Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1912, p. 2

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ooy in ussra alton at uw imh 4 h wm ttiandajr jnlf lui tr hay j trow imomiik saaafcti tlf of uwumdvii xatoo lo lowall m xtta brouiar willow jr n j c wiuw r a itmii ii a cbflauna uuk all of 5 it ll hoot of lb bridaa hwsm m friday bod awm uw m a mkultd i y fi aua taylor to allaa hoots al hamilton honda aota tuwa maols afml to wax to naorsalows on ttn lf line u lufwl wllroy nmmrfuhuujsbillaff- awadnraora koauutrsaahoddsnl oa a sana so si tba ml of hu wm u u ur a lllax- os sttrtom lalfl uafjaual af tsa uoaaty sf hat- ton mmiti rwn lje jlrt on jfrre rtk niuiiaoay awhht lr 101a abditoitlail motaes kromtj of woaum cr e cuotlaoa inuwt eooouraglt a end as ho woebi pax by end harvest draw nearer feetlnx of prt noun end satisfaction with iboripoutlxk la making iweirldatit in all part of the country kallmatew ot be wheat yield by dlttrrrnt eulhi r- lie ar unanimous in protuulrur a crop well ttvor two hundred uillllloa bdxhelx and indications favor a gener ally good quality of grain while there am alight decrease of tbwsranga under wheat in manitoba there are aubatalitlaj increases in the olbvr two pro wooes and there ara excellent avid mm of a better aver go r exult than a year ago in manitoba some cutting baa already been dona and harvaetlne will ba general this weak tba hoard of kduoatioo piet on tuesday the apacral work of tba aaaalon ara lb passing of tba rati males of recslptx and eapendltnree for the current year in nrdar to faelrilal tba work of tba council in striking tba general rata for tba year thaothpmlllmdd plnanee aubinll tad tba following estimate hlh iclltm laudative a oouniy grant i to continuation reboot ulu k2 continuation- school res s50 00 ijeglalstiva grant to public hfihool 107 0o luardmora oo n n real daniraea 110 00 caretaker- for outalda work 40 00 amount to baralaadnn nun leipal assessment 3w m triad before juellcsx r and w it kennay geo kxrkmnmrmc hauua foal ilulldlng and rapalra interest and discount cast payment on 1 wn school furniture supplies ooo u ngenc ira or boval and q 1 1111 ofaelal uotioa la given by tbe above organlaatlon that enbetanttal prbtew in tbe form of eaah and apaolal trophlea era oftetad for aead grown in tbe province and ex hi hi tad at the mit annual wlntar fair or provincial bead bahlbltloa the date of tbte aa- hlbluoo will be made pablle later id addition to tbe regular prtaee offered to roembera of tbe aaao apedal eaah pruvm are offared to bova and girl between is and la yeara of age for exhlblta of aprlng wheat end whit oata a aweepaukaa prlaa in th form of abvaotlfol gold medal docwto4 bjr vr j mm w bobertaon u jeo offered to tbe boy or girl having tba beat exhibit of oata in tbe marl time provtooea quebec and ontario and wheat in each of tbe provlneee of hanltoba saakatebewan and alberta bach of tbeae xbiblla tf to oooalat of j e which unat be at leaat 0 inehae in diameter at the band and a gallon of tbreebed grain tbe plante for ihle abeaf abonld be aelected by band from tba aald before tba crop la cut tboee propoalng to oompate for theae prlaee ahoald arrange at once to make tba neeea eelectlon and aboald aleo write to tbe secretary canadian heed tiro were aaoclatlon ottawa ontario and obtain a copy of tba prise liat rulee and apedal arrange ment regarding tbe transportation of exhibit now la your cuanoe boye and glrla t bven if you don t happen to wli prise the experience you will gain will loereaae your ehaiiom next time nsaxi va rioohoo aa oo 300 0o oo 100 00 1c0 on oo 00 h03 ssd37 82 coved brl c hpalgbt aeoofi by j 1l kannady that thla hoard hareby adopta tba aalimataa of reeelpta and fxpendltaree af tba currant year aa eubmllted by tba oocnrolttae on finance and that tberaeratary be in- a true led to make reqalaltlun no tbe wanlclpal tlouncll for tba aunt of lkojqo to faiaet tba enrrant expenaaa for tba year lull mm par aald eetltxtataa carried tba extra amount required to ba levied for tbe aobool rata tbla year la almcet enuraly anada up of loereaaa aalariaa to teacher and thla la abao- lutely ubcontrollabla if tbaatauia of the aobool la to ba maintained on a with tba aeheote in other towna of acton a eixa and imporlanoa the death of dr robertson was on of maitom ludihq ljmatmouaal mra kobart scott died uuddeitly ou monday morulng up to tea time monday night mra- scott wae qulta wail tba funeral look place wednea- day at half part two o clock to ume- mba olive uaraball of tonuito a pending her holldaya here mr undeay sutherland of tiualph returned home monday having atayed with bl aunt here for a fow weeka mra t p i vena la vlaltlng fdenda in braatford and itamllton mr harold polklogboroe returned to oralghurat thuraday having apant hi vacation hare ulaa dollle ilkiagbome returned from barri thuraday tbe fartnara were becoming anxious over their wheat which wae cut and chocked on account of the oonalaot rainy vraatber the dry weather of thla w baa however righted mat tare gvoarally lat rvtday a telegram wax racalved from nelaon b c conveying tba aed newa of the euddea death of or david llobertaon regiatrar of thla county at tba home of bie aono law mr al bert illgginbotbam of that city dr bobertaoo bad bean a oommia alonar to the ueaunga of tba tienaral taaaambly at kdmonton alberta in june he wax accompanied by mra roberteon and upon tbe rlalng of tba a they had apent a couple of eaontba vlaltlng ralatlvea in tbe weet they had bean for eav weeke at nelaon b x vttiung at tba homo of their daughter ura alfred hlgglo- botham for aome time dr robert- eon had been troubled with hardening of the artarlee and bad ekpreaeed to friend at home that he expected a eoddan termination of ufa or roberteon wax a natlwa of hal ton and wax a eon of the lata alex ander robertano iiu birthplace wax lot 1 ooo s kaqueaing and ha wa the owner of the homestead at the time of hie death he wax born la 1841 ilia early achool daye ware apent at ugny school where bo wax a fallow pupil of mra d uendereoo bf acton the ute itobah lltue or acton wax hie teacher there and to mr little dr robertaon owed much for the elementary training be reoalv ed and ihd incrntlvav inculcated to ward the obtaining of a profeaalonal education after leaving llgny achool be attended milton public seuool and anally graduated in tned clnefrommoqiilunlveralty moo treat for aome yeara be practiced in naexa gawaya and rexlded at hal ton villa he wax aueorednd there by tba lata dr winn and removed to mil too there ha practiced for about a quarter of a century dr ttoberiaon wax a public eplrtted man and took hla fnll abare- of munlol pal and other d title aa every rood cltlxan abould do he wax repeatedly mayor of milton and wax for thirty yeara becretary of the board of bduca tloo caxjej tmejm nttgiluy hulrioittd ll ngali virtually the derision of tbe court m nday at tbe c ncluuon of tbe iaaring of llta oaae asalnal rdwatd dynea church st reel charged by provincial officer ajorriaon with uug ally kaplig liquor roraaja barter and traffic tbareln th p m ulltrlmhi rated tba pmeecutlou and w 8 morpliy k o of urampton appear ed fur tlta defendant tba provincial nfflcere a k harvla and laaac waldack gaveevldanee that tbey bad vulted dynea bouaa oo church htrat on saturday night 3rd auguxt and aaiured three hottlea or whukay and five of beeri that tbara ware eavarwl xaupty bvex ca and bottlaa a beer keg wblekey gbtaa oorkacraw and that tbe ptam gen orally had tbe appearance of a place where liquor wax aold while they were on ibe preaulaee eaveral pareona mtih- to the back door bat when tbey found the officer were there tbey turned and hurried awey dynea went into the box in rebuttal td awore positively that be near old a drop of liquor that the men who war eeen drunk on bn pratnlaee not eu polled with liquor by him that none of tbe frvquentere of tbe place whoa name war prvaenod in ooarfa had vr gnttew liquor from him sonar he slated ha knew to have brought liquor to bla bouaa there bad bean card playing tbara but liquor veulng he bad beard hla pue we known ax tba ring kdward but did not know why each a name wax gtwn reapacting tba liquor aahwai by tbe lyovlnulai offleara he awore that only part of it belonged to him tba urge bottle of whtxkoy ba bad gotten from a h mcclbbon georgetown that evening on a written order from john corrle who wax working for him and boarding at hla bouaa jorri wax a porter at mculbboan hotel for aome tlmo tbla year tbara wax however nothing brought out in tba evidence to ebow that bo bad informed tbe light of the eetxnra that the whlakoy belonged to oorria mvltb reference to tba beet and tba ca ebowing that oooalderebl quanlltiae bad bean ooneumad on tbe prxmiaai be xaid be need bear at bja maala eavo blm tba trouble of lighting tbe ore to prepare tea oorria awore that ba had ordered th whlakey from mo- oibbon and dyne bad brought it up for him in view of the ewora txetlcoouy of dynea and oorria tba court felt that while tbara wax tba graveet eneploion that an illicit traffic in uquor wax being done a conviction could not be tba cave wax therefor dlxtnleaed tba revolt might have bea different if tba provincial author- it lea had aeon lit to call to tba box the various peraonx whoa ferred to aa frequenter a contributor to lb w companion aaya i i waut toaak yt u if you think any thing could be dour lb currvot the tiragad tolo ani u illi g to untruth prevalu il n g ur y ung people i have four clilldmji utv cat and it la bard for n tu gat i bam i i lle a i thtry luvatiably and apparently quit unconcloualy add import anoe and glory to llir tale i find moat of the youugatera ar tba aante i hv im chlkjrea in all tbe walks uf life having bea a i reload worse fur ton year i have had mother from ibe highest and the lowest walks in uf uae practically thee words i leaplanallon oh all youngsters ar hi la it so r have i r rgoltan f did i tell my beaotful chummy wotherllaaf ard did ebenillx indulgently f hi ally 1 think not i ton wri wax blind ax a child my mother a tender wonla on dn occasion when a little companion had exchanged doll las with me declaring here was mine when i protested not bar said i will eee thai you grt nit itlmrow tba doll bask so don t cry hut aha ttdd ma story mother eobbad i ye my dear mind baby aha did her thievery can bn punished and cured her lying can only be en durvd i rrckon i aiu old faabh ued or maybe a fool but i doo t ilka to aae children allowed to atnoolb things over i want to sea them trained to r tba truth can you help omfort soap- canadian national exhibition frijit preserving necessities g rubber jar kan paraflne wax for sealing jellic it pracmri bollk seautf wax corki all 1m s atbrown 5 u swiafaw hamvabttalliar aocoumsuoh acton oat aixipiddaadonaanna ha bad aleo pxruameaiary axpli hu anu paruamentary axptravfs lions and wax elected to the provlnoial i jf wa laqawva tba fuoeral of mr wm logic laat friday wax largely aluodxd ha wax vary popular throughout the town kuuocwuu wax an innuentiaj hip bv mr blair conducted ihe nrnmbar of tba presbyterian church aarvioe j ii aanbaraary xorvlcea will ba held k mothodbt church on sua jlw xtueeday august 20th and 87th rav it a facer b a of aneaxtar a former as teeined pastor will preach at 1 1 a m and 7 30 p m the obolr will render apaolal music oo tuesday ovonlng a garden patty wjll bo bald on the church lawn ad drceoea wlu ba delivered k a jfeoey aod rev a blxlr splendid aqtcrialnmeut x being provided the following talent having been engaged t walftar bdwxrdx humurlal toronto i harold klxobt plaual torunlu i miss bella tbompaonu vjoamjonul turon to i obxjnixrx church mnx quartette oiasipb t and acton cltfuna band omtario famu faihx tba fairs annaxinaed far tblavfxal in blei nejgnbarbood abvrroyla ool 1 brampton burlington oalxdon srin fargus bxquaslnjr tiaurgxli llxltun flutonrrr m nmswnwaya campballvlox i sasr a9rtsi larglslatura aaa rrpreeonlatlve of the ubaral party iu 1h78 he served one term but wax defeated at the election of 18ft by col w kerox of burlington soma year later ba wax appointed registrar for the county of lialton by tbd lata sir oltvsr howat to auooscd tba lata col cxmnbtll thu otaca b held with great acceptance until tb time of his death or robertson wax an influential given warm euoahlno for tba next tan days western canada will reap the largest grxln crop in itx history all indications at p are favorable and uta western farmer is preparing for a bumper crop 60000 men wul ba needed to garner thlx immense crop and store ll for future uae this army of sturdy worker wul have to ba drawn mostly from ontario and many of them will stay in tba wext after get i ting a glimpse of its many possibilities i the man who goes out with tbe bar- vectors excuralon gats an rxoapuonal opportunity on a small investment ha not only gets an opportunity to make a little money but also a chance to look over some of tba finest woat land in the world with a view to possible future coil lenient many farmer in the went today owa their property to tbe fac that tbey want out with k harveatara excursion a fw years ago and later took up a bome- xtead and there ara still thouxejadx of i of rich fertile soil waiting for diamonds and his sou dr kdgsr llobertaon is a madlclal missionary in china ha waa prwudant of tbo milton preeeed brick company and was identified with survived by a widow three- da ugh i era mrs s mccannsll of milton t mrs alfred hlgglnbotbiim of nelaon h c i mr dr c w field of kxmloopx b c t and bis son dr mdgar robart- 1 eo of china i tbeedltorof thefiuckjaiajn desire to express hla sltioerssl sympathies with mra robertson and family in their sudden bereavement no man lo i ho county gave usgrestsr vnocuragmnt in our bxraxr in jnurnxf lsn sod puhlla life dr holier on was iim uf lbs first to offsr his ooitgratulail mm wlien tba present editor axsiintxd hla posirinn in 1870 and his friendship navor abated tbslag both pupils uf tba uthodftrtllllls w hsd niitch in oommon the remains bavs arrived at milton and ibe funeral will ha held thu aftoi noon at two a clock ormwalomg oottnainal i mr wlu imhntsuaj ikt tuufort jna to loa m valuahl ua of ymug atong the linos of tho o n il the road that has tapped thousands of miles of virgin wbaauand in the west an army of men will ba needed the demand will be keen and tba highest wages will be paid the fare will be 1000 to winnipeg with a rate or one half oant a mile to points on the o ft k beyond five excursions will leave ontario points between august iotb and 3lst and tbe route via chicago and duluth will be followed tbe most intxreetlug to tbs west for full information apply to any agent or tbe c n o the bay or qulnto ry or the cantral ontario i railway no jeweller in mont real or toronto has a price advantage over ns in the purchase of diamonds we select each inset stone separately ex amine it carcfally and have it set in a ring to suit ourselves 50000 farm laborers wanted rob harvesting im western canada aolnq trip west lo oo to winnipeg oolnf r 04b froaauuasoa sll um toraata to bsisu wtadaorlnaasd returntrfpeast sis oo from winnipeg uld uln r xrtamat la winn jw om peaturra 0 imperial year imoarlal canst rest fasaam vraaa a0 ik owa d eihlbua by i be province dominion exhibits band of scots guard vraaa aruauw paintings of lb year from europe palo tin by beat canadian american artists ipsrial ddst compel 1 1 ions boy scouts review everything in educational fiblbllx slaaof delhi basaa o tb bam band brlasa a awot vrm hai draftooov musical ride industrie in operation butler making competitions america scrsatsstuvestockshow canada a blggeac dog show amcrtcss prettiest pueelee japsnaa day flraworkx motor boat race hippodrome and circus pour stages sod arena all going kruptlon of mount vesuvius athletic sports ten band qoncarts dairy acres of menu fact ura imperial ptraworfce numb izrtu obrrtiarmrnts iflchr icnpliiit 0mt psstov bunitav auuubt i7i 411 wku ut mkn vvamki tajiiuyjnoay work 27uft3 xfldrsh mai im w f ula csonl amam augz4 1912 sept 9 toronto housekeepers waxed paper fob pic nicj btc llw lnitum 4mj da pi xukk it- hul plua la as- ctmeut walks deldtares notilkuianlrbw 4 lif tb cm iu i res itkh ih of th- h1 t tmk ui 4lwallm ll- h to ru to la x off w lud n uiot ut 0 vijua i on p4i iwhi h sad all mllbiiu notta af tomato sad all milloiu noftn oi bilm im lulln llw tra tnwk afala lia tomalo to ratals rll m t hiu to i sot lacladlax klaaatos eaaibot laka sa1 utal t sod c 1 k lii mat- lacladlax kla mixrsaat it ft 1 bu mllldu u tvlstio tohiio rai jsactkwi ad taatj sbo m of notts bay ol rat ao h tonato saa all utlana wm la onls lo nth lltf t utlbtui cm tlioa hadbsry lg smilt fit- uarla wiu lo otlttta and rohu nth lly ami wit bm mtt u sou t axxsrw saty r oatr wul b nu ksck kkt rll imta to s sapo wxnt ntnatna fonpon htt bmt ibdoi aaamsabnutwkaa fatq uw tb sr hth far tvw t mwhau rot per mils fay ljuntiiicnii or a i wit m nes it of wlaajm m ti- taiwdun lv ci inji usau6aubrwa of albmu a wolbasmaad nthumm pan kuor to a afcondtm tkkvt so4 t ratara os iks cmsdlu caaadkt rortcm fwttiik lcokj t rtsfcikxteisisasaad tlaalla ia sf macll cswr sndiooploa aistm by taa suaa taste m isteuof tie bolnx u wy on or before ar utx tit sb nayiavnt of oas kalf m dor wjt tmtabaam slty anta up ti risalosiaaolollmolnmbwiaalima mkkal tblaw dvilt tbr mkuato vkjk n iqimnit n r c r jl thmi ssasaassssiywab nuu get your name on our list hfsvej 3omatrurtg good offer you bjjblrrw- hr i- ij1i ta im iumm le i ihtrpcmmol partaa walk- laid in it- vuiut w asia an islssnd lull mwf ibtt aak nalatarad iu lbs kuiry oous xar i luaulry lunialoo of ilia uef of ilutoa bo ibsil n day of jolv 1ji any btotloa o qoatl or aatauila tba hbi as hit part ll anof laam ba toada wluiib ikrw luaalbaaiu tuasrat babllrauou of utla mum sd hnm iw toada ibaraalor ial m bablli 4 l toada ibaraal i ikamnb day of july loll j uai xixxom cuil nf ib iiua of liloa isauiuksr v3 jtcmomo canao green grocer amd fruit merchant e k cook raoalvuik daily fresh vecelablaa sod fruit and sella i beta al reasonable prkss i oltuign pkuits a bl kciatty goons dscivxaxn mill bibkit actum hot weather specials old mirrors re silverffl new ones made lo order lor estimate meting of i agents wanted b j tcurpin lpm ont savage co otamjwibd 14 plain and lnlircly new idgjb and guetpb out hosiery light weight lihlci tor ladies children ind mens wear lancy in all shades for this week many special white waists new jinch thi week in al the popular tylc extra values heaciwear alter the holiday rush we hive rcplc milild the tock of childrens girls boyn and mens rancy straw hits with many now hot weather lines the latest novelty goods we arc clcarmall ladicu 1 rimmed hats shapes vlowcrs etc at very low prices hotwcauior underwear rancy iarasols hatliliijf costumes striped and white awning ducks at bpcclil prices the clydesdale stallion royal prince 2814 wlu bfl 1 the dominion hotel stables acton every tuesday arriving about noon and remain inr until 7p- m tsu to losuro a loxl if i payable lit ebroxry 0ij- all sceldenta iu mars xt rltk mjbh qillik8 proprietor watch repairs send yours to an ejipert rliberld ssmsthlns llhs a cost a ramsrxsltle cost wax that of hr ilrfxht an ftsox bux sroear who scale 018 ii iluc sin wax suoh tbxt aia raljuuloxsiiy be butionad rourxl seven fullsrrown men sfr b iht wax ne uf the hssvleat men aver born and daniel lambsrt only beat him by 31 lb orsxlsst mast eatsfs auntrallaih sjid mew zealsndsrx ar the xtoateat mestesterx in the world the former eat sos pounds of meal a year each anil the is iter 3119 pounds while the brjush o eat iq pounds a cam nsnsxt lata admiring relative we si think uie hahy s got dear jane a hose cruaty old llatusiyi l is nf it then she can t gu puxiiiff it any mora into other people a business boonne clvex longsr and mora omuplsmproehtlqbtpet- dollar of ooxl thsa metal rooflnf sunglex or snyolrterrasdyrooh lar with over 300 bnl tattoos rubsrhidls xtlu tb bast uad under canadian pataou 93027 and 93160 in 3 psrmsnant oolom red brown croon snd natural slalo look into 11 before you deckle oa that new roof rcxvslfiiil lliim henderson co mill st acton ont jooocoocadooox lyasrawllh hanla loranlo 7 can with a 1 oranlo wl nla sale wliara only dill cull wolt ii mot with all tfcoik giarjuitood i r na year orop a ctrd t t mail jj of and stuul your watch in tull males always given lofofo i inf wotk w h foster bxpiiht watcnmakiw georgetown ontario grand trunk m only hoe reechlnx all bummer hesorta in tlb ohuaom xaouatbtamk xw jta dvw l htnllloo wmlhxr mrs m ofswsol i von will notice that wa i a cnntjiaually ulklng about afl i jwyty l repair mtfdjaxjkftj a wall bat u j5k a bav lb ttunnv j i l we oau du it and i xim blocks because wi dxilou that du t better than must wateh- makers xflrsl broausa ara axrvad our tull tarnt of apprantloashlp and after wards worfcxd under tba bust makers in tonmtii and 40 year snfrisiio vairiujxihdvinistr wjtr mnst iitbarsvthxx weiooeaa ti xmi in full oonbdaneef that it will be oarolully and itldekly donax tba jeweler great slaughter op graoltewarc tinware garden tools anrl all hcaygoo4 kaihsr than ixov aay slock a sscnud ml al suaxir s sbov goods at prices beiow ooxt or the next two wsa call at my temporary store spslghl a mtp street shop and ask prloss oo any llilnx you wsnl august cleanup sale a moneysaving sale ot curtains curtalnx ate always aa important i torn in tho furnlslilnft llli ii m nudi mliat ly need renewing and oftenar than any other article it is therefore direct ocoiioiuy u t uy when curtain nre offered at au e rices trie roods llstedbclaw are taken frnm i lonio in early tomorrow and pick yourcboloo pruttty curtains educed in pairs tiwlsx curtains worth two f tojl7 nor such low rdel mhhinlly for this august sulo olearat pcrpxfr os lo lalrs uunjralaw curtains new style rexutxr 4 so august sale price per jmilr x75 so pairs llungxlowxiurtxlnil regular 9a no now on sale at per pair simi ij iairskew stylo uungnlow curtulns regular rnffalxr if oo clean tip bale prioe per pair a oa wiramuxllnhirtitirwluliotortxilnwni regular it oo aufrust sale price per pair s oo 3ft pairs pitb net curtain best quality rejrulnr fe c speight wgtqn tbeym htwtlll 7 nixrfced for this sale at soo s pair of nottingham tco cuf teliumrefrnlarl y 71 august sale price per pair vi ih bargains in table covers rvxtilsr h 1 apchtry 1 nt id covers 9 yards miusre rv l 7s f uniy uoe reaching all bummer lllgbundaof onisrto inclmllng muskoka lakes lj1kb of bavo atoonquln park maoanitawan mvxiki rainoh rivben tgmaoami kawabtha luikatej 1 ull buinntor bervke now in etfkt to all of above resorts write for full particulars snd illustrated f ddors 10 any crawl trunk agonl hotneseekers excursions july its auxtuatfjaaftao 11 rott nut table covers regular si 35 aug nil bain price travellers samploh nf tajtcttry c alia for cushion covers worth from 60c i u lioitu 1 nl per end from h i os- 1 yds i y a yds idi j h3- erlngh loi stilt 7s to 35 oo rugs for sis 95 ft will t t tirimlh nmxll duhtgti in a tone breen l xu i u w 00 awjrtmtssirj 1 vvlvcj ctmjt orimttxl iwtteru with red ground h ill nolo for den dlnlnor room or llbrxry rojnlttr aa jo clean up hals price visjat s ploto tapestry carmt aood pattlroa on green fswn and rad smtinua refulxr 50c and 000 u clear at r v 3c mens clothln 5i d e macdonald bros cor wyndhira and ihacdoricfl slrtels ouelph ont 1 n dress goods via ssrula or chlcxso wtnnlpaw susd return bewmonton and return tlcketa rood for 60 daya no qhandl op oarh spec lil train will hrsve toronto 10 atmive dales vis clilcagu isul csrrylnx through coachtssnl lonrlat hlesplnx cars i lullman the crand trunk ihrctc hllw 1 ft l ortesl sod tjulchosl route bolween wlnnl prs baskaiooo kdmootoo newpxsr ttxprsss fiervleebetwoan win nipeg and itealns smooth roadbed ik trio lighted bwepbuj cars axpnro dining xr service leave wlnolpsa 000 p m arrive realox 7 00 a m v sxasxloon fl jo m kdmonton y00 p m uppmh laki 0ail1nob salllnfa irom ssrnla for sauli bis maris sod pon arthur j10 p m mondnyii wed nesdxy a a ud baturusys ask apy grand trunk aeni for fnlf m formal un or writs a i mill 1 i a union etslion 100010 oil h- s holmes agent attjt k acton 1 v t

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