Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1912, p. 4

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b atbntti 1qxt tiiukhday fthptbt- dkit ib lull at mioht my pew coniee whutllnr horn night andewlngl hl tin pall thai toolbar kevpe bla luneltee in an4jurap the croskln rail oo our beck- tone and ehouli hallo 1 you ion look good lo uw 1 and wheres your mother lilt hr and ewllee alt twlnklimly then eheebeonyei uome on and have our heart to heart i i ull him all boa th day itlsht from the very atari i andn as pleased a be nan be as if i wu a man ilia own ua tnlkln aeruely about eom pur lao t plait 1 and mother llaeen with her aye and dries tba dlshae two and paw be eeye im leelin- hob beceuee ive got you too i and than wa play moat everything and have the urea teat fun till paw takes out hta watch and aayai my how thu evenlnge gone i and than we get tba bible down and have our evaoliur prayer than paw be light my little lamp and cowee with me upatalra t and than ha klaaaa ma goodnight tba longest eloweat way and telle ma kind of deep and low j tve lld cor tola all day amy k campbell pat an bngush umuhat arbo waa telling aa irlah paaaant about tba immense able of tba british kmpire aald t wall pat and dqwou know uut ufa ana neve seta on tba kings do minions no your honor rapllad pat wall aueb la tba case want on tba tourist but do you know tba raaaon wfcyf pat immediately anawarad i sup pose it la beeanaa heaven la afraid to treat an kngltabman in the dark tinnu jojim01topb mother you know that dad ealla your hand painted china a joke aald tba young hopeful innocently i know be does child well i jus cracked n joke ldm amd oa1n what did you oowlth all tba gefc- riehqalck money you landed r aakad hr ptaum loatlt rapllad mr f1luni a fallow invented a gelrlchqulekor eoheme and lured me into it neariy all efalldren era auhjaet to worma and many are born with i hem spate them buffering by nelng mother ornvm worm bstermlnator tba beat remedy of tbe mod that banian bad tbi memu what kind of breakfaat food- bae yon r a dyspeptic inquired of tba welt- ram at oberryvllle ion who atood before blm with arma akimbo we got all tbe reglar klnda aald thv waitress wjh wna a cbarryvilla girl ham en eggs fried ateak brook trout doughnut an apple pi too ceo have em all if you like an o foffaean griddle oakee we calcu late to charge enough eo folks can eat all toe want own yr amdcxjbam of fo not eay to your friends lknow iatu eeloh and t hough e that ihr wrlm mad and you utut our- look the thing n a great many young people aaatiihe tba i to inake a frank ennrtaeloo of horteofulnga la eon i a ant n conquer their faulta ini always saying disagreeable ihlnga wbtn im oat of aorta smiles one young woman who sharp speech has woundml m friend you mustnt think anything of ll frenkneee la owning up to ooee laulle la mora attractive than daqtel to be tura but jl isnt everything when you acknowledge that you ba a quick temper it your buelneea in ml about getting control of it ma qui jv- ly as poealblti own up ami tlwn theie is mtlilfi foi tie lives mmowm milburns laxauver pills l they will regubue tba bow of boe to act properly on the boweta and will tone renovate end purify tbe liver icmovingj every result of hvw traubbt from tba temporary but disagreeable biuoua bead- ache to tbe eevrmt forma of uvur com plaint un john r barton u iii cove ntt wrilea i sudcrol more than tongue can teu from uver luialihi i tried aeveral kuada of h but got ne relief until i got muouraa tauvtr wlb- they are n wonderfb remedy milberal lanuver pub are 25 eu per vial or 5 viab for f 1 j00 at ao dealers or malkxl direct on receipt of price by the t uuburn co limited toronto pot bm jjma an ofhoar from japan vial ting aioarte xtoe day while looking about a big elty m a ium atup a milk wagon i be going to arreatttbe mtnr be aaked no waa tbe an swer 1 be must aae that tbe milk sold bythla man la pure with no watsr or chalk mixed in with lu would obalk or water polaou tba milk r no but people want pure milk if titey pay foe ltf paaalng a whisky saloon a man aiaggereif out etruek his bead agmlnat a lamp- poet and fell to the sidewalk what uie matter with that man k nalsfunorhadwhuky t poison f yaat a deadly polon we tbe rvlf di yiuw4eh tbealllnauf wbbky af rou do tba ftiilkf ek tbe jap nn at the innrkel they found a man looking at the meat to sea if it waehraltby eant understand your country aald tba jap tou wateb the meat and tba milk mod let men sell whisky aa mnobaa they pleeae haleota mualo teeehlog without eex training u a sham tba charaoterutlo of klngasb mualo u ita lack or obaraetarlatlos some men pray for nootnes been that is eo much eaelar tnan working for it a woman with her flrat baby la a unmistakable as a bit of bocuesbrssa banking if you arent pleased with your eo- vlronmeni either get out of it or change it dont growl over it no use in counting your chickens be fore they are hatched nor offer they have had their necks wrung muscular rheumatism subdued whan one la a au from muscular rheumatlem he cannot do batter then to have the region robbed with dr thomas belsetrlo oil there is no oil that an speedily abow- lbr effect in subduing pain let tbe rubbing be brisk end oontlnae notil ease le sear ed there in more virtue in a bottle of it tbao can be fully estimated you wilf notice that re oootlnually talking about one ability to repair watches xvd clocks well that la beoanse we have the eonb- denoatbat we ao do it and do it better than moat wateb makasa ural jmcmoeeajb aaqad oqr fttd term of appranbioeehip and aftee- wards worked under the beat makere in toronlo audi 40 ymoe experieekmi gtvea oa auoh anadvaotage over moot others that wpjiome to you in fall cohoieoot twltiwill sncaxefnlly quickly uooethdglfi be jeweler ti wm blmr it it whan thy-bnffm- whmm dhunx vhow dnmvour honhfod p mnuutnndninkr b doo1fmim ulmwk h oomm hmn in tfclbb it int to b espmud thmt yotrtl ffev tnuah uut of youradr lr yaii nra oully tltoa 2 i owtaaio yux wjatm z-rrf- nuavllmbiihood oot sanl 17 18 s oota ool 10 1 orangerllls sept 10 rockwood ft- fitreatavllla sept aberfoyte brampton burlington oaledon brm flljt dng aeorgetown oat dmalvgrabnubl so ihele the baby oh f well i hope you will bring it up to be a 000- eclentloua good young man im rraid that is rather diffi cult pshaw t as tbe twig is bent the trees inclined i know but this twig la bant on be- injr e girl and we are inclined to mx it go v hat- x thi oomquje r or mnroirrumg if you refuse to allow your mlsfor- rortuoos to oonquer your cbeerfoidan in all probability your cbeetfuloese will cooqner your misfortunes k- thlug ts harder than to heat one whb never loaee heart but the one who braemaa dlacouraged la eeaj prey wtaran lairidmklwvwilrnwai j iau rjaatihaffkh ffaaaeeisb wfteataft alae i suffered with nerve trouble mposfflblb dr bill to m i tad alhndwlu an ioubw aod it w imponnble cor ma todcrtp itdu not nmtotlt uip i vat to bod la tbe unrninii 1ww eveawoca unttjiat am mui w ms n -tummr- m ijn aafftiassit salf-sau- la a rrigbuul enemy to progrsss tbe are people who dally jibewlbe rag with the avidity that they give to a tquwra meal dreag of asthma makes countless tbousande miserable nlgbt after night themuaoka returned andaven when brief rasoiuls given tu mind la ull irs tjrment from contlanal aattcl- patlnn dr jivkellagft asthma reuiedy changes all thu keller comes and at once while future attacks are warded off leaving the idtjiotejd one in a etat4pfpeoeen4bappliteeebe ones believed heoqld never anoy ines- leoalve and sold almost evinbere mtl umatlsltd whateortof fellcwuber well he baa served tbree ternia in the penitentiary ana aolngbbwr ttylo to eerq poebtreduate ooursv majbd umm hoktw why dno11 ypo get a fokos ismployj preftr id jmref job ikis tlokuatei why dont you get ijw r pokua a g4rl wont marry wjlorw until be baa a job -i- i hfr omb 9m tim mvwnulawrrm r lyman abbot at a luncheon ua new york told a food atory of a auf- fragette a lecturer at carnegie llall be 1 waa des certain western towns where tbe majre far ootuumber the ramales he ended bu description wltb a mild joke he aald i heartily advise every unmarried suffragette slater to include t townsio her next venation tour a suffragette in a front set made an exclamation of annoyance at this and rising ahe stalked mil of the balk tba lecturer omlled upon tbe de parting figure and said but mb i didnt mean that you should start in such a hurry v danger period ofwomansufe from 45 to so int4sreiiexpcnceoltwo wotners tttggr suiwnwili wotrth readmt wfahnoak ont atcbange when doctors could do no more end i was given upny my friends tydia b- ptnkbama vegeta te the front and did wonders cor ana i had bean baring fe male troublee for my head troo- yearsb bledim dmea i bad bearing tlmp- p n lmfc eehsand i waa very your compound highly and do all i can to advertise it aa a go wo man a medicina mrs srurjarrak majoomo white oak ontario the cause of mrs klrltm cbrievhu ohlbwji aaajtrnlbfjamy bay that i never bad anything do ate so much good during change of ijfe aa iy- cha k ptakbams vegetable componad before i bed taken one half a bottle of it i began to feel better and i have contiooed taking it my health h better than it baa been for several years if all women would take it tbay would ea- cape untold pain andtmieery at thfc tfane of hfe mrs auca kncldt kb w mm st orrierlua ohio the change of life s one of th- moat eritieal periods of a womans exi a tench tifnawouin auyraly upon iydia pinkbsmevaetbu compound dr morset in diet n root pills owe tbrir singular eflectiveoeee m stuhti timrpnrrrt4tfrpifntltig ami atmngtbcplng the luuacys they enable tbeso organs to tkoroogluy filter from tbe blood the uric add tbe product of waste matter which gets into the joints and muscles and them painful diseases over century of constant use has j conclusively that dr morses indian root pills strengthen weak kidneys and a cure alhewmnatlslana proved c indsu i apnodbunr wombn mrs prim la very pro per what makeayou think so r she always insists on taking a chaperon lona when she gone ont wlb her husband from diarrho had to qutt work if left to length of time caosmgreat weakness so the bnjy 1tam1riiii41frr- check it on ua firtaoeajanoc yon ill wad epikkly and effcctlvdy mr inn b cuderiamse oriuat oot writm- wbot a rw wunam last summer 1 was takeqncfc vitn wul ihd that a f cw dosts of dr powkr extract of wad otrabfr wffl do tide eala i bi4 to atdt work onrnmnegcr dvistd an to try dr fowfcrt bxtrect of w1m o so on wiy wno aired we bottle in the faoase we have alsd ossd t for otu children and find it an eaotuenk icrsumnwpaeipkuat price ssptaia- wtenyohgotogcta bottln of tdr antkrv hsmt on hdag given what you ask for as we know of the lemtmn b niauufactured only by the tu0bur ca undtsd toroate 1 just learn to be some beautiful and good cooba oettlog up in the morning to see the sunrise enema more easily accom- at 0 p m than on schedule these plua cure rbaomatlem to the many who suffer from rbenmallam a truj of iimaleas vegetable puu u wcoatdieadad they have pronoone- nd action upon tbeuver and kidneys and by regulating the aotioo of umm urgans act as an alternative in pre venting the admixture of urio aem and blood that ranees this palnrul disorder they must be taken according to the directions and need steadily and they wu1 speedily give evidence of their the note of sombre severity is nsi rarely beard la why tbeyoan be painlessly rooted out by using uouoway corn oure there waa not long el nee vener able and benevolent judge in paris who at tba uumnnt of passing sisit- lenos on a prisoner consulted his a aso sl on each aide of blm as to tba proper penalty to be in acted what ought we to give this rascal brother r be said bending over to lbs judge upon his right l should aay th yea re i wbat is youroplnlon brother k to the other on hie left i should give him about four years tbe judge wltb benevolence prisooer not deal ring in gwe you 4 long and severe term of imprisonment aa i should btee done ii left to tuyselt i have carnal i ted itfy learned broiberv and i bll lake ibrlr iulo- hewn trial la lnspeni4to uum whii suffer frooi dyspepau indlgeation rbntmatlun or any mllutant arising frott derangement of tbe digestive syatvni a trial of parmvlraa vegatabie lllla is rvcotntneoded hbould i sufferer b unaofuainlad wllb ibei the trial will be inaxpenslw and tba raenlt will be another customer for this excellent aaedlolne 80 effeouve la their aetloexnmnyeureaeeaeeetalnly be traced to their use where other pills have proved inaf active utw totjfcal oh yei dubley u a bermlees sort of fallow the only thing about him is that be has brain trouble nonse i he haaet any brain al all i know thats the trouble fe i ey p the grand trunk tamfl yes henry i know im a slly girl and dont go in for politics and that kind of thing as you do but will do any beet to make you a gm wife and you oan teach me all about t you know so i can my darling ha cried rapturously and you will be an apt pupil i am sure of oourae it wont all tone at once but you wui soon he able to play bo stem to my friends aa well aa any of their wive suppose we were to begin nowl ob yea dot now theres one thing i never could underatand what do you mean by reciprocity you moos explain it in a- simple manner henry or i shall not eomprehend i wlu said be fondly it amounts to this 1 you receive n thlnj and give something in reiurn doppoae you give dm a kbw 01k uht than i should return it like this thats reolproelty do youunder- atejsdr ob yes isnt it nicer exclaimed the unsophisticated damsel now t know why women are so anxious to get into pariumeot two men were hotly discussing tbe merits of shook nnmlyoneofthem himself an author aald to the other kpt john you can v appreciate it yo never wrote a book yourself no retorted john- and i never laid an egg but im a bsuar judge of an omelet than any ben n the pro whit shmtowcb montrkal the atanoako u lb neuoaaj weekly kewaoaper or iha uomlnlon yot canada it la national la all its alnuh it uaaa ttui moat expaoslvx enarav- inca tmroeurina tta pbouicraptur from ell over tbe world its articles ar camrully aeloctad and its editorial policy is tborouaiily independent a subecrtpdoo to the m tan dan eoate taoo par year to any address la canada or qraet uritaln try it for 1912 msetraal ttandard puallshlna ce umhed fueluhsrs ralth may naove mountains and win help a man in starting a chicken reach bat it eeewe to fell when urged to cense hone to lay egga worth go cents a doxen avctemi of tie i0ei iii tasunas ta to im muci or mooac uxm bittsm tot the eras or bchl8 mr dm mcbhune mlagati fans out writes it b with rjesjure i tcatiry to the sbtrbng quautias of yoar burdock blood bitters after the boer war tnmugh which i served ii the 1st l i i suifcred from boox sick fibre board bettor than latb and plaster use fibre board tbe 20th ccottuy material either interior or exterior work if not m gubsthute for lath and plaster but somaihtiig vqbuq bmtur and mora moomomiecl basjr to sjut op no fuss or dirt no delay in construction waiting far it to dry warm in winter cool lp summer saves fuel sanitary non-ahsorh- eat a deadener of sound and one ori tts on to tap anybody who can use a lutmmer and saw can apply it why lire for mooths with bare coldlookinc plaster walls when you can use blue board and hava them decorated at ooce write for saroplea and ruutlculars the grenvule board pulp co- ltd 5 tvoboud canaala aaawkmokn tataiha t iaiuvim utk i ik ams r not w rv wi ha t w u i if rr ttsf aa tmmu in i tnia hmmrn iv mbtja ij v t tssm xsa there can be no syrup so wholesome as pure and roa mu now r c hiu geo sopbb and woodhall kekat pliable yet tough vou might begin your acquaintance with storeys good by investing ina- pair of these horschidc mitts theyre excellent examples of how tough and pliable mitts may be made by our chrome process with the added satisfaction of knowing they wfll not i tift when scorched or scalded dont forget to buy storeys and theyll remember you by vearing longest at all stores from tot ms to try the burdock to my i got relief is to put u mikuy it made me myself axebt viz a men who know oot what it is to be rick and who has been and hi suo an athlete to anyone in went of pcrtfiod blood and tbe resultant all round vicoroae beallb i can oo risonunrnd bbb- burdock blood bitters b m tured only by the t moburn co ihird foronrn oat write for tne concrete book yd i ojitonj jt mu pctpiimj c ituld whn ii llilitjr faalmr pofnloon iwik i la difr idnd md cmukmliaulinw a cmtcm imw hitrmtdi kfa bmimmi i i mw iu tm ummly i whhr raiueoj hmt i t u ammi mad 4 amqrwj pn wf nti3sstrairh riffltraltebaiigg att caa cemtot c0mpamy li10ted 1 im ah j- wj ivy ave ev ftuvwaefaw mm the merchants bank of canada bvary person vino receives and pays oat money should have m chequing account psymect by cheque is lbs most nracthal con vcalem and safest method of hsndllag all hal traasactioes e bet bar ol a bnrlneii or personsl character tbe return of ffnrewmj cheques am vouchers for every sura psld oul tbey show wbai die- barssnunts have been made and to whom depoeha are received fay this bank subject toebeque wiihdravsl we pay lbs same attention to small depositors as we do to urge ones and eacoermeeibslraecoaaut islerest allowed on all savings accounts cool yearly lot assets s8lttt8mm acton branch f 4 maclean manager excelsior bakery 1 ribbt quality dr1ad cakla wiooino cakib i birthday cakib stc arc call today t statham son bakers and crocem main sl acton ttabtriastua fsamsal varhiwtrks dsslfners sod bulldari ol htaiasa haas lo alonomeeiv uarken sod head stones and all klnda ol iblttticciwlmiwgrt hemstreet agent actoh wool wool wool wanted slso ssu all klads ol furniturb 3ot smta kctqn your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plate or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping- mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co overland automobiles and implements agent for the famous ford motor car sole agent or cockshutt and data macwoery and retiry hows and a full line of repaint for plows and machinery a good line of buggies and harness lap rugs and rubbers prices right also floor oit farmers who are thinking of building a silo this year give us a call and get our b c jlcton cau for help with good old jmzw whcn we get your we will come toth poop aevnititimiiuisvmmsatisany usinim min mm motor cieuts arid tructvs lq9 lodeu are qnautjkfmxl of value and efficiency i above cut represents our ave pauenger thirty horao mtwer car at l3t3e dellverel in toronto fully equlied call wtbout tail bml too our iqla uoueu shawoverltvnd sales co s2 to 99 adetlade 3l waat toronto oh in all countrha u v ask foronrldreuers advhjv marion i m 0 j 1 vip

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