaapnaparipapanduunnnadadddndddann 8s2eater coats frto iamirrtisrmfrits cjbr atnptirt tlurrb iton huv s o hinmiit ii a paator ytniav aurhjgrtth j 11 i t r lf i 1 ii u all lllutui mkn wan iki i ivfllu wul plain and fancy colors s575 to all the latest new styles each r e jstel80n b mmmlunt 1 utaiuxftimrtkanaiaauiwaaiula oustvm out g u 1 ail wblllugloiir t- lei 1kauh1kk wanlelf ttll r tin t fix e- n mi luiisas i irn a coitiha uim s i1kns fur 8amc aimii t tnrlf i uipeatl llocks sat ltf wbll lslhur t lul mi illlllnm avtjrsoew jauku uattnkwh wan1j51 chokh hum dim um in ik cor balu ukauitmoam a oc ilouhekiiars waxed paper foii ll mc6 ktc fa jill a iaimhiv work rlll uuulaa 1 rrrl lo a fukll wul ids bad i ru a in htiibmwy t ticlttl- ncban jonv miksaijk at a dargain asao1 lil l 1 ijit i t unu h ltlr tuut- 1 il ijnlx not klnlj af bioibauim vl i uhsr bars- asty ciineut walks helwuturoi nonombbtnliriiha tbt llrlw was as rl bf taw skiuii o u- tasiua f lb vhuaaof at 00 ta4 m jal isis mt9lsiu to um uob of imlmivw um uowial ofsiasvo la th 1 iiiiiim nliifcai for tbmuit waihs laid la ik uuas a ame darln tbw ihji 1si mod ull uhtuui sbsa br uw was rubund id lb tuctttrv osus fc- rrftai iba llaculr- divtaiwi ol lb c oalbwirtbdarol jalv any iumtoa la qauh o m uoa uw aua say bur i mwl b nud wlibla i nrwyitu afuv iba till patillmtlou al tbu a hwm ba tamitm oaritr datad iba tb uar of july i91t votkrsjlist 1012 municipality or thk villauk ok aoton nottck u bwaby si lukt tisaa- tullud at atlinrmd to lit pm on i 4 la baa sol uu oatailo nouiv ual art ibe eotil raqolrad bf amid riactloo lnu u tiaas- bsutad v iwlnnd at lha two taada panaaa said art ol all ywu appaaria by iba uet rlaal iltlnlt of j- amij klomlath bl aad m waaialual luaetla itat vh tnl ponad dp il ibatmb dav ol jalf hdat of jul a j bl vckiwiuu oli h ol aald haalatsiur write to day for our catalogue it explains everythirif bvoblnrw the clydesdale stallion royal prince 2814 will bo i ih dominion hotel stables acton bvekv 1uesdav a nlvlng about noou and remaining until nm tksmh to inture a loal til nyalj iti ielxruary lolj all sect icnts lo mini si its uk neil gillies proprietor grand trunks jilwav system llfhtiruj of ontario iaclujloj bluskoka mkia lakb or bavel auionquin park haaametawam rivkit rrbnohhlvb8 temaoahi kawartha lakkb tull bummer bet vice now in effect to sll ol above tvsdfis write for lull particular sad llluatrslsd foltlers 10 any grand tin ok ho mesa briers exoarslons is stmu or chicago winnlnea and return d and return tickets rood for g day a no chanob ob cars special trsln will leave toronto 10 10 p on above dales ls chicago and si iulciaglheheoetdband iailrasb touriil bueplns csrgm tbecrandtrank lydnc hallway li tw shoneu and qulckasi route betsreeo wianl jpcg saskaiooq edmonton new fast um press bervloa bat ween wfo ipa h bmooth roadbe s ugbled tihm piu ciia liinnr zmathh car service leave winnipeg 600 p m arrive keajna 7 00 a in saskatoon hoam kdmonion 900 p m uppkr lakh saiunqa sailings irtim sarou for sanlt sie utt aad lort anbiir jjupni mondays wed nasdsys and ssinrdays ask any grand trunk a rent for fall fa formation orwrltea k ijufk d 1 a union 81 at ion toronto out u s holmes agent at c jv u acton 1

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