tiioiihuav ootoiirr 10 luls th whiptoorwill when ll tit ctther mrda have ajrhi to bad and varythln th pin wooda an th hill i bear each night the bird lhl it t erblppoorwitxr r for th olhwobap i bear lb whlppuoorlll whippoorwlll i he crle and sometlm whippoor im orry for th otbwohap and tad my nam la phil 1 ilia vole la ilka tbe whistle of a whip bo sharp la it and ah rill 1 11 end watch tha aloon man climb ai to him till deed bird whatwill jboplb av i tha dread or what people will aay hanga ilk dm a won of damocles ovsr thousand nut a a rustier of foot the oritlclstn thai we dread is of tan only th refleattorr of tinr eelf- criticism pwople who know that uialr tendard are not high thai their innlwa ar qii action ah a wary likely to aeautne that thslr neigh bora will put into srord the reallratloo thay themselvae vnlnty try to keep hidden a conscience at peaoe i tha baat assurance against tha morbul un reasonable dread of what people will aod llatcn to him ull srooder oan ll be mom boat that baunta lha old stone mill f whip poor- will ha crle poor will poor willpoor will i 1 pull thr badolotbm to my y and whisper i my dm pulir kdwsrd n taall tmahmto th tum1c billy maclean own tba toronto world and a aaat in tba qajiedlen parliament mr maclean baa a repu- tatloa for attacking- tba railroad for ibalr abortooiutng a ooupla of awltchman cam out of tba yard in toronto awl walked to ward a neighboring joaoobry out side the bar aat a man with a woodan bbs balf an arm aod part of an aar tba switchmen looked him afw and knaw ha belonged or had belonged to their guild have a beery aaked on sore rvpiied the mutilated man wbarad you gat them aaked tba aaoood switchmen indicating tba man various amputation i got than tba mum way billy male wan gut bla aaat in parlletuent jumping on tba grand trunk sat urday evening pott children ory for fletchers c astor1a jaakeon la tbe kind of man who u alwaya e graeloo advloe not long ago ba mat a wallknown pfayaj- 4anatadrnnerpaity do yon know doctor ha said aa oon aa thorn wm a ehanoe l know a mao who suffer ao desperately from n ha an do- nothing but bowl with pain what would yon do la that aaaj well i suppose deliberated the oaedieal mail f suppose i should howl with palo too m oood ram op boot ton know mm a amari young man to a girl ome one baa aald that ifyoo would auka a tatting- pair of boots take for tbeaoal the tonjue of yen replied the girl and for the npper you ought ijo take tba cheek of the uiau who aald it thay soothe heated nervee nor- vou affection are usually alaributable to defective dlgeatloo aa tbaatomaob dominate lha nerve centre pi iwa vegatabupllu will till all dletur- baaoa of this character and by reafcorlng ibe stomach to normal action relieve tbo nerves from irritation tbare lanoavdatlto ilk ihuin mid in tha oorreotlon of irrokuuuritlaaof iji dlgaetlve prooaaaaa oo preparailoo baa done aoeffaotltb work an can ba taatuud to by thoaaaoda tba following anawer wm raceotly glrettln ageofjrajtby auunlnatlon lo reply to the qnartlon from wbat dir ection do moat of our ralna oome v float of oar- rfjofl ooaie straight dfljwii but aome of them eonw aide- wfja it le not bf banding to oar frlond in our way but la tbalr way that wa bn avail them margaret jtallar tba oi of the pooplmny olu bma oome and gone but or tbomaa bclactrlo ouconunnea to maintain it pbaitlon andneraaaa it apbera of nae- folnaa aaob yeatv lu starling quail- tlaa have brought it totbe front and kept it tbare it oan truly b called tha oq of tha people thonaanda have batieated by it and wouuruaa no other preparatloa the fattbtbat inapiret the truth which ootnea from our tlmatruatad frlanda w 8 royaton between two avlla chnoae neither i between two goodp chooae both tryoo bdwarda siffeied witb lftllttlnor araaadtalu to ur c one huiota otritcat i trtlb umr lurlr iral fnr tworakwuiucblalounliunup to yd md butlly t don lor ttopito n to uck bi d fcp l ud tnid duemit twiol pluvplaunj lumau ud mwl wltlwot ur reurf ondrutni fctt m w dmc ud i tm okt wr wwurt 1 vdhttrdac itefft bn irlbnil torantoa out to attbma suffarara dr- j kellogg a aalbma ilemedy coot ilka a helping hand to a sinking awimniar ltv gives new ufa- aod hope by an ring hi trou something be baa mow to belle impoaalbla itabanefltls too avldsnt lo be questioned it is its o beet argument lie owuhaat advertise ment if you auffen from asthma get thlstlmatrled remedy and and help like thousands of others oo omi thimo will versatility is not an unmuad bless ing tb people who oan do things moderately well seldom do anything mxoallenlly it la not po ible to oolllvat all ulanu equally and to divide your energy up amoag balf a duaau una of activity la bouod to bedlaaatrou b laae veraatil and more thorough do not pin your faith on youf ability to jo many things ao much as on doing ooe thing well ttlal paookamala op acjuibvk- imt bitting down and wishing for things we could never have by any possibility and which would be a doubtful beoafli if ws could have tha in la a foolish watte of lima but it pays to spend some leisure in day dreams in ordar to have a goal to work toward to dream and than bend every energy to mak ing that dream oeroe true is the programme of achievement castoria thw hw tea bare alwaya boo and whlch baa been t ttm fll6tr yearm hag born tbo slgnatoro of p and haa bcten made ntider hla par- fi tjtfljfjljll aonal npectlolon glnco lta infancy j j-jsw- auownoonotolcolvoyoulntbia all counterfeit imltatlona wifl but kxpertmeuta that trifle with atl ulnii tbo health of fyralumt itxperunent mr ta a luurmlewi anbatltuta for oaatnr oh pare- vorle drops ud fioothlma syrup it 1 innaaaiit it contains neither opium morphine nor other karootle abatmnee- its aje i its guarantee it doatroya worms and allays feyerlahneta it cures dbtrrhomt aud wind oolle it relieves teething troublex etiimt ooiuitlpmtlon and tfmtntency it aaalmllatea tlie p004i regiibuea the stomach and bowels vvtng- healthy and natural sleep the childrens ranaima sn mot her a friend mother of urge family telu how she kep hr health mappfaan for 11m who tab hr advice sisotmiu mldii bow mncfa good lydta el pnskbaineveg sanative wash bav don dm i hveona aarmandhaveworlbkl very hard i an fo y e oknuihk castoria i bean the signature of always the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years tito m mmi i km armi laabak mwnwu aaatkla a a mhtmi h mi jvaar huamy h cha h a bwi itaaatealaaaalt soetxmatl drmgffuu a aorw a little window utadangarou thing an kngllshman flab la a qermahs poison i children ory for fletchers c asxor a train np a servant in tha way she should go and first thing you know be gone if you wish to be well you muiiepthe bowels open any faretalarlty of the bowels la alwaya dangerous and should be attended to at once if the bowels cease to work property all the other organs become deranged mttbume ljuauvcr pius work on the bowels gently and nalumlly and vu are the worst cases of con mia j habbard port oilbomr ool writ t have tried many reaxdies for constipation and never found any thing so good aa your itllbttrns laxa- uver puh we always keep a vial la umlaoaaev for we would not be wtthont them i alwaya recommend them to my meads udbtmas xaxauver puh are 26 outs pervlalorsvialaforslxoatau deakn or malkd direct on receipt of price by the t ullbum co limited toronto oat castoria for infants and chilargn i uti yn hm alwart bears the whauta darxh1 i m dnninbd that wireless telegraphy is mora successful at night than when tha aun is shining haa bean definitely establish ed testa made in london during tha solar eellaoo indicated that darknea facilitated tba propagation of hartalah wave ovea gee a itwoukr saetn that when the air is pertneated with aunbeauib it beoomas a it were heavier cnaklog tbe propagation of i he waves le easy ourinnsly enough the sante impend ing condition created by light haa been noted by aviator and scientists who have studied the atmosphere rvomthe point of view of aerial trafflc a lilt for all seasons- winter and summer in any latitude whether in torrid son or arctic temperature parmelaee vege utile pills can be de pended upon to do their work tbe dyspeptic will find tbem a friend al waya and should carry tbem wltb hlui everywhere they are made to with stand any climate and are warranted to keep their freahnees and strength they do not grow stale a quality not posses oil in many pills now on tbe ntarknt many people think it strange that i am not broken down with ban work and the care of asy fam ily but i tall tbem of my good friend lydla e pinkhame vegetable com pound and that tbar will be no back ache and bearingdowri pains for them if they will take it as i have i am scarcely ever without it lo tbe house iwulsayauotbatl think there is no better medlebe to be found for young girls kfy eldest daughter has taken lydla e pinkhame vegetable pound for painful period a ity and it has helped her am always ready and wilnng to speak a good word for lydu e pink- hams vegetable componod i tell every one i meet that i owe my health and happiness to your wondarfnl medkrna hra ja johwow scottvflle illeh brat lyme e plnkneme vegubu coav pound mad from nauva roota and herbs contains no narcotics or harmful drugs and today holds tba record of being the moat anceaaefoj remed for womane 01- ohiiudbkmm savinos alama aald fouryearold fred aa it eaim running in un tinld wlnler day i aukd uxclo huw cold it w up lit it i bouse and he said ll wm twetilythrve india uawuni at a village sfllinnl raamlnallon the pupil were aaked ui ddne a ctilw on on of the papers the teacher fund the following definition t a cub l a flgur that la wld snd aqnar lng and the aainw on tli top and bottom also itoya papa noticed that his liltie boy did not eat bis supper and asked wliet did hoy have before supperr to which tbe little fellow sleepily re plied i an appetite papa the proof of the pudding is in the way you fo an hour eftvrwaidsj countless have been tbe cures work ed by ilollowaje com cure it ba a power of its own not found in other preparations too much cooking spoils the bsbuu aheatl where there is amok there a not alwaya a fire policy un ip ill i0pes ofenbettilflku mrjaontherrrilt grange at stratford ool writes ten yean ago 1 auflered with a very peculiar djetasft i would go to bed feeling es well as could be and after ilo for five bears i would wake with a severe pain in my back then moving into my side and breast the pain was ao terrible i could not ue in my bed and usually had to sit until morning with a pillow pr up behind my lack with all my pain i wouldgotowofkand after working up to about 10 ortock the pain would leav ma entirely tbe tame thing would hap pen tbe nest nifht end every night for two years tried lour different doctora but none of tbem did me any good i tried a great many patent medicines but all of no avail i cave up all hopes of oversetting well a f riead pcfwatilcd me to try milboni heart and nerve puis i bought four bora end after using the tint one i felt a change for tbe better and after using three hoses i could alee all night the pains were cone and i was completely cured milbums heart and nerve put are bo cents per bo or 3 boxes for s13 at all dealers or malted direct on receipt of price by the t milburn ccv hfh toronto out the range is the soul of the kitchen tho modern bxwmwife knows the important tuurt the ratify tdaixi she knows now vitally important it is to eliminate from tho ldtcbcn all possible wi w0117 tusd wtste and the range is the soul of the khchen its utfluence is felt erery day anrj all day by the entire family- the gurneyoxford range is a strong adrocato of modern fo cook and bake without disappomtment or failiire but it is a poattira infraeiice for economy it burns lets coal it requires less auction it coaserres modern woman demands in her work nkdern time and labor saving ideas and modern woman is right the gumoyoxford range is the fruit of constant effort renswch and experiinent to make andkeepabrautoftnoderniouxsof efbd the gumeykronomiier which is ucensedtor use only on fbo gurneyoxford range for regulating tfwh dr afts by one action the gurney method of dis tributing heatr to all sidesand corner of the oren the improved gurney grates combine to make the gurneyoxford range the standard of efneiency and die foremost exponent of modern l oconomy a bird in the hand is worth two in tb tn eakfaat rgg loould never draw the un between mwnnum and dishonesty what la mean always grade inladlahonrety- c uaedonald tboaa love truth best whu t ibem- eelvea are true and what they dare to dream of dar to do jame lluee 1 1 lowell am tmbarasalmo bxplanatiom why do you charge me iwnty- flve cent when your sign say plrat- otaa hair cut lfi canut demanded the indignant customer tbe small french barber shrugged bla shoulders and lifted bla eyebrows pardon monsieur be returned ofllyi but it 1 nol all whu com to me that bav tba first class hair kidneys wror if they are you are in danger when through weakmas or dueaae the kidneys fail to filler tbe impurities from tbe blood trouluecouwaatoacai backache rheumatism sciatica gravel dubetugallstooesand the deadly bright iiwaia are some of thereaulisof neglected kidneys dr morae indian root pill contain a1noat effective diuretic which strengthen and stimulates the kidneys so that they do tbebwork thoroughly and well try dr morae itadtavn root pills little boy was suddenly taken with diarrhoja and vomiting if yoa urn uiamntf ufcm vlth ttur- iko p cdu cfmf at vaimm in ik olitt ctaura ibh s- mi cam or nf uwmnt m ih thc grand truna ra0wai bowels do not srast any time but immediately procure lottie of dr verler batract of wad strawberry and it will cure yon la no time mrs if l stead roan fleaeant river n3 vrriua a year ago this tau my utile boy was suddenly taken ill with diarrboca and voealliag and aa our doctor is ten miles distant it seemed as if i conld not set help soon enough but on suing to tbe country store f purchased a bottle of dr fowlers rsuact of wild strawberry and after the first dose could notice an impiurjuntiit and the next day the child was better and aegaiaed health gtac that time i alarajra keep it on hand insist on being erven dr fowlers when you- ask for it price ss criui wantifartiiren only by tbe t uilburn co limllan toronto 0til do not rest satisfied with a thing that is good if you have reason to believe that aometblag else i better i tie to be regretted that tba phraee flood enough was ever invented elnce it umlaleadlog a thing la good enough whan it is but no worms in children if they are not attended to can eonvtualone and oftandaatfa mother graves worm rxtarmlnator will protect the eblldren from these distressing efflleuoua pambmokii trains x5he fxcclsinr rafcery 1 fust quality boiad cakis wsooinu cakib birthdav cakes etc btc iou cream oall today t statham son bakers mnd groccrs main sl acton just try insist on diarrior brand maplevsyrup fine on buckwheat cakes monbv back ip not satisfactory guarantee oi puruu on everu tin bu sagan a canncn umuma montreal for sale at thb ebst crooks ivirywhui hm birin stni gntfti m humb works cabpkr braun fs ie a r dealgners and ilailden ol koine uaas lceums uonnmaoli uaiker and tlaad atones aod all kinds of mislwiuasntfwmt wm hemstreet agent acton wool i wool i wool w bo wl 1 klod of pukniturb lr srxb kcton well blade good fittiufc that vre know how to make gloves that will pons with honors the moat critl- cxamination os rcganbt quality of skins pliability and strength neatness of stitcb- ng and all round perfection you can prove yourself by asking forstoreys at your dealers that they will outwear your most sanguine expectations is our firm belief insist on 5orey all stores w h storey soar limited acton ontario mnmdx oldest cfmjqvemtjf the merchants bank op canada every person who receives and pays oat money sboald have a chequing accoanl payment by cheque is the most practical con venient and salsst method ol bsoduog all finsacial i r a whether ol a dotta or personal character the return of ca cheques are vouchers for every sum paid out they show what dfa bareements have been made sad to whom depoeiu are received by this bask object to cheque withdrawal we pay tbe same attention to small depositors as we do to large on and encourage thaxr account interest allowed on all savings accounts compooadsd half yearly total assets s8ltk49 your chopping will be done quickly find well on cither plates or stones if taken to the- rockwood chopping mllla flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co overland ac7 on branch p a maclean manager automobiles and irnplei rdwarc tfyu agent for the famona ford motor car sole arent or cockshutt and dalo nlacwaery and henry hows aod a foil line of repairu for plows and machtnfcry a good linebf buggies and harness lap rags and rubbers prices right also floor oil l farmers who arer thinfeingiiif tondurgtasiij this year give us a call and get our prices b plptolir 1913 mqdels now on view better than ever 30 h p 5 passenger sis5s 45 h p s passenger i95s ajl fully equipped and guaranteed deliv ered in toronto also the gramm aiid garford motor trucks shawoverland sales co 5atas9atwmaiwl toronto ont ijimi- 31s a rtblt gnbgniiiahinniiiq inailcolmtri fonv aventora xai jon m marion