Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1912, p. 2

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uinnwu n than m hn mvatihrtiain vtoatpaa mm tao m mm m a bataa7t a couitctl irl mi monday evenlug be iteee waa 1 the obair end mil aaeaabeav were mwnl there wm ewfdoooe thai oomethlne ioumwl wao ultely la earn up u liie ipoecatura included doun ur mt of wlto by tbeir look wrra eipeot- be irfon jfrte jprcss thuithday novkmiikit 14 ibm ottowalkotia i j a ym uatw fuflibnt win i opm and nm am na fluetl rfu um love of their eoaatry and anilooa to improve utelr ooodlunoa will atlper atottaem uad dkmi of ibam do aa their party lr tail than to do urnln u rowan uuw it iuuhmvtki that tba liquor la- llmta w praaactlad a prtluoa to ihm oouncil asking for a r of local option if um rvquaat le pawled wa balkkea tba turmoil of a liquor ooo- teet for no porpooe whatever beery ona knows that colliocwopd le mora in favor of loan option today than wbao lha law waa carried ooolnc- wood new santa hare it im rat hat- a peculiar anooaaly to bad tba naaaeo of oouneulora cooper and sauukoo tba loeal option rapaal patltlon la wtueh aacmrtuae to tba prayar of tba d tbay patltlon thaomalvaa lo abcoil a bylaw to ra paal a byuw that tba moajeleal which body tbay am 1 pat into effect snob paonuartry of aetloh la raralj mat on tba part of wm who eoeept pahtte ara farina tba eoootry joat now which ara llkety to gravely impair tha grata trade both loeally and for ncaaa eltlp- mant already alavatora at tba name andof tba lake ara oiled and much mora i oomloc to thorn a vary day a ooaatdarabla portion- of reeajpte ara too law can have con to tha north- want to mora an immanaa orop whleb waa two weak lata to bach wllb pouoi maoiarbata jtmn of lon don raporta that in tba nlnatt t bo baa bad three hnndrrd oonplaa bafona him dlmwllibij with their n ital rautiona and to asaay of than ba baa great ad atparatlon tha cane of moat of tha tronbla le laid tothailqoor tranm tba hatha eda mgteouaa thalr wleo and pandlaa thalr waaaa pouea abaiatrete jodd it will synod of huron agate tba abolition of tba bar hla jodletal asparlmoa hi rather at varlanoa with hie publle ed in duuwi with tba panama oanal alfatlon lo n apeech before tba oanm- dunohsblo toronto 8b oaow ron wiplncliad ita importajaoa eepeeuity to tha nalpplna tmdnof wahrn can ada fmiajhtooatalaaattjocpradoeta to tba koropaan market would be greatly mlnlaiiaad by ineano of tba oanal takieg wbaat aa a if coatortbntrajnmortatloaof a boabal wbaat from uooaa jaw or calgary uvarpool in lha aac aaontbs wa 31 cent ha ptopfcaaltd that in taw yaaramm ouadt woawl ylald fidoloofllooo hnahawa of whaaa alona and aaaartad that aocb an nou eoold not ba bandladby aaiatlna orproapao- tlva railway vontaa tad oat llav it lb fag that t wara thara to aa tba prmentaljon oftba wuehtalkajur patltlon praytna for tha bylaw lo i- paaf local option tba oomntutaa on finaooa proaant- ad thalr twantyflrat raportaod jraco- aaaodad pay ma t of aooounta fol- lowa oana tunantao oo aup- piiaa vaaoo ball tahwhona co maamam 80 loao pblupa oo lanpa hlod anton fvaa p printlnar 40 cq oil co oil fc60 j il lanadao rapalra 130 oan oan kae co auppllaa k 17ifi0 hydro hnppllaa jaahymon auppllaa v i a- ii wlatar joynar mdar 418 oanada vvlrn oabla on oqov nortbam klaotrlo co bal 1b1b hjuirroocubbjcd to tboaawbohava aluad thaaaalvaa with tha liquor in fcwaata la tba effort to rr local option that tha aupportera of that worthy b ara not raaponaibla for nor hava tbay pairoupted eliber tha harooota wbora jjqnor baa haan maamuy aold or tba bund pic al- laaaid to axiat in town tba mambrra of um otumwa omnaaluavv and all the anpportara of local option ara aaxlons not only to eloaa tha bara tight but to kaepont all otbardiaprna- ara of latoxlcatlna uquora all exb ina traffio baa pttwn out of llcanaad bara tba frlanda of local option hava no nan for it to any form will tha tl who nrnnt paa and ood order to pravmlt in town vote to give graatar liberty in dbtrtbollna inlnxl- eantar surely dot i no thlnklna father will ba guilty of aneh a erinw toward hie innocent ehlldran at any rata tun bsxjltav pwrrrtom in bahalfof the llcanaad traffic in iniaxieallnjc uqnora raaehid tha oouneq meeting oo hoodjf ovanlng tfmpajolpjatmi la tupdweaalon of a copy of tha llat of w onaly thalr publication for tba infocx nation of etthtaue ganarally out if r to tba aaunga of tba ejiambere vt bammuhmof anw of ttengmw torlaa howawr wa forbear it waa bruited about town whan tha patltlon waa being circulated that our b ma warn elgnlng it by the wbuwaate but- a acrutlny of the name fa la to reveal thh- la feel in the worda of one of the ooondllora whan a certain largely elgnad petition waa presented bar aprlogi tbla petition la remark able for thaabaanoa or tba namee of hnal nen them are far mora of our leading buelneee menanamea ab- eent from tba petition than tharr ara appeflrlag l there la not tha name of a alagte aalnmer nor of n lady elector there hi not a banoay sebool uachar tntba llat and tbaraaka of tb prof aawooal aaen la town ara laptmililab try um name of oafcltmaja mfther the petition rapreaanbi aj am wholly the etreagtb of tba llqoor party and it fajht far abort of the aaea mattafoffaet nnmhar whoee namee apa m have alrradyjuourvd they inbnaj tovotaagaioampaataad there arttmoratt follow tba oil nam oapslwm hi ett orgawlaad aatl wmvwaaet in no effort- to make tbe 4ebeof the wata a dacmva aa po uflow tba report waa adopted tba mark praaanted a patlllon retapayen raqnaaung that a bylaw to rapaal byuw no 431 being a bylaw to prohibit the eale of llqnor in ute vltuge of actoo ba eubmltted to the vote of tha municipal elector at rna next municipal election to ba bald the oth day of january 1013 tba dark aaeured ufa oaancll that um petition bora tbanaeaee of o twentyflva peroent of qaallded alee- tora there waa a marked contraat in tba preaeutation of tbu patltlon lo that of tha patltlon for a local option bylaw then the petit loo waa accompanied by a delegation of leading eltlaena and b n man and elect lad lea of town which crowded um oouncil chamber on thle occeelon there waa not a alngle aponaor for tha petition for r not acluaen to further ita prayar not one lone b man toadvancaewn m a i raae why it ahould be re orlved and actad upon it waa utter ly ineaponalbla ee far aa public pre- ae waa concerned bev oharlea d draper addreee- lag tba oounefl aald be wee won dering if the council would treat tbla petition in the aame manner aa they had dona with the much larger petition p recanted laat aprlng agalnet tba reduction of the cigarette ilea nee fee eepeetally aa thle one bad not o piled with the cplrlt of tha law point of the date when it ahould have been preeented the other petition had beta ignored parbape under tba drcumetancae thla one would be eleo oounelllor smith we have to put thla matter through the b upon a matter of prin ciple i feel that wa ara bound to oor- ider all petition from eiusana took that pound upon the petition bav lr draper refera to bev mr draper i have oo fault to find with tha reeve but i would like to know and tha dthteoa would ilka to know where the coundllore atand in thla m i preeume now that petition haa bean preeented it will be open for public eerutlny if it found that it oontalna leea than the required 36 par cant of namea will the oouncil still proceed to obmlt the by tewaaked rorp the reave put um queetioq to each of um naauuere and tha nnaauolooa reply wa unit no bylaw will ba eub mltted it um petition b found dafldeat of um required per cent bev hr draper thanked the council for their aaaumnoa moved by murray mcdonald eaoood- ed by w if smith that the petition algned by its votera requesting that a bylaw be eubmltted to repeal bylaw no 481 to the unnldpal ebetora at um neat municipal election ba hereby received and that um clark be inatxuo- tad to prepare each bylaw and aobmlt aum at next meeting of the oouadl oouodllor mudonald eaid be wiabod it diatinelly undoratood that hacauae be and oouodllor smith moved the reeotalioo that bay did not aawirne all reaponelblthy for it he wbbed all the member to ba equally reepondbb tba oonndt tben adjourned dttpbiax itotaw tumttib a floe variety tn tbe no vember o kadi aw llaoixntr alrat place w taken hy itv4 hnlnh n tltm wlndermwra lo oonbmm by newtoetmaetavbh of an entirely different c jw tha arueb an- titled oaoalbtlng the detroit blver in which jam oooke mllla ehowa bow the united state government haa expended tan million dollars in linprovlng navigation in oa watarv there b aleo an important article by o x boybn antltted pro- g qnlarlo ebowng abat haa barn aoooutpllahsd of ute to improve the condition of i lie people of province olbvr articles of interest appear in um cua a stoky of a 4000 oijla trip after uinwv b ldd by n qerinao hunter iu tbaopolnguumberif tha november haua nf ron annqum im oamanapub llshed by w j taylor woodaloek frank houghtou oontributea an amua- ing tab of weatem lire entitled two b not always compaayv while um eeventtt arucb of ium awfaa tbe oultura of btaek mod silver nfe under the beading pood and feed- ng appear in thle iceoav a trlpafter oartboorln newfoodbjmftam sevenui summer oamp orlbe alnlri club of oanada tendjarfoot dear uantev la the lsurenttan hoonlajnai x trip to the ouaat uanm xvotrction la brltbh oolombu a wo hunt in saekat- bbawao ami q dr in and artlda contuuatplcaycaoaaianblu of fara for aporhaiaml nd po of nut- don ufa iu ity the hveyeaftold beonneis nkw mapejamo art oiran1ci tim hoard of kductimi 1 rrgular utontbfy liin tu miwtday oenln members pr a k nlcklln cbalnoan dr k d anil wot johnstone juolt fcennady and john kaniwy jr ttutounolumiin pinaacepfeaentac tbslr thirteen report mnd reoon u w iif auw jamas hvrom sundries a iu if laimdlt rapalr tteo hynds window n monabu ooal stove tha report was adoptad a latter from lha lady teachers waa read requeettng their cheques to be sent t on tbe last teaching day each montb moved by j it kennedy eeooodad by b d ault that not acoade to tha request of the lady teachers lo regard to elm age of time of paying their cheques aa it would dis arrange with um munldpal uoendl carried the secretary waa inatrueted aeoure a new map of tba dominion for tbe pnblb school end a email llat of caremlo for lha continuation sehonl it was reported that beginner ware being sent to the primary school im mediately upon arriving at um age of live years often in um middle of a school fertn wltb the effect of dlaar- anglng and impeding um work of um mo veal by john keniw by wm johnston- that notice ha giv en to all naranla of young ehlldran in tha mnnulpaluv that hereafter child ren arriving at tb eaw of fl and deajred tn begin attending aabool moat enter at the heatanieat of the sebool term at january raster or september and that oedar an condi tion will tbay he received after um opening of tha tvm- carried board then adjourned tba conflict thickens tbe rapaal dlanusalnn haa not ten into public print in um form of two stgnlooaat utter jmot wooer in nppoaltion to repast it b bowever quite likely that no pan will ba raised in adsoeaay of repeal such a thing b very unneual the evqnsalng mothers utter b one which probably voice tha feeling of nearly every mother in bmaedng and acton aa well tbe safety of children la tha mothers bret oare their heerta droop at um bara possi bility of any opportunity bdng opened for tba downfall of boyhood tba baquaalng farmer lakee a brush at it in a more braaav rough-and- ready manner hb dsjngup of bus- who work for repeal to at hwlneea b something tn think about farmers are about aa good badness heads aa moot of folk and town paopb g give tbem credit for lonkina out forthrtneelvaaln um matter of thing they have to eell en if tbay find any acton hud worn bnbtar up prices to enrich theaaedvea there ara two c open dther do without aome things or go wl they oan be got ch and whiskey not in um count at all it b quite true that um advocate of local option have not been entirely aatienad with much that baa beau along um way during the three year both munldpal and provincial law mbaod oppnrtunitiee of vindicating what local option could do and con ddarabl railing oo um part of it op- poaaata ba fanen tba laa itbaaoaadaalaaabrtoflad fault than to p um work and many who onmpbln pf any bxity hare not alwaya been on hand to do tbdr part and tba dtuatlon after all for local option territory ha been handled with a nrtnneee and feariaaaoeea i frequency creditable in any eommun- hy and after all b aald and dona thane observations hava lo observe that acton ba bean better with local option and ao observe many others two natfr bwggte both hava bajtvoatteomh boyarat w j pordob ujff 7 banirntad atv uk3ajl oftboh bditoh fun pasa t sir i know i am only one of the many in thb town who today ara feellog the great beoenta of looal op tion in acton i feel i owe to all wbo took part in uw bght to ecura it aiy heartfelt uwnke forth boon ooo- ferred 1 uutnk god that i waa aavad from dnklng further down for no one but myedf knows bow atrong a hold the grip of drink had on me f feel a man now and bav money in my pocket whlol would have been in the coffejre of the hotelkerperv local option u surely abowing ita good f- rvat oo many in thb town and i pray god that long may u proaper i re main yours dnoaraly a bjmoukd omk acton onl umamoujj l mrrvvaovrtynbagur of tb tor onto lime oo haa raodvad blue print showing the route nimapada feeiuree of the new ebotrb railway from llmebouve to um own lnweon hare ttklri tb pond at the eouth west and then crosses um fifth una and rune diagonally acroaa jam grapce farm and up to th q t r right of way tbeot inc line b parabbd through andiwotscoux the iveoalotand lha boetrann to um dolly vardwklla it ptijrougb tha eloaa houaa and 1h new doubt um lima compauyni pro- party and a ooopuof hnlmh lag wla 11m irsmwaya from um kunatn tb loa pm at tb q t b traaha ara l mmam head t4l vudaat b toheoaavraod for 100 feei wit ppaga of m 1am rbrahlgh a wltohb aboto be provided nd addeawnw froinibalonrthhiwmithki1najoug tb right of wy thp coaapanya pond wast nf um g tj b- b to b i mu iron bridge j tb earray an4daajb irfhi laid bat fora the board of dlreotora of lb iyt a mi latoroa on wi 4t conddarad qui aaabfaotory seed grain hfi potatoes raragmahoolo aptlt mnlv lly lustructiona ir lie hon uiiulr of agriculture m dlstrlbutloo f superior sorts f grain and pots or will be made during um coming winter and spring lo canadian hmmn the aampb for g d arfll oouabt of aprlng wheat tubs white oale 4 lbsa barby s lh these hi leflt ouc from ollawl a dt trlbution of potatoes inuiu samples will tcarrieu from several of the aapehmaotal rarma tba central farm at ottaw s only tbe province of ontario and que bee all samples will be cent free by mall applloauu must give pertlnubra la legaul to tbe soil on tbdr farms and soma account ol their experience wiui aocb kind of grain or potatoes as they have grown so that a prom id ng aort for their condition may be kach application must be separate and moat be signed by tbe appliei only one aa do pb of grain and one of potatoes can be sent to each nr appheatlona on any kind of printed form cannot be accepted- if two more semplea are asked for in tbe same utter only one will be aeat- aa um eupply of used b limited farmer are adtd to apply early j but um applica will not nee war- lly be filled in um exact order lo which they ara received preference will al ways ba given to the moat thoughtful and explidt requests applica rucdved after um end of january will probably be too ute all application should be addreaerd lo um dominion oaraalbt central rx- parimeutal farm ottawa snob ap plications require no poatagr j a gaiarjatje director dominion experimental ftowiiio matgu at aookwood tbe annual match of the rramoaa plowing aaaodation waa held at bock wood on mr- fred hamilton farm n um railway datlon on thureday bat and draw a great many inter est ad peetatora mr j p bubardaon of rlora waa judge and gave ajeaaral aatiaraction ur w a dwaleson the aecretary nppllre um following mat aa um wianara flrat obaa1 wa grayi a r alton a hoy allan t sgbrooabton fearing wm gray flnbh o ai- tou second obae 1 gardener wood i 2 w wateret 3 roy major i 4 f bruce fearing and noleb g wood third ousvl j stewart x lorua allan 3 geo mcqueen t a roaaeu gleaning feerlng jem finish l alba fourth clam i rueaall sutton j x chaa dufflald b phulp toltoo 4 slmooarmdrong feerlag t sutton finish philip toltoo touttgeat boy philip toltoo beo- ladue cuee 1 mrewm tbaak- er i mr wm gray tbe weekly aaarket report and do ing of farm convention ara two thing that every farmer ahou in hb own inter ait read carefully the weekly sou tfarooto the fara bualna paper b away lo the bad of ail other wbo it oocnee to looking after uwhnuri inueeau to um farmer it b worth many time um eub- ex4ptlouprlot oluldren 0ry for fletchers o a s x o r i a imued at ofnoe or reddance u p mookk laauer actoo out arlo knatohbuix rev dr meartbur of krin wui preac mbslonaryarrmona on um naeeagaweya circuit next sunday and on tuaaday evening will give a earbe of llmdlght view and uctur oo mbdooary una in uhurch rural mail delivery will atari on tba roekwood and knatcbbull route ant friday 15th inat oharla j a mc donald of booharood ba um oon- tract for carrying um mall it b ex pected lb knatehbull poet offloa will aoou ba o and mall matter foi knatcbbull will need to ba marked roekwood rural route no 3l tba mall boxee have beeo erected along um route farmara are busy ruablng tbdr fall plowing those day joho taylor haa reouwi hb farm to jemec boehaoad i y aawamvmtmwaml qs ra our mixjinery vouwulflnd our aamrtmant otfailmoaryupkiortomoat and aqual to aay in uila district w i4y u mad tha needs of any front lha school gtrlto tiw grandma let ua have lb plom of aanriog you w fad aur w aaaatisfryou a tba toauajv of styla quality and p our specials this week in house fuknishings wc have made large purchases at arlvantagrrms prirrs anfl thrsc new arrivals make this already heavy depart- merit very strong both in values and range shown dress materials and trimmings new velveteensnew coatings new silks in scarce shades millinbr made hats arc now very strong our stock comprises many attraos live models at reasonable prices special attention to mourning orders henderson co actoa oat xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb clip out this advertisement r send your name and address tor a free copy of the book that has opened the eyes of canadian farmers to the portabilities of the materialofjiwork concrete thai book u what the faniiw will be enc to you abcohrtrly frrc you do not place youndf under the slightest obligation to buy any canada cement otto do anything dan or us vou will find the book intcrcstinc instructive and its mfonnarion will be ol real cash value 1 to you it n not a catalogue it gives in plain simple language the direction for using concrete for every poaubic kind of farm construction score of every day uses fully de and ilhntrated write your ntms and addscn on the coupon below e sand dun wlsttsr orvost estdaad the book wbi b aaat w you fainw aurhwa canada cement company limited bit hnu it nilin mbsbwl rneyoar book a special display of handsome and novel creations for evening wear at macdonalds he store ol quality invites yon to inspect the exclusive import- jl at ions lrtstylisli readytowear garments beautifal fabnes handsome gowns and the latest productions in dress acces sories exhibited here the various departments of goelphs big merchandising centre are prepared toi serve your every dress need for the social functions of the new season i it it might be well to remember that many of the products dis played are exclusive of maedohauds the entire front of our store will be given over to the display of evening gowns trimmings etc this week come see and admire the beautifal creations mens ctothlflx d e macdonald bros cor wyadlumudiuatoiidlstreeuguamiont dreu goods back aqain and more barsatna j cc spejq iht iii oonfoctablr mulwl pin la bl in prand p m hul suwt xvlwn wwitg will ba promptly mp- 8tovb8 add rangbs- okanitkwar1i axpt1nwakb boglr bajtdwark hoctasvi co stoves mechanics tools paints oils ami glass cutlery d silverware chilf aiibl tbe m d my punttor mnmaiac gralnliik uid dw- im ix oon niaht oauudi c gr speight capital separators for sate at cost seven new separators nover been dot of shop 500 lbs capacity 48cash dairymen call quick as tpey are to be rashed off j l obly three buggies left as we deed the room for win ter stock will clear at east robes knee spreads horse blankets halters etc for fall and wintermse machine qils of all kinds also floor oil give us a call and see bur line of goods b p caldwell acton ilfiii bbrrttsmtmu tth vaptit otburrh rton nwv 11 numiell u a paetor hunoav nuvvmiikii 17th a ulluhluk rujiiwiik a 11 wkuxiuk vrkavl koh hhuuning wanted- is iciiubmti u cmoiok billlililnglmf for bali ibg bowm will ll fcoloi imimln lata w pctwa an waay item ast fi i ttaujumokk a oc ii0u8kan1 l0tk0khalk tiiatmmliaimseltseix w wtl- i inwtunat mnlimrtbto t all fanllr- v futlanlua apply mkh w n kraioirt for sale back of id nwmwkmlnn ftooaaalluo sadmlioui ktoaaaa ve la 1 htauvkmav sheep a8tjiay tfhukdlotb nududtalat abaulliag ii till btow wuvtr par hikul tfditw karuforhalk pad to bus wy wuaaaiu rooaaa martr mm aaaw t a a i m- aaalbf housekeepers waxed laper for picnigs iltc auk ol u aw ital laeham for llnla baklac itaa to wan la aadwlaba laaabaa alada alf aad aaaipaaaa i aaata vrkb rsjuttt orrtoa valuable property in acton fob 8axh at tieilr tbara a a eooa oknna artta lo utimia watluallum bore on qa i aan au tue wilt tntjl tiaa oaavaaliaflr eueasa loaiiio aad partatalaia a to wwtuntwenmmr clbarino auction sale fa km stock im1mk- men1s pubki- tukb etc nar oo tat a ro frtloav n m laek tba lo hamar oo m a roaith ita krte a hohbsli aallrtaiaaa n bj danx rkda ijaan wtrtla aali aa4 wltuiltteae eow 4na lo april i aoto ear 4m la jaaaoiy 1 hwlflo sse ao u jooe 1 poar tue rwaa a men hauora rialaaimani i arali laatw fa aanatba sl4 i peib mj detbaai baltar 1 v m plea v awabo otd 1 yateeire oow tofinwtul uob vlawii plo uool cnmbaoi u aaa ti mm 100 aaum mb oma peuo 1 n t audeabbatiobtaa atmmlta fmeta aaei atmmlta me akainatooa rulrtlal oep eel we 1 jawee eeelt fee e a lm ti 1 1 itia ii aal aatiaai oaa ioitr pimoiva davaaiuna eewlea atohleo mum mik li eeaiber at aa oupa i mm mfamter oautf eoe oaab oaare tniik pal aieteaenue awn bhu j otaer taaoib ofbautall aaaae i ad oador ahta eear taaa aatbaafadlttm i ob jaaaaafmba o fai ruamt bowmans nursery stock rr riu orow we waal two mora afata la tbbooaaly ihwanlib oai fowl fowl i fowl i jftj abo miiaii kloda of purmiturh i svc srkb hcton jr grand trunk ivix l toronto ty return ontabio horticulroral exbaiuqn toaomto tialmtavoodbvlaammrillttto moi bmim limit wi i yr a akk nor4t gnuiil truak asat lr lull purtltiuliin uckals ate h l5hame afeat 1 acton omtawo

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