Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1912, p. 2

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a qeot- mm i w mhm bvbo ft r eawto kitntemlilaur bmdii umu rtvutorull a ofka ooujuh ibuaiuoa ob mail akimt svc wuuui m oolite of amm u rasa mafh ble uw yeaa uiihiimoal 11 rriuallainm tdnalh nan4aa aa 014 a of till bi btarlnwiia la k bilk matmno41 ii vtinui mm vwawaan- maae wb a anbiiwm km o ni mafhinni awa -a- onanttrlmai aithfcl we rwlil a a bmtrtaa fttnal tarawa rar 1mu donuludiavlanmlw hair- baadaa ily at in w am ttrmla e hetarday afaihoi alawrta wa wtaleewa a bviaaar of mama aa wtkalwaa uauaitta al ix aaraaaaiy tjbe jixtoit jfrw ws tiiuithday august 10 ibis kdiroaial pramcs lr wilfrid lsurler lunerery through tha watt and lata nw oo tnrlo will call for a of public gathering in which lb ijbrel policy will be espounded and which will bo doubt nu out very bug attxk a vkry pljuat baadwwu- uued prigrmma of entertaining hoe mr borden pnmitr of lb dominion and colleegue will arrive boase from tba old country early in september ivapareuon will aowbc poshed for too neat loo of the house of oououmm hkbious uaxokk inrks at oar level crossings lb through train rush past has anything been dono yet by tha authorities to secure th comm nf th hallway oom for creas ing gongs at thee dangerous point tbo matter should not bo delayed until mdm nooldcnt occur rate was struck at 22 mills tb council met oo thursday vn- ing in apaou lwt lo oamaidar tb- waumsae of receipts and aspwwui un and strike tbo uu rmt fur the year tbo member were all prewenl uobxb h rod in th ubalr tbo committee on vtmanee au wilt- tad tbo following aatltnataa i mjtckiitm klrctria tight current kup- pit ate w3td0o0 lie oo ifidoo 160 00 ssooo 00 00 log taa 7l iou tax sjo town hall revenue cemetery sale of plout alo and walk uu etc lullwmytum ooverwmeah ijeerdmor ool annuel pey- nmlootom j pr owners 100 per can l walks pro party ownara go par osou ly owmer lohmqja walk good roeda coon i y 00 81 gssoo 02 47 govwrnaaant gran sstnubooalujusajaw liaoio t 0006 00 it in kxthxmkiy juttthowttawlm for inabrutaa to go into a looal option dlatrlot aftar baoooalng intoslcatad and rroaotly aeraral bav laamod thla to tbalr borrow tbo daw provlooul aet provtdaa forauslnlmumpadjulvof a0 and oosts and tkla ww bandad on to andraw harrla tba otbnr naornlng in chatham pouoa ooort tau towicanir of fviaam baa tba honor off hrlag oonap forty yomra of prohlhltoa harlog adoptad canada tnmparanoa act four d ago during that urn it baa not bad b liquor llowkm within ha limits oon attmnpt wu noado lo stooi h again but it wh orarwbalailngly do- faalrd tba ettbtsua inland arraagtiig b donvanataation la honor of thaarmt dabantura debt fund dabantura debt lalarest public school dab 6 f and i flro protection klaouia ugbt flollna dabt polo kad int btrvot imp dab prin nd t- iwamot walk inuraat cement walks int dap with oor widening mill street prtn nod int bpectnl lay pubuo sobool usalnunanoa kkvetrlo lbrht hblnriwawj ooloara o oounty rat free library maintenance of munlc rant m and btatlriuary hall repalra and fuel lory malntam slji00o7 loib 17 307 60 asi as 4uo0 sua 339 51 118 ia 1 408 83 460 00 x30oo0 170 00 s37 00 100 00 900 00 ioioo htaoeltaneou grant ohnrltlea intaraat ott ovardrawn noota ihre ad light aupplua streets and walba good roads rxpandlturss ooutlngeneles 900 9 00 33 00 3d 00 337 15 800 00 118015 bbss the smith trophy bowlhts bdakpton won thi trophy tha annua tournaiiiant for thn huiiili lr hy cup took plnoe a uaual on aotnn fro on inivdey tha mtnlawtanta ware twti rink aaob from itimuipuiit ueiirgaluwii krlu and a erynne daya apirt was enjoyed and hy cum mono i rig early alt the gmntea of the tournament were run through during tha day the green was in the pink nf condition and tbo play waa rloa and exalting t h rough thatrphy was won hy dicky klllou crack rink from urmutptoo fmm eha radcmibtabte trophy rink of tutu thaubuni rrampton wblohwon tbp hooora at thobaltaki tournamentk iw weeks ago in the oonaolatloo coataats uunner qould woo the 6nall with joe uolmea rink as runnereup tfteecoraaof tha day want as to i arei tub 8m mf taoupv vintrr luiirn aotok a j llaeklnnon a j iahman oao ilynds w j tiimild t kl 13 actom w u hmwert k j haaaard j uolntoah jom molmee i skip 31 km j d ir dr abbott w a p campbell w car land bkastrtoh jt ii brnodell i k terry j dlree t thau burn skip ueobobttown g c lawraitoe dr hee j ucltermld jno kennedy klp oeorarrown r r liarhsr j barhar w n mckay ahlp dbaautot r meoullough s- mcoandlae j thurston r billot t kip di uer skip skin it dell j bandar a c mcmillan j p hush i klp hkuond bound in a larrnni to tbo goelph marenry on monday evening reepeot profltu of the waterworks oonana g b ryan eaya t tve utlbgles off moni- dpajittos are not id prodnoe a profit as that would be taking it out of one pocket to put it in another but to giro tha vary bast errvfee to tha cui- aans for th laaai assnunt of nonay and that i shares are doing thh smoae spirit wulbstln ogoe in anton in hydro rlactrio acusltlea the re sult will bebsoaflolal to tha town and gralafytng to nil osswa of slaeuio ear- rent txkttnutaats to bb it for too building off th hudson bay railway to tha tldawatar tba contract will be let next month and tba workwotbn rushed to oompleuoo with- aa delay as hi possible j ment to this affect was made by tba ron frank cochrane at winnipeg recently ha amid it is thtf object off tba gowrnnaa p fauudand oompleta tha una at th earliest posslbbj moanank and for this roasoo i in making tba ajtrangeuiants that tba contracts may be lafe soon tha under for the building of tha aoura- ilno will ba o0d foe imoaadutary 10803 s5 movad by a ball aaooudad fay wm onopar that tba estimates of rsorlpts and empeodltursa for tba currant year jnet praeanted ba adopted and that jonotlaasbb issued at ooos omriad upon motion tba dates for tb pay- mmbt of taxes wave bjced as follows let inetslmant setambsr 31t 3nd atalment noracaber 33rd tha council than ndjourned that panama oamai btui la cbats a aa practically repudiation of s dlraot bargain by dawspapsrs u tha vlawa of all tba british political parties while no daflnlts procedure by tba british government 4n regard to tba bill can be framed for nearly all tha cabinet ministers are eoattsred orer the enropaan continent holidaying it is certain however that tba gov ernment will propose the rrlsranoa off tba question to tba hague court of arbitration tha new york sao say t presldeot tsffh stnoafa and dlalntaraatad rrianda will regret both ils approval of the panama canal bill and tha mamorandoni in which ho defends that aet opportunity to blonder existed tha president roil braosdlt- owinu to itafcx of inrgvusuoti an erroneous impress wu oresled throughout tha oounty with safarenos to tha proposed torontiohamlliqa paved road tha oakvllla slarwhoee editor is n strong advoonla o tha road and la also a member of tha courtly council ssys that tha proposed road will not incur any whatever upon other sections of us oounty uuutda tba portion unversed by tha road it will form a portion off the county good roads systsm and will share in tba government stranc as wall aa tba grant from tbs road company that being tba case nu further ohjsc tlon oould ba offered agsliil lu tha way tha matter waa oral prssrutrd ll looked vary much as iff it wrre par with thp uw 980000 bridge at oaktule which is a cuarft upon lb otuinty generally h fi t m a fnw wkiki auo dr suit yat sen first prvldvnt of the rapuhllc of china issurtlan appeal lo he british nation t permit his government to top tba opium traffic which hy hasty with kngland it baa bean bound xo tolerate tha president said in psrvi 1 has bean a great eursa to china it has destroyed mora of oor people than war pwitllanoaorffamlna under a republican form off meat it is oor aairnasi r da thoroughly atkmpdnctli tu ooiuplata the work1uswsarwdy 1 bean dona in tba nplawhralm tap- peal lo you for help to aupe1nrnl trafflo now at beajdouaa of our new national lf wa ask yon in tbo of righuonansss ana tskvnanitt vabsl laskuuntw mxoursuomsl sjrsrtmipato vlav cbuoaoo plus half oaot mil from winnipeg to destination put not beyond use fjood calgary or udmontoo returning hair cent mil to wlnnl m pins 4m00 to demlnatlon lo basl- arn canada goinbdatk august 33rd from all stationa north of but not including malojlna toronto to sarnu tonnal via btrat- fford i all stations toronto and north and east off toronto to kingston ranffraw auwuwr aftth from all stauons toronto and aaat sad ens orillla and sootla junction ausjust soth from all stationa toronto to north bay inclusive and wan thereof jcbia is an exceptional ohano for yoang matt to vuit tba wast which u truly oaued tha land off golden opport as many proaparooa fsrmara and hnsimss man now ina in w canada oan trace tha origin of their good fortune to farm laboren kiouraloo tha route via chicago is an attractive aa many large duea and towns are passed an route which breaks tha monotony of the journey as there la- eoaoatbing new to sea all tha time tha grand trunk pacific railway is shortest and quickest route between wunlpegsaakatoonednumtoo jeu faat express service between wlnnl peg yorktoo canora and ragina ana any grand trunk agent for full particular luustratad uteraturr uokele ate or write a b dun qiatrlot passenger agent union stallon toronto ont utatol knttyti tog the r prohibit wlthbourowouadlbesae a of 1 mi pnboh tbforvwf u j i i y j ttrug i i masbsaoawmva tba annlveraaty eervloea of bbco- er oburch las sunday and tuesday avanlng v1u be rawembered si among tba most su lu tba church history tb oongregatlon welcomed very oordlsuy th rev r a faoay oraoeastar a former pastor whose sermon both morning and avanlng war chareo by his oldtints seal and ea en large oongre- gnilons attended tbo garde- party oo tba church lawn wean owwt of the service and was also a great saeeess the attendance was urge and tb pro- granime very interesting splendid addresses by rev a blair and r a faosy were given and tb number of chalmers ohurcbquartetteoff guelph hies bella thompson rlooutliinlsl and mr waller bdwsrd humorist were moob enjoyed acton oftlaens band gov a fin programme bsv mr carter the psstoe wae chairman tha energetic secretary mr w j akin and hm mbvr oflftn- of the nsj pal fair arc nibbing drepnretlons for a reontd day at osmp- heilvllleon friday uih octuhrr- in addition to the rvgular prise lut a long list of st tractive speeule hss aiready oeflauktown w n mckay kip brampton t thauhum kip onawaaoria poitmbutai thalsdlra aid meet on thursday afternoon at the ihhim of mrs wm innu mrv w iainb entertained the mmbr of hr rluoday school olaaa last wednradsy the mula ona n joyed a very pleasant allsrnoon under this skinful boat managetnent mr and mr harney r inrtage i prairie man tiriit aevaral daya laht week at ths homo of mr jno murray mr jos orswson or mil l on apent sunday with ble mother and other friend a miss jismi lennu na rturnad houie after kwn0lng a plnaaaut hull day with uuriph rrianda fe umihoum uev and mr t a arthurs are pending a rw days with relative her before loatlng for china las u m hlnculr fornisily a teacher in jiinsbouae sohool is a guest at the bonis of mr t p ien mr g k pilklngbornr bwl muter cecil are away tor a twowork fish ing trip in the vicinity of the severn river dr lindaay of oualph wa in town tuneday home un usually fins here ford ea i llr from hi farm are lo imp n at the toronto ksblbltum when oolnst to montaeej deuola travel via grand trunk railway uylam th only joubl track route kiosllent train service and smooth roadbed kleclric lighted pullman hlaplng car on night trains full information tloksu lurtlvttsasr vatlon inay he ohtalnad from any grand trunk agant or write a r duff dlalrlct paaaenger agent union station tumnto oou- nnamptok r elliott 14 skip- acfton j holmes 21 skip vtnal8 nbamptok drahpton r elliott t thauburn skip is skip conholation flluft hound kiun mtun dr geer j p busb kip 18 ekp 14 uhuhoktowk jno kennedy skip 10 hkoontlrounil kaun actom j p buah w j gould skip is skip 23 airrom tikobostrown jos holme w n mckay skip 13 kip 10 vina lb arton aotof w j gould jo holmes kip ib skip 18 tha trophy was won the first year by acton last year by georgetown and this year by brampton krin may plant hopes for the top place at next veers tournament amin w j gould skip thm mlkirttxb iw eoucattoh baa declared that no pereon wlu be permit ted to have a oerufioate to caacb in bi lingual schools in ontario who has not english enough to instroot in the public ecbool course hon mr pyne aokiwwladwa chat this waa not always tba case it is a creditable thing that aotloo la at hut being taken hanvatsttbrav alxcursiom given warm aunshlne for the next ten days western canada will reap the largest grain orop in lu butory all indication al present are favorable and the western termer is preparing for a bumpsr crop ouooomen will be needed to garner ths immense crop and atore ll for tutors use this army of sturdy workers will have to be drawn mostly from ootario and many of them wilt lur in i he weal after get ting a gllmpva of it many possibilities the man who goes out with the har vesters excursion gets an exceptional opportunity on a small investment lie not only gx opportunity to little money but also a ohanoe to look over some of the finest wheat- land in tbe worldrwlth a view to possible future sstllsnnt many raraiers in th west tavday owe their property to the fact that titsy went out with a barveater excursion a few years ago and later took up a home stead and there are still thousands of acres of rich fertile soil waiting for others along the lines of the 0 n 1l the road that ba tapped thousand of miles of virgin wheatland in tbe west an army of men will be needed the demand will be keen and the highest wage wtu be paid the fare will be glo00 to winnipeg with a rata of one- half oaot a mile to points on tbe c n r beyond five excursions will leave ootario points between august 15th and 8ul and the roule via chicago and duluth will be followed t tba most interesting to tbe west for full information apply to any agant of tbe c n o tbe bay of quint ry or tb central ootario railway you will notice toat wa era oontinually talking about norajblilty to repair watches and alooka- wall that is pajostim wa have the oohfl- 4noe tbat wa oka do it and do it iwater than mot watoh- rxtofc w fwveal our gwt0d tpuai railway system farm laborers excursions 1000 to wfaialpef vii chkapi plus hal sen nile lwxn wtenlpaet to psatlnatlcei but no beyond atsmileod rjnlgnanr os saxasisobu retummet hejreen rile to wlamlswet pluai uu0 o paartiiwaatos august 23rd prom all euuons north of but not incladlng mala lino toronto to sarnla tunnel via stratford all stations toronto end north and east of toronto to kingston d renfrew autfust 28ui from all stations toronto and east and east ef orillla and scotia junction augtuat 30ti from all stations torohto to north bay inclusive and wert thereof la oatarioj canadian national exhibition t0iont0 aotoh wmattotoacurro amqutuiih mteu ibrt 5 mat spedal train fortorooto wui leave acton west 827 a m anj 2v3i sept 2 j 4 5 i all tickets good for return until tuesday betitiotli iota ask any graqd trnnkgbat for full particular tickets ntc h s holroeg agent acton ont fort more soap for less moneyless money for more soap i positively the largest sale in canada innnanannnanna4unhnnbtxawnnnnnnmmnamnanhnaan perfection 5 in styla 01 and clooi quality in awry garment mail here new j millings to hand in all leading styu all ordered clothing mailo m un our premlam by upertu and undeir the moat saslury coodl jj tlona with union label en every garment iriiem iawnahlc h place your order now for your fall suit f si am slmo airebt setnl koady bpeclal xlado-to-ucab- ur clothing 5 r e nelson mehnnk tailor wrsdban btreet ejnai rumtahw oubiuph ont sibuaainnnsinahhaiahbihpnasinhn bank of hamilton oapiui vxa up- dnen mod undivided prodi tool 1m tajmum asoom 4ooofla j vst as a snc mercbael makes every esort lo rive bis cusiomsrs coor- leoas sffjclsni sttsoilon so do the ontoec of ibe beak of hamilton endeavor lo render to depositor mevery ssrvlo ooa- slaieot with conservative biqldng prncttca ho deposit t loo small lo assurs the depoauor conaktatala treat mem f be tsv- lags account of those in nwderste clrcum- isnos arawskotnsd with conrlsy and with thai a of uada agnnsllty wbicb nakas bsaktsg y oonvealesce end plamare ms v6e metropolitan bank hud omiea toroalo onl t3ih1i v4 up uulmdm rnkflm savings department accounts of one dollar and opwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch h e burling manager great slaughter rtjwbrtimniu granlteware tinware garden took and all heavy goods b waptut bnrrb jxtnn nnv r u burrbiu ii a pmtor nt ul ny loch i wi ilm i hi uoabir 11 bov vm f plow bjow gwt or lb ncit lu cl 1 m tmnporary blor m11ii uala sumt loop kad lt pile aa any thing you at o- g speight rcton canadian national exhibition some fkatukks of imperial year imperial cedat review exhibits hy tba irovfnces donalnion kxhlbits band of scots guards paintings of tha year from europe paintings by beet canadian and american artists imperial oadet competitions boy scouts review everything in educational exhibits slag of delhi beeaas o th bam band dragoons musical ride industries to operation butter making gotnpetlrions amertcasgreateat uvestock show canadas biggest dog show america rrattjaat raeslee japa daytf motor bout races lllppodronie and circus fonr stages and arena all going eruption of mount vesuvius athletic sporta tan band concerts dally acres of laumatetturee imperial pbeworkb nunibare aug 24 1912 sept 9 toronto bundav septbmlmh iuv ur ufldonaldalll ptli lti anla a i j wkux1ui mkn wanikl irkjub nun wulfd l- at nnu k miaif wlllnioti hi ftltl oilolck jujiijdino 1xts for balk parti waa vlll nadaitaka iaanal dwal rtx parua who will odattaa urml dwl a la bowaa wa wlu aaji hlablutii ux iw ti a ea t o ttoat ukaudmolau a cc loia card ofthankh mbit w b oqujatu and oblldiwa daalr in laaak lolbmaa tuda ia vbo oaalv utaadad aywipkui aah aa e a tat ad help 4rla n ad boandatrtaer r v f naaial et tn itaawaw t la gnteral ra tad bale dorlu dm tlas lb oh hi ltir n bald housekeepers waxed pairer por pionigs ktc cement walks deleiiturefl new pall dress goods his week we arc making a considerable showing of the favorites of fashion in the dress goods world for fall whipcords serges and tweeds are prominent features in a range of qualities and in the most desirable shades of tan brown navy wine and cream lace materials will be very much in voguo for trimming particularly in the heavier makes you will find some new and pretty ideas at oar trim ming counter children and misses coat sweaters we have this week opened up some of the best values in these lines that we have ever shown splendid line of coats in range of sizes and colors tan grey navy and red all wool hih or low collars at 75c to 125 ttiese will move out very rapidly henderson co mill st acton oat august cleanup sale this immense eiraocc movement ends on saturday you therefore have but three days in which to secure the economies it offers doesnh money roe a to you a great deal aaoro than junt lint drum of ullvor or gold or crista crinkly engraved neper p if you have really earned the full value of money and can appreciate it use you will certainly hurry t respond to lop woaderful ecobomles bring offered at thin htoro during the closing leys of our treat august cleanup sals seasonable merchandise of every wirt can ho tjrihtihad now for a mere uuie of lu former prices livery department of qacstorn is partlcipauug in thl nil cmhrucliitf clearance of summer good kememoer only three more day t i you wui save money on curtains if you buy them now nothing looks worse in a heme than shabby curtains you may have the best of furniture asd the most liendsome carpeut but if your cartahi are not just right they npnll the whole appearance of the room perhaps you have ourtsfna banging in eotdaof your rooms now that hsvo done ifedd service and are beginning to look the worse for wear dont leave them up any longer i kanow thorn st ttiiw remarkable sale of curtains for about half of what ihey would cost yu at any other time women who htudy ecouoiny ftkould take advantage of this opportunity te boosm pretty curtains st greatly reduced prices specials in xulankets bny blanket now for tbe coming cold night 6 pairs oply wool blankets sllgbuy soiled said regularly for mlo augastsale prioapermlt stiurw i paft ttradleblanketai rrguur soo to clear during our august bale at the very special price per pair tlm tapcatrt carpet rtubuced s piece good tanealry haadsome naturn on green fawn ana red ground worth re gularly loo and toe sale price per yard 3s wallpafjer ricduoed qedraom papera in room lots in all the populat mhades some have out out bordeia drop cehinrs jnel designs etc worth re- gularlyoptojoe bale pricet per roll dtalnrooiirriapera room lots a cheltc selection of new roods in splendid colors and up tedate designs worth up to 3sf sale price per roll u 1 t we fire offering noqio vary apeotal iota la parlor papers at dxpeploaally low price call la to morrow and seethe good values we are offering 48 of tla uoporat of lb vlllaga of astou on tba kml day of jaly itnx prorldtsf tor uwmn of dabaatura to ua inmoal of iamlm or tha pnrpoaaof paf la tor oaesaei walk laid la ut- ulan al aaioa dorlsc lb rasni uue asd 111 antf ibal aaas i1 iiae aniailsurt la tba kia4at ootaa to tba baalatrr dfrlaion of tba goauly of haltaa oa tbeitib tuy of jalf uih any naetleo to qaaab or at aaida tba aaiua or part mrof nut b inada within hr loauiaanar tba intaablloauau at tbla boua- no taanot b mad uhtmtiw datad tba bmb daw at jaly iu1s a j viarklssos i curk of uw iilasa al aatoa bxtbnsivb auction sale or hloo 0iahh ijivbry stock and property on dousttns street city of ouelpn tbe ssdenurasd bs iwaalrad laauuetiee haaere mooonnall a pattsreon toaauarpabuaaaatlaaaa ibali- liay mabw 8b dougtae street la u ally vi uelorw aaarrwosfea oa thurspav 8atpt 5th ioi3 st 10 o asare lb esura upudata livery waeotwav pstr srt sawlsa rvtar sod jlai f sad yaar oaji pset say war sod farting ksu- sasv sswvtsseru pzutef ahewasts assrs sad aslel s jadi sod hlssi a wn tutja resd wan plrattmwbtwwar aad harry ft sad tan eu bay bona utu tase ei bay bera- kloadth yombawl i bs ketrs daw b rra blaak tar ttf tew eld i blak bora toaanr t asr ma tbasui smt tiar 4 sbtsmel ae braes yaara eld bay bora limy m waffim bay boraa uob h yaan eld vauuomswlrbabwata ai rwopto aav tiota wanintti two atalai top itnj iwo ia t aasrasr aloatd bseks s rabbaruiwd onn lk uralop essoe bw tltbery abow llabe auta h naael i taraiol ilalatvmraaaadalasiwaaatajauiw ia aletcb ueetsaw baw oaad a eart wjabe lilgt thr llaaslasba uasttan tnnr- slokal mosat datdeuwllalradbanwa a at olakal bmested ttvyprais it albsm bartaaw robbav ana eeula bauuo io mii bora eottwtlae dnxojikjrrhu oslt roba two iy robaa blaok nlabop lob s alv btaaa bar blabkwu istctk- wsuisle vool blaa- daswlbatnol hora waver iwauterfba pat of ten bow salk ooaa east fenersl oau oa tot eap asp and aouis ha allppusj maoblaa aw au test twurwtapa oea7oka7a wlaj veryth that sew tevaak p an apto3et saanobil atord b tmap ibm modal bi la eas el lb brt aqnlppwl bars in poaitlraty a pmm rallabu bbutuauddj oakum sad will eluamliwjart frue- eaasdvesialassl s5 bm tuna sad puo tbara wip ba offered for eele of aet paavlaasly aowj tba vsi zirfsarbvoaic ssl sod tor tnoelb lotak nou eaal u vd elbi rvs max statatb ib per ai of porali yoaaaotaaaa balan la day um t aaetteaef uw panbaa mow u tla oa tsortsaa tor a tarna of vi at 1 1 l auotltfni ibara- c symons baher sl confectioner periection homemade bread try our loc midlers fruit cake ajaortraent of cakes and pastry fresh every day all homamads wedding and birthday cakes a peclally coate4looery nuts etc m1u sl aclon canadian oruir ok tun woodmsuf op thi world aetna oaaep no as town hall aetin friday september 6th 1912 com febtttd dance aoton ova i au weloom auamtondoeat anuisaioh sol a courts cemmltteerp montague ib ocerlt l gregery john r watson mmwmcnthmop cement blocks and tile layinr pavements cement floor- in well slnklnf curbing pumps and repairs satisfaction ass uu ico orders leitat mldvnce hw ktroet acton or to boa attention receive prompt green grocer and troit merchant e ktcook i receiving dally tvah vgiblo nd frul end eslls hm si ressonabl pile iniqaqn vhultt aspbcia1tv goouajdllivrasu j 1 11 biokar acfoh v

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