ln ft gj thursday- atv v fe t tmi oay tjritiirvibiljrtv lie hurries every tnurtilu iih omhalitenr ijegoee to work otmm- imilivde tl other tulhinxtrv iii enure la never varied la be nr a lumrav a a th rants that t ha short fti llw day after day 1i work upon n olidiilf t abangrs nut t all in winter or in winuwr in itrimglltuti r la fell lie start hi ovary itorolnw jul n lit did lsfor to do certain duly and never mjr tuor he bu hu thirty mlntiim i inn to rest find set and ba the day ibihimi ha hurciaa to the street to atari hie journey homeward night after night the same jammed in wiuoiber poopln who do not know hi name r ii dose not kamwhlej to them be la unknown beyond bla little orbit bin far la never tbown i lie nurrlesevery morning to wuh carta n car at nigh l tie cling where iilbnc sad- fecad etraphankera are and wonder how the popa out on th fanna ieprld of social pleasure and ail th city charms anonymous polxtpwb woth mom by nadruco jfcoyal 6se talcum powder nphe daiaty fcaateaansal m maov- bt lueea talc vewi asuaapaus fieaawa ht wlac xt ktafyrfl alwjy dhtl wfclofc tag boo- te uae mr tvwr so yww hagr bine tfca ogmmtmn of ealiisalts isgisdissia nlwo ray iw jkknfcnpjiiaiilililiihy d i i hif hieai inu article in th wnoitni iloin companion on boeing kuropt on 3at bay th author aay in kurup small provision on word u wis to have and not difficult buy a pbraee booh to begin with though it will probably tall- you bow to say aub wall that and wall when you want to make twit your laundry list and it eekrm tahss into consideration that if you please and i beg your pardon graasjutb wheals of social inraronurse even inora in knmpe than in america they should b prefaced to a vary rubs whlob tbo pammar taaaha thank you ara tba drat worda to ba laarnadln 4 foralgn languaam botna paopla am clavar at- pkklngup pranoh or german laaruloa noum from alraat alrn varba from fajll- boaada and wioma from advertiao- manta if you haa haw m thla klnd of mind laarn to j a thank yo ino aaaa iut of tba otavar voaft rifl 4tador what yon want i jatb bjat i thtnavaajaowticav ill draw that money uoela john left to ma i am thinking of taking a trip but protaatad hla mother yon war going to aava that for a fairly day- wu im goto to london t wuhba aura to and a rainy day whan there regarded aavooavofplba uot pwut oomtauaoeritrniobwitwbhb to oombat all wfaawr ootnpulauaiml inlbyttmauoo of tba bowau dr j d kalkarg a dyaantary cordial baa won for itaelf a raputatlon that no other oordlal tor tba purpose can aaplre to for yoanc or old sulfarlog from ibaae complaint it la the beat tnediclde thai can b procured tamttt never baa been a cause which was not injured by the induicratlon of aofoa of its bupportara ura boow doa itanaverbard to and a good argn- ment to back up an inounauon ohildren ory for fletchers oa3 umetsroandtflgil one paraoo goaa out of the room and tba rest decide upon three per- boosf well known paopbi or there may be on or two who are present in tb oompany suppose the three choarn be alary garden theodora itkwalt and pfealdent taft than the absent player la recalled and the trader quee- uonsberlo this rubloii i what will you do with myttratr aikd kltouiay anawar teach hlmtiidfanoa ou tba uantrope what will you do with mykeqond put litfiu in a gusacath and kp olw fur a cuilual ty what wuiynu do with my third p dresa tt in ung clothes and ftfd it bread and mllkv ttjoq the leader may raclalm you must pay a forfeit for thaseoimdj it ts impoaalble you might tael alary garden to danon on a tight rnpr antt you could laed preldrit taft on bread find mltk but yuu could not keep rooaevelt in a plaaa caar oovin ara caused by preesure nf tlgbs boots but no on need be i rnubled with i them long when so simple a remedy at hollowaya oom oire 1 avails tlf no one can achieve good work who doaa not take a prloalti tt fjord clin ton do ii now iuorder or tw dlgra- uv apparatus should be dralt with at once before complications arise that may be din cult to cop with tba surest ratnrdy to thla and and on that i within reach of all la panaaleaa vegetable pills the beat uiatlva and se on tba market do not delay but try them now one trial will convince anyoae ihattbsy are the beat aloiiiacb regulator that can be it u ranrc sefleibl to pay aerloo aj tan lion to tba beajtbof tba nallnn than to alng hula britannia tba bishop of stepney tmohit sie 0iu siieu he had paths asouitd thb heajlt ard sm othkroto wwmlxhqs atrs wm lee uhthoff oot writes x kve takea three btwrs of aflltwiaa t heart and nerve pib and am now writ lamcb my bairtaod jasao4terbjk leebs that tbaikght twonjdstlrelydie asy bead used to be propped up with pltlowa to keep ma front an one day i read la a paper bauayour afilburos heart and narva pokv aai three boxes eared tae mllburns heart and nerve plus are a spcdqc for all rundown men and women wlaatw 4msdklad arlua their heart or ncrvva and are recommended by as with the greatest r fi that they win do all we dalm for them 5 b3 ptr box or 8 boa far tl3 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t uuburn co- ijmltrrf toronto oot mbal anpervlaloal favc lsa ladkbkegr allow no aa attdejoelvw yetsiaua all ooautteitelia indtiuoocia ausb 3na n wkkt m kxptwiamemu thai thoa arltfc sum atlanfrnr uso baltb eaf waifwtp atnd cbjldjreaa abpearieswoo auptlint kapoahaaeaat what is castoria castoria la a rlv ttropa sad sooudaur hyrapa contains splumur oplnaw matvbbse aaabatsuaoo iu ag la law it is intaaaaat it or ojaeirnarcollo it drwtraya wonas coli tejeur troabica cur and flatnlramy it aswlntllaloa ho food nadatcw tne stwsiaach aaad bowels s haanluiy iumi uuural aocaaa vase lldran lanaiaaa n iobrm frtoasd genuine casjoria bean tho blgnatare of always the kind ton hae always bought in use for over 30 years raaumiaw ajg a attoaly tafijaul mr bordsn enjoys a good stor very tboroughlyandtan trlmaalf tau wllhsueotii to aoooupubnnt la a saw one aa rrgarda tba platform and rora wlilu h rrlanwla need lo b wry noeasy wlten i bey beard him naaka the attaanpt that uaaaalm aaxtm p aa be witn bla apore ihu taw tirhl and now ihea noes uaniryv fiirtiossu aaefc and enjoy the story wllhiuanlmity i have rmsmoaalrd mora tbaa once in thla sketch on the trace vestigia is acisnune word which mr borden till carries of hla court room exlat- msrbrflmhttbenvwbug4 in atory- tailing hare la an exaaaple wbleh la at unci a vrry good though oldslory aikd a food llluatratloa of what i innan am liubman aald ur borden when telhng the aladuriag hla raeent waaumtour waa travalllnjjoodary in tba same seal with a churlish indl vidua tba irishman with national attchtbility triad again and again- to gat into conversation with hla ulloi travellar but the only answer be oould get waa a vrry curt anaooayll- ablv ktally in a desperate effort to bring mkiwirmiur more ofit of bla fellow voyager be asked point log to a dog under tba seat what kind of a dog l that r that roughly answered cburusb indwmoal a croa between sa irishman and a monkey faith then replied pal be must be related to both of us tba story was alwaya applied to both the irotectionlata aad free trad era ur borden did not specify which waa the nuonkay but i fancy tha might ertivo at the idea in bis mind by a proof of exclualoa p a car- caaain the oenadlan atagaaln uttt wlijla brijtlka yln onaof the large liverpool acbooal i primary teacher waa one day in- strncu ear ben in the eoaaposluon of sentenoai seajrotaiwpeeotsnoee on the olaek board one misstatement of fact and the other wrong grammat ically tba sentences were i the ben baa three legs and who did it willi she said to one of the young sters 4gato the blackboard and show wbers the fault lies in those i sentences wltlle slowly approached tb board evuenuy- studying hard then ha- took tba crayoq and wrote the ban never done it god doaa it of the moat dlaures- abich omhls bev to bilionstkc is oattalab one of the i a aijsacnu which ft coated tongocbittrr taster in the month nu dlaxlness these oabinotpdsake life a burden the causa las disordered liver the cure dr aforses indian root poia they aanlfht totlwrootof tbeuoublc put thsllver right cleanse the stoav ach aad bowels clear the tongue aad take away the bitter taije front the nmok at th first sign of buioos- drmones indtkb root plllit mad1 thim udowsy fihttrwhat was it the cbolr fust ijbgfgimbmfmisnl l l taught them thatbar u no oohgregatluh i think uiiiimi have been soma kind uf a lullaby f jto oluiot- rduty of the uwhtn prepare and bile sod serve at a filter tothe cjsswlng it of auuapuritles and ij lasaaovmit quanuty is olihcjweathmsorowhtu it tstmaaua out fraoiwlir mwrs wanv trtaca i5h klen and women today are so busy keeping the wolf from the door that thayhave no time to 1st in the angels beyt phillip- uoibrta value this oh mothers who know how sudden croup may salsa their children aud how necessary prompt action in applying relief al ways keep on band a supply of dr thomas bclectrio oil beoue esper- the merchants bank of canada every parson who ra as and pays oat awaay shoe id have chequing accseat psf btesl by cbac ts the most practical con- y wssluffmm method of bsjlbj finsacial inuwactlooa whstbsr c ii ho or psrsoasl character the return ol caaoalwj cbstes are voachart for every ism pmld oal tbey show wbf dls barsetaents have been made and lo wbon depoaiu are received by hie bask sabjcttq cheque wlibdrawal we pay lu aaaw atienlloo to sed dapasltors as we do to unj ooes aad aacoawag tbalr a cooala laiarsal allowed on all savlogs aceoants conpoaaded half jfc f total assets sh1928mm9 ac on branch f a atqclean manager vat ceifiied te bed kbkdalatrau thb cause doarts apdnhy pujl3 cubed jum ur w h riley ruddcu sask writesrrit is tb the greatest of p that i ran re poeae kidney pius to all sufrerlag with rheaav atism i was so bad with uas terrible djer i waa n lo cat tap from say bed for four moo tin ami nothing supifil to renevc me until a friend reoammtaded dosss kidney pin i had my doabbt about them bat was so ncapesate i would try anything suggested to me after baking half s box x was able to get op and after taking two bows could get around quite welt after takina sis boxes i was completely cured and able to work for the flnrt time in five fth- and have not had a touch of ibettmetism singe- anyone who ssw me then would not know me now a i am so strong aad active since taking- your vmlnsblc medi- deaas udney plus are 00 ceats per bos or 3 boms for a 125 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t uubura co limiicd toronto oat is ordering direct specify iloai puable yet tough voo might begin your acquaintance withstorcyh goods by investing in a pairof these morsehide mitts theyre excellent exaniplcs of how tough unci pliable mitts may be made by our chrome proccsfi with the added satisfaction of knowing they will not tiff when scorched or hcajdcd better preparation to ih had tor lbs rtwatitiottl tif this ailment aud they are wfse for its various uses render it a veluablo iitedfclne lfneveehnibm tb4tevetthi unwilling to noma down it earth ft for fletchbrv 1 c ling alwayg uttl1 oh4n jj a woman entered a departosmt store sought out tb mans rnrnlahijb oounters andsald w i l h jt i wulaaw buy a bftihlng suit for tpy lisband s husband and whai ct tt said the sslasw measure the wouaafrqwned and bit bar i vfsllt mwi said bow twovx o thai l ive forgotun tbn bih we are hjere to do your printing we have a large assortment of type ready to serve you we print what you want thvway y6u want it and when you want it thb 35hc3 on preepress brvs agent for fbiv famous ford motor car- sole agent lor coatautt and data macuaery and henry li and a full liio of repairu for plows and machinery a good kneol buggies and harness lap rugs and rnbbera prices right j iiaiafli elopqilrr farmers who are thinking of building a suo this year giveus a aularid get onr f r ttoxlw oaly those who are strong enough to model public opinion dare ignore mr ifarriaon pre win its somncb easier to talk of ion than it la to manifest courtaey tbs itaal uvar plu a torpid liver means a dlaorderad ayatam mental n praaslon laatitod and in the end if cstre be not taken a cbronle state of debility the wry beet madiein to arouse the liver to healthy parmaleaa vegetable pills tbey ara compounded of purely vegeta nb- stan of careful se loo other puts have their one qualities ibey do wot gripe or pain and tbey are agt to the most eeneluve stom ach the true end of a literary ed is to make a man and not an encyclo- ker t h ilanoa ohildren ory for fletchers c nbw to thb oounthy it appears that a certain clergyman arreiy scholarly man but one who knew very little about country life was made bishop of a rural asc a friend remarked that there was a little farm attached to tlie episcopal palace yooll be able to keep some anl- alr he said that will be very nice aeld the iw bishop thoughtfully i think i shall keep sheep and have fresh kid neys for breakfast every morning 1 when you want to clear your house of flies see that you get wilsons fly pads imitations arc always unsatisfactory conscientious plumbing heating is not k 3vcvth with us to the contrary wc make it the most important actor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber qoebecst glielph phone 337 pttdtctnl 150000 free homesteads alomo tub utmsl of tv canadian nortflbtn ra0wav maaltoba sisutcler aad alberta riiaea tafuwcaaail a wortacta kaltamv in ataaseaav aamkatekrwaa aad u1mnatlmmiivhuii radtaa of ao aauca ef camaatei uwat al tkt r wane latbaum wtlt be crve by s aaw ii nn er ukea srat place u ratty mnasjufea- maattotia 211100 sasulcbewu sjm aserta 74000 weatern caaada ta aa law that pntkalty ray fannlaa oaadjtaaa la aart wlu la uw co mail tntal t1k faonra acaltic uh fala j ala tk itatuaaf laad wtam loaaa aad euaaat fat beat llnaaeleana are rapidly uaaai up aad tataaaagaaaueta win ae wu aka tsrtr arkcuda whsom dday write sore taw booklet aibt lotsuaa a a copy wm be wailed lo awjne aanu appuntloaj te a u laoa a ta acjsrssa just try insist on monuv back if not satisfactory caanmtmm of parity an mi on bf saans a caamia umttml monlraal castoria r bflmta ui cailiim ihtmymbmahmlagu raghatsreof the blessing of motherhood heauiy motisers aad cui- rlren malco happj flrmusm ucaberboodbiwotnbaahilmstbpb ralife it is u fruition of her dearest hopes and gmatast dealres yet tboo- sands o women theoogfa soea da- radgemestbavebeendesueduiis blesaioc in many homes coon chil there are ow children because of the fact that lydls b pi this is evidenced by the followma lettsts which are genuine and trutbfol london onl i wish to thank you for tb benefit i received by tskinwyour ifsmoos medicine lydia e pfaikhams vegetable com pound baler my baby sras bora i was so u1 i could not itand loot or walk anynuitapee i bad to lis down nearly all tb time after 1 took vow medietas i felt uka new wo man i could work from tnonung till night and was happy sndwsu i oortsinlrj think it reuaves pain at cbltdblrth ana roeommend it to edry woman who tsnreajnaiit yoamsy nstfunstestlnawdallfyonllks it may b4pomaourwomanfsfrs pumk cosjiw id adelaide st torsion oat brooklyn nyl was ailing all th time and tttd not know what the matter wanted abshy ba my health i wm i m 1 ran down kawlthwiilxfr a 1 day now d homrhum iakbrv advica when it conies to haaebail there are few men in the big leagues who have won aueh a ann reputation as atar player aa homerun baker the champion batter of the philadel phia athletic it la a modaat fellow and not much given to being inter viewed but when he did submit to be ing quest toned by a writer recently be said ba wanted to put one thing to lac front a aubjact on which jw baa alrouar and wellgrounded conviction if any of tb boys all over tlie country want advice from one who doesnt statu to preach he as id bare it u in a nutshell i dont drink nr smoke j i never did and never will sly advice to the boys is leave cigar ettes or tobacco in any fortn alone anddoni touch boose now or at any time i know itb the usual advice and dossi carry mnch weight aaa aula bat tbs boys know what baseball is and what a player has to bto euo osed and ao a word coming from a anil player may wean a little more to tb american kids there la no ral about smoking lo the big league but the managers dont want you to smoke wlill in uni form andthat show what the read eshlmsnt is- anyhow mine la the total abstineoce platform for both boose aiid tobacco i uowtokillrtlm to clear room of files use oarbollo acid beating a shovel and pouring on it twenty drops of the poison the vapor will kill tb flies another method 1 bum py rethrow powder in room tb flies will fall to the noor stupefied and may be swept up and burned the powder should bo molrteofjd and molded into cone and altar drying ceb cone should baplat 4 upon a dhib and ligbad at the top it wlubuni slowly and the odor is not 4wffkwmo aflam pass tlm winter bidden in okskbn cracks to auice aod eelur alsayof tbeaa may be killed in the 3th j dw know tba other fellow and know bla own boslnsas mr a p sbsldon ooasss the nmmnnsst oompulnts of infanta bj worms and tb most effective apptaftatlna for ussen is mother tirares worn katorsnlnator th aolieltor was drawing op isapec will i hereby bequeath all my pro- party to my wife dictated bnpack qot tbgldown p yee answerad tba attoroay oo oondjtaoo continued knpeck that aha niarrtee within a year but why that condition r asked the maa of the law lowly tastajjbt i want eoesebody to ba aorry that i died 9f cholera infantuin the suhhes ctnkvuunt of ihfamn cholera tsdentam beghapwilh a-pro- fuao damrrhoea the stomach becomes irritated and la many cases vomiting and purging set in the child rapidly ickcs flesh and b soon reduced to great lanruur and prostration cholera tnfantarm can be quickly cured ky the use of dr powwrs kilract of wild strawbefry mrs david a cleve land apple river na writs a last september my bltle boy four years old and tittle giil two years old were taken one sfterooon with vomiting epetb and in a few hours they bad rholcra infantum i had dr porlefs sstract of wild strawberry in the bouse sod cocomcnccd uung it the cholera got so bad the nest day tbey passed nothing but blood ivptonosingthesmalktneajidinafcw dayssthcy were cared i alwaysjmcp a bottle la the house as i dpnt think there is snylbing better fqr su cosnpls than dr powkrs buact at wild strsw- pabbink traims t5e excelsior bakery 1 first brkal quality oakhh wkduinu cakbh ijiuttluav cakiju til a mtc tciu che a si gal today t statham son bakers ami groccrs mejn sl acton ik birtio shan brmlti ari huhe works caspcji braun ri mulalaa ieslguer anrminildera ol hi at uas uim kimim uoautnetila uatbera aad head moos aad all kinds of jullsticwtwywirt wm hemstreet agent acton wool l wool wool i iiicknti30 slao tall all kloda ol fukn1turb jt soc wcton your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co beautiful mew wall papers will add baabty lo your hoowr sad liiriiiia in liia k lis v orolasrv wall psper make or- dlosry looking rooms no m4lran bow laaieiully you may fumuh your home ihtf enlire ercct may ratily be spoiled by tmiar ppna i hat ara- not lliorouglily sullabla uool tun the rlak of dspainl meat choose your psper from oar nw lines price am very reasonable iapeibannliift ilotm to your com plete aalulacilon like par roll all kind ituom aloatdlngs chair kails and 1late alla si the lowasi poaublo pricas stephen cordiner pa1ntrr paperh anger rtc iictikk f1uihc srmultv mtliaui acton on mclmir tbc dm to ik fwlflv it f or orar rirtjrab patents jiatjaivftpliiiiiliij ask formlnvmiolsiaataewa mamon marion ourner 8tlchtbl i iiimkt iksto troirtmsti5 smmm