Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1912, p. 2

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mammlmb unumnnvi as wo iwiiiii bvaaoo saather dmnn oo w h ityb by b k r vloiot leabol roantast daatiua ef 1 lim to mr o c uwimw wabsntejamafbtoeai t tattoos porenta oonayrowaofalp taw ontario on wooaoaday asfast sstb v hot rudwk of xi- jaunty wotaator of boy toluol bauaautta of wo mm reraterlr at aetoa mrmtalkiluam aolawu bavtotnbor 1mb unmmnlt la us egtu yoor immnnla na on uoasdoy a 1 ilia mhiitn jona au rollol of ikt lots a d ibonpw pntneoswia momo on kaidoy lumlff ah mary cbrtatloo clorlt wife of w tj rauianw la bat tjb jew itnnowai wiwn nah q wadnaodav 1mb haaaoboapaa h ahdrtm to sandy of aaaoo mwlifc be juiott jfree fjreas tttub8iay hkptblsbbk 10 1018 ditohlaa auhwtlbtal the invetftorof pink leruonad u dead now lu somebody duty discover tho nan who originated the ha machine aa a puller for tho aod fountains too prinoom patricia and throe or four of i ho boyal party are reported to have rlddao through iho rocklve sitting oo nbalre on the locomotive oowoaiober that oowesaebar bava etratcbod itself some to dale the prloeom at ai welt venture too that tho nroat ran down tho baeke of aoeae of tho mufti clad aides not to mention the rest of tho party tbe more ooe beer of eoodltlone la the now york polloe dsparunent tho woroo it cats the whole thins to be in about tho nuoa condition aa a roes of ooldatorago fgg january turnlpw are selling g atoroa in toronto at 10 ceota each and ootooa are now bulled oot by tho pound will stay aa near tho farm aa possible for a while yec ditoaml motaw psshknt ikdicatiomw aro that tho government will deride oot to moat parliament until january tbja qnea ha oot yet been formally oonaldorod hy the cabinet but tnoet of tho ministers aad a majority of tho eoombonfavor wsjuugiuntll thej now j year instead of assembling in lata november with a long ohrlatoa miet0h will votoontholydro-rkm- trlo bylaw on the hut october- tbo ch amyat if oar town i to out aoy flsrure aa a manu oh it will be tbrooth tho ratlfloatlon of the bj4ew tho power will attract now indnatrhw and onanre tbo growth and proeperlty of tho town every- qualified voter afaonld eopport tho by- law- all that la what la corning to 1 in inereaaed measured ahortly not loso aoo the ouatoma authori- uaa in pari prune eehwd ho0oo0o lltroa of adulterated wine being- d- ulterated they would not eell it and not knowing what elaa to do with it they poured it into the canal du lildl tbo reeult waa that thousands of flab were poisoned and it la cetlmatod that tho canal baa been depopulated of ite fash for at toast two year evidently tbo win wma not of the barml variety of which wo boar aoeaotinv war haa bean declared by tbo provlnoa license department apoo oleetrie bell butter e and othof algnala by whleh tho offeodlag hotellieeper or illegal liquor seller protest blmaeir against tbo visits of the polloe and while doing mfeghito tbo word obatroctlob in the liquor uaoenee act will bere- aftar apply to any devloa by whlefa wbmlng oan be given a oonrlatlon ae rod in a teat emae in owrn hound haa b upheld by the hlgbooaru tffli onitmo scatkw ccufakcn piinb theqmirobluand eo oatablahed a noeb deatred parealapoot ayatrm for that ooontry tbo hill follow tho aooo plan in determining tbo obargoa for pnroeu to be earrlad and under ita provblona an elevenpoudd parcel can beeent any dietaneo up to fifty ml lee for 96 oenta u0 utllea for m oan la and from new york to san francleoo for 1lb altboogb thla la a fcraat inv promnant over tbo prea arrango- ment yet it u away bablod eotne baropean oountrloa in qertnaay the poet oorriee 11 pofiodo 40 mllee for a oenta aod 110 pqnnda for 00 penu while france earriee 19 ponnd pnreala for 26 oentk onrpreeent canadian rata la 17 oenta with a limit of 4 pound if a man wished to eend by poet 4 paroela of 4 pouttda oaah to weeton hamilton balbrrllle and montreal it would enat bhn for ihr- 4 paroola luatcsbuv under tbe bianio law tbo waaton parcel would oowt 8 oenta the hamilton one 14oanta tba belleville one 18oeot and ibe alon- treej one 20 oenta jkri os oenta in al ofooureeoor paribeu poat baa n flat rate eo that pavojfuokn be crrlad to vancouver jnitarobfaply aatowaatoo tbe rate ror eight muee being tbo 4una aa for 800 tntlea but the retra are ao high that the paroala poet la of but email jimrtt ibe average man we tblak u unothat ouvrabw re- ywedlnlh1qtrjt the public obrtatiaaaiuudlao turn haul tubouob auhdoa x report from jwjiyton ifrt week tua of a pecullaf aoelcjoni i penednear that town ulitweek wafl- lowaivlaat night wfcen mr john burt waa coiulog lnu tofvnwlth hla tbreablog ouiflt abut t p m- oomln aoroaa mm iron bridge on luin street ibe woodeo trfnger auddeoly gave waaodtberearendoflheenglnewent ik ro uufctuoaialr i fl m oatiouia iron rod ntop w atrt uutuwf wf goliig through very irutedruereecaped i eoon to be refloored bijt u- mm the vqmtffip- i beliered m boaw perfaapathuwill reeulc in tbo aaf asisilrkl tnwaibtiire- date short session op tttecouncil butglaty atrmptef atu mothteet alaeat deaaw a hvdroblaotrlo oomimo ng i msoi otuiioll ul on moitdajr regular avamloo membrra baeve ilynda r m uedonald cooper wm smith the mloulaa of ibe laatua rr rrad and oonfirmad the ctimntutoa on plnanoa 1 wended paymeul of acoounuri iowa 1 john uarvay pottage and eta- uonerr tbe flexible conduit co aop- h pllavimi can jan klee co roppllae w d andereon krelght and oartaga p h w d andereoo freight and cartaga hydrrt aoo hualelpatworu statlttmry alorad by hurray mcdonald ereood- ad by wm cooper that the report be adopted carried there ha bean eome eomplalnta about the power not being t ml oo eoon enough at ibe power hone clark maeklnnon waa leetraeted to drop etmtrkuan jfuoddy a eard to jog hla memory that it beca dark ai er than u did a eaoolb ago tbe matter of aaajetant engii for the brigade waa brought up but the ooanell decided to welt emto the ire brigade watrixx 1 an interesting etory oomee from berlin regarding tbe finding of aocae boraaa wboa owner muet bav gl them up for good poor boreea atolen in waterloo county io 1010 have bean recovered and one arreat haa b made aa a reeult of a vigorous two daya inve guloo in the vlotolty of tmvtetook new bambnrg and stratford by chief oneill and dr hanboeflw the president of tbe waterloo county parmer protective aaeooutlon laat thureday morning tbo antborl- tlee rtarted oat in no antomobi with a m due and ihle evening they returned home having l tbe fourth atolen animal irvln bboo maker borae atolen two year ago waa loca near tnvtatdck ephraim hilftartnere bora atolen la november 1010 wee recov frotat farm booth of innerblp and ji bingeman animal waa found in the vicinity of tmvmtock the animal owned by veterinary sargeon or wemror which wm tolea from a hotel abed at petersburg the eutborluea found bad died the cutter and inatramenta on a warrant teauvd by chuf oneill jadfllummeln o t b brak waa taken into euetody at btfatford by chief atooertby following fralne arrival from port erie ha waa brought here and will be charged with tbe theft of four the stolen anlmab bad pieced into dlffereutr hand alone leaving the county and the authorities obliged to cover eeveral hundred mile they believe they have captured the man wbo waa responsible for tbe mye- terktoa naaea of bores stealing- to rimanosi tatbl cakuf ottawa sept iblbflgnr 1 banded out laat week as to tbe coun trys resouroe for deallsig with ffbe demand for earreney- wkleb will be occasioned by tbe western crop last year tbe demand era very great aod resort bad to be made to four dollar government notes which have proved an upopulav form of our- venoy tfala yr the reeource of the banks and the government combined in the way of currency will be over 980000000 in eaceesf laat year in the autumn- of 1011 the banks bad the nominal right to lame eua000odo jta actual practice they did not laws more than 911x000000 aa it la 6m- aary for them to beep a margin on hand aa a guarantee against over- fetor thla margin working out at 10- 000000 in addition the government lsosd tm000000 arwtiog it neoaeeary to dm tbe fuure thus the cjrcnlauon nominally m valla hla was llo4o00000 and the money actually in the pockets of tbe peoplviwaa 4059000000 this year the banks have anurgsd i heir reanuroa and have the right to circuit 113000000 allowing iu margin they apparently lestt from ab00ojo to jlbqlqootdoo ow lug in part to the ueue of lb ave dollar oomlolon notes of wblob ovef 10000000 are now in tbe band of the lfaika the gnvemmsnt will be able to clrcuute about tu000000 in dam in l niile thus the nominal riroulallon avall- ahle will b 9186000 0i and tbe actual amount abooi 9170000000 uhsuiodatax mr wm oowdy la spending a few days in buffalo mra qowdy and master douglas visited actoo frienda over sunday miss b ivans of toronto and mlaa wlaiilfred or ouelpfa model school rare borne over hr o polkl cecil who bsveteew eamplng waubeabloe for twfl or three a have returned hqoa what might have been quite a seri- oua aoeibent onenrred 4m vrmay as mr wm mcdonnell was moving drill at the dolly kiln i soma way bwued hu fnoung and fell on the rocks sutalnlng eome bad bruieee hut rurluiimily ihi imhttw were hritkni thvmwnvlweildanrmrr by week- bsjuer are fuvesedtu eee him out egahv ftor hla roeotsrou ih mr end mrs t arthurs fourth une arevisftlng m toronto stt fvymar mowtmimm tm i thmvaotwijir a wmvr oorrmmm a drurnilned but ary nrudr attempt im burgurlie lb poet office was made last friday morning about half past two two men burst onbo the front door with the aid of s low bar and sdae wblab they stole rfrom menken at planing mill whu a third stood watch too first rifled thrill of a raw coppers left there ul night be fore and then proceeded teblow open the safe door tbe usual professional msthad of clo4lttgtbe eractarabontths margin of the door with soap waa first under then some liquid eanlos ive waa poo red la tbe fuse waa set and tbe match applied tbe explosion waa however abortive and the thieves got nothing for their efforts when tbe front door was buret open mr and mr a t brown enrol tbe street heard tbe noise and in vest gated as welt aa they oould in the darkneaa they saw the three men but having no flrearans werenntorallv timid about attacking them without help mr brown phoned dr cose and mr b p oajdwell but at this moment the explosion oecored and the burglar becoming alarmed immediately fled they are believed to be a trio of tramps who were for several day seen in a swamp near the bret line one peculiar feature of the affair e tbe fact that in getting bar and ads at msessnales pla mill they found to key in the aacret plaov where it waa kept fur tbe worke and with it unlocked tbe door one at least bad evidently ascertained biding place wbvn the last workman had locked up the mill tbe night be- fatal accident neai george town ukv1vsd only sv smw hour hsna johnston a macedonian labor er 00 tbe grand trunk hallway waa fatally injured in an aoddent n georgetown 00 s evening tbe young man who la apparently about twentjsflve year of age was member of the se gaoe wor out of that town after hi days work was done he and eeveral ooeo ear it i was running at- a high rate of ipesd johnson loot hi hold 00 the handle frhlefa flaw up etri blm 00 the face and eneeklug him off onto tbe treek hla bead ettfung the rall en given medical atte it waa eeao that he jumped backward from the oar to recover hi bat which waa blown off and he feu striking tbe rall he picked up in up on which be was taken ouelpb where be arrived about u oclock saturday night he rushed to tbe ceoarej hospital but never recovered oorshnoueneee 1 died about four olelock yeata hla death islhougbt in he fraoture of the knee of the duo to 1 a jury i which in a verdict of aocmantsl death from falling or jumping back ward off a band oax while it- waa 1 1n motion end absolving the o t a and hm fellow employee from all blame oamltuip a boxxarr womx vsutans 1 there ta an slmost unoelhrvable touch of roniance about ptederick ir vlnei of malasoneeue who came oat of bhyal vistorui hoepitaj last week bver sloe he a brfiub eoldler foogbt tbe engvpmoentv or tbebrtub n the south african war be bas car ried arouod with him boer bullet e crusted in a shred of hi ple tunic the wad haa bean tucked all thee years neatly between fata heart and lung a few day ago it waa removed by local doctor and mr irvine waa declared perfectly cored b tba bnghah army doctor could not and tbe bullef they held that be was not grounded fend he waa onmptued when belefcnfae army to do eo without a pension mr irvlnf got hie wound at ladyamltfa a numbrr from here will ttend anelph far thu weak hsrveet lomfervtoes wll be hld at siloam neiil siiitdsy sept mj and it lecture wll i given on holiday evening hy bav mr sender the eongregai ion brrlmie whlidrawn their eerviors fr nl sllmfi morn ing tq worship at blloam the tadlea aid will meet at the borne of mrs j bennett on thursday afternoon sept gstfa hla bmma wetklne nf mew york le vwuog at mr tboa watklosv mrs muy a wild vultod at ibe home of her grenddnwhterhr yf a- marrajr last wsek amiawamatohj lemotodyeasid dee ho csmtnui people who una pajuhxam a never growbald bsoauee u kul tb dandruff germs the osue of falling balr and bkldne for your own prolrcttnih see tha you rvt paajiuahii tj girlw thr auburn balr ie on every carton and boitlrm your ecalp will frel mi dellghtrnllv rrtresbvd tat ordlnarr eoknuierclat tonic wonvdnsny more irtemnoerfulbowqulckly tb hslr will stop falling and dnndnffsnd ealp itob dlmpprar when pastfun sag tenaoftboamndorwomoo asselt mavee ibe hl up rhti and brilliant that it attriote admire al ilfwllluuaeajillui bovm w a cnuple of w ttv ts jrj tick two owuuuomii supply bo iblt a etitbnnw tn wm urf hitl cort yotf but 00 owit t7- up for three or four lwwufc tb ujhl oclock train going wetcran up berrmk and trfrrnd it laur- are born levweome juatvrn to b aamiaa- ftalrs worst foe the fleneuhl are a race et hardy and 0pra plghiar ou of kufpt into tho tripoli hin- tarlaitl iun m hy many route tlioro are at lt tliroo trarlm across tho irlilail ilffrlkil he 1m tint like ly to rvturit iinlo4 ha has been lucky aiinugh to rain tlio f riendtliip oj a heiutuul rlilnt the nerluiand the dlsaomtnrte of the journey are many but limy arc sj nouiln compared with the utrr ut vi kiting the 8- noui in ilmir wti it 1 mi try unin vited write sn officer of the kgjrp- tain iolire tlic wrrl ntutitry dttna not to or knjjuh niiinl ruiivoy anytlifn like a canut itupjuiluii ul tuuu nasi- and doxiule rrtiont tliat lie behind the triixilitaii ctnt 1 1 no and r qtretcb io eitillopn rmtiliu acroaa the brest sa hara to lha marhe of ijke tchad it is not a ounlryil is the water- limn led of a ilead ocean the sands of which have been blown into nunin tain ridintii by a million yesrs ol wind ever liluwlny in the udm direction to live to eiint in such a region requires untiring bnarujr a constitu tion f iron and a unirit capable of bearing the utikindnal blows of fete with equanimity the arabs of the drsert are etslints nf necesilty the elaborate puddle result of ten years delving the barley patch the palm kve may be h lotted uul of eilstence a six 1 1 ours sale tb arab does not sit down and weep he ratlier- together hi wives bla anils ami hu lausbtars eolleot bu uttle flock of aheep packs all hla possessions on um backs of whatever camels he is lucky enough to possess or steal and set out afoot to seek a new water hole and to commence lite afresh in the matter ol religion the ben- ousts are fanatic aa the darviahera ol the boudan but with a fanaticism baaed upon the pride of race rather than on the lusts of the flesh- no where in all the world is honor such a vital factor in everyday life as in thla wild region it is not honor snch ss we undaratand it but it la a coda of honor set up by the benousfi em- ira and woe betide the man who vio late that code von may steal you may kill you may ma but friendship and hospitality are sacred the turks and arabs oeeing from the italian troop down on the littoral wiir take their tale to jaraboob and uie thirty kmlre will nit in conclave and discuss the situation then on of two things will happen either the hinterland will be declared an in dependent benouiwi state or else holy war against the invaders will b declared in the first esse the italians will meet with no serious opposition but now and than a hand of young man from the interior will swoop down and obliterate some unfortunate ital ian pnat sometime by aurpris but more often through treachery ihm will be endleen yoara marked only by regrettable incfdentw reprisals r absolutely impossible if on the other hand thebanouuu raise the banner of the prophet and proclaim a holy war they wlu not only have armed support of the in habitant of the coastwise township but evary arab trader slaver mog- ler and loafer imlween ike tchad and the nil will trek to tripoli in the hope of loot in the present and paradise harealter the looting of a european army would offer an irre- istlble temptation to all tho scum of the baharan border there has been much talk rd the available turkish forces in tripoli and many attempt to estimate the raautano thy arc likely to oer i d not know anything about the turk ish garrison but i do know what force the saooussi tribe could put into the field 11 they were ao minded and this entirely apart from the sup port of the coastwise inhabitant fall milhnery opening frida v and sa turd a sept 20th and 21st nadrucoj laxatives are entirely different from others both in their oomposf- tton and their dfeoroomplete evaeuaoon without purgtng or uuoornfort 1 2sc a box at your druggist a have you secured a copy of oar catalogue ootonen01k on these days wd would like all the ladies to ace our first showing of fall millinery for 1912 and to meet miss oconnor the young lady who is in charge there we venture to prophesy that this will be a very popular department with the ladies this season henderson co mmjst acton oat xlckxfoqoooooooooooo from all parts of the fashion world new rall druss goods her youwlll and all the latest patterns and color deaigned for autumn wear the woman wbo make it a point to be well posted on all matter pertaining to fashion will find much to see and admire among this varied assortment of tho newest weave aact shades in autumns choicestdreei goods prom canadian as welt as from tb foreign looms we have assembled the best productions of the most dependable mills vou cant go wrong here as to style quality or price we am showing the best assortment of clot and weaves at from 50a up to tiooper yard that it has ever been possible 1 for us to show see our fa ssdsome lines of saltings and coatings exclusive leagths inejl the news weaves and colors newtallolovksautumn willboasessonof a wrut length glovni due to the vogue for loa sleeves on waists and dresses here you wilt find splendid assortment pf all that la new and correct for fall capeakin mocha doeskin and fabric oloves in all the leading colon such a the various shade of brawns tans and gny besides plenty nf black and whites good fit geed style and rood eerrlco era characteristic features of avmy pair handsoue trimmings for the seclal functions for the coming season handsome trimming will play an imporbuitpert la the making up of attractive rowjul tho following- exclusive lines are desirable thera are bugle and peart trimming in wideand narrow widths taeuqarafture fa pearl and chenille rich wide banding with handworked roees applique and narrow te match in pastel green and silver come and see these handsome trimmings yeu win thenagree with us for saying that wnvbave the moat beautiful assortment of trimming in the city new corsets for pali the natural figure lines are tbe lines or real grace sad beauty and the new corsets for fall more than ever aim to give every woman a graceful and easy carriage and a modish figure here 1 ju ere vou can choose from a splendid collection of correct models from the leading corset makers in the c model for every age and physique a model for every purse andtae best value always mens clothta- d e macdonald bros cor wjrodtumiiid macdoadl streets guelpfl 0nt dress goods isspa c symqns baker h confectioner fwmfan hotnwnad bimd try oftr itic 1 kdjwft jral cltm jlmwlmwil of uxm and ftulry frasi ajmy wnta ma qitjav oiii cobfktwnmcjr hta btc mfust ovejrland j i9i3llodets minih benertlian ever 30 b p 5 p 45 n p 5 passenger lfbf ll jfllly eqojppe una jtanranteed deliv ered in toronto also tbe qramm bndgarbrl motorttncjks ahftwov sells co b t r watch iiispector for elfm vein have your watch repaired by oo who knows how it costs you no more sod on ywsguaiaslrsgosa wlthevery job b yours in for sstlmst lfalling bos sent on request vou st doder no obligation until yoo my fl li wh foster bxptsit watcfutakbk rseeeim ymimohmouttrxhxt georgetown ontario homeseekers settlers farmers fatms foe proctessive men have you investigated the possibili- bilities of the 135000 free homesteads of 160 acres located along or near the canadian northern raihyay lines in manitoba saskatciiewah alberta thousanda of acres of the last best free land on earth are yet available for cnltiyation jfjnb climate silhnpid soil independence 1 the heritage of canadas sons is the wheat land of tftewest join th ranfcs orindsadeatwestenifiners arid- become a factor in the real progress of canada a post card to j r t falrbalro ceo pass ajt 48 king st east toronto will bring you booklets and all information opposite the post orrice highest casb pricaa ror butter eggsti poultry itwiiicj ma hokmkudmam 1 w oonnbtnd v chas d brewer sfieppcj- hanoi dealer has for 3alh bank of hamilton goods mv be selected at any thne day or eveinag s srarcnman ureal slaughter granltewii thnraft garden italfa omnmtfmrilott mwad ilomliituilmtfahrbov gonftmnt pttowselewoott tb o to cn aur tnnppry sti slpht tfjrj jia grjqf capital paidi vpt7jltmaa reserve and undivided profit smoooo total assets 44000000 f rls not your earning powrtht will wcasars your hipplaess la after years p po j lime power will be reduced your saving i you bgalnju the lime when yonv earolng rbiiavw9 a ssviats accoant at ibalbeo ol ham- lion vnmia be a help urssudsnabtrlog lb hswi of saviog tbe same ooorteous efi cuotuuntloo la given lofsll depothors whether the seconal be argsjor nnul okouoatix wn zbbanou iilrtd abbrrtisonrnti ttljr wnpltst tflnircb cton rllw f j durhhll u a pasior bunuav suttlimlteit 32rd a u kttiu v uto rtltm jko all wuioui ijost ott huoatf mniom ptmar mil ow ik mallio4u cbnmb lutua nur oat risdor ua fsbu iukhrt ovviosl sitnatiou wuitod volhu wosaaaa wealsoll a naiwosltle ttmuj in uma addma box u aotom mix riuua men wanted ohohjk bulaln l0tfc fob aalb po paruae wtw sill m 1 ids boeess we will m ai low fwttm as esey lane aw pfc w u naamohotty a cc house and lot for hale tnati4irnna4tasait tbe toe u wil low mvaec ooeirorsbu ttosb to aeailt imtattj srptlnuniepplrsloawatlo mxh w tfl jhratujkt oar ra mms ika amsiih iuknitdke for hale th obootelcnae lll mil b ixui 1 hlaasw barwuta mablar and mm uo bold nitallar iniapdtna awbmii urtlw qboboaoohkos hoosekeepers waxed paper for picnics fctc lor ilalnaj baiiss luu la p miubailsaaab wispae l a healed tenders wanted for firm in nsaaaweya sbalbd taodwaj will ba nrvlvad b lb masaraaimrf av to as ualndlu tbo wb of w ftu lor u parabaa of ua uoab mataxub minaml term linaa t ooo t tbo hjaha or ear u asrllf aapbia tanu cb aim ktmnkoyjenntwt utienaatwt lrroai f o baa n0t1ck ti crkdit0kb isthsmsnw or the i t ill ism ohssauwe lesa eg tbe village of a lis the county of hajtess nothtb m banbf rjna p tasasaaw la tbstboboll hmt all waa iters sad etbare bevlos alaitca aipuaat april lilt sn reqslaod oo o blon tee atoaraoaatb day et o ims 10 ad brbea propmld or deliver loa j hsakliiaoai ol ib vu- use r aatoo neutuor for uur kaaaooibs ooaobu sdnauubtnuris of ibo atla of lb sold dawesatd ibalr fjbrullau d mraamaa o un d tba nil rartbaiaaa of tbotr alajna toe ililiqanl of tbatr hhiw and tbo solan of um ooaorttk if any bald b j tboaa and retthor uko notloo owu alia aoab uo baontlonod dalo tbe saldn ui we- ooo to dlhribetf tba swamsof tba j laoni bo pomlao aolluae tsaaalo balne f- aorr oaly to ibo nialma of ehiob aba abail ikoi imveaouaa sad teat tbe aaud odsunuualiu will ao bo usblo for tho ssld r- or aar pat thirsof to ait parous or b anna a of wboaaalotaa botloo aboil no bsv boos tooolvod by m at tbo uru of dbjirfbeuos aj uukihkim aollouovfe hirr ibubssib oonbu admlnfauntrtl dajoduaaitoatbaloalbdarof sao4oaibr 1st notice to creditors noticji is hereby wrwul bbuabn ut thalbobsit fitat ji i asd o hsfaa slatsm asoiaat ibo hum of tba hid jeeastaeaov baa lor who dbdaa or oboe the twenty ssobo 6 dr of job mo raqnaatad onoa- bafaaw tbo lltb jaf of ooto twluiosendbf rjrtpispsidordoutai to a j athabbof umuusof aetaa tnaettor the bsoosters of the abst of uhsajd aaaooood thslr odimuss aes oerssrnem oatdraoaaa orlpuos ssd tbe fan psruoalon of their aulaoa the stotonael of ibalr aumoasos esd too imr 1 tbe setariuar u sr bold by thorn and farther take bo that oftor oneb 1 ta awtribete lbs amoncpm psrues obutmioaraao boaim ro- awrd only to tbo etsiom of whuta uai esvo nouoo aad tbo tbo omld m wlu not bonubto tor tbo told aoaal- oa- out port tbetwof le any pones o u of tabaoo ulwu boum sbsi mot bavo bwoo raaaliraj by tboaa si its usse of osab dlotrlbaruoo h j manabb asset for et- tt acton this lata day of p ims notice to credwhrrs ehilhahsratt late of tau tbe towuelnj oounut of t ta bereby atvea bausesal to 1 rue la all elj ibvoaidusotao1reumiauva died or boat tb i day ef jsawoar ltl roqneted ew or e ens eaatrfeth day of oto- baylfttl atauroa- to b j iaalajsb7ef tsevucisefraetoa asoot for the biseawsetfuwssavn ef tbo sold to the contrary vie make iflht moat important actor so il you favor ugwith yobr patronage yon wilfenttiosiasucally endorse iff ifx ha w otthoswid thsa isban vavo bod r ssypar i to oas of wboasolaoni oottoo b j homabb 1w assnttovbaseatorv datod st astob this utb day ef ft urtaon tr r 1st millinery opening mias mm thbswthornc has opened a uuihwry siore la ibe pw- raises occapted by her lssf season neat io btaibaira groosry ubsr all lb latosi and ntou stylish dpslgaa la fall hltuoory wul b shown fas qpaaiac dm friday awl saturday vrtaaafcmmoxojwal a cordis lavltuiouls sstssded to all ho ladles ol axloa and vlclnliy to call spd inspect oar aesortneat ol the leiesi o fahaodware bsrasrsmcan u ilxinsss mo otp if atsmiata new potatoes at xmas don boy potatoes have your own indoor potato patch le corner of eallar apue roorp bira etfc orow tpatjsrfcr h r aw indoor potatoes t inniumi mi of tkm mmnod ol inmlim vlwi imr potalom indoora in town cttj or ooualrjr nodlobk plwuuf or hoaoa luasim jsmurskmrltmamd irow uoimqcbupi bhnpk msm roo- wy dtlu start do luottnud dicour lorwkmp 1 j- rfaatrtf montvale favms v- mkiw

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