Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1912, p. 4

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9ut 2uton jfxtt ffress riluradattlvbuora 7 1813 awalsa vh i know what it u i am asking for a heart lhsa la free from gull i dealm to bsk hii tbt rwt f my days in the light of at h mil wiiown mull i know t hv aaksd thai vrlri thin ilot not a a nhlld might have dona i have ukod for your l wn in sobsak for my own r voloh no otlier woojkska w uke a man i have i mtlnned the i am wllllns now lo stand as you ask ko thl you may quaeti i m i arlalnly need a onok f r tuy fond a animlim fur btunklnip d ahln unlurnlahil i- ll king whloh yoo seek ilul ronwrulior y w never mul flirt- i ii roin a- klttjt n th klnipl i h im and reign a ft- i king ahould i dot drat iwani yn i be t qwen ami then 1 n ight ay it la good you are yi nn anal fair i ye know ymi art and i fcn w thai your be uy wll failoi i will u then mid autumn van ak la tny heart an ocean dorp la ii rrro rrom ronh an i ahoal r if you ii launch your life upon it lid vi i ii nod that hoao a your sjoat i ii bn good and awohimoot sotuatiom what the mur jlngler asked luwkeahee v 1 wotril i em worriod aald jingle i n afraid that boy or mn i geiil w 1 reguur id lib futblta that a loo bad aald iuwi4f what are hl aympt u a t tie leant telgrspred h mm for iu nny ihw tor inn day aald jingle lit uaa to be a regular aa tunday wiahhla app4auharpra weekly htrengted with aathma u the only exprawelon outwmiintwiwy what castor i a i prtuolaf j irue that la aa man ahonld in i lint i aadly want a wife and quam to lnl inwanli hmm with i do not loalm a lsundre or cook though im y wn im had for pay hut a woman a hoar and a woman i love 1 en taking yna rorlodsy umitatiohal or th patuatm a dish nl etewed plpatama thai turna nut a pudding and thin y ate it for a vegeubt 1 a onnteopl onus irish oonk receritty termed macaronl hauda she acornod equally a f urrin mniinii aboil bh certain meats moat soup and mkm vegetable she declared she coald nlssr bring mo tammlek to her muueh who realised that bard working maid foollah or not kttuat bava plonty of food whloh aha will eat tuiplalned the all nation to a friaod who advlaed bar to give tbo girl loatti to fill gape whonar aha would with milk bacon and potato- i i dealt with tha aame thing ah aald it tho imllatlona ot tha untrained palate thorn are often more dont 4lka and woo teata to be oooatdared in the kltoben i ban la the diningroom a ooamopolltan apprtlle la atrong evidence of a cultured mind my hua- faand declare and he a alwaya train ing the children to ilka things he make atnriea a boot tha dtrbea oi table and eomallmea he bringe ne home odd new thing to try foreign frulta and apley thing in jara and oooe bearatomlu the boya were wild oyer it and our children areo t near ly aa fuaay about food aa wall ut m gie you an exam pi a friend of tnlne own a tin femn ad every year ahe haa a halfdonn poor children from tha city make a long atay there and work outdoor and learn gardening and farming they like it nod work hard and are immenaety proud of their crop but every eon when the barveat arrive nd their produouootn to to teat of bejag actually cooked and aorwed tbere la the aame 4aappolntnient with the exception of jut two or tore oonmoqpum taplea they dont like them and woo t eat them the choice thing the delloaclam nnd the tmritlee tbey promptly difllke end re ject ttal year one ympathetie child attempted comfort nver mind hi white ah told heroreat falleo hoe eagerly lye am joat the mum kind of attts in the big inarkat at home it muat be good tumll if it aint ood to oat fjolu tr ut inue tail t ih thare of the n gyatrm mn very totwh all the organ of the hotly may be avimd rule the ncrfoui nyatem ia all upaot on cooant of ti iroulkw and worry wuch cau to the lot pi om who hu toloofc atbjr the trdubw incident to h wawkaeiilag mdwheo tho nenreg beoome onatrang the heart b aw ofleeted in muburne heart and nerve pilk u eow a treatment that win cute ell lonn of nerruuedteroer m wfeb aa act on theheartlteahaadfortkwraeaodwe would highly recommend them to ell run down aiwiaai mm win bmhh torre nova ont titri wkhto toll you thetl han used muburne beert and nerve pilk i wee eo nenroon i otmld hardly let any one talk to me until a dejghbour told mo to try your mubuma heart end nerve 1ilu i got three botm end did not have to get any more ealney completely cured my nervourayetein milbuma heart atfd nerre pitt ara lor sale a all dealer or mailed direct on receipt of price so oonta per box 4 boxoa lot 135 ins r muburn co imitotl toronto intention la a pour blng without bemu tmubla the roller from lr j kellocg aalhme remedy 1 beyond maum where all waa aurfrrlnr then 1 comf rt and roal llreathlua ti nm uortual and th bn ocltui lubw o ntpltly olaarrd thi mi equalud remody i worth n any lime i la prloe t all wh uae ll llany a live wlr rota abort circuit d naairjv evaiy mm lmetn he it getting inof than ii ahar t hard knock you will alway opd that you will have lo be the maker of ynur t wn it 1- vkaleru b mlaerabki than u be happy and many follow the hand i tat mmni i han araa zaabak haflariawa aaa akla aa a bmear m awa h iaatntsaghirfl cw off praeyti a aw thbl mwamd of vutxtlal teeeher you ee bad the lamb been obedient end atayed in the fold it would not have been eaten by the woir would u f boy promptly no would have been emten by u at last he is free of lumbago but hi tat 611 p1lu winnipeg jan 6th i nave been etifferer from iunbogo for ome year past and during chrlatma week had e very acute attack which confined me to the konae about the latter pert of april i met your mr hoi and mentioned my complaint to hint he advised me to take gln pills v hare been taking them at intervale dnring the early part of the hreeent winter end up to date have had no rrtura olmy old trouble in fact i feel better than i have lor yean and thift ibat my old enemy hi vetuahed for good d 11 a rrjkaa oin tills will protect your kidneya and bladder against the ravage of winter no matter bow much you may dr co weather because j been enblect to rheum yon will 1 pills 50c a box s for fi so semi you write national drug and cht co of cavnada umltedtbconto been enblect to r will be free of pain if yon take oil inhjfreeif vatroicrr or oommoh feimm one of the great life i n a u ranee com peulea of the united state ha iaeoed a warning to employer and employ ree mfxnlnkt tha use of atlmulant nniotikwnrldiig men an urgent plea nr bbile of ohrety la made among other thing the pamphlet laaued eat forth thw foil iwlngi even a ntan who i ordinarily moat umrefdt i hlmtwt eertaiit to beoome heed when under the inruenoa of nn intoxicant and a habitual ly cere- lee man la often made poalllvely recklna of oouree the use of lotoxl oanta liirliig working hour should b foalllvly prtihlblted regulatlona can property go even farther than thla n man bhtuild in ii owed to gtt to work when be appear to be alight ly un icr liie influence nf liquor it la hdvlhhhle i ot in employ oroonllnueln fiuiliytitrtit uteri who are known to la aiendysmd lird drinker the rrgtiltr ue of inuixleant in any oon aldernlile quantity la itouud in tine to make a workman undesirable aa regard both hie liability to oauee enabled mid hla effloienoyv a oqr for fever and agotu dis- turbimm of the auimaoh and uver ajwaya precede attack nf fever and ague hwlng derangement of the dl gettlve nrgijn and daierlnmilim in the quality of the bloody n theee nunirqu parmaleaa vegeuhla pllu beye been found mot effrfltlve abat ing the fever and auhdulng the ague in a few day there are many who are subject to theee dtstretvlnjr dle- turbanoee and to three there i no better preparation procurable ae a meane or roller vtlnd worawkt1 iki llp he whobreakr hl word emaahea himeolf i c ilrmtojr suffered with a lame back mold hot rtatlfthtu a manr popk fall to ctgnulobnce of alatne whan the- keck aches or beiflewak it ia n warouui that the kidneya are fteed ine wartung cure the back end tlumoae of any ohanow of eerloua udney trouble roliowtog mr o orace wnerlni rieo klnatyca unvwaiirnys booiwuadt wkiijfcaa im tjao tar oror so yentrg luta borne the aiemtiire f iv wautaaw utala g sj poeinl mpervi adwon lta infauscy a 6mef allow o on l tnoolve you tn thla au caontnrffalfja imltntlona aitd jiiattnacootv ro but kxpeiritnenta that triflo wttb aund eutlnngor um hnalaw eaf maifaiait ud flh 111 run atrnelfirio njesinat kxperlancemt what is castoria osa4em la m l ajabetlbnto for cantor oh pre- boric irropn auadl sootlilna byrupa it let ll4wmamt it obadja bknltlier opluna morphine nor other noreotle aiiieaimji its g in lte g it deatroya worsen aural aadaye feriajnaea jt euren olarrlmea suxl wlatd colie it rellevee teedjutbe trouble eumn gotupw4ioi auad fbitnlrewty it naalniluaea the footl rotpibue tn woaveacb auem beerela atn benltby and astand ale op viub ouldreaia ihnmeee t3at mothora prjend oknuine castoria i bean the signature of always the kind ton hare always bought in use for oyer 30 years rhis nans store is crowded because we do his printing we cam crowd you stole in the same way catalogues handbills folders and commercial forms our specialty cq at ghij offictt for jobbuork the hcton free press wat auavntau at uaffjt rrll mv deer la it because you und me very pretty that you look at meah lb timer- oh no in am it ien t that but pane eay you are a wofaoed woaoan and eo i am aearohlng for the other ooereetnr of dulnmnary trouble many taatinonlala oonld be preeeot- edabowiog the great elboaey of dr tboanee bojectiki ou in cnrlne dhv order of the reeplretory prooeeaee bot tha beet taatlmonlal le experleooa ad the ou 1 reoommended to all who mifrerfrom tbeie diaorder with ebe certalntt that they will fled roller it will allay inflammation in the broochlal tube a no other prepara tion een 4 ohildren ory- for fletchers castoria who pal hi hand to the plow creamed the entearoads orator mub not turn beok r what i be to do when he get to the end of a furrerr nake the auditor in the ttlue jean averalu youth a companion thisjins if reiplc mffei ulfu i0mt raon dyvpepsia it la one of the moat prevalent trouble of atvoiaed utd the poor dyepeptie oamevenenjoyamealjwrtuioutdmrea- ing after ejfectn for nearly everything that t atunulate ecre- tion of the aallva and gastric jiure to lacililate digeetlon remove acidity and tone up the entire aymtem mm xtennb iiaert bt boniface man wiitea- i have need burdock blood bitter with great euceeee for dyepepaia indlgcation and eour stomach i waa terribly troubled with my atomaeh tar month and spent a let of money ritbout getting any relief until i hap- ened to ate about a woman using it uwl ner trouble seemed the aame as nine i tried one bottle and waa so ntich relieved i bought ave more and ve taken them and i now can eat any- v i wish liuiufarturedonlybythet mubum united toronto ont two women testify whelrltelvkbajnyr etmble compouad did or tlexrheuatwntacrvra stm follow hanbortont pat- i had a doctor examine me and be said i had faflinff of the wccub so i have been tammr lydla e pinkhama vegetable compound and it he done me a lot of good jj1 he beerinedawn pains have vatdthed i have gained ten pounds in weight the di uall gone and i feel better than i have for a long time i think any woman b foolish to suffer aa i did for the sake of a f ow dollara yon can use tny letter aa a testimo nial itmayencouraceothecpoorwomon who suffer as i 3 tousa your vegetable i3ipound lrs co culuoutf halllwrton lot 7 p rl r iteod what this woman sayai new uoorefleld ohio i take great fa thattkln yon for what your aeeg vq bi bat done forme 1 bod bearing down i to lower back and cdold not be upon my feet long enough toget meal aa long- a 1 wttmmjar i woum fee better bat when i would got up those bearing cvnrntnlna would come back and the doetorwld i bad female trablo lydla nasse mltiog from the word is not the prfaper to develop a hunger for it wart are disfigurements that dis appear when treated with ilolloway a oorooure bor1bd iwatalth people who put gold in tin boses and lairy it underground or hide greenback in m mattress ere guilty of economic folly money buried 1 money useless it ought to he work ing twentyfour hour a day earning jint as truly as it owner earns that old fashion of hoarding money instead of investing ir ishappllydylog out but sii evfan more serlou eoonnmlo blunder is still prevalent thousand nf young people bury the powers which should bs busy earning money not one in s hundred la running at full capacity o to apeak the majority of ue pujl in actual use only a small fraction of our power the rest are buried somewhere and we would bee a hard time to unearth them for en emergency if it is wasteful to bury money which might be drawing three or f r per oeou in a savings bank it is infinitely wasteful to bury nbllliy which rightly used u good f ir a hundred per cent brinfjlria hhrtotlalb line do y u like your new nook u letbrorgl ns v bee a treasure i alwaya tel her yon know id wakeiue up in toe mornv ingnotlater than seven oclock so she comas aitd p uy door and says i tb clock ii strike seyrn in a t m s t uru ovey and wall in bear the clock strlketamtvte teit hlng i know i hserlt klrifclne tvbti i l her you see imt my sleeptant ofphrta rmmelntd etmld fnd dls- oleveruii t it what to v6l d the tjnntfh vvhloh i tha beet hnll in thlitowitf hib xtmtwtnetirrv nln t no beet kin only tbll you whloh le the worst umm afattmoay au the pretty aehool- lean bar of a amall n ot long ago became aware aa alt walked through the sireet hum h pot oflle where lie had junl m ulsd a letter to hr funea of some oi fnlf wing ber aod calllna bur name hhe turned and oonfrootsd tb fat postmaster barsbaeded and ap pleetleally orlroaon pufflqg tnward hrr with something clutched in hla oh band i been chasing ye moot two block h- panted oooldn t make y hear uinfysf here thla letter you just potudhasnt got tits name on seer well she most be deep in say i u hai duckalc tills u the aecond ll it ah m be i too masad to put the a i dm on when ah wi le to bio 8ur ll a i im r say ham twirs i sen says 1 lis a tb ot ly on ah write lu rs glar bat dya hr bo i folk gat their lsttsrs w hhundaya and ah mall u unn dy on th way to acbool coura it 111 ti- slut it maamf wall so 1 u id ham and 1 d ha avsd all thla im lbr and addressed ll for ye i nly for remembering ibat with scarlst fsvsr at d measles prevslllng the way they b just now a atrange band might give the pnre feller a stsrt so i fol tared ye inatead my but you re a briak goer thought 1 d never ketoh 1 m vary much obliged i m sure and it waa vary careless of me indeed ald lit gbl handing hlni liaok the letter addrsaaed but you ay 1 e made thl same mistake before what became nf my letter then oh there w n t tny epidemic around i ben replied the pnstmaatsr easily i just put on tha address myaelf but to whom how could you know who it waa for t she aaked a little atari ted bat rd y n ton aame s thl one be replied cheerfully it always him sat rd y now sin t it r the pretty teacher ayes flashed wide then ahe dimpled blushed and laughed it was uot possible to snub this elderly fat cupid an opsnly and innocently interested in her love ml fslrs yes she admitted proudly sat urdays it always is him thank you castoria lte laaati ud oulana ttafmynlunjutml tha sincere prayer must alwaya ooma from a heart that fesia depend enee and need wherever a man s plans is there be ought to remain in tb hourof danger t be should not think of death or any thing but disgrace and this o men of athens is a true saying socrates it b a uver pill many of the ailments that man has to contend with have their origin in a disordered liver which is a deueete organ peoo- llarly susceptible to the dlatnrbanoee that come from irregular habits or leek of care in eetlog or drinking this aooouots for the great many liver regulators now pressed on the attention of offerers of t there are none superior to pannelee a vegetable pills their operation though gentle effective and the moat delicate can use them if you cannot be free be en free ae yon can kmerson tha way to get ahead of the devil is to move on j bo doesnt run very fast upward there le no more effective vermifuge on the msrkst than millers worm powers tbsy will not only clear the etomsch and bowels of worms but will prove a very serviceable medicine for ohildren in regulating the infantile system and maintaining it in a healthy condition there le nothing in their composition that will ipjure the most dstlcate stomeeh when direc tions ere followed and they can be given to children in fall assurance that they will utterly destroy air worms jourmajlum xoung iuportar these uew c ii legeaol j lurnsllanj will luru out a great number of journal lata dnntyuu think r oi i reporter- hum tl ii g m young reporter someo4hiipelltlon lu the game ei r old itaporln oli 1 guess not i young rept rter why t oil ueporler well we shall be as shy of newspapermen as ever fell away tc a shadow ih har fmala nwtat u hal corsimrtioi mwm mtrun lower ship lemboc nbtw- iwaacfclbkyotlr tcrtin ot my euio by dr wood norwuy pino hjrup lui my i look aooldvudltmltledonmylonei 1 pit o ud i tnuld not rat t 1111 i hnd two doatoni to troat ma but lot oo rollcf ab ot my paopla thouiht i had cooaomptloo i had falloo away to a aaow had atvoi up all hope of oat ptlioi better xala until my daiodi ur wmk to a atore ono day and bought n a bottle of dr wood norway pine bmg altar tajun half of it i fall bettoaol cot two more and thank to kamlmi wdl toay and ablo lo do ny booaa work i eaanot aay toooumli fa ifa drake aod i abjdl alwaya ion it in t jjr woodahorway hoe sjrop too- tab all tho lun haaluuj tlrtuea l tie- fainoononrayplmtnwhwmkoll jaytt bi preparatloo for ontha oouaaodtll tfaort fjg troobua fa that yon art nr wood when mhuaadintwau 8aa that the naae lag t uhhiaai just try diamond insisi on i till grand trijnh railway brand maple vsyrup une on buckwheat cakes monuv back ii not zaxvuiacxoux gaaranfew of punly erredery tin by sugars can or limifea motptreal for 8ali at thi best crocirb vkrvwhcsfst wash your dishes with gold dust ordinary dishwater only cleans the surface put a dash of gold dost into the water and it will go to the bottom of things drive out every bit of dirt every germ every hidden particle gou dust cl as well as cleans we promise yon thia if you uae sail bast yoor fishes will be aweeter and cleaner than ever before and yea will asve at least half the time ordinarily consumed in washing them cu bast does better work than soap or any other diah- waahing product and saves half the time i gold bust is sold in so slse and lars danltaaaa the lari peckafje mfff greater eoonnmy hadebythem k fairbank company lishtbd montreal uakar of fairy soap th ova eakv warmest kind for cold weather tougher horsckidc will revet be round because the best is used for storeys glovestmd gauntlets and yet the skin becnt cc carefully tanned by the chrome process ir made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and ibv p tic best working gloves on i sold at all stores insist i storeys vhsrorxy wsj acton pnt satau tsawaatj the merchants bank op canada every person who receives sod dsys out money should have h chsqulaa socount psyrosal by cheque is the most prsctlcst con veaea and ssfast mslbod of band ling all financial innate i cm whether oi a bnaines or psraotlal character the return of cancelled cheque are vouchers for every sum paid out ihey show what dls b have been made and lq whom deposits are received by his bank subject to chsqos withdrawal we pay tb same sttsetlon to ssnall depositor ss we do lo isnje ones sod sncour4 ihslr seeoonts interest si jo wed on all savins account oompoaoded half yssrly total assets 819896 49 acton branch z 4 maclean manager conscientious plyimbing a heating is not it 3ihy vs to the contrary we make h the most important actor so if you favor us with yoor patronage you will enthusiastically endorrq us paokhokr train t3he excelsior bakery i irihst quaii1y i umfcad t akkh whodino cakkh hirthijav caki u btc ftc iibinz s i icki i k ntllt and ve ioh fjhpam confkctiofltlltv deal una call today t statham sc son bakers and grocers motr sl acton tne berlin steam granite and marble works caspbr biaun propritoa dejjurs and dulltleia ul b 1st uew maui loenms uonumsnta jjarkera and head sionea sod all klnda oi artishc cemetery work wrjn hemstreet agent acton erwwtkgs ic aiuruaiut st vjbir tjfchonm canai your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rookwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bian shorts the best at lowest prices harris stco overland vtrland hokl st 1913 models now on view better than ever h h p 5 passenger 1ha0 45 h n 5 pasqlnrer 1990 ll tul equipped and uarinteed dchv erod in toronto also the gramm and garford motor 1 rucks shawoverland sales co ssbb 1atents raiceiiiitfaiiiwnih snjstrl ask for our invkntiht b which will b ot w f u rj aa 1 marion hahi0n 5f f rvbpw hono 337 muaiwriiv5lcoriuiuberinsmlt prep 8111 fltukberm

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