Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1912, p. 2

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zpjttnp toxx loaoklo baiovaarrr m ujwli fjs- etraaaibrtatft rnnhiiin damn fin iiinu i thij pire 17 jft aprronia htyrn lakauuif in lindaat recently tb rev o w hendarvo of ht oalhar- loee blained oburah tnimb for esutancajtc licenced barroome mwrl- log that tboee who did not mart ttaem- eelvecforlbaeuppreeeloq of thellquey traffic wars in partnerablp with the ealootte he aald i the ohurcb could wip the liquor traffia out ofjtaiataooo tomorrow if it- would boyptong ae party stands flrtt it wlunever ba wlpoout thlatafquajr end than will coma tha great revival of the masse tub union hiunai havmi when the laat brandy bottle cornea off tha medicine abalf t whan tha laat public houee la closed i when tha laat church member baa algned a temperance pat itloni whan tha laat boy baa quit drinking elder whan iie laat doctor baa atoppad writing aloobolc preacrlp- uona than tba una pa ran c paoplaoaa afford tojold tbeirrpt and alt down torewt until than tbey had better be up and doing tltla la good advice man wbo have tha intereat of tb com munity at haart will ever be on tba alert to fight tbla relent foe til at pioiit for local option in tba town or sarnia evidently la bot being ooofloed to the members of tba do minion alliance a the different onuiga lodgea in tba town ara taking band and will pledge aupport to tb movement petition ara being olrcu- lated bytbe orangenaeji aaklng tba twnxuoenv prepare ay3aww beeubmltlcd to ihepoople eatbeojunl slpal election title la tho aggraatve worwhloh orangemen everywhere wilt- at ones rocognlce aa oonslatenf with tha uiodarn principle and en deavor of tha order one httnnuito- year ago but sun day october i8cn 1912 the battle oj qoeenaton height waa fought and canada waa saved to tha brltlah bro plre tba man who puyad auab art important part in tbla hutorlo event and who lad the brltlah and canadian troopi to agloriaue victory waa den- ral sir leaae brook -and- although b loat hlallfald thbuletbat dayj hie name will aver hvetn tha hletory of canada and tba empire tha canton nary of the event waa fittingly com memorated on tha alto of tba famou battle by prominent military tneoand leading cluaen oftba oonntry but atarday tlfkrb havk bwo rumors the paet few day that tha liquor lotareetd in toam are taking atepa toaiibnnlt a-r- fjawvoteoothelocalopttori by4ar1ij acton it the cottipr la true acton oluaewoommlttael readyto meek um oftpooeote of thle worthy meaaare and cattle the matter declelvely for mother three yearn it plght be juet a well to have the vote come on elm- ultajmotuly ub the other municipals tlee of u wtmbmtorgetowd and beqwmlwunl in a rand united 4uvpgntobory tbwbuayboalnaee eo ovwwbejmtn ly that it will new again bat aufflotent strength to oper anotoar oontaw uwlll be strange lodged if the liquor idea can lodpc tabla tlecton of atbnn to attach thel uoa to a pabtte petition to reetoff the right toaell intoaloatlng llquore bete again to man who have beat rapatiledty charged by the prarloolaf authoritfea wlthwllful violation of the l aod agalnat whom nutn- derebf 6qnletlonahabeen reglater ed and by whom bay penaltlee mx4 been p phr alo wj and their employee who formerly held f lioenaea and not ngalnct thedlrea they ajiegod during laat eontaat would 7 up but which the provlodaj licenae departmanta ofllcera ha va been unable with ail tbelr experience in auob mattara to dtaoovar paaturc la ery abundant nevartbrj leaaanlmala rellahm mixture of dry feed tbla time of year a raaldaut whm heard to remark dqrlpfl lhept week that oaprlcgr a pillce ft p pafidnradaavire wrigdr j a yfuug knglultmati hlmppaared from mr l d ourrlae laat krldkyj he bad worked from thursday now until friday immo wlien he aklpped out after cliknglug coata sereial otbdr artlelae are fltao tnlnlna laj chera ahy wimflrir iho nbnett emigrant haaa hard row to hoc i v- ufa btoll who i hee ultlngj her dohlir jsl rj wrnifia lo toronto onbunday mrhbmoputcheon baa eotni meooedcomlng oorn vlttfjtw gaeoi iloeouip ir t ihtaiwti tyiay pqhtry i breo the elevmor boy iiaato draw the tip eomewbere tootravot hti belngmetfitqooomiqod ithe majd wbo mpqmoidttfouie geetjwjiitng at the domrihea dwh biwpvher unul eheb rriqth njaata berwathatualdmtonbbyida od hy nwrif plrrtwmiwverti itd point on gratrank bihray qeytrni north biy nc1ule afjidaw wmke topairy flound ijodeay to ipoilivt- rkiitv if aay otic oalbv 1 bue alaaloitijjb r- did w br roev wrddoou 4tuwuked h womabwitbfcwe hvoroaec debenturbspld ftwtf il n ea hyotolotiio mtrt h afllvv- ti oaluvmialo robbirinalbn jldiiday availing in membera jiraaent geo rlynda aevq and 0iunpiuorauclfenaw bmlthantadbbar otbpommljtflijoot plnnca ppaaaot d their lftth report and raopinniandrd payment of the following aoconnta r lkokrieooajilo coal 101lw w drandrddfralgbl ata 7m blnoulr aupplli ia fiunbaaui lamp co lampaj bell tel co plioolnga s 0 0 bpelght auppllae vjhh robt storey labor 1040 n forbea work s 00 hugh ryder work 200 wj rltoble teaming hi 06 jo hiilooal h00 oloba prioung co adv b40 a jafaolrluaon votereilau 4500 f haatert labor 1400 a j tfeoklnnon eel jurora 1 00 geo hynda do 100 jharvey do 100 h20ih tlta report waa adopted tha caere reported the aala of the 100885 pmvament flva per oent jo yaardebenturea to j k heoarvin mexico at par jtbo uydrobiaotrlo tatwo qve per cent thirty year debanturea reoelvad four tenders tbaae ranged from u3 to 4 tha experience of acton la almllar to that of toronto and other munlolpali tie in the matter of the aale of debanturea with tha money market of the world in their proaent etrlogent condition oonaldarlog tha fact that hydro- klectrlo auppllea to the aggregata of 4000 or 6000 have alraady bean de livered and payment therefore la now dur it waa decided batter to acoept tbe blgbeat tender and dtapoee of the de banturea at once moved by murray mcdonald eeoond- ed by w 11 smith that tha tender of o ii burgeee a co toronto for the hydroklectrlo debanturea amounting to 98082 with accrued internet be ac- oapted and that the olerk be instruct ed to rnrward the neoeaaary deolara- ttona and copy of bylaw to above firm carried owing lothvreatgnatlon of dfoi- aler engineer of the ataam flreengroe wbohaa removed to hamilton jtnd the removal f krnaat maeklln to itoaheetar n y tbe oounollappolot edthoinaa miirru ae englnaer and b f cwldwwll aaautanl engineer council than adjourned the naisacaweya pau fair xtojaatav bwc a i owinar to wat weattmr a taarra or xacak option not h withstanding tbe damp and murky weather laat friday naeaaga- weya fall fair at oampbellvllle waa a very creditable exhibition bxblbltore and dlrectore were fairly well aatlafled with reaulta ir favorable weather had been enjoyed the fair would have baro one of the beat in the aoolaty hletory a feature of tba ebowwaa tba eplandtd exhibit of dairy produce tbeentrlea lo the butter cbuw were numerous and ae a rcault the competl- jlna waa keen there waa alao a good abowlogof donteatloand ladtaa work the exhibit of live atook waa not nearly ae large aauaual eepaolally in the pig and cattle cbxaaaa the oar- rlage and roadster horee olasaea were well filled aa waa the class for agnrk cultural faoreee therebeing a uumbem of flue animate ahown to president frank wheellbao secretary aklnv and tbe dlrectore la due a good deal of credit for tbe ex cellent manner in whlobarrangemeota were carried out the proprietor of- the local hotel moot nqoor u n k fair that hed give rtiu psxijitii a taate 9 eanisauaa of 1 i oajttl pp e0ucati0m mue dr avi n xb dutibui tbe reguur meeting of the fliiard of kdunarmn oumifldki monday nen- pr4 i v in addllloo to chairman nlevllnaud kuan 3pelgbt and kennvdy dr aolt who ha jnat rt turnwd from bis trip to england took bit aaat and re sumed hla dutlee the dr was ac corded a warm we aftvr the oonclualitnof the buelnrae of the eveu- ing be gave a vtry interaetlng reaome of hie visits to various educational in- atltutlone and other point or interest tbe committee on finance preaanu ed their utb report sod recommandad payment of account aa follow i can office school furniture co eeate deeka etc 16787 hendaraoo a co euppllea 441 s cordlner wbluwasblng a painting w d anderaon cariage acton free preaa printing bfpenaee to preaton joo cameron arob feee ac d a ilandaraon lumber j- wateonxeqtd wjjpd 128600 tha report waa adnptad thehupply oommlttbe wselmtruot- ed to secure a ooal el ova for the prim ary room other mituri relative to the schools waadleeuased and tho hoard then ad journed milton strong for hv0r0 oarvletf uaa ylaw oe mottday witt only 4 ad 1670 s06 120 11060 248 800 of local option thle year hehyeart- ened toelneehll hotel and atablea to all oaiuere and would eerve no meale nor give other accommodation tfie local merchants and olhrr ieauttt took him at hi worevereotad tenia at tho ralrgfoontl arofarranged to give oaeauand stabling for horse largely algned there numeromv result ill- vultoraand exhibitor ware i v oppoeefl ivocal optjow msr eupplled with wboleeome and aatlafao- tory meala and all horee were aooooa- nindated a boycott of thlanature la bound to prove a boomerang lo nee eagnweye lfiven thoaa who are not at rang friend of local option nob action naaaagaweya township bee enjoyed the bcnefuc ot local op- tloii for eight or ten yean and they havu no thought of ever prrmlttlntf the hceiwed liquor raflle even a look ik within ihe boundof tha towneblp again low ratkb fob hintim via orand thunk railway fakbsslnglf fl ret class far for the round trip from all stallone id ontario except north of oravviihurtti knd wasij or pinbrokr also from df trolt and pvrl uivrtin mich buffalo btack rooli and suspension bridge n v going datus october 7th lo nneomberoita fnolutlve to all point pitrnithkatillog and northern ottlar- t hallway itemageml etc and oartatn pltta in prowiricre of quebve novla scfltuahd jfew branewlsk aleo hiatsor maine qotuber 17h lo novenber oil in- oloslvel tottiulpka lekea uke o wi milwneuwao and french rivera hawartha takra j trotivtjtvalfkfcih all dj for return untll tfcpriday ptwoiboi following tbe minple sat by the ratapayere or acton laat february tbe elector of the county town voted el- moat unanimously for tha hydro-ki- ectrla byuw on monday out of 108 vol polled only 4 were eaat in oppoa- itlon to tha bylaw tliere waa vociferous jubilation over the result after the election ho strong bad the feeling been fur the hydro blectrlc that aeveral manu facturer bad agreed to link up with it even though the bylw ahould fall in conaequenoe of the victory work will begin tmearorrtbe trimitdteslort ho connection it la hoped it will proceed more rapidly than baa bean poaatble in aoton tha hydroelectric onmralaalon has bean working on the proposition here all cummer the collecting or the nqmeroueeuppllee re quired fcir the inaiallatlnn baa been a rather tedlooa matter sapnuea havr been imported fromngllod qer- manyaud the united stateai oajtadlf an manufacturer have baen4ftlled upon for all they could fumleb and the polee for the transmission line and local installation have been brought from british columbia tha comple tion of tbe eervtce la however now in eight and it le expected that hydro light and power will be available here about tbe middle of december mil ton may reasonably expect hydro connection about dominion day 1018 pmitions are being largely signed mwtftw aaw0uvre3 in this i county bvojnmojdleaaj touaven latus v y on thtalu1mfpay down on tub mountain aidb mj1 weak bojor oenrrsl w ii ootiuir mejor c ii mltctvll end ma jor f ii dnaeohnf toronto with major iordon hal of london oapl k it barhar of ucrgvlnan ami captain itell toronto drove frotu milton to manaewood thence to kalao and over the mountain to make plana for tha annnal military maouuvraa the general and party war greatly pleased with lit locality and it waa dernllaly dtfildad to hold thle inlaraat- ing rvenl between oampbolltfile and milton on thankaglvlng day tba 88th inat about 11000 men will be angag- ed tbe corps coming from uranlord st- oath art una hamilton and toronto aa i ho mountain and tba country are unknown to the ofllcera who will figure iii the msniiuvrw eoglnaeraa will be aent out lo map tbem- tbe toroutn regiment will enlrafn early on ybe morning of thanksgiving day and will be taluw directly looamp ballvllle whnre they will detrain and advanue to kelso the hamilton and lira ntfortl force will detrain at man so wood arid tbe two foroes will advance against each other over tbe country lying between theaeplaoee a diatanctr of approximately five mils all equipment including the artil lery will be taken along and tha battle la expected to afford excellent experleno the itoyal canadian dragoons and mam bare of tha other permanent ualte will laevn toronto for tba eeene of the fray nn the thursday pre loos to thanksgiving day in order to make all naoe preparation an impor tant feature of the country in tbe neighborhood or milton la the fact that there are many railway aiding running into tha brick yards and terra ootta country from the main una where the apecla train can be bald until ater the manouvree it la rumoured that a military aero plane will be uaed in connection with the exerclaee tha detailed tactical aebenie baa not been prepared yet beetdea tbe troop it la axpeotad that agrnamda pa w h h ae epeotatore champion mi ififlmt4 awe sw rm cat om anv iiiun a aiatmani n- iomtonachaadeqt oo iiij childrens misses jackets we arc showing this week a complete ranjfc of new winter styles in jackets or girls reversible cloths and color contrast trimmings good warm coats in natty styles new suitingsand coatings a range of very special tweed suitings 54 inches wide at 75c per yard fine whipcord suitings in black and colors 54 inches wide at per yard blanket cloths and tweed costings in the correct colors and weights henderson co mill st aetna oai ixxxxkcooocxxxxxxxx00000000000000xai our fall millinery tdwjtshif juj40 oaafvajsbalo during tho pt week leading resid ents of the township of tfequealog have beeo oauvaeelog the rtrloue ward pf tha municipality with peti tion preylog tbe municipal council to submit a bylaw t- tbaooetfhfitf- mnlilupad electlona for the prohibi tion of tbe retu eala of lotoxlcatlna liquor within thi bound of the town ahlp the oanvaaeba been very gratify ing very few of the elector are offeriog any opposition to tbeee peju tlooaforxiocalobjjoo fact it la janiliaerutrtonnmeroue ioohiuim lo the townftitpvo p oen of thom tjuauoed to vote bavo signed the petl- won 1 it la repot ietlsl to oeorcetowrt gjao the feeling u etroagthnthe time bee come for votloa out ihej liquor bar andthe petiti6na are being oar ago are now bupportlng it the proepepte are exoeedlngly brlghlj for the paeaage of the brew in both munol pall tlaa they eertalole will b carried i r all who have tbe moral inureete of the town and towneblp at heart will work with pereuteot ooutv age and oontlnuoo effort until the last vnlela polled tha peiltlnna must be bled with the clerk or the municipality on or before the first of november if they bear twenty five prr cent if tin t4al nuhrj her of percona itppparlng tin the laat revaed voters llatof tho oinnlctpeltty to he qualified to vole at lhmunlqlpli election it shall be the duty of tbe council uiaubtult the byuw petltldn edfot acton alncersly wlahee georgetown and baqueeln abundant aucoeak fq the splendid efforte that arc being mad rahioiah ao fob womfcn madtm i p yon want anbunjenca ofitintromb imlr with no dandruff or gernts r berore yu filb o btittle of de- llghtfnl pawbi aff baim hair tonlp falling balr will ceaaei scalp itch will te a memory and every particle of dandruff will vaoleb b yn will bcreo frottl dqdruff gerow and pwlmf saga wll o oouhah 111 hair root that the hair itself will haoqiqa ha fit out odttf dagrau tmdprvnr oktwc d itmwjtobt for aisiswfhivmm- um to i fvriiirieivvtvffv you will find oar assortment of fat muhnery superior to most and equal to aay fa tbla district we are ready to meet the neods ef soy from the school girl to tbe oraddma lat na uw el serving you we feel aum we can satisfy you in the matters of style quality and price miss mae hawtkorzia matin st aoton this is mens week at macdonalds all tbe new and correct styles in mens autumn apparel are here in urfe variety a hearty and cordial inrttatton is eitended the men to attend ourstore this week itu justified pride we introduce this autumns newest and richest apparel or men and yonng men again this season macdonalii stands preeminent as gaelphv foremost clothes provider for the male members of the family our fall and winter clothing and furnishing stocks are so vastly diversified and so complete in eyery detail that choosing here is simple indeed even to the hardest to please canadas fore most clothes builders contributed the cream of their productions to this clothes exposition included are tbe distinguished product of the aoth century brand its superb examples of the highest tailoring art everything you desire for fall and winter wear can be found in our large stocks i bolts overcoats pansy vests hats gloves sweater coats underwear oro safeguard yourself by coming direct to macdonalds foryouinew autumn attire its the sure practical and most economicalcpurse to follow we will take pleasure in showing whenever you may find it covenient to call mens clotnlor d e macdonaliv bros cor wyadbam and macdoodl streets guelptl 0nt dress goods 6 t r watch iispector for brht years have your watch repaired by 00 who knows how lajfipate yon 00 more and one yc gtessstaa goaa with every job seedvoorairteveatlmata malhng box aaat on raqnaat yon are tinder obligation ooill you aay flx it w h foster wrxaom old stamd ontario canadian northern railway 20000 more harvesters wasted tofarner western canada crop extra excursions to winnipef 1000 choice of destination left to oxcuraionbtt halfaoettt a mile from winnipeg- to regm saskatoon i warman swan river bdiaoatoa end aft pointa on the canadian northern railway raturnlnk balfecent a milo from all pointa on c n r to winni peg laoo from wlnnlpes to original aurtina paint tkw rtohwat ootmtry to the west u eisetj by thw cenadlan nortbearn rattweor ttu rmirrf tor harvaet- ear oantf rtwloa ts vwry heavy and urv weqwa kxtfrkeaat write for homeaeelrer guldo aha wins 35000 free bomeatcaale awaiting the settler for full ioformation apply to any agent ef tbe cn o c o r and bay of qofnta railway or w l fain0aiwn cen paia- afttt toronto ont qrepi slaughter griditewire tinware jurdea tools ao4 ad heavy goods rather 1 caove aay atodt a aaoood ilmel wlfhalaniibler all above good ai prkyw bjow3eart for the next to ska call at m temporary si ore 8pethti ualn btraet shop and asa price o uj tblag you want c c speight xcton ram rgthbit it bi a bik rooniy ttutor a dmertt stpsaleoxtb street coaaor iolfffrirttb ll noid 6fwe can ahow you the au olutaly correct stylo jopioih oeahoavraidrajira i nmftamftltlng itmoaoxex- tjt110rihifrnrpr jajwwdon of ifttdyoor 1 cjlc d ariiaotoctlon from ttl raatoifwbouta makera of thbwqrl jowirmsjrijo store miwt vy opposite tub post ofttob rsjbast cash prices ror butter eggs 1 w oozans stand igr chaapbniwer4 ovsywdvts battcr tx bonrtcctioner pmmlloa jlqiimimds braws r ipa y lm pnll our ps pulit i djlotaa a wfddlp ui blrtbr i oxfaottomcr nau sw bank of hamilton hannal oumm wm francs hbarafab try to ataafra im haictyrofl 1 mratwir juuin aaoenhdar ajow eeaan lhlrlocniea portion ja regularly eat apart for fatara need in old eaja thay ealoy the 1 trail of their thrift tbay aabappybauoa tbe openlog a savbfem aecotuit a the beat way to aniblra that habit of catfaau wttboat which co ability 10 earn caa eanxe yon agahul poeslble puafonuoa v gk0kuktown branch wmi comsg asaisa i ilrta ablifrtisemftit i ffbt llaplil tburrb don nw f i bunitfil ti a pastor bunuayoctoiltlf ollt notick mu l u uij1lim dhlrw iouiimu tkt tmt- ih uai is bw lutlng lurmi um u t- krulloa satd pultifl lilaliaal usiu 144 i i uuiojn ckkam for ciiuuning wanted xx nc rtfluiflcit uutam mm u klimmh k4 choick building urtfc foh bale tpo iuu talo i lo wlcosi oq w1u iiimiiihiomui rlwbll li ilia lulmlus lata lnf lsjaibt iwauiuuliu 4 ix h0u8kani uvifoithale iiatdmllrunsmlltg1 1l ttxa j wil ls htrl mktll hnuw rw sou 11 ultf va putkiulsi if la uwh w ii klkuiiit cor ub ami ik atuwa ull aoiua out vou halk two rtmiht liou im ynupa hi baa tiw ivonh sehi woulsttod vlu mlsbto m bnvoh of lot tba h 044 nv km flood coiibm and ixxli bouw va im nltnlsn apsnr hhtauvhuln vuunil hl ul a houftekeomirs waxiyl paper for picnics htc 1ackaok ol 3 klthta naa wlilia hi ppm tail loabaa thahof kuitkliu tarn i in i a bakiu aita to unisul ailaklaf pb- loe sukdwlaliaa laoaliaa alu pliia to tail al ajtd iunpssh fvia lo wis vrktl ilutmih nfflllv 41u aoton oal pa km kou kaik oh lanua loaitl purwl mora or una oatox lot a aasraya tov r iloa o 0ari ok thankh rpmn aaaera le doalra lo oiurawa ibalr lio- j bar ml ibaaha to uwlr nuimrwii irttwdo aad nssibtinra or uwlr mur hlaa to ow nsbsrled cniiox tear anan awatra ot balp- lissassa tf appracwla thlaafl uio bum h- eaaaa maseavs of aofovrt tamlly oemld ooi l- bo hlaitnim npoo hor hjwm ad will ovav bau la baavtfeli raoiaanbratum uto aaaaw uaa acta and ainanaih aktwoaaad wlf llieuaitatabt amu fa mil y valuable property in acton for bale sola tba boeao to a wall bull 1 aton- aad a bj i ood r villi qinp bara uil alohlr d elatao villi ainp i teams wanted kor railway construction work apply at cooks cimjii john aamaay farm eden mills mortgagk sale unulb aad bj vtitoo of too powars vootolo dlaaeartaja morlava- blob ill ba psvdawad st jbe tuna eilbo aala llxro will ba affotad for silo bv aaeuaa oa monday 4th day ornovembar lula at itm boar a aa aolaak la iba aflaaoood 4 uta doaalaian hatal la tbe villaob of acton b- willtam hsmstrbst auouonaar iawtowiaapsopsrtjlmbaolft ahaod worn tar urse eorfaua aaraala or irarta ol toad aad praeilsaa sltvata lilag bad bain la tba vllua- ef actoa la tba oaaata of halloa aad rnlba oataitoaadbalmeonfasod ot twrt rf ml laawlmkeaibav ooo lo tllooa ct in ad ocjakaharvavof a par of said villas aa 1- tab hoath nsaatorlr l hcrattbaaldvlllaa- l vaoa forirlk mlnnlaa waal miaou lb hoatb- tsrlr hwl f cbbtob htraal ooa bua drad aad atuma tart tbar irmbaa mm a im m wtad at iba eoalboaatarl aaala of ri ltnnahvu sold aw ooa- varoa to oaa ooocao noaton tbaooa id a nottb- wvaswlr dteomtoa followtae tba ootlarir llaall of uta l q solj in lavh itaubmi la tba wstarloth ol aald lot voasbar oaa t aortb teru mtdoataoa thirty uilsatas aomaattaaltmaaeijavnsbarl booodarr of aald hxaonberoa to iba souuiwwtarw hsoi of main atrsat la said villa tboaeo aoutb fort- bvo jawtsi alavaa tnlanua oast along lbs aald acwtbwesaartv limit ef mala btraatmraataobvaa taateaelaebtnaroor ism to lbs atooa of villas ol attoa aad on tb am arvolad 1 mtm dwalliaa baova sullablo ro tw b tba day t aala glbartnq auotiok sale faum8tork iwcpik in swqu townhsx sirirt ssiiis nn1 m 14 x t v i- 1 tarn jfeflffb tathoi0ttiiifjfv ke it the most i 1 jggjysj n- wg s4teiarrv i jyvsl f j j saoaitamaafsa- 1 paair i a 1 f j vavy j

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