Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1912, p. 5

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wallpaper new mork now opened t prom jc per roll upward curtain poles mdjlw wbluudoik wmpow shades in cream ireen and while 1 lain eos sad laser loo call in and see our new stock umutfcalim uoinsu iuuid geo hynd8 aotoh ontahio real kstatje hney to imm at lowrat rate nf laierest large tbr of fans far tale cheap dwellings ad auaer praperty in all parts or the tewb we have every larllllyror traanacua er business to yaur eaaialeu satisfaction j a willouchbv veanrrlewa ftbe uton jtrce rm tuurhday aufjuht aa luu btlef local items toronto hihlbitlon on next wmk tbe schools reopen a wmii from aaxt tuesday bv ohas d draper expect to occupy bla pulpit next hunday housekeeper waxed paper at bkk pbjout office splendid for pwtoloa streetevllle a pw water works system baa been contracted for at less tlas00a slepelrs and improvement have bma la progress at st joaapb church tha past mk guslpb city council dealt with tiurteea bylaws at their meeting 00 hooday evening tbelrd more swltohee and sidings at now being ballasted and put into t condition for rant aw scarce again in town p are good for a bttudlag boom lo uw near future u 0 the uta robert little of public schools died in n at tb age of 60 years in 1883 s all roads will lead to toronto the next two weeks during the annual air ot the canadian national exhibition two oars of oadar poles have attired from british oolnrnbla for the rfdrobjaotrlo lln they are very mr qrundy of kookwood former ly ol juotoo baa purchased the bakery business and property of mr il alur- 4okbria uoetrector dynes got the house he waa vmid to its foundations at the ooraer of elgin and agnes street on tuesday the contractors who are to build uw hydroelectric transmission line were lo town on tuesday they were driving over the route tbe clearing weather and bright warn sunshine is generally appreciat ed the bright weather will facilitate mm barvasu of tba crops tba parohaalng agents or the frintrf northern electric una through acton have about completed ibe purchase of tbe right of way i through town jdr mainprise who recently came tt anton front nracsbridge to take a position at tbe beerdmore tannery baa eeurd a bouse and la moving bis i faiaoy to town mr ab- nldklin olialrmaoor the board ox education whole sojourning ak present at calgary has sent tbe fn pasta a budget of interesting papers born that city j the tfruur pmiojh has received samples of oats and wheat from mr obarles htewart thornloe new ontario the oats measured ft 1 in tad tba wheat fl feet crops like these anpka will put old ontario in the dr a douglas lake who baa djooesdsd dr hulraes la his practice beta is a physician of wide experience and attainment his professional or oa arst page give ample proof of thxtwthe doctor la getting well ac quainted already in town and will no dottbt soon feel quite at home among kewlaoe uolnlm issued at office or residence ii p hooiue issue acton ontario lost a brawn colored suit case lettered h b o on one side on the road between ouelpb and leorgetnwn oncafooday af bsruoon liberal reward if left at pajtu paxes office knatpubulx tba heavy rain are doing some ttataage to the crops borne of ibe oafs sad peas are taking a second growth wh will make thorn harder to gt dry for harvesting- the crops ware good it is hoped they may be yt harvested in good shape tfr filbert haw received a sea utfcfraui a horse last week tie will barable to be around in a few days nt mfbm alice moier of milton u vl ig bsr aunt mrs agnew of knai lalt- knalcb chester agnew of knatobbull left or tbe west on tuesday we wrleb blua success mr blwood wllsoti theshsr coni- jmnppd tbe seasons rounds last prl day jr bomijt fulton has purhased a osmwa separator or threshing a u arrlted at bookwood yesterday news op local import alwejra pilled with hen nw mr quo lamb in renewing hutut scilptlon thin wevk maya i uunl yiw ever atop the fiikk piiksh until i twll yuu it la like a letter from home and come regularly every wevk to tell us of frlenda and nvsnts in actoo oar old tbe elau to ttte stella the hoita of england excursion to niagara falls on alurdy waa well tr4tilxed tha special train carried 000 pn angers from bsvlln and inlar- msdlals ktationa acton sent a very rttpc table quota hydra- me et aslvtuaw i tbllydruelrctricoanimlioabave writun lit reeve that plab and i bpeolflcslions are ready for tba trans utnur station to be erected here local contractors will be asked tn tender for tile building huppuea are coming n every weak xhe whole of the outfit rtccaeaary for tbe local in etallatlon having lten ordnred from the manufacturers oomlog fasl to acton mr j n taylor who removed to junlpli a year or two ago has rail od to acton he saya he can do better here than inguelph and prefers acton as a place of residence 5 john arthur who removed lo toronto several years ago is returning i acton and yrill occupy tbe brick house on mill street next to mr j l war ren a resldeno run over by m tvson at muums alsxandar pryds of hilton was found on tba tracks near that place on tuesday with bis leg cut off and badly injured otherwise he died thatafter- noon in th toronto western hoapl tal it appears that tbe man bad been visiting friends and was walking boms on ths tracks when be was struck by a j p r train he apparently laid on the tracks all night aud it la not known what train struck him he was unconscious when found and death was dus lo loss of blood sod hock an m eased pmmlur ransovtast much regret is felt at tbe removal of mr and mrs adam stewart to iseriln they have been among our moat respected citlsaus for a quarter of a century their family has grown up here and it is not likely they will ever feel aa much at home else where they are citizens of a char acter which build up any community progressive ever rvady to stand for right things in ntoral issues and activities they hays made their in fluence felt for good bast wishes follow thsm and a hearty weloosne awaits them if they ever decide to return to acton anaslies avion pupil fa snarl george uoffat a student of acton continuation school has just raeelml iittloe imho tbe education iepartmenl that be was suoresanl lu pa wing the middle school ex aiu liiatlon for en iranos to uodsfhoboola tn pulpit of tha llethodlat church was very acceptably occupied laitsun day by rev w j flddeh lite ii of iwlnenr cantor ilia awrtuona went strong exposition and were delivered with luaprmilvenesa and power rev mr plddes was married on tuesday of this wank to a methodul deaconess tatlse esa is ittjmnt suesetto st aalsasssss essdiuoa ol radars hart a osr attto ao judge oorham baa delivered judg- 1 nient in the two suits downs vs halton and ball vs ualtou in which the pulnttnv both brampton men lalmed damage for an auto accident n a country road in august of last year tbe downs action la duunlsssd with coats and mr bell gals a judg ment for vigo and oosts we have not so far had an opportunity to read tbe judgments which are long but we are informed that in the downs case tha judge found contributory negligence on lb part of khe plaintiff who drove tb machine in in bell the plaintiff was a passenger and not responsible for any negligence while tha county was held responsible for a dengeroua road the judge has rdsrad that a copy of ths judgments be aant to tba county council obam- plnn mutoaw mew poet ouoe david henderson u p was in town on saturday and bad a talk wlib prominent cltlaena in connection wltb the post office building to be erected here by the dominion government he repotted that lbs post office ds- j pertinent approved of thf proposed site extending from the north corner at martin street to tha town ball and tim option price ftfttq h wlaksd lo know if that site would be satlafso- i tory to tbe town he was assured ibt no other would beapopulsr he sab that aa tbe alls was so large a anmmodloua building could be expect ed wltb cooadeaos that tbougbjtbe original appropriation waa only scqqqi that waa merely for a atari and that he would not be surprised if the ex penditure would reach 11000 hilton has good reason to be grateful to mr henderson and will be more eo if he can prevail on ibe qoarpavant to make the building a combined post office and customs house champion no duek snooting haul sep let ducks have been seen on fairy lake tbe peat weekend certain persons hr have been firing at them the anend- mant tu the ontario came and fish eries aot of last session of tbe legisla tive assembly enacts 1 that tbe open season for duck of all kinds or any other waterfowl and snipe rail plover or any other birds known aa shore birds ur wadare in the northern dis trict of the province of ontario shall be from the first day of september to the fifteenth day of deosmber in each year botb days inclusive and in ihu southern mkrict of ontario from the flf taenia day of- flsptemher to tba flfisantb day of deosmber inclusive the lines or tbe canadian pacific ball way ar used to divide ibe province into northern and southern districts a further amendment say t no person hall discharge any gun or other fire arm at any game between sunset and sunrise ulsstbaoaru now on r crast a most unseemly row occurred among a famhr of gellelana resident on beardmore orescent on sunday afternoon severe other foreigners board in the boose and ibey were out lof town saturday night and brought beck a quantity of liquor after tbe drinking tba row began pis bacov tbe alleged husband of tbe woman of the house quarrelled with the woman nod sioaahed furniture tore up bedding and committed rough house generally herri suae who understands the language uf these foreigners vtaa sent fur and succeeded in quieting the row constable laweon was also on tbe scan he read the riot not to tba k informed thsm f there any repetition be wnold havelb whole crowd itteked up and gave 4hem uij understand if ihry are to live here just how electricity can b utilised on the form will be folly ahown kt tbe canadian national kxblblllon the llydroklsctrla cotntnulon has taken alargospaoe in the process building where all kinds of farm marhlnary will be run by tbe whit juice from niagara tvrih bn a demonstration no up- to data farmer can afford to tnlas tbs hew betdnee t ute tswnoriaa tb bridge building gang at tba tanneries have han rushing forward their work since the arrival of tbe mirgta pine umbers the big trestle across the vslley between lb work of heerdatore a co and the acton tanning company la nesting com plstlon r isxdoftwl long and twenty four feet high above the massive stone piers and hutments the timbers are clear pins hx 10 inches and principally sixteen feet long there are t smaller bridges and a coal and bark irastla still to be built hoaaa clrsls oetejta at last meeting of acton hone circle a number of new initiated a farther list of members will be initiated ule evening alter which s social hour with musical and litrary programme will be held the members of uie circle are urgently requested by ths officers to attend promptly at 7 4fi this evening v mareb organiser has been actively engaged in tb interest of the circle for several weeks and has been gratify ingly successful on friday before jadge oorham mitchell kennedy aged 10 pleaded guilty to tb three charges ageinat him stealing moosy rrotri i ills of ceorgatnwn stores g90 from mib anal clark 15 from mr hamilton and g3fi0 from another store hiss olarka money bad been found in a stable where kennedy had hidden ft and the boys mother had sent tbe the fttjso to tb two other merchanla who had returned it to bsr as she la a poor woman the judge let tbe boy off on suspended sentence on condition that he paya ths s7 so blmaeir he promised to do so nsjasows qatsry wot iv adam oook church streel who bean giving close attention to celery raising for several year and getting his gsrdsn into prime oondl uoo is first on the market with home grown celery it u of excellent qua ity tender suoenlent and wall bleaoh- mr oook has about 9000 plants aadtheycertalnlylookwall uecalcu lateditorsbte 0000 or 8000 net t year but unfortunately tbe garden is la the direct course of the new electric road and bis prospscls are brought to naught so fsr ss raising celery in these favorable quarter are 0000s rn- the postponed excursion of knox hunday school to berlin last thurs day waa another on the list 6f success ful plcole excursions of this school the weather was delightful and tbe attendance waa large tbe three trial oar were crowded to the doors the day spent in berlins beautiful park was delightful of oours tbe dinner and tea provided under the an a picas of the school were enjoyed by all the merry makers arrived home at nine uolook tn the evening fefiteesm chalwsjohal oornam on friday evening last mr and mrs andrew hurray mr wars agreeably surprised when all tbe members of tbe family met at their home to offer congratulation tu mrimntraylt being the occasion of her birthday during the evening mr and mrs hurray were the recipients of the folio wing address and presentation 1 dash fatukb and muthick on this happy oeossloo we your loving eons and daughters rl that in addition tq expressing our congratula tion to mother anon attaining her matyseventy birthday w should add a few words to you both expressive of our affection for you and our appreci ation of your loving care aud mult piled effbeta in our behalf from days of our infancy and all through the inter vening raara your liv have been an incentive lo us not only to right living but also to acttvltyand proper methods we feel that thee principle will never be forgotten as tokens of our love and gratttudi we ask that you mother will accept this dress and you father these slippers we trust that qoda blessing may continue to rest upon you and thai yon may both be spared for many mr anoreuiirrnrwreeeotplate- ly surprised and feelingly replied to tb kind worda and deeds of the family loe orsam and other refresh ments were served and a very pleas ant time waa spent by nil mrs ourkt wife of our new pastor assisted the choir here on sunday rooming and rendered an excellent eolo mr and mrs jas mcmillan attended the funsral of mrs robu scott llnie- booae uat wednesday mrs j h crlpps visited her brother and other friends in bookwood this mlae anderson of toronto apent a few day with bsroounln mr win dennis mr thus oreen of ouetph spent tbe weekend at mr wm dennis mr roy wensborongh of toronto visited with friends here ovir sunday mrs jas damplsr returned to hvr bonne in hamilton on monday mr 11 dainpler aecnmmpsnled her for a short visuj u s0cul and personal hlsa jennls mclean vulled friend in krin over sunday ml robert klsbar spent sunday with friends in brio ur ohas a 1 hatlbow of toron- to was home over sunday hiss ethel hattbews of berlin visited fruoda here this weak mrs oenrg htovett of ouelpb visit- acton friaads this week lea nslll wiulam is visiting her aunt mrs nixon in dundalk mr will sterrlckar of berlin visit ed anton friends over hunday mrs jennie akfne of gait was home for a few days this wvsk lllsa muriel uorru is visiting her friend miss millie bath al weston mr and mrs jams henorson left on tuesday for a trip to manitoba mr clarence fsrnlsy of toronto made actoit friends a weekend visit miss josie stephenson has been visiting friends at detroit during tb week mr king cooper and daughter kva are holidaying this week in new uakeard mr john m ii ha use n and his son john or rerlln visited acton friend this week mrs a h rubl nf kansas jlty mo la a guest at tbe home of hr adam oook master lav erg oe iing nf blmcoe la visiting his aunts the misses lslng uaiuhtveot mr and mrs a e nleklln are ex pected back from saskatoon ssak neit week ur a ii moottj and master arthur of toronto spent thursday with acton friends mrs u a jones and children of 81 stephen n b- are visiting friends in tbs old home usaars lswrsooe will urns and frank ft lad u left on tuesday on a trip to ilartney hah messrs cbssler agnew and duncan hoarthur took la theexoursloa to the northwest on tuesday hlsa blake of niagara on the- lake was a guest during the week of mrs o s smith at falrvlew plans ur j u moore of tbe herald georgetown returned bom last week from sn enjoyable outing in moakoka mrs thomas kaston of carnduff ssak and mia fran ton apent several days during ths week aa goes nf ur and mrs j h reed mrs k- j green and hiss hulb wheeler of larose wis who hsv been visiting hrvand mrs adamcook have left for their home urs o 8 smith and messrs a m smith ceo wallace and u p moore attended the funeral of the uta dr robertson at milton late thursday urs thomas rarnshaw and daughter enid of parkdale are spending a few weeks very pleasantly with her nleoe urs hugh hecatobeon 3rd hoe erin urs ohas johnston and hiss lottie and hesters elmore and gordon bava returned after pending several weeke 1 1th mrs johnstons father in luding- ton hlob urs anna haddock left last wed nesday for vancouver b 0 to visit relatives there she will also visit friends in the north west sn rout on bsr return home mrs b f caldwell visited friends at barrio last week her little daugh ters who were holidaying wltb their grand parents there returned home wltb their mother mrs harovstdavis and daughter of mltchal have been guests at the home of mr joseph holmes bowsr avenoe ths past week or so mr davis waa hsrefor a day or two last weak ur and mr willis in johnston of sutton bay new lukeard formerly of acton announce the marriage of heir daughter annie brattle in mr jams webster of button bay the marriage to take place on tba sstb august mr and mr reniey of portage ij prairie man havebseq vutlngfrieods in acton and vicinity tha past week or so mrs remey nee miss jennie zimmerman left acton twenty year ago for tbe west and this is her first visit back to the old home hiss ruby clark and hiss osrtmde johnstone of acton out have started home after a visit at tbe home of hr r f johnstone 810 sixth avenue in their honor a very pleas ant gathering of young people was held on thursday night at mrs john stones home saskatoon phoeolx x mml byjuritlili l conduct theuirlvcefi peaoeiul eltl quyjgg ss asansas rut f lstchpra- oastqri dbaliho with an ixutabutsl a jew bad occasion tossll some eggs to a publican and alter counting tbsm and paying for them tbe publican found that i her was one over he suggested that it was thrown in but the jew protested that this would never do so it was agreed that be should have a drink for tb extra sgg- what will you baser the undlord asked egg and milk rpud solly mo kbaxskkuarrr a ualt despatch to the london pre press aaysi th frv pre learns on good authority that the employee of local foundry bave formed a eoefety to vthloh asost of th employees belong the object of which is that all it members shall not eat meat this is oonsusred to be a protest against the hlgb cost of living heat is beoomlnga luxury and the men olalm it la one food that is not dooesaary iqytapqjpqyqyqyqsjqyqjpqs w6e right house rjauiltons favognx s h ojf rinov place sate a clear 20 per cent rrofll by buyttf yrjw ton brinr ite r august sale of furs j every for or set of furs in the right house stock has been reduced in price at least per cent for this august sale of knrs this 7 reduction absolutely guaranteed it means that when this sale ends saturday august jbt the prices will be advanced immediately by onefilth you need uttle money now simply by making a very small deposit you may select your furs and have as pat them aside for you until november 1st or earlier il yon desire there is no extra charge for this convenience in this way yon are given not only the advantage of the reduced pnees but also the convenience of more than two months to pay for them fur coats made to measure you may have some special design in mind for a ftjr coat to suit your own individuality if so bring your problem to the right house our experts will make your fur coat to buit your taste and you will be allowed a 2 per cent reduction from the regular price we cannot impress upon you too strongly the importance of this n r august fur sale theprices will be greatly increased before long besides g g there is no expense in making the trip to hamilton because railroad fares are s refunded on a very liberal basis ik 8 thomas c watkins limited g king and hughson sts hamilton ont 1 bdfcl writ for paruauurej old mirrors resilvered new ones made lo order will or ttailmalm aulin kit of mirror agents wanted b j 7uvurfin ok ana ouilph ont the clydesdale stallion royal pri1ce 2814 1 wlubaatlh dominion hotel stables acton every wesbav arriving about noon sad remsinlog udiu 7p- m tss m to insore s lost in payabls 1st february iqcj all acclusots lo nam at arisk neil qiluib proprietor rulbffijjpn koohng is atton1y llrsresbtlng rated uratclass by fire insurance com panies itwlllnotlgnlts from sparks or bumlnr brands and has savsd many a building made under canadian patents 93 037 and 93160 tn 3 permanent colors red brown green and in natural slats your dealer should be able to supply you h not writs for samples boouau and jfrtlo ths it ins 1 1 irssslcsi ii l i august cleanup sale a remfuriqle seje of beautiful dresses this a practically an uaraoricted clearance price un all a dresses have been lowered to have this g buity to you r sally fraceton of their actual vaji balding it new when tfata summer merchandise is at the very height of its servti hot weather ahead of us yet white undrsklrts womens white underskirts deep flouncing lace and embroidery trimmed worth from gj oo to 600 august sale price pretty khbroideftv dresses atg on rack of handsome dressts all thfat scasaaa styles hsvlng new aetrin sleeves hlgb waist line and low necks made of extra good quality all over embroidery au- aises worth from asoo to 8 j clean up sale price 3fh 11 uk un dresses 4htbu u onto of the seasons best offerings dresses high wajstuo and bv neck tnmrned with beautiful lace and insertions also handsome women s pretty muslin t is also handsome cbembray in plain oolova piped with white braid all this seasons stylos to clear during august sale at house dresses s a good sssortment of womens hoot dresses in aavy and black with white spot low neclraeodxhnrt slosvec very special at 18s muslin dresses thc- womens muslin dresses with pretty lace yoke and lace trimmed sleeves in black and white also blue and white worth from gs 50 u x 50 august cleanup sale price each fthc lawn and embroidery waists fc la the valoea we have keen offering in the waist departasent there are those models of lawn and allover embroidery with panel fronts high and low necks with heoomlng trimralag of pretty laos others with embroidered froats in floral spray design wfth king sleeve and high cellars von cannot have to many pretty walsu a come in and take your choice of these while they last at each c corset covers 3c- one table of broken lines and add sixes ef wemeax white lawn black lustra and print blouass corset covers and dressing saques to clear at each m d e macdonald bros cor wyndluh and maafead streeu guapb ont drew goods no ohnrnh win men wbep it seeks to work them i great slaughter of graahewue tamuc girdea tonb aad at bcay gmmu rkih lb mom wy htek a moomi prlm bdow oo fcc ik 1 lv iua slram befi ud uk iom 9 ov o stlblghx xcton it wab doiho duty an irish soldier whll on furiuugb lost his left aye but not wishing lo leave the aervlos be got a glass one in its place before returalag lo bb regiment being somewhat absent- mlndtd however h appeared no par ad on day wltbout it pal ad the eergeanl major you are lot properly dressed yttu have onrue on parade with only one eye pat waa in no way nonplussed however with obaracterlstlo irub rea be an- swsrefi i left it in my qqarters aorr to keep an eye on my kit tbe man who cannot and a god lb th unfvers dlsoover on in snnlrror you never lose yonrown jnv by lending bus n i una pew thing ntweu gfnfil wa vxpvut thstn to be bank of hamilton cirrsi pam ur z kjmjn ftserw and undrrhkd piatlt s0a0 totolassrim 4sotavl it is not labs power to pa that ibe crastsm vuvaofsscssriitas wssal- lag of ibaepsudsnch aad of sscerhy sgslau lbs freet of adesrs sa a ibat a t fund sjvesyoe is lafsslisbr eaota aaustrba ibaa ihspxssssg fvaonestkin which jo ill t ifi in iinlluli small amoaata srhkh yoa wdl bsvdry u j rsgalartysnu gfaftssby but aarsty an lo a wmm lam bsal nsss reveres or loss ol msployamet ukottotflown bkanuh vvhsmcw mmmj xs6e grand trunk railway system sbasidb bxc0bsi0ns kt sim ii omit liu bbachim au sinmut sbsorrs in highlands of ontasio dppck lake sailings sruuerajomk as m waasjsaaajsasvi homeseskarsexonrslons 2 ustrii isvmsl irsbm stsi s-ptseijss- aa awavlb rma tlssjsssajraw pemared frvas sm qrsastrsss ssss ar torttsa liti iiullu v-qsaera- zs ar rmweat uoaor -r- i ask any qrand trunk agent for fall isfermstlon tlcksts berth rjfcserva- 1 or write a b duff d p a union btation tornnte ont i perfsjctiqn tn style at and doth quality in every esjnaeal j anitlnga to ruuid in au leading ttlea all order new ordered riothlag made in rui leaaiag sntoa nu oruarsn cvouung wuv m byexperaraod vadar the asost saaltary condl- b mxabsl ea aerv gsaiil prtoot tsawinahlr 5 riiowfewatfdllsst r lions wlu union puw wonr order u p 8i am also agsatftw settlready bpadal md-o-ms- nreclothiag i r enelson wain ii i s re1 iuei 1

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