Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1912, p. 4

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r br- if she jutott jfro ra fllukhday hjcitbaibefll so 1u whbm hajmr utsf thkooo hay aooie af uaoou o imlber tatu y is ate auuiph ye dlnna cin the whr lb it s nor h tb wh a 1st iimki but wort ywrluliilbr jug when alaiie milk lb eoo a lasetft band of buain fu tacaniuuk to aeod lha bluld tethrobhln braaax en blushing brooj hbellaay ye rein tbe way lh ooor ye auldua eoort your mew ibm r when also suuks thsaoo ay klaa upon bar may mou while htb are main fiae the byre were far the filler thing to do rut no to unl en strut an non like turtle dove besida lb las wbt n maial mllka the coo haya crafty tauiml ifladoo i y ro ouvsr but wl a yoor ut y haan hit the bidden clu i km the whew an where to won por if ali onn rin wi when hiatal mllka lb cool charles woodward huuon in osr ad ian afagaaloa rr wish and othm huy a mowar ctrl no thank buy one for your wtfr havent on por yoor sweetheart umo y haven- 1 ooo either well buy one to celebrate your luck i wub i could do something that would bo ajwolutely now something that do omn bod or don before old tb sadfaoed millionaire i 00 uii you how to do it rap lad tb philosopher how tall ma man and i will h it worth your while look back over your career and are you not afraid that some of i and out joat bow much of your your children will fall into that open i ess waa duo to your own genla and rauma tim ttmm tb dafaitk hd d the proeeru- 1iriiiirnii hat flnlehd hi a run netit and lb judge a rlhr pomp- ouh m ions winded magistrate w haid at work tb lou ulan jourital deelar charging lb jury suddenly he noticed that on of tha juryman had fallen alp tb indlg allon 1 f hi honor waa bnuitdle rapping hmdly 1 n hla deakhe awak nd the eluiubarer who eesnted not at all abaabad at being tbu naught napping after glsring at blut an grilyforefew moment judge in hi moat earceatlo ton aald t fo that tb way yow attend la yburdoty u llf you re a one pcl men to have on a jury do you think your opinion will b of any value when i wind ynu nut to dlrinln lh fata of tbla prist nerf ye air aald the juryman juicily f think ao- ob you do do youf aboutad tit exasperated judge pray tall 1 air how long have you bran a rap ing r l don t kuuw your honor waa tb reply iiow long have you bean talking castor i a tutha hw kind tea hare always bought and which baa warn m us for over so years has borne tbo algaattire of rf iitirr mi pnr cars i- ulnco inomcy v j j xw9c allow no oiotdoolvj jrolbthj5 juroonnferfella n1 unnunmvoad mr but kxprtnmntf thatthll with aud udjui r the hmlttt of tt itnd ohndrenkspblnoi ngalunt ptp nrlmiail what is castoria ctostoria u aootrnlbm mbarututa fbr caator on pu korlo lrona and booihlagr syrapet it la planaant it eontajna immumut ophouu ttorphluo nor other nnrooua awaw4amea it aaj g ite arurnntwo it dratroya worm and adhtya ferriahna it enrol imorrlhnit n i wind oolio it rolloroa teeuth trwubloa ciiroa gotiauptlon amd fbttutancy it maatmtbitai th fool rctihu tho stoamoh ad bowola grtvina hoajthy awl unxutwl aleep tbe oaqdrna lanaocav- teao mother friend qknuinb castoria 1 bsan tha sjgiiatmra of always akad tha nervoua boardar lonklng ovar tha picket fen in tb back yard oh no rnnib waa tha oomplaoant raply anyhow it alut gat our drinklug water hi an aged marebant waa vary iil aeut for tho family tawyar i wlah began tha atak man aa tha altoruay atood fay hla badeide vary oagar to oateb ovary word aa it waa uttered yea anawared tba lawyer hastily aeribbllag all my property and aetata to go to my a liea daughter i wlah to dl ann in tba knowledge that tba pro perty la aaaured io bar continue tba dying merchant with eager axel te- tonni of eouraa of oouraa r fuaaed the attorneys would it be asking too haaitatlngly aakad tha dying man to eoggeei that you abouid owrry bow much of it reeultad from ahear look and make a pub la acknowledg ment of it iei tie live is iiactive cwstimtrll the duty of tha llvor la to prcpira and accrete bile and acrra aa a filter to tba blood ckanang it of all impurities aad healthy t c in kusdcnt quantify ia laturea tit vinou to aecurc rcular action of the uoweb and t wheal the liver b inactive failuut to atcreta bue in suokical quantity conatlpuioe ro humtimo folio wins are tba dates for the opan lag and eloelof of the hunting eeaeon ducks plover rail anipa froea tb 15th of september to tha th of da- oamber both daya inelualra geeae aad awaus sept 10th to april 1kb oroobo aad barea october 16th to november 15th partrhlfjavpheaaantaand pre ri fowl october 16th to november 1mb quail and wild turkey from no vember lcb to december let woodouck front october let to no vember ifith beaver and otter from novetnl jtttomarebuat llink from november let to april 80th dt from november latto lfith children ory for f utchers oasttola wanting what yon cant gat ia about aa much fan a getting what you dont want tha aorrqara of earth emnoot be cur ed by atghlng for heaven paying oomplliurnte amnatlmee pat money in a man pocket tha bee la never too boay to admin later a etlnging rebukr afr henry pearce owea soumd oat writea- having been troubled forycanj with oonatipatlon and tiyiag many so called l which did m an good wbataver i waa penuaded to try aell- buraa laaauver pub i have found then moat beneficial tbey are faadeed a e piu and i can heartily rcoaen- mead them to all buflcrhic w oaaa tfcai muburaa laxajuvcr pub am 38 ccats pervialor8viatir100atan dealer or nasiled direct on receipt of the t uuburn co liaatcd nriof by totoatq the kind ton hare always bought in um for ovor 30 years slaoerily dn gapnloa hriflt alnearlty a a i rait of true nd oohlo manhood dnhay a thoroonh pill to elaar tha atnmacb and howelal of tmpuhtlaa and irritants la nacaaaary whan tbeiraetlon io trregalar the pllla tbat will do ihla work thoroughly are parmele vagvtawa plwa which are mnd in action but mighty in result they parg palnleaaly and aflveuvaly and work a permanent cur tbey can be used without fear by the moatdallomlr- ly oonstltntad aa tbaro ara no painful mem pvooadlng thalr ganua opera tion aytoatt havbi bjibsi dirvwjtmsrr john daniel ifobwon tha noted ax plorarbayathatbeaaoa aavad hla iff from a pack of wolves by staging hymns thar notalllagwhatmlght have happened- if ha bad eungi want to bean aagol patianofthl bitter but iu frott aweet homean whan a man la pnffed up ha la easily blown away home people are ao intereated ip making money that tbsy forget how pandit promlaee aracbaatt fulfill grain theraa many a rosy apple that la rotten at tha onrej k man needa und lu hla glasard a much as does the ban aasmpty bead la llknly io gn into partnarabp with idle hand tba ntan with a 1 ax grind mint have a fool lo turn tha handle perhaps the leeeou eome man are like analla la because tbey never had 4 heckbnn tha alio that flta your foot tha beat ia likely to be theeho you like tba leaaf a chip ff i ha old mick may be tit rem 11 for u many hloeklda vnt hat the trt until ll glows but if y u want tb park u fly you tuuat uu lit hanttitrr flpaodlhrul ntan wbo buya a pocket bik with liu iwi c ui xtid baa tiolhiig ivput in it aiiltrm henry llao a ilnt iurgallv i alee a vrgetalj inila are mi ouu puuitdad aa tooparal on both i ha alomach and the bowel aothal tbey act along the whola alimentary and excretory eg tbey are not drastic jn work but mildly purgative aad tha pleasure of taking them la only equal led by the gratifying affect they produce compounded only of vege table aubatsaors the curative quail lie wl ich were fully fated i bey afford relief without chance of injury sin e crown ha ao constructed that it eoon beoomee satins collar castoria at inianu aad cqijdrarh tb km ya han juiqs wajkt bears tha signature of kfaklog wealth oomnvon will not make tbe idsaloominonwealih mntltar grave wojm bxurmlna- tor will drive wornia from the ayatam erithout injury to the child beeaueo its action while fully effective la mild motorajes do you think that oscar proposed to roe rarly nn aeeount of my money r well ynu know my dear ha m have bad mm reason children ory for fletchers o astor umtsi voj thfi hoomkmbrak dont throw lyoor coffee grounds away dry tham and keep them for your borrowing neighbor hqrolog a large onion on a red hot hovel will do away with tha odor of lobacao in your parlor eahttng tba children run barefoot lo umavir will save some ehoee but it wlu make tha soap bill bigger u la case you have gaeata and thsy angaga in a heated political oonlrover- ey atari tho phonograph a good housewife wll throw away atlaaatonr palrof bar huabaod old aho bvorfyaat v drpvsjrbmt vibww we are drifting toward a pataroal form of government said thaeoon tat pardon ma if i correct you ponded the auffragatte gently be aoearatr foa ahoold aaya maternal form of rfrnnnt vtf velfil4 t m kb3tvlkmttbv- catmi doapa kidnby foxs curqp hm mr w v iie roddstl 8adu altb the traatort of iblfitrt thianh atind piufjto el iulieriax with bed for four month and to reflevo ma until a mend romousmded x 1 bad my doubti about them but warn ao mta i f1f- iiiti tortii nmuiks nkmtij wn mi ton of itamatum montreal the standard is the national weekly newapaper of the iomlnlon of canada it la national in all it alma s u uaea itio moat expensive engrav- inxa procurlna- tha holosraohs from all over the world it article are carefully aeleoted and ita editorial polloy la thoroughly independent a subscription to tha atsadard coats v00 pr year to any address la panada or great britain try it for 1912 meatrul tanlr mktmiliw o mrshvonroden of lyndon ky rorfwnnwada ldu epsnk- hauns veseulje coanponorj for brlnichn nerroua- nmta hfwsjarheg byndon ky i av been ukbsj iotaisbpinkbama vegetable oompotmd for h neuralgia pains bachacho aenooaneandbosrlranoqwnoon- dioon of tbe ayatam and am anurely ro- uaved of theao faoabhw i recommend yoor remediek to my frlenda and ghre yog permlsaion to pubuafa what i writ mr ii von roden lyndon ky when a woman hxe afra von bodan b jraosroo enough wjwtits fpeltvits- tatu tho above forneatfobahs ahobld at least bo given credit for a au- esrs dealre to help other mrrigwomn forwa assure yon there la no otimr rea- aoa why ahe abouid court auch publicity canadian womans experience 1 windsor on t tb birth of my first cfaffd left me a wreck with terrftilevaak spella but i am glad to tall yon that i do not have those weak spells and i feel use slck hyodsmeh am not caused by anything wrong la the bead butbycodstlpatiobbutods sees and mdlgeatioat hesdachs powders or tablet may deaden but cannot cm them dr morse e ladkut root pllla do cure efek head ache fat the aenuble way by rcmoiriag the coostfpatioa or akk atomach which caused then dr mores indian root fill ara purely vege table free ram any harmful drug axle and aore when you feel tba morses india root pllla you cannot help ihla world by hid ing from it too many people fondly imagine that one day a work la a aura cure for poverty aethnta victim the man or woman aubjact to asthma la indeed a victim what sen be more terrifying than to suddenly b eiad with par- oxyama of choking whfob mm to fair ly threaten tbe exutenea of life tteeir hmm auch a condition dr j d kelloogs aathmatlamedyba brought many to completely restored health and happlneaa it la known and prised in every section of this broad land boon ovm a certain man wbo bad been invited lo apeak at a poll ties meeting placed last on tha list of epeaksra moreover tbe chairman inuoduosd aaverel apeakara whose nam were not on the programme and tha audi ence was tired out when be eventually introduced the last apeak sr with i mr boors will now give ua hla ad dreaa my address aald mr bones rising 4efisl park villa and i wub yon all good alght s49 tlaklng lydl s mi plokbam vegeta- bmoompoaod lam now wall and strong and can do my own nbasewbrk i do nottakemadldnapx any kind it was lydle kj ploihsmu vegiubl com- pound that restored ms trf health mrs robert paxuuuuf 7 parant avenu windsor ontario if jsa want saeelal adyles wras to lydla k plakhaai hedlda o oeafi- aeallal lyaa jisa taarleuerwiu be sseaei read aad aaawered by waamaa and held to striet caalaeaoe sm far away a new york surveyor bad an aa- algnment that took btoo lata tha depth of the wilderness ten mllea from camp tbe camp waa a hundred mllea from tba nearest railway station to hla burprias be heard tba sound of an w lie followed the sound androunda busy woodmao at work he had cleared the umber away for a few rods aboat and on that epaee bad pat upaanugcebln all the reetonevery aide was the profound almoat untrod den wilderness the men etopped hit work and greed the surveyor pleas and where did you com from f bs aakad prom new york answered the uvsbsnraaidbe yea the man gassd at htm aa if ema aodr by and by said well well uoabl i don t ee how you can bear to liv eo far awayl hm didnt pat being brought before tbe re corder for tho brat time tbs following oon vernation ensued recorder what la your name r pal patrick oasny recorder what la your oocupa uonr pal 0 lm a aallor recorder a aallor i don t be- lieveyou were ever on a ablp lo your llf- pat shure ao aom yer honor thlnkoi oama from ireland tn automobile t statham son j bakers and groclrs main st acton dealgnare and tluiluarx ol hiatus uaaa loenma afonamenl markera and head atone and all kind of artistic gaaetbfy wort wm hemstreetj agent acton wool wool i wool i jtf also sell all kind- of fuknlturn if you want a pair of glovea or mitts in horaerucle calf at buckskin sheep or mulealan be certain to peofy storeys in no other way will you get eaual value to prove it ahp on a storey mitt aay the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below wwranted genuine horaehide waterproof and foqproof just the v for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt ia tagged storeys lnaist on storeys w h storey son ontario a good deal of religious fog la duo tn evaporated enthusiasm w arwan b ami owns are panhil growths hnllo- ways corn our will remove tbem when a man le waiting on tha lord he le most likely worklog for some of hla cblldren ca3t0tpila jwhy i tuiliomsihl morhth wt j a etraighl life le tba hortet die tance between lionaaty and honor internally and kxtrmally uuoood tbe crowning property of dr thomaa relectrio oil is that it can he need internally as well aa externally for sore throat whooping eottgb pains in the cheat oollo aad many kindred cotnplalore it has curative qualities are unsurpassed a bottle of it ooeta llttla and there le no lose in ajweya havlng it on hand v kbrfaibg 4m mava -tn- the- man- of aanaei ho turn everything toaooounu la fontaine tmiqrt she woild siielv die had puns ahomro h bust aim aif oibxujio mtnos lb wm i uhlhofl out writo i lwv lakm thre bon of uubam utmit uid nirr 3puk m now wwi i bad bdb pftlm wfyl wp jmact mid ttcfa imotlifriiv tttttap uwt i uioiiglif mljfc mr bad wcil in l ipnjth wlloiw fo fceep n trtm oajdarlmdli j ppcr uwhoiili ital tad ntn uv boits mnd ib mllbiinn start fwlncnrcpuu tn wocklococllmuoirtiotokmlwoinm wulbtr imothi wtll thdr laut or a maiawiifcd br tia willi loara and trtsmaa a country clergymen on his round of vfalu interviewed a youngster aa to hi aoqalotanob with bible atorie my lad its aald you have or course heard of parable f ye air ahyly aniwerea ihs boy who mother bad inatruated him in earned talelory yes elr good said tba clergyman now which of then do you like the beat the boy squirmed 1 hut at last heeding bis mothers frowns be re plied- i guess i like tho one wbere some one loafs and baho oral f uasioh imlowt want essmeauf aqraamed tbe kid you must have oatmeal aald father never force anything od a child uhnihw interposed an uncle who ha theories alwaya glvo the clilld a choice all rlgwi said father now kid you can have oatmeal or you can hava a pp o ba jaw which is ur tw h oa no okahoaf i underaund yours saving your money now yet that a right ronhomy is the road to wealth youll bs rich soma nsylr 6uteeptir no ohanoe i wont bo ab to hasp on 1iis just aafott up to get married tiooaaoimo farmer judklna with nawepapsr- wall i awanlhow ibat boy of dl faxons h gluln along left bs waa made jurrin smbasaador an kawviwjsky m- s nsrsonaawn lltsl yu doof know tv dlfferencs batwnvit a lry and an avalry indeed i do then i what in it r a apiary la wbere they keep ape and an aviary a wharn ihey keep alr- ahlp cholera infantum n the summer compuint of infants colara uuaatum bsguui with a pro- f me dlanbcrs- the tomach becomes uritatedrantfln many cases vomiting sad pursing act in the child rapidly loam oeab tad b soon reduced to great langour and proatrationi cholera infantum can be quickly cured by the uss of dr fowler extract of wild etmwbcrry mr david a cleve land apple river ns writes test september my little boy four years old and little girt two years old were taken in few boors they bad cholera infantum i had dr fowlers extract of wild stmwberry tn the bouse and commenced mlng it- tbs cholera got to badtfae nut day they passed nouusgesit blood i kept o ming the rotdid and in alest davt they were oiftd i mi keen a bottle jn the house at i dont think there it anything better for summer complaint than d powlert bxtmct ol wild straw berry pome defers may fry to el you omeqitst else but for the sopdof your cbilds smith immt m-bavlni- fpr ratfe itl baa bom on tho asircrt t mubwn cltalt1 twoto hvawy person woo receive and days osi money should have a chequing account payment by cbenoe la the moat practical coo vegjent and aainel method of handling all financial tisnaactloax whether of a bmxneea or peraopal character the return of ca c are vouchers or every sua pmdoat they ehow what dl horsemen i a have been made and to whom deposit er received by this bank subject to cbeno withdrawal we pay the same attealloo to small depositors as wdo lo large ones and jtnierest allowed on all savings accounts coeapoasded half yearly your chopping will be donequickly and well ott either platetj tsi stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris k co overland bo v1w agent for the famous ford motor cir solttaee or cn anri ul m a fj howtandajull li of rpaifurfiplowaaddmabinety a good lne of bagries ond ittrness lap rags and rubber prices right also floor op bprbp are thiotanj bf boildmg a jlo thi year ps is x 4 fnjljffsj r prtppo vtkivsslhrfaiisirt t fsvoton 1913 models no on view better than ever 30 h p 5 passenger 135s 45 p 5 passenger 195 all fully equipped and guaranteed deliv ered in joronto also the gramra and garford motor trucks shawo verland sales co s3 io 09 addtadl 3u wt toronto out patents laiinfliaivnqihnirjie in all cpurtrrsm tgi akv for our inventors advltavf h t1 ids lh jl 1

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