Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1912, p. 4

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iioyjuiu yoh ofmspm stayaaellfielglbvtk if any i1ui tens of alee may nek a heart tb lltthier- 0o- help m ipmk the huh word and take my mi of sinning and drop it in some lonely salr to mt um echoes rokl lfanyuuleloor mliv ma ehee 11- tli imufrr if any llinlftsre of fnlrt if ay auk a friend lb peeler i if any lift otmlmm nay mm another etreogth to help my tolling brat her poktio joinof the wsshlnetoti btar nail ihe f lowing boftmtenwik juke tti hit torlr ollrd i certainly decisive and ommtwi the lory jmmm lult by mk twsln a raurl wlomteed to a fellow pasanger on altiamrr whn hsil lndolmiy litfrniiisd the homorut lhal looked uutslck held ur ulsatcms it nnar psy lo 111 people that they do not lmth wsll a young oan in a certain nsw yu- offlo put up jose on ihs tmmikkeepnr who was a quiet ludy xihuui chap the jk waa for nrarjruna i lell the vlollni balook d vsry very bad tndsed it was won dared what rlteo thu would have it was a hot aurut morning whan the joke iwuan the oihm buy alert ed it aln t ya wall mr quill ha aak ad yes of ouan why r quill why ya look ao pels aald iba boy i faal all right reluroed quill calmly end be put on hla offloa noat and aet to work bat whan the shipping clerk told him ha looked iii quill frownad and aald ba had had a bad night that waa all wbaa tho ctblev asked mm what made bltn aueh a queer color hla haart fait strange for an hour or ao quill wn ad with ao-rious- inquiries ait of gloomy forobodlng about hi health finally with an impatient worried lira ha throw down hta pan and waa gona about flee minute whan ba raturnad tba chief waa with him mao aald the chief raining bu hand to command the attention of all aa mr quill la slek i base granted him tan days leave of ebeeooe arrange to divide hla work equally among you while ba la gone myattwrlmb of mound k there are inystertes in the trensmls- aton of aound that have not bean iathomed for example iba sound of guns in battle hao baan heard ninety i mllea away though oslte iaaudahle to tboee much nearer in bnglend whleuee alrena and i nolaeeofallklnaaharahwantaated lo order to dissever a aound that will ba heard infallibly for a certain dlstaooe dub on eatfsfaetory results barn been ayetaceompluhed ah the eerlon- nolaaa may be heard for a doseo mllea while they are insurable at half of a mile many of the dlaaatera along the aaa ooaat are due lo that mysterious nuillll a inns ur which tba human ear cannot eaten the warning but n6 on baa yet discovered tb reaaon for that deaf 8004 or been able to predict the area of the varying locality oflfc t j m a eealnt afllltt th other day aw hla apialo tkattba moat wo- jhtfal dlafiotery of lwoenl yaatfl waa twwtaooverr of bababnk jnat ifcfakl a aea mmtgi thin layer r saodnk le hud to a wound or a aora aajax4nary 1 laaered afalaat blooof feojabl not on 1 then again as eooa aa zasatuk la applied to a ear or cut or to akin dlanaaevlt atasa the marling that la why ofclldrea era aueh frienda of zam bute they care nothing for the aclenoa or the utlog au tbay know la that atmbuk atopa ibalr pain mother ahonld aevar forajat uu ar ajt aoairarjrmiwk ap- ptlad to a wound or to a dlaeaaed part the rella beneath the aklng aajr- taoe are eo atlmalaled that new heatthy ttaane 1 quickly formed thin forming of rreeb bealtby tlaaua frmm wow la zamrbuk a aa of healing tba tlaaua thus formed la worked on lo the aorrace and literally oaau ot the dlaeaaed uaana above it thla b hy gambale coraaj are parmaneat only tba other day mr harsh of 101 nnlorlmler ave montreal called upon the eambuk company anavlold them that for over twentyfive yeara he had been a martyr to ecae bit hand were at one time ee covered with boree that ha had to a leap la love pour yeara ago eambak waa introdncwd to him and in a few montha it cured him today over three yeara attar hla cor of a dlaaaa he had for twentybve yearn be la still cured and ttaa had no traoe- of any return or the eeaemal drucxlata aall zanvbnk at ma box or wo wiu eend free trial box tt yon aend thla advertlaemeat aad a laj ump to pay return poatag aav zam uuk co toronto doubui btandarda a mend who la not good enough tp inlrodnoad to yoor mother and yonr ajatara la not good enough for yon a book which la not fit o read aloud in the home circle of an evening la oot fit for your peraonal reading if young man had aa high a standard for tbemeelvea aa they make for aoma of the people they earn for it would be better for alt critical time of womans life 80 waungton bc for a year dor- bag the ckangauof life i waa all run down i waa really too araok to walk and waa very des and thought i w4 going to die but af tar taking lydla pinkbama vege hie compound blood purifier health and t0raotegtleiiaiairn1i llw irmbeajcowwwiaddt not makootiu uumllossorsuik ctfftesi castoria the kind you have always bought bears the signature in use for over thirty years sores flee before 1c there are many who have bean always afflicted with soma and have driven them away with dr thomas boletrlo oil whleh acta like magtc aj similarly trpul should loan no ume i ffi aiaandjdsagdjpssjgal tbankful to yon praise yourmedh i have advhwd aeveral women who teedaaldldtotryyowwsnedles yi may pnbnah thin if yon wiah mm davib r mosjub south wemngwiv vsooocver is1awiuc mo oner nmdicmfarwomaa0bbs4 received aneh widespread and uoqaal oadasadoraement we know of ndoth madidna which baa such a record of os esaa aa baa lvdta b piuktama vaga bv hla compound for more than 80 yeah it baa been the sbwdarurehiedyftc w mans ins such aa inbatn uleenu tkm tomora regularities periodic pelna and nervous prostration and w believe huuneqnallod for wonao dr mg the period of change of life n if yoa have tho bllghtetoabt that lydla eihnkhama vshu bl coanpound win helyon wr 4o iqpdja b pluhaatm mdldioea cwpwlfliffitlpl lynnmmfora4t ttott yoor letter will ba opened iaiiandaaawoye41ywianan and heu vit ooafidenee whan a dwelling burns dowp t family uanally inanagse to save every thing exoept the ujlnga that are wottl saving j rouble a lew orleans woman wa for bar work for charity recently ac cepted an invitation to apeak at an aatttnteroilasfa fneaung on the ptalfermam feond herself sealed be wean a bishop and a rabbi and tba tone of the meeting aeamod to beren- dared etrfmcjysoamq by j- blaauon in order to ugbun the oleraouy ha aald turning to the rabbi do you know i feel aa though 1 ware a leaf between the old and the new taaumtnu the rabbi turned a aad faced gaae upon bar yynt ojadame ha aald and if you will tegplli that paga la peilly blank tieieis 0tbii0 for theli1ei milburns laxauvci piixs i they wpl iwiutatti flow of bfk to l boviafifc and win tone rioorate and pwrths w rsmovmi every mw olvatrooble from the tenporary bnt dlaagitcamobutoa head u aco to w sevorat erunl 0 uwt0 mni otn mihoka 0ve ljt wrts i aufftred nlorajukn sangna can teu from liver tronuek i trkd eftral jdhds of hjcdldna bnt got ba relief ttoul x got ulmuma laoaijvsr puu they rfro a wondctf nl ranxdy mllhurna tan uvcr pitta are ss cent 11 vlil ybth for tl00 arau dealers or tnshcd ui r the r ionui dealers or tnshcd direct oh reedpt of i 4t rmpossibxb for bzm to stkkp mr chse w wood 84 torrance 6tl uootrcal que wrrtts for two ycala i bad sffjlered with nerve trouble and k waaapoauble for mn to sleep it did oot assusr what time i wentto bed hi the morning i was even worse than the night before i consulted a doctor anil be gat looic to take a half boer befom going to bed xt waa all right fir a time but the old trouble returned with greater force than before one of toe boys who works with me gave me haw a boa of aulpurns hrsrf anitnerva pitts i took them and i got such satisfaction that i got another bos and before i finished it i could enjoy sleep from 10 pjn until 6 sum and now fed good mttbums heart and nerve pills are 80 tmti per bo or 8 ooe for 81 38 at t alleeakrsor mailed direct on rsrat of price by the t ullbum co wmtt- torontoonu f in ordar lu prove a womans aatla- fectlon iliatba loves litr a man must umtke a fool of himself before her casfo 11 1 rr blgnaatreof iks km ysi rin mil to bo ap to dtf hut it fool- lab 10 baarnw tkinbkhmanllnsf a ainpto tai cbup hfdloliii impli ohpan jftwtl fnwlloln i miratbldr fobdmhd thlni aaiolnw dltlm mpilator of th dlglv mfftna a prntl vwubl fill thm t rioipl thy uvohmp tttevbuv b4 gob nv- whm midtbdr bnnolal f etloq will m th mdoawmnduo thar mr th paleln of tl p n ntf tbgm who wuh to np dootora bill natwsm39 lri wf wl how much of your road money n spent in filkng rut if the miluoni of dollai am have been went reputing worn- out waihedout breem nd rd hulbee uied to boiw mom mile ol apod hlhwirt fewer fanner woidd now be wamne mduable ume md moner tataot roundabout route to town uirst cow ol an or bu tv br prdr rur the con of upkeep oonwpiajr that fmt cow and there t alwajr an evenncremuw annual orpenw lor repair th worn feawr ol it u ihm ich a row never a really firwclam highway fn ewimann crw ol a road youthould indttde the e 1 dense of keeping n in good condlnon lor at leaa twenty yeart if you dont you r figurmg onh bnt paymentfor hat road only and the remaining payment acuca rt upkeep cog of enperett roaa- a- cn sjhru road fr5stss the baat and daaapaal oata at the cl tmmmm onoutte b the del nthw owiemll s tt in 11 weuutanatalutwyflaumcmultty bdwanln hjnmwarmc and oae of anwncaa tsssraaiiii i ifjjit mmw ij ts 1 n children dry for fletchms c never do enythlng eoooeming the retltude of which you have a doubt pliny it la said the whisper of a dollar can be beard farther than the loudest yell for duty jfzzztvitato lmsstjtjr ntmtmtjra onftgtmbaaa of mhtajve la- the conquering of fear blsaobebleasjug city circulation abjiit or leading metvtewal oally soin rills wb fcslgwveate ef suffering from kidney txouue two aoxea of oih piixs and all gone that has been tba anttrienoo of mr bugeue acl patrla of mob treat ha dahcrlnar it feelingly montreal l have been suffering ftom kudncv bad alto rheumatism tnaum and woinltwcpal nryskusiis but without relief end i lost had hsenj cured by yonr fassow ouf pluanltolviitotrjthni 80 1 boogbt two bosea s m dregmista and before i had used onehoatrfelta big cmsnge befeea i finlaaed the econdone i waa completely cured loan assure you i caicharflly btueve i i r kmm tow i would not have xnndred nollara for n bases otom rwuh buqonb q01nb orntltaa srajponlng a world wide lapntauot bjr the way thbonqusr tba otost ouunate cases nt- atklndaofkfcb- if you write nauodaldnmr inaqw co of canada tjmlted lonmto lev pottaesa have been the torea wot- ed by h oora onia ub- powstoxltaownfjwod otbe- preparatloo if yoo want people to sit ai notloe simply make a notes hundred dollar bill mo ddll tlelus wittt him one hundred dollars seems an 91 f ul high prlija tp pay for a typewhtlog machine aald mr jenklneon srbo bad just bought one it eeemp so to you said hie meed mr hanklaon bnt i have one at gay house that coat me seven hundred and fifty dollars and i dont suppose itfe lirwcttd nl yqura yon neednt tell me eucb a icaefeot broke in tbeojhar tvhy wnw in the worm- well ill telf you a ear and half ago i bought an automnblle r ale hundred dollars after i had pay- edabundvd and btly rapaiey ytorw unas and other espaiuwe von- neeed with ii i irhdrd h fop a aof tbe lot provedto ba in the middle of a swamp sod when a real eate- man offered me a boree and boggy took him up the horae ren away one day aed sutasbed tlw buggr into kindling arood 1 tradsd the borav fur a ow waieh i t the walob wouldnwtaeaahjuoi end 1 swapped itfr a oleyole day i fell from tbeweyolejtnd pdt a finger net of joint- then 1 exchanged tha machine for a eaoondhaod type writer- i eo- f t avaoouaofortbetypwritar dp jouknowof anybodyhhat would give nt good dog ftwiitf u j mr flgglnb tbe head of tba fatally thervlng that tbe ewvee or bla kitchen hwllmomeebtsttedhir autumn laavea ctinhed a tree etawdlag a ihabnuw wltbtbaulantumiiirrvnov ingtbv ebklruetlon jtf ea be waa nbool to acoop oat a handful of laaivea tba dead umb on wh tenth waa stand inggava way and ba tartad to fall inatinctivvly grasping at other limbs and managing to m hi legs around tha trunk of ih tre be ehaeaed ads rait and bang there bead downward hoidlng m with all hta might sopbiart ba yelud ouan ou re quick mi klgglna terribly aunstadcane hurrying out o arutur aba exclehded boar lid lbat bappea f nawr iwlad bow u happened 1 be bouted get a ebalr tti cbatr was brought now utud up o4i it t arlhor 1 o not almhig raougb u help you lwwn ill get dnwn all right ite pnvd 1 aoon aa i emu get rlgbl end up- wetd wbat i want ymi to do is lo uke this rtannlaln pan out of lb hold af in any vast pocket its leaking like enythlng away wltb ijepraaaloo and melao cboly tba two evlla are the ac- panlma of diaordered stomach end torpid liver end mean wretchedr 1 o whom tbey visit tbe purest hjmi pvdlrt way u oou4bat them is wit b paxmelee e vegetabu pula rhlch will restore tbe healthful action of the sacb aad bring raher tbay have proved their uaefultmua in t keen and will eontlaue to glvetwusf to the amfftriog who ere wise eno lojwe them erell thou hast begun go 00 it la the end that crowns us not tbe fight harriok of tie leutlffluastotssstsrscactost snmrtogc blood suttku boils uroil ffniabw nmgara pafts ont- writes- it is with plcssnrel testify to tbe sterling qosbrba of yonr bardock blood bittern after the bosr wsr thiogh whkh x served k the 1st 1 i i suoered fresa beila coa- thjajdon aed sick hiaihibn aad trswtmk jgcnsralione bet got reset a nee tsl ss 1 1 j ii n- 111 -lll-irff- i jnt ssylsnawmtopnttenetktty tt de me wj sgssn vfat a ssae who knows sat what itfat to be ssdt sad who while tbon uveat keep a good mgvw in thy bead shakepeer makes jbseathlag easy the con etriettosi of tbe air paesagee and the jaxagele for braatb tbe famlllarevld akoaor asthma f rotten oaanot dmoal l tn stewefmsesiiiina tfrimadj thla ta the fatnooa remedy whleh w known far and wide for its complete n even under very eevera is la no untried ovperl manw year msaalp j9 ee wttlf buy it rromyoswawasw- a rich man wltboek ohesity faithful lo hla wety- fuuing votmaretufdry- fur fletchers gtorta won lodsssfsshi j not atuanihjd to nonfulaloni mot rlrn qlraw wore 1 1 i moacnr ouv taafillrtlrarow up bfc but u oolf ma it tad pl foldb7bit rj ir itilj m hig a mlif twk w had to quit work uarrhdn cvodbjhj ht left to ran tur lenrth of tune came great eakacw wa tbe only thhuj to prevent thai btlo check irotar fr trat appmranee yoa wfhdlhatfewdvawaof dr vowlcra bataact of wiu strawtkary win do thla jakuy ud actitwt mr ho k rwiaat orhu one wdt aa ap a mtk aad wbjrad each great punihadtoaawori onwan m an id try dlntleia a wud otmarbarr to on my way homo i bought bottle d alur takhg four doaea rstcurad wldwayt keep bouto l uwd mealambtt ntofyoag to gm botth ul ijr gvmklx ufcrt on being grw what you aak for to we know of y oam whet aaarpufaua mkr whi hd out pat aao l ta gwuima hbbwt4tw1 only by tha t iitiim ouwhji taroatn imtwav fibre board better than lath and plaster itae ftbtvi boar1 the 20th ceatbrr rnatcrlal cither totoior or exterior work ua not a anhatltntr for tau and plaatcr but aammtung dtaog ktttmr and mon acomnieuz baay to pat no fnaa or cart no delar in cooatmctioo waltino car it to dry v7r in tolntar cool in murnner aavca fael sanitary boct-abaorb- eot a cleadener of acrand and mm am w om to atag anybo teno can aae a twrntntt and aaw can apply it why lire for month withbaitj coldlooking i walls when yon can use fibre board ana tfacm decorated at once write lor ggmplra and partlculua the grenville board pulp colrtl shobold cakamuh fibre3ari there can be no syrup so pure and wholesome as llmja hxpelaiof bakery i juct try a tin from vour oboceb ii wot atinlr a ery u i i by suf rnn llwhit atoatnwl j c hol obo sofbr amp woodhali hekay t toll warmest kind for cold weather tougtvr hornchidc will rteve be found beattge the cbt js used for storeys gloves and gauntlets and yctbwajui- becauie- carefully tanned by bk process r maderajulciinsurirrg exttaoidinary wear resistance waterproof nnd h hreproof the beet worluner gloves on the sold at all stores insist t storeys the merchants bank op canada uey person who rscasssad pay oat nysaey should bave thejmhweocounl jrswtnsul byenoe is tbe most nrscilcal coo- gjj sjitfewatgelbod of auaillnvau floancul irsasaclleas nstaer 1 orpstsonal r xelsrs of txaceued cbss sre vc tor w0 rus yf iii iaw jj- we psy the aune mhatltw 7 ni tl i niluhjbw j interest allowed on fol tlivscooebts compoosdfhiif yasrly 7oto assets v acton branch f a macteqn man v1rbt iqvauty aqtad cakib wttppufo cakeb pirthdav cakes etc tc map us avrup and honkv h1nzs plpkibb b7 varteues fhutt and viob- tasllba idi k uriah coni kctionbhv at llnee dau q today tstat 103s011 icrocir3 acton tta bella suwv8mhi mi carbpsh bstaum dsslgmrs snd bolldars ojb ustts uonoaenls sfsrkers sad llaad uonss sadsuuadsol oton wm tiemsfreet ageht acton waratuuaichmtpt 1 tjbshlocauo v yonr chopping will be dona quickly and well on either plates or btoncs i taken to the vrockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harri8 co overland opels ntjpytdwv better hartevrir 30 p passeagir 1w0 1 and guaranteed deliv- erpd in toronto aso the gramm and garford olor trucks toronto ntitontontle arjent for the famous ford molar car sole agent or cackabutt anddaja ihacalnery and heury pklm and a full line of repairs for plows and machinery a good line of buggies and harness lap rugsand robbers pricearifjhtr 1 a floor oil farmers who are thinking of building a silo this jrear give os a calland get our prices b fi caliiwell acton stents mariqm a ruutiph ukinrsvtepcpuajligoftd t k r v h r v r 4 1 o r ill t t- ill

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