Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1912, p. 4

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77 j ifstl i i sbe ittmi fm reft k thurhoat ap9w8t 13 lutf yual iwu yaara aa uk4 vouiar ay um out up n cmi v ban itanabrr yaeke tibr kvery moraiua itmup bhal mx mllm yrrur nr till we fwiu to ma pine lre dew r uiklblu k4 snake u vorfc uk busy utile r ily relict line yoke all day aloe die bar ranum yuet u peaalna time aay and at nbrhl v we ban amoklnr after mmwr be skol n all os lumber yeeka i t1h our beita efcol a hi md out imimii ifaltf and antaatinavw im talloa tn float hi fr- nttd ifllu tttrcvr who fchl iwn crw mg r ay nan wing dough aja olaf iiscs a alull amd fm- and baby iwo ay akol ho happy ran uuwkkr krillni unmortmrubue tha taaii who la been following th market in wigi ituuht to w a let ter judfe ol iba chines revolution than any diplomatist or newspaper correspondent writes william max- wau to tha london daily mail ha alon can say whether urn million of chinese who hare cut oil their pia- tails have parted with uicu for good ding than against tha clay ft pigtail will ha agfin tha tamwk of a ffautat for a pigtail is easily aplaoad whan you have tt evan in prervolouooary dys km people war content to fix mm to their hats so as not to appaar denationalised in public place i confess that tha chinaman with- ont his pigtail is a mnre disappoint ment- ha outragas my sans of tha niethstln properties i had tanciad that ha would carry th sacrifice as gracafally as friend tn tha soma of my chliv euro pee n legations overlooked tha saving grace of euro pean clothea even of despised frock- coat and tophat to my infinite dls- pteasor i find that um chinaman in ion blue paddad coat ijun to tha outrage a cloth cap ft3 j 11 f qnnriin hi i ifwadaf al w wake nlwc lufj eu talc losh jjimu lit a to- lour blua paddad coat looks i oetf without his pigtail which 1s th preaent fashion t ittst hideous bat every reform demands its pan alty oar puritan ancestors sat utls example to tha chinem and tha vic torian aoldlars of crotnwall did not dladaln to ba known by tho gay car- allna aa cropaars they too laid thar hair and aoroeumaj their heads on tb ajtar of their country doabuee wo shall get ccastoilmd to tha spectacle of the motilataa china- mat just a j hav oaaaad to regret tha flowing ambrosial looks of bonnle prino charlie hint the tranaiuoq is painfal and th chi c d i not help ua to bear the shock for they insist on changing their clothe as well as their government itittaimurjng bow awtttl tha aonth has dlaeovarad tht the queue is e badge of slavery and not a national ornament that distinguishes the haav enbarn from the baihariwi ot europe end america thoae who did not leap to thla conversion by the light of ni ton bare been generously assisted by organised bands armed with sheers the pigtail that ventures into the etreete of oantnn fcwanghm man- king and a hand ted fut ettlei mast belong te man who isweary ot lila and the new republic who started the movement prom my infancy whlrh was nurtured on mmapm fablea i havg ever sua peeled th fax who turned missionary alter losing hie tall china may not be llh the great fabulist she has antiquaries who art writ ing letters tn the newspapers lo prove that before the llanchu dyneuy three oenluriea ago no aelfreenecting china man wot a pigtail iuir plalu acd lapel buttons on the left was for udoo years the popular and nfficial deacription of tha hated tartar when the alanchus overthrow the mings they rewarded their chine adherents by imposing on them the shaven fore- head and the queue instead of the topknot of the defunct mings as aoon as the chinaman had time to foawat how he came to possess this anpeodtx ha began to cherish- it as woman cherishes tha bracelet which i an antneot mark of slavery it becai it itida pain itagone whan numl gia racks ihe nm or lumbago cripplae the hack u the un to teal lb virtues of or tlmunae kclectric oil well ubhed in it will still the pain and produoe a aentatioa of ease and rval therw la nothing ilka it a a liniment fur ll ournllve propevtlea are gnat a trial of it will elbuh ralth in it- the sincere prayer niuat alweya oobw front a bvart that foela depend aimir and need castor i a 7or tfintf and ffiilmlesi tm kw yn han unit bagkt feem tha h1g tf horbb ochoouwy uowlufl in the chrtatmaa tertn dumber of tha mundfha ucbool alagaaina not ingham appear the following emtnptee of axaunl nation howlara 1 bliiah tha puhbltr dropped bla mantle and queen blhtabeth walked over it parliament aasambled i and dlsee in the following jan uary pitt returned with a majority of iso which was known aa fax mar tyr a vacuum is an empty apnea full of nothing but fjermans f gwrtna peril is pettleoat govero- u mm ww 4f jwaiip au w anmdl tim 9 aomt tc xuvv aivraywtoactit nd which ha exwam fbr rer sofoswav nuui borne the aleustare of i luta bio humio under hia pew 1 attpervulon ajtw ita inrkavcy r no ono todcmwivoyoti in thhu all ooancerialbt imitation bum jimtniroolnr bat kxporirnenta tknttrllla with attfl enilnntror the immuui of infanf nd cbjiefavjiii icrnwrlonoa ngnjnat itnnrlmrait what 19 castoria oajrtnrla la n linrnilraw emwututo fbr coator oil pare jrorlc oropsj nimthuothlna hyrunn it u ihwajuit it contains neither oplaav morphine nor othor farootta anhaln its nflfe la um einrnnton it drtatrnyw vhrmm nad nllnya foreriahneaa it curat imnrrluna au 1 wind oollc i t ruyea tteetbjlia troublrat curat cfrutupntlon utd wnrnlettcy it naalmilntcei tho pmm1 regulates tho btoanncbi and bowrela ivlng boalthy nml unturml along tho children peuutoeawte biolborh ivieiatl qenuink castoria bean tho signatara of always czyu the m yoahaye always bought in uae for over 30 years plve minerals other than metals sick heaadamclkev- are not caused by anything wrong m the head but by constipation bilioua- neae and indigotioa headache powders or tablets may deaden but cannot cure them dr uorsee indian root pills do cure sfck head- acha in the ecntible way by removing the jcoawhpaiion or nvk stomach which caaatd tbem lr monwa u indian root pills are purely vege table free from any harmful drag sale and ear whn you foal tha drmorset m indian root pills the merchants op canada bank kvery penma bo receives and nays out money shook have c cbeqnlng accoant lsymenl by cheque hi i be most prattles con venient and la fiat method of bsndliag ell nanclal transactions wbetberol a bnetmas or perapnsl character the ret am of ca cheques are vouchers for every sum paid out they show what du- tawvatnenis have been made and te whom deposits are received by ihu itank snbfect to cbeqae withdrawal we pay the same attention to small depositors as we do to urge on and encourage tbair aeconnls inieraat alkxmad oa alt savings accoonu coatpoanded half yearly total assets 5hl48 acton branch maclean manager r a nor than a personal ornament it waa a vlafbl aign of raoe atttiog bun apart from tha outer4rbarian and the foreign devils to loan hm for a chinaman i pigtail was jto lose more it wn to reduce him to tha hrrel of tho barbarian and to dbv graoe hi anomtora by the way i wooden il it is the pigtail that has saved tho chlneee from the baldnaw that afflict our own aborthaired civilisation until this vary day i had never on a bald- headed chinaman and the pabllo epecteci brought my rickshaw boy to a dead atop in the crowded street he bad vision of tha tuturcv and it paralysed blm i felt that um clr- oumslanco was favorable to candid eonreeslon and asked him what he bad done with his discarded pigtail had be sold itp ha keep home he replied with a knowing leer just as i suspected there hss been no slump in the wig market of europe and america the chinaman is keeping hit pigtail and is sale id au emergency whether republican or imperialist if the bepubliomo causa prevails he will continue to be queuoless if the imperialists aro vic torious ha will bring out hla pigtail and tie 11 to his hat or to his growing locks an observant philosopher wander ing through chinamight measure the degree of revolutionary fervor by the length uf the peoples hair in can ton when republicanum is rampant and aggressive every man and -male- child 1 closely cropuei even tha aged have bad to adopt tha short haired fashion for bands of amateur baibera whose shears are aupplement- eovwiui rifle parade tbestroets hant- ing for queues- in shanghai it u the same- but in nanking the headquar- ters and capital t tfo eenobuq oofioe uiat many of the common folk ar a littio shy of a barber era an no oueues ft is true but hundsaa of people am juing theif hair grow- looter and ohtld lev every da this may be no proof of waat of sympathy wlb republican iostilutiotm wi probably notltltig more thap an insur ant against the return of the gov rnor wh a lew months ago was in th habit fr making th head fallow th float plauii twrare tlll pe 4it nanking whrf remember the fat rf um uihtuelowlteffirniar who ven- turad liiht tlw city iwroiu it hurrand- lredto tli repsjbllceit aitiiy fmfutchir4i n aaorjah wbfl hi not afram to dla la uttl ony those things thai eruputii wbtgwr m uolbsr ontvea worn esunalnator brwwhtivwwk l la mwja ralauaa onuan men it falkw aa dwaamts lara earn mwpteuw vavlran 1 uwartviutk ieatobbacu l consumed in reat britain in proprotlon to the inbabl- tanta than in any other civilised oantry l tfaeen pills cure rheumatism to the many who suffer from rheu a trial or parntelees vegetable pule i recommended they have pronounced action upon the liver and kidneys and by mgulallnk tbe action of theee organa act aa an alternative in pre venting tho admixture of orio add and blood that oausee thle painful disorder tbey must be taken according to direc tions and used steadily and they will speedily klveavidenoeorthalrbenanol aleffrcm- tiome are euro they will find rest in boaven because they are sleepy it church dyepepela corrodee the intoatlna and bieedlly eata away the hnjng bringing about dangerous conditions that tuaycauee deat dr j kellogg pystmlery cordial clears the the germs that oauae the inflammation and by protecting the lining from ftfttlier rayagoe rostorea them healthy condition ttwee aubjaot to dyeentery should not he without this aimpln vet powerful rethedy moat girls at n fond of a good com plexion and nd genurally willing to pay good money for ii children ory for fletchers o ast or jx it is easier to be miserable than to be happy and many follow the handl er way a tmjuk 09 umrrrmmm which letteraare the hardest awork eref tbobeeelh whlob are most extensive letters the seas oi whloh letteresre the raot fond of comfort t the kae rsj which letters have th most to say for thmnselveef the la wblch are the noisiest letters f the jayja which am tb longest leuvre t tha kiul- which ar the poorest letter the oweeue which letters are the greatest bote f xhteaste which are the most sensible letters t the wleeyvtilblla uffeteiniti iff c once hsmuton ont writnu i way sutftth with unje back and for t week wag potable b streigbteav walk and hardly abk tosk down for lbcpalninmwkhliandcs f jnulincttdiffcrnit unds ol plth phutertv unimcnta and medicines i without asur ranerf cfurjauaw was a b3b book left at otir door and i read about doanb kloowttftrnt two boo i wa whv snllitrther mr hammy arwyou a haaeball player r sister ileal no tommy small lirol her then why did sis tell meynu werent ao much of a catch p washington time suffered everything foryearsretoreatohealtli by lyrjim e pinkluuua vff- etaue cotnpouiui canadian women u continually wrlt- inw us such hi iters as the two following which arabeartfeltexpreaslonaof gratl- tudu for restored health cbuiford sution onl i have ta- kan irdla k piukhama vegetable com- poond and never found any medicine to compare withit 1 had nleara and fall- log of i vromb and doctor did me no good i buffered dreadfully for yean until i began taking yttrrnedlebrial- itor and in- mrs qlhkt clatx claoford swqoo opt cbestarville onlv beard yovr nwiutdue highly draliied and a year ago i begsn takng them for f alllhg of womb and ovarian trouble my left iklo pained me all th tltna and just before nvy nertodg which wen irregular arid painful it wouldbe worse to sit down caused mo pain and mffer- tng and i would ba ao nervou aome- tutm that i could noti bnar to see any one or hear any on sneak uttiospecks would ifjpbt bftforanw eye and iwas iwsjiisooiupstdd j vi ckhimt tattoo nrocrr for lydla b pinkhsms vseuu compound and ram j tpi ootrio if you wish to be well you must keep the boweu open any irregularity of the bowebi b always daagerosa and should be attended to at oooe if the ihiwvis cease tn work properly ail the other organs become deranged idllburas laaauver islht work on the bowels gently and naturally and will cure the worst cases of oomtipation mrs j hubbard port ccdborne got writes i have tried many remedies for constipation and never found any thing bo good as your uubuma laxa- jjver pius we always keep a vial fat the bouse for we would not be without them i always reoonunend hem to my friends muburus laxauvef pius are 36 cents pervudor5vubfars10qatall dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t ullburn co limited force ont- toronto many a live wire gou short olrcult- d whether the com be of new or old growth it must yield to hollownys corn cure the simplest end beat cure offered to the public a trvlho ttatkt mies liagtay bad been acouatomed to regard every mlaute aa gold too praeioua to ba wealed tha life lad by i be vlaltorekt tha hotel to whloh aha want one summer with a dallaala eoueln aaemsd almost wicked it waa eoecnplyof work ooe dy ml flag lay wandered off by heraalf for a walk in tha woods and when after bows hours aba failed to return her cousin began to feel anxlour at laat toward night a searchparty started out it was dark before they beard ules itegjeye voice answer tbatr cans and earn upon bar aaatad on a fallen tree trunk its a ehaine you bad aucb a fright hl uaglay aaid a kind hearted young tufnt i suppose you thought ynn might have to may bare till tuoni- lg i wiuii ihttherlng alkut thatl rntftrnkl mlaa hagley scornfully i gua i eould go t alerp in the woodi without being at up but i was mad clear through lo think i waa loatwlth out a sign of nlttlngwrk or so much as a table napkin l btro in pocket j i kvp looling at mj watch and saying anolbar halfbour gone and i might have doue naosl a whole shell lo my qnlll i you dont catch me thla way again i can tall you f ldbmly oaluimt was wmir- a brief but brisk battle look place in the reynolds atcade one night in which ao elderly nuui received a whip ping at tba bands of an angry father t bt said that a warrant will be uaued for the arrvat ol i be rider i y man according to infurniatloa obtained from wltneaare of tba fight a man of sixty yaare sent a utter to a girl thir teen years old inviting her to meat him in the arcadr the man was to take the girt tn a theater the girls father obtained the letter and wrnt lo the arcade when the elderly gallant appeared the father took him to task and eraphaaised mauera by shipping and punching the older roan a number of times you ought to be ashamed of your self the father remarked as be walk ed away from the prostrate one ill attend to your case monday till grand trunfc rail wav a oihmam roanam the minister or kducatlon in ger many baa approved a bulletin which is to be issued by public boards of health it is an approved statement of some of the dangers of alcoholic in dulgence and is in the following con cise form t ol vb yoiju jiiiuukn not a drop of wink not a ultopopukkkt not a drop ok1iuandyi why r iiocaum idcuhol or any klndt uveti tn the smallest quantity brings only barm lo tba children 1 alcohol checks tha bodily and mental development of children 2 aloohol leads quickly to exbaus- uon and makes for heavlnrse and in attention at school u alcohol causes dlsobedleitce to parents 4 alcobol develops aleepleesneaa and early nervousnees 6 aloohol endanger the mortality of the children fl alcohol weakens the resisting power of the body and thereby leads lo the development of all kinds of she ip au itpes f eie1 tettlia weu mr jacob k herr 111 grange st srrstford ont writes tea years a i suffered with a wry peculiar dls i would go to lied feeling as well ax coum be and after sleeping for five hears i would wake with a severe pain in my back then moving into my side and breast the pain was ao terrible i could not tic in my bed and usually had to sit until momini with a pillow propped up behind my back with all my pel i would go lo work and alter workxog up to about 10 oclock the pain would leave me entirely tlac utm thing would hap pen ihe next night and every big fat fbr two yean i tried four different doctors but none of tbem did me any good i tried a great many latent medio nrs but all of no avail i gave up all hopes of ever getting wdl a friend persuaded me to try milhurns heart and nerve pius i bought four imirx and slier using tb first one i felt a rhansc lot the better and after using three boxes i could sleep all night- the nuns were rone sad i wasvmtttplrthy rmvft milburns heart und nerve pith an fio cents per 1k or 3 inxra foe si3a at alldealrr or mailed direct on receipt of brke by the t uubum co umlled toronto ont i hurrying after the there no count is in trial is inexpensive to those who suffer from dyspepsia indigestion and rheumatism or any ailment arising from derangement of the digestive system a trial of parmeleos vegetable pills la reommended should the suffer er be unacquainted with them the trial will be inexpensive and toe result will be anolbar customer for this excellent medicine ho effective their action that many cure can osrtalnly bo uaoed to their use where other pills have proved ineffective a ton of oil baa beau obtained from tha tongue of a sing whale american and canadian scientists tell us tho common house fly is the causa of in ore disease and death than any other agency wilsons fly pads kill all the flics and the disease geems too pabhbnokr train lu 14 1 fcbapji rn i tiit tshe excelsior bakery 1 just try diamond maplwyrup fine on buckwheat cakes moniiv back ll not s ati sp actor y cumtini o purify on ctteru tin by sugan a cannmim limited montreal for balk at thi best croc kit ivirywhlri conscientious plumbing y heating is not 7 wyth with us to the contrary we make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smit13 plumber quebec sf gueih phone 337 children ory for fletchers c tsorsutsisj thi rly worst rlbuhbsi any file that coma into your house may have oouje straight from a perenn who la elck with eoma oontagioos disease and possibly cause death to yourv or soma member of your family kill every fly you see tn your bouse lt a screen door keep all food covered up iioll all the water you drinc keep your privies screen- warmest kind for cold weather tougher homehidc will nevci be found because tho best is use for storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process i made pliable insuiing wear resisinncc waterproof and the best working gloves on tho sold at all stores insist oh i extraordinary lireproof market first quality uiiuau caktlt u4uuoino uakhb inifriiav cakku btc t- etc ob crbam oal today t statham son bakers nnd groccrs main st acton tba berlin steam granite ut marble worts caspar brauh ooprietor iesuuers and dulldeia ol klsluaa maoa loenitts monuments mirkon and head siooes and all kinds ol artistic cibbtsry work wm hemstreet agent acton wool i wool i wool i jliihntbd mu und of puknituhk wc srkb rctqn mmv7amovw amammabamhmm your chopping will le done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to thcr rock wood chopping mills iiour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co overland du ratio 7 alomtu proltibk tli every lllnewv h alcohol continually awakens it- newed thirst and oil that account loads easily tn the habits uf drinking jt keep moving luck likes a hustler 1 tha measure of your love ly lis oust to your life tha works m the most high are his bstworda l show on crttdjl ssldoid uiaka a oredltable howln 7 you will always bod that you wlfl have tob the maker of your own mlrack i linle bov was diarrhca and vomiting if you are sudd taken with disr- rbom xrysentsry colic crams or pain tn the stomach cholera mocboybwnv msr cotnshdat or any looeensss of tha bowels do not wwrteany time bat inunedlatcly procure a bottle of pr vowlar extract of wild tnmbavrd it will cure yon in no ubic mrs if i strjwlaian jtircr n wriu t4 year aro this fell my little boy was suddenly taken ul wllh durrhom and vomitkiav m a our doctor la ten miles dlitaat it aattned ss if i could not tt help coon enough but on locaj to tba country btore i purchsacd a botue of dr powurs ltxtmrt of wild imwberry and altar the first dose could notfcs aa jmprovcrncnt and tb ntrt day tp cswtd was betur and retain health vfno that tunc i alwa ke it on t on beiiui 5vn when you ask for lip prk mauufacturcd only t by ttaatittmami- automobiles and implements agent for the famous ford motor car sole agent or cockstiutt and data machinery and fleiiry plows and a full line pf repairs for plows and machinery a good line of buggies and harness lap rugs and rubbers prices right also floor oil farmers who are thinking of building a silo this year give us a call andgetour prices fe f caldwell acton livunjuio hodo sit motor cars and trucks kji3 muden uxv utuwcl fur valuo utut wdlclunoy above uut icirouiii1t mt fivo luumuitfur thirty linrwi ioiviir car ut it7suo ilelivitid in torouto ally upilici cull without lull uml uu our ifl9 moiiuik shaw- overland sales co s2 to so adoltacla st wat toronto ont we are here to jfltwm frinfmg wvhavaerlsifftiaaier of tyre ready- ta serve you ftiehydu want lr iiji ati i patents ipromptly securem n all comit ijhi for oovtiiviovor adlmr marion ctl mariqat gl bnlvmliy bl oorw si ciuusi htiaj isms

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