Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1912, p. 4

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w thuilsray ovkuhkh 14 1019 mrrorr town old you vr go to pftilrtown where lb bout am dd and tumble and everything tarries a ml ew fry thing with dirty iltfu jod people i regef on the mmt of film lives old elan wait and bl two llulebny oatosd ungur ml wr with unclean bukb toweled bab and agmrnwi sisternamed dont care srandiuotber urowl llvee in thl town with iter two llltl daughter celled fret and frowi and old molv ine p ml ibe otntiernii treet il- utnff town ild you krr go to iutost tuwtf to ply wllh the little irl fret and or niolhv home of old lun wall andwhlatj rnr his boy to ooiu to iheffatep to play all day in tarry street ieavlnjr your errands ttvt other feer to atop or shrink or linger or frown la una sieareet way to this old town unknown whb9rb stfb w laokiho a man who bad ered two term in oanflfwa m making a campaign for a third term lo the eon- of apaach in the town ball at rroomeorn junction a 11 tag near the farther boundary at bla district ha said j it u true fallow cltlsrn that i have not elwny bean abl to do much aa i abould ilk u do in tba matter nf internal improvement in thl- dmrto bat i have never lnt sight of your interest a lng tnoineut ymi bavr no id of the obstacle that i la in the ray of a qoiigioe mini wbo trie to appropriation for pontic bnlldlnga tba improvement of navjgatable auaauaa and the ukf for kb baoaluof maeooatltuawtat bntwsnt to aore yoo follow citlaetiat that 1 have labored constantly in yoo be half to tba very beat of m ability w know itl shouted an old a the audience that why an abler manl city circulation agtht mmmii dairy gin ill vb tons year of suffering from kutwytrottlfle two boxw of oin vkxfi and its all go thml bu been ibeaxpcrteooo of ur eugene g circulation agent of i petri of u oat teal he describes it feelingly a auyjrd 191a mauflering f ram w ir trouble for over five lew yean bad also rheumatism l ail my bone and mntrles could not sleep night and on soma occasions could hardly walk i had been treated by tome of oar best physician bat without relief and i lost over efteen pound one day i met one of out leading hotel keeper wlm bad been cured by your famous gin pills and be advised me to try tfwm do i bonght two boxes at my drug lets and before 1 had ued one bar flelta big change ucfore i snubcd the ceondvae i was completely cured i can aamire yon 1 can hardly believe it for u itusflonjyjnsowiiwhatl know now x would not have spent over one hnndred dollars for nothing when two boofomptixscoredma buobnh qubsnbu oin pdas are gelnuig worldd rgnnnaan bythp yr t iaot obstinate caam of jumiitin aadankindaofkianeytronoe socabox 6 for jm samptafree if son write nauonjjr and cnnucal co of canada i4ited toronto u thiouautvornrov a notoritu ntonnlaln monnhlrwi familiarly known ns wild bill- wn rrfflllly tried hfir fral nmirt in or-nti- nd w h kiluy ilerorr iroithiiteliig aniilmios thr- jmim ifthiimi tlm prlminnr oil itu long nrloi- liinl rvcord and at last informing iii hi i hat il court antorlalnrd no fnllog uf augar uiward hint but calf ooly uomlitd pity sentenced him 10 via yaiaiii the federal pruoo at all-il- ulllatolidly shifted lb quid of to- locoo in hu inotilh and turned lo leai tba court room with lite mr- sionorattiirth nnly thing hi said waslhu wrii i siiah ant itl wani nal woldeim iiscovert am eminent bcsaatut the other jay gar bla oplnlqs ttat the most won derful dbiaovary of recant year wan tba dlaoovery or zamduk just thlafcl aa soon as a alngl thin larer of xaanduk is applied to a wound or a aofn such injury la insured against blood poison not one specie of mkrob haa bona found that zanvuuk dons not klui tbu agnln aa aoaa ai kandak la applied to a aora or a cut or to akin dlsaaae it stops oia smarttag that is why children am such rrlands of eambuk they earn nothing for the adanea of tbo thing ah thar know is that eambuk atopa ihalr pain mothers shoald naver forgot this again aa aoon aa samjbak is ap plied to a wound or to a die sad part tba celts beneath tan skins anr face am o atlvulatad that nw healthy tissue la oulckly formed tkbl iprtalng of freah bsatthy tlssua fnm mew is zambuka secret or heallmj tba umu thug formad la worked to tba awfhoa aad utaradly eaata oc ths diseased tissue above it tn m why ambuk earns am permaaeat only tan other day mr atareb of xtl delorimfarat moatraal callad upon tba zatobak oempanr and totd tbam that for over twlmtyftvayaara ha bad neon martyr to maaauu bla haada warn at on umo aa corarad with sor that bo bad to sleep tv glovaa four ynaro ago sambuk was lutradaond to him aad la a few moatba it cared him tdy over tbrga yaara aftar hu earn of a dlseaan ha had for twnatydra yeara ha u stilt cured and baa bad no traon of any return of tba eeaenm all drngglato aen xaavbuk at bfa- bax or we will aeod free trial boa m yon send this advertisement and la sump to psy return poataga adp dress eambnk co toronto a oat belougtoa to m family awmod iii ins baa died at soatb hbuld bor land at tbo ago twentyelgbtynar ftlu of aittd valoa parrnslssa vagatablo puia are tba rnsatt or eare- lulstodybf tba propartlaa of oertalo roota and barb sod tbo aeuon ofj it a aadatlvna and laxatives on tbo dbrsstlva apparatus tba anonasa tbo- oompoanders have met wttb alt th valua of tbotr work tbeea pula have been l for many yaara tbo beat clan nsars of tbo ayn that cm be got their yoellooewa rooogatsad from tba first and tbry grow mora popular dally protwthuorojbbftth rewarditeudulijwokr orj8uoimorpoir npf mncrol notnahcotic castoria rorlnflmf mnd ohuflteb lift kind you have always bought bears the signature of tiohtsowstowclljltanfto waraajcmmfefcfmnsh- nw a or su roh exact vomar in use for over thirty years a cold however slight may turn into bronchitis yoq ahonld naver naglec a cold bow- nveralight if yon do not treat it in time wttl in all bimnhilily develop into onsbjtls poeomonia aathma or aw olbjranrioustlunaaorfanairooliu on the flrat sign of a cold or cough it in advlsahte to euro u at once and not if t it run on for an indefinite period for this purpose tbntsnis nothing to xiual dr woods norway pin hyrup a remedy that has been universally used for the past twesiyave years you do not experiment wneoyou get it mrs louis lajondr peontanatiabroe oat wrius when my little boy was two years old bo caught a eold which lined into broocfaitk i tried every thing to cure him area to doctors modi sine but u did urn no apod- one day 2 was odvisad to give dr woods norway pfooqvrupntrialandleforahelumihatf abouleoavdlmwaanirwl i would ad- viso ab mot bats to try it as good results wm follow uy borne is novnr without fct see that yon get dr wood- as bare are bobmsoos inriutton it is put up to a yeuow wrapper s pan trees tbo trade mark uw prlea 3s and k0 cents m only by tba t i corn cripple the feet and sank walking an torture yet earn relief in tb shape of hollo ways corn our la within reach or all it la safer to hear and take counsel than to give it i calculated that there are j000- 000 man women and children playing dlafiojo lirioi4on and it auburn troubled with weak heart wttaillhai dewn many people are unaware of having anything wrong wtth their peart till aome an allcono amkmg a on the flrat sign of any weakness of the beert or nerve you shouldnot wait until your case becomos so danierata thai u is do yoa bsllevo in divorce f no than you are in favor of abolishing itf oh no i dont believe in wet wea- aeems to ba nooeksary chicago herald v but it uaj- yourseu of a pronipt mnd perfect cure by using uilburn iteart and nerve puu mr thomas a stevenson harris haak- writes j i was troubled with weak bearti and wu all run down tor a long while i was almost in despair of ever getting well again until a friend recoromeoded me to try milboms ucart and nere pula after the urst box i was much bettor and threrboxes cured me i am now as wall as ever and will blgbly recotnmeo4tbm to any one else uoubtod with a weak heart tbeprke of mjirp heart and for sale at all dealers or mailed direct steel pen were flrat mad in birm ingham in 190ft 13 alow buslnass carrying a eroofced yardstick 00 the straight road a itaal astbma ilellefdr j i keloggs asthma remedy baa never been advertiaed by extravagant etata- mente its claim are eoneervative indeed when judged by the onree which it perform kxpeot real relief andpntnaaentbenefltwhen yoa bay this remedy and you will not have cause for disappointment it give permanent relief in many cases where other aoeajied remedle- have utterly failed cents per bent or 3 boxes idc jporooto mreeeipt of priee bythe t uilburn co the loquacious guide was exhibiting to the tourist sayaawritertnoaaaeus kf agaslne the tomb of napoleon wltb all the customary flourishes of both language aod hands this immense sarcopbagna he de claimed weighs forty tons ini or that sir la a steel rsosptlcle weigh ing twelve tone and inside of that a leaden casket hermetically sealed weighing over two tons inside of that rests a mahogany oobqn contain log the remalne of the great man th tourist wee silent as if in medj- uuoo then be said it seems to me youve got him all right if be ever gets out cable at my expanse when a mother deteete from the writhing and fretting of a child that worm are trouming it aha oan pro cure no better remedy than millers worm powder wbleb are g to totally expel worm from th aya- tem they may canes vomiting bat thl need onuee no anxiety bsoa it i bat a mani of tba thorough work no worea7 aao long axis where these powder era ne doaubmt mufo th stoalpbj fuilleustbewaynf the for is hard i j oyntcus oh well be ean generally afford pneumatic ures children ory for fletchers astoria hh skii me oeoatteaeo av bad blood no one can iexpeot to be f ree from noma form or other of akin trouble unlaw tba blood u kept la good shape the blood can easily be purified and the eua disease cured by urn use ol burdock bfcod bitten uu old and widely known blood rn it has been on the market for over i as years and tta reputation is unrivalled mrs uhfe mhched ouriph ont writes i was troubled with eeaema my body was covered with awful itcnmn skln eruptions ahboogh i tried many 1 different renwdaw i ooold syt nothmg te givemeredef blnally i ot a bottle cj burdock blood bitten which eoaapleftety manufactured only by tbo t mubura 1c0- isnuteu toronto oat bvery mail la worth jnst as much as taia things are worth about which be le ooeerned marcus aurelina a good ufa u the readiest way to i linn a good name wblchcot it i a gentle mind that make tlii the reward of kindness 1 a more lovable disposition and a wider elsion of opxjrtemitwebe motbere ca easily know whenthrir cudren are troubled with worm and thjey lose no urn in applying the beat of rewedleemouier graves wt the unspoken word never doe barm many tblnge of aauplty are aalntll neaa ohildren dry for fieicrebs c a 3 t o r i a 1m tohaooo is ooiiauoied in great britain in proportion u lbe ndab- tinu than in any otber clvilbied oountry you will always and that you will have to- be the nahe of your own miracle suffered from cturrhaltatsttsikh ftflilfill caltarrh of the stomach fa ssierau eauanl from aotno toberepce wltb uh action of the over and la n malady thai iwutimwhotabodr l bomn sywpwnsisjebojmng pah in iuwatabaaclc ooo vonntlnci abnor nul 1 hi 1 si luiiittayt thmtrtngmtit- i i the gurneyoxford enthusiast tha haumwif e who owns a gumeyoxford who hu autf experienca with it who knows lbs i way itwotk dieeoononiy and efficicpcy of it l- u a gumoyorforo eiithriiimt 3fbo gumeyoxford range u tha cum total of 70 yean experience in sto4 construction it hia ypatniu ina hanhtome tote that work con- tanfly and lnfalbngb for to amsli utisritcuon it aihdc mtsptsw ner intereab conerroir bar time and energy effecting a daily aaying in coat adding to the hooiehold economy and increasing from a amootbtinning the pleasure which and weliordered bousebokl i thats why she enthusiastically recommends the coraeyoxfprd whenever tho question comes up she wanu her friends to learn what she knows to be a fact tbist a gumeyoxford range is a good houiewifoa most valurf o and ctasrisbed piissrsslimf 1 j jol a what wti1 bfamxl voo oksadv avbe th year bars slipped liy and memory run haak or iltu uih ih haf l red ynu will ih glwd i altip pd loepaak lr uvery friend v011 utri and left litem all wllh n wu l liter fet-l- 1h in tlmlr hrtai la liecauae yi did is and you will imglad tht ytm were happy when doiarth sntall nvarydiay llltgf lift thai yotteerved the brat could in mr lowly round on will l glaxl thal m itv id along your w i know i can iruai m he is top mm wi eel s you will i gud iimio liav t tnio rainy day in your iite if lliettt mrr morui- 1 lt- fnnim wotild dy tip ky would ih tlllml wllli potatttiolt vamif- and life woulil fraar yoli will u k t j njf uiili iivfij ihj tn ttstil care fully mimi with piaynr in your bead e wi i of todsi tuiaxnk idthoae lie vmi will he glad yoo tiought ki it ilea tu men and not trow tin will baglad that you have met all lb hatd thing which have eunie lo you wllb a heartt bandaake never dodging one f them but turning them all to the best possible account del ected they clean while they our the vegetable compounds of which rvsrtneleee vegetable pill are compos ed mainly dandelion end mandrake clear the stomach and intestine of deleterious matter and restore the inged organs to healthy action hence they ate the best remedy for indigestion avalutd today a trial or them will establish the truth ol thl assertion and do more to convince lbe ailing than anything that can be writ- of tbaaa pills otove were first worn in kngundln thereigttof edward ii there is only one way to and aaa in your work and that is to put heart into it ciabtorja sr iaftiats sad oularas tmuslymsaltipfaxtt the blessing of motherhood hcmlthy mothavs and oiil- dren maice hapfjy hcaiepi mothrtvmduwonusn highest sphere in life it 1 tha fruition of her dearest hope and greatest desires yet thou sand of noble women through some u- nui gement have been denied this messing in many h now children because of the fact that lydla e link hams vegetable componnd tnaicesworoen normal healthy and strong this is evidenced by the following letters which are genuine and truthful bpklon ortll wish to thank you for th benefit i received by taking your famous medicine lydla e nnkhatrtv vegetable com pound before my baby waa born 1 was ao iii i could not stand long or walk any dista i bad to lie down nearly all the time aftnr i took your medicine i felt like a new wo man i eonld work from morning till night and waa happy and well i certainty think it relieve pain at childbirth and recommend it tn every woman wbo is pregnant you may use this tswajmonlal if yoa like it may hlpsonaotnerwtamanafr- ftum coutix 1ft adelaide st london onl brooklyn nyi was ailing all the time and did not knowwhat the matter was i wanted a baby but my health would not permit it i waanervoos my aide ached and i waa all ran down i rettrdthatlydurpixxvliamsveotej compound was good and took the medi- do i have now a beautiful baby and your compound baa helpe me in every wtvrj x 8rwwwe hum boldt st brooklyn nt i the grand trim lattwa it ila many qoaliuee the man who poeseeee a bottle of dr thorn kctectrip oil le arawd sgainet many ills it will cure a cough break a cold prevent sore throat 1 it will reduce the swelling from a sprain cure the most persistent sore end will speedily heal cut aad contusions it is a medicine chest in itself and can be got for a quarter of a dollar there can be no syrup so pure and wholesome as just try a tin from your oroccr your ony rehrtd i m wntirery s every tin abeolutery guaranteed by sugar caanevs linuted meettreal poffl sale mow by j c hill geo sopbb and w00dhaix hokat good fittiaff that we know how to make gloves that will pass with honors the most criti- r cat exnraination as regards quality of skins pliability and strength neatness of stitch ing and all round perfection you can prove yourself by asking for storeys at your dealer n that they will outwear your most tauigrjlne expectations is our firm belief insist on storeys qt all ntores w h storey son umited acton ontmrfa the merchants bank of canada every person wbo receives and pays out money should have a clseqning account paycmot by cbeau is th most practical con venient and aslast method of handling all financial transaction whether ol a bo sin a or paiaoosl chsrsctar tn rnturn of canosllad cheoea are voocherafor every aura pld out they show what dlt- bnrssnveata have bean msde and to wbo deposits are received by ihnt dank sebfect to cheque withdrawal we pay th aatne attention to small depositors as edotouuaonetndttvor4lbssococola lalerasl allowed on all savings account compounded haft l total assets 1 s8lt884 acion branch r f a maclean manager paajatm0agh thaitt ttm lohowlna la iho una wtiil patsaga mm 4av oooia kh no 4 amar1 mo iwab he s llft am no it slip m no s s shn notfl tlmp so it llftasn mo- i altans no usiua ho smpm ko t ll r tin v jpan rshe excelsior bakery 1 fjr8t quality anflab cakik wsdoinc cakes dihthuay cakes etc btc iqr cubase fjaia today t statham son uakbiw and oroochs main st acton tit btf1 3tua 6ruih ail mifuiwmk caukfmb auuluw pvopshee desitnors and bidlders ol utalua uaos 1 iien ma monamenls afarkera and head and all kinds of jlrtutlelknittrywat wm hemstreet agent acton igitavlngj katntanxsrvksr tttronto gnwada your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen or atones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran r shorts the best at lowest prices harri8 00 limitod overland 1913 models now on vlw better than ever 30 h p 5 passenger 136s 45 pi s passenger 195s all fully equipped and guaranteed deliv ered in toronto- also the qraram and garford motor trucks sbawovsrltnd sales c o an to 39 atkdma au wi toronto ont conscieisxiovrs ptimbing heating fb ih h im u to the contrary sfornaloe it the moat important yoa n enthnausticaliyindorboiis 1- v viiiml0337 mu4irjtsllcttacilsihmbip l

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