Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1912, p. 2

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municipal council protests the schools doll of honol hinm in beqoealbs o saturday ostofee ittb to mr end mrs k f nlioct a 4e acinar aauileeo jfteatfl o t ft aitvattvi hom for o h r down cftiuveti mtim t is 1 thi sm3ljclto4 nm a ittioho cuuwsu- wilson atuiselsaee mm oct imeurllrf by tb mr uulli myrtle ja wueoa ud uqu dunbar oessp- bait both of m fnmvmrii ai lb ree d d mbollll urn im mna la asaae daogtil patina renin sw of wlawbsaa tl a dfp ay novell br ye- hands tatbm 3rd j lloutae in aeto a saaardsy rooroiss john u lolasl eo of jharlesd boimm sd u eys jn aiuwiw byurtwmwi ferwo aloaday mb komb r kimui wliw oflut hr ore b a in br owed m oaun at the iiillnoi of ble osleuw jsb xufay m yoefesblr hum qwelpb iisssi oorej torraerly of lkma u hla fast law tuesday aoat assd t ba olswwilmaoaa ml mstiksil thro sad re b tea taar waotmirawllrmlihwl osd sailed ibar borne i u in m bsrta tber tlssui etui had be eased ewwll w knew wmuhtoipuumuo1 tm with et um wwsld mr lord we loved lite lot t e and lb enotn an in km ud psin tne nonere um ad dm lo bbe knew she wwsld bod lbs 11 ejaln in ibe sslda wf ugm ikon pasbkts rhulhday novkubkit 7 101 ditoiuaufcrtma a knethal slibvlfy of ontario dealing particularly with water supply eewegs and drainage of every city lawn ud village esoepung cenureavo over 60000 of population i to be nud by the provincial authoriti through the dlilrlet health officer thle wll form valuable data for municipal action along the llnee especially by lb smaller lowm end village a special mlun of i bo municipal council wh ltld li thursday nven inu i cot aider lh latest mora in th y langla netwwen th o t m ml th nw vlctrla llntt of tb v n 1- rtttarirori lo irncn iii cup bfor tb dominion iuuiy goto mlnlun nslnat uia i n 11 rhlh prupom to orou um nw o 1 r- w lng t tho uaardiuorv anikrim tba utlvr aant u uryira to lowo to roikvan nltomkla aurvny to plac bv- for tba copatttlajlpn tbu aurvay propova to bava tba nw alaetrlc una mtbaq t h t lbt junatlon of of qnwn and goalpb htraata on blgb laval indkrun up cualph to agnaa tbaooa aoroaa lota to ctanrtb and down lba oantra of tbat atraat to tba vallay waat of main stcm tba oounoll protaalad inoat atronbly aalnt thin routa aod inalruould tba town aoliolumr to aand a lattar voicing ihla protaat in unsnutababta tartna pointing ool bat church htraat u on of our principal atraata u too narrow for any railway traffic and allnatbara would raaalt rry prajudlolally to all proparty on tba atvaat tba elallway oommualon u in aa- alon in ottawa thla waah whtn tba rwlur will probably ba aatlud it u tbougbt ry probabla tba original una will ba adbarad to t two laigelv signed petitions bamtubfuho hamtaftuy tftmbav tii pnfiidttiax btvnow tbla waak in ibi unttad stataa baa baw tba graataat political upbaaval in um butory nf tbat nbipn if r woodrow wllaon la tba oboloa of tba paopu for- tbatr nakfc praaldaut no uuidldatn could baa mora algnal proof tbat tba ota war raally caat for biro bacanaa tba wotara raally waotad him for tba offloa bu wlotory la ao daetalva as to dlspal all doubt aa to it balng datar mload by a apirifc of eotnproailaa or by atratagy to pravaat tba auotloa of an inuriopar tb popabtr will moat bava ban vary atrodgly aat toward htm whan aoeh a canpalgn aa that waged by oolooal rooaavalfi rallad to daflaot any larga vota from tba damo- eratio column mr wllaon waa auct ad by 0 to 1 over ool itooaaralt and by so to 1 ovar praaldaot tail ah tiib dayh go by railway oorpor- atlona aar balog taught tb laaaon tbat tba gaoaral public hava noma rlgbu tbay muat raapaot hara la a caar in point a fw dya ago mr juallcs brittoo at oagoode ufdl award gaorgah morrlaon of baaax county lboddaaukgaagaloat tba par afar- qnatuullway for madloal axpanaaa and loaa of aalary raaultlog from a cold aoatajnad whtla waiting for a train at tba per hartjumta croaatog at uarabflald uu lordhip daetdad againat tba railway on tba ground that undar tba itailway acv a nil way waa llabu to b aoad if u nag laoud to provlda ahaltar at eroaaloga whara paaaaogara wr llkaly to havo to wait for traloa tmntw aorantltlad tba boapl tab and oharltabl inatitutlooa act proridna that nt boaplul racaivlng 14 aball ratua tn admit and cara for any alok paraon bronghk to it while suffering from auy dlaaaaa otbar than a communicable dlaaa notion of whlob la by the pnbho heauh act required to baplaeardm tre orpiir- ationof tbanjutlolpillty frtvm whkb an indlgentpereon la adinlitrd tn m boapltal reoelvtng aid under thu aoi i nt the ln hu admlaalon retd- deal ahall be liable tn pay to the hoapltal for ehargea for hie traatmaot and in oaaa of death burial expewee not asoaadlng 916 atunldpalltlaa can arrange with tba hnapltal autnoriea to mahe an annual brent covering lba roelrttelnanoe f indignant patient ooe dollar a day la the nialilmum charge which can be made againat a tnunlolpalljy for treatmant of ladl gent patient h itmab ubknflurremly reported lor aavaral waelia that a petition baa been in circulation in aclon praying the leowolpal council to aubmlt a by law to allow the elector- lo expreaa tbeui ealvea on the queatlon of repeal of the local option by law the law aaya 1 the oounoll muat grant the prayer of tba petition if twenty five per cent of the qualified eleotore have algned if and it la duly filed with the olerk of the municipality on or wore nom berlat laat friday waa the flrat of november since tbat date the pra- aldent and secretary of the cuinnc committee uwrtlng idoal ootfo have at different hcum enqalrad at the olarka bffloetor the prlvllega of a aorauoy of tba patllloo the reply to eaakaaae t the petition ha not vjetr been bled it bad not been filed yee- terdaymttrftlnothnocmher wbar ha beooma nf it waa it lnoelanuy al the alleged aurplu wna ara the llouor inuivkftfcaliavbttd of the petition t are aome who were indoeed to algn u againat thehbrtlejojgmrtt demand ing that their namee he removed vvhat la the matter with thla much ulkedof petition anyway f surely the ouugcll will nof accept a petition thua ujireaapnably belated in naaaa tbraogbnutf the drovlnoe where petl tlona forclooa option have inadeert enlly or tutreleealy been held hack until the flrat of ifcftnber waepaaaed ufa alunlolnal oouqolu nave invariably deourod tuw tabe illegal and baye thrown ibim out trthto appeal peti t ion u ever tw what will anton oouncudowlthltfthauwaayaaoouo dlutirtowlgedtogtettbepreqfaef ri petition if it t rwt filed n ijme no maue4uw lallftl w beaiinejorfeotote aodonioi mm generally will await the- mtlno of oounoll with keen interest the petition of the elector of ibe village of tveorgatown and the town ablp of baqueelng praying the ooun clle lo eubtntt by lawa for a vote on local option were died with the clerk of ibe reepeetlv m unlet pall j- on november uie ftrat the georgetown petition waa laige- lr mgnad it contained a urge num bar ovar tba required twentyfive pet cent and the encouraging feature of the petition wae the number of bud neee men whoee namee appear the town u quite determined to remove the etlgma of belug the only town be tween toronto and guelpb allowing tb free and untremelled tratto in in toxicating drtnke through lleeoeed bare in baquealng it u etated tbat about taieefiftbe of th voter have signed the petition la whole sections of the township the eanveeeere secured the name of every elector called npon it u a significant fact that notwith standing the allegation by interested parties tbat farmer will not earn to acton to do business because they can not purchase liquor over the bar that nearly every farmer in the vicinity of acton baa algned the petition with a view to securing local option in the township aa well aa in the town there is every reason to hope that both georgetown and tlsqoeslng will carry local option and acton will be in line with them joim toobth1ui and masxb itt bjxtoh vubphhu dear air i i am pleased to eea by your laaoa of laat weak tbat the major ity of antons eltlasna are not in favor of repealing local option it u to be hoped that every rlght- tbtnklnv voter will have the welfare of the many wives mothers and chll dren at heart whose homes are made wretched by the uquor traffic if local option has not been a complete eooces why not set about and bold meeting to try and uy plane to make it more aneoc iq the oomlng year or all evils wo are u chnoaa tbeleaaer ind nurely an nooaloital drunk un aeii n btrvt uleme ofan vu than a treat nutnherjiire lo follow ii lloanvs were rmtord wiblur th lempareitoe people every bucstmb in the oomlng contest a ifotulut in bequsslng wovenibtt 4jktyix pajiuabihict opiihs mov mltt unttwuifwwt ouawe oct 81ra special ueue of the oanadp gaaeua waa published yesterday containing the proouxna tlon for the opening of parliament on november slat laat year the house opened on november 18lb tbuu the latest data for tba opening of parlu ment alnos the fall salon were corn- men oed afirr the apeecb from the tbrooe is dlspoaed itf the first question which will be brought before the house will be tb naval problem premier bur den will make an announcement and outline the polloy of the government a vomdural bmstdaim vnrn great big dollars worth the ifsr this season by the family herald and weekly star of montreal cannot be beaten a sample copy of their new picture mothers treesurea alas sb by jm inches all ready for f ram tog has reached ihrlofftoa itoertaln ly u beautiful and every home in can ada will be the better of having a copy in the bouse the family herald and and weekly 8ur wgjer brighter and better than aver along with such a beautiful picture adjjfrr one dollar u a bargain thateboold be token advam tage of it u only the family herald and weekly star that can offer each a picture free with a years subscrip tion people wander bow it can be don yet atulltladqaa and tba people get th benefit i many a live wire gets short circuit ed tb hestmcaen to a pray i going ahead to carry it oat under our greatest trouble often he our graatbat treasure people whjlfuah a ehow on eredtt seldom make a orodltabla ehqnfj lam off honor rupua a mom ths skaiw vjimiary boll hum hllimi 1k1 authknt miuitlk uuiiuol hit olythm oijarf i n wllluiu- u uacdon aid oim ii v nalann cuaelll n kenney m urovn hlghat in algohm if aleodoneld i lnotoplirhi n willi ma laimltjl airy u nelaon jjl clatm cusalk white i andtnon ouaall m hendarwon k clbutu hotr j obrtan olasalllu cuik hlgbt in algvhr k- while in oompoaltlon i andaraoni in ttom try kwhll lowkh w hool sk olabh class i n andaraon cus ii u ilarvay l hcolt ii nruoo iii ii werran t ii od ar son al afaphsraon ulgbaat in spelltng n anderson i lo composition d ilarvay 1 in arith matlc t haodereqn and n andareoo jk ulauu cusall a o brian o brown w johnstone cuaav iflaeelee ii itath g uo- lsod w oougua w hofcat m health j hmltb k stewart l kan ney wray m ooluer a ander eon a brown h bwaekhamer u early hlgheat in spelling a o brian i in oompoaltlon c brown in aril tame tic g wray no on lulldh w ii frriwakr prioelpel b ft hunrfiaiks aaautanl ptmuo scuool sr iv obarlu afcleod st vera harvey sss t margaret wilson sio harold mowat mst bert mowat 90t lloyd ooopar 87 total 800 jh iv george agnew ssi mar- iroerite stwri s34 1 olive mo wet afl harold bead fjbt geortre ander eon aast boae steraman 117 total 800 no oa roll bsl m z bkmmbttt teacher 8ahi henry hunter bsbt alio johnstone 227 1 harold kennedy smi melvln william 218 1 jeaau matthew idi i sutu molam 107 ja iiiluale moffat 107 i agnes dobhls 187t mary byrne 170 1 doff wimoo lwi bhl storkrnan 102 1 beesu wood hall 100 total tflo no oorollatt i wnrra teacher 6a ii emma barn 818 1 kvelyn lawlor and george jarvu 297 1 able salts 287 1 olara onttlog 271 1 ed ward hlpklna 2il ja hoorotby lawlor 817 1 willi smith 302 jeesl mowat and ooarlle mann 800 blmer henderson 208 1 annie goldstein 298 total 880 no on roll u vuoummmu houfaw teach h- i marion jamsa tjm violet gooutto 230 1 blma outtlng h0 annlspaorr 8i willis smith 112 1 jeaau andeteon soo ja icraorg taylor stt geocg rodman 2i8 violet davie 240 1 jss- ale mano 2isl john robsruoo t4l angus kennedy artbof benton and lnaooatll288 total 200 no on roll 60 r b olabk treoher innot nukajiy dgrabtkairr sa paimkm jamee maxtbew franou hurst jlmmu boss jeaete monabb annie lawwm kmeat chorohlll j fblsnta laird mn alma jarvla bay gambto george jlggtoa jao barber margnetito ryder no on roll 00 m b ropmtrepw tsaohar jumioapkucaavdxfaathkkt sa pkimkb marie mnwat nora frowen jlmmle bwlng robert stew art willi huffman laahbnakay ja paikuca jean kennedy beat- rln buir i r lhtttbfrtagn man tmoiimttfc d tmld knnady n n ru 64 m b jtotofaw teacher lata paovikoiax license depart ment la getting after th bote and res taurant husmer in future th in- tarpretatlnn or the ffnaeof tng an offieer will take ongnlaano of passive as well as active obstruction in fact the operation of a warning boaaer or unneoessary duy in ae- oommodatlaai an- inspecting offleer will uy the lloeneaboldee lubu to th charge of obatrooung that omoer in the performance of hu doty tub wkkklt butf eaus premier wbltoeys attention to the necessity ol appointing a public trustee aa an official of the elate on whom would devolve by operation of uw the mr of thapruperty of infanta lunatic and lntsstatsv reason for auob an official is thus stated t at present the ex pens to small estates and poor pappu of the fees ehargea bond of security and the ilk upon whlob a swarm of trust companies anoalauur agencies fatten u intolerable nearly every one tmeqloea he la getting more than me share of hard knocks you will always find that you will have to be the maker ol your own miracle it u easier to be miserable than to be hapny and many follow the handl way am inaluivr to tub rahmshs rnttoh fnaa paaaa dnwr sir i i ilsalra to rntvr nh am phhtlo pcolesl aal ist the insulin raped upon the fariiirrs wl rsdo tvllt in iii arfltl i f wlilcli acini is ibn nattirnl trading nttntar by isrlulo lusi uf euuir tuwn who peralat in quaking the lying assertion that the fanimraaran l g ilng to act n tu do i hair trading largaly nundr hoansa hvoause lby cait tgn tn an i pan bar tu drink intoxicating ii u i ir hlna ihli fctaln been irwaly mad in yourlown and out nf it tliepaet ttw weeks i haw been making a care ful mental and frequently pcrsudnl oaovaas nt all th farmers within a radius of ovb mils of ac tun most of whom i know welutnd i urfy lb defauiere or tba characlera or tba farming community in your town lo naui a bar half doasn or farmers who would lor the sake of a drink of whiskey drive away in in acton to do business to any poltjt v hiru u could ba obtained i say shame n lba man ho would besmirch tbalr betters and injure their town by making such false statement i have ban talking to a utnbar ol my fallow farmers nd tbay invariably aay that if anything would induo them tn oeaee trading with oar tain hustne man in acton it la tbalr repetition of this insult to rtosrssnd their effort to create false impreaelona aa to the bans it iocal option has been to acton and her people i can tell these dsfamsrs nf urmsrs why some farmers are t treed away from their natural and most oonven lent trading plecei 1 through the lack ol entsrprlee on the part of thaae business men who now are so exercised ovar alleged failure of busioaee in acton they al lowed the chopping mill a most necessary adjunct to the farms trade to close and remain closed for nearly two years we were forced to teem our grain to bock wood and everton where local 0pllnd is in foror hytheway and tobtswarttown where no license to sell boose ex ut and when in these p we naturally pat ronlaad the alore there for auob good a aa we needed and had our bora shod and other necessary buckaraltblng done whlu w waited for our chop if these men- had been half aa much interested in keeping a chopping mill going for our conven ience as they are now in defaming up and lo misrepresenting local option and coercing employe loto signing petitions there would be no cause for oomplalnt of the loaa of any trade 2 the uek of satisfactory hotel ao oommodation u another reason for some lose of trad and at wbosa door does thu fault lief it u popular to aay the temperance peopu should buy or build and operate good hotels and why tha temperance peopleprayf are not all the bueluec ru4n in ureal ed f if when th uw cam loto force all business men had united and pro vided good boteu aoton s trade would undouotably have been better 8 i can give other reasons why through certain methods of business in vogue lu acton soma farmers go where they can do bettor not in whiskey territory either but i do not wuh to b invidious if th butfness men who are malign lng the farmers will take the trouble to examine the bsqoeslng petition for local option they will find tbat we esteem that excellent uw fornear- ly all of us who naturally come to acton to do our marketing have algned it if their memories are reliable ihey will remember loo that the town ships uf nassagawega and bramoaa and erin all adjaotnt to acton all have local option the farmers carried it there and the farmers there intend to keep it lu force aa i verily believe the other buslneee meo than tboee named above and all good oltlaens intend to do in acton forcefully yours euqubwku fahu kk who still traje- in acton bqnna nvvmhfrfih 1012 suffeaed with bluousffes and s6k headache calgary alberta juy 8 1011 i was a greet suffarer tor loos time wjth bluuaniw blob jlcedseha and jver troubw knnlngkeemedto do nanygoonv i hd almost gtvn up lit despair when i decided to try rf jluk aftor taking about half box thebe-j- sobee stopped and my ppm4t im droved 1 tve just bnlabj the fifth w and rati uliy loan keaxrrif rmtwa3lhua for 1tomacb llwwr tahl stnthrumrrstlnkaw bteswsfwnm lyth vlg pill oa st tbomaa got fall our millinery you wilt and our assortment of fallmtlltnery superior to moat and equal to any in this district we ar ready to meet the need of any from the school gtrl to the grandma let na have the pleasure of serving you we yel sure we can satis ynuftf- matters of style quality and price mtaa mtve hawthorne main st aoto back again and mora bargalna c c speight ik uomfoiubly wtttad unlo la hi 1m ptmd pnipwm o hill btiwt whin cuitorisi wmit will tw pmaptly wp ptlwl j stovbsakb rajtobs prannewarb u tinware shelf hakdvarb ucclary ft co- stoves hbchanics tools paints oils ami glass cutlery u 9ilvbrware chinaubl tb or ixa my uui amd jim ih ouit i c- q spglght ixxcoooocooorxxckxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxx our specials this week in house i uriishings we have made ufre parchases at advantageous prices and these new arrivals make this already tieavy depart i itctn ubrttsrmtil 1 ttbe ibaplifit hhurcb cton rev r o qunnitu u a mor bunhav novrmflfh ini hav ui ubixkhu and it lulj v1 t itias i ulu a tat umi dat ala ullwul ment very strong both in valuks and kange shown dress materials and trimmings new velveteensnew coatings new silks in scarce shardes millinery made hats are now very strong our stock comprises many attrac tive models at reasonable prices special attention to mourning orders henderson co mill st acton oat lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxx ream wr nillknlnf wanted bvluulr ii rrax ah itsu i uu uvti h0u8k likl ohoick buildino lot for bale time for overcoats men whether it is a big roorny ulster or a smart knee length street coat or a dress overgarment you are in need of we can how you the absolutely correct style in aoth century brand and that brand means something it means expert tailoring irreproachable style pei feet fit and your choice of the first selections from the leading woollen makers of the world we are exchtsfve afeats prices range from to 4w with a great variety at 18 sfct boys fancy overcoats 295 made in two patterns of english tweed one a neat grey mixture the other an olive shade finished with black velvet collar and brass buttons they button close at the neck and are lined throughout these coats were bought at a special price enabling us to oiterthem to yon at each 95 mens clottunir d e macdonald bros cor wysdham ud macdoadi streets guelpb 0nt- drcss goods vnnpaaaaanntinaaai jowers for i 1 p a i start uis bulbs now w hv a splwidtd a b orunni of u hyacinths and a narcissus ror growing euhwr tn wur or in pou g iat brown i jj oavonisr ataravaw h acton oat uiaatirjnnnpddadooaamtstsiai iimma briwvs iurseries i are famous forthelrfine peach apple plata and cherry trees ttrwoav the best nursery soil in canada and ar tbfc targest g of trees in tb domln ion all scions and budstjeks are but by one man and he has in their employ many v ir so no mlstakss are made ir the wrong scioos or send for catalogue or writ for agency they have bom unoccupied territory in 1 your county bb0wn bios co i wmujuid oornrrv oirr naasrsasbnga opposite the post arrioc httfhest cash prices 0 -ror- better ggs si woumaibmadty ohss d brewer only results count i tha on hinf mbova all eka that yaa want to know about th ranti vou buyuou tkat it w31 cook aad brofl and imjm with auoluto ahrftina otbar foature of a raaca nich as irirranlnta nriinnmtrl mr rn nf rniinnln jn able but tb prima nscoatity in a ran is lasqlra in onolring the gunwyoxfont grvas reaaha not now and iban but always evary gomeyoxf ord is asouroa of continual sabsfao- tisn to its owner day after day year after ysmr u enables bar to produce putrr bread roasts tbat contribute to tba pleasure of honialraenlag that is why the guroeyosford finds its ittwussl support among those who have had actual andintfmata epari- a w you wai k j mfrarr- oxford among your bast friends jas symon acton stoves oht hardware notice ibsgwby glva abijaj utsl i will d4 u rw0 slmstow any sebte imirns by hy w f ijiurusussin aba bsvlnajuttmr bad hl konl si bsv n fraa will ii it tatllaai hou8kanl lotrokkalk for baljbjw kent tbb kouae sod u no kai iu iud aasupaadbtfur hotai luowu daaau tbotaw has be pat into sso nowdlii sawltaait owunuuun and s saw wall w of water spp ivtl f0ksale two nabaat bosaea on young mraat ons bu ala rqosu a4 woadebws vita lra and labia u bah of lal twa atbaa- baa bi pawns ooo4 ewllan anawr tioui liosaaa vn lariba psruablan apely t4 vtautkuik vtmos mtrat tt4f aeteo uooflckeepers waxed paper for pic-hio- ktc t pawvasit aoaalae paah valuable property in acton por sale tw smau rile aa al lba aadad oa x atsia bars aataw la hsvwbr oaw lar asts tm keaas la vwlvballl atom aas a bstr uraeuiga raenewtkaala good raeair tswrals a anew ela wlut psaip i vuebe woossba atabsnudiuuf aplamid ai ae wtttt nwotuwaa flua i iiilsilli slibslas hp uourk cuianino auction sale farm stock imf1x- ments flttni tttue ktc tb oadaawlgsad baa was taauwalad wt aall by sablhi a na jmrsv i c hwiok rtamer let a tovrtb lia itri o pnioav nqwpasbur isth akashlask umtauewina bosbas- 1 assa woeklat i samtsea t rtalu a yea ao by oarot rlalae f jeara wttlsv1 sraaa aw du is apu i t sew da la jsaaary 1 1 hsihsid ow sua la jb t pair suas hatns s vam baifasw rwaa yaaia 1 trad bsuar is taosiba ou 1 daawaa ball 1 year sis i dmun baita i ojas aaw bataswulxr 10 h- i wwesa m i tatkahts sow to bmw abool uaeaalaala ihlst- lleaalaa a 1 bliropabl w tb vmcussw esusr ssas drill uaaa la swbmafirtowia wootnwr flailailllllia eluvsim aalky raka aas baasn aslas daii aaluwjer ffaswigsi ow aeantar weetba htsl aaaswvtlif i trsa bsnow w sawswbsat sat w ha prases with auiav aaaar aay botllae ae sasbi asa saakyosaa t eats aaitwla iiai asd a waipthwt- atwwte 1 ss bvt lia a sal ateste w i sat slaw b area a s or 4 aeiwaaelvars awei iftkts wu- a robes a a aeeatltr sraew waa aaaimkuwur t ba uid vsunruaaomaat oaror re patto awsfeaalurawigawanw wttaiara- wood h kate iweawaa u aid swj wes b abairs h aat sarlaa sad a urnpa sswtaaj taagblaa trnli laps rs tor aasiiy a dssb aba milk talk obaaipsoa eceaaa eimrn rauk aaas d o arusraa tstauat frlalksii autns at uta mjum sad uodar oaab over llitt aumutai i waive asa oiv4ii as iuts1 latat aosas ma par deal pwr aaaaaa u tor uar n mae as lbs isras u teased a j bauui o u bwaossmmma dwsunaeair obwrh tsw- injurr b0wmaits nu1serv stock owurwmwsd rr wiix okow ws waat wo mot agents in this county ttaeat w bwanavaa d bon oe ltd legsvllai oa we teach book keepinr in three mooths stenofrapny in six ost your hani on our ustt sjo berfl- fowl l fowl fowl i m auo mlll klta ol furnltuillt tiji swxai totcsi- 110 toronto 6 return muaste i ontario horticultural exhibition tosonto takw aaoaaolna hwr 1su to imi rmimi umll hnwmp uu ims mint k mk nmrmttand trunk agnt ror 11 nnrttenun ilckt otc hts holmss agent aoton ohtain jsm

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