Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1912, p. 2

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i si- mammmkd uoosarertsvat lb- raal of uh lwtsa pwl dttssaa os nmif iso omalmt by ar aaetl patter tatbw or tba brtaa aaaief j lor um a k ulrta h a ukb cttertw ii umm wmvddm kur w hmm ilium- at no sttbabalbl i bow h kundv pate bar ma nb ner she acton jfret jres5 thursday october 31 1qu urrusoivithamiui mitrxlay next october sblb baabaea proclajumd national thanksgiving iey for canada wbm all the people ere called la teee from their regular labor and irl thanks almighty god for ilia many bounties the habit of thank fulawm u mm which ought to ba diligently and sy stem a clc ii v cultivated nor ia lbs task a dlffloult otto to those who set about ii in an intelligent fash loo if any man for example will laara to close every day with a review of um blesslngo which it baa brought blm from tha banda of god he cannot fall to experience a deepening sens of gratitude- these blessing ere an manifold and ao rich that to attempt to anumerata tbem will ba aura to bring a great eur- prise not only doaa thi bold good aa to thoaa whom the world r a happy tbe wealthy and the great but it la alan true of thoaa wboaa lot in ufa appear to be tha narrow and hardeat tha lowly and they poor it behooves ua alt to give thanks on our national thanksgiving day next monday let ua all give thanks morroatal mombar jkohuenown municipal authorities have notified hon adam back that arrangement are to ba made forth with to secure a supply of hydroel a etrie power tnts mean that main power taunna at port credit and goelph will be coonected and that a loop will be formed cooautlng of port credit tub ontario aujaxcx have jut sent cut the following infor- formation another big looal option campaign will be fought out at the time of the next municipal rleeuooa in january j018 voting la likely to lake place lu over 70 municipalities 1 oomprlalng 1 city is town 30 vuliegee and ai townships for the most part the contest are in western ontario huron leading with nine qonteet among the larger places to vote are peterboro lindsay garleton plaor clinton oehawe pembroke pntrejea and sarnla some of tbi have voted before but in a able number the question la before the electors for the brat lime the striking feature of the fight i the fewness of repeal contests iat year of 118 places where repeal contests were pos sible voting took plane in 16 and in none of tbeae was the attempt to repeal aooosee this year there are m0 possible repeal con teats bat it u not likely that in 10 par cent of these will the issue be brought before the elector the w- m- s convention here w1lu aerr in r a rous ihlbia the tghlani t tha wmtten a missionary rontety of uuelpb dul he t was bald in the math odlftl ohurcb here last thursday il ipacta succrseful and rn course i ng the true missionary spirit characterising all tha pmesadhtga ly all the anxiuarie of the dis trict were represented tor which fact rtpuht tflie njfw aiiitiirwui lay exerted an injli iit addition to the acton auslllary iba following dele- gales were registered gurufl mr j w osses ura w llarllmw mra j h hrhmli mra j conery mrs cllffnrd jackson mra m graham sir jsote royce mra tboa reston mrs if bobloaon mra j illllla mrs cotton mr peavoy mra r bbortlu mra boiafenlllet mrs- jj a bradvy mm harry uaboney mra t a rogers misses utile henderson edith h car tar and janet galbralth kuuk mrs maegowan mrs god frey kksiiuh mra john jack eon rouitwouomra u r guild mra j m paamore mra a j murray mra rev t r clarke mrs s stephens mra j d ream en mra m stephen mra john rreeae mra moore mrs duffleld mra w j few- mies tberta p steele of kletlng china and miss marjorie maraball sooth portland maine were also pre sent the convention opened at 10 oclock a m- mrs l r guild district organ iser presiding after singing the doxulogy and repeating the lords prayer in unison mrs jackson of goelph conducted the morning devo tions malt sb was cboeen for the bible reading mrs harry mahoney was reappoint ed recording secretary and mra geo baal tie assistant superintendent mra lwr guild waa appointed dele gate to tbe mlnutertal dialrict meet- jog in may and mra geo baatue alternate c mrs terrell mrs robinson mrs oakes were appointed a courtesy committee the reports by delegates brampton acton mhttfnoeore i w ll in thii vaihine auxillartee brought out many itaina of interest acrow this auxiliary has 41 annual members 8 life members 9 associate helper mr c c speight waa mad a ufa mem at last meeting total offerings s8sjm muw megoffln spoke at afternoon and evening meetings giving a resume of her visit to the holy land in the evening gukuii ddduk st ha al membership of 100 9 new members 3 ufa members s3 associate helpers and 40 on the cradle roll total celpta s37 through the supply com mittee a large bale of bedding to- valued at 940 was sent to rev mr lawrenoe cochrane for the ore of ferers in march rev mr saisson italian missionary gave the bastes offering eras 3370 there are 88 eubsribers to tha outlook mrs rev james hsjon passed away during the year ana left a be quest of sod gubxpb nokvolk st this auxlll ery reported m member and 8 life members added daring the year amount raised hodm miss megar- fln gave mn a in october and mrs guild gave an inspiring talk in september in april the silver anni versary waa bald mrs rav crews poke and letter war read from form er qmmbers the thankoffering was 918080 gpbuoi paiuuev mastomsx has a membership of 17 the batter offer ing was sovss a christmas box of toys was sent to tha italian mirslon at toronto mrs rev hockey gait district gave very instruotlvo ad- dress rocicwood the membership is sb two being life members receipt for the year 11748 goods valued at 1800 warn sent to tha deaconess homv toronto it is regretted that mra barria the president baa been oblig ed owing to jll health to give up both borne and church duties the vice- president is however dolor splendid l tit liqvoai pwomjc undertake a local option repeal contest in acton they will have on their hands a hercu lean task one which is geoerallv considered as foolish and futile to aoeompuab tbrlr end they most first persuade twentylive per cent of the quatlned elector to sign a nubile peti tion asking the council tn ubmltaby law for the raesrabllabhigof a liquor trafllc in acton they niay possibly succeed in with the petition if ihoy do and the bylaw is submit ted they mini at the election neat january overcome not only the 88 of a majority which the oiilsene uommlt- teeauooeedetl in piling upat the elect ion three years ago but they nul auu eecuroaootliar fifth of si the voters after the above majority i wiped out to amply with the tbreartba re quirement or tha act it i true a few of those who wsre ciedlted with vot ing favorablyto local option at last election are now alleged to be prepared to vpbeagaiosl l on the other hand the oluaens commltta have the nawaa of a number who opposed the measure iheu who are uw qulecoq vlnoed that both moral atod materiaj boneflts have followed the adoption of local option and will vote and work again any change there ta no doubt whatever that if the looal forces who arehepared to fight i be notorious svlls ofaloensed liquor rwjao will work a strenuously in thvnt of a repoal-j- oontast as they did before and it la confidently believed they will local option will be uataoed in acton by a large majority a bbautikul plfttural avftnoucelnthueejtaissuaof the famuy herald and weekly star that tha publishers have secured as a pre mium plot ura for eubearibarsr another beautiful subject entitled mntws treaaureatt ooupanlnn to the beauti ful picture home- again which i hay gave last year family herald pic tares are ahfayagood and it is gald int 1 u trol ndwf ul wbu tt valua on mnmivw fur dnohara nin u funlly herald mljl in it l ppr nu bom la 0anada ahoald ba wllboul bttrt aainbar or a faaflllf will sod aoma pattoflt intanalliic and alaa worth iba aaiv aobhrfptloo pramlnni ptetuni t llouwci ttsisiiimiwkainikarlo fiii o ana loo would nil id air an atoiaattwodouaia t tba pamufl llaiaat abm atbar boalnani than avar talaamaan i thaaronupiowni alwajii hnujni innndnddlnalnabltaouaatlan otrtnnr tw l member 4t irettembers7 associate helpers id eradla foil 30 ofteringa gtooa two bale clothing and 1i quilt were sent to hamilton deaconess home pauhiua has si membses 5 ufa aneaibsra one naw life member this year amount collected 10073 an interesting onlsslon study class i ooo duoted i active miaslo1 band are working in pturfolk street dublin street rock- wood end blnra and thvehlldren are dolnrgood work during the session the report were interspersed wlib relevant questions aptly aneerered by mis steal ol china upon admimmeat aioon the del- gates were invited to tba eoboolioniu where a moat appetising luncheon wm mtved fay the ladles of the aeton aumlllary the afternoon eeeslon opened at i oclock with a bjmn and ttyexhy mia henderson a few ve from the first missionary st pan made all real that more prayer was neoss- sary to u nasirar christ- the orgaaiasmrportati a very sne- oaaafulysti svl a j m uivmbetsblporoand jatl inglv logs seven nsv ilfa mstubar nt-eslv- edoartiqeata the varfouaaumhtaria wfre rpottcl a follow v auziuabf atubgiui mcatuptw aalnn 41 j 0710 belwood j 18 14004 blors 81 fergus jo joirotktiztrriojr dubltnst 100 paisley stv 10 1tal thaitwan repeal talk at newmarket sna utika wtmt psrrn tha newmarket bra ttaysi during iba last three four days there have bean rum on that a pail i ion in clreiilatlnn asking the town council ui subinil a repeal fmial op tion bylaw in view of tha unqualified euooaee nf local option in thu uwn pns can hardly credit the rumor tyirldbt th tri lh aftfc rnrce boslneaa of all kinds has been very prosperous the factories are busy extending their operations there i employment at good wagea for all real estate baa bad a remarkable in- crease jo value our town la one f the most orderly and prog in una4a in fact so great has been the suoceaa of local option that a number who ware oon- aeieotianaly opposed tn it wbeo i be vole waa taken now voluotarily take plea in elating they were under a misapprehens and it has worked out ao differently from what they had expected and it la so clear that the in- tenets of the town have been advmne- ed in every direction that now their influence i lo favor of the act who la it that wants to go beck to the old system f i if there la a petition let u know who the influential ritlxaoa are that are circulating it it will be of inter est to our readers to bev published the names of those signing such a peti tion tha leading business and profess ional men of the town aa well mm re presentative man in other epberee of influeoos in the oommanlty are all enthusiastic for the eontinnanoe of our present financial and moral prosperity by continuing local op tion tbla shows that the eltlxeo of newmarket koow a good thing when they have it and will do helr uttnoet to continue on pro esp her appreciation of their loyal sup port during the year an invitation from fergus to bold the next convention in that town was accepted mies rthel coleman on behalf of xbtoo auxiliary welcomed the conven tion in a fewasrnnst a nil th nnni to which miss oartar of godnb replied in biting terms mr hamilton and mrscbehmldt of gnelpb then sang an exoellent duett mies uberta f steele a roleloo a ry on furlough from ktatlng china than gave most intereetlng details of tha work in oonneotloo with her chinese girls eohool more terrible than all the suffering w baveread of lo china la tha atmosphere which is non- chrlatlaa tba school work needs an evangelistic worker to go into tba home to visit the mothers tba prayers of the people at borne are needed for the roleefonary wor and tba people for whom they are work ing sq that the many hard things which have tobeoootended with may ba overoooae particulars were given of the girls in the school their temper- asente their religious iwuhga their yielding to christ bvery santanoe of this una address was listened to with keen interact by the oonvitioo mrs revt r clark of rook- wondrenderd aaolp which was much enjoyed a round table ooofereno on tha dinraltle of w m a work was then held and numerous thoughts and suggestions were presented bj the delegate one lady thought the beat way to get a good attendance was to keep after the members p and urge ahem to attend mrs jack- eon fergus conducts bar study class as she did bar eobool work give lea- eon to he prepared and asks question j on this leseoo some thought there i should be a change of president every two tsar and this was thought poe- i stole if members generally wnnldl work on the oommltteee to which tfcey war appointed sod thus become i quallflad for tba larger res mrs jackson led a helpful testimony rvlos and the convention adjourned at flv oclock tea wa nerved by the ladle and re- reeentativee of the presbyterian and baptist womens missionary societies who bad been attending the afternoon also entertained with tba delegates the tea proved a delight ful eocial function was diulf served- and afforded a splendid opportunity for social intercourse and the forma tion of friandsblp the sttendanoest the evening elon was largely increased by the pro of the men after a song ser vice mrs go lid read the scriptures and led in prayer alias bertie smith eang a solo very sweetly after wnlch mlw steele gavee moat interesting address on china her people their character life nd rsllgl ous beliefs she told vurf vividly tba work nelng accomplished in the girls school in wblob she has been engaged concrete examples were given of girls who becameeamest christians soma of them in their seal and devotion have brought their parents and friends to christ mis stasia told her story with a vlvmoess which rendered the rehearaallvery real and at the same time wave information calculated to insplr all with determination by conus tod effort and prayer to do all possible work at home to assist mlsslonsry teachers and workers in their farnwhy flald church ohlorsana a splendhlan jhtna closing worts tittpplo1avon anacanoouragetnant wars spoken ly bev d d drapfr the pstior tba courtesy oooimlttae prpsantad resolution i wblob t uiaoks nf of the oonvrqtlon were tmlered to tba i r j r i the sudden diutfl of peter sayers w al brtsisuiow on mday in owalph mkt ha was a mativb op aotom trsglcally sudden was ho death ol mr pater bayers at ma raaldance ballaview ulreal gualph last hatur- day morning he bad come to acton on the early rain friday morning motored to erin show la the far noon with mr ronald sinclair and alias sinclair and mr and mrs william in tha aftobooon at urin he coov- plalnad of severe pains and symptoms of an old aliment- the party arrlted home early in theevenlngand receiving medloal treatment mr sayer went lo tjoalpiroiroiekai ptm tralh as he was not feeling well bis brother wil liam accompanied him lleappearod to feel belter in tha evening and abortly after midnight retired and soon asleep his brother returned hom on the early trairi and an hour or two aftar hi arrival received the sad news that ester bad never awakened from hi sleep and waa found dead in bed when mr bayer want to waken blm in the morning acute indlgestli waa the direct cause of death peter bayers was the eldest son of the ute nenry sayr hr and born n acton in the boo on main street occupied by hr thomas gib bon eixtyeoven year ago a li years ago when be noticed lhla proper ty was for sale he purchaaed it- he spent bis early day in acton and in the statlce worked for moore brother in the shingle mill located on th farm now owned by mr wm brown he eventually became their bead sawyer nd than want into busi- nses for hlmssir at speyslds in part nerablp with hi brother henry when the late henry oargtll removed to the greenock wamp be sold hi mill in nasaagawsya to mr bayers tbeae he con d acted successfully until about eight or nine year ago whan h retired to gualph leaving the business in the bands of his sons oaring to his active business life h did noanjoy absolute retirement and several years ago bought another mill in hnun ha bad a succes business car and died poeaoeeed of considerable nsjiasjidmxpts h bed many good qualities and oonaideriag the lack of educational advantage deserved much oredli for twrtwwkjtrtfwmlvf church i totbe ladles ofj ll mii nury for their grist kindness i proj vldlnlontnlenrand pppfttf totty nklofujirelodiris anil floral deoora- uqmi topfraaulldforber ahl worjk as nrestdirig ffloar to mrs mabanef for hw a secretary l to mhislftosi for bar inspiring and oofo pralmmmlv bimrasass and tou otbars whot ptlnhi program o i h ho was first married to mary moore daughter of the late james moore oousln of mr james moore bower avenue to them two sons and two daughter ware born of whom mas frank of kassagawey henry of vancouver b- c and mr t 8 armstrong of swift correct bask urvle ills fourth wife mia gib bons daugbur of mr william gib bons vancouver with their daughter joan survive the funeral will be held tomorrow upon arrival of the bj15 p m train thmvoothwooaffpanloh pom wis the youths companion appeals to every interest of family life from housekeeping to athletics it begins with stories of youti vim and vigor with article which disclose the secrets of eooeessfnl play in the great games with charming tales of life at the girls colleges but the companion does not surrender its reader whan they have entered the more serious paths of ufa mother will welcome the page for little children and the weakly doctor article father will and the important news of the day as it is and not iti rumored to be the entire household will appreciate the ekatobe wblob touch gently on com mon foibles or caricature eccentricity in short for less than ave cents a week the companion bring into the bom clean entertainment par in spiration ana deals increase of knowledge name rarely seen in table ol content will be found in the com- panlone announcement for 101b which will be sent upon requastwwlth samples of the peper to those not familiar with it bvery new subscriber for 1018 wbo sends 22s will reoelvs free all tbe issues for the remaining weeks of lotft also free the companion window transparefaoy and calendar for 1018 in rich translucent colors the most bea of all companion souvenir thb youths companion 144 berkeley st boston mass new subscriptions received at this oraoe nbwatnotbet the dominion government i build a selemolnglcal observatory at victoria b c to cost 10000 louth township llneon county may have a local option contest to abolish the hotel bar at jordon two hundred new rural mall de livery routae have been established in ontario and quebec this summer fares single first- clsae fare for the round trip from all stations in ontario except north of orpvenhurst and west of pembroke also from de troit and port huron mlob buffalo black rook and suspension bridge n y going datk8 octobur 7th to noveutberoth inoluslve to all points on tetulikamlog and northern ontar- t rlway tstmssrol etc and to pertain polqu irt provinces of quqhrr novla scotia and new brtlnwlatt sure or maine october 17ib to novenber oth in clusive tn muskoka lsves lake of bays georgian bay maganetowan and french rivers kawariba lake fi3ncalngrano r tvunst railway ssiyernvfto north bay tnouslve msda- patsndehy tw ballborton argy lo to oobooonk pent- ung midland and tk8sld retinin lim1taii tlokefi valid iw tyart ufitll thursday decsnibar lth except to points rsachsd by ts m lines tuesday november lsth wrlla toxiu birtt dlitrletpaesen- gwiaipsnt tjblon station toronto ontario for fr lllnitmlsd booklet anmum haqo fuh wrfd game- coutajnlqgtawa map rate jhor children s misses jackets we are showing this week n complete range of new winter styles in jackets for girls reversible cloths and color contrast trimmings- good warm coats in natty styles ilrto bbrrtierntrnla ttbf vnptii dbnub cfon nffv r nullmfll u a paator suniiavoctoqkh u7tt a u tlankslltm p utliw httmlf nl lh- u aii ukixiuk new suitings and coatings a range of very special tweed suitings 54 inches wide at t5c per yard fine whipcord suitings in black and colors 54 inches wide at per yard blanket cloths and tweed coatings in the correct colors and weights henderson co mill st acton oat ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwoockxb linens for thanksgivhig a weeks special display and sale of thanks giving linens we announce an event ot interest and importance to every housekeeper in guelph and vicinity jost in the njck of time comes this special linen event jost at a time when ninetynine ont ol every hundred women have been planning to parchase tbeir supply of thanksgiving linens thanks to several fortunate purchases made by our buyer while in europe we are in a position this year to place at the disposal of oar patrons better values and finer queuiuea than vfe over offered before larger assortments of absolutely dependable linens at lower prices than you will get elsewhere is the attraction we hold forth in this linen event oar offerings are of such worth while nature that no one who needs linens now or will need them during the next few months can ajfford to miss this exceptional linen opportunity mens ctothhif d e macdonald bros cor wyndlum and macdondl streets guelpflr ont dress goods 6 t r watch inspector for elfht years have your watch repaired by ooa who 1 knows how iteoajsyos do more sad one yeary uareatre goes with every job send yours la for est mailing box soot on request you are under no obliratioo until you say fix ti w h foster bxpott watcnaukdit w i w1llmn old stand georgetown ontario canadian northern railway 20000 more harvesters wanted to jarner western canada crop extra excursions to winnipef mm choice of destination left to excursionist halfaceola mile from winnipeg to rehn saskatoon trvsnoan swan river bdnootoo and all other points on the canadian fjorthern railway returning halfaccent a mile from all points on c n r to wlnnt- 1 peg 98ou from winnipeg to origins starting polotj ths rtohsmt csexjutry tn us wewt is i by ui csuoaxibbn nrpctnftrn ibittwsy to deamamd fort hsurvejat- saw stlonsf tu uns ta veury hvy mrittivsts klsfht write for homcseefcersgnlue bowing 35000 fratt hoottds awaiting the settler j tr for full information apply to any agent of the c h otc o r and bay of qulnte railway or n l fairbairn cn ras afnti toronto ont back again and mors bargains i c cspeight is ocenfoitably sattled galn in his im proved premise on mn street where customers wants whloe promptly sup plied t stoves ano ranges oranitewarb aho tinwarb shelf hardware mechanics 31dols r iints oils anji ouass f cutlery ahp silverware chihamel the new and easy saint for enameling graining and dec- oratingr oa1x and ui u in our aqmt mkw mialmh ccspbicht wcton cranutrunk taanksgiving day sfaufi fcr bonn tr good oomo october 29 ss tt and m ratwrn lilt octolxr 30 alloliaum chaia30 j i pull partioulan mokaj ate rwhaov oua jniww at bank of hamilti haloa0n siesea suitloolvtdsj lroflta ijsdoffi teia swalsi f yj ip0ypto rvn pravid ifunst a possible malay day x bnot the only reason for regular saving a bank account sires yon the sisling ol utdepandsacs sad security that sesps year mind free from iry that rosks you bstvir abe to raeet the world on an even emtngufl to take sdvatusgs of oppoaunitles that coin your way open your ooount al the banlcof hsmlltoa where courtapuf einclenl hsnklng stryic thvviaed o th deposit of nil sstwsjiuf lug accounts gkolkjlkrown ajbanuh w nalakar gfaiaifiljjii f is rot k wpat u 110u8k wanki ron rent aila at room dul lieus imlid iw nnlfl one apply in ujrwanaa ubvhoioiitk iiamk nuti0k 1 t a hutkm sas pailoa lilhw iwa it- li 11uiiin citeair for cinrtrarng wantid bv uis uuls crotr uutrak udicmimkau uwti j ms t oion 10 clioick building iayk for sale to datum bo will bavdwtak ta hht dwall- 1 la baosm will all sbou bsltdiag lo al low dfiaaa an mmaj tonx of paimanl tu uulmoum a cc noti0k ibrtbr bt nauahi ual 1 vlll n ha nmpom- ulla uaataan iba havtna tat my bad ui boatd of bar own has wilt h hhtatiiau aotoa omaw bsoa isis h0ubk and lotfoit hale that nkt tntom mmia t iba loot ol wil low buwat oomtoam boon to momll tavaallr- s parusbluw appar oass la hsh w ii rfstaht oar hr sad lv amu lotl aalbb obi f0k hale two roaaluaat boasoa on yoaog htraal ooa baa romm sad woodbad wlib lun mod labia at baah ol lol tba otbar bss ft v hm uooatbtliara anowbolb booaoa vat lutttuw partiaalan aprlr to fok 8au5 ok kknt rtpan tba bunas baa dsaa pal into aood oobdllioa kaausd ouumlldloan aatd a saw wall with bsstatwstar applrtn r wu mtbwaut vilaolpal annul kaboola uouqekeepers waxtml paper fob tlonia9htc tjaobuute at as s saw whlu vuat it pssavttatsumlaabnaaator bajubh lor llalac bauaauaata pmrau buakla paafe- la aaao wtsbss i s ata wrap a ta u- fakb1 hr balk in nasi o k2 bil psranasar rtflr s bain 14 no ib eoe jftkaam- traa of arable land tb itb until unbar tba laad is ta od etala a anjuwutaa ror lanoa and pattiaolars aselv tv r b j uanajib u4 aloaoot 0akd ofthankb tbti daalawalgsail daslraa to axteod ibreaati tba vajulpasm bis aralatal ibaaka to um osaoanlaan matnbars ol lb gbaaata lttna besahllcpb sad lb twmtoaar lor da panioa trslloa tba ajenan balp rvealnd sidwd tea malarial if sod i will vat i iba klbdaaas of tba paopu al aetna cddib waodsu valuable property in acton fob salb tttm tsaallff rstlasbc of lb oiwlwltwtt on atadaatiwacaetea is bsrabr altsawd fr sale tba aoaas s a waitbat u tarar sad a batf albrooasas iwaabsart sad in awm rapalr oodslatara wltb pomp la kllobaa trisisw bars and atabl plendid sac frajt ttsas odtmolanflr jttuiad sad pawmntarvapeiv hbuuokb fowl i fowl i fowl i jut aim muairlddal purm1tuku jt snx wtctolm atjction salb -or- 37 registered herefords37 it lihkhooas ofit at on oneloeat bataaurp wedneoy nivfber lh 1912 polles oalta aawrall htwsles htalt ho swfl 1mb ran tomato 1su osrwaislri ltlls3 yam wil- n harialtaa hu sjsarv 1st priaa tonmi- isis abbot 1 year sad foor 4 pulll bull mmif id imlladuallarsajmt bauer oajvaa a i aa m i a 8 rears old uuao yarltos sad lh- and baltsr olta yaulssbnlloobultwajf u faeialsa have base brasj at laaal 0 tar anuottb osnurlaa rnxn polled bulla sad nomad aowa ar pausd tslkalnoiull orslitnoalba oradlt on at- alt eaal- d iolal a a null tb sals laetadaa an ura liarx tbay ars aooil isallvldttals ot tba oboloaat liiasilliis sa1 r muund la lbs hereford hard boob kariii adjoins a t ii station al umabooaa train from saalartirra 10a tn ironi waat ii b0 a at addraaai ur j uneasy alrrad htoii qualpboal jaumt usdohalu auction mortgage salk paaadsttbe ttmaottbwtia i barn will ba atfsrsd tor sals by saatloo oa monday vthday of november ioi3 villaob op aoton -br- amhbmstri utstollawlaiprodarlrna lar tbcmm oarbvln naroau ol pratslaasallastlflaandbalaslalha villas of act la tha q of llallon aad prowl n o i nrvti- laaetaakaniber oa la uloak c la adaut oonkshbrvsyof apshof said vlllsca aa lall t on tbs rsatalarsd plan of said survsy and wparuaularlr as follow oaahasnolb at osfd sottnltablartonrlaas o sjmwtplaaud at ibst or sliaiimp

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