volume xxxvut no 12 ty barripttoa hid u ahu acton ontario thursday mohnxng 8eptbmbbk 191 iftlfi bslnuiatis fnee tm ret aaw single oop1ks thbbb oenth be jttton jfree fytss vanl tanaoatuokmimll mmif it 4uw iub la ha li vfittjuuimbr wfak iy e bee bjjeatjrl bdimtfufi r knsituu jb rrvios j m d c u mcgill a douglas lakk u d physician bad safe on llanlut ef colli ol p ud tl ontario tos m macdomau1 hdan v latletrabeadb 4ra mma north a mabtabb tlbv it- oeen ooasti ooaatyel aw- acsr d r j m bell ddb ibb daarurr lonh ivt b s iiard1k i- d a jlat dmktorr will liiiitiiilitr if mw wriniliiir ft 1 qublfh d paw oi8 qb mmkmkdbk stewmi mjriluiaab uobubbb 7 a r hooam onutun diamonds no jeweller in mont real or toronto has a price advantage over us in the purchase of diamonds f wc select each inset stone separately ex amine it carefully and have it set in a ring to suit ourselves savage co btaaonep 14 godpti oat ice cream season w will als ba prapama to 10 all la beta eel ox b ed t riafai prleaa awallly harold wiles the actum caw mid sir jbrn a watson mamuw7v9b of cement modes sad tie uyioypaveiaeiitscemciit floor tar wdl staktar ft orrwor pomps 104 repairs satisfaction assured order left at residence main street acton or to box 44 will receive prompt green grocer and fruit merchant e kgo0k la receiving duy freeh vegetables and xnilusad sella ibem at wmoibh price fobbxgwkruitasi1ec1aitv goon duiveiid miu sraaar aciom waters bros ouelpt headquarters for tac school supplies nature study botanical etomolooical drawino paintino 41 wyndhnm street ptummsso swr nimbltai j483si8b2z tbtft i 9 ejaaaia mwwflt sbaaeaaes wuk dm rwiw anix eaawan a4i8ifcooi f alee eaatea ea aaasaaela imm sea ffttlifftd reliable flwttbmd marble dealerg i itssgeft wamritbn so paper makers omomoarowa out book nbws and oolorud papbbs jno bba1uucu bread boxes a suftc hik ai ie flour boxes j ftlhhi a j il cuullv mc 5t iti tupaclty fll i lt raputly jl cake boxes till lr tight ixin nkely finutwh il tirncti a nlco lino now dliplay in our wjntlow and in our tore attention u um called in inr i in- biuucaciks tkavs eath5- cakhauk canh wo carry completa linn nf tinwam auch wt is nut found claawhont in iuelph wo him wqat you wanl the bond hardware co kcton liyert bus ling tb uadvnlcpad napactlnuy ouctta tb pairoaagn of tba pab- lie and informs iham ibal ivnu jitwad mma can alway ba a conlonabb bna ntnaia all trmina b iw ajo and 6- 10 p m ca natal allemlloa ivan u averyewdar tb waau ot goal marciil trura fiiim john williams aopaith go j no ahead wbta llnralkms am ooraputad alpfa will bm tb larcwt and iwl uqalppad optical ertabhabnd in lb docalnion wo ar locmtad tnmporarily wlib sayasja ft co at wyndban st ibana 371 a d savage aueipit am youl musical wqts oakuy and sitwactority sup- pbed here vinuna q alt an uandollna iunoa lotobarpa aocordaona moaiborgmas ira ud rbonognpba strlnffb of ai qoaluy ad tpir pmita or all bntnuaeata popolar unalc standard ud steour soon aotbmns qvarttataa cboroasfj and if oak hooka of ail dtncripuod chas vv kelly kdpcatio spccbss ib w1u1 c pfrw ourstock of flour meals is noted for betor boaftt rlrot ftesfeneu qualty cleullneu eaqr prices qeick dcsvcty let us prove it to your satisfaction b nobjie merchant m1ujcr aoidkk ontorto fartrn teachimo nohool i dont ilka dnlns bouaewodl finld iiuu ullly brown 1 dont ilka wmablnjt dlabaa or awoaptner ei4rwtba down i dn not likn im iroctlok or making hrawd ana pt i lutln to do tboacrubblnfl and aajwlnn mak m ltlr lint tbarfx thins i do ilka id woatlivr not or cold om morning until arvnlaik i juat uv iracblng acbnax hs varly ary momlnf i lake my hltu hrnorn and taoh blni htw to worry and kwmp tb aiialnoojn and tlmn i laaoh tbaduatar tb f with ur to claan till rarytblntt uabinlng that rooeoaloar walla batwaan kch day i taacb tbadlahalotb to wmab tba oupa and apoona and all tha lima wa atody wa aloa tba aayaat tuoaa i taaeb my lltoa oatlron l to ballop bara and tbara and laavatba olothaa bblnd him all ahlarnjr amootb ant fair taaeb my httu mopauok tn aorub tba kitokjan floor urn aaya hla loaaona hattrr kacb day utaa aor bafora i taacb mylluua to bam tp atlteb and run and oh ba amllaa ao proajdly whan wall tba una ana dona i asutcht whan anhool hi ovar and laaaona am ail anid taacb my faat to oarrr tha iracbar os to i unldaatlfiad 9tud jfamilr httmnj k8 brat bonaaty pluek tboaaara tba tblnaja naadful bpaaklnfj of pi nek ha topped to anawar tba tn and no bytnraa for flva sprititf sl summer spaakliia nf pluck aa you war do ing juat now ramlnda tarn of a atory tha baglanlng and and of which u that on word wa aattlad ouraalvaa in our ebalra wa war alulng in tba olhoa of tha ironworka and tba air au full nf tn aouad of grant bunrocn oraanlng and poundlaa 1 of tba aharp blaa of moltaej mataj and tba clear hug of ami una ataal altuiog bare in ihu very chair tba iroo nuwlar itagan oh day about nevati yaara aco or aaayb eight tlota goaaao faat 1 hardly try to keep count of it in theee day at any rate bora i wa altllng read log tba newepapar when iber oam a knock at the door vcooin in i 1 aald and in walked- a rmngar ha wa wyounajau about twantyflva year ok drtaaad ilka a bsutloniao though hla cl baa had aeett a good deal of aeryloe taiwtb bla bead bald up and rwy aya hat t mine fair and aquar 1 jklwaya took flrat at a mana ayaa my boy i if ba look you la the he la worth trying if eye ahlft about her4 and tbara aa if tbey dldat know where to look or ware afraid of aaaing aometblng thay didnt ilka bava nothing to do with him 1 that my bxparleooe i wall thla youna man cama up to my daak and apoke without waiting form 1 yectt wa no want of man- nera for hi maanara werw good flood morning air t babald and hla voloe bad a clear ring to it thati fuked i want work tjan you give mo any v- t 1 lahooacayvaaib wa nave took atrangera in that way and i dont re commend the praotlo at any una no air i aald w hava 00 work hart sorry i cant acco datcljou i took up my paper attain and looked tu as blm go out ailii without mora word c bat be atood atlll i must hav work ha aald 1 would try to give you eatlefacuon air abd i tell you 1 must hapjo 11 he apoke a if i badue work la my coat pocket and if be w terulnad to gat it rron any coat 1 yet perfectly raapactabfayjfgi know with nothing i oooid uke hold of and get angry about my good air i aald putting tba paper down there la no vaaancy in the plaor if yoo give ma your andyonrrcarneei will ibkavtot of them and some day wheo w do hare a job to dupooe of i wltl reun beryou that la hm heat 1 can do for yon today the young wan abook his head that wont dol be aud tfalnk again air surely in thla great place there must be hlg a strong wuubs man can do it la unl to ulk of waiting tlt aimoanoy ooonr i moat itava wurkmtw lodayr it u abolnter n i mrtooguc to tall hta hat it wa abaftlnlely nac aary forblm to leave that offtoe j clean the door after falm 1 but llooked arblnt agelo auddun j it i aaw that be wau telling the truth andirtwk bv joaae ne woav vial wav not that ba looked khabby or that s fv bc2 c2 tnar waa any auapldoo of wbjnlng or iri 13 st tiuim a look 1 get abqi boat boa oovaaparb alock aaoajany aaameadauaau at tba boat la oar wladowa oar uimt bat tbow abown will give yon bnlaanof what our atocku ilka we now have a urga i ksn wixjijias ww mobw v o4poswi mill street actqp bed on tb lralo tr my wallet i have not a penny 1 com with omi i said and ba fol lowed ma out of lb worka ilia atory might bm true or it might not but i thought of a way u taat tha metal pi which it waa made the fltark iflll tn which i had tome inter had bran partly bnrnwt a few oya baforr and i bad a gtng at work cuhng way lb rultbiali a dirty jb it was lb men were up ti uirlr auu hair lb uin in mud and water and tha wlioln placj wa a muddle of ruaiy i rut 1 and bunvd llnilwr and bat nolbxikrl ilk- tha and of tba world and tb wrong ntd at that jtn gang i bad on wara tuoally ltjuait uk dirty fur a van- keatotouflh and even tb irlah ware aby of it tbey war little dark moo key- looking fallowa at work and chattering in tbelr unearthly glbber- glanead from tbem to ray gnntleman with bla clear white akin and hand that showed that whatever trade he bad worked at clearing away wreckage hadnt been part of it though be looked ilka on who might have taken a good deal of axerda in athletic sports herea a job 1 i aald tba only om i know f ii w do you ilka itr well enimgh be aald a cool a poaelbla youll gl a dolur and a half a i told hint vuull get your daatb too pmbably when will you go to work r hour ha aald well off bo want and i hardly expected to see blcn again lint bafora lb hour was nut ha wa back again in a flannel under shirt and a pair ol old troueerv he took hu pick ax r and down he went into that bole a if it waa an evening party air well i went back to tha onto i couldnt b banglngaround watching tb man or the boas would have been making trouble t but my new hand stayed on my mind somehow aod i strolled round by tb wreck wo or three limes in the afternoon making borne errand you understand in that direction tbatmau wa working sir ilka a bouae afire the italians are good worker none better a a rule but bla pick ese went in and out ihrve to their twice and there waa no chattering in hla corner of the bole he bad utile breath to talk i f be bad wanted to for though ha waa a mus cular fellow you could mvm with half an ay that b had never dona aucb work in hla life before the sweat pourrd down his face ilka rain but he never stopped never looked up or knew that 1 or anyone alee was near juat plodded away swinging that pick a though there e nothing else in the world thais pluck aald i to myself if he doesnt die hell do pur all that i thought he would give oat after the flrat day didnt milnk hla strength would las worn h caan in for hbj pay night be was bhaky ark pretty urvd look log t bu benvraald wordl juat took ill pay with the real and thauked ot and went off the next morning 1 was busy and although i thought of my gentleman or twice idldnt manage to gat dawn to the wreck till noon soon after tba wbuua bed blown for knocking off ark whan i got there i aaw the lull an lying around on tha ground or aqoattlng on the fence eating their black bread and sa usage and chatter inn away aa usual 1 but no sight of my ajaatleman in tb flannel eblrf obo said i tb myself on day was enough for falm waa it f and i thought u would have bran enough for uttoo when you are not used to the awlag of a pick the way ic ukwyou in the back la aoomthlnk beyond jnjuefa i minted to comnawr and lo tbara be w alt una off in a corner by himself ajl exmohed up with a great hunch of bread in band and a book in tbaolhar 4 atrolled up behind tilniand look ed over hboahjer at tb book it wftf ty etajlan grammar air u fallng on tb book startled him and ha looked up sup- poa a9ivt havvlooked aa aatonuhavl aa i mu for be smiled and aaja couldnt afford to lose such an oppov tmnlty i the boa la very friendly and i- nave learned several phrases boon glomo glgnure i are you a school master i asked and working in that bole f no b aald quietly am abook keeper it is a great advanraga for a bookkeeper to be ablato read andana- war foreign latter and although i have some knowledge of french it has never oowe in luy way to hear italian apoke n so now if my chance i got thla grammar for fifteen cent ho added turning it over with a amlle the book waa pretty ragged and one buver was gone and jm gettfof on pretty well 1 why in the name nf everything fbolls didnt you apply fur a poaluou aa bookkeeper asled titatead of thuklndubjng harbor bo it went on till the fourth day kraft day i looked to sa hlnv quit but hla pluck kpt lalup it my belief be would haverorksd in that hole and got stronger and atrobgar iraobmthlng liadnt turned ttm fonrtb day i wa altuog in the offlwhan tha door oprnad and in w qraen jrom the bollrrork ortir the way morning be said iktyouknoatof ahookkaeperp our poor fellow wbojbaan sink for so long died yesterday vhav tothlnk about ghlkanothr i ibonb my bead hut aftwaa cam to llf will you uke a man on trial r what kind of a man r wall i hardly know said i i think hea pretty good but ive only known him four day i can anawar for hla power of work and i told tb mans atory tireen went out with me aaw the young fallow llkad hi looks and o- geed him on the apot re finished hla days work came out of bis hot in thmud shook hand with tu and tb ont day found a borne for tb rest of hi lire that la sevan or eight year ago d be baa been at the bolter works ever since if hes not to b made a partner soon ive bean mlafonned to day and that is what put bun into any bead when you ware talking about pluek juat now that man air had the real article 1 aod whan a man ha the real article and hi nonast to boot dont talk to m about bis not anooaad- tng in life going walt good morn ing i tiood tuck to you in yoor new venfur aod 1st your watchword ba pluck p youths co mpanlon been qut he would bavejrnppratly quick alma but ure was a look ld hla eye we i hardly -know- howto deasrlbo it bat the man waadaaparate ad had khm reaaon for being ao whatkmotvfurkdoyfuianibtr i aald putting duwn the paper aanua aqy kind voumtajithatr t m i do anything that will put bread in tb mouth of ha ohokad a llttla and atopped than icame i4obody wll un a bpakknar lit raferenoeaj abouldnt think tuuoh of a flrrfl that dw tauppoaa jk wlthoqt refei add flowogul mrejmma wr in ny wallet that ws irtoieo and it wllf ha awavk mediator before i4mwodm un native jutwn la oftttotnalnlmn and uttera take a good whue ba gat there im awya bead jond ofopeitrramd emarclaa ba idded wuhftonljsjcaj look at tbe hole where ha had been digging and now im getting lota of it ufcuffriuxed sop hill iii manage tbougb oflau been worse after a day rowing and thj le just a good bread a any flthr andhjtook a bit out of hla lanali aad looked at hu bookaa much aa in say hahad talked eouugb and wanlbd to ba back at hla gfauipmn i walked off and didnt as lilm again lllliiroanie for hla pay in the ololimrv he irse a jaaaa nian and ba bad only recently been procaoted to tb posluoa of conductor j ao for both km ha made the mistake of thinking that a part aatboratlva annar locraaaad hla importance one day aa tba train wa ready to pull out of the atatlon and b atood on tba platform with band 00 tha bau mmm ready to glv the signal to start b nouoad a oalddiaagad plainly drcee- ad lam man standing quietly ouutd and evidanlly waiting to uke the train oat aboard old llmpy bla anoent at oooa part and condracandlng gat aoard old umpy or youu ba laftv a h gave the signal the old gentle an quietly alappad aboard and walk ing into i be ear took a seat by hlmaelf a tlttl latar when lb conductor in uklng up the tickets came to him with the brusque demand varr be an- i do not pay fare on una road then i will put you off at tha neat atatlon waa tba enappy reply and without giving tb old man a chance for an explanation h passed on a little mora swelled up wil h importance ttan baforr l a few aaau farther on a paaaingiw wbohad notiovd the inetdant a ha banded out bla ticket aald 1 did you know that old gentle man no 1 did not with a haughty atnr i thought not wall n 1 praa- dnt of thla road tba young oooductor fluabad and bit hla up a onoa he realised what bla mistake meant to bltn bat it waa too lata to undo it na moment ha bad nndona all tb hard and faithful work that had goo before and aa all hi hope and ambition crashed down around him ha grow almost sick there was be felt but on thing for blm to do ba want on and flolhod the task of taking up ticket when that waa done be walked back r the mat that bald old llmpy and aald simply 7 sir i resign my posit loo asoondue- tf v the bluster tjifaa gone from hla man ner the loaolaoo from bis too the old ntlaanan looked a him keenly he was aoimtotnd reading and judging men and be aawthe real nattmiouwlad 81 1 do wo here young man aald kindly making place for him vi do not wish to harm you but yoo most understand that we run thla road ror profit and to accommodate the public make it an invariable rule to treat every person with perfect civility whatever clolbm be wrar or whatever infirmityhe auftsrs thla rut is 1m- perauve upon everyone of our em ployee i shall net remove you for what you nae dona bnt it must not b repeated- sir thp young conductor voice was notquitaauadeyit nverkhauue i ue had toy hawon this la a troa hcldant jth told hmpyt waa tha hon kralubomlng pf lijew york a mabar of oongroas hnd at tiat urn one of the leading wlrcfl oatalw of tb wwntry a or th ooaduclox ho had learned lkwaqnontnanyboya lack that to ttaat uaa pooraatreaatd stranger rudely i not only ungenuemanly hut hnsafctb doya workl otapanada twodavaagu fdui my- evening shaky agalnj but smiting a ta and tares cmmraa aod wa rob- ubahad had an eurkm down tb it is reported that tha poutoe ar bagtaojog tn rot again tola fall mr t u harding baa haw laid up for several day a tba result of ovar ii fling fall apples ar ry ebaap 43 to 35 ovnu a bag ar all tbey being at pre ant a gravtl walk la to be put down on main street wast from tnoa c moorae lane to jaataa ilrowna itav j kdge la preaching a amine nf eermone on ttie ilaeutudee 1 an uncanny vautura under that rain try mr jqnlunara pet dog coat blm hi life oq saturday evening hcv mr morton preached an im- preeaive sermon in tha beptlat church on sunday afternoon and referred specially to tba late chart xjpplng- too luv c a cook of the first baptist church bloomfteld n j- la puuuo- ing the worker a oratuulebaoulb- ly in coonectlon with tba church tbadeck on tb roof of tb nw acbool la nearly finlabad and tb io- orw will now ba poahad for- about 0000 barrels of lb splendid apple crop in thla aectlon have bean purchased by a clinton firm of buyer who are now buying and shipping a oar baa already gone from acton th enure crop will be shipped to liverpool th canvaaeer have ae several hundred dollars toward mr harvy 1500 dollar roller mill proposition over 9300 ha also barn subscribed by acton htlsen geo havill ba been given tba contract for a new un roof to be put on th town hall at a cost of 40 mr il menabb ba gone to visit friends at klrkfield meeer a rob menabb and w h speight have returned from brace- bridge where tbey ware erujageot making addition at beardmorne tannery ttr m korster of iumereton wa tn acton un saturday and called on a few friends mr and mr fyx moore ar visit ing at i jondon and florence miss sarah laird ha taken a situa tion at nobcageon mraasa hall has returned from a four weeks vlalt to ohiua and pwna- tangulsbene mrs john speight ha returned frm london and la gradually regain ing her strength mrs andrew debbie of nequealng mrs william martin of hanover mr william ijobblr ksqueslng and hla son andrew twelve year of age aomprlalna repreeentuve of four ganarauoo all took tea at the home or mr cho kirkpetrlok church btreer on friday mrdobbleumr kirk pet ricks mother and 1 in her nlnvlyfourth year bokk wffijvwtsstts imswabt is eaaaislaaj ea bipti lur aui k itr eaa au jab a sea ctsia usqaaslmi aa haptawser lub i uraadhi- xn a mtwian cvaauaamattbaumaaaloa sa lb mm 0 mspsaai aybev j w km mr wallae 1 leaky i jasau aeasktir ol mr rm abawaea au af aataa ootmo moblal a seotohioao a frenchman and an amarlcau happened to meat and dur ing their conversation the ajnarloan boasted of tu beloved amarlc he twangted i guaaa we bualle wall rather the train gq an faat overthera that a youn tba rail- cy9uuonsyouhjdkyoucr gotac waeq two row of bouaea ahiald um french uian proodly mia paris th train go ao quickly that tba ulrraph polea on each aide of tfr railway took like one big hedge p th sootcbnan listened with a ooft lemptu6ua qiur jbm i waatraval- llng front glasgow to bdloburgb ba said t th out ion tha railway porter olumally lt nay valbw fall and just aa tb train started 1 tried to atrlk man and graaaboottl i hit the atauou asaatar to ttlnbogbl t oauabtaaumar atb jaarlw btwt la wajiiitak a aaptawbav tut uursstaoaafmr aadtbetetui ktewact oothia tatlslgsr on af 1mb gora j f u tu fasdyear hue at aoerwi mbvia i a paufblattoj that wiul aotow haib agng- damtxv this 1 an age of new discoveries to gfowhalr after it ba fallen out today la a reality salvia th great hair tenia and dressing will positively create a new growth of balr 3 i if want tobv beanuful head of hair free from dandruff us salvia once a day and watch th result salvia la guaranteed to atop fall- ttghalr and rtot um hair to it natniaoolor the boat hair vigor known salvia is compounded by expert chemist watch your hair if it is falling out if you dont you will sooner or latar bebald salvia prevent baldue fay fsa- unlng the hair to lb root ladle wilt and salvia juat the hair drawing thay are looking for it make tb hair soft and fiuffv and la not btleky a large bottle boa am imvwuatrosv how oldar you askadthabrow- baattng lawyer of the lady witness i do net knear he replied sweet ly s in what year were you born v i dont rajnamber werent you thara t yeavbutl havent even a vague reoolleouon of it wa it so long ago f rr mgosoaj your hsmlp do you wish tha world were batter 9 let ro tell you what to do 1 set a watch upon your actions keep them always straight and tra bid your mind of sslfleh mouvea let your thought be lcn and high you can mak a ihu hdea or tb tphar you occupy do you wish th world war wiser r well euppoee you mak aurt by accumulating wisdom in tba scrapbook of your heart o not waat on page on folly live to learn and barn to live if yoo want to give aeen knowledge you meat get it era you give doyou wish th world war happy then remember day by day juat to eeattar eeads ot klndnaa aa you pee along tha way 1 for the pfaasura oftbe many hay be ofttlaaa traced to one av the band that punu an jsonrn sbeltara arm lea from tha aun ou wbeakar wllco wmat ratoomsffaunnbd him agaatlaanan once advarueed for a ay to aaalat blaa in hi offioa nearly fifty applied for tb place out of the wool number ha la a abort tint cbeaa one and sent tba rest away i should uke to know aald a friend who waa praaant on what ground you cho that boy ha had not one datlon with bm yon are mlatakan aald thagentl- n he ha a great many he wiped hla shoe wbn hr cam in andcjoaed the door after him abow- ing b waa tidy aod orderly ha gave up hla seat instantly to that lame man showing that hv waa kind and thoughtful ha took off hla cap when ha came answering my question prompt ly and repeetfqlly showing that be 1 polite he lifted up tb book which i had purposely laid on the floor and placed ic on th table whit all the rest aup- pd over it or shoved it aald ahpwlng that he wa omraful when i talked with blm i nouoad it hla clothes were carefully bruah- hla balr in aloe order and bis teeth ea white a milk and ba welted qntouy ror bis turn instead of pushing the others aside hewing that ha wa mod t when h wrote his name i observ ed that hi flag nalle were clean in stead or being upped with jet like tboss of the handsome little fellow lo the una jacket dont you call theee things letter clrecommandatlonr i do and what i can tall about a boy by using my yea roe ten minuue i worth more than all tit fine lei tare be can brimg an baby task in hi day hrr lauteralaln bad been a busy instructor of many music atudenui promptness and economy two of his watchword now bat ba had grown old and taught but sparingly bla habit of speech often caused a smile what time shall i come for my lesson lomoroowr aaked one of hla few pupils you coma van you get reattyaaid tba muslomastar but be brompt o a not tu vaate my um nor your own uodaretand r au vou obtttiha antwuui a noted bcadubman od to toll the lory about himself which ha a lesson for twentieth century canadia lie wo hue to an important engagement and calling a cab ba ordered tb driver to drive vary faat the obllg- lngcabuan whipped up hla bore and lbpamibrbad booir woll jottod before it occurred to him that be bad not given tha man any addrece ha waa going rapidly but be wok not going a ny where j a great many people bkpwoco a great deal of aalhiycuo0uut of the idea that tney are jxiay owayr hurry ing alwoyo but that u not nnbugh what are you aoeompliahlng by all thledrmog hurry t are you kitting any what senator mooumber at a dinner in washington aald uut all eat should ba judged by tb motives that in spired them that u the only way to avoid going wrong jlu bludge of wabneton wo a vary bad man but one uaater he turned up at a church service- everybody waa de lighted bverybody heart warmed to jim but the deacon noooellog iilm after tba service aald cauuous- lyt wall james im glad to see you at tueeungi but how did you happen to come f ha ha ha i jim uludge chuckled its ilka this deacon you see ut thursday rooming i found a counur- rit dime but do tall nobo ub1 kmbw i the master of the bouae ink inquired the smoothtongued book- agent of th ltttl boy who answered his ring nope aald the boy little hoye should not ull raise- hoods said tha bookgnt isnt that your father landing tba newspaper thara by the window yep waa the answer thats pa all right but ma l out at hlttt that attendant aeema tob hard of bearing i have nouoad that a llttla palm oil often cu daafneea thar never was and never will be a universal panacea in on remedy ror all ills tb which flesh la heir what would relieve on 111 in turn would aggravate tba other wa have how aver in quinine wine when obtained in a ooand unadulterated atate a remedy for many and grievou 111 by its gradual ajid judlctpuauao the frailest systems are lad into convales cence andatrengb by the influence which quinine exert on natures own restorauve jt rauavca those to whom a obrqnla ute of morbid daspondanay and lack of interest in life u a dle4 and by tranqultlring the nerres dispose to bound and refreshing sleepimpart vigor to the aeuoo ot tba hkifsl which helng umulated ooureaa through tba veins atjaoasnliig urt-leathr- rudottoo of tb rraiin thereby making activity a neceasary rrsult atrangthanlrig tb fmina and giving ufa to th digestive organ whlok naturally demand to subsunc lewilt improvad appaut north kp lymau qf toronto have gtvai tba public their superior quinine by theoploioci of acunusts the win pprocba nearest parfocuon or any on the market a drugguta sell iu viii li v ia