Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1912, p. 4

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4 ffibe ulan tzt 3rtsfi ruoitaday ostovbb m 101a th axtcsol vino oh rare is tba glory of autumn wltli it pleulor of wat lug ufa it rlchoaee of gnrtnwrd harvtat and abhnmertng gbldnn base the bright leave eofily dropping all yellow and cmmaon and lirnwn while out from um opened eluater the s4anptlcr1ng down how iwhi i tboldi ti na tribom of preiee to lb giver of all w gra i m w andthe blessinge that stent r fall our heart wonld join in lb chorus and our vofpefciynty slog thenkagmog and laud ana honor to our moot hoi king wtfayk hi- f vi dfcraofattw shin and we thank mm for days of rn for it ntds iba aun and tbe bower to tally ripen iba golden grain so into our uvea moat enr ylrlghr hnura and hours of isam tbal w mar crow and liwflltad for tha gladeterae 1 yaarr with our eyeejll joyful eud shining or with eyea dowmdropped and dim we offer a true thanksgiving truatlng everything alaa to him woman sick for years wants other women to know how she was finally restored to health tha ohorue oar voloee joining tha major or minor alng t for bjuutnaaa or pain w hlaaa the our malr lrd and king i rlophla llrqdnontiuerlngtaji im a miw uoht dlaoootan or as usf action with an object often depends entirely oo tha way in which it la regarded a dlffer- nca in lb point of view changee i ha wbola aapeel t t la wall lllua trated by pleading little incident or itobart dele owen a childhood told by trimaalfln thread log my way near uia uolatad country seat where i apant my boyhood there waa a foot brio but llttla mon than a tnlla away for tha oral tap yaira or my llfa i waa ferbldden to eroaa it and until than i never walk ad nn tba turn piked road ona day father told william and m that be would taks ua to walk over tba bridge and to tba other aide of tba river thla waa blleeful newe ha eooductad ua by a winding country road up iwoppdalte bank of tha stream suddenly tba law called out my youthfql admiration tha river appeared a large house landing in beautiful grounds not vary distinctly aaan through the crane specious gerdena wore aurronnded by walla there waa a large freenhouee and beyond stretched a maadow oh i exclaimed what a beutl fnl bouae papa dont i wlab i oottld uve thora i what a urn we could bevel my tatber amilad we are going to live there my ion he eald truly pepac ob i am eo glad 1 there muet be plenty of note there you have never seen tbe houae be fore f asked father of course not we- have never been bare before take a good look at the groanda what do you think of them r idldao and announced they were much larger and finer than our my oblld aald father you are doing what muoh wlaer and older people have done before you are ipoahng frpnaadlataso at a beautiful place with mivhmajgyaa itisa very pretty place 1r la boxoeld your own home where you have lived all your ufa cat v a hammond ont f am paaalrfg through the change of life and for two yeara had hot fla very bad heady ai h n lof bead w eooaupatadand badwwak narvooaeel inge the doctor who attend ma for a number of years did- nchoip aai but i have been entirely relieved of tbe abova aymptanu by lydla e plnkhame v cuiiiuijnooa and uvor piua andgive you i inn to puhllah my testimonial mra lonu iikaucaoc 3r ilammondootcanada new branawidc nada i ean highly raoommetid ydla k pinkhama vegeublecompouod to any miftering wo man j hare taken it for female we i neaa and palnfgl menatruation and it cured dm mra dkvkss bajwouk harvey bank nefr brunewlck p i ydia e rinkhama vegetable com pound made from native rootaandberba odntnina no narcotic or harmful drags and today holda tbe record of being the moat aocceaaful remedy for female id we know of and tbouaanda of voluntary tcatlmonials on file in the pink ham lab oratory at lynn meaa aeem to prove thla fact every aujferlng woman owee it to heraelf to give lydhi e- pink ham vegetable compound a trial if yea want apodal adrfea write la lrela k p1ekka edlefae ce eeafl aeatlal lyea alaaa tear letter will ha ayenaat n4 mm e hy s waaiaa and held la strlei oaaleoarc tbe else of a dollar depende on whe ther it la coming or going the average man la alwaya batting in and addlpg to but oolleotlsn of vne- mlee tnaahwabwa nr twiaaaaal eaaaatwa v ji raffl7 mora often it la tbe man who get juatloe that klok never do any lb log ooooamlna tbe retltude of wbloh you have a doubt in order to prove a woman a aalia faction that he love her a man tnuat make a fool of himself before her the eaae with which oorna and warta can be removed by hollowey a corn oure i it etrongeet recommendation it eeldom fella urr vods hbaprr vo voun vathjtb f h thaka tbankfnlnrm la not the inevitable raault of errtajn condltiouv but a matter of datubqrwte cholor if fa mlatake to tdll ouxeelvee thar v ahould ba thankfu if t poaaeeaed thhtortbaty for poeaamlon liae tittle or nothing todtrwlth t hnnhralneay iiideed aome very bappy people liav been changed into dlvoon tented um grateful nnee by a euddrn and uurx jfeetad addition in tlialr income be thankful do n it waate any tltne arguing whether or nut you have ny- reaaoiia for lu iff faw heart in tha fkher of ua all in reverent grail tnjle afitl in tba mere aot of ibaukful neaa you wlllraauae your bleeunge ai naver before f nstopathc nnsrilag ad wnncajc itoavcn tha wjoi nigh laywolpae artwo battn feflb all potion ganaalmadr the vana ajaf rnmoai otber entering flfdh aamfcg banal zam the awsj p fron uw hatlobk iajeh ttwaai ad la a waawamifly aaodawm dw weali fmlkil fzjaaas arffix asovia aamaakaaui it tanaarkable that blrda areao intelllgenf when they are eo email lint it aaked one mentber of tbe baay infurmatlon olub of her chotoeat friend aa kiev walked home together mm talk on our home bfrda tea ian t it t aaaeoted tha friend nagorly why juat thhiltjavei bow very clever tbe euokooe in cockoo- eloeke are and of eourae they are ooly tittle wooden bird tmiqbt she woili 4iielv he au mnraason anoaofi i hftvtaken tbfee bom o mllbum htet hd cm rah ud ab aqir fu i i md fdi pun uound my htqrt v4 n imuatfomtrpaam iwoaldnmydl urbtuhdtob imipcd ap with plhotlikwwm ooodajr iloul tbmt your muborn hrt and mm pbk aod omdtammi nitp f mubumi bqut and htm mb an a oecuolorrfl vier the livei 1 inactive gnttimtioii mm f0u0w8 the dntyof tba ttvar w to ptapam and accrete bile and ecrve aa a filter to tha btood rieanring it of all impuritiea aad hcslthy l e h aufnoteot quantity j mature e provision to aecure negulax action of the bowdi aad therefore when the hver bt inactive falling to aaereta blls in aidbdeut quantity consupatioa casioria th yiiwf yen jlato a loug and wtatrluu umtr tm nae fbr over so yeara has borno tha aiamora ot 1 ftm imttiaiiiwilntitnilflr sonal atiporrliloti ejrtoo lis infkny allow no one todeeole yott in this au coontaiielta imlfaauoa and jiintoaroo4 are bos kxpvrttapntm tluathrffle with andl etulnnnr uio beauth off infa and llden expexienoe agaiuat ittnnrtmiaif whjsiasforia oastorla la a hannleabi anbatttata for gaator oh ntrcv gorle drop andl soothing syrup it la flosaant it contains neither opium morphine nor other nareotle rabstanee its ace is its rnanutteo it destroys worms aad allays frnrorfahneee it enres emarrluxia and wind oolle it relieves teetjitng trouble euros ooosupatlon andl latahmcy it auafltngtes the food i tba sbwaaeh and bowels giving bealthj- and natural bleep the ohlldrena panaoeswsea bco4hers friend genuine castoria bonn the blgnatma of alwav8 u the kind you safe always bought in use for over 30 years a tw upon thla dny lang eaneill fled o rather ha our guard aad guide i v r all the bntodlng nhitlierlo- n yeariltig laodivtir tbetv f ror the oft tight in eblmren then pringtlma ekua aaore fair lo for k indlineea in every golee tltankaglvlng bet ot tbia dear day o gra clone lord be thou our watch be tbou our ward eo tba ivwt eharitue that eprlnaj tfmm out the heart of euffrriae far tle divine in man tba lead to aeintly aaerinolaj deed tbankagnlng be i o iwy on thw hallowed day re thou a liemoon a er our way i ullnton beulufd the ileauty of a olar hkln the uoiidltloit f the liver rvgulatee tbe xmdltlnn of the blood a dlaordervd ivr muh imnaritux f the blood nd thee how tbeutlvee in hleentab- rieonlhatkln parmvleee vagatabl nile in holing upon tha liver ct upon ih blhil and a clear lie i lb y akin rill following inulllgeiit uae of tbia taodard medicine iadlea who will fully appreciate tbia priae qualitlaa of theea pllla can uae litem with tbe certainly thai the effect will be es gratifying kxperieno often teecbee ua that it la worth anything after we learn it wash your dishes wttb gold dust ordinary dishwater only cleans the surface put a dash of gold dtat into the water and it will go to the bottom of things drive out every bit of dot every germ every bidden particle fioid out tieansea as well as cleans we promise you this if you uae sold dot your dunes will be sweeter and cleaner than ever before and you will same at least half the time ordinarily consumed in washing them r oh dot does better work than soap or any other diah- waahiag product and saves ball tbe time gold dust is sold in sc size and iaro ganhflit the large pairfragft maaiia tfteaftar hade bythenkpairbank company limited montreal mdio of fxry soap u oval ok j nnnnnnumnnkmniuimhun a famous holeproof hosiery m for ma woaaa aad glulsraa s u standing far above all other late inventions 9 for comfort and cpnvemence is holeproof 5 hosiery new fall lines just opened up in a silk cotton and cashmere for men and s women neatly boxedwith an absolute guar- s 9 antee in every box get yours today irom i r e jweiison stero4uui tfetllov odbxfsi a oirr 9 oliildren ory for rurrcners c put tublbl let ob daw there la nothing edifying a boot a eorep- whether it le in the out- elde world or in tha human eool a great many youog people never take tbe time to eort over their ambltiooe and intention their p and de- atreeand longloga andwaiu they are mingled in dlaorderly eonhmlnn they amount to nothing mora than a robbiah heap get aome order out of tbe msntal ehaoa in which you ilea and move and hare your being throw away thoaa alma wbloh are detrimental dieoard tba impnleaa which cannot atand taat- jngjgjh basst ilghu wat cih u ttf khenilkatiam thb cause doals c idnbv pills curbd hua mr w h kiley ha writea it is with tbe pleasure that i can kjdney pllla to all suffering with ihcmn aaam i was eo bad with una terribea bed for four months and uouung to relieve me until a friend reconti dean t kidney fill i had my dosbta about them but was so desperate i would try anything surer- led to sac after taking half a box fvu able to get up aad after taking two bows rtnild get around quite wdl after tali tr six boxes i waa completely cured anc al le to work for the first time in five mont and have not jiad a touch of iheumatism inoe anyone who saw me then would not know me now es i am so strong and active sum taking your vmbadtte medl deans kidney pilts are 60 ants per box or s boxes lor si 35 st all dealers or mailed direct oo receipt of price by tfaa t aclbarn ox limited toroato b ojtsermg direct specify doanv marriagei is tha greateat loeideot id a woman ufa i in a man it la tba great accident castoria for hdkats aaa eatlena tutwyaluniuilhth ts easy to put on fibre board a mvbodv who can uae a saw and h can putmo fusrs board the tftm ca uiat takes t place of both lath and platter fib board causes no dirt ftjaa or sad nev on tft on to aart board does not hold up caestruc- fc theoa tm delay wattuuf tor rt ja aanitaor iioiihaerbeiit er of sound warm ia in simmer saws itael why threfer smtttna with hare coid4oaa jsjr piaster walls when you sbhsj bosurd and have them at once get tbe tacts about all about if a see that if a specified in the write today for samples and par- ticulara s the granville board pulp co tamttrd athobolo c twabuf ft tbe grandtlljrftlilwl aawbemar twaikaj ttaa lullosilim lb wkiwh a r a t56 excelsior bakery 1 rirtt quality i mfri taklb weudimu cakib bibtmdav cakcs arc stc just trv diamond mwtealsyriif fine on buckwheat cakes monfv back if not satisfactobv guamnlmm ot purity on eoem tut h soqasn a cmmers i farffrrf for sale at thi bslst caocsas vatltrwmejia warm and strong if you want a pair of gloves or mitts m horadndew calf or buckskin sheep or moleskin be certam to specify storeys in no other way will you set onual value to prove it shp on a storey mitt a knit wrut and lined kind shown below genuine horaehide waterproof and fireproof ju anno for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys on storeys tthe mr henry pearce owen sound out writes ilavin been troubled for yean with coostipamon and trying many ao called remedies which did me no good whatever x was ptnauaded to try mu- bum laxauver pius i have found them most bcn tbey are indeed pit mod i can heartiy tcosvs to an aultering from oonstipsv doa bulbjitii ijliver pjui are m rati pervwxorsvuosrorsiovvatall dcaleflv or niailed dheci on receipt of price by the t uuburn fo iiuri toronpiy undertakers get few jobs aa the r ault vt vaopa dying from brokjkn hearts v i tl atflhasntayoiniinsocenra tbrosf which presage ulaeratlon sod infhun inatlon take s lmiohtotjrthoma bolectrlo oil ada a llttla auga to it to make it palatable it will ejlgy the irritation and prevent lbs ulceration and awalling that are eo painful those who war periodloayyjur to uihyhava1hh mads thai imfduos to attaohr idals n amflhfjk r almmt u j east of lltlog era othrmva worm trying to gueae who it la when the telephone rings provides the woman wltb a lot of excitement foe to asthma give asthma half a chance and it gains ground rapidly jbut give it repeated treat menu of dr j d kellogg a asthma remedy and lb will fall back even faster tbare ie nobajf way meaaure about thla remedy t goee right to work jwtj drives math ua out raaeliea the ininoat broalbliig paaaagea and leavea no place fnctbe trouble to lurk have it by you for ready use a silent loan newer haa to eat bis almost spy llttla 0d roalaurat can poee aa a chop shop there isnt much doing in tbe self fcrveilaswben lnan tovas himself aa be does bt itelghbote railroad man lawtst m tifflflitortflmrilis dbttiokv i have been a pnllmsncomiaetoron tha c p tt and michigan pcntral for the tsst three yean l about fotir yeamagoj was laid up wttb lnisuiq pain in ilia groin very sore bsok bd anffeted stoat severely when rtrledtourlttale i treated wilb an family jphjajlebnt far two months for oravef tb tba bladuerlrat did not receive anybeoefil about thrt w-lwrtis- and who had been cured by gin wllsv alkfr hivinj been givas up by a pro mlseat phflciao lbo tmm hww diaetc he hi now ruaning on the avmadudbperracnrcur iflsytrfsahid futuatlu i uy a woman seldom hi la anything aba almsat especially if sbe throw her aelf at a roan bead cuuldken ory for fletchers castoria what wk ps ajaty the dread of what people will aay aay bangs like tbe sarovd of damoola overthoueands ftutaa a tuattar of fact tba criticism that we dread often oily jh rrfleotljon of oqr aelf erhldsm people who know thjfct their standard arc iwt high that tbflr motive are questionable are vary likely u assume that their neighbor will put into word the reelajiufin they ihamaelvea vainly try to keep hidden a oooeelenoe at peaoe i ths beet inauranca again tbe morbid nnreasonabu dread of what- peop will aay hpu a wit was baaed on aterll eouimnn aense onedw he remarkad to on ol hit aoogiv can yon tell ma tha reason why the hpfdw t est danlair 4 no sir wby wasltr becauae ilia most uf blm waa hash bone and tlo rtstwu grir tbaenbeeb taklns aome moving phtturee ot life on your tarui vptdyott ketch tha hrd man in tnotloor j ilhihkaot t absclanoekln da mtythlng th ii if 1vj i dootot well mr jnnev did yon ust your husbands umperaturw a i unrtitetytv doctor i put tbe bfromooihl cbst and it wlwt ryund to vry dry w 1 gate hlrna -uoflwsraadhij-wail- lotntng if you would keep your rrieod lot tbam keep their money a pill for brain workeea tho man who works wltb hla braloa mora tlabls to drejgeeoat of thw dlajaative ayataua than aba past who wrorke with hi band beeaoae tba one cale upon hla narvooa energy wblh fata tha muasular atraogth brain fag beget irregnlaritlee of tbe atom ac and liver and the beat remedy that can be need la pimle e vege- uble filla tbey are eapecully ocsn poinded for sooh c and all who ua liejii can orrtlly u their power solum people eeeui l he a longtltns just tn splta other people typewriter tell no t a lee but tha same eannot alwaya be said of atenog- rapher cholera infantum we klamea gomrulat orihfann cholera infantum beglna with a pro fuse dlarrboea the stomach become brltsted andln many cejes vomiting and purging act in tbe child rapidly lose fawtiyaad la ooa reduced torgreat langour sod prostration cholera in can be quickly cured f 1h- ht- rf nr wwi nvtri jj wild fit wberry un pavkl a cleve- laod apple river ma write lai t september my little boy four years old and utile girl two years old were taken ona afternoon with vomlfrag spcus and fats fewbofirs tbey had cholera infantum i had dr fowlers ifetract of wild strawberry in the house and oommrnccd taing it the cholera pit ao bad the 1 sertday they jktj nothing but blood ikafrtoatfaingtlwincdicirt nndlnnfcw days tbey were cured i always keep a bottle in the bouae aa i don t think tfcrre 1 anything better for summer complaint than pr ww btitrt of wild straw- rrjr v 80sm ifwll imjr try to mii yott tuf u but for tb good ot jot r culitli kaltb bnbt oa hmyla dr rsrlkra it bu bne on ux mailit for nw isrthwtnril m you m not svwanwwrfirauimmiiedy irice is omto jtoattfaetutwl w h storey son limited acton the merchants bank op canada i every parson who recalvea and pays oat laoney sloe4d have s cbaqulngaccoaot peyment by cheque is the most practical coa veuieat and aafast method of bandung all na t whether ol bnalaesa or personal character the mi am of caacellad cbeqeea am votmbera for every sain paid oat they abowf what dia- henamanla have been made aad to whom deposits are tacelvad by thla dank subject to cbaque wlifadrawal we pay iba bum attention to small depositors as we do to urge oaae and encourage their aecoanta latarest allowed on all savings accounts coapoaadad half yearly s8lam49 jptml assets i acion branch f a maclean manager tot lrsam csxj rort t statham son bakers rvd crochhs main st actoh ilaballisssi gmb ai tortiwats csursta susauw dssmtgnera sad bsstldsars ol btajshts alast iwasjjaa mod li marker end hand stones aad ail uad of sltnatlawaatbat wm hemstreet agent acton sx r- ethgaavtnp kaotjunksraksi yoar chopping will be done qoickl and well on either plate or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills hour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris a co limited overland 1913 models now on view better than ever o li 5 passenger 13m 45 h p 5 passenrer all lull alsss all lully equipped and guaranteed dehv ered in loronto albo the grimm and garford motor trucks sha wovorlejid sales co s2tob9air41taaiauwst toronto automobiles and implements f uu uainu i oroaiojjft agent for the famous ford motor car solo agent or cockthutt and dala mscwaerv and heury plowi and a full line of repauu for plows and machinery a good line of- baggies and harness lap rugs and rubbers prices right also floor oil farmers who are thinking of bnjldjng a silo this year give us a call and get gpr piecp r jf jjty w aolioxl mjimsi i

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