Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1912, p. 2

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1 j st josephs ch reopening u uwum4b klnat ur un w ontg bob tuttcm la alan imwoli 4wii lukbetkn a aa w alll ww ifee mi an on rulunloy hunti j fred niiu a ww eley sfitb koran i liel ulukwn brthl ihii i mo lab njknihb ixirtbi out at lblomol lb brlrlafa paraat hojpon hi nnwipiw on wnbaidoy hownim so i v ku w n atim wn ilea june itobi la n m u a lol m minel ouea tq uim ihin lleaal iran oatran hurting on untuuv nowbwi soare la ida mb nae- xi kumtmh in lavureelirwa oa h i order no ml wlllum ueudvifmy aged 4 yere nod in dart claa htjeeejdja llel iluelpli on h1dian j aotoa la bia tnj ynu she acton jfrce press fhuithday novkullku 21 1012 ditohialmotka tlik c4m1mihuiomckm l niagara i1u have decided in view r ll ft lalluae lt year that no person will be allowed lo walk on tt e loe hrlrig otr lb haerliereartrt the united blele aulhorttua coincide in thla action ami will cooperat arreat any foolhardy violator of the now tgulatlnn a c4tuurrrkkif the toronto hoard nf trade ha lieen atudylng the high coat of living and for a toronto onm milter make a startling report to ronto though mil doiratln the mldat of lhe fllda of ontario paya mom fur ila food than london england to which oauriui aurplua u ehlpped weekly bon amoirnaiko iduvou la eolicltlog eel adeclelou of tnuob interest to imcal option commonluc wee beaded out by judge wn 11ade at berlin laet week upholding the convict loo of elaglalrate be be or gait again the berlin lion jlrewery for bq let ling buelnee in gait a local option town by nepeper advertising ibe com pany in ita appeal against the magi tret eonvletlon contended that newspaper advertising waa not solicit log it in wgh tlrna the municipal authorities provided doora on the local low un la jht town hall which wiii keep obetreperouc prisoner mora ee- curaly tbe old doora con true tad a qua r tar century ago are obaolata and inaecure this ha bran pro van over and over and oir again by fbe escape of pruonara it la unfair to tba i table that whan after long and enme- tin s dangerous aeareh prlaonera are ecured and placed in call toolnseeure to bold them with modern iron doora ad locks this contingency would be satisfactorily provided against the kuectouh will be well nupplled with ballola at tb coming monlclpal election thar will likely b bailota for itieve andoouncluora mcmbera of tba hobool board tba local opll appeal and a bat for a r vole on i ha ilydrokloctrjo money by law it mini the council wa mlaled by the hydrobleotho oommlealon and inad verajqtly made a technical blunder in the method of paaalng too by law th broken who purchased the de benture rafuae to carry nut the ternta of their tender imlawa thla la remedied unlea eomr oilier purchaaera are found tba bylaw will therltre re quire a revote of 1 ho proper y owner tib a richly adohnboidivlob i ut him lay tba f ml rt mil f hi jowph- uhtirch wm fllllngly celebrated after ibe completion of aklllfiil and artlatlo derorallrna nf iii wall- and callings thla important work waa urv aatlafaotorily executed ijy mr r o ilrown or toronto haa a wide reputation t r church da- rorallon ttta interior or the ma red rdinri now praaenta a moat atleacll ppilwiirii tim vfikgrthirb f uii walla and cellloga are nl carefully treating ahadna of buff tba oellloga are panallfid and bear artlatlnally ex ecuuitaymbnu of thervangellate with imintara of neutral una atrtwokt leaf emhnlllhhmenta over the altar arch tba well known text gloria in kxoel rt jobepirs ohuroh auton the gitelph uarcury u joet launch ing another trip corneal the deetln mtion of the winner oti tbbt ocomalon to be new york and bermuda three year ago to lieteury conducted one of the moat ei contaau aver earried out by a canadian uewepafter when it went lhe winner to florida on thatoooaalonltdlda magnanlmoiii thing gratullouaiy for in publlahlng the reeulta it announced that it would take care of the loaer well a the winner and the following aummer carried ant thla proipum by giving lhe 8t lawrence river trip through the thoueand i aland ut montreal the treatment aeoorded to both partlea lart a moet fevireble luipreaalan on the public and the younglady touriau on thee trip rvlaln a plvaaaot reool lection of their evpei itnce which they will nevr forget the preeent eonteet will oloae on the 16th february next and moon nfter- ward the mercury will aend one of ila etaif ae manager and bla wife aa nhap erooe in charge of the winner to new york and bermuda the round trip will laet two week five day will be apent in the beautiful coral ielanda of bermuda where therm perpetual euuitner and the flower are ejwaya blooming then on the rv turn there will be ihree day devoted to new york oily under ihenddlllnu alcbnpemnage of mr j i 0mpell of llieiclty whiwe kttiwl1gv if the great united htatee met m poll helie ei iftuqh t promote llietuitertaliiniunt of the ueroury a party lb re yenre go la ihlwoontttvt hv in the ihhi each candidate will e inpeii for the trip ag 1 net o titer oaiull inim ut the uiiw dlelrict only nnd not egxluat thnee of any other diatrlnt tlier are let rtlw trie tin h alirttrw in tint altyofgnelph andeeveo fo oiuwiirroitodlug itlirlcta and there will he one winner from each dial rial making ten oandldateeln all who will go on ur irlp the nomination forma nixy tie slfp pod from the uerciiry thwoamni f the lady candidate written on it by any reaponalhla clilaen who will algn hli name and get a counter afgnlure on being mailed to the blwury office giielph direct ona and sup pile will at once be aent to the candidate named wo that no time may iwloat ity herand her friend in getting in the votee the reanlt of the mercury v laat con wh w walulied with wldiipr j hu the promle la that t thtrt now will lie even greatep r u one of the beat nawepeperepubllatied fta the dominion ud on ita njjjfcvft aa well a it nter- prlte mmtoomuxand an ever inoreac- inat clientele of reader ala deo u beautifully illuminated and in the rear of the altar the sane- tua te almllarly made prominent new electrolier of neat deelgn have been put in and new eanctaary oar- pete and cork mattin 1 the ajale have been laid the monogram 8 j for st joeepba is prominent on the freeone of the walla the church waa filled to lie capacity both morning and evanlng at 10 to a no rev father traynnr th pastor preached from col j 1 17 whatsoever you do in word or work all thing do ye in the name of the lord jeeue ohriet lie thanked bla people for their generoalty in contrib uting to the beauty ot ihu temple of be divine ireaenoe and for the gener al interest luanlfaated in thla good work at twp ni e tberecltoaaon ef- tbeltoaary llev father drumuond nfuuelph preached from pea ins 44 1 12 the king ahall greatly deelr thy beauty i for he te the lord tby god and him they ahall adore ii in part the connection between the lord god deelrlng the beauty of any creature and the command to adore that god alone leada to tbe funda mental principle that all beauty re veal tbe adorable power of god the great hngllah poet aald a thing of beauty la a joy for ever it invallne increase that i the deep truth to which we owe the unapproachable and invincible beauty of the catbedrala of the middle age the men who built them were enthualaellc adorer of god they deemed nothing good enough for him thle aplrit created even in the email town of borope at that lime eraftaenen whnee equal cannot be found today in the thir teenth eentury which wltneeaed th beginning of eoue of the match cathedral of kngland tbe population of aonie cathedral town did not as ceed two thouaand the moat pnpulode city of kngland did not number forty thouaand and ythee eomparatlvly email groupu of population produced ekllled workmen eucb aa we aannot find nowaday unlea we eoour the whole world four or five huge eal hedrela are now building in the united rltetee and for tbeee it u neceeeary to import the bt oraftamen of rurope because the hundred million of north america cannot boaat of one eucb craftsman aa theamalleat towna in england could produce eeven hundred year ago the explanation ov this fact la to be found in i he catholic belief that ohrltl really present in all church in which duly ordained prleet ha con accreted and reserved thehsored iloau thle belief le held by lhe majority of profeeelng ch hat ian a they number at present about ofio ml 1 1 ion a 250 million catholics 100 million nrtttodoi greek orruaalan fiomllllon lutherans and eight or ten million high church anglicans the preacher went on to develop the proofs of the real preaene l found in the latter part of the sixth chapter of fit johns gospel how can this man giv us hi tush to eat r had he been minded to give them only a piece of bread and a sip of wine in memory of lite passion lie would surely have tiuleted their fear by say lag so but he did no such thing he solemnly reaffirmed in six differ ent texts the objective reality of his presence he even faced lhe poeslblt ity of hi own chosen twelve balking at this mysteryitf faith and love when he eald will you also go away t then simon peter thn spokesman of the catholic church replied to whom shall we gop thou hast the word or eternal lire thle is the answer of all true catholic the lord has aald in word en plain that even luther the vlrulenleneutynf the pope enuld not deny their cogency that he had done thiawondmue thing add we believe that hit can do what lie ys for ha is lhe lord god al mighty tbe creator of thn laws of nature how can a living glorious body exlal under tbe appearance of n wafer of unleavened bread t we do nut know be itnowa because he la the author nf nalureslaws vfekttnw nothing about tit oonalltntlon qf mat ter we uae electricity but neither we nor mr edison the wlanrd or elec trical invention know anything of the trim nature of electricity yet weue it with perfrel and rexsrrmtble nonfl deuce in ita laws eo do we oat hotloa k n t t h of the mystery of the real presence the pqftemlquo case porta oe eethev hie own uee thi bxrabawj xtoostar 1h court the charge f provincial offl harvltagainat vlvun w piulvr eo monly known a fred porter of sin- lawfully kevptng liquor f r sale bar ter or traffic therein without the llcenae by law required waa heard before juallrea mttore and nlcklli saturday forenoon provincial offloer untriaon appear ed for the prosecution and t j ruin biwnrptnn for th defendant officer hsrl andwaldk teatified to having raided tbe preenlae of port er on main h treat between 0 and 10 o clock p to on november xnd they aecurad an eight gallon keg of lager beer and two twit la coo talc ing quantity of whiskey and gin they found other empty bottles but porter and his wife and ohudren were alone in the houee there being oone of the alleged frequenter on thepremtse h b holmes exprem agent end malcolm mcdonald exprese drayman produced the reostvioa and dury books of the company which showed that on october urdtlota lflth end november sad four eightgallon keg bad bean received for and delivered to iorur porter on being called in ble deft wore that be had not been la good health during the summer i wa off from hie work at beerdmo- tan aeries six or seven weeks be waa under the doctors care he took the beer regularly beea be wee not feeling welt tbe doctor did not pre scribe beer but be told the doctor he waa taking beer generally a plat or o before or at bl meal and his medica adviser said this waa not too much he thought he drank a quart or more everyday but bed neve kneasured it qle wife be aald takes a glass at an odd urn but be bad the gin for her an odd friend would come in occasion ally and be would treat them to beer thue he accounted for th dlapoaal or the thirty two gallon including the eightgallon keg edxad by tbe pro viae lei officer j he ewore positively that be never sold any liquor to anyone never a drink nor a bottle he bought all the kegs of beer from the una arm in guelpb and tbey were each elghtgal loo keg ueveraj other wllbeeaetworr cjuleal but their evidence was unlmportanl judgment was reserved marhuog uobwbuks issued at office or residence ii p mooxx lesuer aotoo ontario have you ever thought of all th papers printed in ontario there only one farm bustoaea peps t tba4 th weekly 8un toronto for h new and market report it i without an equal if you want to make tbe farm pay you cannot afford to without thla ppr jvhwu pair ladle leather glove with email aura of money in parcel apply at fbjub prkhs office orrwaon oormauts a alight fall of snow on saturday igbt made us think that winter we coming mr 3 p bearrow of acton deliver ed an excellent sermon on tbe trana- flgurauoa la the church here on san day morning ur and mr geo barnes of aatou spout buuday with friend her tbi jlovr odki her percale seat br to europe in the bupe mutt ebe would get over ucr infatuation fur youug flubdub an eaetei way would be fur them to let her marry blui essence ef geed oeeklng the essence of good cooking lies in four things the ability to preserve develob unnrove end very tbe flavor of foods the french excel parucn larly in the art ot varying the flavor a small piece ot meat suffices them to make a whole pot ot vegetablee redolent of it conversely they use all eorta of vegetable to impart their unique flavor to meats in soups stews sauoe and the water in which meat or fuh hi boiled the combina tion and variations are endless an hiutluu epicure declare that the se cret of the excellence of french cook er ilea in the lavish use made ol vege tables where we use one kind french oooka see twenty trueut pauxema leepfjur oau to ot l oevuml trunk railway the grand trunk railway operate a through pullman sleeping car elec tric lighted to ottawa leaving toron to i04 p m dally berth reeervatlona and fult parti ou ur my h had from nearest grand trunk agent umrhouau in attempting to atop aonie wheels that were runnlngdnwn grade mi the new track at the dolly kiln heater douglae gowdy was thrown down and narrowly esoaped eerirua injury on saturday mr rohert wheeler and family x- peottotiiove to toronto in the near future ml a p itklngttorue of hamilton visited at her beother bum laet weak mm t v i vena has returned from vlaltlng frlmtdairt lira ut ford he ihsteatfth my flesh anddrlrksth my mood hath vrasrk m will rajse bim up in the last flay j for my flesh a weal indeed and my blood le drink indeed m tbe ebnreh was crowded with m noealleaveaadlnee th at both service mornlflf anaavernfff was ably ndenmi by tjiwvph choir eeeleieav- v anrmbert of th holy oroee oholf oeormetawn jaluaat v for th aoconimodatlon of passen ger sailing on the while star oomln itm line steamship teutonic from portland main december 14h the grand trunk railway wltf run a teoui train onticlktln or veeubuled ooaehea ttturii and plntt 0ua stan- dard pullman 8leephgqare at 15 p m friday december lftth run atflnedlnirdjurah arriving there at 0 a m 0tyemb7 lllh berth reeervmllon ticket and full pahlcuur oeo be nbtuned from nearest arand trunk agent or write a r duff d p a union station toronto ontario the course of governing bodle doea not alwaya run smooth it seems be a tnitehdealnfd attainment lo hold the reins of govacimnenl hut aloinvt invariably rulers ere prodded here and lhare in way that prove that vvery rnae has ita thorn tl e aqulth gov eminent baa the i j later uialeonlentai the borden cahlnel haa ila trouble with the nationalist to say nothing of nbeborrihle grits i the whitney govern men trie bereaved by thla ltarj lah the bar fellow and lb aetm council but week had to reckon will a method ut preacher it made interesting reading the re port of last week a council meeting end interesting d lee uaalona ariae frpm other eourceeof inforuuulon relative there to the haate with which the out dated repeal petition was to be rati roaded through in view of iheexirem eantlon and final disregard of the anil cigarette petition last apring eeema to have been oelxed by llev mr draper- e a text for preeelng home a leesoo incooststency his vindication of tbe bswvee ootloo will be appreciated by elluwna but the majority will certain ly reel that the ofldnclllors needed t do eome thinking th concession extorted that there would have to be twenty five percent on tbe petition before final paealng at a urn when they ware accepting en outdated petition and th pleading of councillor lo not have the whole blame placrd on them ell looki uk plea of pleas don t eboot but governing bodies ilk other bodle have much to consider and it is hard to split difference and pleeae everybody eepeclally if there i leei ing to one side joseph glbsoo of inguraoll tell that the right hon sir john a moc- donald once said to him glbeon there a not a man in parliament who would not rather support right than wrung if be waa aure it would not coat him hla seat itajl qrmmook last tburaday a clog tbe greenock literary society held it regular week ly mealing tbe president mr j e inreo occupied tbe chair end in a few wellchoeen remark eel forth the aim of the society after which the following programme wee rendered i musical selections mr kennedy speech mr w p near reading mr ii c bimonsi solo hies margaret near recitation mia ann stafford thi being the first meellngthe debate was impromptu it wa decided tn have open night on november sbth when the auhject lor debate will h ttreotved that queen rkxabeth waa a greater ruler than king alfred the greet a epedal programme is be ing arranged for that night 4rbbwy t 5g mmhhwml a kwo4eoeieatmdom oo u tru our specials this week in house iuwnishincjs we have made large parchases at- advantageoas pnees and these new arnvals mak this already heavy depart ment very strong both in values and range shown dress materials and trimmings new velveteensnew coatings new silks in scarce shades milunerv made hats arc now very strong oar stock comprises many attrac tive models at reasonable prices special attention to mourning orders henderson co acton oat xooooooooooooooooooooai only 34 pays till christmas shop early seasons fursnewest styles dependable qualities at moderate prices acton women will find that goine to the lannat cittee to purchase pur la mere of a habit than a dec alty at thfai store u broadest assort of pashlonabto far we hqv ever owned is reedy for you choose freta we have drawn upon every good asd reliable fur centre we know of for ear pat etyl upon every good eeeortmenta end qualities tba fur vo eel are of a grade you can depend oo always novelties are here lo ample aatmenu aa well a those of style courseany price you pay you get fall value for we sell only for of reliable quality among the newest styles are these bqulrral set long tie and square hnff ssw hudson heal set reversible style persian lamb bet throw finished with large tae- taple nature price vary a a majter of of reli r nfttttfal coon sot uigo mole mid uoif 4s klmknt sol wda stola ml huff bouttlfnut muk nlrl wolf bh 4s wo woll bo 4t aul sbu sot tm ponlui lamb kloff and cna tw b lnui unb hilt ch op lo black poa set abouuer stoleanduixo uoseuk hee our line of wooseaa black cloth coala wilb ior collar and qulltad linlne k aaoeptjoaallr koed value at eb iu uat men ctotttaf d e macdonald bros- cor wyadkaa aad macdoml streets guelpii ont dress ctedt grand trunks wlhtkat touiw to cadforqla colorado mexico 4 wdflccomt points tee uraad tresk ballwav t tlia moat dtraleta ireaa all polau aaieveeb oaaaea via obuaetf ss melaarjarsarvlaa totur rumfrv smtrrh hb mora aaalraua roast ut t araad tvana te daoelt uhh via ouv ivula ralet basalt hoe aad aaarrsmotaay t tam mmi ni otaaa vveak aaaetj e ertle a r das u p a vvafealo oe h m holmkw aqikt v aetoo oat tyht rtatiarfc montrkal the otandard la thai national weekly sewauter ut the dominion of canada it la national in all ita alma it use he moat uxpenslxt engrav lag pro ou tine the uhgtograpbs tram alloverlh wovltx 11 article are carefully eolncted and tie eollcruw policy te tteevttghly- independenl a auuborlpttuii to thu htandanl coala gfcoq per year to any address te canada or greet britain jky it for 19121 rto atanaard puwialilns m ristnjas oods a shipment of goods just received fiom england sou gold brooches solid gold etrrtajs sold gold bracelets saver ud pebble hatpins gold rcd htptas ud a variety of roods in stereo silver very ttnuble for cbristauui litis savage co gadsb oat do too bkalizb be moeey yea can teak selling trait ires t i he prss d foraarsery stock is the restest te the history el the be bverybody who has tbe lead la pund or prparleg to plaat wit want now tor all sod witter atpatbe a ruable man to sell la actaa aad satvoaadlag dtatrtcl good pay eacloaive territory aad ell th advantages la tape eating an old mla srtnra over coo are j luudtusbed jj years writ pelham nvkbuvco tereeie back again and more bartfalna i c c speuoht la comrortablt aottlod aaaln in hla 1m prpvod nrtfnna on h1h stnat wboro coatonwni wanta will be pronptiyanp pllad 8tovb8 add ranges orahitbwarb add tinware shelf hardware h m vu ktuves mechanics tools talmb jllls aim oliass cutlery a bilvbrwark chihamel tbv mw and aaay paint for nttanmua- gnalnuik anal doo drntlng oaia ahdms ual im ooh anuaht attar numuaaa cc speight xcton highly recommended ivwitilaro oxtontmuy motlvar ivm load wlk i fviiriuml ny hooaa i got one bvary roaicj i na bad ui btmanttmfatkcalxtuttawcgmayxfoiti the bast h that itcootollwmmmaaamn inarroatmltadntkjiaolrlerabcowiibikui pantry aa my gumeyoxford tuna oat and roaata fqwk and parmhiga aro always a uccana la it eaay to opermte t u itaou tba camay econo- nibar which you cannot get on any other range ragulatee ttva firs aoaply by patting one amallleter up or down you never heaxd of anything aa liawuli and byaayatamof drridad ftoea tha oran is alwaya nnitornlyheatedyoulriiowwtviatthatnaaa ta bread reeata not oaa half orenlone and the otbar half aadankti bau pcaperly done all through yea aay aguraeyjcarfonlraiige jas symon acton stoves and hardware hrhi bbrrttsntirnis srje vgplist f burrb ston rhv f j liumitflu tl a faeter uumoav nttvaimllflt jll cltkasl k0u caulining wnt8d byuapirhawr tit ttkk i if a cmk u urti uuiullxti u da i ii y farm a tba tea re b oiiuick mill 1 111 m utc for balk rpo imutlaa aba will aadaalaaa t am dnll k la ti wa wui aall ehnlaa imiuib iota m ptaaaoai eaay u af twraaaat nkaaldmoltli cc iioubkani urritukllalk that aaal tow hat tajnlly vac waiueatara ai ibm v oo raa laawet ilia loo ol wtl ra apply at anew t w i lit kldur h nttd fka a f0k sale a oe yoaag hlram one 811 kkp astray itaaa f ut aqbaarlbai ue rapaal of luteal option a iw e ana oraaa use la ne oauwl uimbu mt fritter malag al alglil uu j c wilko lo uie coaatnl u- faklfforhalk vcaiut lu tewnel lp nl kilo weal bait 100 ivkllr ipnl kla balaaea aaiaacl tlmbx- tall p4ovglli doili eeab and 1 aaa el tail eatap- bar msu wlui abeat naaanaamlb aw atitbwkllai walaar wuaaped to ban by wlaaaaul oniil baawa slwwaawsk housokeepers waxed paper for picnlcs ktc valnablo property in acton for sale ttae witb ml ii i noons ootated roeabceh and in pnoal racaalr gnadalataaw wltb waeap in ailaben laraa inara ear blabl ablaaadid aat iv a wm ucmmtkkrt n011cf to parknrh and guardians notick u avmafay lawa uiat ebildr la lb mania pal my ef ann u4in al lb aa el avrnynanettoaneaatradlabagtn miewlln aoliilal t1 bajnaar b eal ala tarn by ardov oj lea board a xklctus chairmen foard nl aetea fttblta hobaot bowmaits ninserv stock t fowl i fowl fowl whnted aw mllau uada ot furniturk hh snxa rcton ctaaiho auction sale kakm stock 1mt1e- mknt8 okain x fuenituue the tuidenbroed has been ibttnuicd by brxddloknbroo to sell by uwic auctteuoathepraiaa lot si coo- i eaqocaliic on wbdmb1bdat dkokilbbr 4th at one u cktck abarp the following llu i black ooree s years old roodwotker weight i3sq lbs t brown borer q year oh irood diiverodtrotl er i brown tnare e year old bmh1 worker i yearling ally aired by utik pateatb t nay horse n years old trtkut worker weigh about woo lbe i b m rising avejears wood driver or sail ho horee by tragedian cattixi cow duo in may t cow due in apr i cow doe in tahruwy i cow due ut march i cow ritlnjf j yeera due in february i gray cow milking well i brindle heuer rlalag years duo in juh milking well i hwtt iatntui heltor rising 3 yeanh aue hi marah s yearling heifer a yearling vtooin spring calve pius y nig- a weeks old urikuxrs peter llamlllon tlindor 6- ft cut peter llaralltou mower ft ctitt peter hamilton seed drill peter hamilton cnltlvator peter llamlltit hay rake i eo peter hamilton pitlter ecuffler mh j aection barrow floury nlowno ai furrow cockabutt plow chatham raaolag mill hamburg lumber waggon k tire with box and shelv ing pergua fanning mill the above implcirienbarepracufally new having ly roused a short ume set bob- bteigh cutter lop buggy open buggy cart hay rack cuttlagbox trdddatqiie whealbarruw mbiffltrec oeokyokes cow chains shovel forks hoes dinner boll mtgootl heavy team harness a aeu rood tlogl osrrees s yards rkmltry rxt- 3 ayumroa aud a qua of good timothy hay puahlyuaa happy thought cook lore good baker pwlor wood beater jmuly new easier suit mattreewa spring tablet chklntmucbe- daiay caurn national cream separator txauaor bale all nuvos of tin dol lars and under cash over that amount twelve months credit on approved mot note plv per cent ter annum olttbr cash llay grain and furniture cash no reserve na the arm is sold d- jlunj mitch cuitk y -y- v it 1 2as

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