Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1912, p. 3

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wallpaper nw mock bow opened praro 5 per roll tipwinl curtain poles ndlm white end oak window shades call in jvnd sttk ouh new stock i news if local ipmoit twhoi ltouin usube geo hynds ontario real estate n my t lamst at lewest rain of lmtoram large ter mttmrwm tor tale cbeay stwulskga nxr iter rrnawrty let all awarts er lb tows w hr every lavculty for falmlclwc wer iteulaee to yeejr rnmlr4e satlatacueei j a- willvvvmrny ttaergctewta sbt uton jfra jjress ttaurhday atjouht 20 10u buef local iteihs labor day next monday last week of the summer holidays hat 700 been down to tbe kx- blutfaur september will be ushered la next ksoday hilton tl wm struck lest week mimlle i the trout fishing mmor clotes on batuidey 14th september tbe pest two days have bmd more ukn oadfashlooed harvest wbtther anton oanp w u w will hold n feeee end deeee in iowa hall w friday evening oth september tb teachers ere getting home or packing their trunks to flit to iheir wifaoobi u other poldts 1 aeton continuation school will re open namtto day with a considerably to be mora people going from aeton to tba torooto fair ban imaal for tba brat weak ito get the old poet ofjlea building to lis temporary site one of tba finest mapua la town wae saerefleed mora 00 nan i dont block tba jirimltlt at tba poat office othar feitbyetm hara righia remember 1 the new transformer station will be eooatnuted almost entirely of brick aodoam- 1 tha brisk work of mr w j aa new residence la about 00m- bar im jao let the price off niagara powar to london will be radaead from ot par horaa powtr to h w p- ionian lata principal of muton pabuc school haa accepted a poatooo aa principal at hlghgate on 41m town council ol bldgetowu baa struck tba rata for 1012 and it re- bvlstmubi to meat tha expeudl- mffhlt la borne without a lawn omrrb a question that may be akad reapactlng 999 frqhjl yards in owo several bloyoliata in town are booed to get into trouble if tbay cou- ttnne to use the pavements the oon- aiablesereoa the lookout forutem i tba georgetown foundry oo no- loaded a car of materiel at tbetrfoun- dya monday the building la oow jihoa ooaapleted herald j wh straight who u about to aw to toron to baa sold hla pretty it reatdenoa on the oorner of park i lata avenoee to mr j w aarvlue ppbart maw was flood 01 and costs kft on thursday forauowlog bis cattle to im at large on the streets the bylaw ptoblbita the tethering or herding of riim oo our village atresia- oo herald flse 116601 tor which the 180- w debeo tores were sold yaejluooaldered good in view v prsisnt state of tha bond market ttaaworatlo yeara aooordlng to lha lau ohamploo tba old pose oflboe reaebsd lu tau quarters last tfriday boslnsesooouunedoodurturbeddarlng every yank of its peregrinations the bonding looked rather shaky uotaa bat it reached lu new site with out mishap mayor thorp bf guelpo- who baa jut returned eitar spending a oouple of months lo travelling tbrongb the north weslgeathls advlaet adaalra tba weak very much but would ajlvim anyone wbo is doing wall bora a s -tn- tha kkkk irkuu vh fonjd with fll yeolerda flarniioo fratn ueaars martin 1 ulewart and fred ii hloray dlrmlnra of lb nawly- organlsad iiackattmilor ooiapany of btwa a naw company nunu- fsctuiinft mn bsodllng tba fai oaw argyll allanl motor of sootland ballavad to ba tba bneat motor in lb world tbay are handling a portion or tba aloes of this new o tba iaw motor la oo ezbbllllon at the mg toronto fair on t mor two wwt longing lo i be dairy bead of mr j no c nnuoa mala streat were killed ot cirand trunk hallway near the main nlaaat oroaelng tha railway una oea waa in bad condition and nearly all tba bard goc on tha traab aarlyln the night it enema that two different freight irelne craatad tba bavoc tba flrat mw waa klllad by a freight going it abort i y after one oclock in the morning tba conductor reported the fact wbao be got to waal toronto and the second accident had occurred an hour and a half jeter before the section man got to tba scene to remove the cattle and repair thefenoe oneof the cowa waa tba beat milker of the herd and was vetoed at 70 tba other was worth 5a a claim for s1k waa put in to lha railway authorities the fence bad bean lu poor condition for not for many years baa tinned a wet spall bean ehperieucod during harvest time for over forty days consecutively rejn haa fallen and lha cot and ripe standing crops bsve in cotuaquence been seriously jeopard ised if not actually damaged beyond the point of fitness for marketing oo tuesday the weather cleared and look more settled than for walks yesterday however cloude blacke aky again and aonsa rain fell it waa hoped grain would be going in today but that la hardly likely bow the grata moat aerioualy effected la the early peas in some instances theae have shelled out and the new pess have germinated and the vines are growing up through the old ones soma oeta have ooaameooed to grow but for the most part this splendid crop is not seriously damaged yet the root crops are snaking b promise- potatoes will be a bumper crop and turnips are in floe c the pastures are rich and in unusually good shape for fall feeding tba heaviest thunderstorm of the season was experienced here 00 moo- day afternoon about ova oclock during a heavy downpour of rain there was a vary loud peal of thunder with an instantaneous and very vivid crash of lightning several ptaoae a struck in town but fortunately the damage was slight the eblmney 1 knoekrd off mr allan smiths new house on lake avenue and hla mother sustained a slight shock mrs jno harvey across lha street was poking the bra when the poker waa knocked out of bar band the brick house on bower avenue occupied by mr james moore and family was struck and part of the condu pipe torn away at the back of the house tbe screen door was- shatte at the front where the door step was also penetrated a small bole waa made in the orillnf and a table was splintered lq a centre room mlat lottie b spelgfat wao was sitting near tbe vrlu- dow ni the rear of tha bouse received a i j j hill waa not nor an item in tbe tiuslpb mercury says j j if tit railway magnate of the united htalee was bom at uuslpb i hla birthplace was really nearer acton than uualpo but uever mind bava our own sir dims id mann and hes juat as big a magnate aod bas woo hla fame sod fortune in canada at audit antveomrev ktlward rushy a boy employed at the oanada iloc works experienced a peculiar aoeldanl just before noon 00 monday by which ba loot tha brat joint of tbe right forefinger he was sharpening a lead pencil while stand ing near lha sewing mac bines power shaft and bad a pto of twine it band tba twine wound about tha ebafcaught tha knife and lite anger coming in contact t was severed at the joint na road hulas tbe atetutes of ontario provide that when meeting on tba public highway drivareof riga must turn out lo tbe right if overtaking another lbs driver wishing to pan must turn out to the lefl and the driver of the slow er vehicle must turn lo lbs right thus allowing room for tha faster vehicle to peas tbe asms rule applies to motor vahlclae aa wsll as others tbe driver of any vehicle wbo dose not comply wl lb these rules is liable for any damage that may occur front sucb abook but 1 tvered therefrom severei in a few minutes the telephone eye- ten waa eomewlmtdaeaoralhtedbytbe aleetrleflald ihaatfelew esislgiiera on tuesday evening a masting for thekoropeen foreigners la town was held lo tbe baptist obureh it waa imiosaiiil by be j kolenei baptist missiona to the bathenlana bulgarians poueodere busalana slave etc in toronto about thirty of nor bathsnian bulgarian bnsslen and 4ouah residents auabcb kat mr jcojkmelkofff gave them interesting la their respective lao- sd was usteaed to with keen interest messrs j l warren john oameron and h p moore also addressed them urging tbem to be- com ood dusens to learn our lan goagje and obey our law tbe ml ary interpreting the words of eaob to the forelgpera tba oltiaens above assured tbem 1 spaotive ehurohas end sunday schools tbe missionary said th m residents were aaxloos to have night school established bare eo that tbay may learn bnguah it has been suggested thai the churches might tiollsi for the carrying out of such a worthy enterprise mr koleneikoff expressed privately bis gratlbeallon that acton is a dry town without liquor selling places and urged that no one would facilitate the procuring of jlquor for these people it l a very enjoyable social evening was spent at the special meet lag of the home circle last thursday the pro gramme com priced eolos by mlssss bertie smith and kmuw burt quar tettes by uissee smith burt lottie and ileaal meeon violin solo by mr j c lllll aod songs by mr f hrah organiser mr macsjialso gavs a brief sddrsas on tha financial and social advantages of t orde mrs e j gamble leader extended a cor dial welcome to the company ii p moore was chairman ilafreshmeots were carved by tbe ladles at tba close ueui triple qiristsniiat last thursday ths boms of mr george mcpherson toronto son of mrs arch mcpberson acton was sorely bereft when two children died from some mysterious ailment within a few hours of one another gladys tbe fiveyearold daugbterdled and a few boors later wesley who was in his third year two other children have been similarly efftlotad but are recovering mret mopuereon mrs james by moo and mrs william snyder went to the city lo attend ths double funeral general sympathy is felt fur the parents in their bsavy affliction latkb oo monday night archibald tha baby nine months old died jean aged 7 years wbo la also 111 was taken to the hospital vasal aasueut v auto delivery frederick jonas aged 73 was in stantly killed at haspaler la satur day afternoon when be wax run over by an automobile and bis neck broken tbe old man was working nssr bis re sidence- with a wheelbarrow when halph humphries tbe quslphtsa merchant passed up ibe bill in bis motor detrvary truck at the top of the hill he loet control of the car and as the brakes refused to act it skidded backward and upon jonas who waa crashed beneath ths car deceased had been a resident of hespeler for ten years and was a prominent luth eran having bald various offices in tbe church a widow three eons and two daughters survive no oaro s attributed to mr humphries tate c h h pis stria kaerf tbe surveyors of tbe 0 n it elec tric road were here again this week running a new line from the beard- more property to tbe station site and beyoud this was necessary to avoid encroaching upon one or two proper ties and was facilitated through the purchase outright of several proper- use which it waa at first intended only to secure portions of tbe purchase of tba right of way bas been oomplstad and mr j a wllloughby purchasing f rf r g i r- s la acoompllahlng this with ab- aolutaly no friction in all cases fair and reaaonable prices ware agreed upon in tha instances where proper ty owners were vary loabb to dispose of thefrjiofoec because of their com- fortabmadbooallke surroundings tbay were liberally dealt with and so far aa can be ascertained all are satis god with the prices allowed panm sfwnmsi atoelller tbe death took plsoe at hamilton fast friday of william boolller of acton mr oouler had been an in valid for more than ten years he waa born lo uerefrexa in 1807 in 1800 he was joined hi wedlock to elisabeth f campbell daughter of tba bua george campbell eleven or twelve yea4 ago tbay came to live in aeton ha waa a member of the obureh of england mrs oolllar and two children survive also three sisters and his mother tha remains social anivpcftsonal miss myrtle dills vleued frieode in berlin missmyrtlesnper vlulted friends in toronto mrs r j shtppard u vlvjung friends in toronto miss lsttlswtt is visiting irleods in oleowuuams miss erie white has returned from her vlait lo brampton miasmyrtle hauak of berlia visiting actou friends miss emma hawthorne spent a day or so with friends in toronto mr robert bingham of seult ste marls is vuiting friends here him elllolt of acton is visiung friends at ashgrove herabl miss altos cook spent a taw days last weak with friends la moffat mrs wm baldwin ol seult ste marie is v tailing aston relatives mies jsonle smith of aeton la visit ing her friend miss koclea herald miss jans allen of detroit has been visiting actou friends the past ws mrs prank kennedy and master jsck visited friends lu w ingham this week mr bobert moore of gall spent a day or so last week with actou frieode miss duffy and miasm lena and margaret gostallo are visiting frienda in gualph mr fred eastwood of torooto spent a day or two this week with friends here mrs win johnstone and daughters arrived bows from saskatoon 00 tues day evening mr aod mrs john nicoisdo of mar ietta mlearmade acton friends a visit last week mr ii lumshaw of detroit mich waa in town last week he is doing wsll in that city mr and mrs jamas u nlcklln of grand baplda mich have been visit ing acton friends mrs david wray and master cecil of llnwood were gues during the week of mrs 1l c barlstt miss daisy bogers of toronto is spending a couple of weeka with mrs j e gamble victoria villa misses minnie brunt and finale anketeu of toronto spent tbe vreekr end with mrs t mrs bernard sheldon arrived from leeds bog recently to join her hus band tbay will reside bear miss gertrude wriggles worth of ashgrove spent last week with mies beta plank of acton herald mr t b m secord and mr arm strong of moore at armstrong of guelpb were in town on tuesday mr t g anderson of new york is spending a few weeks with his sister mrs geo campbell victoria villa mr and mrs bobert watson of acton spent the weekend with mr and mrs thomas perry man at brougham pickering news mies bisls henderson left for bar home fn winnipeg ou tuesday shv waa accompanied aa far as sarnla by her grandparents mr and mrs s hsuderson m p mr john s moore arrived home 00 saturday from edmonton where be went to visit bbi brother injuly he left on monday and will spend a week or so la new york miss gwlnnle oampbelu of west toronto and miss lena campbell of bauluafed have returned after spend ing tbe holidays with tbeir cousin mls annie oouler mr k b georgetown an nounces the engagement of her youngest daughter violet laobal george campbell iwreooe manager of the mercbanta bank georgetown the marriage will take plana wed nesday september 11th mr and mrs w o morse of bill crest campbellvula unoanee the eex gagement of their slaughter my rile to frank baton kills a of peter- boro eon of mr and mrs l- m kills of truro nova scotia tbe marriage will take place early lo september io digging potatoes in the gardso of bla conlalaw mr john brown willow street yesterday morning mr m hetse turned out a roammolb potato weighing two and a half pfhir1t it is on exhibition in the jfggg pmaren window a most successful meeting of tbe vromana institute was bold en tues day eftemooa on mr and mr thomas rmtymans beautiful lawn tbe oiaremont klnsale pickering and wbltevala branches wbo were the filli- flf brougbaui branch fur- nlsbed an excellent programmeafter wttlobnm sat down to a sumptuous tan tbe social side of the gathering was greatly enjoyed by ellpickerinf proveva grail ell to ihem in thilr we uoug to aetoao f an own land tho oodnty hatb tbarnto levied by the oonnty oouo- nl intt t if fnriwffliity for the year was af mills mi 9000 87 88m it bjmbjb 4100 88 140101 aom66 18h 1881 ob 1 861 17 sissiif about eight oclock tuesday evening the are alarm rang out and when tha word was passed that it was bar- is tte furniture autre there waa con siderable anxiety because of its looa- tloo in tba centra of the town volumes of smoke poured from the front windows of tbe second sjturey but it was sjbn ascertained that tbe ore waa wholly confined to the clothes oloeatand a few palls of water won- dued the flamel nearly all tba 000- teote of the closet ware destroy ed and tbemntartur woodwork waaal- moot burned through the lose will be about sibo tbe origin of tbe are was simple cecil wray tbe eightyearold grandson of mrs bsristt wae sent to the fo blouse tbeelec- trlohghu had not been turned on and ha atrook a nateb ut and bla mouse and with oonsumnwtn care brooghb ton nulnidfirtatooht kit never tblawagthat any har the funeral on sunday afternoon waa largely attended rev j a wilson b a officiated meeare g slatbam d oarnoohan geo mann j adam- aon w u smith and w d smith were tbe bearecv the following friends from a dlstanoe attended 1 mr and mrs w godfrey gualph 1 mr and hrr u campbell and family mr salby campbell and mr h kaiser of wast toronto t messrs 0 overland g t scott j mllloy j t austin t aklns w navllls j murray and f walker erlnr mr and mrs j mcdonald mr j oole mrs mjfaw mrs f b oolr mr and mrs h kentoer georgetown watch repairs sfv0wtat0mexprt jyesrsmtbllmtstoraeto 7 yssrs vdth a toroeto wools sals where only duacab work is met with all work guaranteed lor one 7 drop a curd for ntsuag box and sand year wajcb la esti mates alemys glvea bamce aomg whfoster geoftttow w6e right house makiltoms favoutc uiorrdio ruuu the um home of baaltoak eterlore tkc women of actoa paar with ite hlri eudewx of ite fu aid wtaler stodu therefore it bii amazed aa fall overcoat cwe iatlcrnu of natty over coatings jt nriltl sad are on display in our window ttila weak llo nut fall liiuv litem whos your tailor lut us inalte you a coatirom if any of tlienc yeur hlioica a nalty iattomk oualirv stvik kit a woskcuanktur kuaraatee- ewcey refonded call and got acqualntwl q j wallace at mankl stor we teicli bookkeeplnf in three months sbortband in six months get our catalogue 9ag9itvl ipitavfnp m5 adojudk st vfcar t7j9ktocanaia sasaswmmsxmawixxxxpxiiixxlixxasxxsothalm si q aa a aa aanaoa nnrnnq uoa u u u ana nnqdaa aan eumaaa annnn n dou a nei introductory i s3xalaw 5 id s3 aannaqpaanadaniuiaaanqanpadaaanqgnpi innqaadaadnnooonnppal looamnnonnnnnnnnawaiai of fall and winter goods obhis sale commences wednesday september 4th new xb coats suits dresses yard fabricd draperies etc will be offered at reduced prices the purpose is to impress you with the ability of the kight house to tarn out superiok merchandise at etter prices than elsewhere and thus compel your trade during the entire season surely a sale like this is unusual to give reduced prices at the very start of a new season watch the hamilton spectator of tuesday september 3rd list of reduced prices remember transportation expenses to and from hamilton are refunded on a very liberal basis according to amount of purchase for thomas c watkins limited king and hughaon ste hamiltovi ont ta the clydesdale siallloa royal prince 2814 wrabmtiw dominion hotel acton j3veky lubsdai arriving about noon and renaming uaill 7pm trimsto insure a lost t 1 payable ist february iqij all serine la 10 marcs at owoerartsk- nul oillima fkriaftor a new ajrola sovcpcjan shcitiiuiafeit sonutaana dftor it u chin odottea mtnprool gutd aui vennln pfoafoud pncusdtf indmhhdmn tbka feean- dnftraof mf to itmt mr a4rjalmlir kubowyot mtoph or wttt tor m btifrtoify a bsboaaaxllxalav atbeclosai au ton ramlly eat in tba eben a lttntsrsmoawwasnouoad pouring in from the- front room jw4 tnvastlgauonsbowed tba ooottnu ot tbe closet to be a ouuw of jantssv the are was pretty wall enbdued ufore ibe arrival nfj tba fre brfgd whose respoose waa commendlbly prompt mr and mrs- barlett are facy tbanhful tbe ore was oonflnrd to o3800u 7s goolmjbjdaa vzrilv l fine for country homes brings the worlds best music by the worlds greatest singers and piayers to your own home call at any his masters voice dealers and hear this marvellous musical instrument sold on easy payments as low as 100 a week if desired double faced records are 90 cents for the two selections ask lor tree copy of bur 280 page musical encyclo pedia listing over 5000 records bcrlinergramophoneco limited a t brown afent acton tlnew september repprds biwn rruldj whllllf rodtmuoo mvaibhccdvanrmttutaq- i vnnk bsrtwck vraak bubkkf sutculf troop fiotcustoapaj uioretor ji stoauo wht willi pumit hara b novalty ladmd lo tdwb or two anunully lolwwtlii n ioil to tvtltituraiotlw r lui mhuiajt pecuutyl haa engltaitsiiiwduo who utamdbt rt apolo wafer lion u wulop wid vr itotanaumd mdloooorclr which ulcboeucarof u nmlodntautio wta n fur quite tngnimirebibi toa lrt il wri k sstijfiitioroffboosato ta tb iajbijict of i victor aatuettcm hlthstor issi 1 dolu i maup lttl vlctionlr ofal tjaa th swan piano atto waukraa uaakowato tuottiaitia otiivirl bwobaivtoslwrja blaoh womans rights h fa yoor irutbenajila timht to flwiit in a lng7 f y pntnatnem and saiiifmction it b your pr to capect the lua trtitiorii and effkaency in the tungm yoa uaa in your tfaity work a ba bean lroatitboo in otjaer and often len hnpmta bn of e the gnrneyoxrord is tbe iwainoet frtrampfe of cook- tnfz etfficiaiicy v the gttmey eeoaktaaimar reanlaboa ao thedrafta by rafttnrordrappisroiiennafllcnrar it ireepa the fire aim for hour with practirahy no coal conwnnption it saves 1 ton i of coal in 6 tha gnmey kconomiier is found only on the gi range the gnrthryorford oven is ajtaoktety and always h tliii snm im r1 t j the heat b evenly asstributed this is a sura and tinrairma uarantee that whatever comes out of the gurneyoxford oven is crisp and light and danoous this is the final test and the point most often advanced by those who cook on a gumey- th w ru it i w r a privilege to have in bar money aaving oxford the labor time and fa tha curney- jas syinon acton rrxr automobites and implefneiits a agent for the famoas ford muttrcar ft r iwa harwrffit bp pmy ntanyand a fnl ftir ploawi nrl mnrhincry a good line of bugries and harness lap rugs and rubbers prices right also floor tiil l faiinertvwho are- thinking oftoilding a silo this year give as a call and get bar prices i bf gcadszseil aotpix

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