Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1912, p. 2

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oaaato ii m rmu4i aaaal wu laluramlln adfwkadaaaior sbbsa 4t titinm w4h4 4am ownm la ulrtaaoo ixut amiu lllfe uurwl wra wk ci a tiutki mscaian aaahjanfcani pi llnibulw h y tmin im mas w low- at a ansa on homu mp tkml u lnb aadti yw uooaui iowmhimyi 1mb david atauaimand tt sbe acton jfra jrfis tiiuilhiray aijolst jo 101 1 orroaiial moras llow lh ic a i olriof wmwiinii in uowwanvlller le a qoeeilon uih asked by visitors in this lawn s wall m by people ii iikmii when away from it only nm honest ami truthful uiwr can it gtvott saya the htales- cnan local optu t la working splendidly and no opinion u ar the oontrery unless it nisy bo a croak from a sucker who hasn t knnn com plstely mb otksukkhm if m la8hkp a law prohlbllio the interstate shipment of prlsnjbrhuna aim for moving plotttr shows tlia christian eentltnant of tba nation will indorse thla leajulatlon naturally thla aellon on the part of ooiigimi eufgeeta lie inquiry why cannot law protect dry lerruory against inlaratate shipment ot liquor ba ao framed that ll will aland tba uat of tha court r nashville tenn ad coxjdkvjlbljc arrmsuetaiox ia fait in tba weet rear4lrjj hood of aaothar rain blookada aa noon aa the present harvest begins to own in any quantity tha pa yaar baa aaan grea endeavors on tba nut of tha different rajlroada to largely increase thalr trackage nod rolling stock and no doubt they aire in a much better position to bandla the crop than thay war a year ago it it evident however tha amount of grain to ba moved will ba greater than aver be fore in attempting to keep up with tba national development the rallroada of thla oouatry have before them a litmlaiii task aocfa aa coo front a no system of road in any other part of tba fbjoc pus haa received iba following letter borrob fajta pnibmt dear sir we occasionally hear of rnaaora that tba repeal oftjoeal option mwjbe attempted in oaee this coarse la deeded upon by the liquor intereeta 1 wonid ttfcw y t en we ow quo uooax i would a petition to tba uunld pal council ba nscssssryr in eaaa of a petition namae of thoae who sign pablr by a tbaaa question you wol bweb oblige a psmruuckd hfjcron 1 17th ibis in reply wt may ay that not ba log in tha opanaahi of tba liquor in terest wa are unable to aay whether or not it 1 their intention to petilloo tha mnaloinel council to submit a by uw for tba repeal of the local opuoo hw v94th refer to tha queatlona tba following answer ar aubtulurd i 1 the act nays i tw vote for ranusl ball ba arranged in the hum manner aa tha original by law when voting for local option and must be approved by three bftba of tba elector voting thereoo a petition bearing twenty ave par oani of the elector would a aooo aa the petition t prsee ad to tba ooonou it beoutne a pul doaanajataad would ba open to tba earwtlny of tha poblia geurally in woodstock the names of all who sign ad atonal ofuoo petition war publiab ad the local newspaper ajufur tunrrrawx ybuuta oo aeton poet pokswbolldlng which baa dona duty continuously for thirty three yeara aa tha ptost orboo for this town today not on ihn aireel nnd travelling eastward to tha site decided upon for its temporary loca thla building was erected by mr matthew in 1b75 to eoooutnodalb tba affeu k r- tola journal was established by tha late joseph h haeklng formerly of tha gualpb advertiser on dominion day imt on wmob daw the rat edition was hwosd the p and other equlpmant of aetnas naw paper uoenpled matthews hum iba first tww montba t albert alorv ew rev dr afoore of toronto was th drat approntior anxloustogat the buaj nam to tba ground flnor mr haeklng arranged with mr matthew to build an afllo to bouse iba vwucm piusa tba bnlldlna waa rreete and tba printing plant waa removed thereto jo tba apring of ibm at this tlma mr maubewe oparatad a groosry and pro- tision store in tba building now oc cupied by noblee fluor and vend tinafnaas and thv post ordee was in tba rear in the spring nf 187b mr mat thews sold hi boalneee to john melagan of hailffi n 8 and lequlrlng naw pramlsm ft the pitst ottos gave notion to t a end h p moors abo warn now tba proprietors of the tmck psucsa that the building they occupied would be xcaulred at thla tlma tba hue robert fisher waa oooducung a stora and tfnwara boalneaaln the bulldpg on the alta of tha praaaot pautk pnahluwng ba sold out to hill stewart who- re moved tha buelavaa to he mldlmr now occupied by messrs ii a 0o bnaobatvand e k oooh groeo croc nod ua pan pbkm moyed into tba vaeatod building in march of tai laaif tba aotoapoai ottea and th4ctoq pjlgyj pwna bve ibaratdfa oocuplad their am i t dlaa almdtaaoaslyror thtrtyuirse years t yti tnerrirj forvaid undlsth w tb non rtaursar wilrm opting h invlulairaryyita sn ance c0mwtttts budget tstmsyaarwulsstlw oftttncll mat in r1uur aeealmi on monday evening at 7 90 o clock jl the msmbsrs war prraent iueajlynd in lit chair tbacoinniltte no kloane prvrn ad llwlr lfllb report and milh hriaatl tayntvnt of the following unxinli uikmi rda account per jx- moixtugall john newton is ht vm 00 wdi thompson 1x1 bra co win h ttiartaon hw hrs oo 1l boomtrwillr hob u co jaa uclasn msbr co a bwseknamvr huhrs o to fred wright us bra iioti marlin katwy 1 hrs- s5 00 tha- ksllsy ixshra ms 00 uobu bllton sloo x 00 d mclkougall 130 b j3 o0 kreigfat and telspbons j 08 1 mciror ubor w lulchc teaming ii iuby rolung jaa mclean taamlog fred kliuht ubor street and walk w lutohie uamlng i mcuragor ubor n forbes uhor a rodman ubor alex moore labor a bell ubor t alger do general accounts robcbtoray cemetery n fnibea poi geocswai frsd ruinlt do a rodman do j u hill welgfaluk eoal w d anderson height jaa simons supplies can orn blae supplies brit- am oil co oil balunafad hotel destioveo utarr or thbtth limb hotsiib ttu h vial at luuinafad wa dstry ad i y or ut htnrdr nlulit m ul hau past nln ihv mom in lbs rrar of bar was found to lis afltw dstura anytblnii tum mr doiin l iba prnilr- no- lira tpnail w liuljt ithgrval difflcuhy that a prt f iba a ainxm aalarly wind rsvall lg kid luu i- ifd i be br ajd uuula tl ry fivrcvii tte stauing adjolo ng soon ignllrd and in a faw mlnulss tbu waa a hery furnaoe the sntlr uia ware lickrd up clean only the brick tthimory remains a a monu- it to thu old hostelry of lbs asven- tbuar at timm during the progress of the ore it wa thought the ferguson pro party across the street would also in destroyed tha wind took burning embara to th nmf wblch wa repeat edly sbuxr the splendid effort of the neighbor arrr however success ful la saving the premises the origin of the fire u unknown it was first seen in the room between the bar and tba loebonsa but no on mwss to know bow it started the premlaas war insured but lbs loss to mearthur a son who were owners of the property will ha coo acton free press print li acton tanning oo su ntlng ppie- 163 81 total payments kb ss the report waa adopted moved by murray mcdonald second ad by w h smith that whereas tha council of any municipality pending um aaia of auydehen tore uamed under a byuw may by resolution authorise tha municipality to raise anoney by way of loan on such dsbentors and to hypothecate earn for any loan be it thereby authorised to borrow from tha merchants bank such amounts as will ba needed pending the sale nf the electric tight debentures aa issued by ha municipality during the year 101s carried tha committee on finance eubmlb- tad a tentative estimate of receipt and expenditures for tha currant year thu baa been given careful oooaldsra- tlon th effort u being meda to keep tba rate down to si mills but tba aatl- lse were left overfor furth aero tiny and it u possible may be found necessary to advance the rata to 23 111 council adjourned to meet n epecul anion this evening at 8 oclock a letter from j b mackaoau requesting metre rats f or 20 to 80 b p of hydro klactrlfj power waa read mr mao- kensle staled that if sauafactory reins are obtainable ba will fit up a chopping mill in connection with ma pu mill and have it ready for operation aa soon as the power u inst the death of general booth a ruatortcjurr dtino hismoi london aug do general william uootb comuindarlncblef of the sal vation army died ibis evening ha bad been failing eloea uat may whan operation for cataract was per formed on bta left aye general booth uat maaiaga to sal- vauonlala throughout tba world waa i f hu pro are sura if you ba- llavs he spoke bis final intauiglbm words on sunday when ba aa dont worry let ma die i want to go to heaven william booth was born la noulng i bogund april 10tb 18xd uu vathev waa a carpenter who bad uttla hut consuming religious anal to sup port him in tba world by dint of much economy the carpenter managed 4 give bu son a half edocmllou and to send mm to a private t tutor lor preparation for tba methodist rolnutry at j3 the young man took hu first church a small chapel in not tingham u followers today are fooodledjiy millions r baa bean a great benefactor to tba nfe wism ucgueied by tha ehureba i crops are excel lea t in thu common ty msny field of oate are ready for ba reap re and would bavn bean cut hot foribe wet weal her however tt la always a bright aide on year ago we were almost through harvest and jbad searaaly any pasture now there uahuhdanosof pastura and scarcely any grain in mncbaympathy is felt for mr o f t watson in the damage dona tobuoat and corn a neighbor s kard of xfi caiun broke in twice and consumed their oil besides what they trampled down 1 agarden party undertbeamtptoeeof or tba huru bare wui ba bald mr a mcoolobeons orchard on thursday evening bxoalunt tajaat baa baao eecursd and a good time u aapsctrd football practloa unow bald in mi jjajdics field too will notice that wa arc odatlnually t oar ability t and cloaks do it bettor than m trm of apprenuoashlp and aflar- daworkrd under tba boat maker in toronto and 10 yeara vperlenca glvea us aoch an advanlaga over ntoet obirs thai wa com to yoo la tuir ino4lldenoe that it wui ba carefully anc qutokty dona prlngle tba jevrler quetph fetarnal vlgudbna- used to be the bsvaeoiubehyaojnawadaya thltighvgoihvup f uahy mfctakahuh howog for fidsl car knew the intricacies el cskuhv lien that cntsr lots it making the year just rl sd was altythree bunds y m long ah it ram lit on bun- day it goea mt uii the mm thu iikjltnunjr 1906 ocu nut algl tbuuiheustortbeaooreof boteu wblnb forty years ago wars located every few muee along the twenty five vtuss of the eevanlh line from ilalllna- rad to oakvllla tba uat one before to go down wne the one at htawart- n which wa bnrned on the night of uaqoesing fair at acton three years ago the others bare gradually been ipad out soma by fire and others by removal or deeertlon it re for thu uat one in the county on the seventh hoe to gn last itunotllksly to ho rebuilt thar u every proba bility that local optloo will carry at theeosniog municipal elections in ks- qnesiug thu being tba cess a hotel balunafad would probably never again have a llcewee and very meagre avenues have been derived from trav ausra for yearn thu building waa erected by joeaph rosssu for tba lata john bennett father of robert bennett for years proprietor of tha bennett house georgetown it waa first local sd on lot i erin but go years ago waa re moved to tba alta occupied wbeu the fire occurred among tba landlords of the last hair century there have bean thomas bennett darid uu1 and arch p thompson who waa there for twaolyona yeara and in raurlng to anton since ba vntlred labdlords wlnablp heleod end me arthur have b in charge the road graded this fall ettkhl to bal laid mboct rkpfumq tjucobo grading of the line of the toronto suburban railway through acton known aa the electric una of tba caaaduo northern railway through western ontario u being rushed and ul reach aa far as oualph this fau if it u at all possible was the statement la by mr john scully of toronto a coutrectore eommhwlon man who was in oualph with a party going over tba now line from toronto to berlin wtwoek j mr scully etaled that the line bad been surveyed complete from toronto tothedtyllmlteojuuelpu the route through guelph baa been surveyed but ha could not give tba roqt aa yet for it ba not bean decided upon o having to go oar the route s by the surveyor tha work of grading from weston to guelph will be started immediately and it u expected that thu part nf tba k will be completed thu year though jb steel may not be laid until neat spring to guelph thelloeutoha in operation about july next tha party uft oualpbfor berlin following the survey of iba route to that city messrs geo amos sons of mof fat have disposed of their fine herd pf between thirty and forty pure brad senieb thort horn cattu to mas auld brother of kramoaa thu u one of the urgesl deau lb pure brad atock in canada soma of the catue were worth aa high as fisoo each it u touch regretted that tbu fine herd has uft tbu township as they were the moans of greatly improving the stock in their neighborhood mas amos have deckled to go cut of tha abortborn cattle they bad the dis tinction some lime ago of receiving the highest price ever paid la chicago for a canadian bred animal omtaaio faxjl faieui iter take jrnll in aberfoyla brampton burllngtimi calsdon krln it oat brt 17 odin ocl 10 ort17 ljpt mx7 oot 8 lllnn tjx nlunn cmplnlullta ool 11 rmkrilk 8pc in g jo n ktquwlnc ummto iljloo sllton buwmui tonala auff s iw cauendar curhmmes dav it goes mt nu the sshmi day thu inoludlnfr 1006 ocu nut eigh teen times in uiu century 11 you are mathhmaticauy natruotal it will ba easy to undersurhi new tha- erte man i seems irrenulsr if y u as mi frank about it was lrd chestrf- fteld in its when x preaantod a bill to brine british lses into srvmant wiui those nlturnps generally it won t bother lis said he knew no thing about the pnhjert but he waa ft rcel to tnsks uw torda utink ha six to make them think that they also kn w whirl they didnt tim next ysr r rreapondlng to tha current cslendar will ue 1016 sod the same will he true of ids and ibm- after tliese a mm liar condition will oecur in flvs juarn id33 then six essra will bh imii re s fifty tfrree undsy caleitdar 1d3d then tha schedule will swlnu lsok to live yeara r in 1d44 fr m then lliar will be fifty thrtw bun isy in i0o ibm is1 107 1b7s 197h iqru iiw0 ims and m0 a study uf tlila fart will show thai o ear leap years excepted ran have fifty uirw hutxlsya unless tha year beg inn it rundsy of course the llrat dsy f 1si3 was in unnday april and july mlow suit february and auituat will start thursday march an 1 n vernher me in in rrtdsy may will be il ly month tteninninjt n vednes- dsy june will aurt balurday bepumber and december on butklay october on tueada almanac makers and yx pl whose apecuhy is measurlnc lime and un winding the eurnal lsiwva of tlis mid nlfhl sly u11 us that the unstt of dsy light dlfiara amtnlintf to lu iocs tion thus new york 1 rfet dsy u fifteen hour ulon hsa sixteen am onehalf h ura h itabarreu hs three end a half nt utlia quito on the equstor hsa 4u day and nijjlit eqiislly illvldml reduced to aim pie it umbers e aay that all jesrs c nuin three hundred and alxty five days and unwea tne pscisliat ono would al a time u uiat all the yeara be- in the tlrut dy of january u iuuihih oti whst kiil nf a year is hiibi ierwl tlte lunar ysar for examle haa three bun irwl simi fiftylour daja iit l ura l rtj eight minutes ami uilrtj aix sr twl in uiis yssr the moi n niskes s jour ney round ute esrth twelve times a cm will readily aee umi luivar sr suven daya ahorur thsn the solar y making a baled in his itsini in lum iraiirr mr charles ilrotdiflel i tella an emu log story of sn actor frisnd rrauk marshall an exceedingly popular and eocompliahed nisiuber f the pro fession who had lost a lltuier in ear iy life and wh i wore a kid flngsr- stall partially to nceal tlie deac- uney marshall hsil a pretty talent for mixing salad awl one evening at uie bharidsn club an hia fnenda dropped in to dine tlte noticed him prensring one f the tullclous salads of which ha alone seemed to know tba secret immediately there wars cries of prank make in one at the same time and oh i r rank made enough for me too and bssming with sat isfaction at the eompbrojuit to hq skill frank called for mora uuncas chives tarragon and other lngradl enu and when lie had chopped up hu herbs into minuu tragmenu and mixed hia salad in hu own way everyone was delighted a few more neighbors begged for stray leaves and finally one enthus iastic gourmand wiped the bowl round with a ball of bread and turned up hu eyas in ecstasy as he gulped down the savoury morsel but the teen of the founder of the feast wore a trou bled expression whau the matter krankr asked one of hu friends ob nothing replied frsnk peer ing round the polished bowl only- only i seem ut have lost my anger- sufll haatvatarrkrar gocounaiom ovwont hood tor men aleavg ceasus given warm sunshine for the nest ten day western canada will reap tha urgest grain crop in it history all indications at present ar favorable and tba western farmer u preparing for a bumper crop 60000 men will ba needed to garner this imuv crop and atom it for future use thu army of sturdy worker will bv to ba drawn mostly from ontario and many v them will stay in the weal after gat ting a glimpse of its many posalbultua the roan who goes out with tba bar- rosters excursion gets an exceptional opportunity on a small investment ha not only geu an opportunity to make a little money but also a change to look over some of iba finest wheat- land in iba world wltb a riew to possible future setlumeot many farmere in tba waat today own their property to the fact that tbey want out wltb a harvester excursion a faw yeara ago and uter took up a bom ataad and there are still thousand of area of rich fertlu soil waiting for others along tba uneaof tb o n r th road that baa tapped thousands uf mlua of virgin wheatund in thwerses an army nf men will be needed tba demand will ba keen and tha hlgbaat wagee will be paid tba fare will be itxoo to winnipeg with a rata of one- half cent a mlu to point oa tba o n r beyond five excursion will leave ontario points between august 18th and ale and tba rout vu chicago and dumlfa will be followed t the most interesting to tha west vrjftir full information apply to any agent of tba a n o th bay of qulnte ry or the central ontario railway cxtsuuruthmmkwstttsisyrgta bah wlllum kama nf burlington fntsner snemherof the ltgtstalura for halion baa been appointed rajrurrar to succeed tba lata d davut robert eon col kerns u well known and popn ur throughout th eosmty uu ap pointment will ha very generally umhsuunonaaudi waat u eifiir obieeuon to br ranamaaaaj mi i m l m iwkiuwanbsorirt ow il mff m w waanjuksrvfai gren grocer audj- fuit merchant e ktcook la reosmng daur frstb vagstsbus and fruits and sells tbsm si rsasoasbu prices i foaai t ar gqooi dklivkta uaj btnr acxo the canadian northern railway 5o00o harvesters wanted excursions to winnipeg 1000 choice ol destination left to tha exctiru mint half a cent s rolla if m winnipeg to region saskatoon warman swan klvir i dmwnlon sn i to all other point a the canadua neither railway kcturainir half a cent a mlu from all points qo from wtnaipcg to ongioal starting xlnt dates of sale auo aoo a k o- aau t u sa4 sowui iknul tcwas all v h o ataum a oa oaabml oataiio aall l n u t winniiwif auiural ten iad anutli of rlixumw tkm nil id laluxta do hay of qaldui iiiib pniaia mi tub um bovttt ol ci t h taroolo- aas hm ol hmi aot laclndias hluuoot ika and tumli au c h ti mauooa aa4 aotilti of htmvrrow lkm all te hattwmf and bay el quint ita aad polnu mil of iilaslii itralti n m la- ika oao aua poluu on btbar ii isacui uj asasary bbj wwl lwnot 4nlalhwltasml b umu11h kuril kiur tl a mines lu tiaaa la nrf twavy and um tilsbwi aalaatuwlaxaaalilou i3wl idsiisuiiut alr rttltuauu omlfas asloan nor uy toronto on i t6e metropolitan bank hcast otbce toronto oat cavpstal rwjd up 4 mjoaojooqm uaojtmmx09 uaaajas savings department accounts of on do and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest currentuatc acton branch el bbixrling manager 50000 farm laborers wanted i wmimi 9in3wrv hq in webtewn canada return trip east sib oo from winnipeg riaaeairctatasreillofriha all apian whula 0lsrr wr ndawatna to wlaalpar use oa and south of um risnd traak utla udsdw all rutins on the c p r tofoatn ta faadauaaicichiiuai cja uibdlula trta ttauosaortcov bl not iw lujtnj u crasd fioat toraolo eau to bat bcstreoi and c t klioo tonto aad ea otluta and btads bar sad baatns ontario ck oatarlot north ttmyaaawan bault ifa la onltno otesaos cospoa wsmmunjioa toefr me raihsax1aisaauobvesau udlhwtataailoiuulnd ibm tnota aa travdud oa afnm ttthowcfojp ttmaw ujitydsya at har il orwrila m o attmray or watch repairs send yours to an eipert yeaiawllb knit toraaltl 7 yaara wtlb a timwla wbtflo aala uiliara oaly dlfftculi otb u inel with all oib kua rant aad fur ooa year drop s cird lor malting bpa aad send your walch 1 1 ul rnataa slaya given baton d ing woll w h foster nxpinr watcmmakett ocoryctown oatario anapoaaaanaaaiahsiasi frtiit preserving necessities robber jar unn i uuut dd pinu g paraflac wax g korbmlintf jelllealreuirve g bottle searaf wax g a cocks all bias n h at brown oavoanrssntwmw a 3si aw r vsrfaroa fl acton ont s laui aoddddaaodpn rasfissuibj canadian national exhibition souk natuus op imperial year lanperisl cedac jte bsiafblttlif tha afrovlswss dominion ksmblta band of acuta o afalntfisia off the year from europe ralntms hy beat fsinswlhin ami amarkazi artisra imperial gsdet ooanpstloa bay scoots uevtow every thin m educatkanal auhlblta sietteof delhi o th barn bsxnd draaooaa mttastal klua indaatrlas in opararjosi butter makma oeotnaritioas arnsrlcnsorabtsjet lrvestock show qanaoas bajtaw dot shaw americas hwttjast roaslas japa day ntwworfca motor boat bjaoaa luppodrofna aad carcna four stat and arwaa all ftotmj kruptloo of uoattt veevvrwa mfiktlc sparta ten band ooncar dairy imperial ehirwaifcs a nmnbara aug 24 1912 sept 9 toronto new fall dress goods h1s wiilik wc arc making a considcnhk showing of the favorites of taahion in tlic drcasgoods world iar fat whipcords stffes and veeds are prominent features in 1 range of qualities and in tho most desirable shades of tan brown navy wine and cream lace materials will be very much 111 vogue for trimming particularly in the heavier makes you will find some new and pretty ideas at our trim ming counter r childrens and misses coat sweaters we have this week opened up some of 1i10 best values in those lines that we have ever shown splendid lino of coats in range of sizes and colors tan grey navy and red tih wool high or low collars at 75c to 91 3 these will move out very rapidly henderson 6t co mirrstr avtoa ont ilrta obrriiarmt fthr vnptist cbrnrb jutva imv 1 iiuniikt1 b a buniv auou8t asih 1 it vi llnum ulll btbae wi bii xijl wkloomk ioixrsoooo0 mln wanrhlr- mtd afvltf i u czmiraa wolluicloa ru lataa mrtice a i i u o- 1 u ikinor ljw aevouu m tl bo in eollmt ltlsulmbi u10kk building lots for bate p tiabowllll farm for half or to hint jauas nara iioiiwkeper8 waxed 1aper poh picnics ktt u a ji or w abas pm tialslsafcaa lor ho n liofclb u lo undnloba lai dud lr u4 4aiaa cv meut walkh debentures n unlifllmi thai s bya taeombtll ot ua oaaersilan tiu of atoataaabksesv arualw ilia tntldlu fo ta baa a dafcaataraa lb k mat j4imlh raw ukahivaaaaf sarlaa lu immi walha lam ba la vnaaaa al m aurtesltm n ism aa4 ihl asaf thai aat ii i aw u naktaaaa u ua it oss fc llw iwuiry dbwm at tea oaan mllwfcibdaf al jaly tsis n f shmioa 1 q aaaai er sat aala aay mil tl btaas be aaas uwatb sltw tba arat sehllaallna nf tala ana ba waea lasras uakad ilia smi day f jrr tms a j mscsinnox ii qat at tta ms a is ttxtbwslvb auctionsale or uioh rajcas rxviuv stpck and rttopeety on uouslas strwat city of ouatplt mr hoconneu jt patterson toaallbrpnblkibaatlaauahbalr tr y ataalp so douatat atrwet aa tmm uy f ulnh raaulwioam aa thursday 8ipt bth ibia coobs haap um auln sals uvavv bilo 1 coea aamtrvbajalrbaaaaal i0knataaii blotnc claoraa as aswaltublavoadtaaa mbetsavwmatvai ullknr laadlmnam hajaaavutl tvddr m rb obfbay haa ijj xsvewtna i azt j huir lay ba aort 1 vkuiljaatsliibav aaw itota uumtt twa mill m aiad rabbaattrad anas b w b qssrtar akaal asska tmatarhna i boasua i rabbar bast luhl bo ulirbo ad m doabla uaftu read aarsiaa a aala a bboanisd aairay a if eats ale ami and sotduto assaaua w asaaa 1 aoraaliiaa roba root slf 4u llhl hatan biauu bmextdwibnatasalr sf fcaaaa lai baa sana rasa sairiaief bua s mir at a pair tnp iiibbb lin 1 aaasbaaasa s lanaral noata i ji laanas far aa aa aud lull la ho fmd botlu wk karla4auia llasry bun aolomobha veadl tnla ta ana of wtiun ontario of iba baa aajatsua la e aad sill be aem ulr pooirauabls aaasuuobtaiaa uai oliaivl fnr aala lf aet siasaiea aald umu taluauuprafwty baals a raaatsaa al w m awo u on kaaua hwaet aad usf wnotnw ubjmet ta sseaarty iu aa a 10 n slows assay sad artu be aa t taibjvovhaioslevsmvsad sndar oaabi atartsaa 1 1 ii issl ui taadll on raraubiaf aaaawvss iota par aant par aassas avtov essb umfl ui r fw ssat of bar bbobay on dav o ssla baaa ta an saya u ailar v pott os at uw uats i- c symons baker vk confectioner 1ericcliun ll try our toe m sdlera frali cakes atsoriinenl of cakas and pastry freab every dsy all llonwaoads wcdiung sod bulboav cake a specialty coatrciioaery no is hc ir aolon mlu sl grand trunk j llichunds of oolsi lakk ov ausvtt atxiohrjaa pare aoamatawami auvm rknoh vuusudsntersaivambvmlacbbxi la sll of sboae resorts write for fu psnlcalsrs sod ulan r led taders to say graad traak aeat homeseekers excurstons julyaa aswwaaosumtbo sap m nasi it vu sarau or cuosco 4au tkkeu rood for 6o days mo dhamm of qam sjwcikl iralo will leave toronto law p i on above dates via oucafo and bl isul csrnlotibroeheoasvsaad fuuusn tourul hleer4ng cars tba grand troo raclte iuustsv u ibe aborteal sod qnlrisst roate between wtnal peg baakstuoo b new fssl hupress bwvlmikveeb wis nrpe and i tea ins- soaaoln roanhed alec irtc llfjbied sleeping cars sapero dinlag csr bervlce leave wtaalpst 60o p av arrive rosin 00 am saakaloonj 8 0 a ra udatobtoa 000 p n uailcn lakal baulutchl ballinga ir mti ssrnla lor saelt ste usile sttd 1 tfi arthur 9 jo p ra mondays wad rwmiava an 1 saluiday aak suy ccsud trunk agent for full la fotmsiloo or write k k duff d i a k itrln hibfton tpptosio ont hj s holmes agent al g t r acton ililaikvvllllfvl i iarvffrrj

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