Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1912, p. 6

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kuuvuucucmujcmi t ttrm 3fr frtss niurhikay auouht omedouva uarl1no ht mebody wirhti i i i think of y ti uvlly i lean t alrbt 1 writ may the bky iv n itfn l i hi yuur tinim flic lultir lirigln 1 over ihn uml im lie waters far homebody w ntlerliitf wlts y soar 1reytnk ile love maylx- ilk a ulir luhiin yu intm fi r ntu ttoody ah i vaotsdar if eeer for me homebody heart will trow boavy or uoll i ah 1 wonder if i may in a star to eliln in at uisthodv m nlgtill will mdiii ly r call loe deer and aay my uaslli a yi id not frer you neesl not lr il is f r i mil lisrs and yoo r nil lot- w ld in n hod cafhpeorr in ohlomate jonrnel a doui idobd quotation luil tbey aint london dialoouk un wot takeu fiti k u tlr lhem itilnic alfwy the tin un hlnlw ihy kid usvlmt el jimi- v thjr got tv winy- i us then it the em go up nln i lr f alfiewtly wlt u ilk ihu tbey runs along lb giahnd a bit en tbxn the wind k under the wlnge an hup they gil k r uwunrlul einill r air- j i i ua w a ly h u dhn tbv airr aw w y wl p lb- kl ju o onrw us but w can tbey- git the wind jit from undr iba wliifewr alt wu rrlnelettce well oer does a bird do tt f ue i huino air you seen bird i posje au t uarape t alt an you eeen bird eotne dahq 1 iapoeep u oh yui i mo uai 1 au well than dor t ere elch silly queeehunatlell mall tieaetie hi wajahriy om night after tbe curtain was runv np t certain knftlub theatre whm lb- standing itunm only was ao needed n mall buy wa die ooverad mobbing in rront or i bo box ofbon tb monkkr of tb lhau wot to tb ld niid kindly wakd bltn what lb tnmbla w- 1 want my money btxkt aoobod tha boy karpvua tba mar akd the r for kh a tcqumu becu i im afraid to u upln tb gallery alllonr ba walled ilia monay u raurod fw mn have enuraga aoough to ba urjdandadmuit nalthar a aong nor a aarmon la aa appaualnc aa loaf of baaad ttaa tranaluon tvom wtntara cold to amaaara boat fiunuy put a train upon tho ayalam that prodooaa inuroal complalnbi alwaya painful and oflan aariooa a common form of disorder la dyaantery to whleb many araprono in the aprtn and aummar tha vary how madloina to utn in ubdatnft uiu painful allmaat la dr j d kallost dyaenlery cordul ilia aalandard tamady old ary wher if a man owns a pockatkntrs u w hard for him co paaaa nrlnduot tbo hoapnaaa of molhwr lrara worm kiarmlnur nut ft within rvulh of all and it call ba got at any druggb ytrawnt ludga tha apead of a loo- mate hy tha way it whutbw v9 man or womau abouul hnbbla painfully aboubbacausa oroornswhan ao oartaln a rauet i had aa ilullo- wtya corn oliildten oiy for fletchers oasxori a whhbthivwbh madb an irlahman and am wanda wsra paaala through a town id amarlea wban pat rotnarliad iry plaos l torn thara la cohen on tba door pula signboard or window that family mast ba mortal plentiful itarr uula further on lhay eama to a urge tntji 1b front of which hung a sign board tbp cohan uanuraeturlag company ru looked at it and o aee ll all now t thats whara theyre maklug thsn tbrlalrlluh pk ar wa- it uiihodlat ciitlvrnrv be h nil- m rillk l 0 m- d pi o i r i m lb htl i 11 i a ttif nh r i i u i i gmrphril v f i lie nlocty brl iwjm urllvtr hi fr m the ro of lbs kowurl hb uld tfor ba could g rsriher blh p fowler calmy liroka lo and c nplatml umi quotation and from the nolaocna paatllaooa p and tl editor hall nothing too to aay a thorough 1111 to claar the il ooach and tmiwnla of impurities and trrllant u lucmhrjr whan lhar acthtn rregular tits pllu that will do wi tk iboroughly mr ionimk tkrtm 1111- which ara oilw nuim itot mighty lo rwulia they purge paliieay and ffeellr aod word wounnt cure they can be uhmi without fear by the most dellcata if coaaulltutad ir hare are o pain fill effects preceding their gentle oper- m boltrl cahdidatw wii1ui auppoas you think that baby of youre will become preafcunt him dy ouh maybe not preaidsol but he 11 be in the race rlar the noo4na all right he keepe tha whole place tn an uproar uees ladeecrlbable language aod can ro without auep far weak llrooklyn life dr morit in41n root pills are not a new and untried remedy our grandfatbera used them hah a century ago before confederatioe they were on sale la nearly every drug or general store in the canada of that day and were the recogtuaed cure la thousands of homes for constipation ladigeetioa butoamoesa rbrumatuca and kklaey and liver troubles to day tbey are ut aa effectivejwn as rebable as evrr and nothing better has yet been devised to a cure cornmon ills a pleaaaat vurgallve parmaleaa vegetable pllu are ao oompleted aa to operate on both the stomach and tha bowels and ao that tbey aet along tba whole alimentary nod excretory pass- aa tbey are not drastic n their work but mildly purgative and tha pleasure of taking them is only equal j by the gratifying effect they produce compounded only of vege table auhatanoas the curative qualltlee of whleb were fully tested i hey afford relief without abutee of injury only the mortally astigmatic see ly ing as the only refuge in time of trouble became so weak from diar w had to quit work diarrhoea eapecleuy u left to run aay length of time causes great weakness ao the only thing to prevent this is to check it on its first appearance yon wdlmiduiatafcwdosesof dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry will do this quickly nod effectively mr jpo b chudexbouac orulla oat writes vwhcn to fort william last summer i was taken sick with diarrhoea and became an weak and suffered such rca pejn x had to quit work our manager ads me to try dr posnets extract of wild strawberry ao on my way borne xhougnb a botda and alter taking four dosca i was cured we alwaya keep a bottja in the bouse we have abo used t for our chmteti and find it an excellent s for summer comobnt praaau cents when you go to get a pjottte of dr vowlers insist on being giro what you ask for as we know of vnany cases where unscrupulous dealers feaye banded out some other preparation j the genuine b manufactured only by t lailbum co limited toronto f gastoria awlnflntimndommrb the kind you have always bought bears the signature of for over thirty years astoria wtutatuasb the part matin tails good story i of tha kalaer iurlng he german j manoeuvre leeeolly eoanpany o j dgimto told off repraeent a eooeny ofegun tin- kalaer riding oaaribeluul t batth- aul aaetag a dragoon lying on the k uod aald lo him i- well wba are you lying down liter for t i am rap resenting a wagon your majaaty replied tha e idler are your said the kalaer well get up end go and join lh olbere thetia lonpoaalu ur majesty aid the soldier bscauae 1 have joju one of soy wheela the kwperor buret out laughing and giving the wen two thllllnge ob- eerved hare eomatblag for you to gat tba other wbeete oiled with suffered with nerve trouble dcposs1blb for hm to susp mr chasw wood m torrance su uoutreal joe writes- par two yearn i bad sullered with nerve trouble and u was impossible lor me to tleep- it did not matter what lime i went to bed in the merchants bank of canada every parson who receives and pays oat money iboutd hve a chaqning account iaymeat by cbeqae is tba most practical con fenient sed wli tssfhod of handling sll financial tranaactlona whether ol a bealasm or psraoasl character the return of ca cheques are vouchers tor every anna paid onl tbey show what dls iwresmeals have been nude sad lo whom deposits em received by ihu bank tahect la cbsqaa withdrawal we pay tbe tame elteatlon to satau dapaaiton as we do to huge o latarest allowed on au savlage i yearly 7 ota assets lm94 action branch f a maclean manager audit before i consulted a doctor and be rave me a tome lo take a half hour before bomg to bed it was au right lor a lime but the old trouble setumed with crealcf force than before owe el the boys who works with me rave me half a box of uillmirnslicert and nerve itum i took them sad 1 got such t taiactioo that i cot another box and i efore i finuhed it i could enjoy sleep from 10 pm until ft a m and now feel moburns heart and now pius are to nu per box or 3 bom for si 25 at nil dealrts or truiled direct on receipt of ince hy i lie t uilbura co jlumud toronto onu a equare deal has something b as aharp edges and angles to it helfralslng flour would be a great boon to a man of family who is unable to ralea a barrel of hour himself children ory for fletchers c a how 1tat raovbd it an iriahajnn was once aervlng in regiment lo india not liking th cumaie pat triad to evolve a trick by which ha could get borne according ly h went to the doctor and told him hla eyesight was bad the doctor looked t blni for a while and than aald llqw can you prove to me that your eyesight la badt pat looked about the room and at last saldt wall doctor do ye eee that nail on tba wall f vea replied the doctor well than replied pt i cant bay what you oourage tbe man i mighty unpopular ibout moral baa a lot of it b castor i a or baati ul odhraa ite im ym fan atom wgkt tha slgaataxoox there la a good deal of inhumanity in human nature too many giving the poor crust on the street ere stealing tbeir bread in the alley a wefemi of tk boei wai l l a3 to th gtocact of buxdock blood bittisb kiimcraiai boils llr du mcbume rylagara fahx onl writes lt is with pleasure i testify to tbe sterling cjuantsci of your burdorjc blood buters after the boer war through which i served in the 1st i iv i buffered from bolls con stipation and tick h and tried many preparations but cot rehef from none till an old c ta of sains k me to try the burdock blood bltfere say x got relief is to put it mildly it made me myself again via a man who knows not what it u to be sick and who baa been and is still an athlete to anyone in want of purified blood and tbe r au round vigorous heeltb iicau conscientiously recovsmend bbb burdock blood bitters is manufac tured only by the t uilbura co limited toronto ont kjuummtte why ohitown ttay- ddbv ouh boys they are growing up to feel that tba saloon baa bo place la a civilised com munity our young ukn tbey are coming into manhood without learning to drink liquor ouh alodhratk dr1nkkrh they are no longer worked by the saloon keeper to keep up the treating habit the most dangerous feature of the open saloon our drink viotimh they can walk our streets without having tha email of whiskey meet them at every turn our dauqittrrh and wivks they can eome u town without be ing offended and insulted by sigbte dlagustlng and language unspealc able ouh tkmpkkanck citizknm tbey can hold up their beads with the selfreapect of men who have no need to be ashamed of their town ovhluislnicsmmkn tbey can sell goods in confidence knowing that their pay will not ellp before they get it into the till of the saloon keeper union hlgusl knvy is a ooufeeahui of inner dastl i tutlon tie a blarvelhiua thing when the cures by dr tbomav tcclectrio oil are oasonaldered the speedy ami per- luutoent relief ll has bi ought to tbe suffering wherever it has been used it fmuet be regarded as w tfiarvellous thing that so potent a medicine should result from the six ingredients which enter into its oouipoelttnn a trial will convince the most skeptical of its healing virtue doctors advise operations saved by lyoive psnlrleuky vegube co swarthmore pentt for nfteeej yeara i atuterad untold ncony and tot one period of nearly tsroyearalhadhetn- ottbagea and tha doctors told m i wonldvhave to un dergo an cperatloq but began taking iydla e pinkham vegetable com pound and am lb eod health bow 1 am all oyer tha change of life and cannot praise your vegetable oasipound too highly emrywoman aboum takaltat fhat time i recotnmend it to both ok awl wung for female ixoohlea lira emov bummkatwtljl swarllunore pa canadian wamttl kxperkinoei rrort william ool i feel as if i coum not tell others enough about the good lydu e pinkbama vegetahw compound has dona for toe x was weak nd tired nd i could not reat nigh ta a mend twaemtaanded jfopt com pound and i noon gained health and itiwigth and could not wish to sloop better i know other woman who have taken it for the seme purpose and they join tne in prais ing it aire wat a- burrr 631 south vkkar street fort wlllums onurio since we guarantee that all teetlmo- nlala which we publish are gnbutne is it not feir to suppose that ut lydia 13 pink- bama vegetable compound baa the vir tue to help these women it will help any other woman who la suffering fat a like iff yea want apecul adrlce write b ljdla k pukhsss hedlelne oe eanh- saa tear fetter will and answered by a sfaiet cea aijaia n ruaaia aa t ifeieinonim fol tie livei milburns laxatllveffplllav they will regulate the flow of boe to act properly on tbe bowels and will tone renovate and purify tbe liver removing very result of uvcr trouble from tbe temporary but disagreeable miaous head ache to tbe severest forms oittvcr cob plaint mrs john p barton min cove n b writes i suffered more than tongue can tefl from uvcr troubles 1 tdad several dnds of nw but got no relief until i got mltbum laxnuver puls tbweieawooderfol ceoti per vtol or 0 vutltpr t 00 at all onucsator mailed direct on receipt of pticeby tha t nlnhtttw j5ftl toronto out cparkling water cool and sweet refreshes the farmer who builds a concrete well or tank tphp farmer abovc all others appreciates good water- he drinks more water than the city man tne citydweller is dependent upon the public watersupply for tne purity of his water while the farmer can have his own private source or water and thus tbe sure that it and healthful pure ivf an haont found betfer drink than cool water properly ulectl water freh and pure a tank or well caung that will keep out every i stored- but i order toj possible impurity must bt used concrkte is the ideal material for tanks and wellcasinos thkrkare eceon of otherusn for concrete on your hum on every farm if rouwoumlikemknawo4uwmwritoforourbaok what the rarnwrcsa do with concrete fvs book i sbmlittely free it i absolutely wstcrtitht pruiecting your water from metege of ell kinds it cannot rot or crumhtfc it u caul clouted lauoe thae snd water fa cad of causing- it to dftsy nrlnslh make it rtmager mwaflwjlllwbeeeeeasi it v faaj lieet ee xzuizzzzz canada cekneht company ttjs awvlyimramvis jbnwirt e cww isewaemstte w me the destruction of the house fly is a public duty almost every american slate board fit health is carrying on a crusade against htm his filthy origin and habits and the fact that his bud is generally laden with disease producing germs makes him one of the greatest enemies of tne human race if the housekeepers of canada will use wilsons flt pads persistently this peril would ba tremendously reduced therb can br no syrup so lure and wholesome as diamond brand maple syrup just try a tin from vour orocljj f tabmnj tl not nltiy utufctory kvwy tin tbmilutaly uwuium by sugftn a cimhi uout4 hmi wo sals how t j c hill wooduall hokat and geo soper till rnd trunk iailwai t56e excelsior bakery 1 i ir8t quality ullkau akiu wbddinu cakvh lilkttluav caktt gonsci9ntious pltunbing s heating lofct chham confbctlononv deat hoee call today t statham son bakers and grocers main sl acton is not k 3utvth irizith us to the contrary we make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec st guelph phone 337 jmiiwifl warm and- strong if you want pair of glove or mitts in horechide calf or buckskin sheep or muleskin be certain to specify storey v in no other way will you set equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say trie wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted genuine horsehide waterproof and 6reproof just the tiung for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w h storey son limited acton ontario automobiles and implements agent for the famous ford motor car sole agent lor cockshutt and daln machinery and i leury rlows and a full hue of repairs for plows and machinery a good line of buggies and harness lap rugs and rubbers prices right also floor oil j farmers who are thinking of building a silo this year give us a call and get our prices b f caldwell actou this mans store is crowded because we do his printing catalogues handbills folders and commercial forms our specialty cou7 of ttj office for jobboork- the kcton prbjb frisss tha berlin steam granite ul marble works cahcin ddaun 11oikith an i uulldomul ktalues unas lmn minumrnl mrkora and head kionea an i sll kinds ul artistic cemetery work wm hemstret kcl nt acton wool i wool wool i litzttisltbd also l sll lin u ol 1 ukn1ture jut srxb hcton your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co overland jviotor cars and trucks i i jo mimioih nro uiiiiiuuimt dr vultio mi 1 utlklenuy altovo out ru rcbuiiln out fivo pavhoiiur thirty lionio towor tnr ut ii750o llvurel in lorouto fullj ciilihd lull without lull and soo our i ia motlulri shbiwo verlend sales co eo patents dcamiea oovvriohta evo weti and asasmjaaeaw alealras kljvrtoi ffi dentine flmerkatt patents iphomptly 5ecuhedi in all counlrieta asl iqf our invenlar s advtsarj majrion tn marion yi university til rtirnnr st walhsrlps bit wslilntp l u

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