Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1912, p. 4

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v tklje jirtott 3ftt flrus jiuirsday octobbk st 101- tuinkiko thinm over at night whm all u buk an ink i me in bed and think nod tblnk or thing that i have got to w and da whan i get np mil day ive got to wuh my fane la and audi wlu and eerub my nook end wenh my eare before 1 mi ny breakfakt i have got in dreea and lie my tie got to wuh my fane la and d keep the water off uj dud lui both toy eyes chock fah fteore and trip my h i ve go to wait tui ail f he rant are op and wne and oomm and and flxtbo garter bu toy twee and wipe myahoaa aad win my none i n got io banc around dowfmielrw 1ll daddy lalka to ana and wear bnd rather go wttkonttu tonka kr omili tl pip or ahlekeapox krdlg a dl oh drive a hack than blank a wiwian tip the back till dad ml mother both re eat and tne without nn hreekfaal yl till eulrr lakra har reglar plao and audgee dad and be aeye grace i tui hannah gvte i ha laeon frlrd and aau her n her apron tied and brings tha oruye pot and pad and onda a napkin ring fnerlad and hunt the ppr in the abed and hnrrl taut lr borrow he aad becua ha did i haka no roll and taarvae tha gro and anger bowl and naa a aauln ilka a lrjagha aa hungry aa a eette dog till dad naa raad tha market ebeet before i sat a mir in eat payimo tub dooton a enaart ynunw dnetnr aat feetne hi- patient yea mv tfuwd ha aid gladly you are quite writ again now and naad not coeae brraaawin the pmuawt reeoverfag from a had man wm rv to bear thin thao hi tec baana naaaanat again bod aboad dr bill doctor ha eeld i aint god mock naoaaw vltl yon take dar bill oat in trader tha hn44tcarted doctor nyod bla pntunta shabby dpthee wall per haps i bright ha amid iyraaably br whatuypor radar i roe dtr leader off band doctor paid tha patient proudly we will buy la oar frooot cat yoor houae every evening for no month thiohwih riaup in a quiet oouatry town ao quiet that um alienor hurt a oownawola trmvaljer entered tba ganaral going through to tba parlor at tba back be eamo npon tba pro 1 nogagad in a gaana hara mr slomun ba aald in aanrgt wbjnpnr t two tdmnra lo tba bop sloeihd navar took bla oyaa from tba board ha maraly uoddad ha4and wnlaparad in raply tbta ii right fiapqalat and thoyll gn away ag a onia cor rbaontatlaaa a palnrnl and paralataot form of rbaamatlam f oaaiad by inpqrluaa la tba blood tbr r atmlt of dafaailva aatlna of tba hrar aad kldnaya tba blood ban lttil by tba introdoctlon of urio acid whlob caoaea nuehpatn la tbn- thwni and in tba jolnu parmaaaw vngatahla ptlla aro known to bavr aflaetad dm ramarkabla eoraa and tbflr naa u atrongly raeomasaodyd a trial of thaaa will oonainoa nytwn of tbalr ralna lxtsatatmn pa what la utrrarurnr tltratara ttwrhlna priniad i kmna axpwdo nmfnnar at out jomm tun a good ohm a hootlub lad bad bu lag lajarad at a faouiry and wan irralad liwr wnc itaw by tba dnotnr wlihoat aanah a tral4 iwantl hla umhihtt h4 grat faljh in a local bonaacllar aad wanted har an to go to blot but tha hoy object ad prafarring m b aald thr vrg lar faouultjr finally h ba yk4daw lohla roolhar para aad ntaa lahaw to iba tnwn whara iha fanha bonr- aatlar raaidad tha lg waa duly v amlnrd and it waa found ar to pull it vary aaaarrly in nrdar so gat iba bow m ibr qoapk axprar it fbr patlant howlad lo agony but at but ika boa wm v and ha wa bidden in ajo homa in a fw da h wimtld hm ihght and citd rattn w ttlt dldn i lia do t wrllr ald r j rjnua nld lady aa ibay alarlad bnaur ward ya ba did mmhar ald tlta lad ba pullrd it wrll hot i waa aaa a lool a- lgu bins tha alr irgl oliildren ory for fletchers castoria aaa vrrmiiuga tbrra la nothing a potant aa hot bar oraaaa worm ca tarmlaatnr and it can ba given to tbr moat dalleata child without faar of injury to tba oonatltutloa on hob knua rtbal jaek hoggard told nta a hwg alory laat nigbu kky-i- ha an inlarratlng aur elbr bibari kbonld aay ao ba bald bta audlanoa from atari to nnaab no rheumatism this winter tgggbltinlu t yoa w t yhava qnb wwtltk all crippud up knaay tronbia i then taka oih pitas and row old noony lor good mr bauudry uhwnbtbabclpof tba gin puju8 397 panct st afoatraal p fl- march ijtb 191 itaftordanmgrratplaaantatolafcaw lai paiit i itr lhtr argawa wwif awraww aw fwattw man tka i to fp haumu i urn la iiucuto ncntbm wniqg and a bay hdw laa tenible afflicuca aa ha 1 ptanaalea un arnokt ayatci tbiiinimmm kuaxbuni ock ntauac djmka before iha xyaa jauadlfla bnwn qlobca on mtion gatairii ef tha 8timbaeli e muburattww pida fc iha wunuh ihnr tta aw all tad pqjag malw tnu iha ayatcm and lament aa well aa onn asaackmai alwasltanatfaaiaindecaablionatiha mia weatat uon n b wriw i hnvn bean travhled with valna in iba una 1 bava bad madldna inyo j doetoia bul waa only iwjaavo lor i stheu i ibaa trted udbvria laaar mr pnia and i haan had no noobto wilh bay livor ainoa 1 ean boncauy ic oommentl than to every pereon who baa uvor tiwabhv mae is oenta per tad or wbda jar raito at all dealer or aaaoed ztssi tljvk vw dlroot on raeatot af priea by bumctonunntad fbrotto1 tbct mw out- tpfi qawatamrr papwm vrooxwaboyawcradlaputlog aa tw woh paprr tba baat owrwaaaallfng tha iriah tlaiaa tba otfear tba iriah coau tbairlahtlnma nauat ba graat nawapapar for tbalr printer uaad over oynr two nlutoa ifalloaa of ink in tba naggwk l ahra tnat j03wivjara tba otbar if tba prlntara otba iriab poal wonktwottdot tbalr l on ctpn tbalr tv bay oouw bava aad mora than tbatt haid weak heart aak j a- t ugawggg iw lafgf jtirlf wilawat riy1laww tbipatb one omuaa or an a huge inajofuy of popara troubasd mora or leaf lriuaonwloroitriroiabj little attention la paid to the lught inii but wbr4 lirataru to boat iregttlariy ado ovary psoe fat a wbuo pehi aaaiiai iff alanil ihwatgi lbak h luaoe gnat aiudoty and alarm uulwe tlaart aod karra pitt wfll nrompt urf pndaqt ttbaf fa ab iboaft aqgerlng from any naakripw of tba dootorlng uiaot aaataaaiaj and mem you uut i bava uacd gin pxu3 for about au moalba aad that they bar lone ma a gut deal of good i bava had rbctnujmi for a ooapla of yeua and thw winter i saved myaclf from it fay vmiur gin mll3 i highly ra- ttf- gin pi 1x3 to tha pubuc a bbaudry tbonmmu af bona of gin piu3 ara aald every year through the lafluanoa of tboaswbo bava baa cored and who ttcaaunrodgin plixstotbarrrienda and nelgbbaca if you an aauact to pteumatlani kidney or bladder trouble atari in right now on gin pllls noc a box 6 for lb50 if you want to try tbeiu first wiita for a iraa aamp tonaffenal dnig and cbenucal co of canada umlte i toronto iu 011 hava always bought lllioopirrcwtgh lett a nasty dry cough nnrgalgcw wwwaw urg agg aawwale mra a afaaawtaybt st uarya oc write leal i ary duty to wiita aad tell you tba good your dr wood a nor way plan hyrap awl for my bttla boy oakad wtionpiac cough which left ban wiu a naaty dry hard nougb i took htm to aavaral ooetara but they did um ao gpad aad i notdd aaa ary ktth lad ulmgdaybydav i waa advised to taka bun to another doctor which i did and he told me ha waa noma into a drouae i aa tattmg a beiehbour about it aad s- told ma to art aboufe of dr wood nrway ftoe hyrup aad mva k to nun adariy hhe tbaa got to tatt ma how much good it did bar caaurrn an i got a botoa and gave u to my btun boy aad ra ao pammd with the nwatt chat 1 bought aaathm ana and by the warn ba hail taietwd it ba had ao eoogh 11a h now fat and atroag ad i would not ba without a bottle ba tha bona am aay use w for over thirty years had boils on face ui body taoabw bat ata at tba jaaw thaw varypeinfm thara aamd aalhwtyfcy aad to gat rid of tbman 6 abeoh looowary to not taw bhjod btlo good now for tarn uurpom thnre hi aotlawg to eooal that old aad wah known blood vntr- i wartroufaawl forahthi yaara with boda on amy face and body and i tried jlkiag i timlm taaak of my eriabon told me to dak wijr off of totfeoraawinotiknp4gaumcworm until one day a woman ha town naked aaa why i didnt try burdock haod huara my awaunvat got aaa twotiotlaw and before ooawaa gpaomrabeoa had all dm appeared and i feel hkn a diflereat nonmn i eant tag aoavhnw umnkful i am for your nadir 1 i wul racommand 11 lo auaancring wan jjaniifatdaxwlobly farfthe t emonm wtoaiybythe torahkaont aathaaa oaooot laat whan tha graat- mt of ill aathnia apanjivahitiaail dr j d karinggw i athaaa ttrmady aaaor- edlyaaaarvwathlaaxaltadulla i tbaa countlam ewraa to lie credit which it brings hnlp to ana the nvmt eevare ouiaand hringa tha patient to a 000- dlrionofbliiiilrawaf surely auffar- ing fmaa aatbaae la n whan a a raeaady uka tbw la ao amuy a no ad w an a rule but ahn affatiaadulta dr woode norwav pme byrwp ie a ara ptwvantatrra it taken in tbaa and la a for any of tba efter dr 970010 la put up la a yellow wrapper three pbu tram the trade amrk iwieawamaooaata r uaanleoturedoajybttbet uubura orxljmitadtoroatoont never tntat yooi sojee paopts up and tbalr uvea la try lag to acquire money to apand many a alma high who 1 loteof ejirie inefgo to ebnreh ba- eaboa of the byaaoa nowwin u vala if aba waara ahoaa for her good to awallow hie pride ooaamteocy may be a jewel but it baa no valua at the pawnbrokara itn no awe boaaung of having tba aplrit if your ufa le aa fiak aa oold aoop if your orthodoxy doaa not make you hooaat it bad better keep you ajt- ant laamlna to ba a good neighbor u dandld aoboouag for tba land of tha tba folly of caetlng pearia before pork una la that we ought to begin with pumpklna bnb it lo for lame back a brink rabbiag with dr tboaaae btdcotrie oo wlu ware lama back the akin wl imiwadiaraly abaorb tba oil and it wfll penltnoe tha t and bring epeedy rahaf try it and be ooovlnoad aa tbellnlmenl elakaln tha pain oomea not and tha ara ample noowaa for naylng that tta tooeh la magical aa it e- a popular soprano bt amid to have a voftoe of gna umbra a willowy ftgwrr obarry upa rimatnutt hair and haaal ayaa 8bw muat hava be the lumbar region udiumteftilteus kbe wllaoa 11 wtckaoe avaj taroatovaaya m about fov ywuaagn a a ate ana aymaen uw on nana ida of ay face thle apot inere ta efatn aatn it kaeawa aboat half as inch la attain afar aad ary paldfal i want to a doctor bat tba ointment he gave aaa did aot bava any good agacl tha nam oonuaned to dh caaxga fraaly and waa aaoat natural i had it cantai l tried poalrjoaa and an unaa of aalva but it waa no good and i coatlaaad to aajfnr fiwa u ier four ynarel a ample of gaaabak waa one day glvan to me and i need it ahbongh tba qaanuty waa ao email it eeimed to do aaa noma good ao i aui a fartber aanply knch box did aaa mom aad mora goad aad to ax waughu betere i had a phyalcian who waa aum monad to attend an 4d nilaara wife in 1it lmat dacluaavd lo o illnut bla vlalla myntvnt jtatj guaranlml after much preaaure tba mlaer draw op a document proutialng to pay dr 8oandso tba auui of if he curve y wife the doctor declined to accept tula he could not prooatae ut cure the lady who waaauaevbxxly 111 lut b would do bu beau tba aantauob waa tba allaied to for aaalataoor ki cutr tba n gaad to t turn io epitrr hi- rffona tha pal lent died and lmr buabaitd refuard i par iim- debt tle doia kod boa for ilir i in llecae choi uw ittlr rraad aloud i ha irnn of thaajtreriitent wlib irmi de ulwialioi j 1 and did ymj cute my wile alr r 1 be aakrd at il douli glmtciiig over mt aprclaclre at he firtub n that waa lqp4wlld did you kill bar then t ofoourae tba doctor could it t an oarer vea lo thle and judgment waa given for the defendant a pill that provea lie value thoae nf weak tonaach will find etrengtb in pereoeuea vegetable pi i la baoaiiaa tbey earve to eoalntalo the healthful action of tba atomach and the liver irrrgularitlee jn whleb ara moat dla- treeelag dyapeptloa are wall at qoain wlththaan and valne tbrm at their proper worth tbey have afforded relief wbcnnotlmr preparation v hava failed and bava effect ad curve in al of long etandlag wboro other eaedl are found nnavalung gne way to baeotoa popular la to let other people impoee on you pride and greed and paltry pelf eoond eordid but in aetnal doing tbey are pretty buey oehtlee castoria ter jhfuta an childrm thuaiynbajunpltaiu saved from an operation how mr rawdof pboria ib eaaped tie sar- taonv kaifc ide gkand trim fc rjru m i wwh la bt fcry now wbatlldabfbkbamavthu tfwtwoymua nairaraomh doa- waraaldihadtnor waa tha iknlfe fy malydla na vagal today 1 aaa a well and healthy womna for moo tha i euffered from kftemnmtlon and yonr sanative wash relieved me i em glad to teu anyone what yoor madwnae have done for naa yoa can naa my teat in any way you wtah and i will ba glad bun 105 hound st peoria id iftimek ajao arilfat beau oh naa miiw aw that it waa going to aora la leaa than a ajoath it waa bealadl 1 know a lady ta the neat of the city whoee haaband a for yaara wttb an open aora oa hla tag on amy recommend a tloa banvbak waa tried to that cane the other day when i aw her ah told no that it had healed the aora completely my wanguar who urea ta leth bridaw alta baa nlao uaad xambuk with tba aama aattafactory raault i thlak it la beyond all doubt tba neat aaa na aaim iawa baoh to tha opinion at ell neiaaaa who bava really tried t it hi a aura e for acaa palee worm eata burna acalds brabwa and nil akin lajariee end uaeaeea ftc box all druggieta and atorea or it free from kambuk co toronto ror price in ceae of aun dlaaaae una ah baakbak 8009 lac tablet this is the range i use the gurney oxford when arauaya i ra by ana woman to eueotbar it fau mat tha final tart tba etaimchrart friend of ae gurncjxforrl rang ara tkoae maaa wlwhawe c with it day in and alay out they know how dnpondntilri k w they know that no other fanen aur jtonatant and mnwaryhuj aataafactkan not anmnly in manaement and ajtonu but fat corvhn reanta tha gntnaxford wojka alahalpiitay tor ita ownera peace of muad and it aapplernenta hsr ewery woman who has had anperiaance with the gomey erqawaiaiw cannot help tajlin harfhanda ijaaatiaaactibh ef twins alifetetwadtwauwifira by toning opor doynniiiii aaaat lewar she ten about the flu that aaakja and keep the oven ahraym erenly heated but above al aha b unllmaiaaii aiuut uia rwaa bawwa biwsinta tha light debciotnv bread and paatry tha reaata and fowl done to the quaenataate that her wnoy4jlbtnrn oat tlae gamaeyxibrfordowe it ponularity to tha a fa i a me ntn n a a 1 l d fan w k w i vh i 1 on 1 us j a jeaeon pa after the birthof uy fourth child i had eevere organic lnfuun- m i would have aaritterrtble peine that it did not eeetn aa though 1 could ataod ft thle kept up for tone long tnontha nntu two docfanwiaaridad that an operation waa beaded tben one of my friends lydla e ptokbama vegetable contv bound and after taking it for two moo tha i waa a well wonmn hie ji ltmcs jeaaaphpn wonmn who eoffar from fj ahoau try lydta k phwaneaaa vageto- bbi ooagoaw one of the moat folreaaadias tha world baa ever before nabmluing to a snigkal enarn- taa tawlvwia ulul ha lata iijmaa rat 14 x3 avai ka aa excelsior bakery 1 first qua ity briad comah wmodino caki6 btirtitbo cakkb uttc ttl icai triam call today no on nood a iba aoy of oorna with houowny oom cm at hmdto children ory for fletcbers castoria there can be no syrup so pure and wholesome as diamond brand maple syrup just try a tin from vour orocer vw bane aaanad v net adbab- mvdacaaiy f t- nliinl in ii i by iapn taanm ttwltad lln liil aon aaii now ar j c hul geo sopbb and woodhall bokay t statham son bakirsaod grocekj main st- acton imlawswal sflaw an damgaars and builders otbtataas uaas loaaam woaameats uarkera and heed moaiaaadamatladsnf 1 altsfecawanwat awinarmn awnng halb wm hemstreet agent actom merchants op canada every person wbo receives and paya oat money ahoald have t cbegolng sccoont payment by cheque is tha most practical coa- vardeni and twltel inalbod of baedllng all nnsiiclsl tranmf ihw whatbar oi a boalneas or peraoesl character the retarn of ca cheqnea are vxochara for every sum paid out they show what dbv baxnwnanls bare bam made and to whoa deposua are received by ihla beak mbject to cbeqoe withdrawal we pay the a lo amall deposllors as we do to large o istereat allowed 00 all barings 1 yearly total assets slthmi act on branch f a maclean manager 1 1 11 an automobiles an implements agent for the famous ford motor car sole agent lor cockfbntt and dafe marlawry and htary pkratf and a foil line of repairs for piowb and machinery a good line of bugries and harness lap rugs and robbers prices right also floor oil farmers who are thinking of bailding a silo this year giv as a call and get oar prices your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping milla flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices 1913 models now on view better than ever 30 h p 5 passenger i3m 45 hr p 5 passenger i9m all ally equipped and guaranteed deliv- eredin toronto also the gnrom and garford m qtoy tracks sbavwjpvairlonctsalea co sstooaactalaacastnrwni toronto cint patents uvacwwiabei bfv qaldtarqll acton fs ate nts liiillililvafi jutacaissfflbsl uvunur htustvas i wnrcbsllblasutabaal

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