Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1912, p. 3

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wallpapeb kew stock u9w opened jtroni per ciwtampoles window shades la era gram aad whit ruin ace and taaanlo caju in and sej our new stock uocmm imuao geo hynds jmstanio mwf lea mi rawest rate r laara laiwbmuerrkrami taw sale racaja hwelllag and flier frajerty la all parts rilw we hare every iawduty ffr i la year j a- willcialv uerwjetwa be juton jfree ress thubhday hkptkuuhil it 10 1 a buef local items tb local fall fain will now have their inning whitby- la to have e s1o0uu ow angle library big potatoes are bains blbl by pow generally now tb high price of mat haa drl awtay pople to a fruit and vegetabe news of local ipmokt tha contract ora have uw founda tions for tmrnltu frd store building welt advanced wbm ouaipulnl the building will bo moved thereto and tbe site for tha post ofoca aad oustoma house will than be deer of all obstrue- tlon j tha question of tbe bour shall wa bay ooel ur go houlh for tha win ter- bverton mw mbmoi bridge has bean oompseted and la opaa for general tambe wtba aadanc at toronto bshlbl- taoawa wltblu 40000 of lb million xavfmncpmtmtlto december 31st ay aiidimi la tha british kmplrc foravoeute tha vtuasaof ilagerevlllo carried tha hydroklectrle bylaw by a vote of 188 to fbu weak brampton vail pair nul tueaday aad wednesday promisee to be an un- nadra la tha nasi municipality i wbloh will probably join tha raake or hydro power cnneuuwr tha grain berveet la now wall war tha ytald of root and f odder woflwhi be abaoat unprecedented two rink of acton bowlara want to brio last thursday tbay won a algae victory over tha noma player u bl nw maaa wara enrou- jt tha fro ubrary in july and 1033 book wara leaned dur- doaa yourrhkk faewb mbaorlpuon label tall ou and aad your fi l that you are paid up ateaaotharyearr tha annual district convention of the champion a ye oitlaen have j again oomplalned to tha champion tha woman a hlaaiouary society vrtlll fa o tb hmhit hwhaldlnthe mathodut church delwerr wamona on tha nee thoraday 17h october vqk being under tha influence of fllqanrfna local option town lest weak kaa atbraoabridga waa hoed 40 and eoata ovac sot in all bar a j mann who went to woodellla from erimou four yaara awn haa ue will takwapoat giaflaah eoura at knox college the temperature on monday and tu tha good old wmnw tfaaa brand- oo tueaday the tbrr- joebiter regutetad t in the ahadr i ba dr w g wallaea who went tf toroatn from georgetown b fat swaday hla twantyefth year aa abtanaaof bloor btraat preebytarian tidto j mdtoala kettlmk on a apurt now pjnert hydro- kteetrle a drputatlqo of pltjaana ateot tu toronto last week and bad aa interalaw with hon adam beolvaantfce o tba obronlela nomplwlna of the baadny mim of dgara clgarettca caadk ate in the wbhby drug morle la njfr daiaikib of tha law aad inalale owhhtraetfo j iwp l fhey have oangfat aiw naaeagaweya and thus sorvwd lb myatary of tha kluing of aata pa 1thrartmtaly it waa aaasht a atnip aat for it reformer tha open air ooueert by acton oltlaafia band on saturday evening waaipaauyaajnyed by clthwna gaoer- ally tba muale landvrad manifested arable improvement lately in the gof tha band laoon who bad tha teak of eaourlng 45 wachera fwr the of haltoit there bring t jk all baa auo- gattlng taaehara waepf oaa batoroaap for all cr toaaa tba attain hrawnci mr henry horbbbu nuaoly regfcuar bad a- vary frtrtay driving acrom the navaajutlyuaboul awbaa tha ite auhad la jmdwn 0 tried to gataerom batofljof lba gataa odbm down right- llhnn t aad bb borne tha mmuo noticed tbe trooble and rawcain fatoed the ghtr but omnia awete ajala ito ooahl gat neroai aadf blp ferom the ww bruhv tawttfje qmllapalnrnuy hewaadhv- lawpmlkraattbatitiv and thle mmm wlb the fact tftat lb frlaglit fijwirtti wowly ai tb time iflfljaftft irfjtj mm rrooiiaaetiagwllb alnfnl aee n laat friday while hi u kbbsgv wae dvllvarink eocne wall tile down lown be fell from hla truck nndj uniainnd a fraeiaren rib and painful trtii- uolng in ratlter poor balth prttvioukljr uila accldvnt haa bean very aavnrvly fait lie 11 however mlowly reoovarlng anattw coauaadhmm bank par the floe new bank barn of mr hack mcuougall on toe eacond una poaltv ur cbaa davtdeoaa u much admired by all who paaa tbe bnlab- ing touchna are juat being put on it bj a good match to the lplaadld barna of llenrs davldmin and mcdonald on the adiolnlng fa no b albnaw ktataaw ml albana church proparty con- tlouee tq aaeume a more attractive ap pearance during tha paat wo of three weeke tb walla of tha rectory have bta brautlfully whltenad tbe wood work neatly painted painted aod tbe pramlaee generally made roor attractive and com fort able itev mr wllkinaoa certainly baa an eye ui the beautiful and know bow to aocompllab dealrabl end ttmpreoocamunlonaarvlceaat knox cfaurch lat friday evening were wall attended the earmon by bav h v oameron georgetown waa appropri ate and impreealve at the ooo- muulon aerwiob on sunday tha al- tandaaob waa uaiuaually large hav mr wllaon preached- a vary fervent earutoa and tha aervloe throughout waa characterised by a moat reverent aplrit myaanallailalbiiiiafmailif alauoa tbe tender of contractor j b mae- kenaia for tb erection of tb new hydroklectrfc transformer atauoo oo willow street waa accepted hut week on saturday morning aa fl- ajnee waa up from the city aod ataked ont the ait hr m haa eom- menotd oaeratlooa and will poafa tbe work of the ne building forward ao aa to dave it completed aod ready for lb installation of tha system when the traoamlaalon line reaobea acton from qoajph sivow bwmm na on thursday venlng george the year old eoaor principal stewart bad a very narrow escape from drowning hu slater were bathing near the dam at the corporation pood and bad left the little fellow in hla earrage on tbe re tbay forgot to put tha adjust able bck on the wheel and whan tbay eome distance from the shore tbe carriag started down tha bank and into tb pond tb slaters soon noticed lb little miowa plight how ever and promptly rescued him from hla perilous position small delivery waggons on i be pave ments kneeling oo one knee and pro- pell log with one foot and often going fast to tha danger of pedestrian who are forced to glv tbm the right of way no objection baa been ralaed to the drawing of loaded delivery wag gons on tbe walk but to tb speeding above described it there la a town bylaw applying to it it should ba en forced u uaraunoluiahjgh tlm that one should be tbe meeting of tbe womans mle- 1 onary society of tba methodist qhureb will have special lor m thle afternoon at four oclock hies k j el megufjln of toronto will address the ladles at eight oclock in tbe evenlogahe will deuver another adores oo ibe topic i what i saw and beard in the holy caod ulsa mcgofflo u missionary enthusiast and is vary capable of intereauog her alienee at has had tong experience in mla- iary activities all tha of tha congregation and of oi congregations desiring to attend invited to be in the summer of moors sou of the laic william moor st who waa for year a reside of this vicinity and owner of lot 1 ooo brio at present owned by mr a j hurray aad hu bride hu priaolua cunningham of oreenook earn here to spend their hooynoon bine that tint they ware never here together again until last work whaa they re turned and pant a nonpla of days with relatives hr moore spent about ten years of fat boyhood days bare ha attended tb old school oo malta streetaiidwaafoeatiudappref tloed to the late michael speight hucksatllb oo this visit the old bom farm was vial ted old scenes of earlier days the oecotery and varloos other polntr nf interest were surveyed and reminiscences of long ago recalled mr and mrs ho enjoyed tbeefajlj imojeumly and their relatives and te former friends war delighted to there was quit a furor for a quer- tarftf an hour in the ntlhuir eantlon of willow street last saturday morn ing little gertrude draper tba eightrcnmonths old daughter of the hatfaodlst parsonage who bad been piayugboat tbe lawn suddenly dis appeared with great anxiety tba par ent sarched high and low for tb uttl jeugbtrr ra r wllktoaon aod other neighbors joined in tb earchbut nowbora ooold she be locat- wwoccporauoq pond adjacent to tha parsonage property waa naturally thought of bat emreh there revealed flnmy no t of the mhvtf one v ahwf foand in hr freak qai rard id ll analaty wae rfljevd gat betweea tbe two borne waa fastened and it waa thought ojulsas to look there bat a una trail discovered allowed a smalt bole under tbe rauofv whlcl tha dog bad used for ingram andegram end trace that th glrme had uullmed the same route ware fol lowed up and the lost daughter wa feuod thh folkmed thanhfttl r- joinings and neighborly oongratula- the lm ffwlha wr of two brtdgae to ba bulla by the county were mnd last weak one la to beon the hia line near ulllo opposite tbe andareon farm td ibeotbev at zimmetuian mr tho ooo tractor gat both hla lavkdar bring the lowes waa vajemhi n tee eats mr krad wrtgguswoatb hornby waa awarded bret prise for hla carriage mar lalbr claae open to farmer and aeoo in lb open elaaa at toronto kxhlbliion by winning tb orat prise mr wrigguswohb u auo the winner of a special prise of gxslagold ijalatalaat kuasd tan fat oauln mr 8- johnston of hawick bad aold for delivery on tueaday ten need of una fat cattle at six hundred dol lar oo going tu tbe acid for tbetn she found them all dead the herd having been almek by lightning dur ing the storm oa saaday sociat and krsmfal tb toronto star says fiftyfour children bar died from whoopl cough during the last uv asnatha tbe inclecnent weather haa bad much to do with the outbreak hot ik would ba no such lutof fatalities were parente to mail mi that the malady la on which avs tbe utaeost ear and aueation saturday waa rather a dull day ft beelneaa la town kvary farmer was hustling to get in tbe oats which were passably dried after tbe two days of a bumper voiuom d la the veolng however body waa tired but reeling good that at last tb crop waa in condition for it required eoo rafale grace and respect for tbe sabbath on the part of many f mars to rsslit tbe temptation to haul in grain last sunday alainoon after some of it bad the bret oppor tunity of a few days drying u a month this sapsr istly when the aklea ware ao threatening of rain again tend ere are ashed for a mail route from aotou post office op the second line to iba brlcat church oea to crewsons corner west to tbe sixth line naaeagaweya south lx i miles to ur if jobs corner across b hperaidr up to p l boons a the rout entail a daily drive 30 16 mllea after the arrival of lb j 111 a m mall from lb west the new rout will be pommenced in ooto- tbeam a large industry s for tiualpb being the canadian branch of one of the la wal iron eom- panlaa in the united state a charter has bssaaa tb authorfawd capi tal bring 9360000 aad aa immediate tart will be made oo the erection of buildings tr tiawcxmmarnwiu man ufacture all kinds of malleable aad gray casting and tb output i ex pected to be el least 11 r ceo toe aday hr h p moore who is chairman of the executive of tbe methodist book aod publishing honor toronto i in tb city on tuesday in connec tion with a proposal to porcbaeaanew alt for the book boom and tbe re- uon of a new gboovooo bouding for tbe b and tb ooenexlooal offloos of church steps will once for the erectioa of anibttpry building of modern design the brampton conservator saya t mr bobert maraball a yoong oea boatnees takes him into bom of a very urge percentage of tbe people and who duty la to make weekly oollaetloos i reapoaalbla for tb statement that never before had people of brampton aa at present never before were pay- la o prosapt never waa it so easy rat new boatoea kverybody rejoices at tbla inedaar uw through oomlng in contact with a banging live wire jaat north of the town of lindsay root desmond a with some companio desmond waa walking down an embankment to tb lrnd trunk tracks when hi forehead touched tb wire he screamed when his aeeoclata looked arooed ha i uneooeclqwa tb young a died before doctors reached him tbla i more aerlbue than the case which nrrad here laat week by the way a walk about town by a pauca paaa a this week revealed tbe fact that at least at adoxen electric light poke blah ar oot ineujatad bang low eoougfa to be tou i from tha groood by any person passing they should be raised above dangerpnlot the ineeeeea ef vrawaew here a well at m r lo of member of tbe vmriou congregatlone la town held in knox church aebool re nraday averting to ooas mat tar reutiva to the foreign population in toara bav hr wllaoa oocapled mjsalouary to the foreigner in ouelpoy i addteeesd lb tueelldg much inter- eulng infortuatlon wa menrsd front mr bahmma a raaolntto waa pas aektng tb jsaveral co to nnpolnfcthreeraptis the lo form irroeral oommltta wbaahafl davie plan for boldlog tar- vices for tba foceignan aad uouertaka such further work in their behalf aa may ha d deslrabla the atessam nta aanja sloodrr bra nob bending under their load kiss tbe rich rail from whleb halr nutrlmeat ba bt jdrawa bay of anabln ilka shaft tba orchard and bring tba blwabao of aham bat of joy a tb rinaning fruit bam boor and abad- ara plvid blgfa wtb nawlyvmad bajrak from which tbe odor of tb farast baa not yet wholly reeapedi boon from sway ing trre tops vrill bs beard the whtti oraoogotpjckarowbu from bsoaath tha low bung brwoab will com a rambla aa of distant aunder aa had brown and red and gold pour inu the waiting brrwwa l with friend in toronto un w- cul im retnrwed tbla week from her trip oa the cakes hies barnlee price i noese again after psadlng a week la toronto mrs a p scott aad chodren were gweate of acton frlenda thl mr john matthewa and mies mat- tbew are g ef aetna rasuvwl ura w wuuaaae wna with f 1 1 i i in toronto last week for several daya ura ii j halt of wr sister mrs p ncnabb bvst week hr and mrs john oanaaroa visl f i toronto bv days last week mr- tbomaa tiowdy of uuelpb sultad he- elatar mr w on monday hr and hra cjharlee krwln of kochaater n y visited aetna friend last week hr aad mr jan krwu of harnla pent a couple of day last week with acton mend ukw ivaabel of nw hamburg ba hr oao moffat left yesterday after noon on a moauia visit to bt pmd hr philip wye of wellend pro i sunday t the hoeje mr v hr tho braaat ha returned mtlmr spending a coupl ol wss with friend in toronto mr u ii brown returned thursday after epvatdlng e week with friends in toronto hr and hra w baldwin of beatt bt marie have been viauuag acton rrikb durbar the weak ur cheater walla la boas from pare b on knoxv avenue dr w b somervlue of hauey- bury visited at the hoe of hi father hr pyfr hoeaervllle thl week hra d henderson rpent tueaday with bar friend hr drt bobertaon hiltna who was o sorely h eft a hr harry praakam ha tkn a altwatlon la a landing drug store la montreal end lf t tha axat of tha week to take hi new position mr aad hra hubert health have remove to bartta they from aaton f a loa to the taw mr thoaaaa puaim ills three alatara mr mattkawiw toronto aael bidgatawa vtelted bar this weak hra w h speight waa la toronto aooupl of day kwa wwev deeiaaj her stay aba aad mr hp right pwr- ha d n new horns oa marthas bt hr arthur keeaey who has aeaplad a poelooa oa thsnichshraaad ontario steamer davie the wwne waa home for a day or ao thl week mias kithat h 0ua blhel and louis stewart of ptuaburg pu apent a onnpln of days last wss at the bom of hra n k hard mala st hra jeaal smith visited friends la toroatn laat weak him ueue oar- roll who ba been spending weak here accompanied her to the city mr and hra a sowl and children of ambrldge p returned to their home alter spending two wssk at the home of hr n k bardie halo street hr and mr w plank and mhaj barbara visited friend in hamilton but week- hr plank buffalo lor a day or ao to visit hla brother hr hebor wuuanta of tbe hen chants bank berua oaaaa bom for hi holiday laat week ue i aov vieltlng his sisters at alkmtowa pal and pesksklu n y mr piaaliy and daughter who hev bean ap a ooa of week vary pnntly with hr walter park ave bav rataraed to their home in boetoa man ur and mr w f on drrbert left hat vrhlay morning for their new hoeaa la hvtawte where hr inmaa will hav charge of the public scbool bafoaeasr hra john w ef aah- grove and mr hadoamu of george town who have baaa apindlttat three month in the- wat returned home last work herald t heasrs charles young of niagara gall john young of woodstock and their venerable falner w h young were shaking band with tild oak v 111 friends during tba paat week hr and hra john a dub of ttiorntoe and family are apandlag tha wssk with friend in brio anton aad hilton thry regret i heir visit u ao abort that they will fa unable to rialt all their bria friend bat hop to do o in the near future na5sagawevad0g has laxttes towmatup there la a mad dog aoara oa h the township of naagaya prearat that tba bead of the dog tw dy ao bad bar vxaanlned and that the dog bad n orrtalo eeee of lblea two week ago a dog the earner of whleb la oaknowa want aaad aatf rma wild around hsaasgawaya than atalnax into naleen tow n h marly laat weak it came back to ntaaagawaya and bit a number of plga owaad hy daooaaoorrl aad jaasaa lagt tatter shoo i log t all the animals blttsa will be ad for aymptoau of ra to la jsjmy ete jrf fca aaalaaw itlawwa t i takeaway tha bitter 1 i v i i- 0r nortei inaikta rootplu f told own fate to tab in iht steed pictured 0f- nelen bsrwaan uner ir 1 iceberg inumsts friends of wllllsiu t bleed recall a story which ha himself wrote in the bwistms extra tuoeol the review of reviews ivuwiok pob- llsbsd in december ib0s entitled prom tba old world to the new chapter of which tallies in almost arery detail with the wreck of the titanic mr stead in this chapter which ia called coincident and clairvoy ance deasribes an encounter ejui icebergs at sea hu characters ere a roup of english tourist they era crossing the atlantic on hoard the majestic of the white star line tb s suddenly ooau upon great iceberg the greet english writer long known lor hi idea on spiritualism clairvoyance and mantel telepathy bringa all into play in bis thrilling lory of the hirh sea but when be describes the icebergs fog and condi tions of sky and ssa and on beard tha majestic it would seam that hsd he been able to ssnd an account of whet look place in that fateful buodsy evening recently it could not hav been mora identical jack conipton a passenger haa the power of automatic writing conap- ton raceivm a telepathic message from john thorns a scotchman who la sn old friend simi ite thomas has bmin saved in ilia wreck of the moat- n which wu in collision with an iceberg- the message continue to come mean hi la hr conipton has akatl uw captain of tha mafaeue to top at tka icebsrg on arrival tb old faptein crs at the idea but then hu owtisrtikaal comes within a ha irv breadth tj being wracked by an iceberg he buioh conipton and the prolmor put out in a llleboat and eventually rvah john thomas hnding him aiiiiut uml they bring hint saisly to th uajuu just as it ssnd tha utiranimliip would go un der the mating ol the story and the de- scriptions of llie icebergs and tbe wreck telly with the tragedy oi sun day night the time and place also agree with those or that sunday m ca tastrophe it also was oo a vessel of tb white star lin and the cap tain had under his care just two thou sand soul and a cargo worth at least ftoooooo perhaps the only dlbar- enos wsa that mr stead mental telepathy has been replaced with wire less telegraphy striking sentences her and there from other writings of mr btead are slao recalled in which it might seam the- he bad- some premonition of his own fate especially is this ao of comparison in his book how i know the dead return which has a paragraph beginning let oa consider tbe atlantic ocean as the grave then tha author compare one shore with earth and the other with the eternal shore f chaps rooghneas or irritation altar sharing try nadruco witch hani cream its ctesmy ingradlenta soothe and soften the eulsr afela while the wunh haml after shaving or wsahtng a bottle at your druggists wmioaai a mr oaa cq teara steadftapky get road job at food salary -bmwljwrvi- brampton fall fair tawaday w wedmcaday sept i7ik tf 180k good speeding events halfmile green kace 335 trot or pace aaotrpt or pace saddle horse -open- ron jockeys in uniform lady drivers hurdle jumping carriage and road horses write for pritaum r j jackson pnautat xxoooooockx000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxx5 new fall dress goods his week we arc making a considerable showing of the farorirjes of caahioo in the ureus goods world or tall winwo series and tweeds are promincot icaturcs in a range of qualities and in toe most desirable shades of jtan brown navy wine and cream lace materials will be very much in vogue for trimming particularly in the heavier makes yon will find some new and pretty ideas at oar trim ming counter cfrudrens and hisses coat swraters we have this week opened up some of the best values in these lines that we have ever shown splendid line of coats inrajjgc of sixes and colors tan grey navy and red all wool high or low collars at 75c to si2 these will moveout very rapidly henderson co mill st iwooooooooooooo acton oat news pro i wall paper department af k g c harris who now has charge of our wall paper depart ment has had a wide and varied experience in this particular branch of home decorating coming to ns on high recommenda tions we feel sure that mr harris will please our many cnstoiners and will prove of great assistance to purchasers of wall paper in working out and giving ideas bf color schemes for the different rooms visit our well lighted wall paper department on the third floor and partake of some of the moneysaving opportunities novf being offered small lots of papers suitable for bedrooms parlors diningrooms halls and sit tingrooms clearing at less than cost price prices are also reduced on several lines of mouldings mors cwr d e macdonald bros car wyadhaa aad macdoael streets gurrb oni dress cae noma uaaaajau new fall hats the clydcsdmle stallion royal prince wotualtb dominion hotel slmbles acton bvbky 1ubsdav arriving about noon aad iwawjaevg mull 7pw- tkbm to lasers a teal tu payable 1st febrneryiqij au aottdsata to m at nub oixjuibfll proprtator latest shapes and shades the best x hat in the trade is here g great slaughter gratuunnre tswre garde toob aad ai heavy goatb rsiher than move aay stock j saoond imel wui slaughter all above goods at mt for lb nasi two call at say temporary store saskdits mala street alma aad ask prime on aay c c speight x3de metropolitan bank haaitofbea tcweato oat up savings duajrtment accounts of one dollar and opwaifd openedp and interest allowed at highest current rate acton bkahoh j h b burling maiager t0 ptovid egalmt a yasalhls luway 1 day b ant tb oehr reason aw rgjsr mvfcsg a oaak at gives yo ih isshag of laiajtadvci aad security thai heaps year sated be from on better 1 10011 aa advantage of opportaaulm that way your a at baakof bur ervlli la piov lor the d as well as large afiooaata etwueimwn bhanoh w naau m consplontioos j hluinlding heading is nttbvth with us r to the contrary we make it tbe mom important factor so ii yon faror ok with your patronage v yoii will jjnthnsiasticajly endorse us fredsmlq plumber ibecst gjhctph phone qaebee 337 j ifei fetefaij immjjmaxtidi x

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