Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1912, p. 3

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for glirtsunus choice fn our great tul j new year card u hplendul i chnitmu and new year cards 1 booklet sil twrware cutguun rancy china fancy nowltle watch jewellery toys delia cbildten a sleigh ilook foe the boy and girls for ateaey litiw tvry pupa aaamtay claov uhadquartiba geo hynds otoh oktamio teal cj to lea at lwct rate r latere large hmbcr af rraaa tarale cheap iretitag awl er property la all eartaetlawb taw we have every facility far tnuuaruajt aar aaalaeaa te year maalcte mui actio j a wllxotlcstssv cearfctami tjije ltton jc jjrcss tuukhday novhmhhll 21 tui2 brief local ittms it haa really looked and foil llko indian summer ibis weak rev j o wilson ii a attended tetlog of the presbytery at uuelpb ontuttdftj a yaar ago thia ok tha young folks ware enjoying skating on cor poration pood an interesting letter from an aoton ratepayer la crowded out this rk it will appaar next imm georgetown kjeetrlfl light c la offering so reward fi r apprehension v parties who tempered wllb iba light recently acton cordially welcome the delegate lo the feral yterlsl musion- ary society oftbeprestylerianghurch cala morning the b 17 wall train on tuaaday nornlng was delayed for two hour owing to the engine htvaklng down mat of georgetown theater lu town will ty mutual pajrtaieat clnae at 8 n clock neat wednesday evening to allow all to taa riual ball bmm oslmealare am frauuanlly asked conorrniog i itn annual coat f a rural mah bos therefor u tulgbt be wall to understand that there u n annual l i pay for a rural mail boa the flrl oust la three djurs that la iba only charge and boaee are mttwi free of coat for all time or at lees aa long aw the pvaaeat regttuuoe are in tore u ahw artaa a o air loo c stewart and bar alx children left on halurday a waning for lyttoo h c lo join bar hoe band who went weat a fear or ao ago mr ijiqrp a npllh u u 1 and other kind ej x j a ej rhaartad lyieod materially aaalatad lira hlawart and her litua one lo their preparation and leaving on i hair long iouroey raarol n r ta 0at the laspraaaioo baa gotten abroad that led ere on rural routee carry only a le atamp ub same aa city drop letlar and aa eapla nation snay clear tbla point am tottrddrnisdtoptron of rural mall rout or mailed on rural route mul carry so postage etempe the rate of postage applicable being he for each nonce or every fraction thereof a pa hr local laapaeaaeaeaa millard the slat of if leh a coin unity of a few thouaand people ra- rev g mcquillan preached tile i last tnnoniu rector of ure church it feet sunday ue goea from bera to j oraml valley milton hafnrutar all the ladlea in town are invited jr to a meeting in the council chamber 0- morrow evening the dsflnltelnvl tatlnn will be found in another column mr hubert hilton lias a very industrious trio of dtickv tbey have i laying all fall and summer and ftroaelc now kitting on a hatching of t the oew rural mall uvhvery from latrtoo le already operating with aatu- iv avatlon to iboae ou the route in a lit weak or ao everything will be running 1 moothly j at the high school concert at lv cfoorgetowo on friday evening mlae gtnr clarke waa preaented with her leertlocate of entrance to the faculty iv of education part 1 it i bar mr drapere arrlaa of eer- wl avotw on the prodigal son growa in r lataraat the alxth or the aerlee waa j idjallvered teat sunday evening and it jjwa a uioat imprcaalve dlacourm- 1 ac the meeting of the wellington f ern ineuraoce co ouelph uat thura- xday mr roawell ooldle waa elected lo ihqgoeedfala father on the doaud and w hr barry murtott tu the vlcepreal ldjeocy s the ladle aid tf the luptlat ohurch will hold a aale or baiulkvr- ablefe children m ctitthlng home made wb bkkldg etc in the warren block on ifriday oth decentber afumoon and ft evening s gualph police raided a bulgarian k bonea where a eelrhmtlon waa in pro- gjim oo saturday night and aalaed f afgbteen gallon of hrer and aeveral hbptuee of whukey the cue will be ed today pete mobba one ut the ilydro- h bteotrle polewen xiiatelned a palnrul tgmhon bin bead yeihrday morning pwben eiskepoh fell out of the banda of fellowworkmen aa they were gwotk on mill street mr william b swackbamer haa seqk an farm lot si eon i rtqaealng jtmeaara prank brothera maeara i baddlek brother who have had the arm lanard t r ewrra yeara will aell a their effect by auction on the 1th dl r member the edward htrctrlcel co limit it nd klllton have made an amlgnmeot pc clrk tronloreformar 1 my what a liol there would be if mu thie had occurred in acton acartala i olaaa would have attributed all the wy troubla lo local option news of local import uy bald a rather unique holiday it waa called gravel day and the dtbtetui oelebv it by walng ahovele and bautleag gravel ftoqi a hlllelda to mada tfce etorea dooatod cheap aa working glovea oraogea cool log faeveragva ale and a big enter tainment waa arranged by the city for i be evening jraaoeaae onwaraaaaaw bt monday found tblnga bumming in town n the work of ifydroklectrle inalallallon a large gang of man are excavatlnfcfor the new pole linee tor eervkae ka pert elect rlciana are engaged with the i of the variooa appliancea iraalaforomn at at ion il looka h ipeful now for having tln white coal from niagara turned on by ghrutniee ban a or meey eaa a very one assortment of new books have been received and clacelhed at the public ubrary the librarian le having them catalognad and placed upon the shelves ttw new conaoll dated eatalogue with the eapplement oontalnlng the new hooka will be u- oad early in december when the new books will be available to the readers the library now contains nearly 4000 volnmaa no hi satoal onsuft the high school concert next wed needay evening 37th inst has for ita leading feature the master american cartoonlat alton packard of maw york the fact that mr packard la eent out by the redpath ilnrean la a guarantee of bla ability and esoallaoce the preaaatauon of dlploaum and ear- tbvajea bjtr a k nlckuo j p ohalreoan of the board of bdnoauon wdl bav much of interest to the ad their frleoda itev j a witeon u- a will preside baijltharad iv-t- tbjbaluoafad beef ring held their annual oyetar supper at the borne of a jfr nod mr david mouoery ninth iv line on friday evening the hi lost wr tjiongh the night waa dark and wet 1 f y tpwate mt down to the tablea and did abtpla justice tit i be liv yet iidmany good ihug lr provided by the ladle after a ipper all adjourned to the parlor whwre the prealdaejt mr k baearlok took to cbmlr ana a moat enjoyable pro- afajnanve vh given eonaliuug of aonga jlenylmtremental ee and ahrtnhtlt at the close of the evening rffestrvoie of thanka waa tendered to tha dat end ho a ifter wbloh nil joined in alngtng god aav he king mrjptnamrep bnoar mr and mra la mear mr and mr o j jtoeeall end mr end mm beamlab of qewawajaown ettended the oyster aup petea at r moboery on friday nighr ggllil f iifc artheregeler meeting of the new- market hotel company te eooounle for the peat month were paaeed and ordered to be paid tha earn inge for the last year have been about the aa tbo year laafore the dlree- tore decided to hold the annual ban quet oo the kb of thle month in the spa baamuet hall of the king george hotel to which wul ha invited tae stockholders of the company with their wive at tola meeting the divi dend of fl per cent on the alock will be paid tb hotel la paying the stock holders and they are well aatlaoed with their invest newmarket bra a of mfre aenm ga the fnneral of the lam mr bpbert brown sr wboae retnaln reached aetna froawlnnipeg the night before was held last thursday afternoon from the raaldenoe of bar aon mr boot g brown main street the remain were tenderly laid to rest b ber bnaband who paantd away eleven month before her the pall bear were meaer r g elliott principal barl gray school toronto john blllott jr kramoaai w chlabolm krin jamea mcmillan j no s cole man and wm punk kev cbaraea d draper conducted the funeral ear- vtoaa there waa a vexy large alien danea tan oe t attn at ukihy stuoleaky the russian the alleged thief who broke the door of tha call in which he mai eonanod hut wed nee day iiaa evidently made good hie f eape it haa been found that ha had made a beeline from the town hall through tha garden lo too park exound the eaat end of fairy lake and across lota to the first line all thhj time he waa in hi slocking feet the chief having removed hie boola aa a precaution when he waa in the can ha called at mr wesley mnrrayv lot 81 and got a pair of old lubbere aa plaining thai he belonged to one of the railway construction gang and wad been put out of tha camp by the boas who kept his boot upon lea log hurray a he atrock northward toward the roan una ha apeak english fairly well though prat riding be doe not understand tha language flaan nl nw inenasjn hiieajitxi tat bnteful banana peal kii neater a leu y rold pupil of the public hchm i hlt hmii a banana peel arelwsly dr pped j anothwr pupil t ti thestalrwoyanl in the fall dislocated hi- ami on monday tea ntahs or um noan whan ratbr dr ve old i lmi eatupun buluad and frowned n every ohaulfeur who wanted iba road when father got an auto his feelings see m to n witch he glared at every horse he met unless u took the ditch bjv etnanai obunh wasaei- the annual sale of work and ilaaaar of hi alban a church on friday and saturday will ha open in the afternoon from 11 to 3 jo and in the evening from 090 to 10 numeroualniareatlug feature will include refreshment and aercnandue booth ash pouua and bran dip a midway and a rummage counter aluahle priaes will be awarded lo thoae h idlng fortunate numbera sooal and personal otizens commtltee ready ttut newspaper man f wellington county met in the iuhllc library ai vergua last friday and want carefully over the price received for printing although stock wage and i he gener al cost of living have advanced the printer have been charging the same pries for many year past- in order lo meet added vapenae a new tariff a etrue for job work which will go to to effect shortly dubbing rate will aleo bo advanced fergus news record the annual gathering of lbs wo mane foreign mlaalonary society of the preabylerian church will be he hi in knox church iody and tomor row about aeolyova delega are expected mis 8nmuiof fer gus the president will preside t ibe dy sessions iuv j c wueoo will preside this evening and convey the greeting ol the ouelph presbytery the outside epeakere are ir margaret uc keller who has bean fw nftottn year a ailaaiottary in inilta and mle thorn ps n of t troul travelling secretary for tha mcly tim urt eesslon will open at iwn clock tbla afternoon hep uytfro u1 improve m a resident of mill treat complains very bitterly of the set inn of some nlago a he calle lurnt who have lately larea in the habit at nights of prowling around the housee on this atreet and peering into the windows last sunday evening he went lo church but getting uneasy about the matter left the church and returned home finding three or four men prowl log around in the manner described he thinks stop would be put to all this were a light placed aboul where the skating rink at a ode probably when the hydro eytecn la installed her this grievance will be remedied reformer a new rural mall nrate alerts from milton and goo op the third una baquealng lo the xj p chnroh thence west to the 2nd una down ave lota to baseline thence aernea to let hoe up 1st line live iota tbeoco a to 7th una nassagewey down 7tb line to d robertson te co lime kilo up by road to town line down through mil too height to donoan raid a comer baa line up over the mountain lo ota oth line nelson thence d wn two lot to road extending to mala street mil ton john l hardy of hquealog has the con tract or carrying the mail he will remove tn miltuo and make hi drat trip on november fikb champion while we are constantly hearing of conference of men intereatad in the development of our agriculture mln era i power arid limber resou it i gratifying to learn that a body of luen are alao oouitng logtbr to devise waya and mean for raising the atand ard of our canadian youth the provincial young men e christian aaociatlon and the ontario sunday school association have united to coo duct ibe greatest gathering of work ere with boy ever held in this country at ualt no friday evening saturday and sunday november sod s3rd and 31th inst twenty four experts in helping boys will he preee l to deliver addressee mr taylorsiatten turon to le the conference dheolor mawa vwatf jeiatsurrs tie csaeov bt srts1 several complaint have been to- celved at ibklpfflae in regard to row dylam on tha atreet lal at night several globe have been broken or tha llghla at taylor uroe atom gang gather ou the corner an 1 um nbacen language and in t liter way make them i ve aobnnxlou a special al night cnnstkbl and a few stiff ii no would abate tha nuisance constable green cannot he everywhere at onoe and a plain clothe man employed for a few night would be money well spent we have no doubt if the per- tie complaining would take the mat up with the council possibly omethlog would be done tu cope with the existing fair gaaeue mr k ilrann returned lo winnipeg on halurday mr eorg htovel of cualph wae in town ou m mday mr jos kennedy waa homo fr in ueorgelown thle week mr o v stafford of hi thomas baa been visiting friends hern thle week aftei margaret kennedi ttf george town vlaited at bar home iter this week mrs j coslello and miss margaret vlaited frtrode in ueorgelown this hr w k coleman of lleapaler was in it wn over hunday visiting hi mother hr nd mrs k j mepbereon and master kugene visited toronto friend last week mis 14 ttlek hpsight spent a few day last week at the home of her brother mr w ii hpelghi toronto mr j antra murray returned last week from his trip lo hi id home in scotland uu iju mcdonald and annie mclennan are visiting frieoda al walk art on mrs thos homerville u spending a week or eo vrllh her daughter hr ijanr at eorgetown hr ii 11 wxleo of uuelph waa in town n monday attending the funeral of ilk late hamual clark- mrs thotnaa itrunt who ha beeo serious ill for several weefea la much improve and able id be about again mis maode cutter r n of new york visited her sunt mr k k- c k falrvlsw ave d urine the past week hess hldrley wstsou and j no mann jr arrived home from their three months trip to saskatchewan on friday mr d llnndnon m p left for ottawa yesterday mr henderson will proceed t the capital at the end if the week miwee fi rtu us it hew and clara lartln of lurlln have been thegueete or mr john williams maplehurat during ib week mr j k mclennan l laat weak to vuit rriend at harden about the diet of december he will goto patrolea i u ska in ei tended visit wllb hi mr anl mrs trod ii storey who ha been lit toronto since last apring were in town laat week lo vpend a few day et sunderland villa prior to leaving to lake a new position in winnipeg mr and mra james henderson re turned from their ten works visit in manitoba a week ago they enjoyed the trip and saw a very fine crop harvested in the locality where they o visiting that uncommonly strong corn bin lion or colorvd latent known a tha j c rockwell bunny south company the show tbak never disappoint the one that never mlarepreerula 1 an nounced to appear tn the town halt acton saturday evening november joth this company haa been aeeo her evrl time and 11 haa alwaya mad good delivering the good just a advert lard thle season mr book well claims to bav the naweat fresh est most art telle and thoroughly equipped colored show ever nt on tour u back hla claim and errant pobuo attention by prsie muaac- al performance that ha more up-to- tbe minute nova tire and original idea than any similar organisation a oo it former appearance it will he found tu tw clean to a fault and during the entire performance there la not a line nor an action tu which exception can be taken the fun which will be handed over the toot lights i all ne wand needs no arrow to point the way to the laugh there are twenty jolly catchy and brilliant musical nuui bera and t e olio la replete with aever- fd of the high clsss btunta eve prese ed on any vaudeville bill nntalde the largsr nltl the action spirited and there i plenty of sweet ceujby music dances and feature sufficient to make tha most fastidious ekr after amusement sit up and take notice the organisation la accompanied by a ol n ncert band and a superb orcheatra the hand will bead the koontown parade taking place t oooii the price of admission have been placed at 25 88 and 60 cent seats are now selling at brown drug stor mr buin j olark who went to si josephs hospital ouelph aeveral week ago died there oo friday after noon the remain were brought to acton that evening and the funeral took place fronl ibe hunt of hr joe holmaa bower a on monday afternoon revf g turrll offl elated deceased was a native of anton the eon of the late samuel clarke hi whole fe wee epent bore in hi boyhood day bla parent re moved to silver creek bo fc remain ed here end mad bla borne for a number of year with twlet as ball in hi young a be hrnrn- adthtvwdoftlomdltlngandworkd for a number wf year vrltta the lata rob vua- doer with mr w h storey bon and for avquarter of a oaulnry moat faithful employee la hi tale ftu rhvumatlsni aud for a conaldarable ulibwa anabfeto work h waa a man uf quiet dlapoaluoo and enjoyed gttwrl eeleetm ue wae iiomwlried died in ida 08 lb year one jleadowvale e little village in ipael oounty there i a fortnightly club this dub aa the uaiae ladl oale meet once a furtnlght the membership 1 mad up of farmer faoe the neighborhood and village nwput- i or three of the mam ham give ihulr inter prelalioiuiof agreat mmiui al another easaya form the leading feature and at interval through the season tin in are debate or addressee on u plus of prevent day interest the club i on tlreh nonnartlaan and wholly eduoa tlonal andaocial tlieeoclaldepamment being greatly aided by anexoellent orcheahra tnore la room for aaeb n olublu every like oeutre in ontario wrjekly sun a woman of few words lire harry btliye maj street enroll mount fort out writ yoor remedy for kidney bladder and alnmenh troutua bee umijnji relief have taken three boxea and 1 now feel like living and lietler than i have rtt for yaar and i give your plf pas- all um praisa for tbey are the immi have ever tried at all dealer usaud momte or the pig hi co si tliom aaonl- arntoho oomw at woik tba largeet moat twpreeantatlveend nthaalaatio gathering of the cltlaena committee since it t rgenlaatloo near ly four year ago waa held laat friday evening all clsste of ibe ity warn lepreaaated and a a prepared lo enter moat atreao ously the c not only to keep lb lice liquor tralba out of aotoo but to defeat it eoempbatloslly at lb contest in january that it wul never makv notacr- attaenpe to be rtord to operatloo in thai town again he j c wilson the prrttdent mad a tuoet encoaraglog aod eoovioc- ing addra se forth in unmletak i term videnose pt the great value local opt loo had beento acton both from a moral and a borineui stand point he wa followed wltbrrvnt speech es by dr gray rev draper aod bur- roll j no cameron j l warren frank kennedy jno u nelaoo a k nleklin k cooper j p bearrow j h uokmao and ntltera a strong feeling of optimism prevailed in the tueeucg and a determination to win itli the largest possible roaj hrtty aa xprd by all preaent labile meetings will be arranged for and ample literature showing iba evil of lb liquor traffic and the bene his of local option will be distributed the hi6h school gorcert school to have ibe auhunce of alton packard of new york the acton town hall will b taxed to it utmost capacity to hold tlia great crowd that 1 talking about the hch xl convert on waaoeaday moveertbee 7ui till romlmc to ho one of th greatest eaurtalnment event in acton a yilstory certificate will be distributed to the nccful pupils the greateat of all american cartoonist wlllbe present mr alton faoeard mew york hja la one of the moat unique enter tainment before the nubile alton packard i a great cartoonist and entertainer and he aing jolly sketches and play funny piaoologtw den t mla it buy seat early plan at brown drug store date weeseay nevmsur ittk order teata early a ball will be packed to the door wintm takrm btroh jaw and louuott xoamhxaoar sass bian olsss omabssrslal hsbaol 1 nicbly rsanmaianitiil by torosar slodenta araaaatss la alna denma write for g why not enjoy rest by hsvlaf g hot water pottlh u tor tbsss cool q nbjbia 7 g for neuralxu rheamiusm 8 backache cold feet etc tt s help and co g w hava tbaot al styha and o prices goaraaiaod 1 at brown acton ont mauawao aw iya it saturday hqulre r- j can p bell had two oampbellville ease beror him geo bobbin of lb queens hutel the unlioenaed house of the local option villa ebarged wm howard with having been drunk end disorderly and using bad language at tha hotel on october 26th howard pleaded guilty and was allowed to go on suepwuded eeoleno he laid a ooobta- charge galnt the hotel man for assault and bad language on the am date tblswasseitled outrff court no 4dno was taken and the ce waa dliimhwad thar wrz3wlto- klsa7w wrongt ii they are yon are la dvweer when through weakness or ilsws the kidney fail to mter the imparities ii il li mill aim um a backache rheums turn scattka gravel dubeteagall stonee andtke deadly bright a dnaess are aoese of ibe result of cglccted kadneys dr mors indian root pill rontahi a amt effective- diuretic which trenetawui aad stimulates the kidney so that they do tbcu- work thoroughly and writ try dr morttvi m indltxg root piu- opp05ite the post office httffiost cash jprlces for butter eggsa poultry lrodoci sold wholsmu nd retail al w orocea stand by chaa d brewer browirs rursehes are famous fortheirflne peach apple plum and cherry trees they have the best nursery soil in canada and are the largest grower of trees in the dotnin km all scions and budaticka are out by one man and be haa been in their employ many year so no mistakes are made by uainjr the wrong scion or bud send for catalogue or write for agency aa they have some unoccupied territory in your connty b c willaiid oodmtv ont green grocer amd- fruit merchant e k cook is noalvlag dally prash vwgalatl and fiona end aha them al reasonable pries fob big n fruits a specialty fresh fish tuesdays a fridays taotit amd hituino tav oca ftaaa iupoik goona dttiviwd mill braurr acton abridaabpandnnastaema no cure no pay applies to ah watch aod clock repairing done by w h foster wujjwoustaid georrtown ontario fort comfort soap moans comfortnot just soap iposmvlly the larost sal ih canada i bank of hamilton ajooaooo just uorf lo give hu customs conrtos efiiclenl ltellon so do the oatoer of the tank of ilsmlltoa eodaavor lo render lo de posilon every servke consistent with cones valiv rallv banking praf ike no depasli hi to mslitooaammllmdepusti tor irealnvsnt lbs ssvtagb accoual of those ib moderate circumstances ar wal corned wllb courtesy aad ttb thi sltseere of undo fonatuty which eaaka hanking a con gk0rhet0wn biunch ignahnnaaaadauuuaaaaananrionaaaandandaaadauamaaajaa introductory offer j a for the remainder of this month r we will pay your railroad fare to a cuelph and return jf you buy your g electric fixturea from our ahow- g i 1 a rooms grand display 1 large stock 1 better than the toronto d prices i come and aee a w6e guelph electric works oeoeb griayervco proe n x6 w market sor gtulpli oi b immmmaaadaonandaaoaopadodnoanpndaanaaaannww xb6e metropolitan bank head office toronto onl athonuonaoo savings depaktuent accounts of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch t a hoisted manager the partners daughter h needed in toronto aa oaxmjoavm dpuuw sj0 bltvrw metmslalllstwslawaiaal c symons baker rn confcctiomerx boluskrao 0be acton pork pie peruotlott honastnad bread try ounoc vlsdura frelt cakes oai paff psslry u dsuclona assortment ol cak and paatry treab every day all hojnatnad weddlaii and 01tihdy cskea a specially conrsotldaary nat etc all orders dbuvhrhd willow at aoton fall our millinery ink pen li laisis aiir i a msssssssmwjssnt brother adam of krln nd a slsur xwo new huggj wpv survive i luggjre both he- aulo cli tjuyere w j tyeuwiuaedoof aaatirtejeat f all uttllnery superior to moat nod eqttatto any in thia district ye are ready to meet the naedi of any from the school girl to the grandma- let a luvre the pteaaure of ervlng you wo feel aura we can wtmy you l thuniatlent atylogualiyandjirice showing today the latest and newest effects in stylish soft 3 hats from sit to sjs another shipment to hand of oar famous special 9 suff hats at g s jt r e nelson austuru out i capital separators for salb at cost sevenjjow separators never been ont of shop 500 lbs capacity m castf dairymen call qaick as they are to be rushed off jl o t buffl left as we need the room ior win ter stock will clear at cost robes knee spreads horse blankets halters etc for fall and winter use machine oil of allkinds alsd floor oil 1 give us a call and see oar line of goods b f caojiwoxr a6toix pringile la now ready or your watch and clock repairs prompt ness and good work is what we strive to give nickle alarms put in thor ough good order same as new for 5 cents geo d pringblje tim jliwclluh gublih ont applies jtoact on too the moral of it the advertising colums of the review are an index to the most progressive busi ness houses in vanleek h11h people who know recognize that to reach a very large class of the best purchasing public it is necessary to use the review colamns a very natural deduction is that the merchant who does not use the review as an advertising rpedium does not care rbrthetradcroflhose whooanbelach ed only by the review therefore the moral patromao the merchants who think your trade is worth while telling you- about their ofonnguvankdt jtlill review patronize merchants mmo itnvltgvau i l

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