1 ht jvjrtjcw mtu ft volume xxxviii no 11 kht mmiiiuw u la airk acton ontabio thubsday mornikg bbitbmkbb la 1919 single oopibs thbbb obntb be tton jfrt jktss vrv thursday horkiko m or mommifthhi oh doiui- pw row truuj in minmaaj lao to nbhribwi in tea aprnniin bat toala adnrtlao- mb pr hooparall llna for i tasoh aa 1 mu iw ii fay aaoli asm embimflaabaahioaartta tmrlrooeutvott wimuuiultohilubhlull hcbtw asraruaomaeta wubout aptoula dlmouoaa fffl bo immttad th forbid taj abat mrd mir tmeslm odvartlaaiimow qpnl bo paid atwunntaw will ba ciaojai mm tab oaatnd for ibinai oftooar uios khuoama tba win akwnposliam nut i uooa hdmr ao fraprtator 4osttuu biztttorir mtkmcax itw os gray u d c u mccill iib0 p lnnnu iiltrp aboliuo ma sea a ban in minimi inmutim bra doug lab iakk m i pbyalciaa ind surgeon ilula of collon glc u4h ontario 1 ud oaufenu nlnnjiy at uuhlgaa ana of mow voik foal oninm roofptulli lata aiulml amlmul ibd opuxdmte oowao hintraud somvlmla or dlaaaaaa of br bar m w inaga voeatm x uat a inf lale uiitvw for tha liajtad vpunu of f whhlacton d a jmudmkliuowlv uoletta lata john ml maodokald w d o m law hop mid hup humt dotdobu- o of wpffm mwl qfofi buntwt w wnp a j mukinnoh bhiiwh botjowoa otmrmtimomm owrfosmlu mtmi in wot bleak cmovvmmkdlvbdom down otmolr of hoi- omqo hoollembmrvohttolobm d b j m bell i d o aotok onttb quun or tonwrao uwttaaai rvl a 8 hardik l- d s fc dbhtist yifmnla daeuatry to kit lu branaba iwff doolu b upauln qubijni d b l l bbhhbtt dbntibt gnbajroib svjwam uooktttmdkif diamonds no jeweller in mont rcitl or lotonto his a prico advantage over us in the purchase of dtamoncn wc mjk1 each inset stone separately ex amine it carefully and have it w in a ring to suit ourselves savage co oudph oat i bread boxes 4 bramchs i tlss flour boxes john r watson wmcmm or cemwil blocki ltd tie uytof nmneatt ceamit floor- uif wdl staunj i corttar pumps aad repairs katispaction assured orden left at rnaldanca main street acten or to box 44 will receive prompt altentioo gren grocer a0t- rnurr mppchant e k cook foreign fruits a specialty cocoa dilivuid mill 8titt acio jmaoawl hooka ol ail um of m fro hmi om00 aoyon xtf amtbtbbbt w ibo oautlloo of walllaitoa mtd 1umm aim t la looa on ua uoak fototoloa loll o 1 ji lowoat lotoa of lotasro la of mm im npworda ilalo pool v plvllb votum qoonuaa of wallioatw ii esnssvipoaop a p ooloao mummu natoooo in omnaotlm atlita too pg mmalaakwtf pamaa laono ujl twottmnawlou olloouoa too oaolotoaaoooollotoltit jambs wcdonald ucbmimd aucriohkkk of yvoulattob holloa woomrtm woniworui 10 lb 0170 opolbb folas wd m naaooobto aorau ao kohun im aubiiph th 014 wd beluble granite and marble dealers of auchiaoaat oadboadolom obfsaaaotaoa uao jiotto atomopn- waters bros quelph atjp schopj sppe8 r naturs study otamical btomolooical prawino laintlno hatyuritsreea pt 9 ibv e t lb capaclly i4u cake boxhs hjuuif um 9k tttia u tbta only woy d iirofiorly loi lteod ivmit and coke tbeobovo ore mom air tlifbt b aoo tikcljr fifiiabod ami ailractivo a ntco lino u now on tltsployln our window and in our torn auontton u oloo lld to out linfl of kirduacks tkavl baths akitak canv wo carry a ctiotplolo lino of ttowmro umb a is not found cbwwbofio in guolpb wo bavo wht yoa want ibo bond hardware co removal notice vo find ti nooaaaary to aoooa lotoporarlly r old atxahoai witb sui a co ndnmni si wbaro eyoa wtu ba eunja l onwtnd and l pitted a d savageaueiph hcton livery bus lino tbo tandcnlcnod raapact tally olidla tbo patranafo of tbn pab uc and injoctna tboaa thai woju ipnmtd aad awraaafe womm alwayo bo aa at ua liaio b fux al and io jqhn sntiuuimhics the bell piano waullt to last a upttfub iwi rtanoa afntwaen onravy nirll thai baa mada ibo hoi an ezcaap- llonal inerininmot il baa an ar- tbtlc cam doalcn tnmaty of aniab andnimnoa ac oaaanllaj lo tbo de- nran d a n drat clat bkatra chas m kelly paper makers otojtomtowsont book nkw8 and ooloeibd papbba jno itbalulbu bdhcat10 fob success s3s318t ouhjnblness college baaaatuaaal ftm aaafcaaaaaa aalti a fceafc laataaka 13s tttjau vojak sm otuwa mutucoask ft a mt i i binder twine what kindt plymouth gold medal silver sheaf r nobiib n f moore maaar spring f summer shoes choooayow ahrm ftroni or wpart wtotfr wbafo e baw an nuay hann baal rtn taknalookt tboabom tawr mm ad rat aoaaalnlnd with im aaw mjtat lit cmr wln w tti abow bai a aarir of onr uwot bat tboaa town will v pan nvtfaiolwbaiotirtfocfeblim w m tmyn m latfn oc ol bid gndn w wtdiiiams movtooo3ho- 1 miu street j tuton 9nttv walor ta boot lor tbo nnn of baa 1th twill hoop hlo atmotb nnooiw wurmmtartlwtbaaofnnltb twill hoop bin ricboo atatrw waur u lal rbr tbn foobl omi lor for iimwo arboarw growing old will htrop tbom ball bvmi m rotaw 1 waur u bot lof ibo youo and bom twill oak tbolr a lnny walar t- boat for tbo ww of loll twill mtako hu labor light wlr u bou tor tbo lad too win ooll i nnt a band frotm tatornlnc tui nlgbi wator u baot for tbo aaan of ouib viu nanko uan mwmm alow 1 and for una who leatavx pawooful lira tlatba varj bani drlk i kow wnlor la boot for ibo wan of ntalo twill knap hlo jn a uttw wmoa- la boat for tbooo wkjo wnit hlablgbeooainnndotn do walar pnro wftlar a tbo drink for man il a- foootalna ra hall and fawn 1 otbon may drink fltwwfetf who walor u bant in cold or boot al tooro at noon at nlgbt tu ibo only drink tbat out bo unt ouar boajlbfal npnrklb bright inwuct jnkw hneiitji itoe dlidint blc m till oomod of tabootfl voioooaoot od oit ram lb library to tbo ball wbrtr morton atood frowning a pool of glritob inogbtor broogbt tbo nngry tod to bu n ho rntt up tbo ntntim od bit gitlad motbor plaotd nod auvory looked op 1 woodor mt bio ptrriorbnd f aor otwadnaolbar to bo bnawngnln v who donrior tbntyoong w soano ennt in with sttutrt half u boor 40 tbo om udy aaoworod trmoullly vory hkrly t ww aloe wotd motion droppod into tbo chair op- pool t tbo onajry wordif on bta llpn w not apotwa bwa bio flunk of vouitlon dlod mwmy in tmt naooo 00 motion qtwfton inapactod gtoi aaoro tban nny ums non on oartb nod bn found it dllbfnlt to find a aulublo way of tolung bor wan anakln a lubjtak awl wbue ha wallnd ktuy nutw up tbo otalro nlaglaii ktuy r bin volon wan parmoapiory ha oonuonad bar l ru ono thing to tnkn mdaoo gtafton to tank nod qojta nnotbor to ceoauro kitty in wont ban again r bo do- tbo girt looknd at hlan nod tbo tmri t bor upn laawnlnddlnplanaitro yao stuart fannaght blaa la a uub wbua ago ibantwatad wall htuarl a nuking a bis lake wboo ba bringa blm ban and yonro ma jowt no boy m one to tv mraga it i don t uka it i loll ypa kluy oolor raaa xfa ooanaa aa lottmna stnuurtyaittm rrinndo do ttdqanknqllo m aoi jvatnmqn tor i 1 1 aboum hop not v morton apoka dcictoiuy oty nttotnon la a ry dl0onn fobow vary jwntnt kitty agn haniultalbcunad to ba wild uot ba tboy any bo la doltuf rary pour work al ootltg and lhat mora thnn onea ba ban ouomt vary noor bring 1 ponded morton irownad ivuntwon u a noiloman bluy and want toot uotf yon and stnort 00 treonlr oonuy my door mndataia oraf uwi voleo bad too antbortty aba know bow to nonu on you arr refartiog to your brotbora flllinil muanitun yw wndnmtbar and limit what i objaot lo stoart baa no imalani to makalhntaortof mand wam u ignorant ha want to work wboo- ba won a ilula chap and baa taught blaa- 00u all ba known ha eartnlnly otuaaton awpw hu fatbafvt factory hand and no for ba outtgafc up to gtra a lady bta anafj intliaatrootoakfcatttbonk dolo oqaf thl6cawkorrdrr ktuy inngbad but be alwayo gtroa up ham mt if utnrav n faoa rona ha llan ba wno foroad to nekaowlodgt i bat kitty bad ooorod dwlgbt may not bo briluaat ba aald with dlfputy but hia family una good na any in tbooountry and woofa fatbor you will ramombw woo yoa i know and tvn anolbar g at 00 hsy hot wbo doom t brioog to no obi uuilly ollharltw bonmn wbat bju i d wltb twrr morta lold blnswalf luot in an or gumonlivo iimmmj kilty waa afoot du- agioooalila th uootmmia won a fjsiully a lucky dlocorory of n itrmiiigly worlhkwa farm bad osm14hi lb- lultrroto bond df ibo booor to algt itt imiim lo check a largo immlgll titcuul lapact tbo ohll- dron bod bd tin wtsofll ibo boot ooboola apd ltiiaaa gowno had onado bor lb oavy of bar- tiluo otnlo of cotwoo ob own i b loft out lb hkw ma naid oborlly dout bo nonoonaleaj kitty 1 bat kitty won not roody to oiop your dlridlng moo mort oaomn to paopla wbo ara igncwaat itbfmit family and avow ihooo of doubtful noorato i dont thing yon fault with ana for k loading it to inclodo aim wont and fociunnta- ly grand nootbor agioua with ma but ibouglt lli iivltatlon wao oool in duo ordor al m4 wna not 00 of roont at kitty a party kxplanationt tf ititol ooeaoamatrom half a doaoq marten why baront you board woot baa 0bjpl loin a fortune ha taut molly vary rich you know but itll look big lo him how did it bappoo r kilty oaotalm- d bor oyoo bright wltb ploaauro at j brr friood good foriona why it aaomn that an unrja of hfc btonootbota brotbar oand unoouy out wont aomawhar yoaro ago bin yoongoat daughtar mada a marriaga that dloploaood blm and bo out bar off wllbaohllllag i don i know 00 boo aor nam ajae but ba loft blm tba nay a aplto logaoy kit ty aald itaongbtt fnuy auc wont ilka tbat part of liar informant laugbod hall put dp with iu i guaaa mou of m would it oartalnly wul ba n cbattgo fov blm rar working uk n dog oil bu ufr oooavonlng ilula mora than a wwak latar aloe wrot made bla appaoraw at tbo orafton boon wttbout anyi warning he btoknd pal and urad an ba abook handa morton wbo hap- pened to ba in tbo toom xtoodod wa band wltb tbe utbaro mentally he faring tbo foot tbat atooa baring a dlffbrooca he wao of od than bo bad bono two no better wwd yot it no uanttlng tbat be aboald be iwoalrod na an lul welt aloe bluart aeotalmad ban tbe flret giwatlaga ware orer gto on anoonnt of yonroalf how done ii mam to bo n millionaire f a mlluooalror repeated aleo hunbly and fluabad to lb roota of bl hair dont ba etlly stuart kluy mid leprariugly fllnut maaaa aba aald that weve beard about your le and wt re all very glad for you thin explanation did not eeoen to dlapel auwa ombnrraeament th legacy bo aald uncomfortably ob but you know tbat waont molly mine ffot really yura bitty m perplexed why wa board 1 mean i tttdnl have any real right to it uncle wltooo never wrote to w he otmldot have cared anything foe me and tbn money reauy helooged to my ooualn mra molbert- tbo room waa vary atlll jforton notklog the nbeortiod faoaa of lan otbof roahned tbat he too waa wait log almoet wltb nagornoao for ibo naiword flbe warrted agalnat bor father wlabao yoare ago she t ixmiddocabljj older than i an you are her olorel boy moat be vwelve or thirteen tbtj flret iblng i did area to hunt bear npj and it waa haijjer tban yon would be lleva but i round her at laat am none too apoa yoa bat aba wna vary poor ft kitty qneatlonad bor ro bright vrltf aympnthatlo uoderatajodlng draarlfufly poor rvawao throogb boom ptetly hard plana mynalf yod know but nothing uke tbat she baa br obudreo nnd the oooood hoy baa aoma eort of hip dlaaaae and aha waa working twloe bnyond ber erraogthi poor o5l trying to knap a toof oetf tbolr beedo her hoaband bad been dead year 8ba dldnt any n word agalnat him but from what i flaked up bote aad tbrc i gnem be wponf mnobofaloae baaotdowntoniorodit 10 oftt hlk awkwardaaao 8b went tm of the ana oaii b ntlnv ragalty nnd morton frnofn daijteaad na be raaunrd tbat bju nrotpat hkd not help nriuattatw it waa on ib oeoaalon of kitty wrtbday party tbat tba aubjeut earn np again for na morton lmea over the pile of invlutlona lying on huauuraarriuogaoakblaeyorouoa an uoaxpected name wbatl ha cried angrily youre not going to inriuwaatr why uotf booauoa ibera a got u ba ndlvtdlng una aomewbero and lu loolt blm la an inauh to tbn tmbora i i btuave in dividing htm tnu uorubot 1 dont kno why u ahonld be drawn to inavn aab out tbrra isnt n afiwghtnr yonng fkdluw in town btoartaayor oomparad wub fpliy pauafeon ttbera tant any onmparieoo b iwmh tba two khty- wyjbt a ou inge man and though be la a hub wild 1 bfariyuut wva wll dwlgbt ymhwhaaot n brll tfnnt ntlnd shan 1 erom off hu mort boaltalad ki ihn i enjmlnl 40mir o dwlgbt weak anpfffog nw bynamlla 1 bad n bard um flalninf it to btr ba nald bb oonidnt iwean to take tt in at brat ilcitwlwaoha raauy graapad lb loan uwt lirrhuil unm tfaiiab bad nmctdy aawogfa to tnkn eara of tbecwldren and aduoata ii andoflllbat wrll- he dnnrn braath bre are ootoe thlnga n fal low taut likely to forget be aald alrnply a ltd tbat uiluulo la one of tbn but your not making it ntl over to ber f eaolaliuod kilty ber intaruat gottlug tbe bellrr of dlocrouou aire a loltk ooeoaed to imply tbat be would nol bnve expeoted tbhi of bae wlyabould i keopltr atealn jd it waani mine i dtdu nave mj c o uocu wuon tnuralf i had mabltotakoaror fmyoalf and they ueedod the money tb iilldririd to ouwthloga then mbw book to tba obbjetof awcv eouatuaand tbelv fortuur tbaok hoy waa at one lo ba put under tbe mro of a apeolalut tba mother wao to buy a houm in theonuolry thalsi what tboaa flhltdren nerd aleo pbvlnad broab air nod plvnty of lu n4 blue ky nd gmm to roll nronnd ouv rm vlnb up umi tpn nutt cbtlatmae and idaro my 111 hardly know tboaa morton g aam little in t- apoufca but bio bought were boay 1 lanaglnary advantage reooltlog n tbe poiiioalon of a fortuoo bad pa from tbolr gneal heww etltt poor aoolftangbtyoolh nliaieawk il and aelf- llmoo but uoklug noma of lb naltmradrnotagoo bo pwnoeaed tbo etrrllng manhood iiuui wblob tbe grmem of ufa ar m rton waa not of tbe tamparmont blclt hade it rooy in any l waa orrimig but after alec departure be 1 a ooareotbiim wblob kluy prtnod la prportioo i it o cool klltv morton mid opeaklngwllh an obort were right ii would be pity to draw a dividing una tbat would leaoe fcuow uk auc went 00 mak ok tub mld putori tbl i a ut of ndvtee wbkb farmere la general would do wab to follow to crop ol b klnda laorenaa and mnlllply in oweh plnqae whore they feed upon tba toota of tba wiro aownaacmek brerleo phloag dwb colored eaon white grubo turn btagx or may hantlea uke from two to three year lo grow pmlud ibey food upon note aad om out otf algbt and out of roach there la a popular idea tbat aolt ww klb w u and tba qneetlon le oflwn aakad how avnoh aalt oboaud hadawromnr uka annoy other popular enperet thero im nothbag halovor d thle malarial for the pur- poaa kaoogh aalt to affnet the grubo ny vegetation andlt la donbtfol if any aaonolnt whatever wo 1 tba roaoady k tbaae to htnak np wvodlag placaa two ahonld by plongblag tbo graaa ba deeply lata la the fall in order to tfratotwffeontnndrninv nnd aleo to the nrirm it- and bird which odupootheam tba eafeet crop to grow during tbn rot year i pea after that a bund crop pre tatmlpa would be tba win probably bo no grubo left dur ing the brat year any that lame are in alone togrowoorn nop pa groin na two ineeota old paa- tar undo are producuvn oreeoung- from tboaa baaan to the orope li bontbena nountleo off ontario lag on lake krle tbere ta another nert m peet wblob holnaada in old paa- tune wbare the aou ta ugbt or eandy thin ta known na tbe roan chafer tba beetle appeare uenauy in gaunt awarma aboar tba una lb room ooma into tnooaa and davoum not only then floweau bnfc all aorta of other that way be growing in the gardan tbo woret damage it doe ta to tb moa- eome nod yoonag ftob and grbpe vinos ot which it b fnrtknlariy ibnd them four n poe a which itreeamy dlfbutt to onolrol way be greatly vaiuaad in number if not got rid of aauogethar by a abort rotation of cropa and pally by keeping paatnren not mora than throe yeats under gtnaa o j b betbonr oo- tario agrtcnrtural oollag quelph yourdiwgglatl booked up by toaanfaetnaan of salvia tba great hair grower it a gumnidto grow bah salvia deotroyo dandrub day the root of the hair am ao nonr- lebnd nnd fad thai n pew orop of hair apriaga up to the amaaamant and de- llgbtof tbo near tbe kalr u naada ooft and bnfty uka all america salvia ta daintily it in bard to bod an act team who doaa not una salvia tinneby lasatubmofaootety nnd inbnanoa nootbrr 1 salvia ua no st piutation tbo lalorior of tba itapttat church me bom mod quit attractive by brieklayore 1 work on hre rill hand vrodor- horriopn nanddwolllnr ooer miu tokattvrlr he j b if olun rwfw preaebed loolleot rnuoo in kmi jburob on hnnday aflrr two wovka very aoclooo uloeae ut- oboe tlpptmgtoo died at bio home on mill htreet joolordny iemkr j j u abbott in about to ave for kogund lo cooeult hlr andrew clarke regarding bla braltb bicb la a aarioua oondllion tbe woman o mlaelonary hodoty oleeied tbolr ofhoare at tbolr annual mooting aa fouowe prmideot hro- rena mr u achriatie itooord log secretary mm jamee moore 1 gorreaponiung bnere- tary mm ii p moore treaaurnr mra antbooy btepbanaoo mr jamm moore waa alootod dolegate to m ananal oonvrouoo at woodntock tbo kpworth rrg baa arrao lib bo byron lalng for n grand phonographic concert tba laatru- it to be uaed to ooe of kdlaoao r lataot no rub tuba am u a large funnel on tbe platform throw tbe eouod all over the wbon it a run by electricity and you omn bear tbn beautiful etmtaa of band ajngor voioev and piano tone with remarkable diet i onto mo wkfle utung iwyoor a eat at lb itotlar mu1 meeting oo sat urday fairly well atte by far- mr john uarvay prbpoaed to a foil rooor pa oflotty if n sobaeriptlon uat was clreutated biaoo wera wumd b re tbat aesount after turning ml gtwd of bour m d codmnon dud john wr- ran and otb ndtliaaaad tbe moating 1 000 and after general con-vor- aad qtmulon and answer keep it before th people that tbo earth wan mod for man that tba bulla weaw gpoww and th bowsaw wtwnatrourn to bins and never ban tbat tba eun and th ram th rorn and th genln are yonra and asine say brotbrr ktob gutatram baavan and freely given to one na well aa another that drink 1 a caroo and aaara amffotad nontr it blnde the aoul and draga it down to un ir rum moot not b aold for euvnror gold by yon and mo my brother od glvm tbe deeror 1 nation to free ju aa wauaa another then oo wltb the battle for truth and onr banner oar the land and am hbab hatha ua fold in the glorious light of tbo year of iubllee dr o ii mead maaorw kobort jobnaon and ohaa davldaoa were appointed to stake n aa lo tbe aeedad gnnnrfal tba propeoltiou 1 on that worked elaewharn aa at port rowan wber mr vroere lata of looauty waa given an equivalent of the amount elated tor a uk pnrpo miss kama if motm- daughtar of principal t t moore who haa enter ed tbe staff of quroeo in toronto gen eral hospital waa paeeeutcd at lb hpworth ltwgue mooting on tuesday avwoiag with very appropriate ad dram on behalf of tbe ebolr and con gregation accompanied by an olngsat gold watch and chain the umuar tniug evidently ugnut eurprtae mlm glvee on bar behalf by bar father bar mr kdg maaore vtenefa hb1 wullam dr vj nnd h p moor apohu giving added testimony to mlm moore ueefaloaea in varions epart- pmnta of church work tba church haa never loot a mora able and devoted mr il p moore accompanied by hbr brother knv t albert moor niagara fall bave returned from tour to parry sound and vartoue points on uw north ahoro in the tarsal of sunday school organised work uodor tbo direction of tbe pro vincial amoriatlon tbe trip was of great interest a tba tugged soenery and at towns and other points seen tjw uiau route koatchbub acton and spayaade baa beau let to mr jama martin pos spaymde jaaoaa trow ex m p for south forth and ox libera whip lo tbo conmnono died suddenly in toronto on saturday ha had b sudmji for eonta lima with heart trouble and was intending to be examined by aoma of toronto bast physician ha had a bfamsm of tbe heart in a belt xjo car on king street but after being conveyed tohbaooaoflwaoognritoa street and attended by oavwral doctors died in about an boor- and n half mrs john speight while vbliiug in london wa last friday afternoon sobed with a serious i from alight atroka of patalyalo sbob been rapidly lecovering and will ba brought borne ibis week him lottie speight left on fttday evenlag to wait notjr jrotandi w mtanav a bpttbi for flqc acauncaopauratiua htf you nny shearing nuwar naked the boarding bua undlady whan bur huabaod got boas drnri bn urtad i have more than that lbs van happy ourpriaa hwh paiwyon aobs 1 well iril u tp ma bod you earn two fam spading up eomebodye peony bejr aw any i this i the rani thing toll me tba wocet yun know that ukbjlner you gut n sou bat front r ido dooiuumesboatioad better thnn that shea oomlng bora for two weok board ha youwsnrbnvn that trip to monte carlo youve been wanting trajaodpipanler uyuat efacnmb tmmbm wbat do you tslnk ta a wires handler tto run tbn hlbs sor and n hnahnam r to pay thnm and aaor tbntr nothing that wju kaap ua both left on monday for milton where abaja to make her tu for a tin her leaving ta much grettod mr frank coatee oooper of atitoa has recently died mr coatae was a familiar fagurs hats twenty or twenty- live yaam ago lin adaat pfekaooium gone to visit friend in london mlaa mahal rom b spending n few wveka at brauptoo mra maloolm kennedy has rettftoed ffomvwunglnuate buhm baxi in aaaonm hltm to mr ana auahaarr hall neon bdc voouu amd 1notnm at dmwanxe kmtsnrnot in tba grand moeekol at bi patsanbnig six ofbeera of tbe jaaporial hone gnarda ant drinking champagne not far from them sat an toaignln- t uttl ssaa with a shabby coat an unkempt beard and a glaee of uqunr in front of him it waa not long before be be awmr that hn waa bring ridkaded fay tbe mm aforem by nnd by aa t haeaas son and asora off bo- rive in their rsaoarks on his psreoo waiter and then be sold brtng me six bottles of your beet ebaaapagne tbj waiter heellatad did yon not brer wbat i mldf ooked tba utue ptory rspatiuou off the order m a ptaoa of eoap ms tba next ordsr it waa brought a towel the dm one now opsn be waiter dm ao th bttk ma now nlled tbe basin with tba eooteuta of th six bnttlaa rolled up hie sfa sets washed hlaaself in tba costly amid wiped bla band f org im a mjaamr now judge amu budad 1 wfeh you would axpasllala this case esmuch 1 you oan i aaa la a gr hurry bum said tba jostle lmum i gotta do ton bayln this after sou and tbar s n taownmcetln lo oner that i eatlawll uat ell day j an tbettadny i gotta go over to bubos ooma to njivnootloa eats i guam wab gat round to you about tuesday of next weak on yell ear tboe by pbadln guilty oh wew all right ratortedbfldad rm guilty whattjh penalty r waal mound bete were aaakla umjadg too days in tba county jall a r guntleatan talb aatory of a bla op wbo arrived unexpectedly at ha boose of a certain vloar whose wife happened to ha from borne tbn good mandld bta beet for tba nooom modattoo of hb right rev father aad installed him foe tbe night in tba opera bedroom tbo inhowlag saors- hlmealf and in reepoose to the hope good night grumpily replied that ha had not later in tbe day udy of tbe bnn returned and was horrified ofc wbat bad ooonrrad bald ba when i left i put tba teapot and ab the silver apoons under tbe hu would hud ohm a negro was la goal awaiting hb trial for the theft ol a eow hta wife called to sen him and as aha want out tbn goatar asked 1 horn you engaged u bwyor to defend jim yet handy r no aald lb dusky dam with adetalvshakortbehad kfjtm waa gobt a gat him n uwyer at one 1 bub be si y he elnt guilty 00 n eourse ah aint agwin to t o uwynr tban cam a volos from tba dariines of the colls mlstah orndy causd the prboner taudatyor niggab woasan to git n uwyer and a jobw gotm ono tool bwajwarr- qa aoaool na imlslwvli d air joeotnae ban to eaoabtarof t warn a ittowknaowmat tba ha tesssrtxisl4rcrk 1 hoaoo tl in ta ram hajabbyaaa itarr aoan fin mwtomronat ua iwma ta aotia on i mllaowlaajlnavodat thb mhm oumuii wunrysooitidt dawvoring to ba nle and pout and obummy to tha tiawlbubuteurn iboppoea it b tb old old story dont you kwuh ool of tb family motto join tba simy whatr oh no rir pmia ma newly blued sabal lam thlna have quit allarad alooa your day a u asajor ibrtaopou uoldad to rajtsa hb tjrm aatoaptdlauty rer waa and never wbl baa unlvaraal pa in on remedy for all hi to which aooh u hofau ffbu would rsuava emu ill in turn would aggaaoth others we have how ever in qolnln wlaa wboo ohtalnad to n eouod unadulterated atntn a ronsedy for uuury and gitevo lib by ita gradual and judicious nan tba frailest oyoteme ara lad into aov3wa- ome and otraogh by tba yobnonoa whkaouiutmaxera on natures own raetotntlvee if te tboaa to whom a ehronfe abttn of morbid daapoombrtay ajtul lack of interest in ufa u n db and by tranqullblog the narvns j to sound and re a im vigor to tba notion of tha blood which being t4ima toam atrangtharilgk tba healthy animal fulwtlomv c th thereby making activity a w unwary raattlt strengthenbag tbo fraam and giving lire to tba dsjfeauv organs whlcfc naturally demand btarwmid subetanoe aaault fanprovad appetite north top mtaymaut of toronto bavo glvoc to tha puolla thulr aaparlor qjdnlite bythaopinloo of aalaauata tha wlae npptoachna it enroot parfeotioo of any ootbemarkol all druggists sell ii r iv