Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1912, p. 4

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auauyr u 101a hut yrlnly ttbei aaoiib- end year- ba tl nil child led by sitting a happy lanhlia uj bee- hnd clasp in mine ilwmtua mi full and ne ellll linger lit tuy ear and again i live among the pest liwn wke to ad thai youth mm je have and f- f or aye i tbot only mjmin and iwettee now are toft i by life troubled num tlrvd and w rn oejaj et n wlmrr the jlckl togtka i and the weary ira al mitt deborah i idlay ybeo daniel wbeler wu uilnn bis father began 1 l i of lit itnilsxial talents and resolved to give um bay better education than be bad been able u give tbe other ehn- itrim kor be believed thai education can give a boy what ha can gat in no other way on a but day in july ll must have been in the but day erf washington a adnftlnlet ration saye daniel webster in ajdoey fisher the trua danlal webster i m making hay with my father about tbe middle uf the roreasoofi the honorable abui fooler h cjl who lived at canterbury el anqea off callad at tba bouse and came into tba field to pa my father when be iu one luy falbar call das to bun and aald my aon that la wotjby man be is a member of ootaajiwjea j be goes to lblldelphla and getn ou dollar a day while i toll bar it la because ba bad an education which i never bad hut i in laved it and io i moat work here vy daar father aald i you ahall not work brother and 1 wrill lor you and will wear our bands oaf and yon ball raat my cblld aald ba it u of no w poruuana to m i now lira bat fi my children i could not give your elder brother lb advantage of know- larlga bat i can do something for you kxert yo laprova your oppor- tnnttiea bun learn and whan i ai vmm yoa wui not need to p through tb hardships wfifch 1 have undar- j cone and wbleh he made ma an old max baton my usee- rttr bad jtt rrrnrntkt fmm hnp- 1 1 u ur ilnri but radiant hd jiii nmiimrd frpm i bo of flo- ilid ihit well tlrd qukarink llb dfliabtat um array r imii ilw nlpphl from rolla of drmw gtmid- hh rinpil tha coutanla of brr pura intii itrr lap titer waa m rpo allta wmtml a txk of duroay cimh ni her fac- tbarrf ra xclainwd 1 j11u knew tbrrw waa a malbii u i had fur got lan to buy i what waa it daar f ho aakrtl wl h an amuntptioaof lotaraal i m ur i don 1 know hf rrpllrd prtulanlly but i find i ltv a liau dollar lafl hbtarrrwpato ma fapir tli mm1 my ptr yn 1 liv idldntllka o do it lul llir xllnr bagot tonamartand 1 allow lid ii riif ll i am a man aa paya ha debt a and will not be liuullad an wbn tba hiiiov geta aotart i walfcl to ih cuutullnl i took tbnttarivr lavan year and iiwijhhi him all i could air hot whan ll oua vdunnln ma i dldu i ihlnk ha wt uld air iluttbat badld mxl ou din iwt iniauabnai btt aalhoodar aaya i ill tl p thai ahrot i will if lha doggoni lhlng goaa under i huntd up i in adltor and far lila nunnlu cp r i paid bltn lwin yrara l 7 air i 1 vvatupiwd tba lair arrlaok ucensifl ikfcunl l ofllca or raldanrr ii i alomih umi aolou oolatlo 1 junta would imi oralor utaka a itolaa a nd ut it go at that ll minitcb aaaler to talk of ronr alon ban u to man i fast cotirtaay tba bast way to induon otbrr people to rrapact your fcdvlce la to kop it to yooraal rilmqiidu sbr jaoraoa ptnnkatt ooca dauvarad ktotora la dublin ireland on the baat way to improra condltlona a poor at that ulna sir wm not exactly a finla hi tooguo eonld not do utioa to tbt ricbaa of hie mind tv day following hja addrwa b raoalrad frocn a jady a note contain ingtbia wbat you nead la two thing i a wttta and 1 iwaona in elocution tb tua runkatt cent thfa reply i ha racalvad your latter ajtylng tjau i naad two thinge awlfe s laoaooa in alo3ntloa tnnae softoome are dtfttcult tu eradicate aaat boiltmrayw corn cure will drew thean oat paj kvory a a u worth jut a luutib mm are worth about which he await blanilfoudtoof upaa moonlbmf to dlrecliona dc d jpooa dyeentery cordial will entnifw souet in tba moat acute form of eauavemr nontplalut wbenever tb nuack amuulaata itacl no time abonld be loot in eeeklng che aw of tbe cord lal jt will act immedltaly on tbe qu and fntaatinee and allay the irritatdoa nod pain- a trial of it wu convince anyone of tbe lrulh of tlieee m wliuee calling la bumble dtuno- happy u that 1 oat and epifi ohlldrdn ory ror flitchers c asto ri a nmoieatogallanjcintm tmssndrntxuxiudiuiiclokr opuaimorpuntf vocysaufl ncyr nabodtic a pafrct benicdy for oossop i lion sour sknaididbnm warmsxonvtrfsmisjevrruh- ncss ml loss or sunt kewyohk kxact copt iip castoria tat iftifluiu and children the kind you have always bought ears the signature of in use for over thirty years castoria to be womanly la the grea teat charm of woinauotjuutone a pill that b primed there bare been many pllla put upon the market and preaeed upon pnblle attention but none has endured eo long or met with r tnoch favor aa parmleea vegetable pill wueepread we of ibam baa attaated their great value and jteay need no further advertisement than tbl luvlog brmly aatabluhad bm in phlc eateam they now rank wltbool a peer la the t of standard vegetable prvparmtbana the aoblet work often ilea neareat play la work that you don t have to do we can do more to lead men into good nee by virtuous example than in any other way davie castoria far iiaata at ouurm tnualynllmjuimbnvjrt the merchants bank kwety panon who rece and payi out money ahontd have chequing accoant ay meat by cheque la the moil pracilca coo venieoi and aatost method of bamlllng all finaticul t ranted iona wbeaber of a hmlbiii or panonal character the return of cancelled cbroaee are voucher for every nm paid out itwy ahow whai ill boreetneuls have b nude and to whom deposits are received by thle dank aubject to cheque withdrawal we pay the hum attention la mu depositors as we do to urge ooee and ancoura their aocouiilt intereat allowed on all saving acconnl coapoundad half yearly total assets 819289649 fa acjon branch maclean manager free advice jo sick women thoomihatebcaan by cr sen soggcaltaoog women suffering from any form of f m ite i1u are invited to cocnmankale promptly with the woman a private corre- dondenee department of the lydla e pinkhamhodlcine co lynn ataat your letter will beopehed reed and answered by a woman and held to strict eonodeom a wotnarcan freely talk of h r privatn illness to m woman thnsbaa bn beuhjfabed confidential sjionience which baa extended over many years and which baa broken never have they published a ttimonia or uand a letter without the written coneent of the writer and never h ta the company allowed these cooaden- tisllettpra to getoutof their possesalan as the hundreds or thousands of them fat their llloe will atteat- out of tba vast volume of experience which thny have to draw fjom it 1 mora than poa jlile that they poeseeatbe very knowledte needed in your case noth lni is aak d in return except your good will and their advice baa helped thou sand surely any woman rich or poor should be glad to take advantage of this g offer of assistance ad- dresa lyrue is- pink- ham ijedieine co confidential lur alass every enmit otagtit fw fcr lydla k pladramma soeo testltooer i la ao a hook f or grjoeral dlafilbiilaaam m u la too psulvw it to lros aavdl ewiy obuunnjblo fcy aaeaua vrlte for u today abtjhmna upton tells the butnor ooa story of a scotchman who want to m tmoa aoeatlng for the first time hi hli nhv tba uld man friends persuaded um to rfadt sixpence on a imrar a fo ty toonaobanov with much trepidation the scotch tsaji banded in aixenae and atrangw to rabue the horse woo a hen the booktaker banded out a sovereign and sixpence to bandy he latter could not believe bis owo eyes do you mean to tall nw i get all this for my aaxpvneer be asked you do replied lite bookiuaker ha onnacianoelexalaluied sand ta4 me toon how long has tblv thlqg bean going 00 r tboogb sandy bad greenbom luck- ad tbe wlaner on bis flrat venture be might nut do so agem id 8b times out of 100 as those who fooow the ponler oonld telfhlm himpliti swr aim aid swvtrt ivmslaches roa ovei a yeak bar w mocrtiialumrs toronto qen wiiteat after having been kfoabkd with indication eour tonweby sd severe heads for over a year i waa mduced to try iuibua v44evr jpmjlfl one vial greatly benefitted nay peae aenl three vaui completely cared net 1 cm boxrtlly rcosmraend them fo amy oaw aajanlag font atotnach or liver tenable vqsfytofr fxm uver phh sumubito ufa lugghb liver dean b colted tonj w and fcatove all waste and polton ithefyafcm is pvnlj or vlalj for bwim cow ull8 h u lhe custom of hwlw uioun talneer 1u hang bell on the nock of their cows and ao aocustotned and at bached do the animal become to theae hells that the deprivation of theiu la felt a a punlahntent if any cow has been guilty of straying or unseemly behavior a breach of diaclphne or any vlciou trkk tbe displeasure of the httrdatiiatf not testified by blows lull temporary deprivation of her lell mid llite midoin fall to reduce her to i order and in prevent a repetition of the offence pata ijttlb joki an irishman passing a shop where a notice was displayed saying that everything was sold by tba yard tliougbljia would play a joke on the ehopaian so be entered the shop and asked fora yard of milk the sbop- n not in the least taken aback dipped bit anger in a ltowl of milk drew tt hon a yard long on the counter pal not wishing to be caught in hi own trap asked the price filxpuru tnid thn flu putitn all rght uorr wtld pt iuii it upt i ii lak it t had dyspepsia for ten years could hft kkkp antthiwo oil bbk stomach dyspepsia is caused by poor dlgestlan and to get rid of this terrible affliction ft is necessary to place the stomach in good condition for this purpose bur dock blood bitters baa jm equal aj- 9 i mrs norman a macleod port beris wr norse a i na writes for the last ten years ithdlmh root p 11 11 utied dreadfully with dyspepsia and x could not keep anything on my stomach i tried several kinds of medicines but csc7j7 a cu st tawag out e vt hnktaaosl aeoeiuee tw a trslalac tan mas lifes mark tim ma eeaaaai la atsah pajaua oimtartnu pj cwies and ur vtai eaaipu inaplriae wivlna baatdeet mm laaana u1u ol bate smtsjarabt kvrjr airl rtaalsl 41 he that wreellee with usetreogtben our nerve and sharpens our skill our antagonist i our help kdmund uurke pill that have benefited thousands known fr and near aa a u re remedy in tba treatment of indigestion and all derangements of tbe stomach liver and kidney parmeleee vegetable phi have brought relief to thousands when other spednca have failed in nojnerable testimonial can be produo ed to establish tbe truth of this asser tion once tried they will be found superior to all other pills in tbe treat ment of the ailments for which they are pros truth hid in the heart never stays secret children ory for fletchers c on bala kverywhere there may be country merchants who do not keep dr tboma kclectric oil though they are few and far between and tbete nay auggaat that eone other oil i juataegopd ttuirelsnothlngsogood aa a liniment or as an internal media ine in oertaln c take no other tbe demand for it show that it i the only popular oil a woman who cooks f r men and is authority for the statement thai thing pi the makdtlln tltr itettrr than puddiug gla the t 1 lowing aa vi rf halufacti ry immml i i m iiuiulwr i f toen who coilalder tliein awlvea juilgm f a good oddlng and mu one in whlilt mrt with hh r dlge- ti can indulge i iul in a mixing dlwh onahalf clp of uidiiumk one mipfiil if wtwt utllb tun c ipful of mmimi miiii tl uivd raliita i r curialit ul low leva leaapoonful of koda i ne taaapoonful f cinnamon one hair teaahkinfol i cl vre with two oupf nla of graham it our and el ft now mix with in i-m- iillk a id fruit anil 1m 11 put i mis in ukl kli rut ii i i tw ed two h ii lit pudding n tii tw i inffit if titrger nm any k 1 pit bib g hi too 1 ii iy um4 nriarai jnl i atitrw oglil t i honey on the upm do i red in th heart lullgloi ha no hi not a 1m w if in th a relfglo i do and when o is lost hi lot advance we go back ilhlng u gained eon elmng important warning tie niv tepime io amauii unuer n mim itustkut ii dr fowlers yawhuhutcu tnains ttaa this grand reatady ha been on tb market for alsty five yean and i with out a doubt the best msdlrin known for tba cure of dlajutuou dtfizirmtt couc tramps pam la the btomach cholua morbus cltotuu dttaiitrjm aad all summer compladtts if an unscrupulous drufgut f to talk you into tajuof any otbr pfs tluu wbea you ask for dr virmln refuse to lake it aad bxiiil on atlinf what you ask for pnc 3 cents p bottle see that the name tbe t muburnco limited u on tbe wrapper aa we are the knaanfactaren and sole proprietors there can be no syrup so wholesome as pure and x3e excelsior baker fibbt quai ny imll ml av caklb hc klfc i ar d cal today t statham son bakers and crocus main st acton ha berlin srsam granfli ni marble works just trv a tin prom your oroce0 year saoniy returned ii not entirety satisfactory every tin fay sugars a cane eve limited moetreal ro fialm mow my j c hill woodhall hokat and geo soper owe their singular effectiveness in curing rheumatism lumbago and scistwa to their power of stimulating ami strengthening the kidneys they enable these organs to thoroughly filter from the blood the uric arid the product of waste nutter which gets into the joints and muscle and causes theae painful fliaraae over indian root pu1 aircngthnntf 1 burdock mood bitters i kidneys and it cure rkumttlesnk oooe of them seemed to do me any good at last a friend advised me to try bur dock blood bitters which i did and after u ig five bottles i was completely cured i would advise any one troubled witf stomach trouble to use b b b x can burdock blood bitters i tnsnufao tared only by the t mil burn co- umlted toronto ont we nrc not luun when we love only ourselves ko onion unless worms imi poll ml front tbe system no child can imi baa i thy mother leaves worm hxtormlnator is the immi medic in t extant to destroy tksbir resptonvs ravoritsi a vancouver paper tells it readers that the member of a church choir visited the prison tharu ou huiulay afternoon and expressed a willingness to sing ny hymns requested by the inmatce gates ajsr was the un nttlmous cholcr- in a auggrsllve te joiner by special reqoeet of the warden hquowrustas ajb oastbilblro op conscieisilrious plumbing y heating is not h awtvth taith us lo the contrary we make it the most important factor so ii yon favor us with yonr patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec sr glielph phone 337 file spread talwitmlosb diphtheria typhoid favor scarlet fever summer complaint and fevers of babies by carry log disea from one to another keep everything clean and there will be no flies dont let flies have a place to lay their egga keep covered all piano where young ljos may be hatched put screens at windows and doors wbsre there la dirt there are files s tioiblei with his heait had to give tjp work mr alfred male bloida ont writes troubled with my heart for two known favorite- abide with m the prison inmates looked a mewhat aakaosa at one another and smiled ugnlflcantly be programme concluded with a wall i three years i thought mmtuiwf that i would be i went to the doctor and be said he could not do anything for toe 1 bad to give up work my wife persuaded dm to try mubuma heart and nerve pills the first box relieved me so i kept on until i had taken seven boxes and they cured me i would not be without them on any account aa they ere worth their weight in gold x advise my friends and neigh bors wbo arc troubled with heart of nerve trouble to try them to any of those suffering from heart or nerve trouble we can recommend our mubums heart and nerve pill with tbe greatest confidence price co cents per box or s boxes for 125 if your dealer does not have them in stock send direct to tbe t mubtirn co umlted toronto oat a matohid pair yon um that young eleeulcuii over gng ihfglrlmf will hen an elicit rln xpnrk and v u lute the pollnenian mining up behind well hn s a t sr- oliildren ory for fletchers which land of a culvert your waggon cross dpfch jhe road you use paui ovtr rickety uanaereuiuoouen culverts that arc ion- sttnily n need of repairs an often u ashed is carncdsafelyacroutholow pw uynodern everlasting culverts i ituld your culvykrts of concrete wuy gitittwmger with age and uk ssgljgpjl lo huneujnt111 y- a wrv toad txxes be spent jo the um lulvaa mmszx lvnhed intllrt rend he not nil utfera xvrwren inwm upon concrmtm cnfwrfa h ih my you ami sverybody she in your couiy cxaiguu cmootpw umtxed heu hlmmg mesnreel caapcr 0haun iabi tera ami hull ic ol ilaluea uaa uieuin atotmmeon maikcf and iliad mass sod all hod ct artistic gembtery work wm hemstreet aciint actoj wool i wool wool wwnte3d ltt mil 1 kind o i uknituhe 7s stob rcton 150000 free homesteads alomo tub umsl og thm canadian northern railway im atanltoba sauluitctiewaa and alberta the bonnl tua ihmra opra latrnlry lymi vnt ubbmeitalliitmtach aknx lhe iib of tbe caeadlta hotbra kslhray ta suhhoosl baakatcbeeraa sad alberta at km vum of lbn arc wltala a tedlns of so wiles of aeciated tiara of te conpeay while the balance will be nvnl by breaches now eedcr eoestnenkm or alberu tbe llthidcc aliwly nolewoithy rr u trttum uada sad estahrloaecuwa ta- ukre gist place in ihatouil til bomtntntdsorcilex bet the woadarfnl wheel laad of j tof manitoba 21800 tsr auetber 0o0 alberta saskatchewan that njallmlly ayery faimlng toeaiuoa la i pnif iir lhe bluff tetry whkh aeeda r r4000 wntetu caua la ut ho wx niatblnrd total then unk ih tonirj uniii mm tiianai sou lao b n4ltax laad wbmuui eatl clhaata are edaiiinuy adapaxt b the aw of wised laitnlus thualmu- phcitcurar lryawl nisoaliaaremik thiaued ihvbcstleadta taken up aad letrndleg art tiers will be welt wiitrfar a ft booklet llnttte local ine ami a uescrlptloa of tba und bvtaoatd atpy wllbajiumtaana wkladpltulioa la l kalibslta aaat oenerai knacr aacal caaadiai lyoaa maklnx applic noitbcm building tnteato ont your chopping will be done uickl ind well on cither plate or moncs if tikui to the rockwood chopping mi ms mour oitmcal bran shorts 1 lie best it lowest price harris jsl co gloves beautiful new wall papers will add iteauty la your homtf tit 1 incrci t value ordinary wall i iper nuked or illnary loot in rnonn no 1 litior bow laatofultv u may i irnltli your home ite r lie allocl may really tw i y ualnif pipera thai are not tl on ugl ly aultal la mon i ttin ll a rul 1 1 dsx u lot menl ch mie y ur ier roil our new llnna i iicb are vary uil i un mini hi u katu a i 111 10 iuii at wwi knilb e 1 ilcea poncrfl l culverts arc 4 neat safe need no a- repairs nnit arc cverlustiiik v 4 t weu mado good jtittin tluit we know how to moke gloves that will patwwitu houoru the most critl f cal cxamiuatiuu as regantti quality of akinn ility and btreiigtli neatuess bf stitch int uud all round perfection you cad prove yourself by asking for storeys at yonr dealers i ihnt tttcj will outwear your most sanguine expcctiillnnu is our firm belief iimiht ou storey a nt ull ktores w h storey son i imitrvf acton onuria stephen cordiner painteil tatlduhanckk b tc 1 id uk 1 hawing 4 octicat mill street aoton onl patents automobiles and implements agent for the famous ford motor car sole agent or cockshutt and data machinery and reury plows and a full hue pf repairs for plows and machinery a good line or buggies and harness laj rpgs and rubbers prices nglt also floor oil farmers who arc flunking of building a silo this year givx ns a call and get our prices oo 4c mm patents b f oaldiarell promptly 5edurei in all countrhra av lor our invonior a adviser marion b marion my i 4 university si rtier fat a sprr i streei mtnuol t anatlt jxlv 0 vfxa warftingloit l- u u b a ethxrlrm

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