Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1912, p. 2

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mmmika mwj avet ukiiilluli a lk abe jttftra jfra jrss ftlursday ootobkb n wis tiithm wli oatmmrm oarry oat lbe poller whleta ne inlnke lb bmt ihimmu ot m m of tba t a vmntnt awful reeulle of uw liquor benlr end that local option la ble opinion u uur than u abolltloo i tneber wont iwo e4teata na by strjamee whitney whoa bo a n lio held in lb ibimwu of w j neely ooomrviu candidate el tnorndnlw ut ttvaraday wuilx vuurtnu hkikmim brr uue wnek mr j a health of ttwaow ejd to the paw pa i br an effort will h mod by lb uqnor ln uruti to repeal local option bt aetna they triad uw mm thlnf in lrmmon after we bad enjoyed tba benefit- of bnrum botele for tbraa ynar but tba people of green aald vary neeulvaly by an loereeead major ity that looal option moatntay wa never epeet n lteewed bar in oree- tnore again i nam qnlte aoofl tba people of acton wui tak tba nm da etafva eoaree wban urn ota mum on if it doe da jjuubh i iluuun chief loepeo- tor of tba pnbllo atbool ayala of to ronto rkuenlad tba idan of noma work at the meeting of tbagaat huron teeebera aaorfauon and woufa drive it from tba wbola ecbool eyaiam la emphatic womtn in hie dananou atfoo of tba antraatea anamination rfwewan at noma length on tba poael btutwa nf tba child he declared tbat li wn not bnowladfa tbat mnda tba man bat miner tba powatr tbat lay latani in dim tba wbola aim of tawmlng ba wa to kindle tba powar in gaeetlon and dleoovnr tba bant of tba ehlkla eatura umehouu mr and mr shaw of barrte apant tbankafvlnfx bolldnya at tba boon tbalr daughter mr q k puulng- mr and mra t a ivan and fam ily of toronto vtaltad wanda ilia k ivene waa boma nver san- day hr w and mlm olive marahall of toronto vlelied tbalr parent here mr and mr- vnrny and mw mao- donald of toronto warn gnaata of maw newton mlm wlnnlfred polklnsbornn waa boma form fow day mr and mra worn mcdowell abated mr la poldewan who baa baa i lonely 111 bat u rceovcrlnc w am p to bear mlm wlnnlfrad ivana waa boma from onalpb fnf tba hohdaye mr jaaae nlckeo of sarnie la ialtlna ate uncle mr jam newton mlam mary sharp of aylmar viattad at bar mother b fourth line mra wax eowdyead mantrrdotar- uaapaot tba ho at urn bom of mra oo paranta lateagwya mr but potklncbn b viwu hmbrotbarlocrajcbnr mr endma joan newton of faartb ibm in movimz into t far toe winter tbntbaakmjivbjc aarvleaa barn on sunday and monday warn wry eoo- oamfol on sanday morning r mr hnntar of tocooto oo tbaaarrioaaaod iu mr mcdonald chorablll in tbnavanlnc tbarawarr torso eoncrnyntlona at both aarvtcaa mrn olarktv of wo wood anrnj n aolo wbo wants the iepal volt till buvimi would mot tba litowlm puon uinmag f rotu tba sacratary o tba gaoraatown ooad- mltlm wit raoajwad by tba baeratary of acton tiiuaana cowmlttaa ual pri day morning an aetop man la clcoujauns a ra port haw that at a largaly atlaadad puhlic maatlmx at acton but nlfbt it wnadaoldad to patltioo tba oounoil to y b th ylui latbu oorraet wan local opuon ia ibla oorraet utu dacialoo arrivad at at a pnbllo maatlna to which tba eltbtaoa nanaral- 4y war invttad f wa barva n maat tonlcfal and would ilka to know tba fnply front aaum wa aa low io i tbara waa no public m bald la acton wbnra tba clt gmn orally war aakad to dacfala wbatbar t vota on locl option waa ad vianblr tbara waa n maatinn to wblob au imttrmiitj m 0 kft 4lmt of warn in had to auand v aannlfaatly no othara warn want acton la itot daalroua of raprnlinji ldoal option i t will not ba raoaalad dont lat tba uqaor man atampadn oaorbatown with a ralw raport that tapaopla anarally daalra to rapaal what la tba biatory of lha praaant flnrry ovar rapaa t tba flrat plaoa a faw partiaa in town aoxloon to ba tba liquor trafbc mcatablbbcd la aoton drenlatad n raport tbat tba boainnm man of tba town intaodad to taka action toward rapaal and would bold a ponlm ina to inabcnrata um campaign bualnma men aa wara bauavad to ba lo favor of thia nation warn invito to maat a oonpla of wiak anp bnalnam man da not maat only n handful of nlthwaa wara praaant nothing waa dona a day or ao latar on of tba aazloua oora oomplalnad abojit tba nonappaaranoa osab at tba maat inc and aald only two or tbraa of ua am loft to do uw mirty bnalnaam last w dodenra warn i in vltlns not boalnam man bnt all in- tarantad in tba rapaal of local option to attand a moat tog la oaldwalta ball about aavaotyflvn far aa ba waa abbt to jadga ban than tblny qnaluvd votara attaaded tba maatlng dreklad to droulaf pmltlona thaaa hav baan going tba roonda avary day alnor bnnday la- cludad and am add to tootala ovar tbn raqolrad v per oaat of abroatnrea to ba dapoaltad with tba manlolpal dark tomorrow la tba uat day for ming tba pautlon aft or wblob it wui ba pablio propartj and opan to nemt int tbu maatlng waa a atrangn ooa o tba ona bald wban it wa daoldad to rgaobw a emmpajgn to aacnra loal option tbraa yaara ago on tbat oe- eaaloa a eommaaloadoawaaaddn monday avanlng a largacrowdgatb rod tobaar rav ai snydar of brant- ford tectum on what co do and say at homo bat wara mneb dlmppolat- nwhr snydar waa uoabla to ba umra on aoeooat of ulnow howavar a good programma waa armngad and an aoyabm amolng apanu tba pa- tor rav mr otarka actad aa chair man timiaaaaa wara gtvan by mr wm oarka mo bnrmt and iu mr hontar toronto a reading by mrvroy ttaud rnofcaroiml and aploa hy mr oolla mra ourka mr b plammar and maatar frank guild aod mbala by tawobolr on satordaj avaatag aa mra o latttb and mra w hluar wltb tbraa cumveot wara m t boma from qontpb bay mat wltbaa aooldaot wmob might bar provrd aarloaa wban uw croat ub of tbalr buggy broka tha bora which waa a rathar pltltad ona alartad to run away but tba udlaa wltb p of mind tumad blm into tba fanoa wbnm ba faw tba baggy- vpnat pinning them aultodarnaatb thay warn nnabla to mova until aomo gantbhnan who warn drltng pail affmo to i hair amlatanoa aodoalprdtfaam out of tbalr parlloua a fwbrabaa and aaonvlag aoothar rlgaruondad bomanmrdfary- thank- fnl for tbalr aaoapr- jt family manmn waa wu at tb- homnof mrkmorawnoa oa thaoka- gtvlng day wban all tba l of bar family wara p mr and mra m omwaoo and efalldrao mr aodmra albart stavanaoa and mry joa orrwaon ofntltoni mm tamia aad oblmran aoalpci mr and mra and mr john orawaon and bbtmn m frad and mlaa maggir at bom an anjoyabwdar wa apant by all mr and mra man cura lau oorfph apant tba booday at mr j oambw mr mad mr boy waoabroagb of toronto vmtad bam ovar lb holiday mrai oolaman of olaoooa vlakad j mr and mnr n lambart obluraof ajbtoo npaat tba holiday autfrinwawmw to ovary alaetor in acton by tba oltt- a oommlttaa invulng tbam to a poblle maatlng in tb town ball to dta- uta qneatlon in tba arant of tor lip peuuoo balng praaantad to uw ooanollammuwmaaungwill ba bald hoar to which aix alaetora will ba invltad tbaowm or tba municipality ba uatomd up um nnmbar of nam of mnklpal votara on tb uat mviaad voter lut and floda uo namaa tb oaulloa will tbarafom requlm tb abjnatnraa of us akwtom qoallnod to ntat tb patltioo win ndoobt abow uw foil afticogtb of tb liquor intianata lordfaagtotbaptovbdonaof tblaw govorolng local opuoo claotlowa it wm ba naonwary in order to rapaal um bylaw to aaoora tbrnttha of all um m pouad toraoaftba of 480 u s01 it la ahaolatdy oartaln um uqnor ibroaa la town will ba n to anuuu anything uka tbat nambar of voter it la bauavad by um mambam of ih oluaatx oommltto that tbay will fall far abort of vn a majority of tho rn polled at uw election uur r ago wban local option waa car ried la acton the majority in favor of tba bylaw waa so the total number of vote polled for tba byuw waa sttl dobum i sad efunfmi to thanksoving manoeuvres a oljmnb kluad at mjoatau tn mlntnry nmmmtw t mtltaw and vicinity bad a diwutruua termina tion one of tbe troop iralna crowd ed with aoldlera returnltig to toronto bad 4 headon oollbloo lib the o p kohlckt flyer al hirvauvllla at 0 two njautbara of the toronto garrl- n were killed andlu other aiuiuamen wam mfmu if not fatally all the victim with um exception em attacbej lo tba jfhb highlander the exoeptlon who wa one of um in jured wa a member of the queen own rlnae maxim gun rorpa all thh caauallllea reeuled from lb talenoopiog or lha flrt pe an ear of the troop train by lit heavy bag gaga ear ahead of it tbe lore of the impact lifted the baggage oar from it truck it wall enveloped um light ooacb but ite floor pawed above that of the car behind cutting away lb eeata and weeping the peace ngar ba- fora it- tb mnr of lb baggage ear waa driven about throaquartara tb length of tb paaeanger ooacb many of um vicume being oruebed agalaat um and while otlwra war ground ba the two honr tba bodlaa of tbe two dead map war found lodged in um latter pojuon fully half of um injuria war oooea- loned by tba man being jamomd be tween the teal which wm lonbow there were 60 men in um car i um ooluaion occurred all of t eommlaaloned officer and private of um 4fkh highlander tb queen own man who waa killed bad been riding in the baggage ear with noma oomradea of tba r u maxli gun oorp ba waa hurled in among tba othara with um teleaeoplng of tbe the eauee of the accident ha not been determined but i being i overt gated oajrrv kindly- wwrnnjekw i mr and mr david oerty bqaa- ing left tola week for their new bom in hamilton law friday their neighbor from um dublin eeeuoo and a number of friend from aetna to tba nambar of 75 or 80 mat at tbalr boma to apend a nodal evening wltb thle eeumabl family prior to eaylog- goodbye after tba and been called to order mr alex joe mad um following ad t tb mr and mm david oerty mi oarty and mr david uarty jr dear frunda aod neighbor i w bav gathered thia venlng for the parpoa of apandlng a eocul boor with the following la um report of dub lin school for october 8k iv bert stewart minnie stalker and jay stewart equal laura sprowl ju i vsandy mclmao cnaw kalut flnaal joe arthur tbompeon jr liibugibmnebrrolsprowl sbl ii p sarah oraamer bllnor stawarl b jacki wub alio- stewart lawmnoa glbbaaa wkibi relay 8k i a beatrice mclmac baatrio omamar john ormer b bj job alfred fryer pmimmkaomrlob stewart nauw stewart mary olbbena blaoeba joe oatbarloe kally b frank oraamar bertie scott willi kelly bkatmcxm fttotmiji taaahar ommntom wa bavo much to ba thankful for at iuomumwi and wa are e to live in um tbankalvnig aplrlu farwam are boay at their turnip which are an extra good crop fall ploufljblmg 1 not a nearly- w aa uanal owing lo tbe wet weather it ba been reported tbat eome party nr part la lo ibw vldblty have troub led theaiealve to lay ohefrueuone on um road way j it br thought to way lay tba automobile warning have krln felr i ovar for another year tbero waa a epwndld abow in all ole mandartftwooharalmweor prim larjiaobwnojbfoa ooucouoo 0 p aodcbwmn acton imr j ui ibaaf bthg over r twenty varlethavi maear m button f son woo flrat for ihalmavteat turnip mn wgblnn v an ba hrjo waa ibeueturumfaliralr we am now looking forward tauat qnelpb winter fair w am by th p pa that many prhwbmcmanoovdouerprbrea utwo now liianlaa both bav auto aaala bergaoe to oaab aaioiiaam uatmnf i at ofboa or u h p mo laaa aotonoauho yon in tbic borne which f or a uoohaabean cha imd by boapl tatlty aod rrieodablp moat kouisa and enjoyabl ton aa well ea um mam- ban of um family who have left uw family rooftree alwaye proved your rrieaaeblp by good deade kindly acta aadumorrlngoutof the prlaalplr nf um golden rale generally in your intercourse with oa ae neighbor aad maude a yon have goo in aad out nong n during all tb yaara of onr aaoenoa together in thu eectkm friendship i a bower that hloome a all aaaooa wherever found it cheat nil who ahaio it with lia ladaa- oribahm oharma wbamvar it u watered with tb aw of undoea aympathy and anralneh action reftueomtobe fooad ataad i wa aeaura yon wa bar all fotood m iminllili of true meodahlp al waye manlfaetad by you la u mnnity in view of this your oootemplatad removal from um eoenee and aetlvjuw wbemwahave lived togeumr la um plrit of peace aod banoony for o many yaara oauem a all pant of tba moat heartfelt regret we malhw bowovar that your removal willbe mdvaatagcou to you eepeoially la th rurtherlng of um int of yoar ad in keeping um family togatb- i w trow tbat in thia your bfajb- eat hope may be realised that you may have tangible done of oor regard for yooandaleo rou may b in m ofl itoe in the one of whkh yoor thought may be carried back to um oh bom and um many friend and neighbor to whom yon am about to ay goodbye we requeet you mr aad mra oarty and him oarty to neoapt thorn eaay cbalray and you david thia watch guard we bag to aaaum yon that our umogfate wiu often b with yon la your new borne and we prey that yon may aver enjoy divio protection and blearing signed on behalf of all um realdeole of thle eeerion dmtour modouoaxx albucjok mambam of oommluoe beqneelng ootoborwtb lull the chair ware pt minted by mr ptr glbbona mr duncan medou- gnll and mleeglbfaon of actooaod tba watch gnrd by mr lnrne mullln mr and mr oarty and david each expreeeed utaake for um beautiful glfta and um friendly aplri- umt prompted than they had ahraya en joyed umlr realdenoa ban and war enrgy to have to eay good bye to o many watcn friend but elrenmatanoai rendered it nvalmbleotake uiaooum umy had decided npon tbay would ever hold in cordial remembrance tb happy yaara apant in dublin and tbe wqmroiieftvr mr leaving tbero v brief epecobe wara alao made by aaara jnn mcdonald d modou- gall alex joe aod other a vary pleaeant eoclal evening with vocal and lutrumntl number by member of um eompany mlowed and um coo- tt of tb ladle haakeu played an apjoyabw part la um vnln pro- 4awlwnwvn 2 t mfawmnmrr tw m white m far rear uh wrk th rafaniaa otatery hw back again and more bargains i c c speught i comfortably battled iwa in in hi im street where nxlliuiei want will be promptly anp- lied stoves ami ranges gkan1tbwarb imd tin wark 8hblp hardware mcclarv ft co stoves mechanics tools paints oils amu glass cutlery and silverware chinamel tbe new and eery omuneltng graining and dec oraung oaul amd auiaj u im our biout o- c speight rcton yoa wont credit regals with been aa oood aa they are until you try thetn bar- w aaad trial regal panama model high toa comjbrt- ame and erjmh nlgb arcb mlhtary 4joo hecals gjwallace mot ston woo0ooo00oocoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0oockxx uh7fflreh misses jackets we are showing this week a complete range of new winter styles in jackets for gtrls kevermble cloths and color contrast trimmings good warm coats in nattj styles i iifhi abfrtisrmfnts i qche vaptist fxburrhr ijuton- nov r j ruiinill u a paator unuav novbmdkii tfd r mr uaioaali1 a d lb lulu will aalalpiuior u o dj new suitings and coatings a range of very special tweed suitings 54 inches wide at 75c per yard fine whipcord suitings in black and olors 54 inches wide at lwv per vara blanket cloths and tweed coatings in the correct colors and weights henderson co mill st actoa oat ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkoooooooooooooooouh jlc send me particulars ofyour pisetontest will be sent to alt o caquest details e prize contest naaaaaaaaaddmmm e e fedl owr ery lrt ns tew tb phmot ni hnwii v ai on w mmmaahw ma hawtoopaa vctt- a- i to have a tlomters jfj j g start the bulbs now g wa hmira a splatkod a aoftmant of hyacinths and narcissus for growing ehtvar in water or in pol atbrown i aftoa ortfa hnwamdanaddnncinaabimbuni linens for ah homes a weeks spectsi display and sale of fine quality linens we announce an event ol interest and imparlance to every housekeeper in guelph and vicinity just in the nick ol time cornea this special linen event just at a time when ninetynine ont ol every hqndred women have been planning to purchase their supply of fine new linens tntmks to several fortunate purchases made by our buyer while in europe e are in a position this year to place at the disposal of our patrons better values and finer qualities than we ever offered before larger assortments of absolutely dependable linens at lower prices than yon will get elsewhere is the attraction we hold forth in this linen event onr offerings are of such worth while nature that no one who needs linens now or will need them during the net few months can afford to miss this exceptional linen opportunity mens ootluar d e macdonald bros cor wyadluttw ud streets guelph ont dress goods housk wanted for rent amulortalila dvalllni iioaa wauled tar rail hah ubu uktuovt litanuank cream by um up4 cr uurtkk fok churning wanted 1 ftbulcaclta m uvu u klualwlb sit houbk 10 lei u 1 choice mk1kk urn building for bale fo partiaa aba will undeiuk lo dwll 1 lag boaeaa wa will a11 ab 4am i ulldl i lol at low p aaf iwmi ol payment uu iikauomuuu a cc notice ibrelir alva uetiaj unit i alme for aar dajbta toeairad ly tuv wlla ullahtauwa abebilauiwbjauaioea alma tor aar dajbta toeairad ly lh4autab ibmi- o bar owe tram will aatoe daurber nknil 11k ii u htat1iau lost labtweah gol jlnrcvotlu an- ihhhilo- itska hills in allaahad ba ha in coat lost wiu lb najl wba took tb- tawn al k eaai whlal did not blo to blm tba oraad truah ualn at aotos heti aittat ptaaae lea wltti iba aa i h0u8k an i l0t0khaik cor park ami lake a ihuivf f0ksale rpwo waajhiaii booawuvoodf hint qm alabl l baa of lot tb ml er baa bis omdnllata uaawbmli b paruealaiw apfrfy lo r lurlirt kij xilao housekeepers waxol taper por picnics ktc uavaaua kh as i t auar ubuolaeb tor mataa bauaa urn la aaeawimmatlaaet alaaa air aad dwn tlu farm for hale in naeeeaawaya csssh la la aead ataia ajualton pa aaplv o vlllyaoraa smlaa lot uoihooa 1 nmu itm of anbl laorl uj ih unbw tba land for laru aad valuable property m acton fo ba ratnfmmrnajdaeea of tit nadoraiied oa x mala ataaet amaw to borobr ssw to tba hoan to a walmhlit ataro and a ateroowjad roabeat and is good rapojr ttonlttraaammii wllb pomp o kitabao waaat bare aid aubto apuodw dee wllb frail um ooaraotoatly alluatad or bxm aad putualhs apply q wltlilemlttkkalt mljtoo dp huoka la it ii frank e holmes bmbnnttcr and tuhkral diekotob calu day or night at lend 10 phone no ft auction sale lecisteseo beref0r0sj7 uaisflbouaa our fowl i fowl i fowl i m abo auiol uab ol furniture ik sxxb bcton ulu u luliul9s impiemeint8 i havethife good buggies hish i will sell at cost to clear up for this season a good supply ol plow repairs a new stock of double and single harness prices right yoa will 6pd oar awartahal j ot fall mlllliwry wpajor kaat ua aul to mat in tab datrlol w m naty i nait uw basal l robes spreads horse blankets halters etc fcr fall and winter use machine oils of all kinds also floor oil give ua a call and see our line of goods introductory offer a for the remainder off thia month we will- pay- your railroad fere to cuelph aridratnin if you buy your electric fixture from our how roomn jtrandidiplayl lalrge stocki batter tlwin tjha for prlcaaf oorfieandeee isse guelph electric work- roso cb oriayerv co rropa m w market ssr gakoat nnnruiruiriririarinnpi j wedocsdty november 4th 1912 aroueaslavaaatiairlwnua a naalwtton it i yatn prlaawlnnar tanwtaltu afaafdlaaiu wil tae yaua la priaa toroa- taxtftt abbetlmar anafoori poitod bull wpauad bfwnaarfitauer a omitvaraanxanviuaea lewuani aad b kthton area at iwiio w0s1 or ai waetfaa aradli o aravadlolak aotoa h lanwaa at pw o tba jftwwfnra fvatj boov kanu oth suuoa usmboaae train ww llm a tal or alfred woo j aub mtomau aneuooaar mortgage sale aaaadattctnaaaf mo ail ibm will bo oowrad i or aato m aaauaa eet atbnday th dayntftovamoar i ol 3 villaqcor acton at iwyoia iba boloaoo w bapald la thtoy aay bpl la ihliw dvlrfml wthlwilw ud ooodlllom ol ml a j umkihrntwhibn vtmohmhhar j v

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