Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1912, p. 3

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r wallpaper nm mock now opened from z roll upwards tllttain poles vatfsiaa wwicoaok window shades in cntm peso and whit a 1 ace and insertion caul in and kz our new stock geo hynds real estate mmtmj utl lowest rat f latorcu laurgaaaberraraa tar sub earsap atwclliaga auad uwr rawparty ih all partartac tawa wa have every lacillty far ttal fillam ar saulnaas t yemr ag4et ataacuav j a willoochaty cjewrgctawai sbe lctoa jfree kiss thubsday 8rptku1iku 10 10ui wuef local items howd toronto iatk out lorooto la tow of the pennant tba trout fishing aaaaon closed fin batarday sunday waa ooa of ih drearier day fur a long while bb bains roabad la every day avv w d turner nor el has lanatved a call to blyib goelpfa central fair opened on tuaaday and closes today fffaa long cummer vacation didnt i liiug to peering did it j hydro- electric line from croatph la being raebad tbla way the lawna havent looked ao wall aw isamr aa they do at present milton fall pair next tuaaday and w prootlaaa to ba a nod ooa brampton a tax rata baa bean rw daoedthlsyeax to 1 mills it waa h huav year brio baa laid about 4000 teat of at walk tbla wmnw at a coat of ihjmau par root iaaton oil teens band gave a band ouwoar mt bden mllla on thuraday vanlag of laat week j tba excavation for hydroelectric pairar station m completed and tba bdmlatrwfu go on at once braanpton falroo tuaaday and ijjjjy wadnaaday attracted a considerable 11 aoaabav of halton county visitors wffi tb newmarket canal evidently ffr i hweame watar in it one day laat li break a voona man waa drowned in lla wuuam dennw orawaoni corner jbtln tba first new wheat it wwaboogbtatbeauvator for 00 cent a y rjobo leing waa on lloaday but b at georgetown 95 and cost or loday fa jail for being druok and vwa lant ibo band atand at the town ball provided wltb lights and iniayjby tba band toataad of playing 54 baadooooart on saturday vp- jajaraotad an interested crowd of -jtllfbeoe- and vlettore anotbar concert s artfl be given tbla saturday cwifr temporary tjuartere at tba f jolaia doting the romoval of tbelr ataca to it new foundation jtb fall fair aaaaon wltb news of l0cai import op ad mienlslfilinlj tba new room for tba primary de partment of i he public taboo waa opened on monday morning lite flraldaye attendance wee 08 wlb a few more pupil expected tbla will occupy practically all tba accommoda tion provided a wutaaaan the new brick and plate giaaa front oftbt wllltama block uulte an add otl improvement to mill streela tmalneaa aesuoa william aboe atore and hpalgbta hardware and atove depot wltldaw have quit attractive quartan tba ralmoraton dlatrlct of the matnodlat church baa elected re a k smltb b d of drayton aa lla chairman which poahion waa made vacant by tba eudden daatb of llev walars jaralaaon onseptember 4th mr smltfaa anton friend will congratulate him upon hie election to tbla important poeitloa weecla eat tata kada ot tbaucmd oomptainta bava r the vwaat pvaas that aeveral farmara neglect to cut tba waeda along i he road la front f tbelr property it hardly aaetn fair that one farmer aboold do bu beat to keep tba waeda down around bli farm and thereby improve the appear ance of and benefit tbe country and tba man neat to him allow tbam to grow unmolested wby not all wage war on them and dean tbam out en tirely p itamaaabaw an jmbawth tdav wa regret to learn that on recent sunday eome ciuaana bave been vlolatifig tbe lorda day by carpenter ing and other work upon their bouaee aotona name ha eoui pared very favorably in regard to a quiet sunday and oluaene in general will deplore tbe action ot aooie pveraaa paopl who do not appear to realise the impor tance of wall observed lorda day tbe lorda day alliance might well look into any eases of tbe kind rev t a amhnw maaa amnaar baa t a artbora will preac in knoa ohurcb next sunday morolog and evening prior to leaving for china aa aj mlaalonary he leaves here on th bstb liter and sella for china on october 8th tba jarwlab mew yea tbe jewteb resldenta of acton cele brated their new year and made new yeara raaolatlons last thuraday friday and saturday bm v lean were bold in hills hal tbqorremooy in the hebrew ritual known aa tach- llck tbe casting away waa eolemnly observed paltbful and devout attan- dancb upon tbeav mrvicea tibacactri- ised all the jews in town during the ancient ritea and caremoniee of the aervlcee held meweel riiaettiiaiialil the new ilrillab battleablp audaci- ou une of the king oeorge elaaa waa launched at nirkanbead bog on sat urday tbe warship already baa been 18 months in building tbe delay in her eonatmctton being due to labor troubles which have seriously effected ail brltlab naval construct ion many improvements nave been introdced in tbe andaoinua tbe details of wblah howev have been withheld by tbe admlrallty a quiet wedding waa eolemolmed at the home of mia b b george- town on vvadnesday afternoon sep tember utb wbeo her youngest daughter violet leobol waa united in marriage wltb mr oeorge campbell lawrence manager of tba merebanta bank tbe ceremony waa cod acted by ltttv mr cameron the bride waa becomingly atured in wbltn pallette with draplnga of abadow laoa and carried a bouquet of white rosea and lly of tbe valley mr and mm law rence left on the afternoon train for now york and atlantic oily tbe bride travailing in a navy bin ault of dugonai cloth wltb hat of black silk heraldj tba addreee of mlsa mcquffln ed i trees of tbe womans missionary section of tbe missionary outlook to tbe membeae of acton auxiliary in the hrtbadlst churcb was replete wltb informauun and waa both inspir ing and helpful- in the evening tba men hi tbe congregation assembled wltb tbe ladlee and mlsa moguffln gave a vivid and highly interesting re sume of her vlalt to palestine uer dsscrlptlooe of tba oountry tba people tbeir rellgkmm preaent day oondltlooaaadblndranom to tbe pro pagation and growth of the christian wllglontbarcontalaaat a wealth of informatloo the visit and addresses of this consacratad lady wara mooh praclated andawioywl jtovvjttv draper ooonpled the abalr a cordial vole of thank waa tendered man mc- g mitbltajr big pumpkln cuaaypdunda ofltbouar oldtaahlooed needlework faaiflka3oea country lasma ia at band rbvobard leavens left tbe fm fajaawgawammplaof tomatoes tba aiantaneb weighed bao they pa bean in valw lath window since sustageots of tba ganadun ffnrtban bave been in tba district djaoent to acton this week aetulok j sp ihtlntrl claims in connection with jpb flolo malon band in coo umljllc tjlitl the disdple cburcb gwttw wd a vary aocoaawfnl aootal laajhday evening but at tba borne of maqeoglora udgiog froni the aouhd of the 4uaaarga of abot goos tle jaw prohlb- i iubw mfc ebootlnfaf dock between ual1nri aitbfullr unaaviad by torn put hnntar lrjanieabntham was a loocaa fi sshlbitntvat tbr london western r at weekaecuhiig sid priaewltb o t beardmnree bngllsh fi doctor in a atmna class obnatruouon ejgjjgln eoooee- uarwttbtb m electrk railroad baa isaaai ateeted oa atr wm oleavaa jastira a0 work on to new una will aomaianps aioaurtalyaaoricatown tarau tbafawo uo tbcredltriter which hbvn owned by tba leslie family i fov u4euy a century baa been aold by to joeepb beaumont mr leslla la going to itad prioee on coal are fir tbla winter aoena in wivaay that a substitute too fuel will have to ba peat propoaluon about jeardeo moob lato b of ifaly now totba uoia to along lirb wlu calebral aervlcee on sunday if ban apaoial at by ilevi mr clarke on monday anting laetar will be held a win air on thv von of irkdiamby rat a t theannbatoonvenuon of tbe ontario sunday school association will be hegl in hamilton this year from oct 21st to mtb some splendid talent has been secured now u lb urn for workers to be eeleeted aa detlgatee ao that arrangements to take la the whole convention can he made in good time aston and vicinity aboold be well represented owing to tba proximity of the convention nab hoar day far ales three itlvera sept ib at the con vention of tbe canadian federation of labor here laat week it waa decided to aak tbe government to extend tb law iltlng the weaba work of youog glrle to aityflve boure to employees in all industries and a eaotlow wee hp traduced calling for an eighthour day mr john moffat was reelected president mr george veaper vice- president and mn o- marcurn aecre- urytreaanrer 0 a larocke k pe pin and other ofnoers form the legis lation oo remittee in mereb of thl year a new gravel pit was opened up at lallngton a few days afterwards one of tbe team sters dug up a akuq which waa banded over tboovonerboll who burled r it within a few days aeveral skeleton ware uncovered and later tba per fa skeletons of nine men were uncovered it wu ascertained that tbey tbe skeletons of indians the booea being in ajmoat a perfect state of preesrva- tbebooee woold indicate that the indians war of unusually bug hd powerful build tfa oldaat real denu o the locality have ao recoueo- tlob pfany radmeo living in tba vicinity neither bava they evwhoard bfml indian graveyard from tbelr parents who were of pioneer stock thla would point to the fact that tbe old gravel pit wea i that tba falbm braves war burled wbar they fau pafa of f ariaatrniig after a long lllaeea but only two weeks confined to hi bad tbe spirit of paler hv artuatrong passed away e wymur neb on wednesday hth sept mr arwaojgjwaa a native of bra he came to acton about 181 ml wm cor a rtanber of y tariff a highly esfamad raubwt in 0878 ba rewoved to nebraaka wber be ba alqoereslded mr armstrong abo was a daughter of tha lau philip banutreet of acton aorvlvea also their son and six daughters of theee m andrew le a methodist mini ster in nebraska and mrs dr jaquiib a daughter realdes in to ronto mr armstrong waa a juan of starling christian ebaraour of kindly dlapoaltloil and waa a member of one of lb pioneer and loading famfuae or branjoaa the nfany friends of tba family bar wll astand sympathise to mra armstrong and the bereft family chloagov sepumberltb accord ing to a newspaper report a railroad enterprise involving aa espendllur of 00ooqaw esfslaunobed laat week by the lptrap of j plsrpoot morgaa mooy arid fourteen reilcodeotariog obloago th plan n a aoro plat eolation of th fralgatibadllng problain la oboago a uia half of lb bond lash will u t aald for paaaeh- prajtdfibttfvloloala tbepspar to protaat ar aaldto wvo th j b scott farm juat outalde of town la noted for good crops her i are eoioe of thla seasons flgurea av acre wheat wo boaheie 7aorea barley isobuabelai lo acres osal0wboahels a big daya threshing was don by edwin downs on tuaaday on lb farm i of messrs oreenlee bros the amount waa 4500 bushels in a little over ten hours that is certainly go ing some u0 bushels an honr being tba product of 89 acres of wheat and oats in all 46 loads champion rbw auatjuaalawbe off llelowwl council has just paaasd a osw bylaw embracing the follow ing provision t no person shall drive any automobile motor carv motor track motor cycle or any other eelf- propelled vhlclon or along any street or h way- in town at a speed ex twelve mile per hour and shall not turn into any cross or side f reel or approach thereto at any greater apeed than aix vntlefl per hoof and rouat bava all shatoffa closed the penalty for breaking thbi law la a flu up to and nof axoeadlng 900 tbusjw aaqiaiarlbvaxiaawaa1aa baunday sept slat will be mg day in guwwllllams ontbt dat uwywlu bold tbeir aqnnal atbjuq event wnlcn promisee to b oa b th foot ma batwrt tb vice of 0ore13wb aad tb glaa club and tba tugofwr between logans quarries and picked lava from oamwoltanu ar latttire wbleb a themselves will no doubt draw a large gathering besides foot ra log weight throwing and avanta the glen band wb ba la att tb committee taehargf arv r 1 uynda 8e by grajuuni treaa matt beaumont w scott bart grant w beaumont aura v d thoaapanaai d tb georgetown herald aayai death cam s to mrs adam thompv son on monday morning last whsa tboeeln tbe house went to her room to call her they found bar dead aba having passed away during the bight decea bad euffered jfrom heart weakness for year and her physician bad been to ate her on tba evening pto i s0ual and personal air samuel solta waa borne from toronto mr cecil swackhamer of t toronto was home lor a day or an 1 mr frank havlll la home from watford for blshplldays mr chaa b bbbage of berlin visited bis father ut weak mb gehrttde mlobnetone u alxaaukf ing model sebnol in durbam mr and mrs d williamson vlettad friends at appleby last week mrs wm johnston and miss alice are visiting friends in free too mvw h spalgbtoltorontoapat the weekend wltb his ramlly here hiss itertle speight is spending a couple of weeka wltb friends in detroit mrs rdward mattbewa and mlsa ktbat of berlin visited friends bare butweek mr aad mrs h p moore are spend ing tb- week wltb relatives in port huron mieh mr g w mahoo toronto waa a guest at the been of tb mlesse lalng a few days tbla week be c d draper attended tbe district meeting in tbe dublin sc methodist oburebwgnelpb ndtuaaday mr and mrs k j moor and babe j of toronto and mlae both morris of stratford were at moorreroft over ie weekend mr and mrs kaaton of uncolnna- braaka who bave been travailing through europe and america spent aeveral days at tbe home of mr j u bead last week miss b mcgufoo editor of tbe missionary ootlook toronto waa tb guest of mr aad mr a t brown during her atay la town mrs a jc nlektln arrived home from bertaiplnfjeafcarooa aad tulgaiy a peculiar story cotassfroatt dnn- dalk tbla week to tbe effect that a plague of tarn bees which came from some unknown quartarr invaded the town for a few days last week near iy every business place bad their quota of the pes especially g and fruit etoree although they were v annoying only couple of persona wereatuog large numbers of i be in sects died in ebop windows happiness consists not in possessing much but in being coalent wltb what we poaeeaa ferrer the more virtuous a man la the more virtue does be tee in mbexw- jioott skahriaok uc1mik8 ofnoe or reeklencv ii p mookx issuer acton ontario last thiwaaay anlilg bkm enjoyed her vurit la uwett ry aaaeb mrs c a smith aad mr allan mr and mr- walter mclean and mr chaster wallace spent several days but week motoring througfa tbe niagara peninsula mr wm leiahman gave the fan ffutw a una stud m of a enenmber it waa 18 ins in length and oj eireumferenoe mr john willlems also left a sample wblob waa 10 ins in elreumfereno bat only ftf ina long mr j r mcoarvln who bj one of rospero bualneea ma of mexico city mexico spent eeveral days laat week in acton ka native town he was much impreeaad with tbelatprove- toients which bae been effected in town alnee ba removed twaoty years ago b a prior to bar death mr tiiompeoo- bad bean a resident of georgetown for many years and waa highly esteemed by all who knew her she waa a member o tbe methodist cbuvob and tb funeral service waa conducted by her pastor bev 8 m boadhouse ywexwswatir loaawfam huqailalar i tb nwliskaard speaker glfe tb rolbierinyintetavtlogpartuurat a the home of mr and mrs william jobnajtonoaaay townahjkwmaojamt bed on wedneeday august ststn a- 8 oclock tb marriage of thmrdaugfater annie beatua to mr jamas webster of sutton bay bv a juomay b new liskeard perfontmtaa mooy the bride waa beaatlfuly gowned in cornflower bio ellk and carried white aatara and mlda hair fern the bridesmaid also prettily attired waa miss blapelfc elstr pf th bride th weeding roarch waa puyf ad by mlae ulllan sister of tbabrida and the groom waa supportad by tr a deluray th eprooaas gift tp tbirj bride waa a sunburst of paarl to lb brldeanuudf a gold e wltb briivants to tbapbmfataallvar band painted brooch and to tbgroornsnaan a u pin aat with topaa and brilliant after th wadding supper a very pkas- ant evening wa spenu friday man lag a raoeptlnn igas bfld at to bpbw bflhiwl ho vesuvltles began about aln ovuock at twelve osiloek inncheon was served after which maoagev beany called mr add mrs webster forward miss b paarvurv smtoury of th caaey utfry so- olaty radan addtee mangv beany one of tbe members of tbe canadian government alaska boundary un survey party who bave recently arriv ed from tbe north eays that within five year canada will have a seaport north of skaguay the next inlet to the westward of lynn 0nal la glacier bay tbe afg aa oeloaal through their affllllauon with tbe black watch boyal highlander tbe 6th royal highlander of canada montreafacrack highlands regiment now share tbe honor of having tb king of england as their oolonelln chief tfale waa announced in th london official oaastte of ton jay september srd which contained th official announeamant that bfa ma bad been gradooaly pl to oonfar upon the black walnb the boner of becoming ita ooloneliavoblef ou gtakt rater la- oat tb- loammnloa amyay ralatlv to miltons oil field tba brampton oil syndicalas wall oa tb seota farm baa proved to ba a dbdpolntamat th drill aasreaebod jtba graalt wltboat any showing cable broke la tb bowlby wu on tbe p l bobertaon co property after a great 4al of trouble tb driu baa bean brought up and drilling baa beau resumed a depth of over moo feet baa been raaeaad aad tb merit of tb wall will be kuowawltaln a few day cowaty vafcr a mllaew bahoo agrioultnral society baa expended oonatderabu mooay this year on improvenaents and with favorable weather tb fair oa turn jay and wednesday mtb and xfth inst wui be uie greatest in fte history tb grounds bava b enlarged there la a new sp track a full halfmile wfth a new aad oonunodlooa grand stand fromwblch to view tbe speeding oonteata for wblob a fast lot of h wbl be entered halton is on of ontarios oyut noted bore breedin the la ahraya a ap j did show of faoraee at tble fair a nunber of extra good epeeta prixea for bores will b offered and wttl aaaha the show bettor than err vami a hihio wap london spenibsr 18lh tbe war in bast anglicans wblob ie tbe trul- oilnatlon of this years army raaaoeo- ree started on monday and the king who arrives in tbe manoeuvre area each morning la following tbe coarse of operations throughout tbe number of troops engaged le aixty thousand and tb plan of opera- uoae la aa attempt to repulse an in vading army raid on london much interest will turn on tbe uwe of tbe areoplone tbe war office issnsd a special order eliminating the anonopla from tbe maneoovrae pimdlfg teats of tbla type of machine tbe following despatch fropn oale- mda will be interacting light of the fact that acton la eooo to bain the eoroa position tb hydro bleetrio current waa switched on yesterday to test it from th transformer station st dundee uirouathupuoaandouttolylhdsore a distance of about savrnmllee sontb- eaat of bare everything waa found la al ahape and worked hsautlf ully all la ready here now for tbe erection of tb street light which will be rushed to completion it is expected that all will bcveady and tb current turned on in tfme for the greet show on october 10th and utb then cale donia can go after the induatrlaa and be able to show good cause wby they should locate here wltb ita unlimited supply of cheap natural gas water and ele power exoallent trans portation faellltlee and centrally locat ed to aa excellent farming community nadruco ruby rose cold cream plsxiea againat sun ytnd and dust aad keeps bands and arms aefl and smooth spwtxbd for acre lips try iryouu oaruuuy appreciate il k3feepri cuss bra 14 nl carseaudayaaosrl oa thuraday night but tb sleet ric lights went oat suddenly about 8 oclock next morning mr gibson tb electrician for the ooenpany aat out along tb una to dis t canyv when be came upon a large horned owl lying dead anon tb ground be neath the wtree u seeane that lb owlhad flown into tbe wlree above and got one twisted over the other recawlngaiboch wblob killed it and it fell to tba ground it was a mon ster bird and measured 4 ft dt in from up to tip of it wings and ita etawa war like needles brin advo- frank b holmes i muimm amd rumbral dikbotok cll uy o mbl allmdl lo- phone no r do you realize tbe aaonsy yea can eaake aeutai 1 ba prse dsai for aeraar grsaust m be history of tl everybody who has lbs bud u stock nib baabsms n planting or wit want now for fall aad wbuar months a rattabls man lo la aetna and aarrouadug district chwive territory aad all the tsptwenauag an old establish- ed firm ovwooo acres oader calilvsiloo r write vjblham n01iut co good pay the clydesdale stallion royaf prince 2814 wlfl be at the dominion hotel stables k- acton every 1uesday d reuwjniag uaill arrlvmg aboal noo am 7pu rf taaas to leaars a loal in payable tmt eebraary ioi j all acciden lo meres at nbil oilubb rropriatar qrand trunk railway svstem ajuuul western extafrioiu rutxsaaii reisrs ratss boas aotom watarr to jaujsawjs aottlsw waa monaay last boamttefccft euanim ohasiwmaaoalea vtsbssi auat m aaya bseslal ttabi farmera eicardoat new weaen fair loadoa ttf b o aai ratara m v au n valm torrstat wa sea awit better dinners u diimer rtamdy mitry t yes matlakt st w ratdjr and i uunk a great m your oooldnf is nnproviag weji palutpa kt is uwj i hope tw buttvxdhr mrs houswwifv i think our new gurnaryoxyorrj iii prtly krjsponii for tho nyrsti i haw had lately i was wtvjr able to cook roasts arid f owl ao weo on our old stove and as for bread and biscuitav i nav4 to tremble when i went to take them iran the oven they were so often soggy and heavy now they are always light and bamutifuuy br and if 1 do say it nyclf aomnethtng to be prood of m true mary my husband has said almost the same thing vm awfully glad you approval of my choice of a gurneyozford he approves because of the saving in coal since we got it also because of the better meals he is getting m indeed hes right madamrand it re so little i chnner let a few jas symon acton m wio 3 if holmes agent acton ont riv 1 sacrwutl be mad at onoa a great pasiengtr an4 freight ttmnal will b erected on tba site bounded by polk slxteaotb clark and staubtraet wttbla wblob bounds tba doarborn street statloq and the yard and freight boosm of several railroad oow altuatad tbe plan isabo ald- td 1 involra tba purohase of vdttra rallroade notably i the obloago and vvestam indiana and tw bh p4u i ipraaenungon bbalf of unrr loutyvbandaom earring istabd oaae bv h a flab grand cnaplalu of tbe l o l of british north aaaerioa and organiser for ontario kat waa in town but wednesday end ad rli eased an open meeti under tba uia of acton l- 0 l la tbelr ball that vea- ing bar mrs ftob u tbofoogaly oonvwaant with oraaga nsatters aad hi a number of tb oomnjtltu o legislation and inveetlgallonv in a most latarastlag aad lnatruetlv adv drasa beset forth in vivid tatas principles and arnomntuhaunta of tb order aa it la operated wader modern conditions tb aaaocaulon be aver- rd stands for equal rlgbte for all ma trrespeetlve of rae orparty 1 it taboo poltum and la alltod to neither poutioal party refualag to auddl with pojule moepijng wjbm tb i oicu members is naoeeeary to avert th naotlng of legialallon prejndlouko the country gprally or to e lawaca to annul nnwarrantad prttllages to any creed or sset atand for th high moral uplift of tba community 1 will rsosiv no pereon engaged lb tb liquor buslnass into membership focbkta tb bringing of tutoxjamate into tba lodga rooms 1 fine jjorbi juwarj owty a bandaom of ing mr b brighton of thotsey mine fol lowed wltb tbe preatptatlon of a puree containing fteits frou tba manager of tb oaeay mlnfand ml apployee mr webaur replied to addresses andlprmntatona in ukm suitable word thaflklpg lb dooors for tbtlr good wubos and friendly feelings mraiidhre wauter b tb very btwlsbesoihtof meoda tor llosg bappy and drtprrou- ufl metropolitan bank haadoffica tomato obl 1 up 7 plih fw savings diaatment accounts of one dollw and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest cnrrent ttatea acton bkahch v he burling manager you win never force nor hagret a viait to he great halton county fair rvtwiron tuesday wednesday sept 24 tv 25 bigger eaid better than ever the association has purchased and taken in a larjo tract of land and has laid ont a new halfmile track that is expected to equal any in the province the speeding on the track should be especially interesting this year vi rot thjiioolkj rion by wtmtm mlbklot vt pt tb boed of wynycv hmn l b naloruwphtuqrinlpinomliiijita orihhatnmidltinndlmn nan- now iiufmom mnt li4 wwr ffocttortbaaxutloa iu4 piodm- i dnullr uorfoul nwlk ud lb nmoldutnloauklinwum ailbfolomu loiuuotr oowkital ad wainu irtm wydmp t newfanhats the beat hat in the trade is here trials of speed trot orpacje halfmile named race for green horses owned in peel or halton that have never started previous to brampton fair besti3 in 5 purse divided 20 15 10 5 a30 trot or pace mile heats best 3 in 5 purse divided s35 ao 15 10 920 trot or pacermile heats best 3 in 5 parse divided 45 35 15 10 evorybocfy come and have b good time for rales and further particulars of races see prize list brand display of the slock of all kinds from this and adjoining counties the new covered grand stand will accommodate all who wish a goobvview arid a qqiet rest daring the afternoon ubenlptjtes offered in every department andtr the weather is lavorable we expect the biggest show ever held in thecaodly c remember thl3 ptalr is open to the world i muaic lovers will haxe the jileasore oi listening to a isamauuofall kinds for nnitola ban as w as a nruunarndwor special talent has beenepgaged lor a grand concert which will be given in the town hall on the evening of the sh- you will fair best at this best fair speed and sport of the bear hind reduced rates on canadian pacific and grand trunlrtrailways f ijlfrirvwtjiitand full particulars write whn soortjia h pdacock ruannafr ji- p stcactanr n i m

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