Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1912, p. 4

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wallpaper new stork now openod roll upwards cutain poles 4 ud 3 iam whll and window shades 0k news t local import call in andbhhouu nkw stock mamhiaoh ljovnsbs imui geo hynds real estate mf lam at lowest rt of tmupttkittmrme barber of farees tr mle etep dwelling and alter plxtperty in nil purtii or the twnu we han every larlluy for truumtfiilbir iir iniui t your aemgdete satisfaction j a willoucub- coorgctewn ftbe ltnn 3fm nss thursday auuiiht j2 10u buef local itlms toronto exhibition opens noxt week tbe schools reopen a week from next tuesday rev ohes i draper expects co occupy bu pulpit next sunday hoamkmper e waxed paper at face pwbw office hpleodid for ptonlos ivlllos pew water works i baa been contracted fur at less than500a repairs and improvement have bom la progrom at hi joseph e church tl pes week gaelpb city council dealt with thirteen by uwi at their meeting on monday evening tbabeardmoreswitchesemisldlngs ar now being ballasted and put into panoaaont condition hooeee for real ere scarce again in town prospects ara good for a txojldlag boom in too near future mj crther late robert utile off public schools died in a at lha ago of 60 yeara in 1883 ail roada will load to toronto lha mat two weeks during the annual fair of the canadian national kxhlblllon two oara oi cedar poles have i rrooi britlab colombia for lha mtrta ud thay ara vary mr grundy of itookwood former- by of anton haa purchased tha bakery twsabsese and property of mr il uur 4ocabrli jooireoto dynes got the house be waa moving to km foundation at the oaruarof elgin and agnes btreeu on tanadar the contractors who are to build um bydrobiaotrlo tranemlsslno line worn lo town an tuesday they ware driving over the route tha olearing weather and bright warm acmshine is generally appreciat ed the bright weather will facilitate um barveetlag of the crope tb purohaalng agent a for tha oaoaatlan northern electric line acton- have about- completed tojo purehaae of tha right of way through town mr mainprise who recently came bo anton from nraoebridge to take a position at the beard more tannery oa eeeured a bouse and la moving hla family to town mr a e nickllu chairman of the board of education who la sojourning a tenant at calgary haa sent the fluke lawn a budget of interesting papera from uiat city the pax piuojm has received sample of oala and wheat from mr oharlee stewart tbnrnloe new ontario the oats measure ft ft 1 in and tha wheat 0 feet crops like these i will pot old ontario in tha dr a douglas lake who has eqooeeflad jr holmee in hla practice neve m a physician of wide experience and attainment his professional 0areoo ftrat page gives ample proof of the the doctor la getting well ao qoalntcd already in town and will no doubt toon feel ajulto at home among maftriaoat uobmbm laeued at office or residence h p mooiue issuer acton ontario lost a brown colored suit esse lettered bbo on one side on the road between ouelph and georgetown noon liberal reward i office roavo osww v onondayafwrooi if kftal alwam rilled with home newe mroco la tub in relieving bis sub cilptlon ilil wa k mji d ii i yim uwtiralop the tituk ilikmh until i 111 you it la like a letter from home and c lines regularly every week lo ell tie of friends and aveula in acton our old home tne b sou radon to the rail the ht ita or kngland escuralan to nlakara palla on saturday was wall pain i land the scui iralu carried nllo passengers from berlin and inter mediate ttatlons acton sent very po table quota hydroaueetvto aeuluea th hydro klrctrlooammlaalon have written the reeve that plans and pec i acs lions are ready for lha trans former station to be erected here local contracture will be asked to tender for the building hup pi lea are coming in every week the whole of the outfit necessary or the local in k tails lion having boun ordered from the manufacturers comlaf baeji to aeton r j n taylor who removed lo ilpli a year or two ago has return ml to a don he says heoan do better iere than influrlpli and prefers acton a plana of residence mis john arthur wh removed to toronto severs years ao la returning t acton and will occupy the hriok house mill hlreet neat to mr j l war- ren s residence hun over by a train at milton alexander lryd of milton waa found on the tracks near that place on tuesday with bis leg out off and badly injured otherwise me died that after i in the toronto western lloapl tal it appears that the man bad been i lilting friends and was walking home n the tiacke when he was struck by 0 i u train lis apparently laid n the tracks all night and it is not known what train struck him he was unc mhctous when found and death was due to lose of blood and shock an wataamed family ramovlna muoh regret is felt at the removal of mr and mrs adsm btewart to uerlln they have been among our moat respected citlaeus for a quarter of a century their family haa grown up here and it is not likely they will ever feel as muoh at home else where they are clllsena 6f a char acter which build up any community progressive ever ready to stand for right things in moral issues and activities they have made their in fluence felt or good uest wlahve follow them and a hearty welcome awaits them if they ever decide to return to acton county faya afh roe auto aoeldeas judge jnrbatn has delivered judg ant in the two suits downs vs llalton and iletl va ualtou in which the plaintiffs both brampton men ilalmed damagae for an auto accident on a country road in august of last year the downs action la dismissed ith costs and mr bell gala a judg mant for 860 and costs we have not so far had an opportunity to read the judgments which are long but we are informed that in tha downs case the judge found contributory negligence on the part of the plaintiff who drove tha machine in the bell oaae the plaintiff waa a passenger and nut responalble for any negligence while the county waa held responsible jots dangerous- road the judge he- ordered that a copy of the judgments bo sent to the oountygouncll obam plan muwmw mew poet ofnee david henderson m p waa in town on saturday and had a talk with prominent cltlaens in connection with the post office building to be erected here hy the dominion government he reported that the poet office de partment approved of the proposed site extending from the north oorner at martin street to the town hell and tha option price 2fe0 us wished to know if that site would be eatlafao- tory to the town ha was aasured that no other would be to popular he said that aa the site waa so large dommodlouebulldlng could be expect ed with confidence that though the original appropriation waa unly ic00o that was merely fore start and that he would not be surprised if the ex pendllure would reach 386000 milton haa good reason to be grateful to mr henderson and will be more so if he can prevail oir the government to make the building a eomblned poet office and customs house champion no due bbootlng until sept ink duoka have been aeon on fairy lake the past weak and certain persona hare have been firing at them the amend ment to the ontario flame and puh eriee act of last session of the leglsla tlve assembly enacts i that the open season for duck of all kinds or any other waterfowl and snipe rail plover or any other birds known as ahore asouiw acton pupil georgo moffat a student of anton o mtlnuatlon school haa just recelv d notice from the kducai ion department that he waa sucre ul in passing the uiddln hchool examination for en iranoe to model schools an able vousf wembei- tbe pulpit of the methodist oliureli was v acceptably occupied last sun day by iu w j klddee utt ii h of lelham center ihs sermons were strong exposition and were delivered with impress veness and power hev mr ftddes was married on tuesday or this weak to a uethodut deaeonees blaeteielty on the raevn just how electricity can be utilised on the farm will be fully shown at the canadian national bxhlllt loo the ilydrryrlectrlo coinmlsh n have taken a large space in the process building where all klmu i farm machinery will be run by the white juice tram niagara it will m a dm nitration no uptodela former can afford to ts new beldaea t the tannarlea the bridge building gang at the tanneries have been ruehlng forward their work since the arrival of the eorgla plnn timbers the big trestu use the valley between the works of lleardmore jo and the acton tanning company la nesting com pletlon it is 2hrt long and twenty four feet high above tha masulve stone piers and butmsnt the timbers are clear pine 8x in inches and principally sixteen feet long there are two smaller bridges and a coal and bark eetle still lo be bullu oca otreie soetal tnl kvanlaa- at last meeting of aotoo home circle a number of new members were initiated a further list of members will be initiated this evening after which a social hour with musical ami library programme will b bald the members of the circle are urgently requested by the oftleeie to attend promptly st 7ifi this evening mr p marsh organiser has been actively engaged in the interest of the circle for several weeks and has been gratify ingly eunoeesful tha aieotenee waa mwapesmled on friday before jodge gorham mitchell kennedy aged ib pleaded guilty to the three charges against film eteallng mopey from i ills of georgetown stores gmo from m its- annie clark ib from mr hamilton and ga50 from another store mlaa clark a money had been found in a stable where kennedy had hidden it and the boy a mother had sent the the f7 so to the two other merchants who had returned it to her as she is a poor woman the judge let the boy off on suspended sentene on condition that ha paya the 7 bo blmsetf he promised to do so a celery plat mr adam cook church street who has been giving close attention to celery raising for several yesrs and getting his garden into prime oondl uoo is first on the market with home grown oelery it is of excellent quel ity tender succulent and well bleach ed mr cook haa about 8000 plants and they certainly look well he oalou lated to raise 0000 or 8000 neat year but unfortunately the garden la in the direct eouree of the new electric road and hla pros pec is ara brought to naught so fsr as raising celery lo these favorable quarters are concern ed another bueeeeejful vaeureaon the postponed excursion of knox sunday school to ilerlln last thurs day ryes another on the uetorswooeee- ful plcnla excursions of this school the weather waa delightful and the attendance waa large the three special oars were crowded tothe doors the day spent in berlin e beautiful park wae delightful of course the dinner and tea provided under the ausploee of the school were enjoyed by all the merry makers arrived home at nine o clock lo the evening kmatohbuub tbe heavy rains era doing vomu aacftege to the crops somp of the data nd peas ara taking a troond growth which will make tbetu harder lo get dry for harvesting the crops wan good it in hoped they may le ygf harvested in good shape mr wllbert haw reoelved a severe kjgtt frow horse last week he will baable to be around in a few days mjm auwmuier ol milton is visit ipgr her aunt vfrv asxeew of kjjatcb mr cheater agnew or knatohbull left for the west on tuesday we with htw suoeees mry blwood wilson theshsr com eooed the eeaeon a rounda laat vrl day v m bobeit fulton haa purchased a najsr waterloo aeperatoror threshing tapfaltfaatit hook wood yve denfaeaj ha cured i ue esnaet resell lbs ckbwaoms oornmtta on friday evening last mr and mrs andrew murray br were agreeably surprised when all the members of the family met at their home to offer congratulations to mrs murraylt being tbe occasion of her birthday during the evening mr and mrs murray re the recipients of the following address and presentation i dau fitoan au motiiwh on this bfppy occasion we your loving a daugbtare feel that in soaal and pebs0nal miss jennie mafjean vulled friend krin over sunday mi itobert fisher with friends in krin mr ohaa a g matthews ortoron to was home over sunday llles kthel matthews of berlin tailed friends here this week mraorge8tevelrdfgueipb visit d acton mends this week mis nellie williams is visiting her ut mrs nixon in dundalk mr will sterrlcksr of berlin vlajj ed acton friends over sunday re jennie akins of oalt was home or a few daya this week miss muriel morris is visiting her lend miss millie bath at weston mr and mrs james henderson left t tuesday far a trip to manitoba mr clarence fsmlsy or toronto made aototi friends a weekend visit miss josle htepheoenn has been siting frlende at detroit during tbe week mr king cooper and daughter kva are holidaying this week in new lukeard r john mllhausert and has son john of berlin visited acton friends tbla week mrs a h kuhl of kansas city mo is a guest at the home of mr adam cook master ievergne lslng of hlmcoe is visiting his aunts the misaea lelng maila street mr and mrs a k nicklln are ex peeled back from saskatoon saak sat week mr a ii moore and master arthur toronto spent thursday with acton r rfbnds mrs d a jones and children ofht stephen n b are visiting friends in the old home sears lawienon williams and frank cladu left on tuesday on a trip to hartney man essrs chester agnew and duncan mcarthur took in ths excursion lo the northwest on tuesday miss blake of niagara on i he- lake aa a guest during the week of mrs c s hmlth at fatrvlaw place r j m moore of tbe herald georgetown returned borne laat week from an enjoyable outing in muakoka mrs thomas beaton of carnduff bask and mlaa fran ton pent several dayadurlng the week aa guests of mr and mrs j ii iteed rs k j green end mlsa itulh wheeler of la oroese wis who have been visiting mr and mrs adam cook have left for their home mrs c b smith and meesrs a m smith geo wallace and u p moore atteoded the funeral of the lata dr itobert son at milton late thursday mrs thonsaa namshaw and daughter knld of park dale are spending a few weeks very pleasantly with her niece i mrs hugh mooutcbeon 3rd line krin mrs chas johnston and miss lottie and masters ulntore and gordon have returned after spending several weeks with mrs johnston s father in ludlng ton mich i mrs anna maddock left last wed nesday for vancouver b 0 to vlalt relatlvcc there she will also visit frisnda in the north west en route on her return home mrs f caldwell visited friends at barrie last week her daugh ters who were holidaying with their grandparents there returned home isilh their mother mrs harold davis and daughter of mltabel have lieen guests at the home of mr joseph holmes bower avenue the past week or ao mr davie was here- for a day or two laat week mr and mrs william johnston or sutton bay newlwkeard formerly of acton announce the marriage uf their daughter annie beatllr to mr james wi bster of sutton bay the marriage to take place on the 28tb august mr and mrs itaiuey of portage la prairie man have been vultlng frlende in actoo and vlolnlty tha past week or so mrs kamey nee mlaa jennie zimmerman left acton twenty years ago for the weet and this is her first visit beck to the old home mlaa kuby clark and mies gertrude johnstone of acton out have started home afier a visit at the home of mr r f johnstone 81ft sixth avenue in their honor a very pli ant gathering of young people waa held on thursday night at mra john stones home saskatoon phoenix harduucol laxatives are beat for nursing moth ore boos use i hey do not affect the rait of the m lid but sure 3so at your dru flats ntemsaoe fall suit coo patt lugs juu ur dk lay in una of natty knit rlvcd and are on i ur window iliu lio not fall to mm them who rt your tailor i at uh make yotl a suit from your iholce of any of hew unity im horns otmlliv stvik ill and wokttmanhiur guaranteed or money refunded call and get acquainted o j wallace vim man a stor learn stenography i lt wl qood job t aood blw writ fo fmuaiilr ejpwirfw itytxoqsxxnqjpcyqyqyqyqa w6e right house hamilton ravohte shorrino flace sitc a cleat 20 per wot profit by buying your furs durlaf tbe august sale of furs every for or set of fcurs in the rkjht house stock has been reduced in price at wastjgi per cent for this august sale of fors this reduction is absorutjely guaranteed it means that when this salrronds saturday auguat sxpt the prices will bo advanced immediately by one filth you need utile money now simply by making a very small deposit you may select your furs and have us put them aside for you until november 1st or earlier it you desire there is no extra charge for this convenience in thin way you are given q not only the advantage of the reduced pnccs but also the convenience of g more than two months to pay for them fur coats made to measure you may have some special design in mind for a fur coat to suit your own individuality if so bring your u problem to the rioiit house our experts will make your fiur coat to suit your taste and you will be allowed a 99 per cent reduction from the regular price we cannot impress upon you too strongly the importance of this august fur sale the prices will be greatly increased before long besides there is no exponse in making the tnp to hamilton because railroad fares are refunded on a very liberal basis thomas c watkins limited 1 king and hughson sts hamilton ont old mirrors resilvered new ones made to order wrilo lor allni alkllng all of mirror agents wanted b j 7curlin aox ana ouilph ont tittus or waoei trlct of the province or ontario shall he from the flrat day of september to the fifteenth day of december in each year both days inclusive and in the eouthern district of ontario iron the fifteenth day of september to the fifteenth day of deoetnbar inclusive the lines of the oenadhn palbe rail wayare used to divide the provlnoe into northern and eouthern districts a further amendment says i no person snail discharge any gun ur other fire arm at any game between sunset and sunrise ulaerraoerul bow oa beardnare orea a moat unseemly row ooourred among a family of ga helena resident ou beardmore orescent on sunday afternoon several other foreigners board in the house and lhay were out of town saturday night and brought back anjnithy of humor after the drinking the row began pit baoov the alleged husban of t wo of the house quarrelled with thfvfomariaod addition to expressing our oongratula- tlone to mother upon attaining her eutyeeveuty birthday we should add a few words lo you both expressive of our affection for you and our appreol atlon of your loving care and roultl piled efforts to our behalf from daya of our infancy and all through the inter vening yeare your uvea have bean an incentive to us not only to right living but also to activity and proper methods we feel that these prleriplee will never be i fot i dtah irfa our love- gr ha we aak that you mother will accept this dreaa and yoo father these slippers we truat that ood a blessing may continue to rust upon you and thai you may both be spared for many yeare to come your arravmonatb ouildrmm mr and mrs murray wereeomplete- ly surprised and feelingly replied to the kind words and deada of tha family ice cream and other refresh menu were served and a very pleas ant time was spent by all mra clark wife of our new pastor aaaleted the choir here on sunday morning and rendered an excellent eolo mr and mrs jasmcmlllanalteuded the funeral of mra root seott lime- bouse laat wednesday mrs j h grippe visited her brother and other friends ln4tockwood this weak mlaa anderson of toronto spent a few days with bar cousin mrs win dennli dbalino with am imahute a jew had occasion to sell some eggs to a publican and alter counting them and paying for lham the publican found that there waa one over he auggeated that it waa thrown fn but the jew protested that this would never do so it was agreed that he should have a drink fur the extra what will you haver the landlord ej ugg and mllw replied sully mo pi mat eeocletty a gait despatch to the london free press says i the free preee learns on good authority that tbe employees of a local foundry have formed a society u which most of the employees belong tbe ohjeet of which is that all ita member shall not eat meat this is considered to be a protest agalns the high cost ol living meat is becoming a luxury ant tbe men claim it hvpoa food that is not neoeseary the clydesdale stallion royal prhce 2814 will to at th dominion hotel stables acton bveky tubsdai arriving about noon snd remaining untu 7pm txaua to iniure a loal iii payable m february tgij all accidents to teams at owners risk mb1l oillics proprietor august cleanup sale a homarkable soje of beautiful dresses this u practically an unrestricted clearance pricea on all summer dresses have been lowered to a mere fraction of their acteal value we have not welted until the close of the season to have this great sale but are balding it new when this summer merchandise is at the very height of its serviceability to you there s lefs of hot weather ahead of us yet whitb underskirts 24 women a white underskirts deep flouncing lace and embroidery trimmed worth from 3 oo to 6 oo august bale price prkttyfimbroilkby drbs3e3 to one rack of handsome dresses all thbt eeasea- styles having new setin sleeves high waist line and low necks made of extra good quality all over embroidery all aiam worth from too to gs sj clean up rale price 43 tbv muslin dresses tek this ia one of the seasons best oneringa wemeua pretty m hlb waistline and low neck trimmed with beautiful uvea and insertions also handsome chaw rltbqlpi hoofing is stronly llrereatttlng fated tlrstclasa by fire insurance cem- panles it will aot ignite from sparks or burning brands snd has savstl msny a butldlnr made 93 027 and 93160 in 3 permanent colors rod brown green end in natural slate your detler should be eble lo supply you if not write lor samples booklet and prices to ilhe ii beuc abeam iliiissvaas tawfteessr irawcaeiriii ihai i e chanabray dresses inpiatn colors piped wltvwhlto braid allthls aeasonsi styles to clear during august sale at fcttev house dresses b1ks a good assortment of women a house dresses in aavy and black with white spot low necks and abort sleeves very special at sli muslin dress e3 hc womens muslin dresses with pretty loos yoke aad lace trimmed sleeves in black and white also blue and white worth from ts 50 lo 4 y- august clean up bale price each bhc lawn and embroidery waists fidc in the values we nave been offering in tha waist departsaent there ere these models of lawn and allover embroidery with panel fronts high and low becks with becoming trimming of pretty lace others with embroidered croats in floral spray design with umg sleevee and high cellars you cannot have too many pretty waists so come in and take your choice of these while they last at each corset covers c one table of broken lines and odd xlses ei women a white lawn black lustre and print blouses corset covers and dressing baques to clear at each 39c b corse b luti od ptfat i i meat clithtar 2 d e macdonald bros cocwyndham and macdooel streets goetrh ota press goods noshoroh win m baa it great slaughter of craalteware thrware garden toots ud al heavy goods 111 vt tkapotary siom spdcbls u1 stram tbmj id uk piiom on wy ihlngyoa mill o o speight kcton mashed furniture tore up bedding and committed rough house generally morris same who tiaderatanda the language of these fnoqlgnera wait sent for and euooeeded in qulalirig the row constable lawaon w also on that aeanr ha read the hot net to tha crowd litfonned them if there l any repetition he wnotdhavetbawhole crowd looked hl and gave mietn- understand lr thry are to live hare they must abide by british laws and conduct themselves a peaceful eltl wfja- c tt crt t mr thne fireen of ouelph apent the weekend at mi avm dennis mrs hoy wanaboroogb of toronto visited with frlende here over sunday mra jas dampler returned to her home in hamilton on monday mrt ii dampler abonmnapanlad bar for k alyrt vlalt it wa doiho duty an irish soldier while 011 furluugb lol his left eye 1 but nut wjshlng lo leave the eervloe he got a glass one in ita plana before returning to but regiment being somewhat absent minded however ita appeared 00 par iadi the ohildrejef r bank of hamilton 156e grand trunk railway system seaside excursions is 3 bunhraiig3ibtiivia oaxt uthl axbaojtlmo auu summer anom im highlands of ontajiio wtor rati par llgetars to sauiaa trssk upper lake sailings homeseekersexoursjons aawaetbsaevd liewaber are sailfua via araua or ouawgra tueeta aee ear mo puamoal o gavjtb swttlwmi sav naeseteay on i vtesbsasreslotl a rmeaail lv wlaalpai ar taraton ar oaeera- v reajaa ar bukshtoa wseaaeaeavtrss- ssesss jsttsk aaw c0ptn bmatu it am aak any grand trunk agent rortull lafermatlon tkketa berth reaerva tlone or write a b duff d p a uttloa station toronto ont perfection iylerilf and cleui qiialltyvltf evy thlabriluuu htte nw anihnga to hand in all leading at lea au ordered clothing made on our premises by expert and mder jtha xaaat ssaltaryt oondl- tloas with unlonlubelan ever r frifceil hlbm reaaonablc place your order now fo t 11 itw p bi am atto agwatr bet it ready special maleto-meaa- 3 ate clothlbg i s benelison r

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