Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1912, p. 3

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waujaper new mock now opened from jc per news of local import cuktain poles 4 and 5 km wblui ud o window shades id cream treea and white 1 lain ace aadiaserilon ca1xjn juilisee our nhw stock uuuuaom uomub lataub geo hynds ontario rkal kbtate istaawy iaae at iwt rat r interest large maker f farana tor sale efceaja sweuugb awd imnr rremrty im all parte rtk uwii we have every lability for traaumrtlw ear beuuaeaa i yaetr ceaajptete sartlaf aeajaa- j a williicmbb sf she jutnn j ress tuujtttday novpmhfk it 1012 buef local items wins to have the high hchool will lit an antr lelnmrnteii i pieaentalcntf diplomas and tertiflcattn on wednesday even ing 27th imt a roost attractive feature cc lha evenings proceeding will be wrla of historical and other cartoons by alton paajtgsdf at jiw v r one of the world mht famous cartoon bue will be tried being the rainy hmon aouw wain the porter liquor on saturday fpoli tax delinquents ere summoned to court in oualpb the tax rale of krio village baa beau struck at 15 ntllu on the dollar all the bulgarians but two or three wbo were living in town hav left for tbe cent of war mr chester plank who la hunting in muskoks sent a on home no monday judge gorbern presided at the division court bar on thursday there era a vary light docket a fine of 9600 and costs waa mated oat fo a t noll for bailing liquor la burling a local option municipality on friday jty w 1 stuckey foreman cer- pan tar at t be beardmore machine shop will rtaon hi family front grand valley to acton la a few day ibuotrieuo snoddy haa bwa oflnvtoc from blood poisoning in hi left hand tbe past weak ilia work baa gone on uninterrupted however gnelph light commission an nouoee another reduction in the price of current to elealrlc light user the hydro- klectric u very popular now in ooetph tha georgetown high school oon cert and commencement bxeceleee will baheld id tha town hall george town on friday evening nov 14th at 8 oclock mr william anderson peel street seat the fax paxae yeaterday a aovalty of half a doaao potatoae attached totheroaln tuber the whole wvigba nearly two pound a lyceum courae of four brat dan eooeerte will be given through tha winter under tbo auaplcee of the x6udg peoples guild of the george- toam presbyterian ghitreb bar j d fitapatrick wa the locfcj rapaptont thla moralng of a one dear thabaubroujint into guelpb vat thu ebeaon from one of hie hoatfug friend gnelph mercury stk hendaroo ftfth una eoaale tn iztz ii- mkini rbrowu coleman mellon huaband log brought in oa h onday thji heaviest groymtooa turnip exhibited here thla year it weighs il pounds and m- mfeall teat 6 fnobea in olrcumfernnoo imr walter flood baa madly re- ipamh the faaa paaas wilh latacaatlng vlewa of eeenery pubuo butkllogb etc athuold boumtowdof crave bag where ha and mr flood tonwaa a cooaldeiabla number of raiepayara enter a protest within tha nass thirty daya all londoo out ahlldraa up to- the age or albteen yeara muat attend acbool commencing with thaoawyaar tba prqjeul board of moving plouira oanaora are actively proceed log agalaat paraooe who ahpw uncana- orad tune reeanuy threa partlaa waramftwaadooau oa eummary iiiirilttiw and tha fuawi were ooofla- aiiljcur th annual plowing match la ooo- naouoa with tha ualton flowmena aavsuatlon will be held oo friday november 15th on af r w n seuua rarm aaar aflltoa woo in caah priaaa will haclterad bealdea a lot of a pedal prime aa oatalda euatomer write thla waafct parcel of printed matter juat caoaivad i am vary much plaaaad with the makeup and neatnaea of tha work indeed naatneae adpaara lobe one of the vtrtuoa in wblcb tba fjuu prksa excell lencloae poacoffldaorder to cover amount of tbapet air song service held f or uie edification or our foreign popu hufoft by a union choir for ilia past rualh n te ave been dltwojjnoad fog to tha waather the membere of the oholr desire to express sincere tbaaka to ueasra j o bui and n f moora for tbetr aaslatanoa h the j ti oswulwoa jommthiy of outlc mat with- eriouy aocldeot whlpjpperatlng hu threahlnkwhlaafmtvhllraday hu lartaajavna oauiht la a belt badly wrwtolmtba albow and breaking tha arb in tour plaoea afaaara a d mclean r uie oral eufldrjngtbalrfarmfo aala a well attended meeting of foreign was bald in tbe ilaptlal ob u roil i c moidy evening luv mr kuumtt ibegathevlug earnest words froro i tbea 4 21 prove all thlofrs bold rest that which ia good at tbe cl it was decided to open a night school two night each weak in in ii a hall straet her suht arm on monday afternoon margaret tbe ten yearold daughter of themanse had tbe misfortune while playing at the home of principal stewart to fall from tbe feuou and fracture her right arm itoth bones wera broke i reducing tbe fracture dr gray found the bone wera irregularly broken and tbe setting was quite difficult ilev mr wilson aald yesterday that the little patient waatlolng wall and is bearing the pain with admirable fortitude rlyaro- leetellraent auow i am very uiucb afraid we will not have hydro- kleotrlc connection before uhristmaa aaid i leave uynds the other day when interrogated by tbe kkku iumuu the transmission line la working toward acton from guelpb at a good pace but the work of local installation la being delayed all the materials are bare lbs transformer station is finished but it aeeme imposs ible to get the workman here for the local installation a lot of good weather baa been wasted tbie month death of alee fe brown be tbe remains of the lata kuaa roclee widow of the late robert brown 3r arrived here from winnipeg aecuut panled by her eon hamuel last evsn log mr brown died on sunday after an illness of aevoral weeks mr brown predeceased her in december of last year attar wblcb she- went to wlnnpeg where iter eon gave her a vary comfortable borne mrs brown over sixty years an es residents or acton and the vicinity the funeral will be held from tbe home of mr robert g brown main street this afternoon at three oolook interment will be made in tbe family plot at falreiew cemetery p yeu- bi one ittiw oomplalnta have come to aolon post office from two parties the paat week of money letters not having reached their destination in one case a letter aald to contain goo posted without being registered at waal toronto and another posted at acton for toronto containing 11200 moony utters should never be sent through the malls in this careless manner kajls tratlon money order postal notes or bank orders coat buta trifle and they give a security and freedom from anaievy tbcaf b and a t h tanle the objection of the g t b author ities to the new electric line of the 0 n b croeaing the dew switches at tha beardioareunneriaecai up forbear- lag beforp jba dominion railway otmamlaston at ottawa last week the oomajdnlpo ordarad that instead of tbwcwitobea one be laid at tha point oterofalog parkhel with the larga cement hlock buildings thu at the coat of tha o n b tba original una huffman and mackrosie properties to main street will by this order be utilised iba respective owners of these properties will now hope for a payment for tbe right f way there waa a fairly urge attendauos etlhawoman institute us t thursday afternoon mr dr gray and mr d m henderson each gave an inter esting address on bow to meat emergencies mrs gray spoke of to importance of self ooatrol which halped people to uflok and act quickly when confronted with accident which for l action or raoiady ra d m baadaaaonadupaarse njaa m the social side of theaubjectt how lobnurtein the unexpected quest mr jot holmes gave an avoauant ulfc oo almpla mef la wall cooked aad aad nlosly served and their reflnlog influenoa on tha t deportment aad llaau ot ehlldraa tha meeting waa bloeed aftvv the slpjrlngof tbanatlonaj anlhsm baed fae owrewuw suubbt aoft oeme kukumenko a russian who haa lived in acton tbe past six months was arrested at georgetown on satur day morning by chief lawson aa an aoooaaplloe to franko smousky an other russian abo waaabarged with robbing fadoroodruvita a compatriot of 75 on friday nlgbl w eearcbed kukumenko waa found in poeesealou of a slung shot a murderous weapon loaded with a four inch iron bolt at the end- and covered with plait ad lace leather will- a handle e foot ooa kukumenko pleaded guilty before juauoeejuwtra andniekn to carrying the weapon through morru base who acted as interpreter he alleged that tha weapon had been given him by a bollah fellow hoarder who recently left town he waa flntd 1q and ooata op hr cvarga or lielug implicated la the mbbery be waa bpwn to be guliueev the vfwasrstsanasen waddbag the wlogbmn advmnce says t the home of mr t fin tie n was the asene of a pratty wedding on tbe afternoon of october with wharf hu youngest daughter agnee i waa joined in wad inoktn my wilaoe j frank up both of tvlngham rev dr rutudge par- fnrmed the ceremony under an arch decorated with hlaajid ribhoos tba bride waa unamandedand was preuliy gnwnro in lnr wbftrswise embrok dey and crtied white cyaenthe- mums after ooogratuumons about 78 enjoyed tba nunual repeat the bride and grnobj uft next moralnglbr a lourto eastern polnta lha bride travellliiglua navy blue suit with a black beavet bat tba guaau left many usafal and valuabl pres aa token rftlvfs ftnfw peoplv have tbe wtihea nf many wvviixvr hydro- gleetne roe qsoraetow in 1 tin nlecllo on ii y irttulaclric at georgetown on monday ihe by taw was carried by 1 lot the v lnpilri was 2110 to 0 unit flv rlvln mmiii icipalltlm will n y imi ualng nlentruity fnr power and light from the falls heltons mew heetletvee wlllum j hcolenatiaw leaher of appleby has been appointed local registrar i f the high court clerk or the ci unly court and rlurrogat iteglatrar f r ihia ci unty the ooloe beoatt a vaxmn recently by the deeth if w a iwronri a mew hilton lndualy qone doors a few uiaii only w rklng to finish up aoma orders on hand citixensgen erally will regret t learn of thla ne it was thought this conoern when it started here had a bright and pro parous future before it itefi rninr tenrty a had laath up as the ft i cl h k train from 1 ronto was coming into- georgetown station friday evening it aides wiped tbe rear end of a freight train thai hail not been pulled dear of tbe awtlch the van and a number a cars were dama ged but noons was injnred herald rjueldm dlatrte library institute the annual convent loo of the pub lic library institute llnelph district will be hrld in carnegie llhrary fer gus on tuesday and wednesday november lotn and ishh fir pur- poaesnf llbmry work the province in divided inlo several d utricle guelpb district ooinprlaes the counties of wellington waterloo and helton in these counties there are 11 public libraries end delegates from each of these libraries will be id attendance col ting wood town council decided not to submit a by uv to repeal local option n tuesday lbs vote n a motion to do eo being lost on a lie the antuhad previously filed a petition bearing over five hundred signature wblle the local optlonute ware represented by delegations from the gitlesna leagues and tbe w c t 17 local option has been in force there ince may 1010 areeeted roe then last friday night rranco soioltkkl russian who had been in acton lor a week or so left hu boarding house beerdmore oreeccut during tbe night shortly after his departure pedro oowtrovita a rellow russian found his wad of 7 missing chief laweon waa advised traced the man to g but be eluded him there in a hideandseek chase among tba ears in tbe freight yards the obuf advised tbe toronto detective department and be waa arreeted there on monday ohlef laweon brought blm to acton tuesday evenlug and he was placed in the cell a we i ting trial latkh while municipal officer harvey was at dinner yesterday snuleskl wbo had made several attempts to break jail vuccedrd in smashing tha cell door and affecting hi escape tbe constables are after him again reopenlna wa vl see at an josjephe rev father tray nor is plfusetl to announce that the extensive improve ments recently in progress in connec tion with both tbe interior and rater lor of sr joseph s church have been completed and the church will he re opened at louoodlock meee on sunday morning november 17th the sermon of the occasion will he preached at benediction at 7 u0 la the evening by bev father drum mood s j af tbe obnrch of our lady gnelph ha will take for hit subject the church and it is needless to say that hi die coarse will bo of a moat ifwtrnctlve llnlereatlugnature father dram mood needs no introduction flo the canadian people having lectured from coast to coast ho basreoantly ia to guelph from the church of gesu montreal where be preached tba lenten sermons for tbe last two years prior to this he was for three years associate editor of america the leading catholic periodical of the united states published in new york city he went to new york from winnipeg where he was profeaaor in manitoba university for many years besides therefore enjoying a coatfn ental reputation aa a pulpit orator father drommond posaeeaaa a widely joumalutlo and practical experience find hu lecture promisee to be a rare it father traynor wilt preach in tba morning at 10uo mass and 8t- joaepbe choir will be assisted by the eholrof solyoroee ohnreh george town at both services all visitor wmi be welcome lost vitaiity st john n u- sept 18th 1011 m y brat her waa a great sufferer from kidney stomach and bowel troubles and was given up by two doctors he was advised to try your fig fill which he did aad after taking ave hoxaa yr completely restored health una is bettor today than has be been for year you can t recoumuthd fig pilla too highly j w manvkk at all dealers 25 or 50 cents or tbe fig fills oo st thomu oni nbwa orthi day peneungulsbene u agiuilng for local option at a largely attended public meeting recently held nil lha manufacturing h ureal of tbe inwn wera represented and several of tbe leading cltlaatu apoke in favor of a campaign with eota at niu manl elpsl alratlon the oharmloet winter heeorie of cmuibfleua me klowtda ate now la the time to take advantage of a trip o a milder ollmate and escape the cold wlntsr months round trip tourist ticket are issued by tbe grand truh bailway tt oalifo uaxioo coloradovpaolbc coast polnla and thv sunny south at low rates giving choice of all the beat routes features oonnectlon with this route only doable track line to buffalo ahd qhloagni paat bervleei modern kqtdnmanti unexcelled din log gar hravleei falatlal fleet rio lighted pullman sleeping cars i all elements ufwafetyamlooin fort ask wearserpfljlwpkugwj fnv full pirilcuureorvritae d t vf union btotlon torbulo ipoarlo s0oal and peks0nav rev m v onmba rrlurnnd in nnrwotkl yesterday mrs numcnbbnd mis netlene are epondlng a week r so with trie mix inguelpl mrs arcn monehb u spending a few weeks with her daughter mr ileattl in hamilton mr 1l lampbrll of west toronto spent a dsy with h mother at victoria villa during lbs week mr and mr d henderson u v leave for oluwa next week for the opening of parliament mr ifai waluce and mhw wallace leavti to ninrrow to spent a few weeka with friends at wlnghsni mr fennell flmytb now occuptee the tueyoeeiwe position of manager of the merchant bank at hbwv1e que mr i henderson m p of acton wn in uiwn n monday attending tbe ftneral t t lha late dr roe herald mr j w bews wbo lias been quite iii f ir a oo iple t weeks is recovering w are pleed to state milton re- or donald warren or the gener al hospital hamilton is spending a few days at the home mr j l warren mr an i mrs j wood aad masters jainea and stanley of brampton vial lad at the home of mrs olller during the week messr bd ityderand wm plank who have been on a business trip to manitoba resumed on s mr plank leave in a day or so for quebec the friends of ura geo mann wbo haa been so ill for tbe paat couple of ibontbe will be glad to learn that she is able to be nut again mil loo r- former paarrom killid artr hoi taleter meets v t hie own vaad oamlachlr onu nov ii rev t il shearer fir the past two yeara in barge of the presbyterian church of this puce waa killed this morning whan he waa kieked in tbe beck of the bead- by a fraclloua mare he was placing a baker on the animal when it swung free and kicked out viciously omwaona oornbrs the f ami re and others with outside ark to do will hope for a continua tion of the fl ie weather of the paat few days the patrons of the rural tnau are getting heir boxes in readiness for the first delivery on friday mr wm dennis spent sunday in guelpb mr gen 8 damper ufr on friday fnr chatham where be has secured a mr henry damper ac companied him and will spend a abort lime visiting friend there hoi water comfort why nit enjoy rest by bavin hot water dottle fnr ibese cool nlfhia 1 vot neuralgia kheumslum ilackacbe cold feet ale a great help and com fori we have ibem all styles and prices juarsnieed at browna i d9uoout stattotmtt j acton ont j mannndoaadaanasumanai canada needs men with braku i lavt us put vou 1st ejus -bobwwe- tjmamteflotjsl vmdiot newepeper pqbllabere and duxens geoarauythraagbouttbedotm nionare unanimous in their opinion that the picture entitled mother s tivanraa given with tbe family herald and weekly star of montreal ifale aaaaoa in moat delightful and beautiful sub ject here is tbe opinion of one pobv lube- mother- treasure u a marvel of beauty the subject u one that will have a tendency to strength en home tlea wr in the same boei- oeas wonder itow you can afford to give such value in pictures itealdee the vast amount of good things in the rlutly7rrawihlwsey signed k- w ktoaard tbe mirror mulhrook no hooie in canada ahoold be without tbu beauuful picture oe dollar payee full year s sukec to tbe family herald and weekly star including tbe picture which u ready for framing else x3 by 3d i it u a big dollars worth indeed otlblatmocat on thursday evening last the greenock literary society held its annual meeting lor ia u when the following officer were elect- eji i kvesident j k ihtareo ltie pree t weal 2nd viae ire- k amaun secretary mies margaret k nanr aecuseeyhieem mcdonald treasurerw p near organu t h us te ne thorn peon 1st aeat organist mwa myrtk- maon sod aeat organistmr j k pe-r- doorvkernersj il leslie and l mcarthur guard j laluo mdn1torll aiu- crltie mleam mo doe id liurary committee mrs peareo musee myrtu mann mabei allen m moioneid lookout comntllteemusee anna stafford and mr c thompson caretaker will west old follvwho need eomeihlng of iba klndflod nadruco laxatives most eramttre eitboat any i laoreaeed doses net nsedsd t your dnifxista ddaaaaaoadnndpanndnaaaaang a a s t6 elver papular poxbackoveraack qqqprinnngnnnnnnnnnnphnnnnn no fancy frills on thht style just pbun quiet elegance and an exceptionally haaeweses coat tailored in floe isclton with velvet collar good for esuasa and oeed drasa wear one of tbe moat serviceable garments a man can buy 6oo cloths to choose from quality style fit and work manahlp guaranteed or money itaiiimillljiiltiifc sanlag ii nl i eu aaaalaew oweeaai ifaeajm g j w all ace j a qe6 men store nadddhdopdaaaaaanqadddnad balumajpap the oflicul board nf thapalinersion uetbodht church met last night and gave a uunlax at invitation t rev george t walts now f hlllgr vr formerly of balllnalad and krin in its pastor for tbe next confer tba annual beef ring banquet at the home at mr david herneoy last friday night waa a decided uocees at the annual meeting it waa voted to have the ring run uv weeks next year loetead of si wbkh apeake well for t be aetisf ad ton the patrooa are en j j i byterten obnrch last sander morning and event g ware very s the ear mat practical sersnone of rev mr lindsay of krin were highly appreciated the lee and concert to be given by tbe ladles aid of the presbyterian church next wednesday evening u looked forward to with very pleasur able anticipation a great treat u ax pected from professor and mies kelly of gnelph da moraea laadlehlh ivoot pllll car graaxuatacra i century ago before coaiedrxation they war oa sale la near y every drug or general store u the canada of that day and were the rec cure u thousands iobm for const lost loa ladsrotmn bitkieaneelrbrumatisni andkidafyaaduverlroahlca to day they arc jest aa effective just aa ndsxble aa ever and aotuag better ctjtie cominon ills oarr thh atsiayr it pavh aauatttt opposite the post office hltfhest cash pxicea for butter eggs poultry w conn btand br chasd brewer ff blttsts mirsbues are famous for their flue peach apple plum and cherry trees they have the best nursery soil in aad are tba largest growe of trees in tba domia ton all scions and budstlcka are cut by one man and be baa been in their employ many years eo no mistakes are made by using the wrong scions or buds send for catalogue or write for agency as they have some nneiccnpied territory in your county be wu4juid oodnty ont asftri green grocer amd fruit merchant e k cook la receiving dally vresb vsgeiabkw and frattsead aalia tham si reaaoaabte prices foreign fruits a specialty fresh fish tuesdays a fridays taourano heaamu tav oua fimmam hadoik goons daxivamad miu braaar axiom no cure no pay applies to all watch and clock repairing done by w h foster atcauaakn lm offtario fimttft oap a all bank of hamilton oapttal raid up r in lis pmeer id purcbass lhal iho jreaissl vbimj of laooey lies the feel nx of indepbudeace and ojsectiriiy axalosi the eqecu of adverse fertaee thai a reserve luftdeives yes i inftnllrly more u hilt for ihin ihepssslsg grailfkailon you woebl ol tain by tpscdtng li small emoun is which you will hardly miss depoaiisd regmlsrly will tsdually but sur ly sccamaule tea suni urge enoogh lo losare 3alam lbs efcscta ol bualoeas raversss or loss employment ukoruitown bkanch w m mealey wash your dishes with gold dust a ordinary dishwater only cleans the surface put a dash of gold out into the waternd it will go to the bottom of things drive out every bit of dirt every germ every h particle gold dost et as well as cleans we promise yon this if you on get dot your dishes will be sweeter and rleener than ever before and you will save at least half the time ordinarily consumed in washing them cmd dnst does better work than snap or any other dish washing product and aavea half the time i gold dust ia sold in 6c size and largo parhges the urge package me greater madebythen k faibbank company limited montreal 0 mtbrs of fairy sop tha olnl eakv- 6e metropolitan bank head office toronto ont lomxnoaoo iimuaoaoo savings department accounts of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch tl a halsted manager v u jiij so you hbauzk he money you can wake soiling fralt tn 1 be present denuna for baiatn to4ultam greaiast la the history of the bnrlnsei averybody who hu tbe land i plsmlng or preparing to plant l wb want now foe fall and winter moniba a leuable ajaa to sail la aotea and rairoundlng district good pay exclusive territory and all the advantages ia re an bid e sdflnn ovsroooawrea under cnlilvaiion beiaulsbalusaars write pelham ndrsket0 tereeto oal c symqns baker fe sol makers of tstwijkcxohfqbl foe psjriectioe haesamada bread f try our toe madiera frail cake oat prill pastry i dalklona assortownt of cakm aad pastry fresh averyv r f day ah ho wsddlag and bblbday cakes a apaclaltr contrettoeery mdubio l all orders deuvrrbd vaui ndnooapnnnnnanonniinnaniuinaddnanqbwaauii introductory offer for the renmlnderof thla month 1 i i t ii i- aroma we will pairyour railroad fare to cuelph and return if you buy your electric flxturee from our ehow- roome 8tbckl better ihgnjheltt prlceal oom an lowt aetau oee e a oriayera co props lsewmaatsejaan omlkoat r mnmrmmsmalm2 i sliot2sriiig today b the latest and newest effects in stylish soft b s hats froms to 8m another shipment to hand of our famous special g stiff hats at s awolqt tmllor r e nelsot s wyndhasi tree s 60klh ont ftgi 3 pringle is now ready or your wa t ch art d clock tfipaira prompt ness and good work is what we utriwstogm nickle alarms pot inihor ough good order same as new foriwicedth geq d princile thu jiwiubk ont

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