Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1912, p. 4

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thursday bbrtkmbimil 1013 a wife epving otcedow in at roey dawn t uedfofk willi virgin bade en orient flwaontf with a dappled cloud bud half witldrtwn a ma wind blowtbc byk qtetopedf lippuoggraaa and gtm a farackaoed path to a wild wood land puot a limpid pool wllb a lair loghlog wmmd within lt heart an upon old walfce and ploaaa with abed omnun wkwa hooeyed odon nrooo i a vulva tuff with blowob gartend- i of marylluee white eod i monoacmtujat anouya papftr written oa hou eldea- july happenlaga received la septeaa- br cepltale etrewn throughout with tba m but mwimawrlpl which baa not boon road oberby the writer single paoad typewritten copy paaco copy whan tba pencil la worn down to dm qoiek oopr in wbioh tba laai half of uw word if nothing but a wavy una artlejao which will ha joat aa good ar- and ehlnlng out agalnat wall ilcbeoad unaet boat galuetlbe an antnaen hilltop to t pino booj n and ijjjbdm l inhllgbt dim a bhrhapraoc heaven atalned with ootorerere a ih 1 1 ii of mooorim on the aaa afar and bright and soft aa any glimm ering eter raw holy aa a praye l m montgomery a man want to an neureoe ottto tnbnbhinfonqid tba ouiar day po yon oyele t b l no mu um dwa io yon motor no do you ibeu pertapa flyl no no aaid iba applicant laugh laglyt i biwnodwywi bat tba agent lotarraptad blaq curtly air be eald vbot wa no iwtry devoid of meter rhyme and rfaytnm eepedally if tba writrr clalw to have- baan laaplrad a band a urge that tna loop of iba b nu op two llnoa and jhe loop of tba g down two linee making tba ha wm uutmltt cm nlgbtv altar tba carta i a u rang ap at a nartaa koguah tbaatra where thr standing room only waa not needed a email boy waa die oovrred eobbiag in front of tba box ofbea tba wnigar of tna tbaatra want to lb lad and kindly aakod him what tba trouble waa i want my monay back aobbad tba hoy in enrpriee tba manager aalted tpa raa- aon for aneb a raqnaac ba im afraid to alt an in tba gallery all alonal bo wailed qia waa lime bor was suufw with diarrhoea and vomiting if yarn are aaodraljr tnkra ant jnaa oronr cfc m mi of ua anil oo not wti any tuaa hmt i nwm bottle of tjk ort amoct of wa b d it win core yon in no timr ofra if 1 stoodnon pltmhl riwr k mitt a yomr o tbi fall my kttk boy o wavoly tkei in witb dnuiboo mod iiiilllli oud mm oor doctor la tea awoo djatoat u aonocdoa if 1 caold not art hdp aoam coooah but on anno to tbe ooantry along i pu h bottla of dr poniera bauoct of wild sliawtaerry ond after tba firat done could notlca an laapnnaoaein and tbe nest day tba cbab artjliliiil tw imauaml f aabad agaaa lo abaro lore in a eotlng wllh boa -vkoiahaboaayl- sbodtblnk it oyer andumabar sbo dld- mwlth wbot roaultr b iboanjbt tbo atufa oamr ofl iaosoodayaobool uuto gbfvan oootloood a to oor rapoatod oocrol lailaiiria why bli too baa ab- oaatoooaanyuceouoalyraakoj tbo tba glri tbooabi i land battar oat ootno to snaday aobcol aa aiw bat waa dirty bat my dnar otjaeud tbatoasbar aaalryroa not iba out- wardafaonuauwoenaldari ttm tba award- i aow bat tanobar maawaoplyi bot tlaail tba ombo tba unloa ea dirty too i tbo worn gray4ialrd niaaffiaa a n alia aadwboihtyoubaraafcadtna sjiy aaaao to tronbla- ropltod tba fuimno that i cot tboae jray bairn r brat ttni ba- atl ko- ladt t faoblooblo bah ana know tbat olr pnrtaar toatu mf bcotbor inn- hum- tody lnooiifaat ah i i bad ttratiw wlotnrecm1o awajn aal aacaanvaalala alwaoa palatal and oftan aorlona a rawl ion of dkordar la dyaanpntr la wblob uaar ara prooa lo tbo anrina and anauacr laaaavvbattaaidnlloa to nan la nab dafaatbai palatal albnobt htdrl j d aboanadaairr ocadlaj it u a wanting what yoo oaat aaiaaboat aa amaeh foa a k what yoa don waat t t r if ooa bo troublad arlthooma and waha ba wui tad in houoway ooro onra aoapouealloo tbat wui aotlrolt it la good to koow ash but botlar atjn toaonluf ttmot what wakaow tyadnd wa oaritt bjoa to taka fauluofoooth lata old ai for old tohlajilti cnradafnctvlfotha fntmtkacbudiua tk c wcaawlrypibtiblobt wonn nn maaataa laavalr and yaara of nan baaa aaaaao- ad urn tapatatioa anrinuiaiauiiioaf itorrlaoni bat iba nnan wkoraa hklntorw aotry why do yoo think aof m nuud waa woariol a aaufpl a that paoeturod that fallowa tyra ukikd upatauvtnt mabal b awany road of jaok m woadarwby k ha alwaya kaowa eaaotly what uad of a ua to waaf wham ha oajk lo tooonl audtfat l wtah to anaaplaln aald lb brku kaacbtuy akoot that boor yoo aahata itwaatoach tough waj imfaekcd tba trooar yovtoogb i aanda n pb with it and my huabnnd oonld hardly cot it siffeieb viti lame biei whs mot ur c grntx hbfltoa onl write i waa ii with haw bat and urn walk and lnrdly abta to ait down or tbe pain in wry back hjn and kc i bad uaed rfiocstst fcinda of ptth plasten o- whhovt any relief one day own wm b3jb tmok irftatoordlwraadlirndabontaooawa 3daey vsom and i dtxidnl to try than btdarcllwdamlfaboxittcdlfcatacrcat dad bcttar and by tbe tian i lad med 1ratxxmlncaral ihavtrwobadta- u in iii y daan rtdty vm to an aanenns aa did at tmac from mce 60 oenu per boa or 3 f ntaca bytaat i ibranto ont ii25 at all dcakta orafflte taailed dbnet as raoript of kluban co limjud bettor that time i ahraya keep it on hand inantt on uit gjkwm dr pc-wkr- aw yon nskvor it- price 35 xnta luarndaaoiad only fay tfc t uouna co ijmlmtlmatra t alwaya atrjr to preetat what yon pvmkb but 4o atop yvtfitddna if yttu aonntlittm lall s nmo a phi that it immdtttawn baa baan many plua put upon tba market and prame upon pabtio nttnnlion tot bom baa endured an lone or aaet wkb ao mneb faroraa rkrmalaaa vagatallla ilha wkhwpraad oa of inom iw auohod tartr great vajna and tky bhd no farther adwjetlanroaot vom thw hybislbyeata aelvee id pnuk ant m thay now mbk without a pibrrlo tna uat of aundwd emrtabla pfa yoa haro a lovely oomplaslon i gmn tba lover thank yon anawtrad hie flaw avtamaly h why apeak of it r ifa ao eeaootb and wuto and it la but you dont talk etfejgeut dcanyoababarntbatmy niieileihn la my own i wby eattainly nry own 1 tbao why tefar to it atalir ri x javt woodarad why k wae taiftt try unmheawyouatnlahtaado to uw ehib tbe feoowe all any bat fro tbata tharwal mm tbo i aatfwaa brokat clavelaad plain djar ontario womans fortune frwkl from that weeik lan guid always tired foel nfv by iydik e psnk- juunn comiifwoiad onc 1 hitrhlyof yonr niadl whan my ap- te le poor and i tbat weak lao- alwaya tilled aellac i pta bot lydu e plnk- ie vctabla pound aad it p treocth andr atoraa nt to perfect jbealu attain it fa truly a liliaaliift to wonten and 1 camot a highly enougti of it j take plena- are in raeammealln it to otbeta hrm anmw caursontbtwaflon onl women who ara anitcrnk from tboae daotreaelng lib paculiar to tbfir aould not loae elrht of tboae facu or tba aulity of lydia r hnkhanir veatabla compoond to reatore tltalr benlth tliere are probably hnndrede of tboo- nda parfaapa milliocta of woroen in tbe uidtad statea who have been benefited hf tbla famooa old rwrnady which waa produced from roota and herba over 90 yaara ago by a woman to relieve wo ntni aafferintt ifyoaareaickandnopd och a me why dont you try it t if yna waat aperfal adrlr wrilfl tyaua e rukham madldaa fa mfl- enlul tjma masa taai- letter will ha o wad and aaaviend by waman and held in etriet raala nre i have lived looa enough in wait for mlafartnnea till they ootno without an- lidpatjok them sydney smith a prima ireeajo ror wounda in eoina faetorlea and workahope oarbolld old la kept for una lo cautarfalng wonnda and eata aoatainad by tba woehmeo far bettor to keep oo band 4 bottla of dr tboeaae keleetrlo oil ft la net aa qulek in action and doea not aear the akin or burn the fleah awufloii raa oooaing over faoaa bltla laland oo tbo ferryboat aa i auoeet goo waa dleeharged pbawtvthotr ba inquired of hi oh thata aunaet wae tbe reply b th power it moat bo a gr oouhtry wham tba son goto down wjthaearjrnflopneuiorrbe eatdaiin- nd piles liwwk httamlhm mfc ftrmniaagevwnalp- mtiwiiaiit wftywlpmg jultl mowaaoonrhaa homomm hlohry and pat had been at eobool tooetber but liad drilled apart in after life tbey niat one day and tit covenelloo turned on atlilrllee uld y uu umi butlnir dmnlir aeked itl ira baa juefc ini a apld medal in a marathon too that floe aald mike mot did i ever loll you about tuf uncle at ballytboenaer pat utiaed tbat be could not call him to mind walt continued mike ba got asold medal for bra milea and on for tea milee a allver medal for ewlmmlng two oope for wraatllpg and a lot ofbadgh jfur boalng and ejcliny he not be a iaat athlete in dada eald i vmjv avrn ohrd mike l beepe a paeinabop i mo chattcm moo omjaa tba auantlo o in a ottndea etaamwhaler aai wu were pualng the orkney lelando i rrnarkd to the uureynt glanl our pitof tlttai tnuot a gfex nlacr for wrack wrack- mtt be replied ibereia many a braw booae in orkney and utany a brmw farm at out o wraeka bat tbe dom braw- i oovorw baa put a laetabooee bare end a loeta booea ibere and yoo n la twe tbera la bo chawm for a pulr saber body aoo judge o w p wae in tba oaoadian magaalne ua who knowe moat iprie for wealed tlma dante we muat not let tba gram gnaw on the road lo frindehlpmue ourioo there are nor dead flies lying about when wilsons fly pads are used as directed all drug- gistsgrocers and general dealers sell them i the grand tun flrulflw just try insist on diamond brand uie w au iff el fefeiiettlltell mr jacob b hcrr ill omare st strauord ont write ten yean as i btaftcfvd arflb vrry peculiar dtieaar i would o to bed feding aa well as could be aad after akrptnr or five ivurs i would wake with a arvrre pain la my back then movinr into my ride and tweaat the pain was eo ticrrilue i could not be in my bed and naually had to ait until tnontinr with a piuuw propped tip behind my back with au my pain i would go to work and after working up to about 10 oclock tbe pain would leave me entirely the aame thing would hap pen the nest night and trvery night for two yean i tned four dincrent doctor but none of them did me any cdod i tried a great many patent medi but all of anavail i are up au hope of tfttiingwrtt afriend vwjfbkilfi heart etrjy car msbarae heart and nerve pi are 00 cent pw bor or 3 baste for f 186 n au ckaleta or maikd direct on reorjpl of price by tv t atllpurn ck umixmt tba groat qnm la not eo macfa what money yoa have in your poeknt aa what yoo will buy with it ruakln pllla that have baoontod tbouaanda known far and near aa a aura raowdy in tbe treabnaot of indlgeatlon and all daranganaenta of tbe etocaaah- uvarand kldneya rartoeleee voge table pula have teougfat relief to tboueanda whan other epacifloe have failed in- ninnarabln tpetlrnonlele can be pro- dooed to eatabliab tha trptb of tbff eaaertlon 0do tried thay will hp found auperlor to all other pilla n thja treaunentof thn allfnapt fof irblph tbey are pree you-ijtoiiftii- ayjpytlaehy toafoaaa a tb al tupuwjnlb boahli gratly aad aatarabbrcaad will f jhbjrjaavrv aaayinn a ula rlbahaaavlorw y my gurney oxforli h and helped with iaiji dearednb in a twaaaial mty i itawna wiaaoarl yoa all iba goor thing i knowof ao now i am going todaaeaaal to tfca iwutibaf ana giao yoa aoma aounti aatvica from toe gtnra i bin frsrirljs utad my range aa you aatmjaaajgmcao yrjatrrgnidaynbowr for mara moalaa myaalf ibahmir all day n luawapi j ynto nqf bout gabrwiiibttil sulky range hyieaaj t and oco atntvxi wui or apootkl anada hot attilrprici to ayniialnaab nom tbo day it r it mlirrifi janttbcl right in and bcapod it baa iacofno my good right hand and i go my amy oonwont jbbat my gtnnaayjgaktdwtll not diaappoint me v it has the do anrtangtanent for rogiuating thodrafta arcll named tjigcrtrnoy ffonomirm- one aanalt leaerput njior aoim does eaq the fesyiv p tr batjfa imirning any coal at p thet preato i it i burning brightly ready to tttm ttptajr fmf jajatdao thvtt fb tafwra ban der into f maplebasyrup finb on buckwheat cakes moniiv back ip not satisfactoiiv guarantee of purity on twru fin by sugar a cojwcra umiua montrmal for balk at the but ckoctii watllvwhhets wannest kind for cold weather tougher horschidc vill neva be found because tbe best ia used for storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet the thin because carefully tanned by the chrome process r marie pliable insuring wear fcsniancc watcrprqpf ami the beat working giovi qfi jie sold p all gtoftoa inaia on storeys caclinorauaary fkcpppf nuurtpt oaeawadiciiianiaa1bimlwmiatirg firaavdtttoptrr guinn4ord you will urtderatand my ciotlruauamtamtarafw you ha had 4oitr gnrntyoaaoidamaatherad fl yebra malhy housewife ionian i a aii teiftncrtom- the merchants op canada bank uvery penoo who receivm ant paja oot moaay abould have chequing accounl jjhrmenl by cbeqoe la tbe moat practical eeo- venleoi and uiesl method of handling all fiaantlal itiiieartioim whetber ol a bualiiesa or peraooal character tbe tlsrn of cancalle1 v cbeqiiea ere veucben for every turn paid oat ihr abow what dis- pariemciiu ho been made and lo whom depoeila ara received by ijile funk anblect 13 cheque withdrawal we pay tbe aame at teat loo o jwtjl depatore aa we do to laigt onee and enconnge their aeeooola pieit ellojyed op al savng acoooou conpi rwci jotal asset 81fhhie49 acion branch p a maclean manager automobiles ancl implements agent for the famous ford rftoior car sole agent or cockshutt and dala mubbmry and henry flowf and a full jine of repairs for plows and machinery a good line of buggies and harness lap hugs and rubbers prices right also rloor oil farmers who are- thinking -of- building -a- silo- this year give us a call and got our prices iknoalr taatma tba tallntrln la uw u uatat aaaji t rtoi rfo man- no h mam ma a llmkb nuji h ullil adapiw- aa at ahlah 1 1 n- ke it lutata ho 1 lttlta ko i wjuh n tmrb o t fl4ae na ibm 3fc excelsior bakery i fiafit quality bread cakeb wbudino cakfb uirthdav cakes ktc btc maple avhuiind honkv nbinzs pickteb bt varlllg fruit and vhub- tahlab iqk cream confhctionfinv baat upee oaix todiy t statham son bakers and gbpcer main st acton- mitarihsttai graiti m huhi wilts deaignega and dulldent ol ruiawt heat kafuma hontttneali mai let and meed atoeea and all lilada of aitollccimlmywirt wm hemstreet agent acton woojui woolj wool alnsataaliufmla cj pijjtnitufur ant star nraii yonr chopping trill be done quicljlytiprt wel on either platet or stones if tajcento fhe- rock wqod chopping fmllla flour oatmeal bran v v shorts the best at lowest prices harris a co llmttad overland motor cars and trucks igfs- uodaht an luuuqituwl for vgft9 and efftdency abovaaitit raprvaenti our flvo p thirty bqpap wwov car alll3tsa uellvend it toronto fully equipped call without tall and mr iai3 uodela shaw jo verlnd sals co 33 to 39 adeolucto st waat toronto ont br f caldwell acton take a dip inprosperity aa lat usprfnt ymr programs menus shipping taglj i4blfs yprj ill other kinds of comlperiitr- fflvfifrhrl ohtm ftf pnf prrfaf nnaf jorf taf ffpffw anothmr ttslteli patents in all ccmtitrtm aafi foe our fnvnforjulviabr maplon fft marion mgliricti h aiv 1 webhlrgioo u avp r ms

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