Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1912, p. 3

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wallpapeb new uock dm oeoed i rora 3 par nuddmnu cueta1n poles 4 ad 5 fm while ud oak window shades in crest green aod white 1 lain ace and invert ion calxn and sbk ouk new stock geo hynds ontario real estate mey ta ian at lowest rmt af latcrtsal large uabcr f far far uk cavea dwelling and tter rraery la all parts r car ta wa we kae very lactllty far tnuuaeita rar haslnea la yaar walelti enuatnctun j a willojlmbi kbe tton jm r5 thursday novbjulfclt 7 101 bjuef local items the wild mm u flying south ward now for old oahlooed lonlao oekvllle ratepayere contribute ihimum for echool purpoe ibis year th elector ol jtorgtlown will vote on ih hydro kieclrio by uw aast monday the fine weather i much a pored mxma by th bulldere wlui out aide work it hm been decided to defer aub- llttisg a local option by uw al janu4eea year mr o j btarret km void hi farm lot 37 eon 10 bequeajog to mr lo mnbrid of terr ootln rsv j w ii milne oftuw of boston cburhkqulng m aa eooepted a call to weetou l antopnrau are in an shape for falbsn church bsnaar on friday ao4 saturday s2od and ssrd lost p 44 eerie of special eervloee will be fchah in hornby presbyterian church fioanof 18ih to jolh inclusive mr c symon pastry 000k ha rm4 from mill street to the ijpwalsou star la th rear of bendemon rooa tb floor and food store on willow sybu t u being brightened up a new ltnwt glass front la emot tholmprove- at too but meeting of tho oooniy f ooaootl mr j o wllaon road super- lulaooeni wa giving am increase of linrnawry v mr chester mcbaln lotso con 6 jrssjtejwya baa a gooo that baa f laid elrlcsn gg alraady thla fall and j la attll laying k mr ivm digby colporteur of tb bllfta society delivered an iotrst i os addraaa at tha mathodul sunday bfihlhrl o pday ifurnooa aeton fir brigade will bold their aanual ball and supper on friday i vaolng 6th december modermolt orchestra goalph will fumlah nauale in oottoam olfloar modonald raporu sf raaord boaloom at tbo custom oflloa lulilraak oooda aad eoaiaaodiuaa to isua valoe of ovor 100000 war paaaod y tha uolon ehoir did not cuafloa thair alogliig of tha aonpa of zlon to tba ioralcnara laat sunday afternoon but oiada a tour of beardutore oraacant aa u wall- ww polkia masutrata ublalda ioaktlue aant tho a gordon 1 oantralprlaon for 18 month for beloa drunk and dlabrdarly laat naw- 1 mr nauon mclaughlin or lot x7 if ooo o naiaagawaya loft at thla offlca lit oo monday a grayatono turnip which 8 feat 0 inohaa in ciroun news of local import owing t illnnaa iuv mr ivoloa tl kuff lolaal ti lu tba t train f houiharn korope wlin waa to ddrra thout paoolo in aotunuooday evening w unsbla to bebara ii will apaak to tha foreigner la the bapuet church neat mooday vnlog at eight oolook tbo quarterly aweranfentai aarv of the uethodul church will be held t hunday the i tout will b ooanrvml fn lb hcfcool room all iii a the macrankent will beajnlnuvternd it e of th eeanlaa rio he cbaa x brpr tha paetor will preach at botbaarvloaa avlllaajbddoo brtdca tba large arch 00 tba high level bridge hav been eoutplataly oeosantad and thla include tba ooluuna i bat run from ash rob to the floor of i he bridge carpeotara ar now buay placing tba forma for tba beanie and considerable of theaa ehould bo oon ireted before tha winter weather atop tba work it la now pratty certain thabrldg will not ba nnlebed thla r oakvlll ktar kurl dal lawaaa tbapoat office department ar aak lug fr teodara fur another rural ntall delivery route from aetaat thla route iii he eaat and north of tha town it will proceed to lb fifth una thenos to th town hue between kaquaalng and 1rin ecroa lu the alxih end up to uriah n thenoa to th fourth and rn to lb town una over to the third and back to acton the route lll cover a bvrg are between acton and ilalllnafad and uorihward it ntalu a dally drive of 25 mil mr n p undaay a fine new jaelflnnnn la nearlng couiplallon it uoo in tha hand of mr walker flu tha palate and decorator for ibr qnuhlog tooobea i tbtsogh uw ghoullah work 00 jiajlowaa tba caaidoau of the aaat scfjtal hlh tbo baao in darku jllwjp wlh p l rapuoatbaatolaoump ii you are oar hi year or aga and andeftnyou are liable to tba payment kt of 00 poll tax if not otherwlee coo ffi uibutlng to ifb umnlclpai axchrquer tax oollacum- harway baa hu aye on you the pew rural mail delivery front jkotdn to craweoua uornara and 8py lda will oooimenoe on the 15th loat j moat uf tha new government mall boxoa at already plaoed by tha fmrmara on the rout the reaialna of mr ilouaton of mlo mlofa wife ef john ilouaton formerly or tba erin advocate were interred t itrln 00 tuaaday mr honatoa waa a auur of mr george bnktoo georgetown r tiualph boya ware up in pohoaoourt on monday obargad with uallowaan depradatloaa tbay paid uteooataof cou 1000 foe damagaa tha7ban and roelved aaound hetnre front the maglatrata jtae atunelva improvement at h ifoaataa church are lielng oompleted jiitmu oordlnar and wardao are ajldablnc lb interior painting of tha p woodwork mr brown tha rreaoo artlatlo baa completed hta work the appearanoa of the aanred adlfloe hae baan tranarortned in their periodical vlalla u ijocal option territory two member of tba provincial ataff vialtad aoton on ht irday evening tbay bad haen inforcuad aom time ago that liquor a being eold illicitly at the bom of fred porter main street have bad tba tb premlaea under aurvaulano for me time and datarmlnad upon a amid saturday nigbt whan the otfl cere called bat warn nine and ten lock they found porter and hi wlff in tha bouee aloor but ae an eight gallon keg of lawr and eaveral bottlee of whlakey and gia tba case 111 come up for trial in a day or two h jmmaa ef ja ctbmi eh rav jaoaa wallace m a bd of lindsay bald a ooofarcno laat tbura- daylnknoxcburcbwhan be presented and explained the budget of tb church in the dominion tb ehoqoh author tie ar aiming to relae tl 800000 dur ing the year isis for th eebeanaa uf tb church mr wallace ahowed thal tbla will ba aooompluhed it each family la the church will contribute average of uo par weak to t general fund bepreeentatlyea of knox church 00 igrvgmuon and akwof tha coagregatloo of naaeagnwaya and hock wood were pr be j c wilson of acton and j h dodda of rocbwood alao edrlrwaad tb meet la aaeaea aaatlanaatalrwy oaaap laat thursday th workman at the flnlandere construction camp on tba line of tb new canadian northern electric road 00 the uarvey farm wast of town had put in a bleating charge uf dynamite in tb rock cutting which failed to as plod aa expected two of the men went up to examine tba ruse and whan near the charge th lingering explosion took place both men renalvad painful injurlve one had ble sualp badly lacerated re quiring six or eight stitches in dress ing the other sustained a badly con fused face having been struck by small pwcoa of flying rock dr laha who la the surgeon in charge of the ooaatroouun eampa from norval to bden mills dressed tba wounds the men were both able to go to toronto 00 friday aad bar slnoa remained vritb mend there postmaater matt beef recelvad laat wash a preliminary sheet of plana of the ground floor of tb new federal building to ba erected bet it la a commodious building about 40x70 and the arrangement of tb intaror plana show that the comfort and conven ience of both the offlca staff and the general public have been considered mr u at tba we is making a few ugges tluna but for th most part tha plane areverysatlsfaotory mr m m gibeon toronto of the public work depart moat waa her yesterday surveying for location of thanew building exam inlng foundation oondluoo aad secur ing local price for material th new building will b located ten feet back from both mill and willow btraeta fallal una end csamlnnl dssai nation by special order of the municipal council a toward of gavoo la offered for evidence which will lead to the ippruenldn of the parties guilty of tempering with and destroying e num bar of th electric atreet lamps and globes and stealing others tb malic ious depredation took plea on heilow- iajht after tb currant waa turn ad off at midnight four of lb new uydrorlaotrio globes were wantonly smashed and nearly thirty of tha atreet electric lights smashed or stolen detective ar on the track of tba destructive sands tha i an indict able offence and liable to imprteonmen for two year the criminal code aayei everyone guilty of an in dtouoletoflvoevwho wllfnuy destroy remove or damage anything whleh forma part of or is used or employed in or about any slectrio light 1 phona or are alarm or in lb working tb flrl c nl bacon j t tl ion and hull morulngrln oulpli a attain i uf tha newsrch iiittlr f welling m ed yealeilay d will r nil tf today tuple i fimrl itrl to the oburclhra and monday 8c h u are being dwcuaewl he ur wtlklnaon went up yevlarday morning and a drlrgatloo of sunday school workora iii attrnd from acton today the ouelph mercury maya stdvon iver pleaded guilty un saturday lr cbaig 11 tmhi uiid ui uf llqiwtr wltlle tl lhe pmhlblted lul when brought beta the magistrate lie claimed a friend frout act on who aa in the city gsve htm the liquor magistrate haunder imposed a fine or10andcoet win ha lu coewpeaiwattoi an exchange ay winter has ita joys the files are gone uidluemos- qullona no li ngtir proeent their bill the laugh of lite iceman ia at tiled and tba dust no longer blows aeroea your br carpet tha busx waggon i alee ping thr hteycle ceaeae t konck you off the aidewaik the chickens do not rooet i 1 y ur rower garden end uie aummer girl does im t hold you up for ice cream ttaeua or aire hv m v cree b a the ramaina of mr m f uree b reached acton front nnrwood yesterday morning fi r intern ent in kalrvlew cemetery thla afternoon at two o clock mr crse had hen 111 fur six oonlha or nture from lung trouble and during th last fsw weeks bad rapidly failed 8 he waa the danghlrror archibald sinclair kq lot 10 coo h tfrin aod was married nine tears ago but april to her lierrft ttuabsnd mr ire waa inueb lie- uved in linr glrlbotde hon and aa the wire or a inlnuler waa well quail fled for the dullee and opportualtleeaf tbst position winning th love and eeteem of the people of the congrrga tlon kev mr crva entered on hla charge at norwood at hu ordination rly four year ago and mrs ore accompanied bint to the new dak witb an interest and nthuelaui equal to hla own flier wvre no children in the borne haw either mawlltan arala a very interacting llluatratrd artlcl on tb art of mary lutar hamilton by miss florence r deacon appeared in the canadian magaslne mr klamllton leadaugbter of mra charity riter of miami man a native or acton miss charily zimmerman mr hamilton ba had marked uo- oaas hbe studied under ovorge a held and wylla crier toronto and then spent eight yearsln thselodio of france germany holland anavwther eoropaan artiata her ploturea hav been given place in th salon at pari repeatedly 8he baa also ahown at exhibition in montreal ottawa and winnipeg under th gracious patron eg of her royal highness the duohrasofoonnaughtwboal o bought three or bar picture mlas daw oon in concluding bar mo t flattering article says mr hamilton paints wiib distinction with delicacy and with grace the future depend not upon bar capability of that th has plentybut upon bar health and ohuhohill the harvest home aevioee el churchill proved to be vvrltlble ld time gatherings and were much co joyed by the large audience which eaeemblad both on sunday and monday evening hav r u llurrelt b a of acton preached two much appreciated ear mona and it was good to as the old church crowded to hear him in the morning hi subject waa tha mother hood of god aod in i be evening the value of human life the congre gation appreciated the earnest well delivered sermon by mr burrell the tea- meeting oq monday evening brought out the countryside and large contigent from acton swelled the attendance itev mr macdouald was the chairman end flv pithy and and interesting addressee were deli ed by rav wilson draper and bur- rail aoton clark rockvrood and mr digby the blblu colporteur the musical programme was aplendldly presented by mlu bmma burt actou mr clark and mrs plummer hock wood and ur mecutcbeon oapringe orcbestrai number were given by mr and mr jama moore mr w lamb end mr a t mann mr sanderson of hock wood recited very acceptably social and personal ir thoutaa ubbag la aufllcleiitly iveml at to liealiio to walk about to- gal wii otnmor and uahmi apeut day wiib mr mcro at tha tram p da mr frttdfimlth of the metropolitan nk ilwntllloo la home for a few weeka hi imay john anderaon wlndeor waa gunatof un j k hmlth at kalrvlew inacn yeelnrday ml tcrc ktieppava and uiw maf garei imlmirl of guslph visited aoton frieuda laat week itln flwackbamer left on tuesday for kdraonton to spend th inter with frlenda lhar mr and mrs arthur lelog and their two sons let on mooday for their new liume at santdiego c and mre wallace fran hum or wlnghetn war her a couple of days at week 00 their honeymoon vour mlasmary lennon of hlairord has haa rvtunied h init after apending a few days with her friend mlaa nellie mulholland mr oorge murray ssllad rrom scot land for actou laat haturday and te expected back among hla frunds bare early next week uly rrankum and mr george billot attended the wedding of mr wallace rvankuui and mia ago fennln at wlngbam laat wednaeday mrs c h smith mr allan km lib r frrd hecord and mr h p moore m u rod to coalpit on tuaaday to attend the funeral of tba ule jamee mr john itt barber waa taken aud denly iii at north bay laat week mr f j barber and mr he no it barber left next n rnlng for their fathers bedaldr norgrtnwn herald iuv dr maclntvr ft r thirtyfive are paelnr of the ilea ma v ule preeby lerian church u aeyerely tl with pneumot la i the hums of hla eon ir clarence maclntrye at milton a s smith mr and mrs jobp it kennedy and messrs a m smith wallace attended lb jubilee arrvlov tendered rev dr b mullau at fargualast week mr honsidslnclalrandmuwslacuir were si norwood during lhe week tb deathbed of ibetr sister mrs rev ore much sympathy is felt for the family bare in the sad bereave ment meear tbo wren and w anderson arrived bom on saturday evening from saskatoon hask where they apent the aummer working their respeciivc trades they did wall and speak favorably of this rapidly growing western city ulunafad tb securing of p and mies kelly of ulph the woted wooaliate and musician a fur lh entertainment iqtheprnliyteriaiicfaurchon wednee- day evening xkb 1 tat is iwunwts of a most enjoyable evening and aleo of large attendance in addition to the musical section of tb programme reseea will be delivered fay revs ar llndayanddr mearthur of kri tha programme will be preosd ed with a lea in th ball from six to sight th newe that we are lu ttav rural mall delivery in thla aeetlnn by itout 3 from aoton is very aeeeptaele to lb farmer end their ramllle th increased patronag of the telephone lines baa aleo been a g con venionc to many mlaa huay bennau is enjoying ber oouree at maodonald hall guelph croat aorrow 1 felt her by the sad newe of tb dea of flora sinclair wile omtc m f gree b norwood on monday mre cms was highly eeteeeoed bar in ber old borne leral aynipethy la expressed for thf sorrowing husband in bis ear ber- maim esd n m casta two new iruggles both bv4 auto ewala lurgaloa to cash buyers w 3 gordon c symons batblr xl confxctioner sou makers of fja acton pork pie leriectioa homemade bread try oar 10c msdlera fmit cakes our faff pastry is daucloua aeaoroneni of cake and pastry fresh every day all homemade wedding and birthday cakes a specialty coalrctionary nuts etc ku okdkrs dulivkrbd wluow st aoton a new telephone directory tpe bell telephone company of can- la u soon to print a new lento of its official trlebbone directory for the dittrlct of central ontario including acton i arties who contemplate becoming aubaenbers or tbna who wish changes la their prcsoat entry should place their orders with the loial uaaager at one to insure inaetion in this issne coaaactias coeayaaa should aieo report additions and cha in their lilt or subscribers either to local manager or direct to th special agml a department montreal thm bcm teuphntaa coam4aavy of do you bbauzb lhaprsseat greatsm la the history everybody who has the lead is pla or prspuiag to phtai wat want mow lot fall aad vriaiar aafl la acton sad eerroaadiaf dkttiicl good pay isclsslve territory sad all lbs advantage hi isyimallsg aa old establlsb- ed brm over 600 acres eader cablvalkm baiablhhed 35 years write rklham ndi3eiv co tereate oat haltom oodmtv wlmaaeuixb a branitlun auto parts th hank at lhe twelve ilmls alroul a rear eg 1 and than r treed eult against hecoutily claiming tb railing wade feetlv judge otwham dlmtamd the base agalnet the driesr end owner of lhe auto claiming ther waa oarelaaa but alfowrd a pasaengsr in the mnm auto dsiuagew both cafcee were appealed and heard bcire juatleeehulock cluua iucv dell tb result la a clean bill for tba vduaty the claim of bulb owner and occupant being est aatda slck himclavcxscla am not caused by anything wrong la the bead butlnrcoemipattonbtuou aeee end indlreation lleadacbe p or tablets may deaden but cannot cure them dr morse a indian scot pule do cure afck bead ache as the sensible wsy by removing the constipation or eark stomach which caused them dr more a india root pills am purely 1 from ay aarrafal when you fee table ire fat dr moraea indian root ptlla okt n wir rr pays elliott experienced block cutters wanted al lhe waiarloo clove mstnttactarusj co steady work gaarantaad all lbs year emend ad drew watsjiloo qlovb mfq oo green grocer omfort boap paopla ar uf b judgjaa sasmttt in das long run thata why comfort will give 500 to sick readers of t free pres fanoos scientist who britroted tke now wonderful home treat ment- offers 1 00 packift free to sick and auiof in order thai avsry issder of the faaa ka who may not hav heard of thla wondarinl home tnmlmeol tnfev have an ofiportnaliy to leal 1 hla celebrated a ad i ctae lhe now fainooa actanilsi dr job s kldd ouen to fjwsheolotelyfiwa stall tiqopaaliag lo five hundred raede of ibis paper lo prove tb wooderfnl ctsims which have bean made for it fa tasking ihuoowlbaatiaallu mid i know that ther are many psople fsrlag lor yeara vdib tot aad tnany of tbstn hare r amavy la laavlng a care i knew that theaa people hesitate abonl la vast lag m la tnatucle becattse tht have daspairad of ever gatliog wall thousands have laid ate that uary end many thocsends of the seats people be told ate eiter war that my ityntnaent bad cured ihem anar doctor and svrvihlng ah has bjled i want to prove to a limited aambar no ntatiar wbai the dusssa no matter how long they have euf isred no msiter bow bins and dlsconraged laauy tpllablb hav been reported u iaepl who eanar froot itiwomatlam kidney trouble stomach trou4e mvar or ilowsl diaowdere cstsxrh llroncl lit asthma chronic coaaes weak i i uuabago llloa urinary dlsordeik tnais waawnaiiei of ear kind ihn wctk worn oai broken down and daaptmlani will be daugbted at the effect of a low dueaa thla wonderful treatment ere lea a foe appetite sad help ibe digestive ntsna to carry on their fsnctlona aa they al ogtj it wiwngihsns tb kldasya too an j drives ms pofaona iron the uoxl at u by thai h why people wl try it will nr la crested ao tnttch exdiement by luc i obtaia sbsolutely free a full si w lioioieat by simply filling in lb coupon 1mi w ir srlting a letter owribisg their caae i i tlwlr own words if tbay prefer and mailing it 10 day to ismes w kldd turoniu can ada no tnoea need be aval and no charge of any kind will be made aalbwoasr la umitsrl you alioul i wilt st once in order to be aur lo recelva your hakunsivlcir horjontq cuuu rrutt merchant e ktcook la rvoalvlag daily fraah vsgwabls and fraita sad aaua them si rsssoaable prices forbign fruits a spkcialty frbsi1 fish tuesdays a fridays taout amd hxaaimi tav oua fimmam llaitnix coon dntvuid hiu qraxxt acioa mosrwtnlst heaarea doikue bawanl tor aay tbalasaaet be eaisi by balls to earry oat say otolaauoaa kanara xnufsm a msvni wneltsale prnsrlaw toiaa 0 pssir5s2smsa llyjfllmfva eaaa j wavayiaqjfl uommumi leueotewoiaoeijr residence lowttor t putarlu ilottnsi tha following i lome school report for october iv oiajui margaret snyder lottie jnhnelbn anole snyder iii clabh laura mcdonald john watklns edna jobnaton herbert droq robbie dunbar 8b uoulsm amn ryder isabella watklns mslvln durthar willie mc donald jr ii olajmoarolina ryder rffle mebacltvm blmora johnston donald mcdougall hugh brown sit i claim wilmer watklns itol ly mceaobarn jit i clajwjean mcdougall alex mcdonald cahm a pearl mndonatd jeeela ryder ltoy jobtiion gordon johtv- ton angu mcbscbero joemodon aid nkli ik a jahtuht teacher pcash of x in the death nf jama qoldle fjuelpb on uunday morning one whose nam u familiar itialmoetevery horn tn this aootlon passed away mr goule waa a ruuv of ayrshire soothtnd and raa la ble nightyeighth year he eettled lo guelph in 1bs0 and for more than fifty year oon d a nlimtgblwuam srfarcirttg grown to be on of tb most auooeeaful in ontario he we a man of on hustoeae oapaelly sod occupied numer- oua posltlooe of trust he wa- preel dent nf the mllhrra and mannfmotiirara lusuranc onaipany attd vlceprel dent ttf th walling ton fir loturanfte company h waa a member and a llbaral eupporiar of hafjonngnv tlonat churoh hi wlf peaydoeaed blm four yfar ago slirea soils eur- lva the ftuieml on tuesday was largerynttmmled 1 he clydesdale stalltaq royal pritoce 2814 wiutmmtlm dominion hotel stables acton bvbky tuesday arriving about noon and rams icing until 7pn1 txsue tu insure a leal in pajrsbie tu rebruary tytj al seddeatsto mares al iruk neil ailuks proprietor no cure no pay applies to all watch and clock repairing done by w h foster hxpbftt watcmmakbr wux0fra otj etako gcorfttowa onttrto lontario horticultural exhibition i toronto nov 12 16tk single rmlwiy fires frm wrwerxtg fuowcrs rnurr veoetables honsx the annual i soculeventi imptjement8 i have three good buggies which i mil sell at cost to clear op for this season a good supply ol plow repairs a new stock of double and single harness prices right i robes knee spreads horse blankets halters etc for fall and winter nse machine oils of all kinds also floor oil give os a call and see our line of goods b f caldwell actozx now ia urn l hue lo take advantage of a trip tu a milder oil mala and escape th cold winter month hound trip tourlat tickets are issued by th grand trunk railway to california mexico colorado pacific coast polnla and the snnoy south at inw raur giving choice or all the beat route features in connection with this rant 1 onlydwwv track luva buffalo aud chicago faat service modern kqurtyertyunexoelled din log car service 1 fmailal klrclrlc lighted ptillntau bleeping carat all clement uf safely and comfort aot nearest grand trunk agent f r lull paruoujar or arita a k duff d p a union station toronto ontario qh taitirdtfc ca3toria montreau thb standard u th n- wmkly nwimimir tl 111 dlnloa of t uiwlfc it l itauoiull tq u ita m it uw tho ritat rxpannlv nujrav llismriimornir6dtnowspl 11 uvw th wtlrio llfuelmjar crutully mimiwi j ii rtltotuv pollw la lirvllr lndtpndnt 1 a vlmorlptlon tu th stmdwrtf coat sim 0r jar to any ur cutad nrltajn s l jry it1lt 91 amiraal suiialanl asibllahlna 0 i tfrnltadi pammm showing today the latesc and newest effects in stylish soft hats from 8 to m0 i another shipment to hand of oor famous special stiff hats at r nelson coupon cb76 fob free dollar treatment a rrom vrtilofa fmul waa woann troablv ovarian vrooww ramtsll baailaedovml olm aay ouhv artnataaaa en la alt la 1111 mar vjbe- w 16e metropolitan bank head oihca toronto oat mxjooojooajoo aiathvwxxoo savings department accounts of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch t a halsted manager 5 daaddaaananeiddarjnadndaodatiaaandnaaadhhamati introductory offer for the remainder of thla month we will pay your railroad fare to cuelph and retm n if you buy your electric fixtures from our show rooms grand display 1 large stock i better than tho toronto prices com and see js6e guelph electric works gao e b griayar 8 co props s w haikat sum oaalaa oat laaunjaanaaiiauuaaunaunddaaaddtlddbtninadaoannaaama a jrai qeo d tmk jawliav m i pringlb la now ready oj your watch and clock repairs prompt- nes juid good wolkv la what we strive to give nickle alarms put in tho ough rood order same new for m cents gubbhont j 1 bank of hamilton tbb utcaallv lo ihrut that a savings ac cottal lives jou ta tyvett more valaable actiwlhitsnmt ihataccamulaleti theh upon tba deposit the habit of saving aaaui lag comtcreia old agela as easily acquired a the hshiloi spsudlag bsoawglervicela lb t3avlaa dapsrinient of ibe bank of haotihoniiaa efcarsly orered a ibe nun who deposits slew dottare a month mpo- okorubtown branch m meatajr

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