Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1912, p. 3

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wallpaper mlw stock now opooml id apwftrd ctlatain poles 4 and 3 fmt wblta tn i oak window shades in amn treeu and wl lie 1 lain ace and tasenloo i caxl in and sekouk nliw stock urrutia uqimm qeo flynds real estate interest large number of fares i tor gale cheap dwellings add titer properly in nil pur la of the town we have every larlllty for tnuuactlmk ear bsmlanaa to your ceawalote satisfaction j a willoiichbv vorilwb news if local import illasral to trnwy aavelvasw hmfm aa chief kendall bu had two hundred cards printed i t i ha iu1iu11 language d hafc had tbemdutrihaledajuonget the italian residents on the cards is a warning ad lalng tbem ibat it ia agalnat the law to carry knives re volvers eto quejph mercury killed atbarilngua an unknown man was atmok by a o pr i rain arbttrlirtkua juuetton kalurday attar noon and received in- irl from which lie died while helrts- ft fiston jfrec xt thursday ootodicu m 1uu i brief local items joauadea national thanksgiving nest monday there have been come una october moonttght7 nbjble tble week monday waa tha 107ih annlvaraary ot the feeaoue battle of trafalgar a gnat many una aaiuplaa of tornlns have ban shipped lately d c russell general merchant krln baa aold out to hteel tt poalar of clarksburg tha reformer eaye imeak thieves are operating in milton to lha annoy anee and loss of tbo cltlxena the oak die naw baa juat inau letta oolts armory 1nta in its office the near la evtdeotly prospering the- elecilrle railway construction i gang baa dona a graat daal of blaat log oil ibn harvey farm this paat week thar la a charm about country life lo the fall of tba year that la not eoupeed by anything the city can pro vide i kay mr wluon waa at uheuao ham on bunday preapblng annlvaraary sermons lo the presbyterian church thec surveyors for tho now canadian northern kleetrlo line have been at work in the vicinity of the tanneries tola weak the una uew brick residence of mr w j gordon la nearlng completion j ft worthy addition to prod eric street messrs dosrdmore acu axe bav log a eat of railway scales of 100 ton capacity put lo on the aiding near the main line of the g t it a one iw foot bridge baa been erected et the foot of elgin htreet on the beardttiore property over the gnuey caused by the new awltch grade the recent ralna have waabed out the approaebee to tbe new maria street bridge considerably and tbe pathway for pedestrians is dangerous inplaoea the electric lampa where needed oo the street aervloe have been re dewed the residents of tbe east end especially appreciate tba improved dbndluona tjm judlea aid of the bapust church are making arraguiuentex to hold a aala of handkerchiefs led ohlldren ololhlng etc oo krloay deoember oth 1 j mills appeared before police magistrate dior last ttuturday cbarg ed with swearing on the streets the charge waa proven and u fine of s3 and ooste imposed reformer owing to i be renovation in pro- grin in 8l josephs oburcb there will be no services on prlday evening or sunday morning tbe anarch will be reedy for services on friday noveu bar hc frfd rj lemon of the clyde hotel toronto has purchased the murray houae oakvillp mr wll flam ml lata proprietor will remove to toronto and augage in the real estate business public school iiiajteotor deacon waa in town not wednesday dtsoussiag wicobrjitofpalstewartanew system of physical training military drill and tribal shooting which the dapartment ofsduoaton is prtiposlng to eatabllsh in theechnntt oftbeaarlous counties rj i affarm papal wboe editor la an ao live farmer must of neoenalty be near the farmer and know hla needs this z is una of the reasons for the popularity of tha weekly sun toront whlah for aver twenty twn jrenrs the ontario farmer has considered bla hiibliiemi papftt then again the son a mar ket reports are nf such value to those who take advantage of tha informs hod given that they will not do with out it sun subscribers are active far- mere who farm for profit if you are not a subscriber to the bun you should bsv tbe sun can belp you make tba farm pay all it can pay when renew ihg tpur subscription for the rthhb pbihdrdtr the hun mook munwtpal bleouon undo nder the management of the oltl lahlp oomtnlttee of tba kpwortli league fn elaotlnn to a mock muni otpal ooundl baa been arranged noaaloatlons were held last tuesday evnqe whn the follo no tlmw ware madi bwengranrffem nedjraoclj oomiolllon john b neleoo olara b moore 3 viator oqeman john t moore minnie pen j latlona neuj o matthews llthe pmnkunt mew ooejasm fsrn brown m k nation antta t brown mss brown tind miss frank hya to 1 d the noin inatuin pvmkes will he given nrt toesday evening tmmsdlstely aher smsth bsas kopuj taken to ffauiflton hospital though a thorough search nf hla clothing waa made nothing waa futuid that would lead to bis identity being established hjfdrowse ctas oaajst the ltnrs nf nimtyt vlu oo the ilydroklectria bylaws on mon day 11 lb november the sum flaed to provide for tbeooet of local inatalu uon and distribution la t0pouo tha rate for current will be tbf more ad vantageoua to both acton and george town by both towns going oa the transmission line ws4ta loeal mewai fee v correspondence from tbe country ida for tha ookimai of the faaa paxaa is always interesting and par- used by all wedeslre ou r at every point not already repres in our constituency in return for this work the vaaoe pane will be sent to regular corraa free also stamped envelopes and paper all oorreapoodenoa will be treated as con fidential th rua several small boys following tbe example nf old ooes emnsed them aelvse in tbe vacant machine shop of mr pater hay ere corner m1u street and park avenue they came before h p moore j p on friday evening the magistrate had a quiet talk with them and let them off upon tbei promising to pay their sespeotlve share of the cost of repairing the win dows and never to damage other people e property again a new tfeswttalae oeeusgevuli tbe new lord dtnferla hospital was opened at orangevlfla the flrat of the month aboot five ysara ago tha orangevllledbapterof the dstughtere of the empire was formed when the work of establishing hospital waa undertaken about 97000 was raised hye ip otmoerla muolclpal grants and otherwise a large real dance waa purchased end entirely re modelled special attention betasgiven to tbe heating and plumbing blaoota are already installed potatoes eve llamlag berfbr the farmers ge complain bont tbe potato crop they say the potatoes seem to be all right when they are dug but in a few days they begin tu show signs of rot and many have to be thrown away especially those that have been grown in very low laud a a consequence the city folks are afraid to buy their winter supply of potatoes for fear they will get a lot of bad ones they war tanging from ho cents to fl 00 a baa on saturday a marker duelpb herald walt the old hi social and personal mr john oartv is hotue run hamilton this week mrs w hanson til troutu vtslied acton relatives week hiss tsna mo arthur of toroolu visited actun friends thla week mr charles lasby of toronto spent monday at bis fathers boms in town mr john it forbes of saginaw mleb visited friends bare d urine the week mr kdwardtwerdale spent hunday atlifafal agr un trlnr m prank left- this week on tripto cachramyand pulau when you young folks s back to l b nrw r country homes over thnkaglv your country homes over thsokagt ing do not forget to atteod once more tha little country oburoh it baa helped to make canada what it is do not think yourself above it mingle wth tbe good folksof the homenelgb- borbood that waa what jesus did at naaarath he went lo tbe synagogue as hie custom waa that waa the adlce of rev byron stauffer in hie sermon on tha little church around tba comer at bond street congrega tlooal churjb toronto last sunday evening mra dnreton d la earatstieweii the death took place on saturday october bib at percy saskatchewan of mra fred burston widow of the labs fred daretoa of percy tbe de ceased oaaia from staffordshire eng land aaven yeare ego and after mrlng four yearatln aoton want west to percy moose mountain three years ago her husband pcedeoeesed be six years sla eons and one daughter survive t bdgar of owalph james 61 gelt and fouraooaas boms sad mrs t harrison of aoton tbe last of the fall fairs of this tlon in erin last friday waa a great success the entries jfere numerous and creditable and the attendance waa 8000 tba show itself was parbapa the bast all round show ever given la brio true some departments wars short of tbslr usual number of entries but those were made up in the other de partments there were over 31800 entries altogether which is a record for the mr the vlsltore included almost tha entire countryside many came from toronto svery available rig in aoton wmejot into commission the weather was fine till about rvs oclock but many were drenched with the rain on their homeward trip a pretty hoeaee weemtbat a pretty home weddlog was oele- hrhted last friday at the residence of the brides parents in dandas whan mr charles h moore manager and secretary of the dundee star printing oo eldest eon nf mr i jaowe moore buwar avenue aoton was joined in the bonds gf holy wedlock to mim jessie pouer b a daughter of kev austin potter of dundee the mony waa performed by the father of the bale assisted tiy iuv a k blrka b a tui b and was atteod d by tbe immediate rleods of he contrasting parties mr and mrs moore left by the evening train on a two weeks honeym tour to wnf falo st louis chicago tha fnaat piumm astsnds very hearty oongratu- t preparations are being mads for the erection of a new coal and bark trestle at the works of tbe acto t oot wblottwnr geatuy caciiigsrihe 8tb3s handling of the will be bollt tneonnectwlth a swlteh oo tba nssreldlncatlhe foot nf blgln sirsst and wlir be earrled over ibe roof of tbf paht mllla bujldlega and the bollsr house cans of back will be jumped dfrect irjtp tbe bark mlllf and coal to tha or hotee vdtrooiund iron ibe building will also of ssvsral ears reserve it jdll sllmlnate the naoasslty fwavurge amount of team injhd lladntof uiv two oomiuoda ties guelpb mr c abualna north mrs tuoe welaford of toronto oeleman miss olive llank of hamilton spent a week or au at the home of mr wa plank mr v v speight wa called to markham oo monday through the death of bla mother mr j l warren was at ths baptist convention of ontario and quebec at brentford last week mra n f moo end margaret spent several days during tbe week with friends in toronto mr and mra j r- stone and bar and mra k stone of quelph visited acton friends on monday afrvc s smith attended tbe annual meeting of the daughters of the empire in toronto on tuesday mr w s coleman arrived borne last week after seven moo t sailing with the pittsburg steamshfpco mr harold wllee spent laat week wltb friends in toronto he took lo tbe big arena eoneerte during bis rev ohm d draper and mr mra h p moore have been attending the provincial sunday school oonveo uon at hamilton this week mr henry bauer who baa resided in hastings for several years has returned to acton with his family and will make his residence hare- mr john clarke nf the merchants bank staff has been transferred to hanover hla place hero has been by taken mr a t allan krln mr a ilurd who was recently op erated on for appendlotls baa so far recov as to hv ablato return home on sunday laat krln advocate mr and mrs arthur lalng arrived here from simoon laat week and will a short visit wltb tbe misses lalng prior to removing to california mr and mrs james moore mies lottie k speight and miss clara k moore ware at dundee last friday attending the wedding of mr cbaaii moore and miss jessie potter mr and mrs da id t wren or tugaake saak visited acton friends during the week they went west from seeforth sis yeare ago and have done wall in their new home mrs a w martin and mua mac- kensle have been elected directors to succeed the late dr robftson and or wiskson who has removed to toron to on the milton public library the halj0n county teachers vule lsuse week okvilln has been favored wltb tbe eujfuat presence of the helton school niarnta and daddies who assembled lo solemn convention thursday apd pri day in our auto high school there were eighty or mors in attendance the tsachsrs convene annually to deliberate on the many weighty mat to theie anal imp on sunday afternoon mr c c bpeight rvcelsed intjmatlon of tba death of bla mother mr michael speight very suddenly at markham tbe funeral waa held oo tuesday laffarnoon harriet cjiaptdbji canjato- attotfe bride about sixty years ago she and mr speight resided in acton for thirty years and were among our leading cltlaens the lamlly reside was ibat now owned and occupied by their son on church street- they re moved lo markham thirty years ago where mr speight died ten years later five children survive charles in acton i mrs p c fleury and mb bonu at markham mrs b- r brown and mies nellie at lansing neertorooto ofbtfwumane institute vuited the meeting of the new institute at stews rt town last week and poke words of encouragement to the bra nob herald ii uses anole and cassia mulholland have returned borne from visiting friends in hamilton while there they attended the seventh annual at home of the knights of columbus held in tbe i o o k l em pie the sympathy of tbe cltlxsns la ex tended to mr charles yuuns presi dent of the georgetown foundry co his family in tha sore bereave ment on monday last hy tbo death of of his daughter at guelpb the marriage nf violet lsslis daughter of mrs k victoria b 0 to walter of the late a lalduw and mrs laldfaw toronto took plans do taes- dsy oct 15tb in victoria 8 o herald mra k j hbeppard of 8k paid mluiu has returned to bar boeae after spending aeveral months with her mrs geo campbell hereon harry shappard of idttaxod alaska n tondo sheppard of st paul accompanied bar miss maria nunan daughter of mr frank nunen formerly oo the staff of the ercury and utterly of themonteat tribune has accepted a position as head of the women e de partment of the bdmonloo capital and left for that city on monday mer cury mrathoinaacook who for ao many years waa an esteemed resident of ao ton but who foreomo lima baa resided with her son and mr and mrs geo w cook at ada mleb is today celebrating bee eightieth birthday she la enjoying good health and her thoughts are much with the old rrienda at acton tant prufealon three eesalona wsre held thursday and two widay paeldnt sanderson presided and was tbe ruling spirit ably assisted in all local matters by tbe saeellsat insel elalf el isssbsrs an sol r rial omen t was bald n tbe assembly room on thursday evening a good programme waa given by local talent and d d moahler b the toronto normal hcbool lecture on browning at the concluding session principal lullh of burlington waa choenn aa the new president and miss m beo nett of acton was reelected secre tary the people of town opened their homes lor the entertainment of the lady teaebars oakvllla was much plsassd to have tbe convention msst in town oak villa starv the fine new twostorey lrlafc reel denee of mr ostraoder just ikv tbe village is up and tbe rof finished wbn oompkhed it will be a nettdtd addition to this una farm mr pest proprietor of the teadper anee peoples hotel here is doing a spleedw boelosee all vhtlloas ep date the good aervloe and bom aurroa ndluga next the annuel thanksgiving tea aolertalnment in knox church p event after the tea a programme will be presented by miss mildred walker eloentioolst and so prano soloist toronto mr c s 3tepsuee violinist toronto and mrs olareooe wlotertoo aged 13 eon of josrph wloterton of montrose while oul shooting on saturday by drawing a gun towards hlmvelf discharged it lacerating bis left arm so that it had to be amputated taa neaetaeew alrqos wm piligibbon aged 1u years of ormsby waa taken to tbe genera iii oe- pltal suffering from an injury to his eye which he rvedved by a shot from an air rifle while playing with another young lad oo haturday it la feared that he will lose the sight of the eye icurhisair wcuuunurr akmorfctas fmch aaa aa m hw colir caad sfcwy a a i a i os oo- uaw oar thi aaar it pavs proton m frank e holmes mbalmbr amd ftjwkbal dibxotob calls day or nlgbt allanosd to phone mo a ohwwaoha oorhmrsi mr j p scarrow local preacher poke to a large congregation on hun day morning harvest home services will be bald id tha method ut church wat sunday rev mr clarke will preach lb the morning and kev mr mcdonald of ohurobhlll in the evening the turnlpa are bein pulled g ally these days the hydro- blcolrlc txanamleslon line through hate is being rushed for ward to acton some very one poles are being erected mr jaa gamble bad the misfortune to lose a good working horse on sun day mr wni nallee of guelpb spent sunday wftb ihrruotlier who in not en joying very good health at present tba smoking concert given by hie j the xnstlse i sns monda s in tba oonaervatlve oluh rooms was wall attended the programme oon- slsted of songs by msasn ford wat ts smith natley and rlgtiy t humorous aaleotlona by mr boddleandsddrestes by msssrs j p sosrrow a n taylor and j r stones of guelpb it waa a celebration of the 107th anniversary of tha batuaof tra ohudre enter any day and get a coarse worth while warra todjvy for oataioaua msml -bwrvi- ihjrrlvv spleodld talevii will furnish a geoeroos number of literary and musical selec- liooe tbelr reputalioo la of a high order addressee wlu be delivered by iteva wukioaooj draper and borrall rev mr wluoct the pastor wlup- aide mr john green eon of mr p green of llroehou died suddenly at guelpb hospital last week much sympathy la felt for hi parrots i bla being the second son who has died suddenly wlthlo the last few years mra green aeeontpanlsd the remains of bar son to hie late home medicine hat mr dr sutherland who baa been stalling her sister miss undaay went to uelpb on monday where she will spend atew days before leaving for her borne in hi gather n the hrldgu aver the o t b if i opao fur i re fflo which is greatly appre rlatsdlry the public this having been considered a very dangeroua crueaiog blhouar la certaiarjr one of the saoet duagree- able aiwnti which flesh is heir to mter tte bj the duamesa these b to awkd life a burden the cause b a dianrdercd hver the cure dr meres elndka root pule they go straight to taa root of the trouble put the hver right cleaese the mose- ach and bo w clear tbe tongue aad take away tba utter taste from tbe ssoutb at tbe fast sign of billoos- mm or morse indian boot pills royal prince 2814 wiublib popilnkta hotel stables acton bveky tuesday arriving eboot soon sad raenslnlng mo ill 7p- tsjims to lasers a loal ffn payabva 1st febrnary 1013 a isc to nuuea at owaeremk wkil qhjalks ivoprlaior do you rbauzk he saoasy yea can smaae sslttsg hsi tress list present demand lor narsery stock feibe greatest in tbe history of lbs business evss who has the lead la planting or pktat wu want now ax 111 aad winter moatha a rsusole maa lo sail la acton and aarroeodlag district good pay saclaalve territory and all ibe edvaatages la renreseatiag aa old eslshlhh sd arm over 600 acres sader catllvalkin established 39 years write petham ndbakky co oal plilt mtthntv i w dsilr fmsh vsgatablss and i prults sad sell them si reasonable prices foreign pkuits a specialty fresh fibii tuesdays a fridays taoutamti iikssiml tsv oua vimmam jiadoim coons dilivsuo mill btrhkt aciom misses murray a hoyden hayills hall acton now 00 display all tbe latest styles of pall and winter millinery and trim sings tba ladles have already found us in our now quarter and wo are grateful for be numerous ardent received prompt attention given all orders huues murray hiyden stallion inspection vederoalarla wtabse aea tout for malllon inspector tor dhstrkit no 2 giving points in nation county tlm 1mp4vc oakvule odo a n appleby aoop fbatllngton jcui la4 tuc oct as tues oct so muton 8 00 a m wed oct 30 grgetown 30pm wed oct 30 aetoil 530 p m tbur ocl 31 namagaweya sjopm tbur oct 31 a r wwrxsrixt snxaataaaaaaaaadaadsusi c symons baker lu conrtctionbr actqn eqrh pw lhmttoo hoamud bwmi 77 our iqo madun fnill cijim oat pntf pmi it u imkjotw am0rttmtofcm aad putty trmhrnray d7 all h wmloi ud lutibdi ola ucu umlicllt nil hu all ordbrs dkuvprjuj wiuowsl aoton our fau mfflmefyi you will snd otfif aa5hment of pal millinery wpertor to most and equal to any lo this district we are ready to meet ths needs of any from the school girl to tba grandma 1 let us have too plssaufu of serving you wa feelsu1s we can savsfy you in tbe matter of style quality and price mtoo mae hawtridrri mato3l aoton wallpaper bargains some leaaaite atcreatly reduced prices a briar the she of your g boon aad sec what we jj cm supply for decoratiar a latbrown omrbtnom q acton ont 3 aaaaaannaaadqaiuiaa mannui opposite the post oftioe highest cash prices -ror- butter eggs sl poultry prodocis sold wholesale sad retail at w ooxen a btand by chs d brewer green grocer fcandi fruit merchant e k cook for the street or travelling a good example of the ex oeptiooal style found la every mm century breed overcoat tb is aparticuhuiy smart and servfceahle garmeut buuoned through with patch pockets aod welt breast pocket psrfsct oaeemsr saag celua samri lsaels look at it again 1 af ade to your measure and 600 cloths to choose from give us a trial fit guaranteed or your money refunded g j wallace mesjptstora mill st acton the gurneyoxf ord enthusiast ttte houserwif who owns at gumtyyoxfosd who hat clsjly xprieike with it who knows the way- it worlcs tbe economy axsd efficiency of it is a gurneyoxf ord enthusiast t1e gtjlyo is the usi total of 70 years eatperience ia store construction it is a his ttpbtndins haisomine store that wcsyfcs rons and unfeelingly for its owners aatisamctsorju it stands fniard orer her interests conaermg her time and energy e a dairy savins in coal adding to tbe ssnejbeloldecononiynd increasing the pleasure which comes horn a anootlwunning and westtodered household thats why she rmthiiaiiismally reco the gurnejroxford ishenewer the question coanes up she wants her friends to learn what she knows to be a fact that a gurneyoxford range is a good ho most vejuable and cherished possession jas symon acton stoves and hardware nsa- anaasuiamwaaaaasbusaiaasuisnisisisisisisiaaiasiaaeasiai showing today s b the latest and newest effects in stylish soft 3 b hats from to 93jy another shipment to hand of oar famous special s stiff hats at 5 r e nelson btawes s omt 5 a sasjaaassismsamhbbaiasi aataaaaasaaawaaaaaaaasia aeqppnppndtinpuani3nnnadpadnnaqaaarjmidnnaswbmu introductory offer f t of this m 1 r- 3 we will pay your railroad fare to a cu and return if y bu your i mi r i electrjo fiattures from our show- 8tocm rsttpr then the toronto j t it fr prices opmeaodaes hi ts6e guelph electric works gao a b ortoyar tt co propa is w hariui seiara i oadaa oat 5 t36e metropolitan bank head office tomato oat a up udlltfwl frodta au aimkh savings department accounts of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch h b burling manager f3i ik pringrle la now ready for your watch and clock repairs prompt ness ani good work ib what we strive to give nickle alarms pnt in thor ough good border same as new for ss cents j tmbjewbrxaa i gonun ont i to

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