Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1912, p. 3

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wallpapot i nn aiark now opened prom ji per i roll upward i cuhtain poles 4 tad 5lmt whll tod ok j window shades in cram green and white 1uln mud inssnlon callin and skkoiik new stthk imm uoiniu iwuid geo hynds omtauo keal estate sey ta leaa at lawrat rate ml tatres large her f far ir mile cha bweulaga aad 4tstej- prart7 la all parts orthe th we have every facility rr craasacilwi ear halsmm t year emaaleteaallmfaetlea- v j a willoiicssfcly fjje rlon jfree ress thursday atkjijht ii bi1ef local items toronto exhibition omuia wak the schools reopen i mlttnmur rv obe d draper eipect u oocopy hi pulpit nest hunday housekeepers wiimi pper at fan prksh offloe splendid lor psoulob streetsvltleo pew wur work yetem ha been contracted for at less mao0o repair end improvement have been la prog at ht joseph church the peat week guelpb oily council dealt with th bj1wi at their meeting tm mooday teniae tbeberdmoro m itches end sidings are now being bsilasled end put into penseoent oondlueu tto for notuvkirct again in town prospect ere good for a building boom in the now future m c the late robert little inspector of public schools died in afltob be age of 50 years in 1883 all rood will lead to toronto the best two weak during the annual fair of the canadian national exhibition two can ot cedar polea have arrived from british colombia for the llydrpbseorric line they ere very oe polea mr grundy of itook wood former tjp of afium baa purchased the bakery bm aod property of mr h mur- aobkkrln oootrector dyne got lha houaaba ovine to 1u foundation at the r of elgin and agnes street on the contractor who are to build the hydroteleolrto transmission line war in town on tuesday tbey were driving over the route the clearing weathrr and bright warn ennahlne la generally appreciate ed tbejjrigfal weather will facilitate tbaha of the crop tha pfarnhaalng agent for the canadian northern electric una through acton have about eo plated uw purchase of the right or way through town mr mainprise who recently came m anton front ilraoebridge to take a position at the beardmore tannery has cured a house and la moving hi family to town mr a k nlckllu chairman of the board of education who la sojourning at present at calgary has sent the pn tasvin a budget of interesting paper from that city jilm afrkk pluwh baa received sample of oala and wheat frouj mr oherf stewart tbornloe maw ontario the oats measure s ft 1 in ad tb wheat ofeet crop like these ample wlltput old ontario in the dr a douglas lake who baa eeoeeefled dr holme in bla practice here to a physician of wide experience aadh attainment ills professional eardfoo flrsttpage give ample proof of thv the doetor la getting wall ac quainted already in town and will no doubt boon fee quite at home among news of local import alwaore filled wtu home hew mr geoltub in renewing hi hub wtiplion thli wek says omit ynu jjwtr stop the kit uk ilthmh until i trll you ii u like a letter from home and conies regular ly every week to tell us ot friends snil events in acton our old home the kxeureton to the paule the fts of england excursion lo nishi- fells on haturday was well petronlsml the special trmlti carried kjo pasaengers from berlin and inter mediate fetation actnn sent a very rwnvclable quota hydro- aie aeuvluew thellydruklecuic commission have written the reeve that plans and specifications are ready for ihe trans former station to be erected here iocal contractors will be asked lo tender for the building huppllee are owning in every week lhe whole or the outfit necessary for the local in tails lion havlttg been ordered front the manufacturers on sei ataek to aetna mr j k taylor who removed to luelph a year or twji ago ha return ed to acton lie akys he can do better here than in tlulpli and prefers acton as a place of residence mrs john arthur who removed to toronto several years ago is returning to aoton and will occupy the brick house onmiuhlreet next to mr j u wax- n e resldsnce run over tajr e trevln et mllu alexander pryde of milton was found on the track near that place on tuesday with bis leg cut off and badly injured otherwise ii- died tuetaftar- noon in lh toronto western hospl tm it appears that the man bad been visiting friend and was walking home on the tracks when he was struck by a j p h train he apparently laid on the tracks all night and it la not known what train struck bin ii was unconmjtous when found and death was due to loss of blood and shock vrtiimij pwnultr raaeovuut uch regret is felt at the removal or air and mrs adam stewart to berlin they have been among our moat respected eltlaeua for a quarter of a century their family has grown up here and it is not likely tbey will ever feel as much at home else where tbey ere cltlaena of a char acter which build up any community progressive ever ready to stand for right things in moral issues and activities they have made their in fluence fell for good rest wish follow them and a hearty we looms awaits them u tbey ever decide to return lo acton re vtso lev ante aeslot judge oorham has delivered judg ment lo the two suits downs va ualton and bell vs ii si to i in which the plaintiffs both brampton man claimed damages for en auto accident on a country road in august of last year the down action is dismissed with cost and mr bell gets a judg ment for g0 and costs we have not so far bad an opportunity to read the judgments which are long but we are informed that in the downs case the judge found contributory negligence on the part of the plaintiff who drove the machine in the bell oaae the plaintiff waa a passenger and not responsible for any negligence while the county was held responsible for e dangerous road the judge has ordered that a copy nf i be judgments be sent to ths county oonnell cham pion mjlriaoa uoinatt issued at office or residence u p mooiuc issuer acton ontario ixnhv a brown colored suit ease ltf ted b 8 o on one aide on the road between quelph end georgetown ontondayefesooa liberal reward if uft at pkkh paasa office krfatohbuljl the heavy rains ere doing some damage lo the crop soma of the oala and peas ere taking a sronnd growth which wutmaka thorn harder to wet dry for barveslng the crop wewfiood tt is hopsd they may be yethevvetted in goodehap mr wllbert haw received a severe kuk from a bores hut week ha will hvbl to he around lo few days hif alloc muler of mlltoo is viiu- log hereout mrs agoew of knalch- mr cheslsr agnew of knatehbuu left for the west on tuesday we erieh mm success mry blwood wllsnn thesher com mnnn the swasone rounda last fri day miyi ft pultoojiaa burchaaed a aeev waterloo aeperetorfbrlhreahlok u grrldat itockwood yeaterday dia os be cured ss ss tbsv euntot riaah lb fsestyibst u v ssesuts aseuuraotoa vupll fe oeorge moffate studrut of aritpn mtnuatlon hehool has just received notice from the kauoallon ijrpartroent luthnwm suoreesul in passing the middle hchool sxaniloatlou or en trence to model hehoob r able vouiiet pmsshsr the pulpit of the methodist uhureli raa rtiry acceptably occupied letsun dsy hy rev w j fiddea ijh ii h if leibam- center ills semson were strong expositions nd were dsllvsred 1th itnpreeslvsneae end power itev ir plddes was married on tuesday of this week to a methodist dew ue rrn just how electricity can be utilised on the farm will he fully shown at the canadian national habitation the llydroklectrlc cowmlston have taken a large space in the process building all ktmlu of farm machinery will be run n hn white juice from niagavs it will be a demonstration uplodale farmer can afford to the mew betdaree at t the bridge building gang at the tanneries have been rushing forward their work since the arrival of lhe fteofglb pine timbers the big trestle acme the vellsy between the work of brardmore a co and the acton tanning company is nearlng com plellon it is xaofoet long and twenty four feet high above the nuuslve stone piers and but meets the umber are r pins gild inches and principally sixteen fret long there are two smaller bridge and a coal and hart trestle still to be built ens clvele boetaj thle nf at last meeting of anton home circle e neuiber of new members were initiated a further list of member 111 be initiated thle evening after which asocial hour with musical and lltrery progremme will be held the members of the circle are urgently requested by the ofltoeis to attend promptly at 7 5 this evening mr k marsh organiser he been actively engaged in the interest of the circle for several weeks and has been gratify ingly euceesstul msenmess wvusa on friday before judge oorhsm mitchell kennedy aged 10 pleaded guilty to tli three charge against blm steeling money from tills of georgetown stores m rroin mue annie clark v trom mr hamilton and goa from anothtr stpre miee olaka money had been found in a stable where kennedy bad hidden it and the boys mother had aent the the 7fi0 to the two other merchant who had returned it tojuv as abe la e poor woman the judge let the hay off on suspended se sop on condition thath pay the 7 fio himself he promised to do so vsuatoue oeterv plot mr adam cook church street who i been giving close attention to celery raising for several years end getting his garden into prime condi tion is first on the market with home grown celery it is of excellent qual ity tender succulent end wall bleach- mr cook baa about 9000 plants and they certainly look well ueealou lated to relaetxwoor b000nextyearbat unfortunately the garden i in to direct ooureo of the new electric road nd hie prospects are brought to naught en fer a ralelng celery lo ss favorable quarter are concern- sxiuus at tabs i ot bai rtfayrc pmsastaubus3 eeaaffiesta qtsrw a hsadisd dellsrs for any baifasn f g saurrfa thai ese essa o meaj for rjobsmhtao0teleb4rsr bbstsuvpsew ruts fer soasllesuen kaqa mutonvi new poac olnoe david henderson m i was in town on saturday and had a talk with prominent eltlsene in connection with the post offlo building to he erected hern hy i lie dominion government he reported that thrt post office de partment approved nf the proposed site rxlendlng from the north corner of martin street to the town hall and the option price ttfi0 h wished to know if that alto would be satisfac tory t he town h was sssured that no other would bo so popular he aid that as the ette was so large commodious building could be expect ed with goqfjdenoe that though the original appropriation was only toooo that was merely for a start and that be would not be aurprisad if the ex penditure would reach 30000 mlltoo ha good reason to be grateful to mr henderson and will be more ao if be can prevail on ihe government to mske the building combined post office and customs bouae champion mo duea hoottnjr tjntu beps le ducks hav been seen on fairy lake the pest week and certain personshsre have been bring at them the emend ment to the ontario gam and fish arias act of but s of the legisla tive assembly enacts i that the open season for duck of all kind or any other waterfowl end snipe rail plover or any other bird known shore birds or wadeiw in tha northern dis trict of the province of ontario shall be from the first day of september to the afteanth day of decern her in each year both daya inclusive andjn the southern district of ontario from tha fifteenth itay of srptrmher to the fifteenth day of december inclusive the hose of the canadian pacific rail- way are used to divide the province into northern and aouthsrn districts a further amendment any t no person shall discharge any gun or other fire arm at any game between sunset and sunris uingvaoerul row a most unseemly row occurred among a family of oallolana resident on beardmore orescent on sunday afternooit several jtllier foreigner board in the house mid they were out of town saturday night and brought back a quantity of liquor after tb drinking lhe fpwj pit be the alleged husband of the woman ottbt house quarrelled with the woman end smashed furniture tore up bedding and committed rough house generally morris ssxe who uodsrstattds the language of three foreigners we sent for and uoeeded i quieting tlie row constable lawon was also on the acatnv he read the riot act to tb crowd informed them if there v was any repetition he would havetbewhol erowd locked up end ave them to understand if they are lo live here thsy must altd b brit it li law and oonqwt imui m p iu the postponed e of knar sunday school to berlin last thu re- day was another on the ust of succeae ful pic nlc excursions of ibis ecbool the weather was delightful and the attendance was large the three pedal cere were crowded to the door the day spent in berlins beautiful park was delightful of course the dinner and tea provided nndar the auspice of the school were enjoyed by all the merry mxkere arrived home at nine oclock in the evening ohiwsoni oornwtb on friday evening last mr and mr andrew murrey sr were agreeably lurprised when all the member of th family met at their home to offer congratulations tomnmuityublqg the occasion of her birthday during the evening mr end mr murray were the recipients of she following address end presentation t dkah fatuitu amd hotiikil on f loving addition to expressing our eongralulav inlng her social and personal mies jennie mclean vulad rriends in krin over sunday robert flsbsr pnl hunday with friends in brio mr cbas a o matthews oftoron- o was home over sunday miss ktbel matthews of berlin li ted rriends here thle week mrs eorge stovell of huclph visit- ed acton friends this week j hies neule wilt urns i vislung her aunt mrs nixon in dundalk mr will rterricker of berlin visit ed aetoe frie over stands mrs jsnnle amns of gilt waa home for a few days this week mies muriel morris is visiting her mend mies millie bath at weeton mr and mrs jama heoderaon left i tuesday for a trip to manitoba mr clarence femley of toronto mad acton friends a weekend sunt mies josle stephenson ha been isltlng friends at detroit during the reek mr king cooper end daughter ka are holidaying this week in new uskeerd john mllhaueen end hie eon john of ilerlln visited acton friends this week mrs a h kuhl of kansas city o is a guest at the home of mr adam cook master lavergne lelng of slmcoe visiting hie aunu the misses lalng mai ia street mr and mr a k nick ii n are ex pected back from saskatoon bask next week mr a umoore and master arthur of toriknto spent thursday with aoton friends mra u a jonee and children of st stephen n b are visiting friends in the old home messrs lawreno william and frank gladu left on tuesday on a trip to ilartney man mseers chest sr agnew end duncan mcarthur look in thesicuralou in the northwest on tuesday mia blake or nlsgaraon thelake sea guest during the week of mrs o s smith at pair view plane mr j m moore of the herald georgetown returned boas lee week from ao enjoyable outing in muekoka hie thomas baaton of carnduff sask and mua fran ton spent eeveral days during tb week si gutfet nf mr and mr j u reed mr k j green and mies ruth wheeler of la crosse wis who have been visiting mr and mrs adam cook have left ror their home mr o s smith and messrs a m smith geo wallace asd h p moore attended tb funeral of the late dr robertson at milton late thursday mr thomas ramabaw and daughter nld of park dale are spending a few weeks very pleasantly with her niece mr hugh mouutcheon 3rd hoe krin mrs obas johnston and mlaslnlle and masters klmore and gordon have returned after spending several weeka with mr johnston father in lndlng- ton mich mr anna maddock left test wed- esday for vancouver b c to visit relauves there she will eleo visit friends in the north west en route on her return home mra b v oaldwell visited friend at bertie last week hex little daugh- rho were holidaying with their grandparents there returned home iwltli their mother mrs harold dasu and- da uf mttohel have been guests at the home of mr joseph holmes bower avenue the past week or so mr davis was here for a day or two hurt week mr and mrs william johnstoo of sutton bay new llskserd formerly of aoton announoa the marriage of their daughter annie beettle le mr jam wxbster of sutton bay the marriage to take place nn the ssth august mr and mrs retuey of portage le prairie man have been visiting friend in acton and vicinity the peel week or so mrs retney nee miss jennie zimmerman left acton twenty year ago for the west and this i her first visit back to th old borne mis ruby clark and miss gertrude johnstone of aaton ont have started home after a visit at the home of mr r f johnstone 810 sjxth avenue in their honor a very pleas ant gathering of young people waa held oo thursday night at mrs john stones home saskatoon phoenix raurhjc0 uaxatv gr best lor nursing mothers beosuse tbey do eel affeol lhe rest of ths system mlldbutsure 25c box si your drorrtti- fall suit cte utlofnu of nully vult- lagh just arrived and are oo displsy in our window this weak doaotfsll to mm them whos your tailor irfjt us make you a sutt from yur thotce of any of thow natty jmhcrns oualitv hrvi x vn and wostcuaiomir k or money refunded call sad get acoalntecl o j wallace vam men stor learn stenography oet oeed job at a qood salary write tor pertleulmswl ya old mirrors resilvered new ones made to order writ i imstea stitlag siie of mirror agents wanted b j 7rturiirm sok aaa oublrh ont tighter feel that in sing our congratula tion to mother upon altalnrng alxtyeeventy birthday w should add a few word to you both sxpresslve of our effecllon for you and our appreci ation of your loving care end multi plied effort in our behalf from daya of our infancy and all through the inter vening years your live have been an lncentlvt us not only to right living hut also to activity and proper methods we feel tat these principle will never be rgotteo a token of our love and gratitude we ask that you toother will accept this dreks and you father these slipper we trust that gods bleeelnj may continue to rest upon y thai you may both be spared fin for many mr and mrs murray were complete ly surprised and feelingly replied to the klnd words and deed of the family ice cream and other refresh ment war served and a very plea ant time was spent by all mrs clark wife ofnur new pastor aesfaeotlh choir her on hiinday morning and rendered en exoellant solo mr and mr jas mcmillan attended the funeral of mrs robt scott llm- bouse ust wednesday mra j h crinn visited ber brother and other friends in rock wood till week mis anderson oftbrohto spent a fewyelthisayusln mnwur dennis mr tbo green of guelph spent tile weekend at mr wm dennie m roy wansborougb ol toronto visited with frjands here over sunday mrs ja dampler rnlurued to her home in hamilton on monday mr h damplar aocommpanled her for a short vtjilt dbainq wrnt ah ixuiahlttsl a jew had occasion to sell soma egg tqe publican and after counting them and paying for them the publican found that there was one over he suggested that it waa tbrowh in but the jew protested that this would oeverdo so it was ag that he ebould have a drink for the extra en what will you hvr who undlord asked 7 kgg eedmllk replied sully no mmt oolsttv a tialt despatch to the london free pre sayit the free pre learn on goodauthuritythilbfl employees of a local foundry have formed a eocuty to whinhj ntoal of the empmyeae belong the object of which is that all tt members si not eat meat this la cons lo be e protest against the high cost of living meat is beoouilng a luxury and the toon claim u hi one food that is no necessary the clydesdale stallion royal prince 2814 wluboillbo dominion hotel stables acton bvekv 1vesdav arriving shoot boon snd remsinlng until 7 p txsus to insure a los i sipavabls ist february loij all accidents i o msrss at rsilik nkil oilui8 proprietor qgpqyqy w6e right house riahiltons ravoutc shornno flaci sik clear 20 per cent profit by buylnr vonr fm dniof the rs august sale of fursf every far or set of vuti in tim right house stock has been reduced in price at least per cent for this august sale of furs this reduction js absolutely guaranteed it rriearrs that when this sale ends saturday august ist the prices will be advanced immediately by one fifth you need little money now simply by making a very small deposit you may select your furs and have us put them aside for you until november 1st or earlier it yon desire there is no extra charge for this convenience in this way you are given not only the advantage of the reduced prices but also the convenience of more than two months to pay for them j fur coats made to measure you may have some special design in mind for a fnr coat to suit your own individuality if so bring your probjem to the right iouse our experts will make your fur coat to suit your taste and you will be allowed a 2 per cent reduction from the regular price we cannot impress upon you too etrongly the importance of this august fur sale the prices will be greatly increased before long besides there is no expense in making the trip to hamilton because railroad tares are refunded on a very liberal basis avavaes j thomas c watkins limited king and hughson sta hamilton ont brjfeojtarjfodibsbdftd august cleanup sale a remarkable sale of beautiful dresses this is practically an unrestricted clearance price un all summer dresses have hovn lowered lo a mere fraction of their actual value we have not wsltod until the close of the season to have this great sale but are balding it new when tbht summer merchandise is at the very height of it serviceability to yon theres left of hot weather ahead of us yet white underskirts dk49 worhens white underskirts deep noonday lac and embroidery trimmed worth from j oo to to oo august sale price e styles muslin nrrsses k this la one of the season best offerings wemens pretty mnxlln dresses high waistline and low neck trimmed with beautiful laco and insertions also handsome chambrsy dresses in plain colors piped with white braid all this season styles to clear during august sale at house dresses mtt a good assortment or womens home dresses in navy and black with white spot low necks and short sleeve very special at lhja uuslw dresses vkc womens muslin dresses with pretty lace yoke sad uoe trimmed sleevos in black and white also blue and while worth from tsso to 4 jo august clean up sale price each ftc lawn and embroidery waists s9c in the value we have been offering le the waist the models of lawn and allover embroidery with panel fronts hlgb and low neck with ertxxbubrloueitv drks3e3ttaqno ruk of amtdsome dreew all tl having new set- in sleeves high waist line and low necks made of extra good quality alt oyei siaea worth from e oo to a aj clean up sale price departi omlng truumiagor pretty lace other with embroidered froatsi in nersixpray design with long sleeves and high cellar von cannot have t many pretty vralabt se come in and take yem iholce of these while they ust a each corset covers mcoae table of broken lines and odd else ef weraeea whb lawn buck lustre end print blouses corset cover and dressing saque to clear at each c- ruslfilpi rooilng is strongly flrercsbmnf rated firstclass by fire insurance com- pantes itwulnot ifnlls from sparks or bumlnr hrsndi and has saved many a butldlnr made under canadian pxteats 93027 snd 93160 in 3 permanent colors rod brown green and in natural slate your desler should be able to supply you u not write for samples i meat ctolktac d e macdonald bros cor wyodkan aod ftucdoae street guelrb ont dreu goods no to mnrii tlmn mm wttwt it nlkl great slaughter graahewuc tknrare garden took asd t heavy goods fni rrftiiuihwiiram vnbnr rcm balow co t o 1 call a tmilnnr 8tw sfn ftula sttmt dp ud uk prkim m hi hcton oliilcfrosji oty for fletchers it wab doiho duty an irish soldier while on rurtougb lost hu left eye i but not wishing to leave the service he got glaaa one lii it plan before raturalog to bm regiment using somewhat absent mi however it appealed oo par- aaeonaywilhouncrvt-s- the sergsantmajor yoij are lm- properly dressed tuu have com no iparada wlh only on eye pat wa in oo way nonplussed however with olivracteristlo irlrh reedlneaa be n- swsred 1 left it in my quarter eorr to keep ao eie on my kit the man who cannot find a god in the univtrs luaoover one lo a mirror you never lo your own joy by lending lia wtherw mlsfotiuno i vew tklngt are gmd mm we xpeot ttuetatou bank of hamilton iimhpiuih i i l snsmjadcmlpnistik tt h w jm u a m tb in ol liilipiilwni md ot hgnujp loai tb ifcci or riiim tom ibu p msyo i ww mon uiwrlm lluw ih jmiom aw mosioa wmobuiwjhu sowii iiiiii p o n hatdlr ml l nntatly 01 tnduuy but tmr ww iii to kia xxh to imuomjum imwkmol ml ukuttowcown bmandb t56e grand trunk railway system seaside bxcdrsions set e s daltumtmuuhlliu lu sommek scsorra in hiohlands of ontasi0 opper lake sailings tmllw irau mmi for ho u4 pm iwnu homessekersbxeiiralons ho oiummib or out 1 afuatsala seessa bstlsn lsttle lawyei ztlatssmwmiwmri s jhl strsrturitsfvvs ar voritoe a raor t haelaa ar husstnea av iisteekee ttlt 1rpea aavtu s0 11s9sq1 too a in a m asv any qrandj trunk agent for 1ilwfotrottou tickets berth rsserva- 1 lions ftr writo a e duff d f a union button toronte ont perfection i itnttylet ij us mi saltings to band in ell leading atjlea all ordered elothiag made on our promise by experts and uvder i uobi with union xbelea evetjf vty p 81 am or ctothlag b uobi wllo union mustsa uvea m place your order now fertesu i a ajreat far berplready special mftdetaueasr r e neiason aava jtvumbibew mnaitbsisinaisihnsisibiaini it u out p oimlth imtt

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