Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1912, p. 2

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mr tad mr obarla htnou i ta mluaa a tulu wtojnl ulab 44 joaaa aai1 tl ymn mi i huk on hal maanawiat halts tumi ord wih jaly va mooib umwa ba oanaral hoaplui oulpb m hh wnilma jdaja o pa f amtkhhh iperwaaaaaai u nomb am mowtar t ihi wim a utflm aaatatisablbbi sms motjpat uw r of lr duukl hn alm oattpball varaoolb rttofll ttpbail jul mia laisafiaa 11 pbad way in bar be 3utan 3rfc isress rilukhiay aiuuht h 1013 ditonial nqtu tiik tjw ta utorturl td- thai in mure whan 1111 m ci aaaea uii u lie irlrd before jary the juror mwl r alatd front dhtri munlclpalltlne iir which the urt ha jurisrilcil n th id uw alloi ih juror l be swlwctea fr municipality civic houdav celebration an kwjoyajm pundid bui lu ma1tjh1cb the emo holiday uemnnat ration on monday thai pmotwdi f wblcli r for the iwnrbt of kndl w add 11 tkher imm puyvr vbn we so unforlunelr lo suatalu double fracture uf bis tltfhl 18 in a tnaleh between ac too ami tb jodsan of toronto on tbe brt or july nt ery oocasa affali whan um unfortunate eocidenl iwp- paneil lbs member of lb judean olub niagmnlmuiuty offered to return on clvle holiday bad pertlclpate in demonstration for um benelli of tbe injured player they further ge pledg that tlity would briug on or two hundred frlanda with thetn in lb att trt to mtuta th the butglaly at statruws a warnnarr our row rubolai tuit ikrautmkmt 1k km cation bssgiran out the result of ih ncant entrarte examination of high school candidal in ho lrolnce out of a toul of 2210 candidate who utod i be entrands examination into tba high school tbla year 18608 passe or bout 01 h per cant or 308 par cant or th prlou yeer in acton 10d par cant of thoaa who wrota pa ad jou blivino i muott in m munlflf- pajlty what no ifeanafta ara rratad councillor barnav of hllton m ftuburftof bult8t maria waaanadsso and ooata but weak hi aot auto- awucajly forfalu hla offtoe in tba oounctl and dtaqualldaa bin for two yaara in mddltlon to twa abnnld ba u oontlnua in bu aaal tja ba- lubla to a fln of 10 for cb uut ba ooouptaa it tmk 1ri imrtorh of lb propoaad mw motor nar highway front toronto to hamlinn want l aaddla onfourlh of lha cnit 000 000 upnn tha four oountroa through which it la in w niura th opinion that fai gaoarally tbrtniajhout tha oounuaa eoneamad will oonaldar thapropoaal moat unfair one whyabctuldfarmm and rrttepayara generally h to pay for tbu fancy paventaat twenty or twenty fwa enllea away which tbay would newer ow and which will ba built prlnelpally in the intareaw of the ehy autowaobllbui the road will be very nice ukwtddrle but themour taiupm people ahnuld not audearor to addle any pari of the coat on uw rural population remote from it mawaoawava t lira catharine mephedran peed away at the borne of her daughter mr mm campbell lot 10 eooeee- alon 1 north yarmouth on monday afternoon soih july after a teai weeka mine a phyelelan from fit thome and a trained nunc were in oooetaat attendanow but their effort could not eeee her life the deceased wee horn lb ireland nearly 81 year eo and oatneto thu country erllb bar when six months old they i naeaagaweya where mrs vopbedran ii red practically all her life umr huaband died in 1i one daughter mr campbell and two boos alexander of naeaagaweya and duncan of bratooea survive in addi tion to ooa brother james uunter of oregoo and the twu stater mra isa bell miller of uoydtuloater haalt and mrs kusabelh iwh of nassa gaweys the renuuns were brought to nas- sskaweyaand the lunsral took puq oo wedoeedsy aftnniooo from the re- eideooe of her son this township lost a very worthy resident lhrougb the death of william xosis after ao operation uuelpk general hoeplul orl taesday he was an elder in the presbyterian church for years the funeral wilt take puce fronhls lata residence lot lfoon 6 to the nssssgsweya ivesby tartan oequetery on friday afternoon at 2 o clock oantmaa the womans institute of kverton and ospringe have undrrtaken to raise fund for the lmprovsnient of the kverton cemetery mr j j mill whose parents are buried tbarr ha oontrlbatad liberally the receipts at the garden party on friday evening also go for that purposr the garden party wn the best of the season mr harvey its improved slooeslk years ago and his selections were ail that could be desired the salvation army band oftiuelph were also present and rendered stuuo rxoet lent music the tperchee were good the attendance was ttood lbs supper era good in fact the went was a uoeees generally a load of yitung folks were enjoying tbemselesmon the ground with cow bells etc but bappensd lo find their oarrlage wheels securely wired fur tlt return trip i lleotonjros havedlpoed of their boo acre farlu wltfi crop stock nd im plaensnt u mr umwlt lir many of our cltlseiis sttvtidsd the port in krin and acton on monday mr a- sinclair wpm up oorlh on a fishing trip umbhoum mr w mcdowell tjf toronto hi pending a few day at the borne mi mr ii lepoidays uk liikiiiuhusnn rtrnw the local club accepted the kind offer mod play are mrrchanta and cul um georrally joined heartily in iba ffort made preparatiuus for big day and used every endeavor l ro vide an affair worth patronulng the judeao wer as good as lhlr word tbey arrived in town bright and early on monday morning by brat train with ribbon and banoerat flying accompanied by a kiltie pipers and drummer band almovt a trail load in alt tbey evidently came to enjoy a day lo the country tbslr band and a megaphone and lung power thy taloly kapt the old town lively all day long the judoan brought with tbem a apeeially prepared club soog sheal containing doseo soog set to popo lar alrr and embracing local hit bleb tbey aaag with gusto during lbs day the following were a trio of lb favorite theres some pretty glrle in acton and youll get good satisfaction if yu re looking for a glrlu who will ba hue to you we are oomlng here quite often be- eauaw it a lrfel op loo i tttere s etuue pretty glrle lu actun end we 11 make thle our home too n ltr for asj no beer for ask no imct for ela in aeton i you ii have to go to ooturgelown for yonr b e pa yon know they dont sell li he you can t get drank in aeton far there u no beer or stout t so well have to walk right in and torn around and walk rig all the nice glris iwj in acton all um nine girts am here in town i for thwrate eometnlng hero in aeton that ksses ne hanging round ynopv a tmneh nf prstty rootec and a team that not so bad when it comee to play the game w or lo your lost the ship ahoy t oh joy i two basahanrnatoh were played and these afforded the beat exhibition of haaeball ahum lowr of ibl sport have mm in a long um tbejudeai are eraek hall players and manifest an eocliuy of team play rately shown in amateur ejube in the first gaase only three innings were puyed when the drenching rain fell for about hour both teasm wr in bne ah and when the rain name the score i ii v at four o clock the ulamood was bufnelently dried up to com mew ssoond gaase it was exciting front start to fmub the weu sustained team playing of uw judaaoa outclass ed um home players however almost shut them out from scoring the snore was 7 1 in favor of um visitors the judeao battery was kluod and freeman and the acton s was los wad dvlland nelson ryder tuooer gould umpired both matches during the afternoon the athletic contest were run oil and resulted st follows ttushino bahkh n kydsr milton j boomer toronto fat mam u hack dr cox root mcpberaon ttikowinu bahk uaix lea wad del frank holme iiaix platkiui 100 yabi ltck n kyder j ikrooner oihm hack undkm 10olara uln too clara workman lambs rack lottie mason llasel mason tubttsvutuokd uaok baurrlayi kjui l waddatl and f holme smoxinu ra b alex mann w perkins bitmurr itaik laawell k bpelght bovh 1u k ijniut 10 w hannl gan klbelred whits tiikowinu babs ball unku la kmeat speight arthur anderson tlie member of the committee de- eerve credit for the suoceeaful manner in which the day proceeding were handled tit proceeds will add a oooslderabm um to um kddle waddell benefit fund v mhimi i lime d ya but wk tituf wbhi w rfml aaldihutuly nmn rilkr n grr clua b bod nmd a thv rff lltolocmit line txmmy matml f rom the stoif of t bulbam jfc hull suuday ui r ling stilt ulu od in mbcui tlm tmllgur o i tl miiday he got pratty bof npon ih trail nd 11 that night cmupi the moat of tl t 4n lobneon olive nd midi v as wh atail lt wvh th rout from rtlithm ktmp wm by lb back ugh lb grdn u the rear 4t the ator of meaar henderson et co and o boper ilr th trail wa leal u wa ubaniamnlly mmorr- talned hwr that an mimom was clrl to the hall over hopr atore thoa pvmu were made lb dravotwof tli young man guilty of the burglary aflir getting th varlou coutaaedl m lnu th imii h pulled uut th from th wall uncrwd th back dpolurd th lobacea and otw commpdltla in thl hiding plao tbn ecrewed on the back again and rwptee- d the inrtrwment into th cuaumwry place it waaonly afiarthie saerch- ee through the hall that ih chur fin ally tackled th organ and nug ted with the above rult huapicloo wee roord upon th r pemtd vlalta of th young man suspect ed to tbe hall on monday wbn be realhtad lht euaaoctoa was directed toward blu and tbat th authoriti were ukrly to put th law into affaet be qoosded to eewral maut bar of hi family and ooead bla gnllu hie only expnuaatlon we that nehad gotten lb wove of 14 use place which wae raided by th provincial offlcar of tbe llcenae d partment th following satmday night and did not relta what doing the young man belongs to on of our lsdiik home and by hu fix j hardy cl baa brought hrntmk ed hottow to um heart of hi parenla who have always xertd tbvmaelvat to provide a comfotble bom and at tractive anrronndlng fw tbem gv ulne sympathy will he felt by all mr t statnam laid an inforaaatloo before ji p moore j p on friday afternoon a warrant was issued but up to um hour of going to press tbe chief has imbm unable to locate um offender oaawaom ootihkrfii master murray and ji bni if ki k- bury epentxst wk etitlt ll lr ui rl mr a j murray ioii k llr and ur smliu nll nd u vuiid wllli clunlpli frtentu during lb wrrk ur a murray of anl plhun dy uur john uiirry ur j autj tixl ml n iot n apandlng h tw kiiki wtih buffalo mttd iiurtlvri r and mr w vann wnwn f ilph spt lb wl id with fria br ur john iniier lttl u r wing mcualntancn i or a ik number frnm hr tldd lb garden party at lbi y osr at tkwokl last prl ly jilh ilv mr t lark iii ihu mb il wlnular u rapidly u klw f imi bsrr hu termon- r ich all led irortt it costs so little and does so such p0sitoely the largest sale in canada i ibey act a t relug orft tplnt yt s i ihorourfaly r laxatives f ar bst tot ih chlulran as well a 1 the rrownups 2sc k box at 1 yeurdrucrms 1laamhsaabaldal ifca old mirrors re silvered new ones made to order writ for aiuaalaa illn um of otlwro agents wanted 13 j tc1fiin methodists bacicin the game mw jjomtt qm thm vmast on thuraday the metboduu got back into ike fray and puurd off a game with um anglican tbey scored the first run and lbn um anglicans pulled up and ud the tcorw later in th- game with wendell on eeoond oladu planed a pretty oo and waddell managed to croa um plate wok ana oublph omt siables the clydesdale stallion royal prlfrce 2814 will b ai lb dominion hotel acton every tuesday arrtvlbg about noo and r 7pu tia to lasnr a loal t payabu lat 1ebruary o5- all sc lo nunva al owner rbk kkil qiluko proprietor 50000 farm laborers wanted fpu hawvcsttino im wtstcwh canada aoinq trip west t0 oo to w1nnipco return thip east sib oo from winnipec flhul urn to ooinq dates t m lom item ih wm i il bl tlw rf i t hk ula iskhhu ulla4uiallmlin rt itu- f tuuala avovst 3aa tmhmbla otl iwladlm ki- o wj u uiu i tt o w fcwium ilw 1uj lw t u i- i -ji-t- rfr timtmtik tw uj h- iuii u4 rrsua md wi 1n mm w hll bi l k ju b tnt tutnw u4 ku mtu i- iwla ivtt uait tmric2munwwhhh to iaa ikkt wg mam js i iii gotaam r ssawlvi fnt wm-u- rw sy illy tau aprf mltniiwmmprrlmtl hur mwbftu lulmtsim 3 aarm srrtml m dlmuo ud wbu tmmt tabtr daya at mw fatiiiilli wii aaa r i nil cfj a ar anlut v o inmvrv tkrt ci ui canadian national exhibition souk vzatums of iniperial year imperial cadet keriew kihinlta by thn prwv band of scots cnmda rmm palntlnef thny imperial cadet catxuyetltlon boy seoul review everything in uncatlonal kxhlnlls 8jssof dtkl b o th h orageeem mw industrie in operatic butter making oensnwrltii bank of hamilton asaaahddaddd onauaoi mr dorothy are visiting in barrle mr t a ivan of toronto spent suoday and monday with umeboose ft lands miss olive msrslwll and mi win ured polklnghorne were boma for lha bobday tlpsebous bsji puyara nmt at btw arttowaunbatnrday th score was uh1 lofavor of umehoua mr j ctawpball of dnluut minn visited bl sister mra m boarp dvar btinday mr w isarshsll and son uf xyuu tp spent uyabouday at tbe boss of m mkvils isks from toronto fotsfewwv ui the dynes house was raided ervhans to n tbubd hoitttv fur souw weeks past com plain is have been made to the authorities that kdward dyne waslllsgally dupnali of liojonr at hi hone on church street what caused suspicion was the fast of frequent ease of beer being delivered in is rgnrqusnlhles than any ordinary family oven with a fair num ber of utlrsty friend onuld ooneumr added to uim lb class ot m aw frvoosnung tbe planv afier night and mondays ialumlly crvalrd suplciii the peo ufneera have bad um under enrvshlatie for tline and have aecmrad long list of tbe nana of um iraquanura tu make tbe oaa thn atro departohnit nvieldadaupoa a raid but saturday olgfat and datalkrd two of their most mprleoeed nmn tu orangsfllu rock wood blreetavllle toronto nlu gnd tan oclock bvidsnoe of the sneneoted cbarante of lb plocn was huad neel dynee was naught bad banded ljtb rrash anppty ur whiskey and keen be had just laougbt from os v the case la n aarkm d will be triad under thn new law in which red in the heart beevypeasluee are provided tta bupti jia urn forth trial will l bxd by the provlncul zioeose dartnm0ti nutklng the final score 21 the game was called at five inning owing to darkness this was the closes game of the season and if ball i played th way it wa ou thursday night the crowd will surely come back a it did at tbnfiret of tbe season but there is not much fun in watching a gem with a score of 20 lo 8 murray mc donald was the umpire thi ohuboh lauoub bttajliljito utn wtw liwt toflayj preabyleriaua u 2 4 ilaplut 47 tngllcan lethodlst thb bddia wabdbll ftjmd acknowlrdged last wek 1cj atmatohboex tbe fall wheat crop i all cut in this vicinity the crop 1 n poor one although um sample 1 fairly good mr and mra baujamln hancock and family of toronto vlaltrd irbmds in naeaagaweya this week mr and mrs frank fletcher of jmueotown north dakota are visit lug his uiuther krr john fletcher on mr wui agnew of cualpli apent clvlq holiday with hi mother mrs agnew of knalohbull ur and mr stanley hwackbaul mar and kou f aetnn a pent buttday with mrs agnew mr ororge nailer who bad blah use datroyd on juiy m u prsparing to rebuild again threah svcpreoarlug tu start lb ibresblug omtabio fatx fajbb itewtateans aberfoyle br upton burlington oaladon erin largu usilon milton oct 1 sept oocj oct 10 ii oct 17 u sept 8087 sept w 10 oct a 4 ustittw aug slhept huimy on tbe up duee not cur hat- qu buumln uh nisn wlw jloa4 not ahow m religion al tinio- fruit 1 ppescpvipg p g necessities s lubber jar uon qiuulm oil kinu paratuie wax bottle scabnj wax corks all bin at browns o oxoaorsr stanivmm g smmt ammt f fssro i acton dddddd ananoaiw duro sheathing paper highgrade paper odorless tasteless fre from inr valerproof exceptionally strong will not txmur a durable and effective interlining for walls floors and ceilings examine duro careful at your dealer s or vrlto for sample and booklet lo tho as green grocer fruit merchant e- k cook la receiving dally fnah vefelablm sntl frulta and aella i bun ai reasoeabwj prices foreign fruits a bl ec i a ltv coou dslvmksi uiix svmkkt acid grpatslaaghier -op- i grmitcware tiaware garden took ami al heavy goods umlloo hiimm ap w j katbw lluu not nr uock x mmd jij ciptllllta ooj if w utcr m rim vend rkisiiu seltis llo bolow oort h b i cdl 1 my tmnprnry blim bpolftbl ibla blrart imi wk mk kiom h m c cf speight hcton capital pam ut rcerrve and undivided profits total ji txjoqjobo 3so0o00 44 000 000 is not yoar aunuu powat thai will ueuora roar happlnaaa in iba latr years your avlng power alon can you aapdaat lb lint wban your powaa will be reddcod gf a caringa account al lb tank ol llamll to woeid b bale toward acqnlitnaj lb habit of saving th una coufteou silt dam mlmlion fa gtasn lo all dapoaitors wbeibar lb acconal ba bug o ukoimjktown itrancli irlu ablkrhsnnrnu ttlir tinplisl tliircb jrton uw i ll i ufnii i i ii a tutor kurlllav alloubt lltl mrn vvanlho y i uu toronto frank b holmes 1mbaljrr amd ftjhbral dutkctoh hss orswap uarjastisiao ps uuintinakiuun ruses calls day or eight stlsadsd phonk no 5 hot weather specials hosiery light wciglit lislcs for ladies childrens and mens wear plain and lancy in all shades for this week many specials i white waists new lines this week in all the popular styles entirely new ideas and extra values headwear alter the holiday rush we liavc replenished the stock of childrens dirts hoys and mens fancy straw hals with many new hotweather lines the latest novelty goods we are clearing all ladjcs trimmed hats shapes flowers etc at very low prices hotweather underwear fancy parasols bathing costumes striped and while awning docks at special prices henderson co mill st acton ont sxxxxxxtxxoootxxxxxooooooooooooooom tkvmslkit wantki i t 1 i mill ttnin iluodvaeaa a ioaiaar u- apply 1 i itlka matin hiu a wanihh ii rt i 1 plain h llatii lafl r luho nlql ot apuw uiam bdd p1 ml mi dtvlajk hni vu 4 tnr rail iliilt n4tiuna1 u nt itaoti simm lo 0iiok k itlllbdlnu uylh foll balb 1hj uilim wl a will o 1 to khm w- will il hoh blldlk u h a huauualuuu jk oc kakm iok balk oh to hhny uuu lwili i llmmijamliwal ar jo k-qala- us it bun mafeatuilaku iar ulllu uk l uul j am as hatu family liaunitkv work lubl tum wor um tor ulli4 41n bo iknbatm aalahol opplt i njtlaa unn iony khtsalk at a bargain amhki lua put r laja alebt ra u atauhullv 1m txiutf 4 banana am1 ctiiiont walkh iebentnreh otw h i b- iff iba vulsaaj al vaton on lha m rin ibat a brl waa oounll ol u- pop wa far top walka uu in iba vulaa al tin a ariutbihn itl0u4 iui mm uil a hrlo u nelaiarad in tb bmit osua few iba luuiry nivlaiaa al iba oowalf at ualaa bibainbdar oj jdi wia a0t aaotloa a gnami at aalaaad iba mm ay put umof moat ba aaada arubla uuraa aalba aflar iba inl babllcauo f tbla bouaa jta hwm i i tbtftr dalad iba vxb day of july 111 a j ua kltjbok i clws ol iba lllaca ul jlota votehsjlist 1112 munioipautt of tiik villa0k ok acton mikador lalivradlauiapi ad la ban 9 al lha ualarlo vatna laat aa lb aopiaa rauliwl br u4 haatia to ba ao b bbliud or rtallnrad of iba uat aato bar teaaldad ol all paranoa aaeaaha y u ravuad aaaaaatuaol hall aflb uu ms l is b auttuad lo tots la lb aaj4 max ity bt luaaltnna tor luanbaia of i snambly d at alnalatpaj lbaaldlwwuaaupoatdd uxtcao uaji aoloa a laaulb aay f jaly 111 ai aaiilalff tlian for bajpaaud and i barabf ejl upe au wbtsml to lajia b- nadlala prooaadldra lo b ear a a i imlaaliiiia mtrraa ad aooonlln sa la itatad ttiuwmbds of jul litt a j uaoicihtlom 3 olark of aald mbalupaillv august cleanup sale a great trade movement embracing the clearance at greatly reduced prices of oar reonimnr stocks of summer goods 1 ins august cleanup sale is the most important merchandising occurence ol the season all our summer stocks must be dcared and the prices have been cut regardless of cost or profits we shall start this august cleanup sale on wednesday and shall continue throughout the montli giving big values for little money at such pncosastheroods aremarked they will not last long so it wd pay you to be on hand early in the morning 13 oil ah summer drcaaca coats ud skirt this is the final clearance offer on these garments there wil be plenty warm weather yet to wear themso dont defay securing dresses coats or skirts at onethird less than regular mens clolhlar d e jvucdonali bros cor wyadka ami hucuondl streets guelph ont dress goods kup august 17th opt for sons qf ek6und excursioi to hliftt fate tickets good throe days 205 only two weeks more until tbe opening day obt a oopv or our catalaouk sua9v bfouvsairvi- grand trunk ustem only line reacblng all batmnsr kaaocts la highland o ontario indudtag muskoka lakat uakb of bavej aloonquih park aoanrtawah rivk1h rainoii rivbr tkmacfanll kawahtha lakm 1 ull hummer leiwke onw lo etfeci lo all ol above rrmoili wilte for fuirpaillculaiii and illuuraleml folder lo any grand trunk abt homesdekers excursions july s3 autua4aasul0o hapurobar a and 17 via bamui or chicago wlnnlpaet and return 84um edmonton and raiura ulou 1 1cwala tipou for f u daya ho chan ob or garb scl1 train ufllma toronto io tti p ttt on ebov tlkie via chkaro snu l paul carrylnftlhrotlghcoacbeasntllullnlan touiul hlrcplng car iotiiilwiiyl ll s batwaan wlnnl tbe cranil trunk imcloo i abonsst and qnltji rout a bu peg saskatoon kd man ton now ymst ppreu bervace betwaen win alpeg and kfcrlna smooth roadbad la trie llgbtinl soaping cars aoaro dining csr bervtpe jueave winnipeg 000 p m arrive itefilns 7 00 a ra hajihatoon ujoam ltlmonion ooo p m uppbh caltb fsaiuncw saulnaja irnro ssrnu or ssult bte uul and iort arikur 3 jo p m alonday wed naedaya anil sal unlay b ala any grand trunk aal tor lull in torntatlon or unite a 13 uuip u i a union hlallon toronin ont h s- holtnos al u r it acton agent

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