Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1912, p. 2

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nasal mm at oayln i titu wi hintf mbbt imk la 1 mma tlrm w j hwt4 takeest at ualp ua mi mb obtmle ms u im ma rw br v mbm k k waw j a aj i m sub in alqudf rtlslllmcirt itiinu amir maaala- hj if githaim esallli local option repeal by law be juton jfree press nruruuav novbhhkii an 101a orromiaiiotkta i hium a kkitimt issued by lb lie i pertmeoloi lodun affaire at ottawa nlwn tbatln 101 1 canadian indiana earned i ih4m7 in agrleullur si 010 t9 in otlse ptireutls and but gtsm 017 in hunting and trapping h would appear from this that lb passing of tbe pl indian of tile alory book baa wall nlgb beeooaa a reality it amtaluiqnlte within i be range of probability lb the ioanlnlou qoveraeeenlema distent day will in ugtmu a pexeepoet system lo dob peti with the monopoly of tba nprameompuilw pnblle opinion u groertofr stronger in favor of sncb policy as tbe daya go by and word ootnee from ottawa that tba pol master oroeral la now considering lb proposition oimidlut dakkm are in a healthy position erltb total deposit in canada eseu over the billion mark tbe octo- al shows circulation uite half million dollars below 1 paid up capital u rental ion expended wxassfi00 during the month while de deposit ineraard nearly nine and a half million daring the but twelve month circulation baa in ithiij over one hundred million dollars buelneeo loan in ca bow an expanaloa of over twenty nfflw daring the snaalb which waa an inoraaaa of mora than a million over ootober a year ago in swajtjim or tba campaign for closing and keeping closed tbe bar- roonm of ontario tba canadian bap tist says it i tn be anticipated that thone who favor the liquor inlrreats wttl not be alack in patting forth aorta to defeat ircal option that however aboold inspire tha temper ance workers with the greater aeal and determination in tbe good cause tha several weeks that remain before day should be oiled with per sistant endeavor to enlist tha eyo pathyofall voters in la or of local option and to seek to obtain daft nit promises that their ballots will be cast in favor of i bis reform fkw bgmiokw of parliament have opened at ottawa so full of interest for tha people of ca as the second session of tba borden government prom a flnaneial point or iev qosatlonr of importance la tha bank charter act that i llkaly to come b the boose tbu lovoli savaral new questions 1st there la um question of oatslde inspection of banks by the government or soma only appointed official tnd tbr qoaatloo of necessary inc in dr- oolatioo 3rd tba quaetlon of extend log additional credit to fanners tha hanka rnt powarwlth consent of tba canadian bankers aseoeuuoo to land nooay to farmers on aaeurlty of grain nd llve stock on band this ref serisnliilj to tho west where much grain fa hew over winter and ready aonay fa nsedsd to carry forward op on tho land olveai rtrat anal tbaahmocil met lo regular ereaton on monday evening all the members preaanl llaeve llynda in liia ebsir tbe otunmlltee on finance pre anted their twenty second rep ft and recommended payment of account as follows t oxxkjui axl xt lake erie coat a dial can klre kng co lepalra b bfaekeoau suppues n i do u llavlll 04dicaf uoculloabdo t bar btorey labor hugh ryder do w j lutcfala teaming n hardle special constable llyitnokljurrkm a mt william hhlrton to supplies certified wage seel par ii v ilavlaodroreman can geo hire iitt auppllae the report was adopted a vey inspoing convention in knox ohuroh tastt wkbk 1 1 n uift libers of the w imn foreign missionary hociaiy wilbltt the u unds of ouslpb trasl ylory aaaoml i ed in knojt church aoton in lrge numbers for their twentyeighth annu al oheling last tli iraday and friday over ninety drlegattrabjkbcenjnmtol fn i polo la utaule of actwi all the auclaties in lb i ytrrlsl being re al us umellie uf rargus the vrry cm1 le and n uch loved imsldant occupied the chair at the day easalime and skillfully krpt the procvdinga moving wltlt a sualslned interest luv j c wiim n ii a lb pastor of tba church presided on thursday evening me brought to tbe ladles very cordial greeting and apprecia tion ol tbe work they are sccoaaplleb ing from iheourlph lreabytery which met on the tuesday previous thoconventh n opened with praise and devotions conducted by lira c 1 vln of celt tbu was followed by very warm and fitting word of greet ing by mrs wilson acton poktbt not ptoven guilty evdvicm vlvuo w porter charged with no- uwfoily koaplog liquor for eala bar- tar and trmltto tbaraln without tho moanea thsawfor required by faw came before joaticee moon end ntcklln the coandl chamber on saturday warning lo bear their dndeloo in tbe nee beard the week before the taegut rasas stated that they had etudlod very carefully tbe evl denee proa though tbe provincial ofbeera bad eeoured a ooneidetebu quantity of liquor when their raid waa made no evidence waa adduced to ebow thst tha liquor waa being kept by the defendant for the porpoee ol sale or barlar coupled with tab wee tbe feet that in rebuttal be bed worn positively that he bed not eold any n vfew oflltl they bad no alternative bullo dtatnu tbe i in delivering their judgment bow iver the magistrates atated plainly tn porter unit they believed him to ho guilty of lee cbavee prrfrrred the repntatlon of the iioum llie tptantlty of liquor admitted lo having been de urerrd end ibe niintlter of drunks n dorted to heve weiteoeirlrawng te promises warranted their o imjiu 1 n- tbey advised liliu cut tiul niiy further infraotioti tf lhe law inak- ntnchaathr provbifflat niiih hi lea are determined ut investigate all aueh pteore and bring tn ju tte all who vfotatsr the lew and thn aw la etrortger than any man it la reported f hat porter baa lren gfven notion by theotvrlerof thehnnve be oo f o vscatc tbe prentleee the clerk announced that tbe by law to repeal by4ew 1s1 which enact ed that the retail aale of spirituous fermented or other manufactured liquors be prnhlhttad waa read the introdocl ion and first reading of tbe by law waa roofed by coancllli mcdonald and smith the bylaw waa read a first time it we nsoaed by councillors cooper andsllherthe by law be read eeepnd time tbe by law war read a second in and was ordered to ha published in tbe acton fmese paavm for one month that a i macklnnon and r j e- nabb be the deputy iteturnlng office re ac the elecuwo on tbe bylaw oti hon day 0 h january 101 a mr m b havlland foreman of the hydroblectricoonatruclion gangs at work berev was in attendance anil the council the work here wonld be poshed forward as rapidly u possible a urge number of poles are already arreted end tbe oroea aroa 1 and bracket- will be put up at once tbere will be no interruption of tbe lighting eyetem in the bnaineee place end private residences white hydro- btectric la being installed and tba local system removed it u likely that all users of current will get free light for a day or two when tba old metres are being removed end the new onec installed it fa not likely how- ever any local patrone of the ayatera will object to this tbe matter of trimming off shade trees where the wires run through referred to mr havlland said he would eee that tbe utmost care wee exercieed in thla matter and wherever trees must neoeeearlly be trimmed due precaution would be taken not to in jure the t and to trim them unl formly eo aa to save tbe general proi portion of the tree coandl adjourned at 000 o clock baluhirad ashmnoobt ijetfvvrpvjssety bwtterepifaiweenv ryesawtlng after the pi ad- npsvpm wagrawe waajrjeemhy hr founwbje t several nseefaouowp yafrej brvareies awirilr shin end mr kennedy 8hirlat d liven by mesera ab fwavwaf w4 o lmmmi whswwelneo4a byhfaeaset- lbywwfajikrttoneli mrs william winw and mr george eecompanled bishop weine to oak villa on saturday end returned sunday afternoon this erctiou of tbe townehlp will give a good vote for local option now ihat tbe hotel here la gone there la no desire for ila restoration mfat bingham and mies mitchell pent the weekend at miss bingham a home at speedatde miss bothwell spent sunday at bar home et milton mr angns mclean took advantage f the fine weather last week end had iii threshing done on thursday tbe belllnefad presbyterian sunday school scholar ana training for a christmas entertainment to be held on december 10th the most enjoyable entertainment ever bald at balllnafed waa that or wednesday evening november soth the muslo given by prof kelly and hu gifted daughter of guolph was moat highly appreciated by the large crowd that attended and filled the cliuroh to tle vary doors prof kelly witty elections were e exceedingly liiiinoromm and enlertaltilng that were kept in the bet humor hl rendering or the spanbh bel real im the guitar will long he reuieiiilwred by those who heard it the attention daring ibu eolo we eo good thai a pin afould be heard drop tjio reading by mia janfaaoemel waa well chosen htfd exoeedlngly well given we have little dbobt that if mfa iteeaal oo- tiuim in the study of her euirjl that she will before long be irijtdrlrillna fad most snoeeesful enlerulnvrv nip illlobetl gave a vsfv iheblnr reejutlnn botit tbe bravery of fire- lottheroeoneof m eblm from ifce and famly we mutt m h tknronfly all nppreefa iw po br excelled tbe report of the various ofhcer were eoniprebenslve and sncouragtng every lady manifestly realising her responsibility and aiming to fulfil fallhrully the duties entrusted they were given as follows t ulasmolrllan corresponding secretary mis hous ton huppllesi miss kay tidlogvi ml thompson mission bands and misa cant treasurer mies cant reported receipts from auxiliaries e27uiiw missi n bands e59s7ontotalorg3a0soo tberoem betsblp waa reported a 015 mr o d chrltle of tioelpb of fered tbe dedicatory prayer and mies hmellle then delivered the president address which was characterized with inspiring thoughts and encourage meats to future service the eddiesse of mis thompson or i toronto travelling secretary were received with much interest her visits among the societies enow that i a live interest in foreign mletioue pre- veil and that tbe women of the churchy are fully alive to their opportunities and reeponslblitiee end are aiming to glorify cod and spread the good new or uu kingdom by personal effort end eooeeereted service dr margaret maokellar missionary i from india waa given a vary cordial reeepuoa it we felt by all that the story of mission work end aotlvitle fa told with much greater effectiveness by one fresh from the mission field then when read from tbe most care fully prepared report the new which has a live interested pareonellty behind it la always more vivid and i impreeelve it was truly so on thla i occasion dr alaukelfar personal experiences observations and eonclu- one were inspiring and helpful to a fuller knowledge of conditions end need her add re east wre e strong incentive to more active work and greater conseerattnn on the pert of those at home at the afternoon session the girls of victoria mission band sang a chorus very sweetly and et the evening ses sion mr will sang a sjio tbe qet ter land with floe effect friday session waa crowded with interest in tbe morning mre t anderson of guelph conducted the devotions tbe report of the mlaalon band and auxiliaries were beard with interest prior to tha election of officer mr argo of bden mills led in preysr a conference which brought nut many valuable suggestion end ex perienoee was led by mr meorae of guelph and was f mowed by mrs brown t f fergus in prayer at thecloelog session mr lee of waterloo conducted the devotions misa thompson toronto gave her parting addreas and miss cavers of gait p ke tbe closing word of tbe eo iventlon expressing feeling of gra titude to god for the i level i g and incentives to bettav service all bad reoefved by coming together on this occasion this vary interesting and uocessful a nvenilim clofd with prayer by mb hmellle tli lergf gathvilng was very hospl tally eitlttrlalited by the hid lee of knox church auxiliary dinner end tea were estveif lathdars in i lie school ico id on thursday evening the members of the methodist and baptist social let were also guest et lua many expression of appreciation uf the splendid hospitality provld ed were given official trunks waa also tendered the vuuk phkhs arranged for ful 1r rermktt nf the addressee lreporta 6rthebande- rheumatism lumbago and ume back can lie n irvd by 1 1 n great fro kidney and llrsr remedy lit puls lira if rd ont au ii 1011 y ur medlfilne kfg i fits haeworked wonders foe me tha rbeuma la pains have entirely left me and i uwe every thing to your rfndy yoo are at liberty topuliuii ihli k ii flailinan aj nil dealars 25 sod 50 cants r mailed lytic 1lg 1111 c ht thorn ont those of our cltljeoa whi atronlxe the theatre end i th era who want to ee a good o u red show will be glad to bear that ilia j c kockwsll hunny south company ll a otl red nrganlsa tlon that made kudt an ampliatic hit on their laat appearance i saiuns agu will m th ettraelii a at tha town hall act n saturday even ing novem bar wth there isn i much to say abaul thlscouiany save that it la a good strang i ne a mpoeed of twenty five o it red p pie vaah and everyone an axpersln apeclallty work who do everything funny that darkles oan do eo wall and keep the audience in a oooetanl state of laughter and excite ment from start to finish on their former appearance our eltlsana liked it the beat and patronised it the largest for many years they say it is even belter now every feature lialtig new modern and up to themlnulr it is absolutely clean and during the entire performance there will he nothing said nor d tie that wlllhrlng a blush to the brow of tbe moat fastidious lady in the land tba re is plenty of fun in the performance in facl it waa boll t for laughing aurpoaea unly and it i generally conceded lo be one of the funnies shows imw time began it is a mualcal performance wedded to th ra ist tuneful wuslcjone would care to listen to full of ginger and ufa with not a dull moment from start to flnloh something la going time the curtain is up tbe organisation i headed by a eolo concert band and a superb orchestra tba band will head th knontown par ade taking place at noon th price of admission have been placed at j6 jfi and go cents seats are now selling at brown drug store r bowmans nursery stock one pent it wiix orow we want ivramoreaiefltslo thla county ttuw w bowman etoa oov lid meerilu oat now is the time to cfrtdeh your christmas ckes c symons baker h confictlonek wiuow si aoloo make young folks independent sfymeescngou 8j0btefw- xxxxxxxo0ooo0xxx3ocwxxxxxxxxx our specials this week id housil iuknishings wt have inadc large purchases at advantageous prices and these new arrivals make this already heavy depart rncnt vfcuy strong both in valijls and kangl ihown dress materials and trimmings new velveteensnew ooatmgs new silks in scarce shades milliner made hats arc now very strong our stock comprises many attrac tive models at reasonable prices special attention to mourning orders henderson co mill st acton oat ixxxckxxxxxkxxdoooooooooockxxxxxxxxxii turn idle hours into concrete fence posts every farmer finds himself now and then with a few idle hours in which both himself and his help must look for odd jobs to keep them busy use these hours to make concrete fence posts you can make a few at a time storing them until needed then when you want a fence in the new field your pott everlasting concrete posts are all ready to use the making of fence posts m only one of scores trf e uses for concrete on the farm described in the book what the farmer can do with concrete no 10 pare book will bawnt tuyuulrre upon rraweu yea do no hrc lo egr to ue cement or plsre yourtcu uadn sny other oelsjattoe- juat i your as bvm adilrew itj m iiai r cnnncla cement company i jmiftty 811 herald builimna motttkeal jtkjw yoa vr mmm rmb r umi fee jwaw p tesee amt tre wdannqiaslai mbyierlal but hy an uffloer oflha presbtt up tn tbe liourof going to nrees that have not beet received rook wood miss abode brown of pergw been easfed to teaeh uht primary dvpftrtrntnl of bwboshwood publlo tjebuol to lias muam jtev i some or the new j victor records for december on sale todoy cavlstatea carets by victor allxed cnorua cbruhans awake ob little town of bethlehem ood rest yoa alerry geotlemen the first newell- sllsat night 3sa6i yelallee a chhstaus vaataslaarthur pry- ora band christians awako it came upon the midnight clear- babe o bethlebem country danes auld lang hyne nsisvsih chhstaus saaff fronk croaton 600b0 bakes le terteae tea toraiufi bene her bert those who saw production of babeu lu toylaad and who did not will reroomber with pleasure the dr- ilkhlul toyshop music which alternately thrill ed and amused tbe little ones mr herbert bas played this cbannlag number specially for the victor s christmas list and has introduced all tbe imitations which make it boenecuvi tbe lamb duck cow toy rattle talking doll toy whistle musical belli otii a chinning crea tion most effectively rendered and sure to lsaaa children from two 1 ninety i brown christmas preparation week a great merchandise movement to adjust the store and its stocks to the christmas season demands we ere turning ur attention to preparation a for the busiest tiroo 1 1 tbe store year the christmas season we have planned for a bigger holiday business than over and tremendous purchases of gift goods ami wear thin of every description are now 10 the store with more and bigger shipments to follow 1 these vast stacks of holiday goods wilt require lots of room for their proper display and an we are going to devote tbe entire week to condensing stocks clearing shelves cases and racks bosons of small lots broken aasofments and odds and ends but seasonable desirable and stylish merchandise jos tbe samew front our pall business will be cleared out at sacrifice prices ksch day during this event will demonstrate eur readiness to meet your every day requirements fer the greatest variety and quantity of reliable merchandise we have over gathered together el this season tbere will hot be a daythls week when anyone who visits this store will not be impressed with tbe exceptionally economical buying possibilities presented on every side aad tn each department ef the store many articles are especially suitable for christmas guis new bargain lota will ge on sale frees day to day meat ctolhlnx d g macdonald bros cor wyndbam and macdoneu streets guelph ont jtoeu goods jlrtrj bbrrttrmmtfi ehjr vapttt fburcb alton rvv v tl buhiifl l it a i tutor oumdav i i much ihl 10 rkn1 h t hi ixkta wantkd bv ii ui4 ijwwr dairy farm fob uale italbvu tv j till mwmu h i cii0uk iuj1l1hm km poh att itkaiutuouk a vc ii0u8kani uitf0khalk an ugaliitubulhmhlmt mah w d kricuiiit oor ruk aad i- a kr sale m staiulclism 8iikei astray farm f0rhalk i0 12 aiwks la tnhblj o wnm i bu ipiif i twe uiuh ulul lbar rail bloashiaa aamtf daa sad u un of alt aron lura bsaal etlb baa aaserasstb seea aetesimlas eateas te bars ky elaaailll ooaarab hojuekdepers waxed paper fob picnic9 ktc isagkaok ol st baa wall eaaad peaae isslslabacraaapao hauabk lor tlaiaa aaslas mas to awata auahlag wa- tsssmadwt elaaaaub a imjwa ovvioa ataaoal teiulern fur ukatinr hmk khvlulanf uwouaaair aballas riakvill baralvw irr olauo danrahr lah luattail or say valuable property in artou for bale tnabatll f mni of um uulsaa 00 mala ttnwt ai u orand lo u to ikuh u a mllbs ii mm sad a half aab nd la eoad repair tli in la a smj awara elu haip la hi aba waodabad lme in ill 1 elaiil r plaadtd aaf aaa elth rmil uaaa coaranlaaoy allaatad ser tari aad liartlaalara asal u kt ulfloa 14 if u 1 uookh ntxllgk to lauknin and guardians notlohtabalabdlaaluatalilldih la lb mbbmpaluyoeamoa arrt as at tba aa of ss yaara aba sr e lrd le basin atiaudlas aabaal blast aalar ib ssbool st lb bag aulas of a terai jaasary suatar or k e tlasav uaeaaeluaa wul ufimn ti r board hic1uji beard ol rabltahsbool back again and more bargains im c c speight in comfortably mttlod ftgtln lo but nnvwl prcmuev oa uiii stnot ivbera coktoroora woou will bo promptly up- pllv stovbs ahp ranobs granitbwarb ad tinwarb mcclarvaco stovbs j ubciianic8 tools paints oils anii glass cutlery axu silvbrwar1i chiraubl tbo iuwul ruy poiot for etuunolloc groialac mo ao ocmtiog oul amdbjmi u1j ou uioht mkw nnilm c o s eight on capital separators for sale at cost seven new separators never been out of shop 500 lbs capacity s46m catjh dairymen call quick as they are to be rushed off o only three buggies left ter stock will clear at cpst robes knee spreads for fall and winter use machiqe oils of all kinds also floor oil give us a call and see oor hnefgoods as we need thetpom for win horse blankets halters etc b s ctai i o hevknth annual 8a1k os oattle hoffs and uorseh k jlcbttll wnitteldalabstaslbsaaaalssuetlet icm i hha as thurso a v dbcehbbr sth m bead sf settle anoag which an 11 sow sflhnes laalwillas as save la farrow briblboarad u1 be sslf olharino auction sale faiim stock xmiujk- mbstsgbain it puknituub the undersigned has been instnu uil l buddjok brof toaell by pnwlc auction oq loo premises lot si con i tfaoiiieing od wbdnk6day dbokmbhr 4th et one o clock sbarp tbe following hosses i black borae 1 years oil good worker weight isso lbs i brown borer g years old good driver and wort er i brown mare b years old jjkmi worker yearling ally sired by young patealh 1 bay horse 1 1 yearn old n worker weighs about iseo lbs u rui rising ave years good driver r ssddln horse by tragedian cattui ioow due la uavt i low doa id april i cow- due in johruury t cow due ist alarch i cow rulorf t yearm due in hshruary gray tiw milklpgvell i drindle faclfer rising 3 years due in july milking well i skt ted heifer rising 3 years due tn march s yearling heifers a yearling ueera 7 spring calves pius 7 pigs 6 weeks otd- lurmtuttnis polar llamlllnn itimlor 6ft cut peter hamilton mower 5 t i cut i peter hamilton seed drill later hamilton cnltlvator peter hsmilt u bay rake rt eet peter hamilton i ilir stuner set 3 section harrows v unify plow no ai s furrow cookshutt plow chatham fanning mill rlarabnrg lumber weajron s in ire boilbnilahalv ing fergus fanning mill the above iraplamaqt are practically new having only been used a short tiroey set bob sleighs gutter top boggy open buggy cart hay rack cutting box jnrlpdstone wheelbarrow whlmtreenecityokeaoow chains shovels forks boes dinner bell i set good heavy team harness a sets oftaih 500 bus oats and a quantity of good tihiotlry hay 1 pvemltura hi letaee feood baker parlor wood heater tfwymituks f- happy thought cook mhij new parlor tuite f mattr springs tables chair ooochos daisy enaro national cream separator or sals all sums of ten dot nudarcash over that amount twelve months credit tui apprlfred jtawr notaa pe per cent per annumot tor cash iiay grain and furniture tnstfcw u sanrve as tho farm is sold mm pbtch v wluoa auctfontsr cesvk- 1ts m- ma ismj

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